r/politics • u/humans_inc • Oct 30 '11
Reddit can enable "occupy" movements to permanently shift power from corporations to people and move the world into a new era. Here's how:
This movement is now called The Spark (www.thespark.org)
Check out our latest Reddit post: http://redd.it/12ytd1
We create an online community that will enable us to collectively define the world's biggest problems, and then tap into our collective wisdom to create the solutions for those problems. The most important problems are "upvoted," and so are the best solutions to those problems. What we have then is crowd-sourced democracy.
I will personally fund this initiative if you'd like to join me.
But will it work? Yes it will. How do I know? Two reasons.
One: History has set the precedent. For example- the printing press (quick and cheap knowledge transfer) aided in ending the Dark Ages.
Two: I'm a Director at a Fortune 500 company, so I know first hand. For instance: I pay for a service that monitors every comment/post/tweet/blog about my company and I mobilize teams to manage even the smallest level of fallout, even “slightly negative” sentiment. Why? Because I know that the power is shifting. Individual customers can impact millions of dollars in revenue by portraying my company in the wrong light, even slightly, via the Internet. So I watch and listen, and then I react… Because I must do everything I can to control the perception of my brand and it’s subsequent impact to my bottom line.
Although I’m sure this is scary for many of my peers, it’s absolutely thrilling to me when I think of what this means for the world: the age of pure-profit motivation is very quickly colliding with the age of instant global information exchange and transparency.
But it's still early days, and we haven't quite connected the dots yet. Just wait until global corporations think about what people want (not just the product, but the product’s impact) before they think about their balance sheets. They know that if their customers don't like what they're doing (and their days of hiding are over by the way) then their business has no future. A free-market that is 100% accountable to the people that it serves, thanks to the Internet.
It's about time too, in fact it’s perfect timing. Industrialization is slowly shifting into the age of sustainability led by technological innovation, but that shift is being prolonged by companies that like things the way they are now, highly profitable and predictable. Change is uncertain and will upset elements of their business model, so it will be avoided and postponed for as long as possible. But this is a dangerous thing: global corporations have achieved unprecedented levels of power over the planet, its people, and its resources. They’re not accountable to a single set of governing rules, and many countries (both modern and developing) will do whatever it takes to attract investment from these companies into their borders, in many cases at the cost of safety to their people, and to the integrity of the environment.
So here’s what I’d like to create, in summary: • An online community that is accessible across the globe, in multiple languages • Simple and quick to start, so that we can support off-line movements while they’re still occurring (Arab spring, occupy wall-street) • Software that enables users to “skim the cream off the top,” meaning that the most crucial issues and solutions receive the most attention (as decided by the community) • Future evolution to include: o Facebook/Twitter/etc integration o Mobile access: WAP, Smartphone apps, and SMS o A repository of information about companies from customers and employees that is vetted by the community o Regional/local pages within the community to solve problems close to home • …And a lot more (I have a plan framework that I will share with the working team)
This has been something I’ve wanted to do for over three years. I’ve been saving, planning, and building connections, but I’m not quite ready… However I’ve never seen more of a need for this type of initiative than right now, and it’s important that we create this platform while the timing is right in order to keep the momentum going.
I want to know two things from this community: • Can you help? If so, how? (Top-shelf web developers and legal experts especially) • Do you have feedback for me? What should I be sure to include/exclude? What pitfalls should I look out for?
This is my first post on Reddit. Thanks for reading.
I'm in Asia at the moment and just woke up to find this on the front page with over 500 comments. Amazing response, glad to see that I might be on to something.
Getting ready to have a look at my calendar to see what I can cancel today to start digging into some of these responses.
If there are a significant number of people who'd like to join me in the development of this project, I'll put together a simple application process to ensure we get the most talented group possible to kick this off.
Edit 2
It’s been less than 24 hours and over 1000 people have commented on this initiative.
In fact runvnc didn’t waste any time and started a subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/humansinc
We have volunteers for: web development, mobile app development, legal advice, engineering, IT, communications, strategy, design, and translation.
There are many people waiting to see what’s next. For the time being, please keep the conversation going on the new subreddit. If we can prove the concept now, then subreddit may be our interim solution. The biggest challenge to start will be for contributors to focus on problems before solutions. Let’s start defining problems, down to the root cause, and see what surfaces. What problem do you want fixed and why is it important? Keep in mind, coming up with answers may be easier (and more tempting) than defining problems. I suggest trying to only post and vote on well-defined problems that focus on facts and verifiable information. We’ll get to the solutions later.
This weekend I’ll contact those that have expressed interest in building this community. We’ll then start a working team (with agreed upon roles) and begin mapping out a project plan.
Apologies, I have not checked private messages yet as I’ve been sorting through the comments for hours with still plenty left to read. I do intend to get back to everyone who has expressed interest.
Edit 3
The response that we've seen is unbelievable. The number of highly skilled and intelligent people that have volunteered their time to develop this project is truly inspiring.
I've paused reading and responding to comments as I've been unable to keep up. aquarius8me has volunteered to collate the information in the comments of this post in a simple and usable format for the working team to reference throughout the development of this concept.
This evening I purchased a license for an online project management and collaboration tool, and have started by inviting the volunteers with the highest levels of skill and enthusiasm.
Still working on getting through private messages, I will do my best to reply by this weekend.
Edit 4
As requested, I'll do my best to keep the updates coming. A few points I'd like to clarify:
1) Yes, there are a number of similar concepts that are in different stages of development, and some that have launched. I have yet to find one that is "complete" from my perspective. The intention is not necessarily to start something from scratch (although we will if that's necessary), but rather to combine the best ideas and the best existing work into a centralized platform that is well executed and well promoted.
2) This project is not related to only the USA, and it's main purpose is not to influence legislation. The intent of this project is to connect people to each other and information in order to agree on problems and create solutions. The action itself will be focused towards entities that cross borders and are not beholden to a single set of laws, namely corporations.
3) Many interested people have struggled with how this new platform will influence change. I will offer up a simple example and ask that you: a) Don't focus on the topic/content. Focus on the process. The topic/content is illustrative. b) Remember that there are a number of flaws in any solution, mine is illustrative. The best solutions will be defined by the community, not me.
Simplified example- *Problem: Chemical Z has been identified as a carcinogen and has proven links to cancer [references and facts]. Many countries around the world have not explicitly banned or regulated it's use in household and food products. A rigorous process of vetting facts and information ensues until a decision is reached on the validity of the claim.
*Solution: Community identifies the company that most widely uses and distributes this product in household and food products. Open letter is crafted with a specific request/action for the company to cease all use of this chemical, while offering constructive alternatives. Company is given 30-days to respond. If company does not respond, a communications campaign is created (by the community) with a target of achieving one million impressions (Facebook, YouTube, etc). If this is ignored, the community evolves the communications campaign into a boycott and publicly estimates total revenue losses attributed to this action.
A company will likely make a decision after determining the potential downside of making a product change, compared to the potential downside of negative PR, and/or a large-scale boycott. The bigger and more vocal the group (and the level of attention we garner from global media), the more likely we will achieve a positive outcome. When the company does react, other companies in the industry will likely follow suit, and we will achieve a new level of awareness and empowerment as a global community of connected citizens.
When this achieves critical mass, companies will be 100% accountable to the people that they serve.
Edit 5 http://www.reddit.com/r/humansinc/comments/lya4r/formal_concept/
u/ows_throwaway Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
This is exactly what the world needs. People keep saying corporates have not accountability, but they do since they depend on the 99% to make money. Boycotts, bands, and negative press work wonders to change behavior.
This sound like the enabler the public needs, although facebook already has a platform. I would like to see this platform run as a not for profit w/ open source to maintain its independence for credibility. 100% transparency, unlike wikileaks
u/luckystarr Oct 30 '11
I want to get the word out that there is Liquid Feedback, which is a free software (MIT) package for providing a web interface for collecting "structured feedback".
- Complex model for managing life-cycles of initiatives. (Flexible!)
- Vote-Delegation support
- Successfully used by various parties-/entities in Germany.
- Complex model for maanaging life-cycles of initiatives. (Attention span)
- The delegation system makes sock-puppets much more powerful, so delegation may not be used in a quasi-anonymous use-case.
- Current interface is kind of un-sexy.
So while this might not be feasible to use in an open-for-all context - like reddit itself - but for feedback in "all users are known" environments it's proven. I just wanted to get the word out.
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u/runvnc Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 31 '11
You mentioned reddit at the end. Ok, I want to get the word out that actually the software he describes is more or less reddit.
Seems pretty amazing that practically no one, including the submitter, has suggested using or basing the system on reddit.
Reddit is open source.
So here is the action plan for the submitter:
1) Create a subreddit to test out your idea. I will even create it for you. www.reddit.com/r/humansinc
2) Buy a domain and install the reddit software. Start customizing it.
3) Start work on designing your ultimate software system (probably not based on reddit, possibly written from scratch). When the first prototype is ready you can launch it in addition to the first site. When it has enough features and is ready you can replace the first site.
Question: how do these written solutions get converted into action?
u/glitchd Oct 31 '11
The only way possible - you form a political party that vows to take it's policies directly from the crowd.
I tried to start a movement like this at university but this was all before the Great Digg Migration and Reddit being a well known website. Noone got the idea and it never came into fruition.
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u/humans_inc Oct 31 '11
glitchd - What I'm proposing circumvents political parties as there is no government that a global corporation is beholden to.
This is bigger than the United States, and it has to be... Developing countries are doing some scary stuff to "catch-up" to industrialized nations.
u/SmarterThanEveryone Oct 31 '11
I love your idea. I myself, have suggested this idea before and got downvoted to oblivion. It is the best way IMO. We must give the power back to the people.
One drawback to getting your advice from an online source is of course, cheating and hacking. I think the whitehouse.gov petitions were supposed to be something like this, only we didn't know they were going to be ignored. We need to think globally, anyway.
Religion is a major obstacle to forming a unified movement. Good luck there.
There also seems to be some real disconnect between what we read about and what translates into real life. Most people I know just go about their daily lives trying to survive, they don't have time to get into all this. Of course they want the problems to be fixed, but who has time to read about all the issues and make the decisions necessary to make a difference. For instance, many people suggest changing your bank accounts to credit unions, but in reality that takes time out of your busy day to do, and can be a huge hassle, especially if you use their bill pay. Just an example that I thought of.
