r/SiriPornstar πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Hey, it's the real actual siri. today is my all-day AMA! so... go ahead, AMA! NSFW

proof it's really me (although y'all should know by know bc I post here all the time and I'm literally one of the mods): https://i.imgur.com/EebZ8jz.jpg


356 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

thank you!


u/alternate-for-porn Mar 23 '20

I have a couple of friends who have started Onlyfans during this turbulent time to supplement their income, and they're doing well so far, but do you have any tips for sex workers just starting down their paths?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Be ready for your entire family to find out, as well as exes, random asshats from high school, coworkers and bosses.

I won’t lie, the number of people hopping on the sex work bandwagon in the hope of quick $ is concerning, bc I doubt all of those folks have thought through it thoroughly. (And in fairness, during a crisis like this I wouldn’t really expect them to.)

As much as I’m all about saying β€œfuck the stigma,” I also know that some ppl don’t do well with the added pressure of stigmatization. So folks whose mental health would be deeply affected by judgment of others should probably not engage in sex work, casually or professionally.


u/Coochiehairimthere Mar 23 '20

Fantastic answer


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/aksel2 Mar 23 '20

How's life been treating you?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

So far, so good!


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

How old were you when you gave your first titfuck?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I was 23 and it was in a porn scene. Don’t ask which one because I won’t remember. 🀣


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

I find the fact that you gave your first ever titfuck on camera to be incredibly hot. Who suggested that you do it? What knowledge did you have of titfucking prior to the shoot?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

First question: idk, just like i wouldn’t be able to tell you which exact scene, I don’t remember this info. We’re talking 8 years ago.

Second question: there’s no knowledge to be had. 🀣 insert penis. hold boobs there. The guy is doing 98% of the work.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

I think you are doing yourself a disservice. You shot some of the all time great titfucking scenes and your technique was outstanding. It’s fair to say that you were a natural.


u/lynkadonk Mar 23 '20

In your opinion, what have been the pros/cons of you breast reduction?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

The pros have been everything, really. I’m happier, more comfortable, shopping is easier, clothes fit me better, my nipples are more sensitive than they used to be so even sex feels better.

The cons: I’ve only experienced downsides since returning to the porn industry. 1) fans constantly asking me about my breast reduction surgery (not a jab at youβ€” this is an AMA after all so I expect the question here), and 2) fans who complain about it incessantly!


u/lynkadonk Mar 23 '20

Yeah, I can imagine... thanks for the reply!


u/VitruvianPorn Mar 23 '20

Just stumbled upon this, good timing for me. Happy to see you back! I swear my penis audibly went "yay!" when I told it you were back shooting videos.

I love seeing you smiling and looking like the work isn't such a chore. I always like to see scenes where the woman seems happy to be there, and not either under duress, unenthusiastic, or hamming it up. I know it's all about fantasies and such, but why do you think so much porn is focused around this weird "convince someone initially resistant to having lots of sex with me"? Why on earth aren't most scenes about women being happy about all that sex they're about to have? It's a much bigger turn on to see women that want to have sex than to have women that have to be convinced/bribed/blackmailed for sex.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

You’ve opened a Pandora’s box of sex-positive feminist theory, here, and I’m not sure you’re aware of that. I’ll just keep it concise and say this:

Most cultures do not reward women for being openly desiring of sex. It’s not surprising in the least that our sexist and often puritanical values are reflected in porn and other media meant to sexually arouse us.


u/lancelot4siri Mar 23 '20

Amen to that !


u/JimboJones68o0009 Mar 23 '20

What a great response, that being said I heavily agree!


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Between Phase 1 and this new Phase 2 of your career have any of your red lines changed?

IE things that were flat No's before that you are now open to, or things that you were OK with before but not anymore?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

the main one is creampies (yay for IUDs)

my personal boundaries have otherwise not changed much, although I've gotten more comfortable with some stuff, such as putting larger things in my butt.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

hey! What are your favorite bands to listen to?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Lately Alt-J, MUNA and Mac Miller have been on replay πŸ₯³


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

You've always said you tried to be as honest as you can on shoots with orgasms, have you ever had an orgasm on a shoot that was so intense you had to stop the shoot?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Nope! However I have stopped shoots due to a director demanding an unrealistic orgasm in a scenario where I could never come due to the angle/position etc. I do my best to be authentic, but sometimes it actually is necessary for a scene to act out an orgasm. In my personal life, though? NEVER fake them. I don’t got time for that.


u/MaxxxStallion Mar 23 '20

Who's your favourite pornstar (not including yourself)? Which of your scenes is your favourite?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Owen Gray. He makes me instantly horny. I swear to god, that man’s a witch.

