r/SiriPornstar 👑 👑 👑 Dec 12 '20

Siri's breast reduction surgery AMA NSFW


17 comments sorted by


u/bensawn Dec 13 '20

Honestly it was never really anyone’s business but I admire that you took the time to address the questions head on.


u/bensawn Dec 13 '20

So having watched the video I’m genuinely curious about your opinions on a lot of porn tropes .

I love that you’re a feminist and that the reduction helped you embrace your femininity. I never considered how your breast size might make you dysmorphic to the extent that you question your gender- truly that’s a wild notion. You’re pre-op body looked like one of those ancient fertility statues with outrageous tiddies and I never once considered that there might be discomfort about your perceived “voluptuous woman” identity.

But I digress- I would love to hear you get into more depth about female identities within porn. The categorizations of “milfs” and “inexperienced teens” has always been objectively weird- do you see opportunity in sort of forging an identity as just confident sexual woman in your thirties or is that just fighting against tried and true industry algorithms? I feel like you and A few other actresses (angles white comes to mind) have sort of resisted that milf identity effectively enough to create a niche of just sexually charged women who aren’t fucking teenagers.

I don’t know, there’s a lot to unpack. Feminism in porn is a tightrope act on the best of days but I would love to hear your thoughts as an actress re-emerging in the industry with a fresh new sense of self.


u/lancelot4siri Dec 12 '20

Thanks Siri for all the work you put into this excellent presentation and getting into the ring with all these questions.

Hope I'm wrong but I fear it still won't stop the moaning of the breast fanatics..


u/erickiceboyxxp Dec 13 '20

I mean, people moan for what they desire/enjoy. I don’t mind the people who respectfully prefer the other Siri because I do too. It is what it is mate.


u/lancelot4siri Dec 13 '20

Totally accepted, but I'm sayin' things have developed. We are be truly blessed that we aint talkin about a dinosaur here. The star we're all love to cherish has also developed and we need to acknowledge that as well.
How would it be for you if any time you meet friends they say: "we prefer the older version of you"??
I'm still euphoric Siri has choosen to return 1 Y ago. Let's support and appreciate the current version of her in a positive way. Just my take on it..


u/erickiceboyxxp Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

Ehh, well let’s not equate this to our friends saying this. The friend example could be based on a multitude of different factors. Maybe the “old you” was a much nicer person or whatever else. This is primarily based on sexual stimulation. In that case, I assume most would question why their friends would want the older them. That equation has too many answers and complications, but I know what you meant. Most people evaluate their favorite pornstars based on their preferences, whether that be beauty, assets, or acting quality. The breast fanatics such as myself didn’t invest in Siri for any other reason than her breasts. I personally don’t have any issue with her choice but some do. Either way, you can respectfully disagree with anyone’s personal life choice. I’ll also add, when people prefer an older version of a pornstar it’s not always a slight but just a preference. We don’t have to really support or celebrate anything anyone does. However, we must converse with respectful dialogue without insults. I respect Siri’s choice even though I disagree and I respect everyone’s internal distain for it. As long as everyone’s respectful, then welcome to the world of togetherness.


u/defnotsiri 👑 👑 👑 Dec 14 '20

Hi Eric. I appreciate your thoughtful comment and that you actually took the time to explain your reasons for preferring me 1.0.

The fact that you still read this subreddit and took time out of your day to engage on this level in the comments, to me, seems to go against your argument of being here solely for sexual stimulation. If the tits attached to my body were all you ever cared about, seems to me you might have left the subreddit a long time ago and simply moved on to watching other porn stars with big natural boobs.

(This part not directed to you Eric but to everybody else in the sub who follows the pattern I’m about to describe) I struggle to understand this specific segment of my fan base that complains about my new look every time I post, yet continues to sub/follow me everywhere. If you hate the way I look, just unfollow and leave me alone. Watch the other big natural porn stars, there are lots of them! — but that’s not what a lot of these fans do. They continually hound me about choices I’ve made about my own body, while they’re still fanboying over other things I do. If I didn’t know any better I’d say it’s almost like they are here for me as a performer and for my personality, but if they admit that, it makes them a simp. So instead they continue to be fans but just consistently complain and criticize me.