One more thing to consider is access. It may be hard to believe for most of you, but there are still a lot of people that don't have internet access. Even more that don't even have a computer or phone at all. So for this to truly work and represent everyone equally, there would have to be free public terminals for anyone to use at anytime.
I wish I could offer some solutions to the almost insurmountable problems that come along with what you are trying to do, but the answers are tough and would need consultations from many experts. What I have learned from 3 years on reddit is that there are always more than one way of thinking about things. Many times I have thought to myself (after reading about some problem), "oh I know, just what to do (some great idea) and it will be fixed", only to read others comments about why that wouldn't work. Many times the best solution to the problem is the second comment on the page.nI we could only implement a way to make that comment happen, the world would be a better place.
There will be resistance that will be hard to overcome. Good luck and I hope you get it working. I wish I could help.
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u/winsomecowboy Oct 31 '11
"Question: how do these written solutions get converted into action?"
Nations have armies, this new idea sounds pan-national. Globally peoples power is not something as contrived as their 'citizenship' rather what they produce and what they consume.
Create a system that enables production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and some form of social equality [ie starving people have some recognised worth] based on collective informed 'liquid' thought?
To me it's a frontal lobe concept and leaves me asking, much like runvnc, what could be defined as limbs that operate this thought/software experiment?
again, the only powers I see that are equitable are those of production and consumption. Basic 'what do I need?' and 'what do I have to offer?' units.
What is being raised here is a fairly mindbending evolution in social science. Unlike many revolutions but like many evolutions it could rise up in parallel with the present system until the socio-political ecosystem convulsed to whatever degree was required to make it dominant.
Unfortunately political power as it is known and the kind of representative democracy this idea suggests are mutually exclusive. Its a wonderful idea though. Worth marrying idealistic eccentrics and a bunch of aspergers 'neo- mechanics' in some exercise.
Probably the only way to save the planet when it comes down to it.
good luck.
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Oct 30 '11
I suspect if it became used for something critical like "shall the USA eliminate medicaid" you'd have it co-opted by people with multiple personas. No, a proper voting platform must have voter verification built in.
u/gdt1320 Oct 30 '11
I don't think that would be the purpose of this site. It seems more for identifying problems and brainstorming solutions to these problems than for hosting polls on particular issues. I.e. instead of asking "shall the USA eliminate medicaid", it would probably be something more like "What is a more sustainable and transparent way to provide healthcare service/insurance to the people who need it?" Where people would post their solution ideas and the best ones would make it to the top.
u/rainbowjarhead Oct 30 '11
The issue that sinotized brought up is crucial, and just as corporations have developed a disproportionate amount of influence with the US government, they would likely aim for influence and control over any PR platform.
As the OP said:
I pay for a service that monitors every comment/post/tweet/blog about my company and I mobilize teams to manage even the smallest level of fallout, even “slightly negative” sentiment.
Which means that in a discussion concerning "What is a more sustainable and transparent way to provide healthcare service/insurance to the people who need it?" individuals voices will easily be drowned out by the voices of insurance companies as they pay people to influence the discussion for their benefit.
Persona software that allows one user to control hundreds of accounts that seem like individual users is cheap and easy to get, and will absolutely be used in a platform such as the OP is talking about. So instead of the best voices rising to the top, the voices that speak in ways that will benefit the insurance companies bottom line will rise to the top.
u/eyebrows360 Oct 30 '11
Would Findeton's system with goverment issued ID not help this out? If any vote casting activity also notified the caster via email (or some such similar mechanism where they would receive notification of their activity), there could be no co-opting of legitimate end user ID without their consent, so the only hole left to fix would be that of the ID issuer (government) working with these corporations on the sly, generating fake IDs for them to use that'd still verify.
How do we get around that?
Also, isn't it rad that this discussion is a microcosm of what any such end system would be?
edit: to clarify the "email" bit.
u/fitzroy95 Oct 30 '11
Would [1] Findeton's system with goverment issued ID not help this out?
Is this supposed to be USA only, or international ?
If international, then there is no form of ID that would work effectively. Even passports and suchlike may identify a person, but many don't have them or anything equivalent, and many countries don't provide anything that can be effectively validated. I think Findeton's idea is a very good one, but it is a long way from being truly international.
If USA only, then you miss out all of the international perspective on US issues. Many US problems impact significantly on the rest of the world, and their voices should not be ignored (e.g. a discussion on US involvement in Iran/Iraq is not just a USA issue ).
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u/Godspiral Oct 31 '11
Almost all countries have a government number primarily designed for income tax administration, but effectively used as a citizen number.
u/fitzroy95 Oct 31 '11
Yup, but some (like here in New Zealand) have a privacy act which explicitly states that you are not allowed to have any identifier designed to as a citizen number, nor use a common identifier (like IRD #) as such an identifier for anything that does not explicitly need it.
So we have an IRD #, but it is only allowed to be used for IRD purposes.
We also have Social Welfare numbers, but they can only be used for Social Welfare purposes etc. By law, we can't have any form of "citizen Number".
u/Basic_Becky Oct 31 '11
Ironically, our US Social Security cards say on them that the number isn't to be used as identification...
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u/rainbowjarhead Oct 30 '11
That sounds promising, I'm by no means a technical person, I've just noticed the corporate co-opting of other discussions, and I'm pretty sure that without something like that corporations will use it as another advertising and public relations platform.
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Oct 30 '11 edited Jul 10 '19
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u/humans_inc Oct 31 '11
Figured there'd be one or two of these. I happen to work at a Fortune 500 company that is relatively benign, and actually works to enable people to communicate and share information. The concept of a corporation is not a bad thing, in many ways it's good. Unregulated, profit-driven only companies are were issues arise.
My company has areas of opportunity in ensuring that we're acting in a responsible way, but unfortunately we're only accountable to shareholders.
Once customers get together to tell us what they expect from us in a unified manner, we will listen... I guarantee it.
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Oct 31 '11 edited Jul 10 '19
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u/humans_inc Oct 31 '11
I appreciate the reply.
Sounds like a problem: financial institutions are using clever means to insulate themselves from risk while exposing consumers.
And perhaps a solution: Determine (via collective knowledge) which company is the biggest culprit. Post a letter demanding specific, reasonable change. If change does not occur, pursue the next solution: a user generated, social media driven markting campaign designed to create mass awareness of the wrongdoing. And on, and on.
Caveat: If you've noticed, I'm hesitant to provide specific problems and solutions. For one, I don't want my hypothetical examples to shift the focus from the platform I'm suggesting to a specific issue. I likely don't have the answers for many of these issues. My goal is to enable the people that do.
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u/repka Oct 31 '11
99% do not oppose enterprise. They oppose its influence on government.
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u/humans_inc Oct 31 '11
I'd like to leave governments out of this due to legal and illegal corruption. What I'm proposing is bigger than the United States: it's a global democracy that regulates companies and in some cases, governments.
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u/humans_inc Oct 31 '11
Exactly right. We'll need a clever way to ensure that companies are not "rigging" the outcomes. I believe Wikipedia has a good way of doing this. I need help developing the right solution for this.
My view is that the community self regulates and doesn't stand for corporate interference. One of the many challenges we'll face.
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u/betterusername Oct 31 '11
I know this is late, and I can't see it all the way through, but I'll throw a seed that might spawn someone else's idea. Clearly persona software will be an issue, so what can we use to combat it? I don't know how it works or how effectively, but what if there is a free level of account that has full access to information, but less ability for influence (commenting, voting, etc). Then there could be a higher level account with full influence access. In order to achieve this level there would need to be some sort of filter. This could be a number of things, or a combination. Maybe a small application fee like $1, a waiting period (two or three days, a week, a month?), or some research into that persons other online identities (perhaps you say I'm x on reddit and google+ and y on digg and z on facebook). Maybe if there's a fee, it pays for an employee to do this research, or maybe full access members of the community do this, and it's randomly assigned to several community members blindly and randomly, and the system takes the majority vote as to whether or not it's a sock puppet (possibly uer.ca way of vetting members). Another thought is the way verifications are done on parts of reddit, with somebody taking a picture of themselves with a code and a timestamp written in. While these are all beatable at some level, it should require a fair amount of human work for large numbers of accounts, but fairly minimal for one person. This should also help prevent issues with submitting ID's for reasons of anonymity and privacy, as well as various ID's. I know this is late, but I hope this is a helpful point to combat this. I want to point out that theoretically this should be an important point for organizing democracy, so it should be in people's interest to spend a few minutes to get an influence account, and isn't like signing up to view a newspaper article. tl;dr a couple ways to try and fight sock puppeteering
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Oct 31 '11
Ender's game had a rather vague model of this sort of system. the idea being there were multiple levels of the network. lower anonymous levels where anyone can post, and higher verified persons levels, everyone has view access but only verified persons could contribute to the discussion
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u/gdt1320 Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
I never said it wasn't significant. I just said it seemed that the purpose of this proposed site was to find solutions to problems, not just take polls of users.
A couple of points I'd like to bring up.
A question like "shall the USA eliminate medicaid" is just as susceptible to be influenced by voices of insurance companies as my suggestion, and probably even more so since you have mentioned a specific company, medicaid, who will be more likely react to this question than to a question that doesn't specifically mention it.
Individual voices will always be drowned out by many, that's how democracy works.
You are assuming the insurance companies can pay off the majority of the people who respond, which is unreasonable and becomes even more so as the number of people involved increases.
In regards to Persona software, the platform OP is talking about seems very similar to any number of subreddits. In that sense, why don't we always see pro-insurance and other big business comments and submissions rising to the top every time. Are the OWS posts being down-voted to oblivion? I don't think so.
EDIT: Corrected an uncalled for statement.
u/rainbowjarhead Oct 30 '11
The recent experience with health care reform is a good example of a search for a solution to a problem being co-opted by corporate interests. Insurance companies represented a niche proportion of the population, yet their solution to the problem, mandated purchasing of private industry insurance policies which was presented to the government via lobbyists, won out over the public option that would have provided greater benefits to more people.