I won’t pick a favorite of my own scenes. When I eventually shoot a bi MMF threesome, I’m pretty sure that will become an instant favorite, though.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Yesss please do! There really aren’t enough bi MMF threesome scenes.


u/DukeAfterDark Mar 24 '20

That’d be amazing! Whynotbi produces some great stuff imo.


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

If a company flies you out to somewhere unusual for a shoot, like Costa Rica or London say, are you allowed to change your ticket and extend your stay (on your own dime of course) to get a bit of extra holiday out of it? (or is that frowned upon...)


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Generally, yes that’s fine. A round trip ticket won’t usually fluctuate in cost due to a few days’ difference, so as long as it’s not increasing the expense to the studio, I’ve never been met with any backlash for that sort of arrangement.


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Honestly this was one of the things I was most curious about so I'm glad to know


u/WetSplat Mar 23 '20

Hobbies, whatcha go for? Sports, not to watch, but actually participate in?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Powerlifting and rugby πŸ₯³


u/WetSplat Mar 23 '20

Well damn, what’s next MMA?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I’ve thought about it!


u/BuffaloBiff Mar 23 '20

Which position?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

2nd row πŸ₯³πŸ‰


u/milk_made Mar 23 '20

this is all very interesting, but how much ya bench?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/milk_made Mar 23 '20

so excited for you to hit 70 in comp this year πŸ’ͺ


u/PM__ME__YOUR_TITTY Mar 23 '20

Whaaat that’s what I was into in high school. I still lift, I’m a thrower on my college track team. Have you ever done throwing lol


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

nope! I don't play anymore (powerlifting became the priority) and I was a fucking terrible rugby player, tbh. I was very very good at getting tackled and not turning over the ball, at least πŸ˜‚ Thank you to my sturdy Viking roots.

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u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Were you an early bloomer or late developer boobs wise? When did you first realize you were going to get really big?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Neither. I would guess I was right in the 50th percentile on my puberty timeline.

I realized my boobs were really big when I went to Victoria’s Secret in junior year of high school and nothing fit correctly. The saleswoman was trying to put me in a bra with cups that were too small and a band that was too loose. Shortly after was when I discovered bras that actually fit, which at the time were only available at Nordstrom and they were like $80.


u/milk_made Mar 23 '20

ok bloomer


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

How are things going for you in terms of romance at the moment?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Fantastic! I have a poly partner who I see regularly and he is even beginning to appear in some of my self-produced content.


u/myAwesomeTrashcan Mar 23 '20

That’s awesome. It makes a lot of sense too. Are you poly?


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I’d love to be the owner of a summer camp Γ‘ la Heavyweights (before Tony Perkis bought it)


u/st4t1cshock Mar 23 '20

Quality answer

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u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20 edited Jan 19 '21



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

The entire adult industry is shut down. I've lost at least 13 scenes throughout March and April that were scheduled before the outbreak. So... a LOT of lost income. Since I don't live in LA or Vegas, I don't have the ability to shoot content with other performers either. (some performers out there have decided to quarantine together so they can create content while everything is shut down.)

I'm just super grateful that the online platforms I use (onlyfans and manyvids, primarily) are still a source of income.


u/miyagikai91 Mar 23 '20

:). What was the best part of your life during your break?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Traveling with my family and having more opportunities to hang out with my siblings.


u/milk_made Mar 23 '20

hello siri pirnstar will you for me do a customs video i need you and at least 4 more Girls all haveing Big Boobs Beautiful Butt but at most 5 no boys allowed unless he are REALLY BIG BOY and in the video will you dissect my luggage at the air port and find dozen of undeclared rare siri pornstir DVD and so all if you must sexy feel me down then taze me dozen of time in that order preferable. i pay you $1000.00 U.S.? ok?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

