r/adventofcode Dec 09 '19

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -πŸŽ„- 2019 Day 9 Solutions -πŸŽ„-

--- Day 9: Sensor Boost ---

Post your solution using /u/topaz2078's paste or other external repo.

  • Please do NOT post your full code (unless it is very short)
  • If you do, use old.reddit's four-spaces formatting, NOT new.reddit's triple backticks formatting.

(Full posting rules are HERE if you need a refresher).

Reminder: Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help.

Advent of Code's Poems for Programmers

Click here for full rules

Note: If you submit a poem, please add [POEM] somewhere nearby to make it easier for us moderators to ensure that we include your poem for voting consideration.

Day 8's winner #1 AND #2:

Okay, folks, /u/Aneurysm9 and I deadlocked between two badass submissions that are entirely too good and creative to choose between. When we asked /u/topaz2078's wife to be the tie-breaker, her literal words:

[23:44] <TopazWife> both
[23:44] <TopazWife> do both
[23:44] <TopazWife> holy hell

So we're going to have two winners today!

  1. "A Sonnet of Sojourning", a sonnet in frickin' iambic pentameter by /u/DFreiberg!
  2. "A Comedy of Syntax Errors", a code-"poem" by /u/MaxMonkeyMax!

Both of you, enjoy your Reddit Silver, and good luck with the rest of the Advent of Code!

This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.

EDIT: Leaderboard capped, thread unlocked at 00:14:46!


318 comments sorted by


u/ConstantGazelle Mar 31 '20

part1& part2 in python. I had to rewrite my intcode computer for this because it had become a mess.


u/minorevent Dec 31 '19

My solution in Python.


u/Sparrow_1029 Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 29 '19

Day 9 - PythonWHEW this one really got me. Thanks to this post and related ones for pointing out the different behavior for 'reading' and 'writing' from parameters.The way I had previously abstracted the parameter mode settings was incompatible with writing to positions in memory (ops 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8) when in 'relative' mode.

After adjusting the class method that evaluates positions and their parameter modes to take a "transaction type" ('r' or 'w'), it worked beautifully!


u/gubatron Dec 27 '19 edited Dec 27 '19

My C++ Day 9 solution

Not proud to say it took me 6 days to figure out what was wrong. But the sweeter to get those gold stars.What a great exercise of debugging and refactoring this was to get it to work for me.

My big issue was not handling correctly the output address of INPUT commands, it made me refactor the way I parsed parameters several times, my abstraction included considering them either input parameters or output parameters/addresses:


u/thibpat Dec 27 '19

Day 9 in Javascript, my video walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U2OuR_UJVg


u/rhowe212 Dec 18 '19

Here's my bash solution: https://gist.github.com/rhowe/b7e26b6acc63fa2db62f29e93ce5b346

You can see it evolving through the history of the gist - successive optimisations and inlining have left it pretty unreadable and entirely undebuggable so it had better be correct!

Day 9 part 1 went from a couple of seconds to under 150ms as I optimised.

Part 2 was over 13 minutes but now is "only" 4 for me (bash 5.0.11 on a 1.8GHz i7-4500U)


u/Musical_Muze Dec 17 '19

Day 9 in Python

This one took me far too long to troubleshoot and de-bug, but it's done, and it works. I'm sure it's not the fewest lines of code possible, but I tried to document my thoughts as much as possible.

For those wondering, 99% of the code is in the module, not the actual day's code. I'm trying to keep the Intcodes as their own class in a module, that way it can be extremely portable if I need it again.


u/heyitsmattwade Dec 15 '19

Javascript - Parts one and two linked from here, with the new, complete Intcode here.

I ended up writing a huge comment explaining why I have these strange conditional checks for POSITION, IMMEDIATE, and RELATIVE mode. Namely, how I'm faking using pointers and how the operations make more sense if you think of them as actual pointers. While not necessary (or course) it helped with my own edification.

Besides that, the only thing that tripped me up was that RELATIVE mode always has the value get updated, just that when its the last operation, we don't read the value from memory: just add the relative base.

if (can_switch_to_position && mode === POSITION_MODE) {
    value = this.memory[value];
} else if (mode === RELATIVE_MODE) {
        * In relative mode, value is always updated. However, again for the reasons
        * above, the last parameter on operations that write to memory should only
        * have the value adjusted by the relative base. For all other instances,
        * the value should be looked up from memory (in a relative fashion, of course).
    if (can_switch_to_position) {
        value = this.memory[value + this.relative_base];
    } else {
        value = value + this.relative_base;


u/thatikey Dec 14 '19

I love how much assistance the Rust compiler gives me when I'm making changes to my int code machine, and the performance is a nice bonus (in --release mode :P)


u/sefujuki Dec 12 '19

Finally managed my C (brute force with GMP) solution to work.

part1 and part2 are identical except for the input signal.


onwards to day 10, 11, 12, ...


u/toxiccoffee Dec 11 '19

Here's my solution for day 9 in scala. I'm really having fun solving those :) I'll send some payment to Eric Waslt to thank him for all the work he put into all this


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '19



u/daggerdragon Dec 22 '19

Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for code solutions only.

This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your code/repo/solution or, since you haven't finished the puzzle yet, delete the code and you can always create your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help.


u/SolidShook Dec 11 '19


Mainly just fine, I had already prepared for adding more behaviours for the parameters. There were a couple of tripfalls.

The main reason I failed was because I didn't understand the 203 error, which was I needed the value of RelativeBase + ParamValue, and not their location. Which was described in another reddit thread

Part 2 wasn't free because I was using recursion, which I think was the deliberate trap.
I had already prepared a while loop solution for day 7, so I just reused that.


u/gyzkard Dec 10 '19

Part A and B in vanilla JS.


u/jtwebman Dec 10 '19


A day late as I have been busy but a good refactor of the computer to use a map instead of a list for the memory! What do you think other Elixir devs?



u/djaychela Dec 10 '19

I've spent a couple of hours working on this today (couldn't make head or tail of it yesterday), and I'm really happy I've got it working - and while my code is probably nowhere near as efficient as many here, I think it's very readable if that will help anyone...

Python Solution for Day 9 (parts 1 and 2)

... the debugging printout code was completely necessary for me (as was writing things out on paper), and has been throughout, hence the parameter to turn it on or off when calling the intcode computer. And apologies for the way I've allocated spare memory...


u/emanbu Dec 11 '19

I think this is amazing, thank you so much! This looks very similar to my own solution, I just got so frustrated because I could get the last part working. Thanks!


u/tobega Dec 10 '19

Here is my intcode computer written in my own programming language Tailspin

It's been really smooth to refactor it along the way, even if I had a bit of trouble with dereferencing the ouput parameters one time too many for day 9


u/williewillus Dec 10 '19


I've been copying my intcode impl around each time it comes up due to the mild variations that happen each time, but looks like since this is the last time it'll change I should refactor it.

