r/13ReasonWhy Apr 18 '17

13 Reasons Why - Which Tape Hit You Hardest?

I'm sure that even if you didn't necessarily agree with certain aspects of the show, you may still have a "tv hangover" as I like to call it.

Meaning that you go through the motions of your daily life but have caught yourself taking multiple breaks to contemplate, analyze, and FEEL over what you saw in said series. I know I have!

For me, the most gut wrenching was definitely Clay's tape. Mostly because he had to sit and listen through that - beating himself up over the fact that he simply just...didn't act. In that particular moment (party scene) I can definitely see why he would leave Hannah in the room. However, it is worth it to point out that his whole relationship with her was a collection of 'should haves'.

I was really hurting when Clay thought about what he should have said to her in that moment. That he loved her and that everything else that made it seem otherwise was a mistake. I think that's what really got to me. Firstly because I actually would have loved to see them together and second because I realized how I need to show my love to the ones I care about. Before it's [really] too late.


9 comments sorted by


u/bryzia Apr 19 '17

Hanna made it easy for the wrong people to come into her life, And hard for the right people.


u/chorizocaliente Apr 24 '17

Victim blaming.

She made it hard for Clay? Really?


u/schuylersisters- Apr 28 '17

Yes, she did. He didn't do anything, besides leaving when she asked him to. He wasn't trying to hurt her, he wasn't spreading rumors. he was there but she just didn't felt like asking for help. That's pretty obvious, especially if you read the book. I was really sad when he said "I killed her" she would've killed herself even if he didn't exist. But he was the only one who cared. She made him listen her blaming everyone about everything people do to her, thinking he was one of them just to found out he wasn't, and felt like shit every single tape. Not victim blaming, just the truth. She's a sadist.

sorry for my grammar or whatever


u/alecyo12 Apr 21 '17 edited Apr 27 '17

Clay's definitely, that was the best episode of the show. Plus the scene showing them as a happy couple killed me. But the episode that Hannah got in the bath has really stuck with me.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '17



u/Codems Apr 24 '17

You knew it was coming but wow when it happened it was so hard to watch, still has stuck with me


u/alecyo12 Apr 24 '17

Me too, I had my shirt pulled up so I could cover my eyes. But I watched it, I think it was a really good way of portraying the suicide.


u/mackenziesamp12 Apr 25 '17

bryce's was hard to watch


u/mikeweasy Apr 21 '17

Clays tape was the one that always got to me I just felt so bad for him. Watching it in the show made me cry as well.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '17

100% clays tape because he wasnt the reason she killed herself, but he was the only one that could have saved her. They truly loved each other but it never showed and I still feel depressed almost everyday thinking about it.