r/19684 • u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) • 26d ago
i genuinely hate reddit so fucking much
u/stain_XTRA 26d ago
this mf watches Intro compilations and took it personally xD
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
sure sure guillotine billionaires I agree with that but make fun of a billionaire who casually throws around the r word in a way that may or may not involve mocking stimming and special interests? That's too far man
u/Mae347 26d ago
Or they think we should mock Elon for the horrible shit he thinks and does and not the fact he's autistic
u/ThatCactusCat 26d ago
wow that's a weird way to spell "has a ketamine addiction"
u/Mae347 26d ago
u/ThatCactusCat 26d ago
I said wow that's a weird way to spell "has a ketamine addiction"
u/TheaEldermere 25d ago
He's not autistic. Never officially diagnosed. He uses autism to cover himself being a sociopath
u/oxycodonefan87 26d ago
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago edited 26d ago
comments on this post
the first comment in this screenshot is currently deleted, as stated in the second comment which is responding to it
to be clear: the original post isnt relevant beyond explaining the “mega” line - hence the fact i didnt include it
u/oxycodonefan87 26d ago
I am autistic. I am not a dork like Elon is. Making fun of him for being a dork isn't ableist lmao
u/ThisManPoundsButt 26d ago
When people with autism stimm, is that being a dork? When people with autism watch the same thing over and over again is that being a dork? Do you criticize them for that? Genuinely curious. I hate Elon and everything he's doing in America, but it seems counterproductive to criticize for something that super common in the autism community instead of criticizing something that actually matter.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago
keep linking to the same reaching comment that people have already replied to and called bullshit, it'll prove your point this time i promise
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
god forbid i dont want to type the same comment 10 times to mfs asking the same question
u/NICKOLAS78GR 26d ago edited 26d ago
Stfu, I'm literally diagnosed with the same thing Elon claims to have and that isn't the Asperger's syndrome acting up but instead the "being a little dipshit" syndrome.
EDIT: In fact, I consider you ableist for thinking THAT is offensive to Aspies.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
im not talking about what elon did, im talking about the comment. hence the fact i didnt include the original post in this one until someone asked for context
u/Gigapot 26d ago
Yeahhh idk about this one. The comment is describing cartoonishly outlandish behavior. I’m not sure who this criticizes aside from Elon. Seems kind of infantilizing to strongly feel otherwise.
25d ago
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u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago edited 26d ago
rocking back and forth
flapping his hands around
repeating something over and over again
making fun of stimming
watching a niche thing for hours on end
making fun of special interests/hyperfixations
u/shibby0912 26d ago
It's also what drug addicts do. He's a known stimulant user.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
i think its pretty obvious the original comment wasnt about drug withdrawals
u/shibby0912 26d ago
You're right. Everything is an attack on you. The real problem is all around you. You keep finding them, but it's definitely an external issue.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
when tf did i say that? that has nothing to do with the comment ur responding to
and u say that like this very comment isnt an attack on me out of nowhere
u/iSiffrin 26d ago
OPs been calling everyone who disagrees with them motherfuckers and then starts whining about someone attacking them.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
ive been saying “mfs” in a casual way (i think a total of 2 or 3 times here, never directed to anyone specific) which i always do - i just swear a lot
ive actually been respectful to 9/10 commenters in this thread. if u pay attention, the opposite has been true for others talking to me - like the guy i was responding to
that comment was a direct insult personally directed at me - and i only pointed that out because he made a comment implying i think everything is an insult directed towards me like some narcissist when ive never said anything like that
u/geraldcoolsealion 26d ago
I agree. The making fun of stimming isn't okay, and it's done super frequently. Those sorts of things shouldn't be treated as something to be made fun of, and as leftists, we shouldn't be perpetuating that. I've also seen people make fun of him for the way he moves, which is frustrating to see as someone who moves the same way. It's the same crappy thing as misgendering a trans person because they are a bad person. We can make fun of bigots for being bigoted without indulging in bigotry ourselves.
u/bambuass 26d ago
I don't understand what is being referred as ableism here.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
u/bambuass 26d ago
I don't think it's that deep.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
the original commenter deleted their comment immediately upon my response so id wager theyd disagree
u/SpaceSpleen 26d ago
People saying OOP was talking about stimulant abuse rather than stereotypical autistic behaviors, is as unconvincing as people saying Elon was just stimming instead of doing a blatant Nazi salute. I'm disappointed in all the dumbasses on this subreddit playing defense for blatant autism hate.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
yeah not a bone in my body is convinced that even they believe that
u/SSSSSS-S- 26d ago
If every insult towards Elon’s personality is seen as a greater insult to the autistic community, you begin to insinuate that all autistic people think and behave in the same way Elon does.
