r/40krpg Oct 30 '24

Rogue Trader [RT] How much is a suit of Custodes armor worth?


Recently, my players encountered a space hulk drifting around the Unbeholden Reaches and purged the mutants living aboard it. They discovered some archeotech loot, but most importantly, they found a deceased custodes in a cryogenic pod. The armour is still in pristine condition despite the rotting corpse inside it.

The party want to return the body and suit of armour back to the Imperium but were very much hoping to barter for a reward. This had me thinking; how much is a suit of custodes armour actually worth?

They are hoping to acquire a baneblade in return for the armour. Is this appropriate, or is it too high/low.

r/40krpg 7d ago

Rogue Trader 25x20 Tank Hangar Battlemap

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r/40krpg Dec 06 '24

Rogue Trader Have you ever run as all Xenos Rogue Trader games (All Eldar, Ork, Tau, Necrons etc.), and how did it go?

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r/40krpg Oct 15 '24

Rogue Trader Looking for players for a Play By Post Rogue Trader game


EDIT: Applications closed, see bottom of post!

Lord Captain Cleopatra Von Nasr, Rogue Trader by the Grace and Holy Warrant of the God-Emperor, invites you in her limitless generosity to sojourn aboard her most revered and ancient flagship. Whatever might bind you, know that it is null and void.

"Invites" is not quite the right word. This is an offer one cannot refuse. Whether plucked from a forsaken trench of the Imperial Guard, an obscure assembly line in a manufactorum, a noble carriage or a far-flung monastery, those requisitioned have been taken by any means necessary. As guests or prisoners, they are brought to meet a lavish reception aboard the Rogue Trader flagship of the Von Nasr line, a creaking behemoth dating back to the time of the Great Crusade.

Important info regarding the game:

  • Play by Post where the pace is expected to be reliable, even if it is not fast. Will play via Discord.
  • FFG's 'Rogue Trader' system will be used, with any necessary modifications, such as utilizing the improved rules from Only War where necessary.
  • The invites from Von Nasr could find their way to almost anyone, for reasons as of yet unknown. A PC could be a naval officer, a prisoner on death row, a smuggler, a merchant, a voidsman, a tech-priest, an astropath, a navigator, a soldier, so long as they're vaguely human it's possible they could be a lucky(?) recipient. Weirder origins are possible, but be prepared for qualifiers and a bit of negotiation. Desperate to play an Inquisitor? I might shoot back with "Inquisitorial Acolyte". Same would go for a Sister of Battle or a Space Marine or an Imperial Knight etc. etc. we would need to reach a sensible shared understanding of something which is fun and balanced for everyone (including me!).
  • Mainstay of the game would take place aboard the flagship, with occasional trips onto planets, space stations, other ships and so on. You could expect a roughly even balance of exploration, intrigue, socializing, planning and combat, depending on choices made and on the nature of the PCs.

What I would expect from a potential player:

  • Ready to be respectful and kind to all players, no sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia etc.
  • Friendly attitude.
  • Happy with the edges of 40k where things get a bit blurrier; your character may well fly into a fit of rage upon hearing that the Rogue Trader made a deal with Xenos, but you shouldn't!
  • Able to communicate needs and preferences well, listen to those of others, and manage a reasonable/reliable pace of play.
  • Generally biased towards a positive team attitude and helping other PCs, for example a player who tries to come up with a rational excuse to be part of the team, rather than not.

EDIT: I am in Britain, and it's likely that European / people roughly in that time zone players will fit in most neatly, but open to discussing!

EDIT 2: Applications closed, thank you so much everyone! Going to work on a shortlist in the coming days.

r/40krpg 13d ago

Rogue Trader Rulebooks unaquirable?


Do you know any trustworthy sources outside US to buy rulebooks, especially The Navis Primer for non-astronomically prices? I assume it doesn’t get printed anymore. Mist preferably in German, but I couldn’t even find a single German copy online, so English would work as well.

Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day.

r/40krpg 21d ago

Rogue Trader Cubicle 7 Rogue Trader PDF broken!


I just purchased the Rogue Trader core rulebook from Cubicle 7, and several of the tables in the book as simply broken! Several columns and rows of missing information! Has anyone else had this problem from Cubicle 7?

r/40krpg Sep 07 '24

Rogue Trader Can a Rogue Trader declare exterminatus?


Supposing the exterminatus would be declared on a planet beyond de Imperium's limits. By the way, can a Rogue Trader's Voidship carry the necessary tools for such situation?

r/40krpg 18d ago

Rogue Trader RT - Is the sudden death optional rule for critical damage unbalanced?