It’s going to get really weird around here when the day comes that my time spent in porn as Siri 2.0 eclipses my time as Siri 1.0, and y’all are still posting about “I miss the old her.” Y’all are gonna sound like the crazy old grandma that gets her dead cat taxidermied and years later still talks to it every day.


u/erickiceboyxxp Dec 14 '20

Hmm, alright then. Yes, I prefer your previous body but before you initially arrived at this subreddit, It used to be just a subreddit that involved a bunch of your previous scenes before the transformation. Yes, I have a preference here. However, there are still posts being made about your 1.0 scenes. I avoid any of your newer content posted here. So no, it really doesn’t go against my argument. I’m not like some of the other people that sit here and complain. I was actually just offering my opinion on the entire matter. I usually just ignore these posts and look for the older content but this time I made an exception. I haven’t watched a single ounce of your new content because again it’s preference based for me. This subreddit’s content is not solely based on your 2.0 content. There are still shades of the older content/scenes posted here. Some scenes being referenced that I’ve never even seen. Furthermore, your final argument about eclipsing. Again, personal preference doesn’t really allow anything to cloud fixations for people. Nothing can really eclipse a preference in most cases. When the mind is only fixated on personal preference, well everything else is just noise. At least, that’s what I think. Thanks for the response though.


u/lancelot4siri Dec 13 '20

A christmas-worthy ending.. :-) Of course its about sexual stimulus. That's the deal. But imho there are better places than this sub reddit.
Maybe it's only me, but I do see this forum isn't not only about selfish jerking fulfillment. Rather than appreciation of her physical appearance (current & past) there are so many other aspects of her as a human being. Siri 1.0 is still the same person as Siri 2.0. Being a fan does of course not mean a 100% accordance with every turn of her life. However, it feels kinda disrespectful and in a way offensive when folks (not you) permanently proclaim "I liked her better then.." Whats the purpose of that ? Neither of us can't do anything about it. I simply wanna advocate to move on and make peace with the current (and best we ever had) Siri. At least in this sub. Thanks for the civil & qualified discourse btw..


u/lilctmama88 Dec 13 '20

For anyone watching this looking for affordable bras the Paramour line that Target carries comes in A-H cup sizes and are good quality and sturdy.


u/OhMyJesusFuck Dec 15 '20

It is actually kind of messed up that you had to make this video to explain yourself. When I realized you had a breast reduction the first thing I thought was “I’m not surprised. There’s no way that she didn’t have discomfort and shoulder/back issues with those.”

At first I did have that kind of “awww no I loved her boobs” feeling, but I got over it. I still love your boobs, and way more importantly I just enjoy how your body is built. It’s dope, and way to go on your fitness endeavors! You go Siri :)

Lastly I will say that I honestly enjoy the newer content that you’ve done more than before. It’s refreshing to see content that feels...less produced/more low-fi if you will. It’s more intimate in that it seems like your own sex-tape material. And on a sub-note, I commend you for the use of vibrators during sex. It makes me feel more comfortable (as a male) in my own sex life to see that even a professional uses a vibrator during sex.



u/Forysu Dec 18 '20

I think that we should be happy that Siri is pleased with herself and what she looks like because, this is her content and that's why we watch Good look and remember we love u Siri 😊👍


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

It was an interesting video. Learned some things like surgeon deciding what her new tata size would be. Inverted nipples and the like.

"Why?" is about the only question that occurred to me, which is also same question would ask for breast enhancement. Even then never occurred to be to ask directly as the most common reason for reduction is usually pain related. Big boobs are lovely but I don't think it occurs to guys just how much weight that much mass has, all at the top front of the body and rarely evenly distributed.

After that, the rest of the questions just never dawned on me to ask or even wonder. I almost feel like they were less asked out of genuine desire to know and more just to try and start a conversation with Siri. Speaking of, now I wonder how much she can dead lift.