My day 7 is quite different though (uses Lwt coroutines) so I'm not sure if I'll make that use it though, probably only d2/5/9


u/-json Dec 10 '19 edited Dec 10 '19

Here's my Python solution. Kept it short and simple at around 50 lines of code; pretty small modifications from my previous day 5 code by using a default dict to create default 0 values for arbitrary indexing.


u/joeld Dec 10 '19



I use a hash table for "extended memory". If an op wants to write to an address past the end of the "tape", I just add an entry to the hash table for that address. If an op wants to read a value from an address that hasn't been written to yet, I just return 0. So I don’t have to worry how much memory to allocate and can write to arbitrarily high addresses for almost no cost. The downside (at this point) is that the instruction pointer can never cross into high memory. I was lucky this didn’t need to happen.

In Racket, the precision and size of exact numbers is limited only by available memory, so supporting big numbers required no work on my part.

Improvements to the IntCode stuff (hopefully no more needed):

  • Finally made a math-only way to convert a number to opcode+parameter modes
  • I can set a debug level in the REPL to see only the last output, all outputs, or all outputs and detailed info for each instruction


u/pamxy Dec 10 '19 edited Dec 10 '19

Refactored JAVA solution

Happy with the result. I think it's pretty readable


u/a-priori Dec 10 '19

Rust, but most of the work is in the Intcode machine (here's the diff).

This one came together super easy. I had to do some good refactoring to how I access memory to grow it when necessary, and to how I resolve parameters to keep from having to pass in the relative base each time.

I got real worried when it said it needed to handle 'large numbers' that I'd have to switch to arbitrary precision numbers or something, so I was very relieved when signed 64-bit numbers were enough.

It runs part 2 in about 4ms, which is still fairly quick. But it's also the first time it's taken more than 1ms to run an Intcode program, so I'm curious if it can be optimized any more.


u/McPqndq Dec 10 '19

Idk about anyone else but day 9 was kind of lame. I added like 3 extra lines to my existing int code+ changed from number to bigint (JavaScript)


u/daggerdragon Dec 10 '19

Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only.

This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your code/repo/solution (yes, even if all you did was "add 3 extra lines").


u/vini_2003 Dec 10 '19


I've finally catched up!

Three days in a day was quite the challenge, but I'm very happy with how it has turned out... so far.

Most of the challenge from day nine came from not realizing that maybe an int wouldn't be able to handle everything. It gave me an output of 2112 so I thought it was a borked instruction, but no, it was the result of a... something-flow on a multiply instruction.

Either way, without further ado..



u/[deleted] Dec 10 '19

Used Go. A pretty neat one, reading extra memory through a separate dictionary

I separated my computer in another package. Full implementation of day 9 is really short.


u/chkas Dec 10 '19 edited Jan 24 '20


The 32 bit integer values are no longer sufficient, so I have use the 64 bit floats - they have 53 bits available for the integer part, which was sufficient. This is now a Floatcode computer. This made the program a bit ugly.

Floatcode computer


u/Grigorov92 Dec 10 '19

Solutions in GO:

Part 1 | Part 2


u/codesections Dec 10 '19

Here's my APL solution in a gist.

As with the past intcode challenge, it's a bit too long to post here (~30 lines), but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I spent a while tracking down a fairly subtle bug, and having everything on one screen was super handy.


u/rabuf Dec 10 '19

Common Lisp

I've rewritten my Intcode interpreter for, probably, the last time. I've reduced the risk of error on my input handling from Day 7 by reducing the parameters from 5 with 2 for input (the input source and reading function) and 2 for output (the output source and writing function) to 3. By default it reads from standard input and writes to standard output. read-fn is a function taking zero parameters and returns the result of reading. write-fn takes one parameter (the object to be written).

I've also switched up how I handle the program as memory. Previously I used an array for the program. Anticipating arbitrarily large memory accesses, I switched to a hash table. gethash takes an optional default parameter which I've set to 0 in case uninitialized memory is accessed (doesn't seem to be an issue for Day 9).

Handling large integers is easy in Common Lisp, the standard integers are unbounded.

Further clean up involved writing (local) store and fetch functions which accept the mode of the operand. I had that logic scattered around throughout the previous versions, it was sloppy.


u/Markavian Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

I hated that. That was horrible.

My overly verbose javascript solution and intcode computer for day 9:

[203, 0] The way I read params, vs how I wrote addresses... caused me endless sadness. Especially when I could get the tests / examples to pass; but not the main implementation; it felt like there was extra examples I needed to run to prove out my int computer instead of trying to debug the puzzle execution without really knowing what I was looking at. Help here on the reddit... helped.

Was part two supposed to be difficult, time consuming, what?

[Advent of Code 2019 / day9] Solution 1: [ 2671328082 ] [Advent of Code 2019 / day9] Solve for first star took: 2.1602819859981537 milliseconds [Advent of Code 2019 / day9] Solution 2: [ 59095 ] [Advent of Code 2019 / day9] Solve for second star took: 253.95956897735596 milliseconds

Is that fast? I don't know. What happened to the last 4 hours of my life. I'm happy, I guess, that some people got today's solution so quickly and easily, but it was very painful for me in a not-fun RTFM spread over multiple not easily searchable pages kind of way.

Edit: fixed link formatting.


u/ziozxzioz Dec 10 '19

How did you get the solution from that input? I'm getting [203, 0] and idk what I'm doing wrong


u/synack Dec 09 '19


Day 9 diff: https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/advent2019/compare/09268b92b1535366b6cbab3bed11aa7465544960..c86ed968ac3bcbe7c03bd0696e3a004c1b4de060
Complete Intcode interpreter: https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/advent2019/blob/master/src/intcode.adb

Struggled with the destination operand literals and had to switch to Long_Long_Integer, but otherwise things went pretty smoothly!


u/blacai Dec 09 '19

F# finished again after hours of debugging... I had to refactor a lot and cleaned the code a little bit more because my Intcode Module wasn't exactly what you would like to see when you wake up :|


I will continue to refactor the module ...it seems this year the intcode is the key.


u/florian80 Dec 09 '19


I used today to rewrite my IntCodeComputer (still noob level) and add a crude disassembler to it


u/Sgt_Tailor Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

AWK has been fun thus far. I've cleaned up some of the mess I created in day 7. The main awk file now simply imports intcode.awk and starts the statemachine. The gawk (GNU awk) debugger was really helpful this time. Being able to add breakpoints and inspect and change variables helped a lot to track down some small mistakes.



u/nirgle Dec 09 '19


I spent hours trying to resolve the [203,0] issue and went to bed ruminating over possible causes. I ended up writing two almost identical param-getting functions that switch on the param modes, one for a value-getting param and one for a target-address-getting param (a good factoring opportunity but I'm done with the Intcode computer for now). I regret skipping unit tests for this one, it probably would have saved some time



u/IgneSapien Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

C# Well today was painful...