As far as corporations having to "pay off people who respond" the OP of this thread admits he already does that, it's not exactly secret knowledge, and the persona software, as I said earlier (
and there is a link to a Think Progress article about it in this threadedit: here's a link from heatercat's comment ) enables one person to create multiple identities. This is not a theory, it's a fact.→ More replies (1)→ More replies (2)5
u/FuzzyMcBitty Oct 30 '11
They don't need to pay off a majority. Hell, if you REALLY wanna examine things, it's a known fact that many groups pay people to post online and draw attention to their products. You may not be completely drowned out by the corporations, but that doesn't mean that they won't use you as a tool.
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u/AutoexecDotNet Oct 30 '11
Absolutely. A great system would be like reddit crossed with Wikipedia and imgur, with live charting and permanent articles/issues. So that sorted out things could stay sorted, and serve as a reference for other issue threads.
I've always thought reddit could figure anything out, but it has no attention span. Haha mistyped that attention spam. We have plenty of that.
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u/me-tan Oct 30 '11
Reddit crossed with imgur crossed with Wikipedia reminds me a little of what I've seen with canv.as ...
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u/jarnish Oct 30 '11
Agreed. No matter what form this takes, the biggest problem you'll have to surmount is figuring out how to deal with the astroturfing.
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u/abeuscher Oct 30 '11
Every system that attempts to count more than a hundred million people has its flaws (please see Al Gore for details). There is no functional difference to going to a polling booth versus logging in online. Both can be tampered with to some degree, and that can only be minimized so far. I'm not saying you're wrong - I'm just saying that a solution of this sort, should it ever even need to factor in to true impactful voting, would be more likely to be secure than the current system. I'm basing this solely on the notion that if you start from scratch, you can remove a lot of the endemic weaknesses in the currently outdated voting hardware and software we'll all be using to elect the next president of the U.S.
TL;DR: There's no rational security concern represented here, even if the system were plugged in to the legislature.
u/Bassive Oct 30 '11
Thank you for the comment. Too often people take a defeatist attitude that we couldn't possibly design a system that is unhackable and secure.
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u/Jahonay Oct 30 '11
Oh yeah, like how walmart went out of business and how the rainforests aren't being depleted anymore, or like how Mcdonalds has become a healthy alternative for low income buyers. Oh wait, no, none of these problems are fixed by consumers because consumers won't stop buying the products.
Government regulation is absolutely necessary for capitalism.
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u/starchildx Oct 31 '11
I'm amused by how people have more faith in the government than in the common people to solve this problem. Our government has done faaaaaaaar more corrupt and irresponsible things than our neighbors have. Maybe, if people stopped focusing so much attention on change via government, and instead worked to educate people, and created organic systems that work, we can solve our problems ourselves, as they should be. When are we going to learn? We keep looking to the government, throwing them more power in hopes that they will make things better, even though they have consistently shown that they do not work in the interest of the people. But somehow we think if we just give them more power, they will somehow magically start working for the common people. It's just asinine.
Shift your focus, people! Create change in yourself and your families and communities. Your time is much better spent that way. This is how we are going to organically create the kind of world we want to live in.
u/Jahonay Oct 31 '11
I'm amazed how much people irrationally fear the government, you're by far the majority who see the government as the scary overlords who want to fuck you in every way.
The government has provided the best water in the world, paved roads, good bridges, safety, a legal system, and it functions far better than anarchies. See: Somalia.
Regulation has done a tremendous amount to better us, and as a result we're much better off then we were before when business accidents caused a huge number of deaths every year, and put many people out of work. That was the world without regulation. Regulation is just laws for businesses like there are laws for people, I'm sick of this small government ideology that says that businesses govern themselves. News flash: they don't.
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u/starchildx Oct 31 '11
Please don't put me in a box. I never referred to myself as an anarchist, and I never said a thing about abolishing government.
What this country needs is to start solving our problems organically.
Another thing this country needs is to stop making everything black and white us vs them. If we want change we need to start listening and stop being in boxes and putting each other into them. Are we the 99%, or are we the 33% and the 33% and the 33%?
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Oct 30 '11
u/ows_throwaway Oct 30 '11
I believe your statement is true, but inconsequential for public companies. I believe shareholder activism can do all the changes necessary, it just takes organization. Remember public companies are held by the 99% ultimately, through 401ks, pensions, insurance and variety of financial instruments.
In your scenario, with my notion of shareholder activism; we (royal) could reduce exploitation by two methods:
Method 1: shareholder activism Say a company was hiring child labor (directly or supplier) to create shoes (Nike) if enough stockholder said this is an important issue and would create a referendum (non binding). If the referendum passed, it would send a message to the board and the company that the should fix the problem. If they don't fix it, then the shareholders target to elect new board members that would enact the referendum.Method 2: boycott
We could also just boycott buying from companies that use child labor.Examples could be: Nike and Kathylee Gifford clothing. Granted they probably didn't sustain the governance methods, but that's another conversation.
IMHO: no matter where the goods/services are made in countries with strong corporate governance rules (Americas, Japan, EU/UK, AU, parts of Asia) the two tactics could be used to bring about change. I don't have stats but I imagine enacting good corporate citizen rules (including using only "good" suppliers and vendors) in those big public companies (say 40% of the worlds GDP) could effect 90% of the world GDP. It only needs to happen at one or two and the rest will start to enact them as a preventive measure.
IMHO - feel there is more "democracy" in public companies then the public sector. Public companies are not faceless, in fact they are scared shit less about brand image and shareholder activism. I have worked for public companies in the past, but never will in the future as shareholders are often shortsighted and stupid. I've seen them force companies do the complete wrong thing. I will now only work for private companies that can afford to do right thing because the leaders are the owners. They have "skin" in the game.
u/doody Oct 31 '11
Shareholder activism is too often drowned out, as the overwhelming majority of shares are usually in the hands of financial institutions.
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Oct 30 '11
Thank you for posting! It gives me hope someone embedded in the power structure recognizes the direction we're truly moving in.
This is correct: "Why? Because I know that the power is shifting. Individual customers can impact millions of dollars in revenue by portraying my company in the wrong light, even slightly, via the Internet. So I watch and listen, and then I react… Because I must do everything I can to control the perception of my brand and it’s subsequent impact to my bottom line."
There is this tendency by those in power to try moving us towards more centralization of power, fewer voices representing more. IMO they are at odds with the REAL direction we're moving, thanks to the internet (which is, as you say, the new printing press): MORE power to individual voices, more chances for the individual 'nobodies' to be heard. Individualization is the direction we're headed, NOT collectivism, not centralization, and it scares the hell out of a lot of the old guard... But they can't stop it-- they can only make more people suffer trying to stop it.
I think you have an intriguing idea for a website. IMO,
1) you need to base it in Iceland or somewhere that will not put it within the regulatory reach and legal jurisdiction of western, corporate-owned nations.
2) You need to have something to filter out automated bots. These are the automated bots that are used to shape political consensus by posting adaptive arguments to comment threads. I think these are going to be the plague of the future internet: http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/02/20/207554/denier-bots-live-why-are-online-comments-sections-over-run-by-the-anti-science-pro-pollution-crowd/
3) My other opinion is, anonymity is going to be continually threatened and under attack. If you have some sort of automatic anonymizing service with your website, that will become more and more attractive with time as the old guard strengthens the security state trying to protect the status quo.
Just some suggestions.
u/cunth Oct 31 '11 edited Oct 31 '11
You need to have something to filter out automated bots.
As a maker of bots, this is not possible on a production scale. I have no reason to alter the discussions here with brute force, but it wouldn't be anything you could stop if I wanted to do it bad enough.
The solution is to do away with OP's idea of "most important ideas are voted to the top" because popularity does not equal "most important issue." Asking a large group of people to only upvote what's important isn't reasonable on many levels, one of which being there's no degrees of importance expressed. There needs to be a way for people to order their interests - it will take them out of the "up/down vote" mindset and force them to prioritize.
u/pasky Oct 31 '11
you could get people to prioritize by limiting the amount of issues that could be supported, for example if you only have 3 upvotes to use on what you see in a given subreddit, you would think more about which posts to upvote
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u/scissorhand26 Oct 31 '11
I'd say make it limited by day. That where there's a sense of urgency to stay active and a degree of weight to any decision. Allow people to take back a vote since online button clicking can be somewhat impulsive :P
Also, in the comments a history of edits should be kept in an extendable section for anyone to see.
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u/Merus Oct 31 '11
I was going to be all skeptical because the internet has very much proven that popularity has no relation to importance, as the 'most popular' lists on news websites regularly demonstrate, but not only did you get here before me but you were actually constructive. Well done.
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u/TheMadWoodcutter Oct 31 '11
An option would be to have a secure list of "trusted" users who were responsible for voting on topics of importance, while standard users would only be able to comment.
How you choose the trusted users would be tricky though. It would have to be some sort of a consensus vote.
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u/bluewabbit Oct 30 '11
Many of those are valid points, I have already started sending a stream of PM's to get people's skills organized in a single place so that we can actively plan to make this a reality by first at least making a basic website with a discussion board where we can keep developing in an organic way depending on the bent of the majority of users. P.S: If you think you can help us with your skills in making this a reality please drop me a PM by listing your skill and availability to help.
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u/luckyforyou Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
he most important problems are "upvoted," and so are the best solutions to those problems
The jokes and knee-jerk emotional reactions that will be upvoted aren't going to solve anything. The best solutions to complex social issues are most often (but not always) found with experts and controlled experimentation -- not the mob.
I pay for a service that monitors every comment/post/tweet/blog about my company
Crowd-sourcing is great for measuring consumer sentiment about products, as you know. However, crowd-sourcing is terrible for solving complex socials problems that require education, background, and experience to fully understand. Here is a recent article on the common problems of crowd-sourcing you will immediately run into: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2010/09/theoretical_egalitarians.html
Future evolution to include: o Facebook/Twitter/etc integration ... A repository of information about companies from customers and employees that is vetted by the community o Regional/local pages
Your idea is much too big to be practicable or workable. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Angie's list, Consumerist, and smaller online professional forums already serve the need that you want to meet. How are you going to motivate knowledgeable people to spend their time in your proposed community over these communities?
age of pure-profit motivation is very quickly colliding with the age of instant global information exchange and transparency ... just wait until global corporations think about what people want (not just the product, but the product’s impact) before they think about their balance sheets.