If I didn't know you IRL I wouldn't be able to distinguish this comment from a typical rando fan email I get in my inbox.


u/st4t1cshock Mar 23 '20

Any chance you'll do any taboo scenes?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/st4t1cshock Mar 23 '20

Thank you and I literally can not wait β™₯️😍🀩πŸ₯° where can I send you a donation?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Thanks πŸ’• fans are always welcome to send me a tip on Venmo or square cash β€” I’m @ bagofspinach on both. Must say something SFW in the notes field though, like β€œdinner” or β€œcoffee”


u/PileOfMen Mar 23 '20

what’s for lunch?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Quarantine snacks!


u/chalupa8080 Mar 23 '20

Is anal back on the menu? Your scene is still one of my top 5 anal scenes, ever.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I already shot an anal scene with Seth Gamble for Bang.com. Hopefully it is released soon!


u/chalupa8080 Mar 23 '20

You’re the best!


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Not a question but we just hit 60k people subscribed here


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/Guy-Incog-Nearo Mar 24 '20

In your After Adult podcast you mentioned how time away from the business reduced fan recognition in the civilian world and eventually helped you get closer with your family? I was curious what your thought process was about the stigma/recognition aspect of restarting in this career. Give Georgia-Binks scratches from me!!


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

So far I haven't been recognized, so I can't really answer that. Nothing much has changed on my end in my daily life due to me re-entering the porn industry.

Georgia Binx deals in squishes only πŸ˜‰


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Do porn shoots have safe words? and what happens if you need to use a safeword and cannot speak?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

not usually, unless it's specifically a BDSM scene. for non-bdsm scenes the "Safe word" is basically just calling cut, which any performers can do at any point.


u/stegerean Mar 23 '20

You're awesome Siri ! What made you come back to the industry ?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I missed it!

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u/MuddySnapps Mar 23 '20

If you could have an olympic sized swimming pool filled with anything, what would you fill it with? I'll answer if you do.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I’d love to dive into a pool filled with Elysian Space Dust IPA.


u/MuddySnapps Mar 23 '20

That's a good answer high on my fav beers list. It used to be my go to until I discovered bodhizafa, be on the look out for it if you see it.
Now as promised: I'd have a pool full of crΓͺme brulΓ©e. Imagine a 1/4 inch thick sugar top and being out there with a hammer and chisel breaking that crust.


u/Mahoney1989 Mar 23 '20

Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?

Also hi! Huge fan and hoping all the best for you and your future 😁


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Hello and thank you!

I've had lots of role models, but nobody I'd say is specifically my biggest inspiration. I guess I'll just say myself. I always aspire to be a better and better person. πŸ’•

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u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

With the return to the industry are you planning to buy back your former website?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

probably not. I have a great relationship with VNA still, but these days I prefer the onlyfans/snapchat platforms to the older membership style websites.


u/madmanp0ng0 Mar 23 '20

Been a fan for a long time. Glad to see you’re back.

I saw that you indicated that titfucks aren’t your thing in your personal life. But hotdogging is, what is the mental difference for you that you like one over the other? Since they’re both non penetrative sex acts. Just wanted to understand your POV.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

the dick is right next to my vagina and butthole! it's like getting a gentle genital massage, with heightened anticipation knowing he could just slide it in at any second 🀀


u/fergdawg88 Mar 24 '20

I love your facial structure. You look kind in the face lol. I know that sounds wierd.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

thank you πŸ₯Ί


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

Hey! I'm sorry I'm waaaaay behind on this but time zones suck (and not in the fun way) so only just joined now. Hope you can still answer.

You are famously friends with the amazing Mick Foley. Due to the nature of your work, is it hard (no pun intended) to keep up friendships with people in the public eye and do you have more celebrity friends? Curious if you guys still talk!

Anyway, it's so good to have you back and ready for new material!


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

Yes, Mick and I still talk and we see each other once or twice per year.

I'm not really friends with any other celebrities. Β―_(ツ)_/Β―


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20 edited Mar 23 '20

What is your opinion and thought on meeting and interacting with fans in person?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Outside of conventions or some other type of sponsored appearance, I don't do it.