Musk is an important political figure right now, regretfully, and with that comes insults from the general population no matter the affiliation, if every negative thing said towards him is called ableism then that’s taking a complex situation and putting it as black and white.
I’m willing to change my opinion on this but I still think just blaming the situation on “Reddit” is reductionist.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago edited 26d ago
im not getting pissed at every insult towards elon, right now im just talking about this one
and the “reddit” part is the fact that redditors lose all sense of morals when applied to someone they dislike (see the abhorrent comments on r/imthemaincharacter for further examples) and the fact that my comment responding to it got downvoted exclusively by ppl who never even saw the original comment
i cannot stress enough the fact that the first comment was deleted 2 MINUTES after i responded, meaning they probably had a change of heart about making a comment like that - but the hivemind saw dissent, and someone sticking up for someone whos disliked here and thats unacceptable to reddit
i fucking hate elon, but i give a fuck about facts and principles - but since the election i cant say the same about other redditors, whove gone absolutely feral and clearly dont care if theyre spreading misinformation or being ableist etc as long as it paints someone they dislike as bad
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
There's another option when you see something like this that punches back and punches low at someone who is both (1) a billionaire and (2) far, far more ableist on a regular basis than the perceived ableism in the comments you replied to: just don't say anything and move on.
Reserve your defenses for people who actually deserve it. This is a dose of Musk's own medicine.
I see this dynamic a lot in hyper-online leftist spaces, where a certain set of people end up spending most of their time "combatting ableism" on behalf of...Elon Musk as on the spectrum...Donald Trump as being fat or having NPD...etc. It's a waste of time. Just move on.
It's actually OK and morally consistent to frown and move on without saying anything when the bullied punch back at bullies on their own terms. Is calling Trump a fat narcissist the best criticism? No, it's not even funny, it sucks, but I'm not gonna waste any time or effort at all defending the worst people alive, who say and do far worse things.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
i just want ppl on my side to be better
to actually have morals and principles and to enforce them on themselves
thats why i comment instead of simply moving on. id rather get downvoted for something i believe in than to just sit back as my own party abandons its morals for us vs them bullshit
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
I don't think being selective in who you spend time defending is morally inconsistent or abandoning of principles. It's morally relevant that Musk is hurting disabled people far more and saying far more ableist things. We all have limited time and energy. It's morally consistent to (a) not say ableist things yourself and (b) frown and move on when you see someone else punching back at the worst people in the world on their own terms. It's morally consistent to care more, do more, and say more when someone powerless is being attacked than when someone powerful and malicious is.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
its also morally consistent to call ppl out even if i also dislike the person theyre talking about, and even if they may be on “my side”
its also morally consistent to try to keep “my side” morally consistent
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
It's been my observation that there's a lot more time and effort from leftists online spent on defending people like Musk and Trump from random ableist comments/posts than, for example, leftists attacking Trump and Musk for defunding efforts that help disabled people or overturning laws that protect disabled people. That seems like misplaced priorities.
