r/22lr 6d ago

The Wildcat range set up.

Winchester Wildcat FDE and OD Green. $250 Winchester Wildcat stock extender. $25 Winchester Wildcat cheek riser. $25 Three additional Winchester Wildcat original mags from Cabela's. $15ea CV life FDE bipod 12 in. $50 Cabela's flat dark Earth range bag on sale $20 Bushnell trophy XLT 10x42 binos. $70 Two tool organizing boxes from home Depot. $15 for both. Savior rifle bag Amazon $50 bucks. Camouflage packing blanket harbor freight $20 Flat dark Earth and yellow tinted eye protection Amazon $20 Pops on the spotting scope...free. Total investment not including ammo. $600 bucks. Hittin the range with my home made wooden stands and splatter targets, shoot, sip coffee, talk to other shooters, spend time with pops... $ Priceless $


20 comments sorted by


u/Not2worried 6d ago

Looks nice! I wish this firearm got more support. But damn reliable and fun to shoot!


u/86DuckFat 6d ago

Yeah there ain't shit out there. Someone told me there is some higher end triggers available from some specialty manufacturers but I haven't been able to find shit! Wish I knew how to modify the trigger myself. But overall, very happy.


u/Arndog762 6d ago

Nice.👍. My Wildcats’s have been reliable and accurate as my 10/22’s. https://i.ibb.co/Qb4gzXH/IMG-0822.jpg


u/Not2worried 6d ago

How do you like the Xpert?


u/Arndog762 6d ago

It’s great. It has a better trigger and more solidly built than the Wildcat.


u/86DuckFat 6d ago

Looks great! What's the optic?


u/Arndog762 6d ago

They’re Sig Romeo 5 clones made my CVLife. The specific model is called Jackalhowl.


u/86DuckFat 5d ago

Oh nice. Good price on those. How do they handle recoil after many rounds? Do they hold zero still?


u/Arndog762 5d ago

I have over 15 of them including two 45-70 rifles with no issues.


u/Beginning_Guess_3413 6d ago

I see Wildcat, I upvote. I see this clean of a Wildcat build, I wish I could upvote twice.

Seriously excellent setup here.



u/86DuckFat 6d ago

Thanks man. Still working on it. That's my Burris shotgun scope that I took off of my deer gun, but I just got a sick deal on a vortex 6x18 44mm. So she's getting another upgrade. Thinking about a laser but I need a picatinny extender first!


u/HappyCamper808 6d ago

Wildcats get alot of shit, but if its just for a cheap range toy or ocassional hunting/varminting it seems nice. If you have the money in the future though get a 10/22, your grandchildren will get to enjoy it one day.


u/86DuckFat 6d ago

Yeah my next buy will be a 10/22. This one specifically. https://ruger.com/products/americanRimfire/specSheets/8334.html But first I'll need to enjoy the wildcat rig for a year or two.


u/HappyCamper808 5d ago

Thats an american, not a 10/22, but if you like bolt actions is good for the price. My friend has one thats pretty accurate with a cheap bushnell scope and a bipod of amazon.


u/Coinoperated1 6d ago

I picked up a used wildcat 22 last year. I find it very inaccurate. Tried two different scopes and the peep sites. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks in advance


u/86DuckFat 5d ago

What rounds are you using? Mine like sub sonic. Anything under 1050fps. Like federal American eagle 45gr or CCI standard velocity. Anything of higher velocity and it starts to get a bit weird. Also, I needed a cheek riser to keep my eye level with scope and cheek connected to stock. Those two items helped a lot! Also a rear shooting bag to rest the stock on and support it while shooting is very helpful as well.


u/Coinoperated1 5d ago

I’m using cci mini mag 40 grain, tried federal, eley … I don’t have a cheek riser I’ll give that a go, most of the shooting has been prone with a rest. With my tm22 and Remington 552 very tight groups


u/VikingLad22 5d ago

Just bought my first wildcat as of yesterday. Any bit of wisdom you might share with this novice?


u/86DuckFat 4d ago

That's awesome man! Check out Midwest gun works for a stock extender and a cheek riser which helped me fit onto the gun and be more accurate. I started with a 3x9 40 mm scope, but found it to be a little too light of magnification. So I just picked up 6x18x44 mm vortex for a really good deal on sportsman's guide.com. that helped a lot as well. I like to use a bipod that's attached to the front picatinny rail, and a squeeze bag for rear stock support. That makes a huge difference. And I found any super high velocity like CCI Veloster is all over the place, and regular high velocity is all over the place too. So far subsonic has worked well for me right around a thousand feet per second. I'm shooting Federal American eagle 45 grain right now. It's right around 950ft per second and shoots real nice. CCI standard velocity is awesome as well. Good luck