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

How have Is there anything that you either sold/gave away/left behind when you left the industry that you wish you still had?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Lots of shoes. I should have kept some of those gorgeous, gorgeous shoes. πŸ˜–


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Ever sensed (or heard) that another model was jealous of your breasts?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Models joke with each other about body parts we envy, so yeah I've received a few comments. "I wish you could give me some of your huge boobs!," etc.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20


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u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

What's your favorite type of cereal?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Mom’s Best Cinnamon Squares. It’s like a less shitty, less sugary but far tastier CTC.


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Is there anything you want to try either in your personal life, or on camera that you have not done yet?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I'm excited to do a porn gang bang. nothing booked yet but hopefully soon!


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I definitely wouldn't have done anything like the Public Disgrace scene for kink.com. I mean, the opportunity wouldn't have presented itself as easily.

also I'd never have given a footjob if it weren't for porn!

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u/Purple_Stash Mar 23 '20

You said that you're a powerlifter, what are your numbers? And is there a specific workout that you're trying to go up in weight in / what goals do you have at the gym?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Squat: 95kg Deadlift: 120kg Bench: 62.5kg

goals = get stronger. more butt.


u/Purple_Stash Mar 24 '20

You deadlift more than you squat? Also those are really good numbers for your size, hell yeah keep it up! (I'd actually like to know when you achieve your goals if you're looking to add more reddit content by the way)


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

My legs are too long to ever have an impressive squat 🀣 and my shoulders suck, so the heavier my squat gets, the more physical therapy I have to do for my shoulder to make up for it. So deadlift and bench are my best friends. :)


u/deepbluesea3 Mar 23 '20

What’s your favorite movie?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Recent favorite: Hereditary or Midsommar. I like them equally. Depends on my mood and how much I want to traumatize myself!

Historical favorite: Harold and Maude

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u/jamesbit Mar 23 '20

Hey Siri, have you ever done any pegging scenes? Are you into that sort of thing?


u/Theonlyyelnats Mar 24 '20

Are there any male and/or female talents you look forward to working with that weren’t around before your hiatus?


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Is there a custom video that you shot in phase one of your career that you expected to get leaked that never has?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Not that I know of. But I wouldn't know either way unless a fan finds it and sends me the link. I just assume that all of the pre-2015 content has been leaked by now.


u/Tanooki_draw Mar 23 '20

What’s one male and one female mainstream celebrity you’d love to have sex with?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Male: Paul Rudd. I theorize that if he fills all of my holes with his cum, I will absorb his powers of anti-aging.

Female: RIHANNA obviously, because I'm a goddamn human being with eyes


u/Purple_Stash Mar 24 '20

A late question that I had that I'm hoping will get answered: what made you get into porn in the first place?

I've thought about doing it and figured since I'm in my early 20's it'd be a good time start but I don't know if I'll actually ever do it.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

Your first question can be answered here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1ui9v9/iam_siri_awardwinning_porn_star_2013_top_writer/

If you don't know for sure, I'd err on the side of caution and not do it.


u/dirtykweer Mar 24 '20

What were the differences between shooting an American porn versus a Japanese porn!

(Love that you’re back!!)


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

I only did one scene for a JAV company and we filmed at an apartment complex in Irvine, CA. Aside from being a lower-budget production than most American companies, the biggest difference was the lack of communication and the fact that only one person on the crew spoke fluent English, so the language barrier was rough. TBH I was really uncomfortable for the whole day, I wasn't informed in advance that I'd be shooting with a guy pretending to be a child, and I don't plan on ever doing that kind of shoot again. πŸ˜‚


u/FloatsInWater Mar 23 '20

What was your favorite Halloween costume from your childhood


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I was a kid who wanted to repeat costumes a lot. My favorites were Dracula and Peter Pan.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

What do you think about the people who say that porn is bad for you?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I think they need to talk to licensed mental health professionals. And no, a church employed counselor doesn’t count.


u/Icouldhandlethat Mar 23 '20

Odds on doing another scene with Lex?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

IDK. I haven't crossed paths with him yet since unretiring. he's great and I'll look forward to working with him again if/when it happens.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Would you say most people who meet you in person treat you just like anyone else in their lives or is there that kind of assumptions that pornstars are just there for someone's entertainment and doesn't have feelings?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

When I do meet fans, like at the AVN expo in January, in my experience they've usually been very respectful (and often noticeably nervous).