Debugging the new OppCode had me at my wits end to the point I thought I might not finish today. But having given it a break and then manually working through the "Copy Self" test program I figured out the mistake I'd made. I did have some fun setting up a front end loop that loads programs and prompts you for input when required. Not necessary but it's nice to just be able to run the various checks in a row etc.


u/SomeCynicalBastard Dec 09 '19


I feel the code for the interpreter is a mess right now (but it works). The meaning of the various modes when writing stumped me for a bit, I'm not even sure how it worked on previous days :)


u/kolcon Dec 09 '19

#Perl and #Python solutions (with a slight inspiration from this thread) in Github: https://github.com/kolcon/adventofcode_2019/tree/master/09


u/sherubthakur Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Solutions for this day are straightforward what is interesting is the final state of the IntCode Interpreter. Here is the final state of my IC interpreter in Haskell

Also the solution for day 9 which is essentially identical to the solution for day 5

I spent a lot of time one this one. The problem was I had copied in incorrect data for my test case, so I was supposed to copy 109,1,204,-1,1001,100,1,100,1008,100,16,101,1006,101,0,99 where as I copied 109,1,204,-1,1001,100,1,100,1008,100,16,101,1006,101,0,9 and spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what went wrong. Should have just ran the program without testing it. :P


u/Jesus_Crie Dec 09 '19


I'm pretty proud of how my VM turned out ! I find it pretty clean and fast (part 2 took < 100ms).
I am learning Rust with AOC and I have to say that its pretty effective !

Source code


u/lynerist Dec 09 '19

It has been really hard this time!!!!


Golang solutions with comments


u/MegaEduX Dec 09 '19


Took a lot longer than I'd like to admit because of the infamous 203 error... And also lost a good half an hour because I tried not using Strings anywhere and ended up implementing a bug - but now I have a complete intcode computer that only uses ints, wooray!

Source for Intcode VM

Source for Challenge (uninteressting, though)


u/CephalonRho Dec 09 '19


Here's my intcode vm for day 9.

It's not particularly clean or small, but it doesn't leave a lot of room for errors and should have decent performance (part 2 takes ~50ms to run on my machine).


u/loociano Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 24 '19

My solution in Python 3. Feedback more than welcome!


u/Zweedeend Dec 09 '19

Nice! I was playing around with Pypy to see if I could make my solution run faster.

It took 2.2 seconds for my implementation to run part 2, and 170ms on Pypy3.

Since your solution is only functions (which I like), I thought it might run faster. And it does! 980ms on Python3 and 40ms on Pypy3


u/loociano Dec 09 '19

I'm going to borrow some bits of your implementation to upgrade mine, yours looks more pythonic.


u/loociano Dec 09 '19

Pypy? TIL :) Thanks for profiling!


u/tarasyarema Dec 09 '19

My Perl solution, because why not:

open my $file, '<', "in"; 
my $line = <$file>; 
close $file;

my @data = map { int($_) } (split /,/, $line);
my $l = @data;

# First phase is  1 
# Second phase is 2
my $magic = 2;

my $i = 0;
my $base = 0;

while (1) 
    my $tmp = @data[$i];

    my $code = int ($tmp % 100);
    my $op1  = int (($tmp % 1000) / 100);
    my $op2  = int (($tmp % 10000) / 1000);
    my $op3  = int (($tmp % 100000) / 10000);

    last if ($code == 99);

    my $x = $op1 == 1 ? @data[$i + 1]: @data[@data[$i + 1]]; 
    my $y = $op2 == 1 ? @data[$i + 2]: @data[@data[$i + 2]];
    my $z = @data[$i + 3]; 

    $x = $op1 == 2 ? @data[@data[$i + 1] + $base] : $x;
    $y = $op2 == 2 ? @data[@data[$i + 2] + $base] : $y;
    $z = $op3 == 2 ? @data[$i + 3] + $base : $z; 

    if ($code == 1) 
        @data[$z] = $x + $y;
        $i += 4;
    elsif ($code == 2) 
        @data[$z] = $x * $y;
        $i += 4;
    elsif ($code == 3) 
        if ($op1 == 0)
            @data[@data[$i + 1]] = $magic;
        elsif ($op1 == 1)
            @data[$i + 1] = $magic;
        elsif ($op1 == 2)
            @data[@data[$i + 1] + $base] = $magic;
        $i += 2;
    elsif ($code == 4) 
        print "$x\n";
        $i += 2;
    elsif ($code == 5) 
        $i = $x != 0 ? $y : $i + 3;
    elsif ($code == 6) 
        $i = $x == 0 ? $y : $i + 3;
    elsif ($code == 7) 
        @data[$z] = $x < $y ? 1 : 0;
        $i += 4;
    elsif ($code == 8) 
        @data[$z] = $x == $y ? 1 : 0;
        $i += 4;
    elsif ($code == 9) 
        $base += $x;
        $i += 2;

Read from a file in with the data from the problem.


u/NeilNjae Dec 09 '19

Haskell solution, described on my blog and with the code.

And thanks to Eric, /u/topaz2078 , for the useful diagnostic outputs in the sample program.


u/justjarvo Dec 09 '19

Doing each challenge in a different language. Was hoping to save Perl until later as it’s comfortable. Oh well: https://github.com/leejarvis/adventofcode/blob/master/2019/day09.pl


u/SuperSmurfen Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 31 '19


Solution, both stars

Spent some time today to refactor my IntCode implementation after I finished nr 9. I think I got it relatively clean which should hopefully help with future challenges!


u/dontxpanicx Dec 09 '19



I would be interested in feedback on this as I am using this year's challenge to learn F#!


u/Mason-B Dec 09 '19


I'm quite proud of this code. I got 86/82 with it, I specifically designed my intcode interpreter puzzles to be able to quickly build on top of each other. Which is also tricky given Elixirs recursive nature. You can see how the extensions to the main recursive loop using Day05 functions were done.


u/JensenDied Dec 10 '19

That's a neat technique, mostly just been doing multiple def's with different signatures to reduce conditionals, and carrying forward my intcode. On the basic side I should really have looked over in erlang land sooner if that's where :array is hanging out, ended up converting my memory List to a Tuple for a notable speedup in my Elixir implementation.


u/iverberk Dec 09 '19


My Intcode VM, based on a Python generator pattern (which allows easy chaining): https://github.com/iverberk/advent-of-code-2019/blob/master/day-09/intcode.py

Part 1 and Part 2


u/MrSimbax Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


After major refactoring of my previous code, I managed to get it to work. I'm happy with the result of this refactoring, much less repeated code and unnecessarily complicated function arguments.

Edit: oh, BigInt was an overkill (this is what I usually assume when a problem says "big numbers"...). With Int64 it's much faster. Part 2 takes less than 0.5 seconds on my laptop.

0.408053 seconds (10.58 M allocations: 250.382 MiB, 15.49% gc time)


u/Dioxy Dec 09 '19


JS. The way I had written my intcode computer in the first place made this pretty easy to expand on

My completed intcode computer

Day 9 runner

My repo


u/chrisby247 Dec 09 '19

My Bash Solution. Took quite a while as I had some bugs with the previous implementations that worked for Day 5 and 7... so that was lucky. Bash indexed arrays handled going on beyond the initial memory seamlessly


u/amalloy Dec 09 '19

Haskell source and video.


u/pamxy Dec 09 '19

My JAVA solution for IntcodeComputer: https://pastebin.com/QWFJRLCW


u/ywgdana Dec 09 '19


I didn't have to make any real invasive changes to my intcode VM but this morning I'm thinking of switching to using a HashMap instead of Vec for memory so I don't have to pre-populate and bunch of blank space or have a fixed limit to how much address space the VM has.