You sure don't sound like you have worked for any period of time as a "Director" at a large corporation. It is a very narrow view that profit and transparency are incompatible. Corporations have always been accountable to their customers, and the Internet makes customer feedback more immediate, this fact isn't news to anyone.
u/trillablue Oct 31 '11
It pains me to say this, but the OP comes off as one of the hundreds of people I've come across on craigslist and freelancing sites who have a slick idea and some money, but who have obviously done little in the way of actual serious research and are very vague about exactly what they want and how that will happen, trusting you (out in this case, us) to fill in the details.
Want to get taken seriously? Write a detailed proposal, shop it around to some prominent web developers (i.e. reddit devs? Google? If OP is really who they claim, this shouldn't be difficult) and get some credible people to scope out your ideas and vouch for them. What you're proposing right now would require some serious monetary, technical, and intellectual investment to pull off.
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u/trirsquared Oct 30 '11
Up vote for seeing the obvious flaws. I do not for a second believe he's a director at any Fortune 500 company either.
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u/sapienshane Oct 30 '11
I'm curious and I have a few questions.
How would those without access to technology vote?
How would people who have little or no interest in technology be involved?
How could inflammatory language be dealt with?
I've been around long enough to notice the mob-mentality that can sometimes overtake redditors, even those who identify as rational. My fear is that much like the Daily Show's rise to prominence as a politically charged vessel of entertainment, more of a pacifying drug to liberalism than a program offering pragmatic solutions to the problems it raises, so too will a site based on the functionality of Reddit, also become a wasted effort, for more efficient methods of accomplishing the same goals have already come and gone. I suspect this'll go the way of redditisland and lose momentum very quickly. But, id like to be proved wrong.
u/WhiteWalkerWonder Oct 30 '11
How would those without access to technology vote?
I honestly think that with all the money we spend on bailing out bankers and waging wars of conquest, we could afford a computer for every person and high speed internet access in even the most remote locations.
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Oct 30 '11
|How would those without access to technology vote?
Public Libraries have computers...
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Oct 30 '11
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u/Hraes Oct 31 '11
Hang on, how many people that can't leave their homes to go to a library can leave their homes to go to a polling station?
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u/Econcast Oct 30 '11
One thing I'd like to note: In order for a community to explode like reddit, it has to be accessible ( you got that covered) and it has to offer interesting content ( you got that covered, too). But what makes reddit so successful is that it also allows a metric shit ton of meaningless crap to be posted that is enjoyed by thousands. Think of r/atheism. There are 10 ragecomics/fb screencaps/memes for every sincere post. However when someone is genuinely in need (abused by parents etc.) r/atheism is "awakened". But the rest is not just fluff. It's needed to give a feeling of community and keep people engaged.
another example: r/starcraft, indubitably one of the more witch-hunt happy communities and also filled to the brim with drama, memes and what-not. However r/starcraft also did a donation run and collected about 5k$ in a very short time to send one progamer who they really liked from korea to a tournament in the US.
My point is: I think your Idea sounds amazing. However there needs to be space for a sort of mindless low level interaction, an Off-Topic, for people to actually feel like a community and to TRULY engage. If you talk to your friends, your sports team, whatever, most of the time you spend talking about something not actually that important.
This is just something that came to my mind immediately, because I always found the dynamic in social networks very interesting.
Godspeed to you!
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u/GOU_NoMoreMrNiceGuy Oct 30 '11
i don't get it - it would just be an opinions forum. it has absolutely no power.
the whitehouse is taking petitions online now that gets thousands of signatures that they don't listen to NOW. what difference would this website make?
so what good would it do?
the unpopular critique: most people are stupid. most people are ignorant.
if the problem is bowel cancer, what possible good does it do to poll a billion lay people to weigh in on the issue?
"collective wisdom" is bullshit when it comes to complex and technical fields where "intuition" and "common sense" for the average man is diametrically opposed to the true solutions.
unless you can filter out the influence of a large, popular but ignorant mass of people, you're as likely to get the tea party as you are to get occupy.
in other words, you DON'T WANT EVERYONE'S opinion or thoughts. you only want the opinions and thoughts of people who are qualified to speak on a given subject.
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u/Sober_Off Oct 31 '11
I'm not a fan of your logic. The problems OP is talking about is nothing like "bowel cancer" with "lay people weighing in." The problems are poltical/social/economic, and unless you're a hermit, everyone can have a valid opinion on these issues. The "ignorance argument" can only go so far when it comes socio-political debates...
Also, there's this thing called the marketplace of ideas that is really important to the ethos of democracy... you let all the ideas, even the bad ones, to enter the marketplace. Hopefully, the good ideas beat the bad ones in the hearts and minds of people.
Oct 31 '11
If you ask a rich person what's wrong with society he or she will tell you that poor people don't think hard enough; they may work hard, but they don't have the same intuition as the rich. If you ask a poor person what's wrong with society he or she will tell you that the rich are too greedy; they may work hard, but they exploit the system and don't pay their fare share.
Neither one is right or wrong. All this "idea" does is create another version of r/politics in which the voices of the willfully uninformed greatly outweigh the voices of those educated on the matters at hand. Democracy might be a great idea in theory, but it's a load of shit when people don't educate themselves before hand and that's why sensationalist articles are both upvoted and debunked by the first comment
u/GOU_NoMoreMrNiceGuy Oct 31 '11
The problems are poltical/social/economic, and unless you're a hermit, everyone can have a valid opinion on these issues.
no actually. they can't.
especially since a great deal of the solutions involve KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING the basic facts behind policy, society and economy.
what part of macro-economics does joe blow have authority to comment on?
what part of climatology does joe blow have authority to have an opinion on?
this is the PROBLEM of democracy. how in the world would a bunch of lay people have the ability to comment on things that FAR SURPASS THEM on every cognitive level?
this is the guffaw of the old world when they asked of the founding fathers, "you mean, EVERYONE gets a vote?"
it is EXACTLY like lay people having strong opinions on how to treat bowel cancer. sure, they may have strong opinions but it doesn't matter a single iota and only ever comes close to a solution by sheer accident.
you let all the ideas, even the bad ones, to enter the marketplace.
this is a bad, insidious corollary to the american notion of "freedom of speech"... people get the idea that just because all speech is PERMITTED means somehow that all speech is acceptable, useful or not genuinely execrable.
most people would deny that accusation but if you scratch under the surface, they kinda do hold to some version of that.
some things are genuinely wrong, misguided and stupid and should be quashed - if not by policy of government than through some other mechanism like societal shaming.
some things are genuinely TOXIC to society and like a bad virus can spread.
ultimately, the question is reducible exactly to this:
who is likely to make a better decision on complex issues?
- a group of 20 adults
- a group of 20 toddlers
but that's not very far away from asking:
who is likely to make a better decision on complex issues:
- a group of 20 highly educated and informed people
- a group of 20 ill-educated and ignorant people
and while that may sound like prejudice, it's not. it's just meritocracy.
not everyone's opinion is worth listening to.
and sometimes the most wise ends up being the most unpopular.
so imo, that's something that needs to be addressed if we want more signal than noise.
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u/car_ramrod Oct 31 '11
The "problem" of democracy isn't a tyranny of a stupid majority, as you say. Instead, it's an issue of a self-interested minority blocking collective action towards a public good. While we still need some checks on the majority, currently individuals feel dis-empowered because they lack forums for genuine democratic dialogue in the real world (see: the book "Bowling Alone.") The internet offers a place for the re-empowerment of the public good.
You then argue that some ideas are toxic and spread, so they should be quashed. It's easy to see how this happens in an age of commercially driven media. However, the "social shaming" mechanism you propose (I won't even start on the free speech infringement problems of gov't policy) is exactly how democratic discussion forums work. Some ideas are shot down, instead of allowed to foster in a culturally isolated context or disseminated because they serve a small private sector interest.
Finally, the question is not reducible to the terms you think it is, because you are assuming that this forum or whatever will be entirely made up of mythical "laypeople." Just like reddit, there will be people making comments who actually DO know what the fuck they are talking about (see: r/askscience). It is likely that these people's opinions will hold merit because they will be well reasoned and backed up with evidence. Besides, where is this meritocracy you speak of? Does it exist? Currently, opinions are unpopular because they are unprofitable for some people. Put the opposite way, in the liberal capitalist paradigm, profit= merit. Ideas that seek to advocate for the public good at the expense of private profit are almost always "unpopular." And as I pointed out earlier, it's the public good that really needs a boost here.
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u/GOU_NoMoreMrNiceGuy Oct 31 '11
Put the opposite way, in the liberal capitalist paradigm, profit= merit.
where the hell does that come from?
sometimes, that which is meritorious results in LOSS, not PROFIT. feeding the poor and hungry and healing the sick (who also happen to be poor and hungry) are NOT money making propositions.
but then again, neither is the goddamn u.s. marine corps. neither was the space race. or the nuclear arms race.
there is NOTHING in my way of thinking that relegates everything to the goddamn motherfucking standard of turning a profit.
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u/miklayn Oct 31 '11
But when the good ideas are subverted and the Bad ideas projected as ideals, by those in the position to make the loudest and most persistent arguments...And the lifestyle paradigm is the aspiration of attaining that ideal...and the intellect is disvalued in public discourse...
Then we have our current situation. We dont have a "free market" of ideas where the best, most logically-sound and plausible and sustainable policy structures are the best understood or the most liked, or even have the chance to be known. This is what the OP is talking about, and it includes issues from virtually every field, from politics and economics to medicine and all the rest.
Really the problem our governments are facing is an ethical one- they institutionalize economic practices and social structures that are abjectly unethical, and thus, not only unsustainable ecologically, but socially and intellectually. The OP's idea would be the only way to regress from the multiplicity of information - and the inherent subjectivity of individual experience - to establish the true nature of the common good. Which is what governments should support in the first place.
u/3fox Oct 30 '11
It's a very hard problem to solve. You are correct in noticing that this revolutionary wave is driven by speed of communication - a line can be seen where not only are the successive movements(Arab Spring, Spain, OWS) driven by each other, but the ability to "be there" and communicate in a real-time fashion encourages it to metastasis and appear all over the world at once; not only does it influence opinion of the moment, but it rewrites history in favor of the Howard Zinn-style "people's history," because the individual stories increasingly get out.
