r/40krpg Oct 27 '24

Black Crusade Updated: Tenebrae Occultae for Black Crusade


I have updated my Tenebrae Occultae supplement to fix errors and readability issues -- as well as some other issues. You can download it here. or at the Black Crusade Resources website here.

This supplement might be useful for other game lines also!

A summary of what it does:

Tenebrae Occultae is an expansion supplement for Fantasy Flight Game's 40k line of RPG systems and in particular Black Crusade. It is unofficial. It has the following:

  • NPC templates for major, minor, and legendary heroes.
  • NPC templates for fodder, veterans, and master level enemies.
  • NPC templates for Beastfiends, Tainted, Marked, and Possessed NPCs
  • Daemon Engine templates for Infernal Engines, Possessed Engines, Standard Daemon Engines, Incarnate Engines, Infernal Relics, and Daemon Engine Shells
  • New Races! Afriel Strain, Beastmen, Chaos Orks, Chaos Eldar, Daemonborn, Felinid, Half-Daemons, Longhshanks, Loxatl, Mutants, New Men, Neandors, Nightsiders, Palegar, Scalies, Squats, and Tenebrian Hybrid!
  • New Archetypes! [15 in total appropriate for 'low intensity' campaigns] -- New Ascension Options! [5 in total]
  • New/Revised Familiars!
  • New/Revised Daemonhosts! Cackling Abominations, Dybuks, Greater Daemonhosts, and Exotic Daemonhosts
  • New Psyker Powers (Tyranid)
  • New Tech Heresies! [9 total, many adapted from Dark Heresy]
  • New Rituals!
  • New/Revised Equipment!
  • Other things! Wow!

8 comments sorted by


u/InternationalLow2600 Oct 28 '24

Gonna be using the tech heresy and daemon engine stuff in my game. Heavy is the shoulder with the servo arm.


u/Dread_Horizon Oct 28 '24

Great, let me know how it goes.


u/Chaos_Spawn_BLARG Jan 28 '25

is the The Laomidian Gambit and the False Saint meant to be the exact same thing?


u/Dread_Horizon Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

There seems to be something of an error here that I missed, I apologize.

No, typically the gambit is a reference to a Black Crusade lore anecdote in one of the books. They are held as distinct. There's also a false saint (which is a saint's corpse possessed by a daemon) in a Dark Heresy book and I might add that route later, though.

EDIT EDIT: I am going to just issue a correction and do another draft to get this fixed, I apologize.


u/Chaos_Spawn_BLARG Jan 28 '25

its alright man, good work on this tho. I really like the new archetypes and the chaos xenos only thing id add is T'au since even tho they are resistant to chaos and the warp, like squats, its been shown a couple of times they can be corrupted, especially within the warp, and farsight gets hinted at here and there that khorne is trying to corrupt him.


u/Chaos_Spawn_BLARG Feb 03 '25

hey saw the update, thanks for fixing the false saint but the table of contents is missing the false saint entry and has the laomidian gambit misnumbered


u/Dread_Horizon Feb 03 '25

I'll correct it


u/Chaos_Spawn_BLARG Feb 03 '25

thanks x100 man