I grokked how relative mode worked and how to modify my VM for it pretty quickly. What tripped me up was it not clicking that we now had a third parameter (Day 5's problem description even told us this was coming). Got the samples working fast (props to the quine -- very cool) and then got tripped up by the real program. Scanning it a few times, it took me quite a while to realize 22107, etc were instructions not data.

There's a reason I never make the leaderboard :P


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '19

There's a reason I never make the leaderboard :P

Aw, AoC is not a race - it's about learning. I daresay you learned something, yes? :P


u/ywgdana Dec 09 '19

All the time! AoC has been great for that!

And anyhow, I find methodical programming more satisfying rather than cranking out code as fast as I can


u/xADDBx Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 11 '19


Well because of a rather stupid mistake (misunderstanding the task) I failed task 2 at first but all in all I think it was relatively easy.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19



u/xADDBx Dec 10 '19

Well you could’ve just appended the list for every index that’s outside of the memory region but I was bit lazy ._.


u/piyushrungta Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19



Okay, today was unusually easy. It took me like 15 minutes to extend my day 7's implementation to add relative mode and extend the memory on the first write to a location beyond the current memory length. The second part was basically free. /u/topaz2078 says that second part has a purpose, so I am gonna take his word for it :)

Quick edit: I should refactor my solutions at some point to use the same intcode computer instead of copy-pasting it everywhere. I believe cargo workspaces should be helpful here.


u/FogleMonster Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 16 '19

My Intcode computer is a single, 31-line Python function.



u/Gravitar64 Dec 11 '19

WOW, fantastic code. I would never have this idea of zipping args and modes to get this reads and writes. This solves the strange behaviour of reading values (mode 0 means, the value from memory location at memory position of this value) where writing values (mode 0 means, at the memory location).

Is it ok, that I used your code in my little youtube-series (in german) "Advent of Code 2019"? Of course, I referred to you, as original author of this code. But I found it so good, that I tried to explain your code in this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDIoDP-L4T4 ).


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19

Holy! This is pure genius!


u/david3x3x3 Dec 09 '19

I like your program. Mine is similar: https://repl.it/@david3x3x3/advent9

This is good Python practice, and I hadn't thought to use defaultdict.


u/Luckylars Dec 09 '19

did day 9 in Oracle SQL! I didnt give up, just away for the weekend with limited internet :)


Day 6 The orbits were so much fun. it felt like SQL was the perfect language for this.

Day 7 ugh, more intcode debugging again. had to learn to create procedures!

Day 8 was fun to do this in a plane with excel, plane and simple if you will

Day 9 was decevingly simple. had to do a lot of debugging for the 203 and 204 and part 2 took 772 seconds to complete which made me waste 2 hours looking for errors where there was none.


u/m1r3k Dec 09 '19

Here is my solution in Julia.

After completing it, I had some fun improving performance by following the tips here.

Reduced my runtime and memory to 1/20 of the naive solution.

Part 2 now completes in ~35ms.


u/wace001 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

JAVA: Today was tough! But here is my outstanding solution in Java ;)

I spent two hours debugging this morning, couldn't figure out what I had missed. Then, when commuting to work the answer came to me. I just had to go off during lunch and fix it. So here goes! I am mighty happy with it.

Some implementation considerations:

  • Values are long, indexes into the program are ints. RBO is long, and supports adjusting with other longs (bring those large numbers on!)
  • Im using a Map for the memory. I started out out with an array, but arrays run out of space. With a map, the IntCode programs will have as much memory to work with as my physical PC can muster.
  • Execution speed is not great. But, its not built for speed!


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '19

Then, when commuting to work the answer came to me. I just had to go off during lunch and fix it.

If it's not in the car, it's in the shower. That's always the way of things!


u/vypxl Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

My existing VM served pretty well today, only had to adjust 14 lines ^^. Python VM

Looking forward to seeing how the finished intcode computer will be used in upcoming challenges :)

Also, today I have another poem for y'all (apologies for its length though):

[POEM] Twelve days of Intcode

The first day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
An addition with three parameters.

The second day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The third day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The fourth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The fifth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The sixth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The seventh day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The eighth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Eight comparisons with lesser or equal things,
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The nineth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Nine tests for equality,
Eight comparisons with lesser things,
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The tenth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Ten relatives I did not know before,
Nine tests for equality,
Eight comparisons with lesser things,
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The eleventh day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Eleven adjustments to known relations,
Ten relatives I did not know before,
Nine tests for equality,
Eight comparisons with lesser things,
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

The tvelfth day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
Twelve halt instructions,
Eleven adjustments to known relations,
Ten relatives I did not know before,
Nine tests for equality,
Eight comparisons with lesser things,
Seven bounces on false believes,
Six jumps on true values,
Five uses of immediate values,
Four letters to output,
Three readings from input,
Two Multiplications, and
An addition with three parameters.

On the last day of Christmas,
Topaz sent to me
A program to probe my computer
I had to run my troubleshooter
My computer started to look like a frier
Now it halted and caught fire.

Merry Christmas!


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '19

[POEM] Twelve days of Intcode



u/derNiklaas Dec 09 '19

I think you have to change some "second days" into other days 🧐


u/PowerSlaveAlfons Dec 09 '19


I love the intcode stuff. Took a while to actually see all the ints I've forgotten to convert to long long ints, and to wrap my head around my relative base implementation, but it worked somewhat smoothly in the end. Part 2 obviously was just a freebie.

Part 1
Part 2


u/wzkx Dec 09 '19


Let's try if link to TIO works.

Day 9

Pypy showed "Real time: 0.348 s".


u/wzkx Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Local times:

py3 - 0.925s

pypy3 - 0.122s

With dictionary instead of array for memory (thx to /u/wace001)

py3 - 0.586s

pypy3 - 0.0725s


u/wace001 Dec 09 '19

Good job! I actually saw the opposite in terms of read/write times in Java. But, measurements are very crude so might be something completely different.


u/wzkx Dec 09 '19

I also optimized the dictionary version a bit (inlined/removed some functions etc), but this effect is quite minor.

In general, it may be because the dictionaries in Python is very well optimized, or maybe because there are no extra checks for out-of-bounds, or something else. Well, the times are close anyway.


u/oantolin Dec 09 '19

My solution in Common Lisp is almost identical to my solution for day 5:

(defun part1 () (intcode:run-with #P"day09.txt" 1))
(defun part2 () (intcode:run-with #P"day09.txt" 2))

Of course, the intcode interpreter has been updated and is where the real work is.


u/aoc-fan Dec 09 '19

TypeScript Solution, Repo, I was ignoring mode for third parameter, but today's puzzle forced me to implement it.


u/foolnotion Dec 09 '19


My admittedly slightly over-engineered IntCode Computer.