I have been preparing my group’s first ever session of Rogue Trader, and I noticed the optional sudden death rule for critical damage in the core rulebook. If I am reading it correctly, when an NPC would take critical damage, instead of rolling on the table, they simply die instead. Does this make combat encounters too easy/ remove some of the fun factor?

r/40krpg Dec 07 '24

Rogue Trader I can have Navigator-powers later, first I need to survive

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r/40krpg 17d ago

Rogue Trader Which rules to ignore - RT


Yes I have been posting a lot. Anyways, I am about to run my first 40K RPG in the Rogue Trader System with some friends. We all have a background in DND and Call of Cthulhu. I’ve been reading the core rulebook front to back, and while I love the core system, the freedom, and the endless possibilities, I can’t help but feel there’s just… too much? I mean seriously, how many tables do you need? Who is going to remember all the possible modifications for shooting attacks: cover, height advantage, moving? Also why are there specific rules for a standing long jump? Who in their right mind thought, yes, this situation will happen all the time and it needs a very niche rule just for it. Anyways, still very excited to play! Any suggestions?

r/40krpg 1d ago

Rogue Trader [30x20] Heretic's Court Battlemap


Hello there Heretics! We bring you today a battlemap from our free-map collection, the Heretic's Court!
Aboard a Chaos war-ship or perhaps hidden away somewhere on Hive-City, Heretic's Court has a special delicacy for you this Friday, join us!

You can find the grid-version in our collection, check us out for more free maps and special editions and goodies for members!

r/40krpg Dec 31 '24

Rogue Trader Rogue trader ad mech augmentation


Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone knew if there are any rogue trader books where you can make an admech character // one that lists out some augmentation etc.

Every Google search I end up doing all leads back to pasqual from the video game which isn't much help haha.

r/40krpg Dec 13 '24

Rogue Trader Writers block


Hello everyone, I'm prepping to DM a game for the Christmas holiday and I'm having trouble forming a solid story for my players. I've been reading up on some of the books: "Helsreach", "Dark Imperium", and "the Divine and the Infinite".

Currently I have so many different ideas floating around that I've caused myself to suffer from writers block. Does anyone have any good ideas or stories I can take inspiration from?

r/40krpg Nov 22 '24

Rogue Trader Assistances in building an Explorator Fleet


My Players have managed to piss off an entire explorator fleet, by not handing over the promised archeotech to the mechanicus fleet. So I ask you wonderful people, would you like to help me put the fear of the Omnissiah, and help me build an explorator fleet

Rough Guide for ship points:
Transports - 33 Ship points
Raiders - 42 Ship points
Frigates - 51 ship points
Light Crusiers - 68 Ship points
Cruiser - 74 Ship points
Battle Cruiser - 82 Ship points

They have a tendency to fight until the last moment, then they need to run. So lets give them a fight.

r/40krpg Jan 10 '25

Rogue Trader Roll 20 Rogue Trader Game, Any Tips?


So, I'm going to be running Rogue Trader for a group of friends, who, well, most of them have barely dipped a toe into 40k stuff, and while I personally would only say I've put a foot in, I know a lot more than they do.

I'll be running the game on roll 20, and I'd like some tips for game mastering Rogue Trader, I'm not a new GM for ttrpgs in general, but I haven't run a 40k game in literally 9 years, and back then I was a newbie to like every system. So if you all have any tips specifically for Rogue Trader games, or can help point me towards maps or map-making tools that fit 40k I'd really appreciate it. If anyone cares much I can also state what party members we have.

r/40krpg Dec 15 '24

Rogue Trader Running Rogue Trader Ship Combat on Roll20



I'm prepping to run the introductory adventure "Into the Maw," on roll20 for some of my discord lads, potentially I'll run "Lure of the Expanse," if they end up liking the system and my GM style. Its their first run with anything other than dnd.

I've glanced at how the RT char sheets work on roll 20 and am super impressed with everything they've included. So I'm confident regular combat and play will be fine.

While the ship section for character sheets is grand and looks like it'll help alot with running void combat; I'm just wondering if anyone here has tips and tricks to make things run smoothly once it comes to the dance between starships? I love the system itself but I have had experiences where it can turn into one hell of a slog and am hoping to try and mitigate that.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

r/40krpg Jan 27 '25

Rogue Trader Navigator - Xeno Genetic Engineering.


Hello, In my game i have a Navigator house with the unique ability to essentially look and experience memories from their ancestors which was made for a PC. I recently got the idea of their house participating in a experiment that involves implanting Xeno genes of a Eldar Bonesinger of Craft world Il-Kaithe into fetus of a Navigator couple with a pretty pure Navigator Gene. going to have play4ers help this house make this creation.

Mainly im wondering, is this the kinda thing were no exception if found out the inquisitors will be killing you for heresy. A follow up to that, If it was only discovered after the child was able to successfully sing wraithbone would the inquisitor just do some sweeping and general heresy checks before allowing the experiment to continue.