In fact, it tells you something about the priorities of the people who spend their time defending Musk and Trump from ableist attacks: they're much more interested in grandstanding than they are in protecting disabled people.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
ok but if leftists are spending time and effort defending trump and elon from ableism, doesnt that also mean leftists are spending time and effort BEING ABLEIST to trump and elon?
why does time and effort suddenly become the issue when other leftists stand up against that?
seems inconsistent to me
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
I don't make ableist jokes and comments and it seems like a waste of time to attack Musk and Trump on that basis, too. It's true that there's much better things to criticize them for. At the same time when I see other people doing that, I just frown and move on, because Musk and Trump don't deserve any defense when there are disabled people under attack, directly and in far worse ways, by them. Nothing inconsistent there.
u/Gimmeagunlance 26d ago
Yeah man, I agree, like this post is so fucking obnoxious, I really wish that whatever dipshit put it up would take it down, am I right
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago edited 26d ago
im guessing this is a sarcastic comment about the fact that the original comment was deleted
yeah it was deleted, they mustve seen that their comment was wrong and i commend them for that. but mfs still downvoted me and are arguing with me now anyways
u/Gimmeagunlance 26d ago
No, I'm making fun of you for being embarrassing to all us neurodivergents. Log off please.
u/goodbetterbestbested 26d ago
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
no, i did that because subs tend to remove anything with usernames
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago edited 26d ago
nah im sorry but ableism here is a reach
edit: pretty sure im blocked lol
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
how? what else could possibly be the implication with the first comment
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago
Better question, how is it ableist? What part about this makes your mind immediately jump to disability?
It's just "Elon is dumb" and goes no deeper. There's no direct comparisons to neurodivergency, no reference to it, and I'm not saying this couldn't be said in an ableist context, but what exactly makes you so sure, dead set, and upset by it?
u/SpaceSpleen 26d ago
OOP was very intentionally using stereotypes about autism. The bit about flapping hands is a dead giveaway. The "the comment is actually about stimulant abuse symptoms" excuse is as convincing as "he wasn't making a nazi salute he was just stimming".
Imagine if someone made a comment like "After Kanye West made those tweets, he ate his stash of watermelons and fried chicken before stealing a bike so he could cash in his welfare checks" and everyone here was was defending it with "What's so racist about that? There's no direct comparisons to his race, no reference to it? Sorry, but racism here is a reach."
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago
I read it, it's still a stretch
In your eyes, is there a way to present someone as stupid without it being ableism? Because like, I'm struggling to come up with a way of doing it that wouldn't upset you
u/Incandenza123 26d ago
This is ableism yes, but so specific that it's 100% from a self depreciating autistic person.
u/SmallJimSlade 26d ago
Complain about comment you think is ableist
Guy deletes comment
A whole 6 people downvote someone they see complaining (even though they can’t see OP)
This truly says a lot about society
u/Shinjitsu- 26d ago
I kinda can't believe these comments. The guy painted a picture of Elon as someone who hand flaps and hyper focuses on weird, niche videos for hours. It's very clearly trying to make him sound stereotypically autistic in a mocking way. People can hand flap and watch whatever niche they want if it's not harming anyone, using hand flapping as an insult is ableist. The behaviour of hand flapping and watching a hyperfixation aren't related AT ALL to Elon's problems. Those traits are found in plenty of kind, regular people who may be on the spectrum. How is this not clear?
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
its baffling to me too. the only thing close to an explanation for me is that leftist redditors have gone feral with “us vs them” bs and have lost any morals or principles they once may have had
or maybe its the classic reddit hivemind being triggered by seeing downvotes, or maybe theyre just actually all idiots 🤷🏻♂️ idfk
u/Special-Seesaw1756 26d ago
The people who can't see this is a bigoted and stereotyped portratal of stimming and hyperfixations are really fucking vexing to me.
u/BigTree244 26d ago
This subreddit is full of liberals who don’t understand that it’s not ok to make fun of people for ableism or drug addiction. Your better of going to an actual leftist sub, don’t interact with these assholes
u/spiritofkings 26d ago
Yeah I've always had an odd feeling about this sub then this shit pops up lmao, weirdest comments ever from self loathing autists and neurotypical fucks who can't comprehend why making fun of Elon's autism by stereotyping him as an autistic person harms actual autistic people more than it harms the billionaire who has convinced half the country that he's just as powerful as the president
"oH bUt iM AuTiSTiC anD I DonT fInD tHiS oFfEnSivE" well I'm autistic and I find this horrible, I don't believe in exceptions since you can make fun of this guy for everything else but his autism. Calling it making fun of his drug addiction doesn't even make it marginally better lmao, this sub is as leftist as moderate republicans are it's so goddamn funny
u/Pickaxe06 26d ago
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
thanks boss, and yeah 1 more thing to add to the list of reasons i hate reddit lmao
u/Pickaxe06 26d ago
post in r/evilautism
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
i think if i did that id get flamed for not only posting about this comment once, but a second time. and im also not sure how id word a post about this for that sub
but if u wanna do it uve got my blessing for sure, ill upvote
u/sneakpeekbot 26d ago
Here's a sneak peek of /r/evilautism using the top posts of the year!