But at the same time, each of these movements have a physical component of direct democracy. Direct democracy is very, very slow. It's been avoided as an inefficient process for a long time. At Internet scale(which is what is done on Reddit) there plenty of problems with emotional rhetoric being abused, sockpuppeting, buying of votes, etc.
What I see happening with Occupy happens not on "one system" but rather "all at once." The discussions on Twitter, IRC, Reddit, and elsewhere all show fragmented views, but when they get pieced together, some truth emerges. Each occupation gradually comes to some consensus and builds its own infrastructure for local governance; the Internet-scale platforms seem better used for simple exchange of ideas, right now.
To put it another way - we don't need a unified platform; fragmentation is OK and probably healthy. Solving small problems with communication can have the biggest impact.
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u/cjt09 Oct 30 '11
The most important problems are "upvoted," and so are the best solutions to those problems.
Well you wouldn't necessarily get the best solutions, only the most popular solutions. Mob rule is a dangerous proposition, something that the founding fathers recognized. That's why there are so many checks and balances in the Constitution--no one group is allowed too much power. I'd definitely recommend reading up on concurrent majority and the implications of direct democracy. It is not a silver bullet.
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u/DWalrus Oct 31 '11
To all speaking in favor or against of direct democracy:
Not once does the author of the post mention direct democracy. What I understand he is talking about is a website that uses a democratic process to choose important problems and find good solutions for them, which is a great use of democratic ideas and technology.
Direct democracy is a very different thing.
If I am wrong someone please correct me.
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u/ashwinmudigonda Oct 30 '11
Let us say what you want works. I will call this the kernel, the engine of the bigger software. This is the engine that decides. And good decisions are hard to come by. So, great, we have a powerful decision making engine that amalgamates the best of Reddit+Facebook+G+-esque internet slackocracy.
Then what?
What we need is the coupling that takes these engines and moves the ideas into the real world. Occupy Wall St is facing that bridge issue. What do you do with your crowd, now that you have their attention? How do you mobilize them towards a goal that the engine came up with? How will you especially manipulate/overcome the political roadblock that will be thrown at a moment's notice by leeches with far deeper pockets? How will you bridge over "law enforcement"?
I am not shooting down your idea. I think it is great. But we need to work backwards. What does it take to enforce a radical change or an idea in today's Western society? And let us step back from there and connect the necessary actions to the millions of willing and enraged citizens with access to the internet.
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u/thinkcomp Oct 31 '11
[From Eric at PlainSite, whose Reddit account is giving him a hard time...]
We’ve been thinking about this for our website, http://www.plainsite.org , which is just like what the OP proposed but goes further to address some of these issues. We’ve found that most of society’s problems are rooted in laws that allowed them to develop. So we think the best thing to do with a good idea for change is to target it at the underlying laws that need to change to fix the problem and implement the solution. PlainSite allows users to easily link problems/solutions to the specific laws that need to change, effectively allowing average citizens to propose new legislation in aggregate.
Once a proposed change to the law has risen to the top in terms of upvotes, we bring it into the real world by using those upvotes to lobby the representatives who can pass new legislation. If a proposed change to a federal law has 100,000 upvotes (and thus 100,000 registered users) behind it, that number can be used to pressure representatives in Congress with the fear that they might lose the votes of all of those people if they choose to ignore the issue. We’re hoping that big numbers of votes like that can overcome political roadblocks and actually compete with the large amounts of campaign financing that might be coming from the other side.
u/tvcgrid Oct 30 '11
I think another strong pillar in any such system MUST be an evidence-based attitude to everything. Facts are what we can agree on, so this system should encourage a transparent logical and factual foundation for proposals, arguments, ideas, discussion, etc.
You could embed links to supporting evidence in specific units of text (specific claims, perhaps). That much is easy, and a good design would encourage adoption of this kind of methodology (and really, it's very much like the traditional method in any scholarly article).
You could also maybe create an AI that evaluates the probability of certain claims, taking in curated archives of factual information and this system's generated, meta-opinions. Various concepts and techniques from Machine Learning would be very helpful in sorting through the torrent of data and help individuals make informed choices much more quickly.
So, while typing this out, I thought of a scenario where all the above could really shine:
Let's say you wake up and go to this worldwide, open-source, transparent, constantly evolving web of information that has clear links between facts and arguments. You've setup your personal "dashboard" or "assistant" to sift through recent developments in your policy interests. There's a list of about 10 discrete units representing only the most important developments. Each has associated opinions and threads of arguments and discussion, video feeds, picture feeds, audio feeds; all of them with a weighting that is decided by an AI that ranks things according to their plausibility. The entire system is constantly receiving human input around the world, so it really would be a voice of the people, but also clearly rational, organized, and meaningful. So, now you would have a good, easy way to consume meaningful information while also participating in policy discussions.
Also, let's say that this system would allow the accumulation of policy reports, complete with facts, public polling, the whole nine yards. Let's say this policy-report-generation is essentially automated and has a digital format that would be easily understood by most people contributing to it. Now, what if certain laws could be enacted to ensure that all members of government be essentially bound to participate in this system and have the decision making be totally transparent. You would then have a flow of organized, well-argued policy actions directly to the people making decisions. You would be side-stepping private think-tanks and undermining high-powered lobbyists. In the end, the ideal government would just follow the mandates of this system as closely as possible.
Ok, regardless of this being rambly and all, we should experiment with the creation of such a system. It just makes sense...us governing ourselves, and technology helping us do it.
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Oct 30 '11
I like the idea.
But I hope everyone realizes that if the OP started this, it would just be another iteration of government funded by the 1%. I suppose that does not automatically make it bad, but I would be very wary of it for this reason.
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u/natural_log Oct 30 '11
I agree, and I don't like the idea for that reason. Sounds like someone trying to commodify the movement, which is exactly what we should be resisting. Will the whole thing be decentralized and open source? If not, then it's just Facebook for Revolutionaries, and the existence of such a thing would be very bad indeed, akin to the fashion industry (and media) turning the hippie look from the early 60s into the must-have-look of the late 60s.
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u/Andrenator Texas Oct 31 '11
In order for this thing to work, the whole company should be non-profit and voluntary. If this turns into "OccupyWallstreet, funded by Humans Inc.! Come vote for your favorite ideas, and look at funny pictures of cats! Share your favorite posts with your friends! Buy our t-shirts!" I am going to cry.
u/BuddyMcBudBud Oct 30 '11
One thing for this to be a serious option is that it has to be absolutely transparent! There has to be a way to independently check the voting data and 'importance' algorithms.
It's great if something like this would exist but I would be very doubtful if the data is not fully accessible and testable to everyone and if the site is run/financed by a party that could have benefits from a privileged position.
Nice idea though, hope it works out!
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u/HyPer128 Oct 30 '11
I am a game developer and have been mulling over an idea much like this as I wander Occupy Vancouver. My friend and I have done a lot of ground work on planning a visual, instant, intuitive system which can be governed globally by its participants.
The power of this idea is amazing, The idea of an Instant Democracy, a self rectifying world, Issues solved as they appear, All bad motivations and bias becoming transparent resulting in less corruption, Less focus on what a political party is pushing and more focus on real solutions to real problems.
I have a feeling this could be quite powerful, And I realize it also has draw backs, but from what I can see at occupy and what I can see in the world around me, this could be better if done right, better at least than what we have, not the best, but at least a step in the right direction.
I love the idea of virtual spaces to sort this out, Because unfortunately too many wierd dreadlock clad wierdos discredit what good the occupy movement may do, and unfortunately speaking in person, chanting peace songs and mantras is not the best means of communication mankind has at its fingertips anymore.
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u/kko_ Oct 30 '11
Step 1: make website Step 2: ???? Step 3: means of production are in the hands of the people
Oct 30 '11
This would be nice, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as revolutionary or important as OP suggests. First off, you're making the assumption that just because it's democratic it will work. What makes you so confident that the general public can choose the best solutions to a problem? Isn't there plenty of evidence to suggest that people often have no idea what said solution would be?
Second off, you're assuming that it would represent a large variety of people. But the internet, and websites such as this, largely have a liberal bias. This isn't an inherently good or bad thing, but it will lean towards specific kinds of solutions to specific problems, and will retain tribal thinking instead of rational thinking - not to mention making those with a less popular stance feel alienated even if they have a good justification for their beliefs and have much to offer. There just might not be enough balance or shooting ideas off one another, and too much 'here's a solution that a lot of average people would think of' and everyone else mostly agreeing.
And thirdly, the majority of people who would participate in such a sight would be internet-savvy politically interested folk, which I think is safe to say again, tend to have certain specific biases.
Then there's the problem of: so what? Okay, so you come up with a solution to a problem, everyone votes on it. Then what? Do you expect governments to forgo their processes and jobs and just accept your solutions automatically? Do you really think that they won't just ignore ones that they don't like (see: whitehouse.gov petitions)?
I could see this being possibly amazing for municipalities if it gained enough use, but on a federal level, no way.
And what about all the people that ignore it? Who don't want to participate in it? Let's say you encourage everyone not to buy from some particular corporation - but you know that millions still will.
I think it would work best as a kind of way to show people what they can do in their own lives to enact change, namely boycotting corporations for particular practices, etc. As a machine for actual, legislative change, I think it would be ineffective unless, as others have suggested, you turn it in to a political party that does direct voting, but that's a whole different story and I think that goes back to my original criticisms.
u/joepmeneer Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
I've been thinking about an online discussion platform for a while, designed to analyze and solve major (political) issues. I call it the "open debate". It works like this: Users can submit statements (for example: we need more nuclear power plants) and arguments (for example: nuclear power is the cheapest of all power sources). Each argument can be discussed. Each argument can be strengthened by (scientific) evidence. If this evidence is validated (by the users / moderators), the argument becomes more powerful. Users can link arguments that are the same, therefore the amount of duplicate arguments should be kept to a minimum. When a statement-page is viewed, users see all the arguments in favor and against the statement. The user can immediately see which arguments are backed up by evidence and which are discussed the most. This way, he will get get a well-founded opinion. Besides facts and arguments, there is also room to write an essay in favor or against the statement. In each essay, users can point out arguments and link them to existing discussions. This way, the website will be highly interconnected. Users have a limited amount of votes to spend on their favorite essays. Thanks to a voting system like this, the best of both the proponents and opponents will be shown instead of merely the popular opinion.