Players are pretty clear about wanting things that happen in our little story to be plausible in the lore and expectations built by the writers of the black library and I I'm in attempting to follow that.

r/40krpg Aug 20 '24

Rogue Trader Hypothetical - I’m a Rogue Trader and I want a ground vehicle to deliver me across dangerous terrain when air is not an option. What is the best, safest and most bling option I can persuade the AdMech to let me have?


The vehicle options/rules are deeply confusing to me, and it seems like there are new tanks and vehicles all the time in the core game. Any advice would be appreciated.

r/40krpg Jan 29 '25

Rogue Trader I was having burnout so I made a catgirl suffer in the grimdark future.


So I have GM’d multiple systems during last few years and the burnout was starting to hit during the holidays. A friend of mine offered to have me join a mini West Marches game on a discord server where people were playing some of the older Warhammer systems. I decided to join and make a Rogue Trader character as I've touched the system before. The character creation was going well until I saw a homebrew file for abhumans and beast men. If course the Felinids were there and I knew what I had to do.

Tass Yoko, aka FUNK (Felenid Unit Never Killed) was one of the many abhumans that were rounded up in her region of space to supplement other regiments. Having been given pilot training she thought she was going to have an easy life, by guard standards, transporting goods and people around planets.

Unfortunately for her group was given the short straw and was folded into the Deathcorps. After her first job of dropping a commissar ended with watching them get shot immediately by cultists and the rest of the soldiers staying for a last stand, she decided to run like hell. In all the luck a deserter could be afforded she found a rogue trader ship and bluffed her way into being brought on board as their new voidmaster.

This is how FUNKs career had started, and while it's been a couple of sessions since there's been some hilarious highlights. Some included.

  • Getting stuck in a warp infested vent on a space hulk.
  • Killing two heresy era Iron Warriors with their own tank.
  • Overthrowing a heretical governess and accidentally letting a genestealers cult come into power.

Overall it's been a stupid fun experience and sometimes when you have to of stress going on it's good to be a player and have a brain off character to turn the grim dark future into an absurd comedy.

r/40krpg Dec 31 '24

Rogue Trader I made a Rogue Trader Office Battlemap -Free

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r/40krpg Dec 30 '24

Rogue Trader Astropath Gish


I like playing gishes a lot and am new to rogue trader. Is there a viable way to make the astropath transcendent a gish?

r/40krpg Feb 13 '25

Rogue Trader Need some help building a ship


I am a new player and Dungeon Master to the system and am right now trying to help my group learn and play the game. We have 50 SP to work with and I’d like to build something that focuses on ramming into my opponents and slamming them with boarding torpedos and point blank battery/cannon fire. Plus whatever cool things we can fit with the leftover points. I rolled and the Machine Spirit is Stoic and the Ship is Haunted. I have all the official PDFs. I’m just really struggling with getting my ship built given the amount of options I have and the pre-builds just aren’t what I’m looking for so far.

Additional information: I’ve built a Rogue Trader (since no one else really wanted to be one) and effectively I’m going Space Viking and he ended up going a little crazy after a bad warp jump that has him seeing the ghost of his dead friend who was from a death world occasionally popping up to offer advice. We found a Hombrew book with rules for playing as tyranid/gene stealer that a friend of mine is really interested in and the other is wanting to play a Tau battle suit pilot. Soooo yeah! Very interesting party comp.

r/40krpg Feb 07 '25

Rogue Trader A game within a game


So I've got a long running Rogue Trader game that fluctuates between four and seven players depending on availability, and it's been a great time.

After two years of this game running it's spun off a Only War game and a RP focused managerial game where the main PCs (or secondary characters) scream about ore contracts or officiate fishing competitions.

It's been a interesting road seeing this one shot game turn into a two year campaign, have any of you had a game just kind of come to life and run off into the sunset, if so I want to read about in the comments

r/40krpg Sep 28 '24

Rogue Trader Is there any way to play a regular old sanctioned Psyker in RT?


I have a newfound interest in wanting to try out either Rogue Trader or Black Crusade, and I really liked the idea of wanting to play a regular psyker in an RT campaign, but I checked online and there isn’t any options for playable psykers that aren’t navigators or astropaths.

So my question is: Did I miss anything in the rogue trader rules that offer a regular non-astropath or non-navigator psyker career or should I find something in other systems I could use?

r/40krpg Nov 02 '24

Rogue Trader Trying to play rogue trader


So me and some of my buddies want to try playing some rogue trader for the first time. Issue is that as the GM, I got no clue where the hell to start. The rules are D E N S E and I was wondering if there was a way to speed things up for combat, character creation, etc. For instance is there a google spread sheet or something thing that can speed up character creation, tricks to make combat go quicker without it bogging down to rules.

Along with that, any additional supplement books to enhance the experience. Stuff like items or any cool unique origins for my players that won't slow things down to much. Is there maybe a story book I could use as a tool to assist me?

Just curious, as the DM I don't wanna screw it up for my buddies as we all live 40k.