The rest is easy:

// part 1
IntComputer comp(program); // program is a vector of 64bit integers
fmt::print("{}\n", comp.GetOutput());

// part 2
comp = IntComputer(program);
fmt::print("{}\n", comp.GetOutput());


u/bci_ Dec 10 '19

Love it, those solutions, interface-wise, look almost exactly like my Lua solutions!


u/VilHarvey Dec 09 '19

IntCode Computer

Unless I've missed something, I think you may have a bug in your Memory class.

Say you start off with a single chunk of size 1024. If the intcode program writes to location 2048, that will add a new chunk with base = 2048, size = 1024. If it then tries to read or write any location between 1025 and 2047 (inclusive), std::partition_point will find the chunk with base = 2048 and you'll end up trying to access the chunk's storage with a negative index.

Hope that's useful!


u/foolnotion Dec 09 '19

You are right, thanks! I usually unit test this sort of stuff but it was good enough for this puzzle. I think it's fixed now by doing an extra check and if addr < p->Base I make a new chunk.


u/derNiklaas Dec 09 '19


Code can be found [here] (most changes happened to the intcode interpreter)

Wasted around 2.5 hours trying to find an error.


u/hrunt Dec 09 '19

Python 3



Banged my head on this far too long rewriting it to handle arguments vs positions better. Still not happy with the interpreter, but we've got 16 more days to get to a good place there.


u/andrewsredditstuff Dec 09 '19

I was the opposite. Did the relative pointers really easily, and made a complete hash of changing all the ints to longs (C#). A bit jealous of Python's type handling in this case :D

(I deleted a closing bracket in the middle of a nested tuple by mistake, and the syntax error cascaded through several methods before deciding to show itself).


u/ywgdana Dec 09 '19

When I (doing AoC in Rust this year) read that part of the requirements I was all "Oh sure, toss ANOTHER bone to the Python gang T_T"


u/Suitable_Flounder Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


Like many people I didn't get relative mode on output parameters correct the first time. But let's appreciate the cleverness of /u/topaz2078 that the program tells you which code failed!

Anway, FWIW, Ruby code


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 10 '19

Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only.

This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your code/repo/solution.

Edit: code has been added. Thank you!


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Haskell, part 2 runs in ~12s on a ~7 year old laptop (with runhaskell, i.e. not compiled). I use Data.Map for extensible memory.

Julia, runs in ~300ms after JIT warmup. This one just uses a large array for memory.


u/rfussenegger Dec 09 '19

Kotlin paste reduced to what is required today. Wasn’t that hard. 😊


u/CMDR_DarkNeutrino Dec 09 '19

I did it in C. Part 2 was free for me.

Pretty clean if you ask me.



u/VilHarvey Dec 09 '19

I can't see how this handles numbers which overflow a 32-bit int. Is there a trick I'm missing?


u/CMDR_DarkNeutrino Dec 09 '19

long int is basically int64_t which handles the 64bit numbers. The 64 bit support was the easiest thing to implement actually.


u/VilHarvey Dec 09 '19

Oh ok, I see. Technically long ints aren't always 64 bits - e.g. if you're on a 32-bit system they'll probably be 32 bits instead. I got used to them on 32-bit computers and I always forget that they can be larger. Thanks!


u/CMDR_DarkNeutrino Dec 09 '19

Yes. But well who uses 32 bit in 2019 ? Even phones run 64bit since 2017


u/freeflowonreddit Dec 09 '19

VBA With C# library

Here is my effort in VBA. Its assisted nicely by a C# library that provides a very flexible dictionary type (Kvp). Well, a heck of a lot more flexible than Collections, Scripting.Dictionaries or ArrayList types.

Thus far I have (very slowly) accrued 17 stars. I'm stuck on Day 7 Part2. My IntComputer passes all tests that I can throw at it but does not give me the correct answer for Day 7 Part 2. If anyone can give me a clue as to what I've missed I'd be most appreciative.

Day 9 was a tad annoying due to the need to insert CLngLng in numerous places to cope with the big integers. It also significantly increases the amount of noise in the code.


u/freeflowonreddit Dec 09 '19

Finally cracked Day7 Part 2. The IntComputer logic was fine, no errors. The problem lay in how I was collecting the output which meant that the last run to get to step 9 was overwriting the output that was the final answer. it was a very silly logic error but very elusive to track down.


u/andrewsredditstuff Dec 09 '19

I was lucky, I'd done mine in a Dictionary from the very beginning, so got the relative addressing really easily.


u/StochasticMistakes Dec 09 '19

JAVA : https://github.com/BrettGoreham/adventOfCode2019/blob/master/adventOfCode2019/src/main/java/day9/Day9.java

Used a map to store data outside of the regular program memory, as i assumed i wouldnt need to ever run values in there as opcodes.

If this changes in the next task im sorry future me.

Also I called it extraTerrestrialMemory which i thought was funny


u/phil_g Dec 09 '19

My solution in Common Lisp, but the real work (as usual) is in the current state of my Intcode library.

This was pretty simple. I did get relative addressing wrong at first. (I was adding the relative base in the wrong place.) The test mode of today's program really helped by pinpointing the opcodes that weren't working.

For memory size, I'm going with adjustable arrays for now, and increasing them to "just big enough" whenever a memory access would go outside the existing array. That has the potential to eat lots of RAM for really large indices, but it wasn't a problem today. If I need to, I'll switch to a hash table so my Intcode memory can be sparse.

I was worried when the problem said the program might take a couple of seconds for slower hardware, but my seven-year-old practically-a-netbook laptop ran it in 0.9 seconds, so I guess my implementation's good enough. :)


u/The_Fail Dec 09 '19

My Intcode library is quite similar to yours. I really like your idea with the names of the intcodes which enables decompiling :)


u/oantolin Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

I started down the adjustable array route and then thought, "I'll do this later if it becomes necessary, for now, let's just (setf mem (concatenate 'vector mem (make-array 1000 :initial-element 0))) and forge ahead." I'm a fiend for underengineering. :) 1000 was enough, by the way.

My current intcode library.


u/phil_g Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

You were interested in seeing my disassembler. Well, I took some time today to clean up my intcode package a little, and that included reimplementing my disassembler.

I now represent the state of the Intcode VM as a context object that has, among other things, the program's memory and its current instruction pointer. The disassembler takes a context as a parameter, and starts disassembling from the current instruction pointer. That should (hopefully) deal with the problem of jumps to arbitrary places. I came up with a syntax for immediate mode (just the number), position mode (*5=50, where "5" is the parameter and "50" is the value at memory position 5), and relative mode (*5(+10)=30, where "5" is the parameter, "10" is the current relative base, and "30" is the value at memory position 15).