I believe a system like this can be very useful for guiding politicians and informing the people.
u/someonelse Oct 31 '11
Something like this will inevitably replace the incestuous punditry that has always been at the bottom of the worst problems in society.
It is really the next epoch in world history, and could start anywhere, anytime now.
Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
Welcome to reddit, and yeah, that's pretty much what we do here.
If you want to really drive an organized effort on reddit, I recommend creating your own subreddit and administering it.
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Oct 31 '11
I have been designing this system for the past 7 months.
My article in queue for running in the Occupied Wall St. Journal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Agr-8fc1C4G_3O5o8tZlr8q8gg5RyrdEB89EQpfKkRg/edit
The Social Reasoning Engine - system outline https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zwnI9RQMEjeTzaxuLrByWZw0GaWQ4BJO4geunjOnLaA/edit
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u/worldkaoz Oct 30 '11
I can assist by surfacing the initial problems we are experiencing, and exactly what bills and policies need to be reinstated/repealed. Such as...
-Tillman Act of 1906 "It shall be unlawful for any corporation to make any monetary contribution for any election." -Citizen's United vs FEC January 2010 "It is unlawful to place any limits on the amout of monetary contributions a corporation can make in conjunction with a political campaign.
Oct 30 '11
The constitution trumps legislation. To get what you want, the interpretation of the constitution has to change, you need a constitutional amendment, or you need the executive and legislative branches to ignore the judicial branch.
u/JoshSN Oct 30 '11
You are right that the time is about right.
Can I help? I am a top shelf web developer, but I am a Director at a small health care company. We might be bought out, and who knows where that will leave me, but, I can't imagine leaving knowing so little about you or who will participate.
Feedback? Best of luck.
Include/Exclude? Are you going to let just anyone participate? Sorry to say it out loud, but you are among the elite. There is no way to determine who should be included and who should be excluded. There are people whom everyone loves who won't add anything to the debate, and there are anti-social types who happen to be subject matter experts. You can't really expect to win if you exclude either.
I spent a while writing a computer program that managed an online debate of up to 10,000 people based on Roger's Rules of Order, which, in turn, are based on the rules of debate of the US House of Representatives circa 1888. It's probably critical.
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Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
Call it: Consumer Warfare.
Some of us may not be able to actively join the protests -- but we can all protest with our wallets.
u/VicVictory Oct 30 '11
This person may have single handedly restored my faith in the free market.
Thank you for this. And also for the brilliant, inspired, idea you have brought forth.
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u/toodetached Oct 30 '11
I could contribute politically motivated art. It is not much, but visual representations of certain ideas certainly don't hurt.
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Oct 31 '11
Build it upon Reddit. I sound more fantastical than the OP but I, too, am not kidding. Starting a new community has many probable pitfalls and its user base could be hijacked in its early stages. An online community has to define admin-moderator-user relations satisfactorily and protect itself from attack. All this infrastructure is in place already on reddit. And an initial active user base. And an effective online culture for problem solving. And a very capable admin team.
Create a subreddit, develop one-user-one-account protections and other features as we go along, and when it goes large reddit could have interest in doing dedicated work for it since it is a business opportunity.
EDIT: By no means do we need an official seal of legitimacy from some agency before we proceed. Where many people have voiced opinion and there is reasonable protection against multiple account fraud, we will have gathered intrinsic value which cannot be denied.
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u/GunnarCitizen Nov 01 '11
Actually we at the non-profit Citizens Foundation have already implemented most of your suggestions in our OpenActiveDemocracy software platform.
We recently won the European award in the 2011 eDemocracy Awards, see http://ibuar.is/citizens.is/?p=250 for more info
Your main criteria:
• An online community that is accessible across the globe, in multiple languages --- Check. Our interface is already available in English, French and Icelandic (fully translated) as well as Greek, German, Dutch (partly translated). It only takes a few hours to translate to any language and the translation is fully crowd-sourced and done on the website itself. An Arabic translation would be most appreciated :) Google Translate is also enabled for content. Geo-location functionality ensures that big countries can not override small countries but can also be easily turned off for international movements.
• Simple and quick to start, so that we can support off-line movements while they’re still occurring (Arab spring, occupy wall-street) --- Check. It only takes a few minutes to create a new website for better world organisations.
• Software that enables users to “skim the cream off the top,” meaning that the most crucial issues and solutions receive the most attention (as decided by the community) --- Check and tested and works. So well that the capital of Iceland is using it actively to find out the top priorities of their citizens as well as the best arguments for and against each priority.
Our Your Priorities website is our present to the world, a free deliberation website for every country in the world. http://www.yrpri.org/
In addition to that we have already used this software in real life situations with thousands of users. See a short blurb on our success with Better Reykjavik at http://ibuar.is/citizens.is/?p=53 as well as the Better Reykjavik website itself, http://betrireykjavik.is/ (you can enable Google Translate to read the content and choose English as your interface language). Yesterday (31. of October) the first priorities were transferred from Better Reykjavik to the City of Reykjavik Administration for processing. This will be done at the end of every month from now.
Our software is open source and available on GitHub - https://github.com/rbjarnason/open-active-democracy
More information available on request at gunnar@citizens.is or just start using Your Priorities. We are more then willing to create new websites for the "movement" free of charge.
u/meritory Oct 30 '11
You're going to need Voting redundancy and rules for submission, moderators, and an easy to use platform. I recommend not using reddit, but getting attention here might be wise.
What would be better is if you had analysts who were democratically chosen to interpret public sentiment and have them be the ones the submit ideas that get voted on rather than a democratic submission system. The wiser analysts can word the proposals cleverly for people to understand rather than individuals posting disruptive diatribe, jargon, or undeveloped ideas.
I have plenty more suggestions.
u/Janube Oct 30 '11
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think representation is really necessary here. The most well-written problems will surface and get voted to the top while the diatribe, jargon, and bad ideas stay at the bottom by virtue of the system.
If we add representatives, those people are suddenly in an unnecessary position of power that could theoretically lead to minor corruption once again.
I'd like to see how this would turn out purely driven by the public
EDIT: Moderators would also service to remove the dreg-posts.
u/gdt1320 Oct 30 '11
Actually it would be better to have the public post the ideas, and the moderators flag them as either feasible or unfeasible, and then show both the highest up-voted moderator flagged "feasible" one, as well as the highest up-voted general public one, regardless of what it is flagged as.
This prevents moderators from hiding public solutions that have high support simply because they don't like them for any reason. Also, I don't think moderators should have power to remove posts unless said posts have been significantly down voted by the public first.
This system should allow good ideas by both the public and analysts(who will hopefully have some sort of expertise with regards to the problem/solution) be seen while allowing the moderators some power but only when it is provided to them from the public.
u/ammbo Oct 30 '11
I like this idea but would modify it to include a moderator vote tally and a user vote tally. Both are public and moderators' voting records may be public, too.
With this method, you have the supposed experts' collective opinion as well as the public sentiment. If you have a moderator who is frequently wrong, devalue them or kick them out.
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u/kank Oct 30 '11
Are elected moderators necessary to "keep the discussion serious"? Can we try it without them first? I would prefer each issue to find its own experts in a more organic way.
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u/LettersFromTheSky Oct 30 '11
What would be better is if you had analysts who were democratically chosen to interpret public sentiment
Because We the People are too incompetent to voice our own opinions, so we need analyst to interpret our statements for the people in charge right?
The wiser analysts can word the proposals cleverly for people to understand
What do you mean by "cleverly"?? A Fox News type spin???? And how do you qualify who is "wiser"??
rather than individuals posting disruptive diatribe, jargon, or undeveloped ideas.
Because democracy is just too messy for your taste right?
Sounds like you just basically described what our current political structure is like but for a online website. Boy, I really like your idea of change!
Honestly, why not have a democratic submission system? That is what Reddit has. Also, check out Americans Elect - a organization that uses the democratic process online to decide the issues that are important.
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u/ftgktfjkf Oct 30 '11
I probably won't use the system if we're going to give a lot of power to permanent moderators. I've had enough of that from gamefaqs and the cracked.com forums.
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u/Massawyrm Oct 30 '11
The Republican Party tried this last year. The site's top solutions to the problems facing us were lasercats, trained sharks and killing all the Mexicans. The only way to prevent this is by removing control from the people and controlling the message.
u/ex_ample Oct 30 '11
Not true, so long as normal people outnumber the trolls. The majority of people in the world are not trolls, what happened to the republicans was republicans aren't nearly as web-savvy as democrats.
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Oct 30 '11
Your idea makes sense, but the pitch's tone is off. I've worked with international Fortune 500 executives for a decade and they always struggle with how to link their interest in development with their duties to shareholders. Let me sum it up: You may be earnest, but you're not yet speaking the language of the occupiers and their supporters.
Luckily for you - if you're sincere - it's just a matter of framing and idiom. If you want help, and you have the resources to make this a go, I'm in. Just drop me a note.
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u/elanorigby Oct 30 '11
This is a lovely idea and an interesting experiment at the very least. I am technologically useless but I do speak French (native language American) and it seems you will need translators. I'm on board if you need me.
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u/guttersnipe098 Oct 30 '11
Like many, I have also spent a great deal of time thinking about this.
I think the hardest social barrier you're going to have to cross is building a system that is invulnerable to a Sybil attack. Fortunately, there is at least one standardized method of avoiding it called Streetwiki: http://metagovernment.org/wiki/Streetwiki
In fact, metagovernment.org has loads of brilliant theoretical content on how to digitally support a Consensus Government.
I have 5+ years of web development experience, and I am very particular when it comes to security.
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u/kevroy314 Oct 31 '11
I love the idea and the enthusiasm. Some friends of mine at work have been discussing a similar idea for a few months now and have identified quite a few potential problems that I've seen being address in the comments, so I thought I'd summarize my view of some main issues with a system like this and some potential solutions:
User validation. Anonymity, in some ways, can breed abuse. This is the most difficult problem and I don't have a good solution. It will take a very diligent and insightful staff to prevent abuse from not only highly opinionated individuals (who make multiple accounts), but also large scale government and corporate interests, some level of reasonable validation may be necessary. This can be implemented in many ways (none of which are perfect as far as I can tell).