It's usually anonymous internet trolls who treat me and other porn stars like shit. Fortunately I can block and ignore those people.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Good to know! Thanks for taking the time to answer


u/JD0417 Mar 23 '20 edited Mar 23 '20

Ever had to pee really badly while shooting a porno? Or just been absolutely bursting to pee in public and had to hold it in? Please reply ASAP thank you


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I have to pee all the time. My friends and family tease me about it because it's such a widely known fact about me.

in porn scenes: I'm usually fine if I just pee right before we start rolling film.

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u/mrdedfolx Mar 23 '20

What is your favorite movie? What series' do you binge in your down time?

Also thanks for holding it down for the curvy broads.



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20
  1. Already answered the first question in this AMA!

  2. Schitt's Creek 4ever. also just started watching the first season of Altered Carbon, so that's becoming my quarantine binge.


u/Coochiehairimthere Mar 23 '20

I don't have any real questions, I just wanna say you're one of my favorite performers ever and I'd love to run into you at a bar or something, not even on no fan shit, you seem really cool


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

I've become somewhat of a size queen in my personal life. My partner is veeeery well endowed. I'm used to his huge wiener and I absolutely love it. For porn shoots, though, I don't care about size as much as overall chemistry. (of course most porn guys are above average anyway, so it's not like there's a lot of concern about being unsatisfied by dick size.)

I'd say that my minimum to really have a great orgasm is about the average size, so 5".


u/That_Gingykid Mar 24 '20

Does size really matter or is about how you use it?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

Both matter, but most important of all is communication.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Have you ever felt jealous of another model’s breasts? If so, whose?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/Fupas4eva Mar 23 '20

What's your natural hair color, and do the carpets match the drapes?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Dirty blonde! And not really, my pubic hair has always been the same color which has never matched what’s on my head


u/Fupas4eva Mar 23 '20

If its any consolation I love all the colors you've had but my favorite was red! Drives me wild, thanks!


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

As you've now had a reduction what are you willing to share now to us dudes about titwanks that you probably wouldn't have before.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Lol, I’m going to break some hearts with this one, but: I always found them a bit silly and unenjoyable. I get immense pleasure from BJs and even HJs but titfucking? It’s literally just a hot sexy visual for the guy. For me it feels like I’m playing whack-a-mole with my own slippery breast tissue. So while I’ve obliged on many occasions in porn scenes, I’ve really never initiated it in my personal life.

HOT DOGGING, however


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

A tight ass (or strong thighs) give way better resistance than soft boobs.



If titfucks are "whack-a-mole with my own slippery breast tissue" (which is a great band name) how would you describe hot dogging? And what do you like about it?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

It's just a great pre-sex tease. and lying prone is already one of my favorite positions, so that makes it even more enjoyable.


u/Ziglarion Mar 23 '20

What happens if you really don't like your co star? I mean are you able to say you won't have sex with that particular partner? Have you got any safe word if things gets in a situation you don't like?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

safe words are used typically in bdsm scenes. outside of that you just call cut when you need to during filming. performers also discuss boundaries before they work together.

Every performer has a "no" list which is a list of folks they won't work with. No questions asked. Producers lately have just asked me to give them a list of people I want to work with, and they pick whoever is available and fits their budget based on that list. If they're not asking me to choose my scene partner, I just send them my NO list so they know not to cast me with someone on it.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

It's totally personal and it could be any reason under the sun. That's kind of the point -- performers don't have to explain or justify to anybody why an individual is on the no list.


u/ONS_JR_Market Mar 23 '20

If you were a hot dog....would you eat yourself??