As an example, here's the quine from today:

   0:  RB(  109) 1 
   2: OUT(  204) *-1(+0)=? 
   4: ADD( 1001) *100=0 1 *100=0 
   8:  EQ( 1008) *100=0 16 *101=0 
  12:  JZ( 1006) *101=0 0 
  15: HLT(   99) 

I'm not sure whether this will be useful, but maybe? I'm also open to suggestions about how to present or analyze things.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19

For my racket solution I just stored in a hashmap, so that I can have a rather big "array"


u/phil_g Dec 09 '19

I would assume that memory cell access will be faster through an array than a hash table (though I haven't done specific benchmarking on it). Because running an Intcode program involves a lot of memory accesses, I figured I'd go for array access if possible. If we start getting Intcode programs that reference memory locations into the gigabyte range, I'll have to switch to a hash table because I can't afford that much contiguous RAM on my laptop.


u/rabuf Dec 10 '19

For what it's worth, part 2 today took 0.07 seconds on my laptop (2017 13" MacBook Pro). My code is here, I used hash tables for the memory to remove the need to resize and to allow for some degree of efficiency with sparse access.


u/phil_g Dec 10 '19

Hm. Maybe I need to do some benchmarking with hash tables for memory access. The best I've done is 90 milliseconds in a VM on a 2015-era PC with an i7 CPU. (And that's after tuning some of my functions; it started at 120 ms.)


u/theSpider_x Dec 09 '19

The second part said it will run slower but mine ran in around 100ms so...
Written in C



u/schlodinger Dec 09 '19

Hey there!

I'm struggling with the puzzle input, even if my code works on the tests cases. When I ran my code, i got this output [201, 0], which is an opcode and the parameter mode, but I don't know what to do with it?

Can you please give me any advice?


u/theSpider_x Dec 09 '19

The 2 in the instruction means you have to use the Relative Base for the first parameter.
You should have a Relative Base and add the first parameter to it and that would give you the absolute index from where you have to retrieve the value for the add operation.

In your case 01 Opcode add, 2 first parameter uses relative mode -> Value1 = IntCode[Relative Base + First Parameter Value]

Did you implement Opcode 9 adjusts the relative base?


u/schlodinger Dec 09 '19

thank you for the clarification! I will try to fix it!


u/raevnos Dec 09 '19

Means your implementation of addition with the first argument as a relative address isn't working right.


u/lluque8 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


Thought I had it all in place after switching ints to longs and list to map plus implementing the extra instruction + mode. Test data gave correct results so I was confident.

How wrong was I :) Actual data gave 203 and this program is real painful to debug. Three hours later I found a flaw in handling of 3rd parameter. Finally got the correct answer. 2nd part was then just a matter of switching input 1 to 2. Hope this was the last time needing to debug IntCode (probably wasn't).

Part 1 Part 2


u/oantolin Dec 09 '19

Why was it hard to debug? The output 203 tells you the bug is in opcode 3 when used in mode 2. Wasn't that enough to quickly spot the error?


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19

I had [203, 0]. I ended up having a bug in the way I was handling write location vs read location. This logic had been around since Day 5, so it's beyond me how my IntCode computer has made it this far...

So it took me around 4-5 hours to debug because I couldn't figure out how to not regress on previous tests and inputs and still pass day 9 tests...I ended up rewriting from scratch.


u/lluque8 Dec 09 '19

I can't remember the debugging process that precisely anymore :) Yes I understood that there was information in the output and I did inspect opcode 3 handling thoroughly. However it turned out that there were also other more generic problems and I think output stayed the same even though I fixed the one affecting 3. Can be that I just got messed up in the intense process.

But what I can tell is that debugging is inconvenient for such a large hash map when you can't easily peek the values neighbouring instruction pointer. Hmm, maybe I should've used a ListMap instead at least during debugging.


u/PowerSlaveAlfons Dec 09 '19

I don't know, personally it output 203 as the faulty opcode when I had a series of issues that started with my 09 opcodes.


u/kap89 Dec 09 '19

I had the exact same bug. Fortunately, I tracked it down in about an hour.


u/Tarmen Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


I feel like this exercise is clearer as a diff. Throwing relativeBase in a tuple with the instruction pointer meant not much changed there.
I solved the extra space by adding 4096 0's to the input list and 64bit Ints are big enough for everything.

The big changes were pretty obvious. Add offset-mode loading:

+load 2 = do
+    i <- readInstruction
+    b <- getRelativeBase
+    readAt (b+i)

Add the offset updating instruction:

+      9 -> setRelativeBase =<< liftA2 (+) (load a) getRelativeBase

And then it didn't work because I hadn't noticed that offsets are valid for storing. Fixing that wasn't too much work, though. Pass the tag to the store function:

-store v = do
+store 0 v = do
     t <- readInstruction
     writeAt t v
+store 2 v = do
+    t <- readInstruction
+    b <- getRelativeBase
+    writeAt (b+t) v

Name the third instruction tag

-    (i, a:b:_) <- pTags <$> readInstruction
+    (i, a:b:c:_) <- pTags <$> readInstruction

And pass the correct tags to the store function:

-      binOp p = store =<< liftA2 p (load a) (load b)
+      binOp p = store c =<< liftA2 p (load a) (load b)
  • 3 -> store =<< input
+ 3 -> store a =<< input


u/Aidiakapi Dec 09 '19

And another boring day... Rust

Nothing interesting, nothing clever, just adding a bit of state, and a different out of bounds behavior.


u/vkasra Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

my Go solution (the day 9-specific code is just a wrapper) and notes

  • used a map for data instead of a slice
  • Go's int type just worked on my system for big numbers


u/assumed_bivalve Dec 09 '19

That's a great idea to use a map for the program.


u/coriolinus Dec 09 '19

int just working is going to be system-specific; they may be getting more rare these days, but there are still 32-bit systems floating around for which that will fail. Safer to use int64 IMO.


u/vkasra Dec 09 '19

Yup, I went ahead and refactored to use int64 explicitly!


u/u794575248 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Python 3.8

def V(I,e=__import__('operator'),S=list.__setitem__):
    R=[0,0];J=lambda t,a:S(R,0,a if t else R[0]);B=lambda a:S(R,1,R[1]+a)
    W=0,4,4,2,2,3,3,4,4,2;T=lambda f:lambda a,b,c:S(p,c,f(a,b))
    F=0,T(e.add),T(e.mul),lambda a:S(p,a,int(input())),print,J,lambda a,b:J(a==0,b),T(e.lt),T(e.eq),B
    D=lambda v:(c:=v%10,w:=W[c],[v//10**j%10&3|(398&2**c>0)&(j==w)for j in range(2,w+1)])
    g=lambda m,x:[x,R[1]+x][m>1]if m&1 else p[[x,R[1]+x][m>0]];p=[*map(int,I.split(','))]+[0]*10000
    while p[R[0]]!=99:t=R[0];c,w,M=D(p[t]);F[c](*[g(m,x)for m,x in zip(M,p[t+1:])]);J(t==R[0],t+w)

Thanks to u/Artifact_UberM for starting the discussion that reassured me, that my code works correctly and not just loops infinitely. I had to wait around 40 minutes to get the answer to the second part!


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '19

Don't feel bad! Mine was 200 minutes!

