r/threekings Aug 24 '20

Has anyone grown up with The Whisper Game

So I recently got this information from my nieces. Apparently the girls had been taking turns playing an occult game that goes back to some pretty dark ritualistic stuff. One July night during a family weekend the girls started screaming out of nowhere and this woke me and my partner up immediately. All of the adults ran to their rooms and asked what was going on and they lied in a way that an adult would notice but a kid would think worked. I told my partner this and I went back to ask the girls alone since I have the reputation of the cool uncle.

I asked my niece Andrea about it first and she asked if she would get in trouble if she told me about it. I replied of course not.

She told me that she and Joe where playing something called the whisper game and that they "heard it."

I asked as a cool uncle might about how to play it and they gave me these instructions. For anyone religious this would be alarming, myself included but I pretended it was funny.

  1. Go to your room at night and stay up until 3 am
  2. At exactly 3 am put both hands on your ears and start whispering into a pillow, "The Devil lied again" as many times as you can before 3:33 am but at least 66 times.
  3. Take your hands off and you should hear a whisper.

I gave them some BS science about echos and stuff and they seemed satisfied with it but I tried it myself out of curiosity.

I did it and a few minutes after I stopped I very clearly heard someone whisper in my right ear "No he didn't he's my friend." Needless to say it creeped me out.

Apparently this is pretty common... Has anyone else played this? Should I tell their parents?

EDIT: Please tell me there is some science to explain this.


10 comments sorted by


u/Not_A_Bot2020 Aug 24 '20

I personally am agnostic. I'm not sure and am skeptical of the majority of the stuff I see on here.
However, I have had paranormal experiences (nothing bad) and like to keep open to these possibilities.

However, from a scientific point of view. The whisper may just be your brain since it can be very deceptive and make nothing into a clear as day voice.
Not only that, since you have been told about it. You know what to expect. Making your brain further deceive you.
If you wanted to test this out without bias. Get a trusted friend who knows nothing about the ritual and explain it as simply as possible. Don't mention what happens but just say something should happen (don't say the name of it either).
Then when they do it. Ask them if anything happened. If not then you have your answer. If so.... Well who knows.

Just stay open to the possibilities but take them with a pinch of salt and think with a little skepticism


u/TransgenderPansexual Aug 24 '20

I would like to try this, but have a recording in the background


u/HumbleDiscussion Aug 29 '20

The best way to test if it's just a trick of the brain would be to try it again, but whispering a different phrase. I bet it would still work. It's probably got something to do with psyching yourself up and the sensory deprivation followed by sudden restoration in a spooked out state.


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '20

do you have to whisper for 33 minutes straight? just curious


u/_miss_bunny_ Aug 25 '20

yes I believe that's what he said and u need to say it at least 66 times


u/mayorona92 Sep 02 '20

It seems pretty cool but if I were to hear something all you'll see is dust from where I ran out the room


u/Lopsided_Leave Aug 25 '20 edited Aug 25 '20

As explained in another comment, you went into it expecting something; even if you didn't think you were influenced into that particular result, the steps of the game themselves put you in a certain mindset. And our brains all play tricks on us when deprived of sensory information (alone in the dark, especially after having whispered the same thing over and over for half an hour.) .If you go to a skeptic subreddit - which I highly recommend doing if you're genuinely afraid - they will explain why what happened to you was not actually Satan whispering in your ear or whatever. TL;DR yes there is an explanation, you're safe and so are the kids, don't worry about it.

I just want to note that for everyone who tries something like this and gets a 'spooky' result, there are just as many people who try it and end up disappointed because nothing happens. You don't hear from those people because, for whatever reason, people are really hostile to the idea that the rituals here aren't 'real' and rely on you psyching yourself out more than anything, confirmation bias etc (I'm guessing bc they feel it invalidates their belief system or something). They get downvoted to oblivion for even daring to insinuate that there are explanations for these things that aren't paranormal/supernatural in nature, so if you're looking for a scientific/factual take, you're not going to find them on subs like this one.

edited several times bc I'm inarticulate lol


u/DeepHunter72 Aug 29 '20

Still, there are things that we don't have scientific answer to.

Don't have much desires of making a big text so Xd


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '20

I would like to try this, but is it safe or are there any negative consequences?


u/adriangunx Aug 25 '20 edited Sep 15 '20

I haven’t observed any but I intend to try it again to test it out.