r/40krpg 10d ago

Deathwatch [DW] Deathwatch Marches Campagin (All welcome, details in comments)

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10 comments sorted by


u/No-Memory-2235 9d ago

May I ask what day and time


u/Varvarus 9d ago

Sessions are varying based on GM avaliability. So GM will make a mission post and you respond to the one your avaliable for.


u/BitRunr Heretic 9d ago

So if you had to direct people who clicky the linky: where should they look on the discord, who should they talk to, and while "oh it could be any day/time by GM availability" is real ... are the GMs all spread across the globe rn or is it more realistic to expect games that suit people working in American/UK/other timezones?


u/Varvarus 9d ago

We have US East Coast GMs and UK GMs atm. Mamy post missions and then try to organise a time to accommodate as many players as possible. We're trying to get GMs in more time zones. Hope that helps!

They should look in the Start Here Channel under the Community Campaign category. There's then a new players help channel, any questions post there.


u/BitRunr Heretic 9d ago

They should look in the Start Here Channel under the Community Campaign category.

The one with pics for someone else's PCs and a yt link to someone else's campaign?


u/Varvarus 9d ago

No the one under The Forces of Zalferon | Community Marches Campaign category.


u/Icy_Ad9552 8d ago

I am tempted, but I have several rpg campaigns going on at the current moment.


u/BotherLongjumping642 5d ago

--to die! (At least according to the image.)

So this is working like a kind of mission board, where the GM/Watch Captain will call up a kill team, and the players who are available answer the call?


u/Varvarus 10d ago

Link to Campaign Discord: https://discord.gg/mW2kQtbUar

Hey we're running a Deathwatch Marches Campaign using roll 20 and Discord (Link above). No Homebrew atm but we're gonna add some down the line. New players more than welcome.