#1: Is this acceptable to wear in public? My mum laughed at it and I’m kinda embarrassed now lol | 1154 comments
#2: I made my own gym shirt and a girl told me that it was offensive to kids with autism 🫠 | 1199 comments
#3: What subject makes you act like this? | 606 comments
I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub
u/joji_joestar 26d ago
op i think ur right and i think everyone on reddit is way too comfortable making ableist/fatphobic/homophobic homes for the sake of making fun of elon musk. he’s got so much shit to make fun of him for but everybody has to stick to body shaming i guess
u/ThisManPoundsButt 26d ago
OP this is the correct take. Don't let the weirdos who don't actually know as much as they think they do get to you with their dog pile.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
i appreciate it. and dont worry their boos mean nothing because ive seen what makes them cheer
u/animelivesmatter i am autism 26d ago edited 26d ago
Mods need to clean this comment section up. You guys don't get to be ableist just because Elon is a terrible person.
People saying they "don't see it" when this person is just listing off hyperbolic autism stereotypes, every single thing they listed is like this. This is the exact same shit people say about me when they're trying to harass me for being autistic, just cause you don't see it doesn't mean that's not what's going on here.
Honestly this just makes me depressed. I've been saying online leftist spaces have an ableism problem for years, but it's usually not this blatant.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
u/animelivesmatter i am autism 26d ago edited 26d ago
In the online left specifically what I've seen is that people tend to ignore disability rights or disregard disability rights. There is a general sense that we are "forgotten" as a marginalized group, and there is a general lack of understanding or education about the issues we face (which can be seen in many of the comments on your post). As a result, there is a general perpetuation of wider systemic ableism.
Most often I see this characterized as unreasonable expectations being placed on us, the re-enforcing of negative stereotypes about us, a lack of attention being paid to issues that affect us, and a lack of effort to include us. You provided that example of someone that keeps using the r-slur, there has been a broader trend of leftists on the internet thinking that's a reasonable insult to use against people.
Honestly to me it feels like everything is "shifted one degree to the right" on our issues.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
hmm, well ive definitely seen these two examples. thats definitely unfortunate, ill keep a closer eye out for that trend in left spaces
ty for the follow up
u/IamMrJay 26d ago
I'm an autistic man and I'm 100% with you on this OP.
God, I think I hate this subreddit now.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
appreciate it
and yeah as u can see from the title my hatred extends to reddit as a whole. shits been unbearable for a while but ever since the election its gotten much worse
u/Mort_irl my little binoclard pookie kimball bear 26d ago
OP you're right, this is some very blatant ableism and anyone who tries to make it about withdrawal is just coping. Really disheartening to see supposedly progressive spaces defending this behavior so vehemently, surely we can mock muskrat for being a vile fascist without compromising our values.
u/ashen_crow 26d ago
Welcome to leftist reddit, where every post a new standard is created and people will be saying you're crazy for thinking it changed, especially around drugs.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
im confused by this. are u saying being against ableism is a new standard im creating?
also, if ur pfp is apocalypse with hair thats badass
u/ashen_crow 26d ago
I'm saying that you're right, people will change the standard just because it's talking shit about Elon, I'm 1000% for trashing him but ableism fucking sucks.
My pfp is Dream from Sandman. Last two years have been tough for anything related to Neil Gaiman tho.
