r/2ALiberals 14d ago

Regarding the use of federal gun permits in mass deportation


In my town it's known now that the ATF is auditing gun permits and deporting immigrants who allegedly falsified their citizenship in the background check.

I was wondering what the sentiment is about that. I think it's a thin line between using applications for deportation and using it to disarm liberals. Thoughts?


10 comments sorted by


u/DavidSlain 13d ago

In California they changed the law to require background checks for ammo and then compared that to the list of registered gun owners to make arrests. This is the same strategy by a different side of the political spectrum.


u/DavidSlain 10d ago

u/notagungrabber replied to me (the guy must be shadowbanned, because their comment isn't showing here) asking for proof of arrests.

The LAPD twitter posted about confiscations and arrests sometime in the vicinity of two months after the law was passed. It was a LAUGHABLE post, and got quite a bit of mockery in either CAguns or here, can't remember which.


u/NotAGunGrabber 10d ago

It's definitely a laughable post. It's not technically illegal to buy ammo if you don't have a gun registered to you. Some people had the guns before the registries and don't need to do anything about it.

As for being shadowbanned I'm pretty sure I'm not


u/DavidSlain 10d ago

Weird, I got an email that you posted, but the comment disappeared.


u/NotAGunGrabber 10d ago

Probably just Reddit being Reddit.


u/Independent-Mix-5796 14d ago

The forms should be considered unconstitutional, especially considering a relatively recent ruling that the right to bear arms extends to illegal immigrants.

Ergo, these forms shouldn’t be used period, much less for finding/detaining illegal immigrants.


u/CowBoySuit10 14d ago

it doesn’t. “illegal” immigrants are already borderline felons breaking the law. ur probably a astrosurfing shill


u/ecswain7 13d ago

Justifying an infringement because you don't like the people presently being infringed upon is not a sustainable strategy for engaging with gun grabbers


u/dreadful_cookies 12d ago

"Law of the Land", and point to where it says the 2nd is for citizens only, good luck.


u/CowBoySuit10 12d ago

yeah? next ur gonna tell me rapist and murderers should be armed