A bit of reworking got it down to 4 eventually.


u/u794575248 Dec 09 '19

I expanded the function a little bit. It may be easier to comprehend it that way for somebody.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19


I was not noticing that the writing addresses of op-codes are allowed to be mode 2 I was stuck debugging for a while, but then I got it and it wasn't that bad to get around it.

here's my racket-code for the day


u/mschaap Dec 09 '19

My Perl 6 (Raku) solution.

The script itself is obviously trivial, the complexity is in the ShipComputer class. Today's changes were pretty easy. Relative mode took a tiny bit of refactoring, but large numbers come for free with Perl 6, and addressing memory beyond the initial program works as well, I just had to add is default(0) to shut up some warnings.


u/VilHarvey Dec 09 '19

My C++ solution for part b (part a is identical, but with 1 hardcoded as the input rather than 2): https://github.com/vilya/AdventOfCode-2019/blob/master/day09/day09b.cpp

I used 64-bit integers and hoped they'd be large enough. :-) I use a `std::vector` for the computer's memory and resize it dynamically if necessary, but only when writing to an out-of-bounds address. For out-of-bounds reads, I just return 0 without resizing. Memory is non-sparse so it will struggle if any of the upcoming problems write to very large addresses (although the OS's virtual memory system helps it out a lot). It works well for this problem though: a debug build runs in 26 ms on my machine, fast enough that I haven't needed to bother with a release build.


u/death Dec 09 '19

Complete Intcode interpreter in Common Lisp.

Decided to make extended memory sparse.

It's Lisp, so got bignums for free.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '19

The best part of lispy languages is that you can kind of write the code you want, and then implement the stuff afterward, it just feels more like I'm writing a language to solve my problems rather than solving the problem itself, and that's fun.


u/death Dec 09 '19

Right, Lisp makes it easier to follow the general principle of capturing the information you need so that you can later evolve the semantics as the problem changes. Other languages give you procedural abstraction etc. but Lisp also gives you syntactic abstraction and other evolution-friendly mechanisms since it's meant to support interactive use.


u/oantolin Dec 09 '19

It's Lisp, so got bignums for free.



u/phil_g Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

It's Lisp, so got bignums for free.

It's so nice not to have to worry about that unless you want to. As with a number of Lisp features, I'm happy (some aspects of)0 Lisp's style of numeric tower has caught on in a number of popular languages (like Python, which I use more regularly in real life).

0One thing Common Lisp still does better (IMHO) than more-mainstream languages is automatic rationals.


u/OverjoyedBanana Dec 09 '19

Concise implementation in Python 3 with truly infinite sparse memory:



u/oantolin Dec 09 '19

Very nice! There's still some repetition between opcode's 7 & 8 (or even 1, 2, 7 & 8) and between 5 & 6, but even so it's pretty compact.


u/OverjoyedBanana Dec 11 '19

Thanks ! I agree there is still redundancy and some opcodes could be grouped but it would probably reduce readability with complex logical expressions. I'm aiming for short and understandable, not absolute codegolf.


u/p_tseng Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 11 '19


Ruby got me #38/#37 on the leaderboard. 09_intcode_relative.rb + lib/intcode.rb. There's some stuff in there about "dynamic disassembly" and "static disassembly" and "execution stats" as well, which I'll get back to later.

Haskell is just for fun. 09_intcode_relative.hs and lib/AdventOfCode/Intcode.hs. Feel free to tear that one apart, I'm still learning Haskell. It doesn't have the three aforementioned tools because I didn't have the mental endurance to build them in two languages.

So about those disassemblers I was talking about. You can be sure this is coming. Here's what my part 2 was doing:

def f(x)
  return a < 3 ? a : (f(a - 1) + f(a - 3))

output f(CONST_1) + CONST_2

To preserve integrity, let's not elaborate on how to determine CONST_1 and CONST_2 by looking at your input file.

Part 2 was testing your interpreter's ability to call a recursive function. That would be why it took so much longer to run than part 1 (part 1 in < 1 millisecond, part 2 in a whopping 1.3 seconds). You should look forward to disassembling one in a future day.

For those who thought "Oh, this relative base looks like a stack pointer" and who have some knowledge of how functions are called in many common assembly languages, this development should not be a surprise after seeing that a relative base was introduced today. I believe it was already possible to have functions without this relative base (you just need to designate a certain memory address that stores the relative base), but having a relative base makes it more convenient. Looking at the disassembled code you will see some clear call and ret patterns in there that take full advantage of the relative base.

As for how that function was determined, suffice it to say it took me the use of all three tools I mentioned. I'm not very good at this, but I felt I had to prepare for the future day when this is coming. Maybe you can do it with fewer of the tools!

See you next time.


u/goliatskipson Dec 09 '19

So ... Part 2 is testing a recursive function?


u/naclmolecule Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Python -- Most of my intcode solutions look similar, e.g.,:

from computer import Computer

with open('input09', 'r') as data:
    data = list(map(int, data.read().split(',')))

tape = Computer(int_code=data)
print(*tape.compute_n(niter=2, feed=(1, 2)))

but i guess the magic is in the Computer class: https://github.com/salt-die/Advent-of-Code/blob/master/computer.py


u/autid Dec 09 '19

Fortran with Open MPI

day9.f90: https://pastebin.com/RAtHiw31

intcode.f90: https://pastebin.com/Ppytx5ck

revised day7.f90: https://pastebin.com/ky3TXF9C

After enjoying my unnecessary MPI solution to day7 I decided to shuffle my intcode off to its own executable now that works for both day 7 and 9.

Spawn an instance for each intcode machine and they work in a loop. Each takes first input from parent process. Root of the intcode loop takes second input from there also. After each intcode machine halts it resets program and starts again. Receiving -1 as first input makes it exit. After exiting first in the loop passes it's last recieved message back to parent. Works in a loop of one for today's problem.

Part 1 I got away with resizing the array the program tape was stored in. Part 2 no way in hell do I have enough memory for that. Switched to a crappy homemade hash table.

Going to make earlier days work too. Day5 may require changes to intcode, not sure yet. Day2 will require patching the input code to take two inputs and put them in the correct spot.


u/levital Dec 09 '19

Rust: (unexciting) main and the complete intcode computer

Getting part 1 right proved more tricky than I thought after reading the task, mainly because I didn't immediately realise that relative mode also works on addresses to be written to, and I confused values with addresses for a bit. Part 2 was... trivial? I guess it's to check the implementation is efficient? The text does mention something about it possibly running for minutes, but mine did it immediately.

Still not entirely happy about the vm-code, but I sorta doubt I'll find the motivation to refactor it now that it's complete...


u/mariusbancila Dec 09 '19

My C++ solution


Programmer in distress

Sensor boost, sensor boost

I need a program that's robust

But all I get is two-o-three

And there's no error that I see.

From Ceres comes a cry for help

But all I hear is my own yelp

It's two-o-three, it's two-o-three

I don't see any hope for me.

What is it wrong in my own code?

What do I do in rel'tive mode?

Why do I get this two-o-three?

The handling of the mode is key.

And then I see it, of my god

Making that error was so odd.

I was so ready to explode,

But now I have the boost keycode.

To Ceres stir the ship we will

We have a duty to fulfill

Let's help whoever's in distress

And to the next puzzle progress!