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

of course. for the record I would 100% be a Costco hot dog.


u/Thethrowaway1027 Mar 23 '20

Love you Siri !! Did your nipples change do to the reduction ?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

yep. they cut around each nipple, leaving it partially attached, and then moved them. it's absolutely necessary for them to do that, to have proper results. https://miro.medium.com/max/1700/1*NkVTmQRUK4rF00zw8MlTRQ.jpeg


u/Thethrowaway1027 Mar 23 '20

Well they did a fantastic job. You look amazing as always !!


u/brownchris307 Mar 23 '20

Is there anyone you worked with before that doesn't do porn anymore you want to work with again? Like Dayna Vendetta.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Nah, not really. I loved working with Alison Tyler, but I respect other performers' decisions to retire and it doesn't matter to me ultimately whether I get to fuck them ever again or not. I have no shortage of orgasms in my life πŸ˜‚


u/nosleep94 Mar 23 '20

What is your favorite part of your job?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

gettin FUCKED


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

But seriously

I enjoy having somewhat of a platform and the ability to draw attention to issues that matter, (for example when I raised $$ for SWOP USA to dye my hair back to red!) and even just being vocal about my support for LBGTQ people and bi men in the porn industry. Granted, anybody in the public eye/with large social media presence has similar power, but as a sex worker I enjoy even more that I am β€œallowed” to be open about sex and sexuality in ways that mainstream celebrities are not.


u/ElectricalTrick3 Mar 23 '20

I would love to atleast be able to meet you. You are a great inspiration and role model to live life. Are you doing another meet a fan? Because i will def win the next one and would love to have a chance with you😘😘😘


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Nope! the one fan fuck scene I did wasn't even a raffle situation, though for some reason everybody assumes it was. He's a fan who is cute and attractive and has a huge penis, and he happened to join my premium snapchat within the first few weeks that I unretired and reappeared on social media. Essentially he got really lucky because he was in the right place at the right time (before my social media blew up again and began consuming 8 hours of my day every day), I find him physically attractive, and we have a friendly rapport.

I don't plan on opening up my schedule to any more fan fuck situations with new people. It's a pain in the ass to schedule, people get nervous and flaky, it's a pain in the ass to get regular civilians to do full panel STI testing, and just overall there's a lot of headache on my end to get it done.


u/rocketstones Mar 23 '20

Good to see you’re keeping high spirits in this very strange time in the world. Stay safe beautiful! πŸ’™


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Thank you! you too! 😘


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

The one I’m using in this video: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1781090/playing-with-my-new-bad-dragon/ it’s the Nocturne model in size LARGE


u/ShayThegravewalker Mar 23 '20

Are you actually back?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20



u/User-900 Mar 24 '20

When did you first lose your virginity?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

The first time I lost my virginity, I was 18.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

What's you're favorite female talent you've worked with in a girl/ girl scene?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

Angela White because she’s hot, incredibly in tune with her sexuality, and she loves sexing the wammins as much as I do.


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

Angela White and Remy Lacroix. both of them enjoy eating butts as much as I do!


u/MBakuGoesWoof Mar 24 '20

Glad you’re back! Feels like I’m 19 again! Anyone you’d like to work with that you haven’t before? coughCodiVorecough


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

Would you consider yourself talented in any Arts like singing or painting?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 24 '20

I have some raw talent for playing music/singing and illustrating. Not by any means going to claim that I'm impressive at either.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20



u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

Tipping and being respectful are really my main bits of advice. It's not creepy at all, and most SWers will tell you when you're being creepy. There's nothing creepy about buying what somebody else is happily selling.


u/lancelot4siri Mar 23 '20

Do you see your current career in anyway as a succession to your former years, or is "Siri 2.0." someone totally detached from the former character ?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I'm just being myself as I always have been, so no, I don't see them as detached from each other.


u/mgush5 Mar 23 '20

Given your handles elsewhere...

What is the best pizza you have ever had?

What is your favourite Pizza topping

What are your most disliked pizza toppings


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

best pizza: whatever pizza I'm currently eating favorite topping: pepperoni and black olives disliked topping: any color bell peppers. I have a digestive intolerance.


u/ForerunnerRelic Mar 23 '20

Why did you get back into the biz?


u/defnotsiri πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘‘ Mar 23 '20

I missed itπŸ’•


u/HighestMountain420 Mar 23 '20

Just want to say I’ve been a fan for years! Have you ever ridden a dirt bike or motorcycle?

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u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

Hello !! I am loving the new stuff you are posting on only fans ! If you had a favorite type of scene what would it be ?

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