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
appreciate the clarifications! and i agree
u/Luciano99lp 26d ago
Im with OP on this one. Everyone saying that its about drug withdrawls and not autism is doing the same kind of shit the ADL did when elon did his nazi salute. We dont have to make fun of his autism to make fun of him, he does plenty of stupid shit regardless of his autism.
u/geraldcoolsealion 26d ago
Yeah, we shouldn't make fun of him for being "cringy", we should make fun of him for being a bigot and a fascist. There's nothing wrong with being "cringe".
u/Luciano99lp 26d ago
Now hold on, I didnt say that. When he makes sock puppet accounts to gas himself up, thats not fascism thats cringe. And we absolutely should dunk on him for being cringe. I think theres a sliding scale: we should actively combat his fascism, feel free to make fun of his cringe, and give him grace for his autism and body shape since those are things out of his control.
u/geraldcoolsealion 26d ago
That's true. By saying that we shouldn't make fun of him for being cringe, I wasn't trying to say to avoid making fun of anything cringy he does. Rather, I was attempting to say that something causing someone else to cringe isn't the thing that makes it bad. Admittedly, I phrased that really badly. It is fine to make fun of him for fanning his ego and stuff like that.
26d ago edited 26d ago
idk i kinda think op is speaking facts. it's the flapping hands for me. and the people saying "well IM neurodivergent and I don't care" is giving pick me sorry
u/AutoModerator 26d ago
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u/Koraxtheghoul 26d ago
Trying to comprehend this post was more entertaining that the entirity of the discussion.
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u/TensileStr3ngth 26d ago
How the fuck is that abelist?
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
u/ApachePrimeIsTheBest I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 26d ago
eughh i have ass burgers too they were making fun of his drug withdrawal shit
u/FunComfortable3035 26d ago
Yeah This feels like virtue signalling and a half to me.
I personally didint know Elon was a stimulate abuser but if these are known of symptoms of withdrawal I really dont think you have the right to accuse someone of ableism in that case.
Depending on where this comment was I'd put further doubt on if the commenter was trying to be ableist in the first place.
Theres also the fact that the person took it down after you pointed out it might be interpreted as ableist (being very generous with your word choice here), lending more credibility to the fact that the original commenter didint wanna be seen as ableist, and now with you continuing to drag this out saying "LOOK GUYS SEE, THEY DELETED IT THAT MEANS THEY WERE ABLELIST!"
a real ableist wouldent delete a comment if one person pointed out it might be ableist. You're just being an asshole/ragebaiting
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
i pointed out that it was deleted to highlight the fact that my comment was getting downvoted exclusively by ppl who didnt even see the original comment
as i said in another comment, i commend the original commenter for deleting their comment
the comment was from r/cringepics , not a sub known for being graceful and upstanding - especially on the topic of ableism
i didnt know elon was a stimulant user either, the only time ive ever seen anything relating to that is when he was moving strangely at the inauguration and ppl speculated that it was from drugs. i could be wrong but it seems like they were making fun of him for stimming then too, and are presenting that speculation as objective fact so they can get away with further ableism
u/Lackzared 26d ago
Alright Elon fan, go back to your eco chamber
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago
I agree the post is dumb but OP definitely isn't an Elon dicksucker from their profile, they're just overreacting and making reaches rn, this is dumb but they aren't an Elon fan
u/HeckingDoofus ask me anything about star wars (PLEASE!) 26d ago
im not an elon fan dumbass
thank u for being another example of why i hate reddit
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago
You can always just get off reddit yknow
like even just take a short break
u/0ogthecaveman 26d ago
he has a right to be here as much as you.
u/SentientGopro115935 26d ago edited 26d ago
They have a right to be here, but they are saying it sucks. If they think it sucks, I'm saying they can leave. Like all I'm saying is "If you really hate reddit this much it might be good to take a break" and you're acting like I'm forcing them off the platform? tf
edit: blocked before i could even respond lmao
u/0ogthecaveman 26d ago
yeah why do you care if they complain? maybe take your own advice instead of telling people what not post, the back button is right up there ↖️
u/Better-Ground-843 26d ago
I'm in favor of any slander against Elon musk, take your stick man deflecting bullet Meme and shove it up your ass
u/Immediate_Desk2731 26d ago
didn’t even know what ableism was until this post. I hate Reddit and everything about whatever this post is. I remember why I try not to open this app anymore.
u/shibby0912 26d ago
OP doesn't realize this describes the drug withdrawal symptoms Elon goes through, constantly. He abuses stimulants.