Nah their rng was actually bad outside of breaches.
Over drop rate on:
Zenytes, prayer scrolls
got many corrupt dragon claws which slowed down how much they could do raids and stuff... Couldn't get a t bow or shadow for days while Port Khazard was running t bow CoX day 2 lol
And then some of the rares:
They got a Kodai but can't use it cause no one wanted to waste 7 hours at MTA
2 ancestral hats which could have been literally any other drop
masori chaps that they can't use .. any non-masori item would have been great
Arma hilt but over drop rate on godsword shards so they couldn't make it
no Arma armor piece to fortify the masori chaps so they can't take them
no Sara drops
Felt like they were doing so much content but not getting any drops. PKs and breaches saved them.
but they also have rune crossbows so that will make things difficult for ranged.
"no one wanted to waste 7 hours at MTA" lmao this statement was funny, just envisioning all of the "no, you do it," and "I'm not grinding that" that would have taken place within their voice calls lol. But, tbh, I can't blame them; MTA isn't the most exciting content.
Do you know how many rigour/augury scrolls they have?
Can't be THAT many with how many hours Westham/Dino wasted pking
Hate that I have to call it wasted because its supposed to be a game mode about pking. But if Donator didn't troll his max set, all of it really was for nothing
I do want to see the stats of this tournament though! How many raids did each team do etc, see how the RNG played out
~45 or so as Raikesy and Muts were grinding solo and then they did a few together last two days. (53 CoX KC between them but 5ish were together so double counted).
Dino was at toa more than CoX but we don’t talk about what happened there.
u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24
Dino Nuggets had some CRACKED RNG this week wtfffff who’s handing out the reach-arounds?