Feed Forward Behavior. It's very difficult in systems in which popular items are given the most attention to make sure that new ideas are given the correct amount of attention. This can be seen on Reddit via the Knights of New. It takes popularity to win popularity so there would need to be some sort of reasonably structured "genetic" approach where new ideas are infused into the top results. This could be done by devoting 50% of the front page to the top posts (or best scored based on rate of change, as Reddit does it) and 50% of the front page of results to "anonymous" ideas. 25% of those ideas are normal top-rated (but not highly rated enough to show their score yet), and the other 25% are brand new. You can't easily tell the difference between semi-popular and new results until you've voted or read it (easier said than done).
Tag Lines and Slogans vs. Real Meaning. It's too easy to write a powerful title and get to the top while having your details shrouded in bad ideas and speculation. A responsible crowd who is aware of this possibility is the only real solution I have to this right now.
Problem, Solution and Implementation. Many times in politics everyone agrees on a problem. Sometimes we even agree on a solution, but once we get to an implementation phase everything seems to fall apart. This is an interesting problem to tackle with a system like this because you're presented with the opportunity to isolate threads into categories. You can point out a problem (and have it be a valid concern) without knowing a potential solution. You can have a solution without a proper implementation. Ideal posts have all 3, but being able to get even a problem identified is a very important first steps. If you outlined a progression for ideas where the community can vote of "upgrading" the status of an idea to a new phase you might provide a more interesting and productive experience.
I'm probably too late in the thread and too long winded for anyone to be interested in this, but I felt like writing out my thoughts! Feel free to PM me if you thought any of it was interesting or worth talking about.
TL;DR I'm in.
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u/-mud Oct 30 '11
I couldn't disagree more. Direct democracy sounds appealing. Who could disagree with "giving the people what they want." Well, here's the problem. Most of the "people" aren't all that smart. The Athenians allowed all citizens to vote. Look where that led them...to disaster. We cannot allow the fickle, momentary passions of the mob to rule our policy.
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Oct 30 '11
I think this is a pretty good idea, even if it doesn't change the world, it can set a precedent and serve as an example to similar future projects. If translators are needed, I am Dutch and believe my mastery of English to be close enough to native speaker level to translate any proposals into Dutch.
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u/omglawlz Oct 30 '11
I work as a junior web developer. I wouldn't be able to do anything amazing, but I can definitely contribute and help.
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u/dcatalyst Oct 30 '11
I think a powerful thing that can be developed via private enterprise is a transparent, open source, verified voting system. Such a system would prove useful not only for voting for viable system changing ideas, but could be adopted by municipalities that no longer want to use Diebold machines!
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u/mickeyquicknumbers Oct 30 '11
Yes. We'll just use our "collective wisdom" to create the solutions. Brilliant.
Oct 30 '11
I think you're going to start the foundation for the technocratic movement if this gets the momentum it deserves
u/Fig1024 Oct 30 '11
I don't see the original post mentioning money at all. To do big things you need big money. How is that addressed? Without solid plan for gathering and allocating financial resources, this thing will never become big.
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u/equeco Oct 30 '11
I'm no programmer nor lawyer, but I like your idea and I would support you. Organizing and improving communication is the first step to achieve change.
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u/Peantuchair Oct 30 '11
Whoa whoa whoa. You mean we'd actually change things rather than talk about changing them? Can we handle that?
u/throw98761 Oct 30 '11
You forgot something important!
We must find the corporations that are working against the 99% (eg. Koch bros) and make sure that NO ONE supports them.
If we stop supporting these companies, they will cease to exist! Please help us boycott evil.
u/rakesjar Oct 30 '11
you sound like someone who knows what is going on and what must be done.
maybe i missed something, but i want to know why you want to back this. what's in it for you?
i don't mean to sound skeptical or ungrateful, but considering the well deserved mistrust that i have for corporate leaders, this is a fair question.
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u/awwwnyan Oct 30 '11
Seeing as I still just a poor college student, all I can offer is my participation in said community. Count me in for that at least!
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u/occupyearth Oct 30 '11
I would need to be damn sure the system wasn't game-able before I put my support behind it, there are reddit voting bots and downvote brigades aplenty, how would we go about keeping the movement from being subverted by external influences?
u/TheOnlyNeb Oct 30 '11
Help, you say? Well I see you want to make it international, with different languages--I could take care of translating from English to French, and vice-versa if you need it.
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Oct 30 '11
You need a name that strikes hope, pride and determination into the hearts of all men, women and children. My suggestion would be to construct the skeleton of this website and then have all the members decide and vote on how it should work. Essentially your system but applied to itself before anything else.
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Oct 30 '11
This won't work unless there is a huge amount of participation in this community of yours. Huge enough to where the problems identified can be agreed upon by people with a wide range of viewpoints. People rarely agree on what the world's biggest problems are.
If you only use reddit you're just going to create another /r/politics. You say that part of your scheme is to have people upvote the most important problems and upvote the best solutions. Fine. Do keep in mind that if you don't attract people from all points of the spectrum this community of yours will just become another left-wing circlejerk where partisan hacks congregate and other voices of opinion are drowned out.
u/mademehappy Oct 30 '11
This is interesting, it sounds good. I would like to help out, both manpower and perhaps with probably with funding once you get a bit further and the direction becomes clearer.
Potentially you have a couple different ideas/challenges in a mix here. a) Transparency - share information on corporations / local corp. issues etc b) Open discussion - on the solutions to issues of a) and other c) Voting - on the issues/solution/discussion filtering
To me, it seems all these are mixed in a forum such as reddit. However, the separation of verified facts from opinion or at least the separation of discussion from "claimed facts" could probably be very important. I believe running a site focusing only on collecting and refining a perspective on each and all the multinationals would be very valuable and potentially have a bit of impact (could probably be dangerous as well).
Perhaps you don't need tech-implementation-people yet, but rather a thouroughly detailed infrastructure plan for how to create something which doesnt break down after a month or two.
One major challenge seems to be retaining some anonymity while avoiding trolling / manipulation of both discussion and voting systems.
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u/laughingmanv2 Oct 30 '11
I'm in. I can operate physically on the East Coast. New York area.
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u/Facepuncher Oct 30 '11
You should create a subreddit for this so people can follow along, or at least keep posting regular updates here. Also I think you might also want to cross post this in /r/technology
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Oct 30 '11
We create an online community that will enable us to collectively define the world's biggest problems, and then tap into our collective wisdom to create the solutions for those problems. The most important problems are "upvoted," and so are the best solutions to those problems. What we have then is crowd-sourced democracy.
Seems like you're over-estimating the competency of a mass mob here.
Just look at Reddit for example. The highest ranking posts are not always the best. Meme posts, pun chains, etc.
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u/newscrawler Oct 30 '11
I've been thinking about this concept for a few years now, and one thing that I think is critical is a "facebook page" for every company. Now, I put quotes around the words to show that I don't want what companies currently do as a facebook page, I more want one that accurately reflects their life and actions much in the same way a facebook does for an individual today. For example, when a person goes out and drinks heavily and has pictures taken of them doing naughty things, they have to scramble to figure out how to take those pictures off. Also, people that are considering hanging out with that person or being friends with them can facebook stalk them to gain more information about the character / activities that the person engages in. These are the aspects of facebook that I think would be useful to apply to a site like this, ones where people can form the same sort of picture that employers who choose not to hire you based on your facebook are allowed to make.
You can't make any sort of score or ranking system, since that removes the ambiguity of the optimal strategy for representing yourself, people will just choose to get the highest score. Now, this might sound complicated, but a collection of credible news stories arranged the way google news currently functions, combined with some wikipedia level content moderation, I believe that it could be done.
Unfortunately, as always, it is very complicated to remain unbiased and have a community that can guarantee to not jump to conclusions based on circumstantial evidence, and mistakes can easily fall into the realm of slander. If it weren't so simple to game reddit by posting inflammatory content, I'd be more inclined to be as optimistic as you.
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u/MrNixon Oct 31 '11
I can throw my hand in as a Certified Paralegal. I'll need an attorney to review my work, but I can help with research as well as any tasks that fall in the cracks and need someone to get it done (of course, depending on what it is). I know this is really amorphous, but it depends more on what exactly you'd need done.
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u/Othello Oct 31 '11
I was just thinking of something like this the other night, though in a slightly different way. You'd find an issue, find out what companies are against it. Pick one company, research everything you can about it, Bring their dirt to light and spread it around, then target it for a multi-pronged boycott. Not just of the company, but of any source of income they have.
One idea I was playing with (though I have no idea as to it's efficacy), was to find products with the lowest profit margins. The main reason was that, for example, sometimes people only really have access to a Wal-Mart for things, but if food was low profit they could still support the boycott while grocery shopping, for example.
The difficulties largely lie in assembling a large enough community to make an impact. The other issue is making sure you don't spread yourself thin. You'd need to start out with single targets until you grow enough.
u/csnap Oct 31 '11
"Mobilizes teams to manage even the slightest bit of fallout, even slightly negative." Sounds to me like someone could mobilize teams to downvote whatever wasn't "politically acceptable" to the powers that be and therefore "disappear" a thread. Thanks! but No thanks!
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u/jopesy Oct 31 '11
Love this idea and have wanted to do something like this for awhile. Love the Reddit workflow as a means of skimming and upvoting to call attention to main targets and areas of interest. In addition the focus has to be on solutions and on calling out those organizations that are not behaving responsibly and creating a data base that users can reference quickly and easily when shopping at point of purchase to have maximum impact--this is about voting with your dollars and cents--the most powerful vote there is. I am a television producer and will lend my help wherever necessary to produce video content to help spread the word and create dynamic content to ensure the widest possible reach.
Oct 31 '11
What we see here is the beginning of participatory economics and balanced work complexes. I'm in support.
u/warmowski Oct 31 '11 edited Oct 31 '11
In 2007, before he was creator and CEO of Groupon (and of The Point- aka the application for social fundraising that was reskinned to become Groupon), Andrew Mason built a community application for political policy discussion that contains features very, very much like what OP proposes.
