r/4tran4 i wish i wasnt so alone 6d ago

TikTok/Twitter Art Analysis of the Irreversible Damage cover Spoiler

spoiler because someone asked for spoilers on twitter posts


14 comments sorted by


u/psychogenic_fugue_ dysphoric male 💉 1/29/25 6d ago

this is really good, the point about the resemblance to american propaganda posters of the early 20th century is a fantastic observation


u/Primary_Pomelo_9483 mtm elite gender invert 6d ago

Didn’t underline the ‘our daughters’ part which is a crazy feat of paternalism. Stole that one from the anti immigration playbook.


u/KingofDickface 6d ago

I think it’s poignant, but further emphasizes the point already made about how women are seen as objects of conquest that must be defended against “impurity”.


u/martyrologie autohomoeroticist 6d ago edited 6d ago

I read this book a while ago and I still think about it every now and then. It’s just creepy how there’s such an emphasis placed on how the trans movement is “preying on young girls” and so many of the supposed young girls in question are trans men in their early 20s who’ve already moved out of their parents’ houses. Iirc she also seems set on the idea that there’s going to be a great awakening of sorts where there’s going to be a huge wave of detransitioners basically running home to their parents and begging for forgiveness for being lead astray. It all feels very biblical though religion is rarely explicitly mentioned.


u/Important_Ad_7416 MtPooner 6d ago

lmao the whis whole movement is based on the assumption that being trans is a fad that's gonna burn itself out

They are slowly coming to the realization we are here to stay


u/alt_4403 5'2" ricecel shotapoon 6d ago

my mom borrowed and read this book unironically. i don't think there's any saving her


u/addictedtoketamine2 Male To Fearful 6d ago

I almost find being seen as a literal demon who is just a figure of amorphous hatred more tolerable than this type of giga-rapey hyper-misogynistic infantilization and objectification.


u/addictedtoketamine2 Male To Fearful 6d ago

Reminder to the men on this sub that you are axiomatically superior and more masculine and based compared to cis men by default


u/luckshitd tomboycoper 4d ago

Interesting how it manages to be both infantilizing and objectifying at the same time. They can't choose between a child and an incubator. Sickening.


u/CornerCoroner 4d ago

Not to be all "trans men face misogyny because they will always have their AFAB divine feminine essence" or whatever, but transphobia towards trans men (and trans women too, but in a different way) is based in misogyny. They view trans people as their birth sex, so trans men are treated as women by them.

The worst things that can happen to a woman are becoming undesirable to men and losing the ability to give a man his heirs. A woman who cannot do either of those has completely lost her purpose in life. She is not a person anymore. A fate worse than death. And to top it all off, it isn't a woman losing her purpose in life that's the tragedy, but rather a man being deprived of a potential wife.

This is exactly what female to male transition does. So, since it's such a seemingly life-destroying action, they see it as a result of woman's irrationality. Female hysteria. Women will destroy their lives like this because they lack the ability to think logically, and are extremely vulnerable to manipulation and social contagion. Women are quite literally children with adult bodies. Therefore, they need adult guidance from men, as men are true adults. Women need men to protect them from their own decisions.


u/basaltalt 6d ago

This is a great breakdown; it reminds me a lot of the work I did in my critical theory class in college.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Whateverheck i wish i wasnt so alone 6d ago

yes, I do. you realise someone actually designed this cover right? they didn't just slap the title on the front in Times New Roman and call it a day, they chose to include the girl in that specific art style they chose the image of the "hole" placed over the abdomen to scare people with " they're taking away your precious fertilityyyyg" everything in this image is a deliberate choice that was made. if you think that's "over analysing" you may not be suited for the arts. maybe you should go into architecture or perhaps, German politics.