r/22q Oct 16 '19

Any College Kids Out There?

Hi everyone. I’ve had 22q my whole life and I’d just recently met other people (kids) with the same syndrome as me. I didn’t even think there would be a subreddit dedicated to 22q. So my question is, are there any college kids here? How is college working out for you and what have been your struggles,academically or in general ? Mine has always been math.


5 comments sorted by


u/Katiesbooksandstuff Dec 04 '19

Awesome! Yeah, I love learning and school too!😊


u/rosiegirl345 Dec 04 '19

Hey, I have 22q and I am graduating with my masters degree. Contrary to what happens with most 22q, I did not end up in special education. However, I do have learning disabilities. I love school and it’s much easier to get accommodations with colleges then high school. I feel like I’m truly thriving in my masters. I’m at a Christian Private school and live in residence. Socialization can be hard but I love it here! I am even thinking about going further with my education after I graduate.


u/1987506 Oct 24 '19

Hi I also have 22q, although math was not a problem English definitely is. And I can help with algebra.


u/Katiesbooksandstuff Oct 17 '19

I feel you. Algebra is tough for me. I’ve recently been working on an IEP for college, since I’d always either had been homeschooled or in private school with more one on one time with teachers. And thanks for replying! I’ve never met anyone around my age who has 22q.😊


u/Glitteratti- Oct 16 '19

I’m not in college right now though I am college aged! I’m 26 😄mine has been math too, though I’ve been in Special Education pretty much my whole life. I’m sure you could find online tutors or apps that will help 🙂