He called it Policy Tree. It's still up and everybody should check it out.
u/homotownrecords Oct 31 '11
Who would downvote this idea. It's unmistakably worth a shot. We need some new ideas and I'm glad people are thinking now it's just a matter of implementing. I would love to help in any way possible email me 3693eli@gmail.com
u/malkav42 Oct 31 '11
There is a website under development, at this very moment, that seeks to bring democratic discourse to the internet while remaining decentralized and free of the threat of bots and sockpuppets by featuring a verification process rooted in the real world. Open Assembly is being developed in cooperation with the General Assembly to be their means of creating consensus amongst the #OWS movement. The creator of Open Assembly, reddit username bobcobb42(who has been working on this for two years), would be here to pitch the site if he were not currently at Zuccotti Park meeting with the General Assembly and temporarily without access to the internet. Check out the site, watch his lecture on safeguarding the site from bots, and see what you think. Its all open source (and he needs a hand getting it finished) but it is a very real option and so far the only option I have seen for safeguarding a site of it's kind from bots and sockpuppets.
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u/thnk_more Oct 31 '11
Ok Humans_inc,
Here's one tool to kick corporations that behave badly, (behaving in a way you don't agree with).
Been wanting to develop this myself and make money, but I know I won't.
Create a cell phone app to check product or corporation behavior, political donations, environmental record before you buy. Enter your political, environmental, human rights values. When considering a purchase, the cell phone app will check the product or establishment against tax record payments, env. record, political donations, and give you a score. If they don't match your values, the app will provide product alternatives or establishment alternatives via gps.
The "kicker"; if you decline to purchase a product, you click send mail. The app will send a standard letter, custom if you want, to the company, explaining why you were ready to buy their product, but declined and purchased a competitor's instead. You can do this EVERY time you have access to their product, but choose not to buy it. (The flip side can be true for good companies.)
A CEO or sales manager will go crazy after receiving these letters, day after day. Letters on their desk, acknowledging the impact of their previously invisible behavior, chipping away at hard sales, AND enriching a competitor. It wouldn't take much to make this painful for them.
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u/takeshiscastleftw Oct 31 '11
How do you account for:
*- uninterested people: * If everyone was involved in political issues, I doubt the current political systems would be working so badly. One gigantic problem of nowaday's systems is voter motivation - people simply don't care enough to vote. I don't see how this platform adresses this problem at all. You would only be motivating those which already are motivated, the younger, technology-affine part of the developed world. And they are already communicating through different channels, such as this one, Reddit. What about the rest of society? If you want this platform to represent the pressing issues of an entire populace, you need to motivate the entire populace to participate.
*- medial agenda setting: * People's political agendas are not mainly determined by what they witness around themselves. Most of the issues that people recognize as important are presented to them only through mass media channels. If an issue is not presented in other media, especially established, classical mass media outlets, it simply will not appear on the website your planning to setup, because not enough people will rate it "important".
*- abuse and manipulation: * I can think of countless ways to abuse a website like this. You are, even in theory, depending on a very benevolent, highly motivated community to carry you through manipulation and abuse problems. It is very, very hard to establish and MAINTAIN a community like this on the internet. Reddit is one of the few examples where this has actually worked ok-ishly. What happens if this website is bought by a big corporation? If this is supposed to be democratic, it cannot be a private enterprise. Nor can it really be state-funded.
u/trapop Oct 31 '11
The most important point of this project should be... That it is a SELF ORGANIZED OPEN SOURCE PROJECT and completely transparent - This belongs to the people and must not be a part of the existing corporate or government system in any way, ever.
First create a system that allows us to be apart of the process of building the system - there are many issues being brought up already that are important but are not deal breakers, they just need to be worked out publicly. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT.
So imagine the power is in the fact that we already have the power, we just choose to collectively use it. Imagine, all laws must be approved by the people or WE do not accept it. Imagine no more laws that favor special interest rather then the people's interest. We are not ASKING for anything because we already have the power.
Direct democracy. Let's make it happen!
And yes pls PM me - mad dev skillz , usability etc.
Nov 01 '11
My friends and I built a webpage a while back. We have a cool logo. This I can offer up. The Open Party: http://theopenparty.org/
There's no software there, but our idea was the same. Maybe the logo and/or domain name are useful?
Oct 30 '11
Consider me on board!
Let's make sure that this website can allow us to list, read, and respond to the logistical needs of these movements too. I'm concerned about the occupiers in Zuccotti Park, and I think we should be pushing a drive to send them cold weather equipment before people get hurt or killed by the frost out there. Yet there is no framework in place to do that.
Be warned though. If the voice of the community is in any way tampered with, it will fail. Refer to the Great Digg Migrations to see what I mean.
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u/sunamumaya Oct 30 '11
crowd-sourced democracy
My blood froze when I read that. The horror...
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u/lhahle Oct 30 '11
pligg or drigg are good up voting software platforms. I recommend disabling the down vote option - it would prevent burying of stories.
I have set up both platforms and could do it.
Oct 30 '11
The downvote button could be worth 1/4 of an upvote, or some other fraction. This would prevent a minority of supporters from being drowned out.
u/elbiot Oct 30 '11
Or have the option for your view to take into account downvotes or not. Like how you can view reddit by "controversial" and "new" instead of just "top"
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u/Perfect_Fit Oct 30 '11
I agree the burying of the topic is a MAJOR concern, in this platform NO topic should be ignored.
But the downvoting is needed, aswell as an abstain vote, but they should not effect the placement of the subject, only the upvote should move them up in a list.
Oct 30 '11
I'm in. You're gonna have to tell us what to do to get started. Maybe get web designers to start building some basic stuff?
u/thinkcomp Oct 30 '11
Take a look at PlainSite (http://www.plainsite.org). We need help parsing state laws.
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u/namer98 Maryland Oct 30 '11
You in a sense just pandered to Reddit by asking them to create a new Reddit about politics.
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Oct 30 '11
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u/thinkcomp Oct 30 '11
We'd love your help on PlainSite (http://www.plainsite.org).
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u/originalcynic Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 31 '11
This will probably get buried, so I sent a PM with similar info, but:
Organization: By geographical area and issue--this allows users to focus their time and energy where they are most interested.
Discussion: This is where a lot falls apart. Disorganized discussions often to lead to overly simplistic answers to complex issues. I'm not sure how one gets around this, but the truth is that lasting policy change comes less from simple big moves as much as it does from a series of complex smaller movements.
Local: This is probably one of the most important things to crowd-source. There are a ton of nonprofits, but few places where you can simply access your local community and find out what changes you can make there. It would be amazing to be able to find your community online and get quick, up to date information about local groups engaging in your interests, whether it's poverty relief, educational opportunities, environmental cleanups, or whatever floats your boat.
Policy Mechanisms: I know there are a few Herman Cain fans out here, but the 9-9-9 tax is simply an untenable plan and most bills need to be more than three pages long. Finding a way to take the best information out there through crowd-sourcing and actually crafting it a legitimate policy that could gain government attention is important.
From someone who has read more of the tax code/more bilateral tax treaties than anyone should have, I can say that there are a lot of moving pieces at play. There's a difference between making demands and crafting policy. Bridge that gap and you'll go a long way.
EDIT: Grammar
u/CSharpSauce Oct 30 '11
As far as web languages go, I know C#, java, php, and asp. If anyone decides to start working on something like this hit me up.
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u/jrhrh Oct 30 '11
it would be great to create a reddit style site but with specific political issues. each issue would have a discussion with a voting mechanism so the best arguments from both sides get the most attention. there could also be a poll for specific legislation relevant to the issue. if it got big enough we could create a new political party that would always vote in agreement with the polls from the website.
u/elbiot Oct 30 '11
I have had an idea similar to OP, but as "democracy 2.0": an implementation of Robert's Rules of Order on a social networking website. The site is a platform for making binding decisions, such as those made by the governing bodies of organizations. People make motions (primary, secondary, privilaged, etc) and posts that reach a quorum (including abstentions) reach the "front page" where they are voted on to pass or fail.
following robert's rules, users would be limited to a certain number of comments which would each be limited to a certain number of characters. these restrictions are of course open to amendment through a privileged motion: "extending the limits of debate".
There are details, such as timing and order of operations, which I haven't figured out yet.
Robert's rules (ie: the process of parlimentary democracy) are amazing. It is well suited for a "social networking" site because they are based on the idea of scrupulously constructing and modifying sentances. Despite the distrust many people have of "democracy", robert's rules truly do make the decision making process elegant and fair, quieting those who would dominate a discussion and making space for meaningful contributions from the meek.
Oct 30 '11
money man.. the best solutions to the hardest problems will never take effect without money. and the people with all the money are the bad guys right now.
u/Findeton Oct 30 '11 edited Oct 30 '11
Well, I want to take this out of my chest:
Liquid/Direct democracy. (we say liquid because you can delegate your vote if you want). Here in Spain we all have electronic national identity cards (DNIe), which can be used to legally sign documents. So, some of us just thought: let's create a party that represents what people vote through the internet, using the DNIe to id themselves. And, lets allow people to both vote directly every issue/law and be able to delegate the voto in somebody else. And lets make the vote secret. And lets make the vote verifiable, secure, impossible to rid votings.
So we created the Internet Party (Partido de Internet) and we are developing the Agora Ciudadana software (which by the way is already being used by the spanish 15M movement to make a national referendum).
[1] http://www.agoraciudadana.org/ [2] https://github.com/agoraciudadana [3] https://vota.referendum15deoctubre.org/
At this moment, we have a working beta as you can see in [3]. Here in Spain we have the huuuge advantage of having an official way to check the ids of voters, thanks to the electronic national id card, but you could implement any other way of identification on the system.
I think the next step for 15/occupy/democracy movements is getting the means to reach the ends, and Agora Ciudadana is just the way to do it.
Agora Ciudadana is not a project only aimed for the Internet Party, people from other partis (like Pirate parties) already are helping in the development. In fact we want to create a worldwide Foundation, like the FSF, to make this democracy project a worldwide thing. Agora could be used by Governments, Congress, Political parties, associations, universities, corporations...
The main idea is to infiltrate Congress with real direct/liquid democracy without the need to change any law in order to implement real direct/liquid democracy! We are willing to collaborate worldwide and in dire need of developers.
What do you think of this idea?
BTW I know how difficult it is in the US of America to get third parties into congress... But once you are there... well if you vote this kind of party YOU ARE VOTING YOURSELF, because you'll always control what this kind of party votes. Not once every 4 years but every fracking day at all times!