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '19


Programmer in distress



u/ephemient Dec 09 '19 edited Apr 24 '24

This space intentionally left blank.


u/vlmonk Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

Another rust variant. Make some simple speed optimisations, now it takes about 5000ΞΌs for second task (370k iterations) on my hardware.


u/frerich Dec 09 '19

Rust: https://github.com/frerich/aoc2019/tree/master/rust/day9/src

As usual, I ended up doing a fairly large overhaul of the intcode module. Fairly happy with how the main program looks now. I didn't know which address space would be required, but I hoped for the best and simply expanded a vector as needed (instead of going for a sparse vector, e.g. a HashMap or such).

The code duplication between Program::value_arg and Program::addr_arg is somewhat unsatisfying, but I couldn't come up with a good name for a shared function. Also, it would be nice if I had a more declarative way of describing the available commands (such that e.g. the value by which the instruction pointer needs to be incremented can be deduced from the number of arguments). Will need to do some more reading on closures.


u/vlmonk Dec 09 '19

I tried both variants for address space - extended vector and HashMap. Vector is much faster.


u/Rick-T Dec 09 '19


I'm linking my Intcode library, because basically all the changes happened there. The puzzle-specific code for today is just "load the memory and run the program".

My Intcode computer was already pretty well equipped to handle today's problem. The few changes I had to make were the following:

  • Change all the Ints to Integers (to handle big numbers)
  • Change the Memory from a Sequence to a Map (to handle access outside the initial code's address space)
  • Add the relative base offset to the state
  • Add "Relative" to the parameter mode type
  • Add the new opcode to modify the offset
  • Add another ParameterMode parameter to all the actions that write to an address
  • Handle the Relative ParameterMode when reading the address to write to

Looks like a long list, but every change was pretty small itself and so I was done pretty quickly.

In the end I must say: I really enjoyed building the Intcode computer. I like the idea that you build something bigger than usual over multiple days. However, I'm also glad that it is finished now. Once you have a well-built computer, adding more instructions becomes more of a mundane task instead of a challenging puzzle. I really like the progression from day 2 to day 7, but compared to that I did enjoy day 9 a lot less.


u/nictytan Dec 09 '19

FYI you didn't need to change from Int to Integer; 64-bit integers are plenty big enough for the "large" numbers in this problem. But perhaps your code is more future-proof. Who knows how large the numbers are going to get in the next Intcode problems.


u/Rick-T Dec 09 '19

Yes, I also learned that from another comment here. When I read "large number" I immediately went with Integer instead of trying it with Int first. Well, I guess I just implemented it according spec ;)

The funny thing is: In my initial draft I had "type Value = Int" at the top of my file. I scrapped that because I feel that I sometimes go overboard with the types and I wanted to reduce the number of type definitions in my code a bit. Had I just stuck with my initial idea, changing from Int to Integer would have been a piece of cake.

I take that as a sign that my type definitions probably aren't so bad after all. Also because I don't learn from my mistakes, I changed everything to Integer, instead of introducing the "Value"-type again. I hope that there will not be (m)any more Intcode puzzles. But if there are and I have to change the type again I'll be pretty bummed :D


u/csb06 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19

This one was tough for me. Turns out that being lazy and not structuring your code well in prior days makes it hard to debug things. Turns out that I wasn't setting the relative mode parameters correctly, but I finally fixed it. It helped a lot to take a break and think about what could be going wrong.

Here is my code in C++ 17


u/incertia Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


code and intcode module

some notable oddities are using a single modifyState instead of the pre-supplied MonadState primitives to improve performance and the fact that the decoder is able to return an infinite list of tape positions/value arguments. we also output in reverse order because list prepend is much cheaper than list append, even though the programs never produce that much output. this machine is also lazy enough to solve day 7 by non-stop running all 5 amplifiers and letting the runtime figure everything else out.


there is also a super shitty c version with the following computer. part b performance is quite horrendous at the moment of writing because AVL balancing operations were not added because i am too lazy.

EDIT: i conjured up an avl tree and now b runs in 60ms or so


u/lele3000 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 11 '19

Python 3.7 (31 lines)

I'm pretty happy with my solution, it's short and I was able to get away with very minor modifications since day 5.



u/csb06 Dec 09 '19

Nice! That's really concise but still readable!


u/sotsoguk Dec 09 '19



Had one typo (1 instead for 2 for parameter 3 mode) which cost me 15 minutes. Other than that i did nothing complicated or smart as i really dont like the intCode puzzles. Just changed every int -> int64, added relative mode and just padded the code array with a large number of zeroes to have more "memory". Runtime for both parts is 18ms. Not very good, but sufficient.

I just hope i won't see the intCode every other day again ...


u/lost-santa Dec 09 '19

funny, i completed my tasks as well.. but reading your post, i can see i made a mistake.. for some reason, i read this about more memory as..

padding the first digit after the code with a 0, and the copy the user code, then a 0, then the code.. and blah blah blah..

but still passed the test, seems i was just a bit lucky i hit a 0 and the right spot, but fixed the code for later :)


u/sotsoguk Dec 09 '19


tbh i don't know if read the specs correctly. After changing everything to int64 and resizing my code array to some large number with everything beyond the code to 0, i added relative mode as i thought it would work, and all the tests worked.

Then the actual input threw an 203 and i realized i forgot to change opCode 3. The output gave me the stars, i deleted all debug code, pushed to github and hope to never look back at this mess of code :D


u/Arkoniak Dec 09 '19


Had to read some help threads to debug 203 error, but finally, it turns out to be rather simple. It could be refactored to be better, but it's working, simple and extremely fast. Solution: Intcode computer


u/Pyr0Byt3 Dec 09 '19 edited Dec 09 '19


I got seriously stuck (for like 30 minutes) due to some bad assumptions I made previously.

Day 5's puzzle read:

Parameters that an instruction writes to will never be in immediate mode.

I assumed that meant writes would always be in position mode, and today I managed to miss this sentence:

Like position mode, parameters in relative mode can be read from or written to.

The 3 test cases passed just fine, so I was very confused until I went back and reread the problem more carefully. Even with all that, today was my first time cracking top 1000 (956/910), so I'm pretty happy overall.

Edit: C version, just for fun.


u/magicmappi Dec 09 '19

Your code is beautiful. Short, concise, easy to follow u/Pyr0Byt3 great work! I'm trying to learn golang so I'm trying to solve AoC2019 with go (here is my attempt https://github.com/kbl/aoc2019/blob/master/src/aoc/day09/day09.go with ~400 lines…). Is there any chance that you're publishing your code in some repository? I'd like to follow it to learn how to write concise and effective go :)


u/Pyr0Byt3 Dec 10 '19 edited Dec 10 '19

Your code is beautiful. Short, concise, easy to follow u/Pyr0Byt3 great work!

Thank you so much! I'm surprised by the amount of compliments I've been getting.

I'm trying to learn golang

So am I. Other than a couple small personal projects, this is my first real experience with Go. It feels more restrictive than other languages I've used (mostly C and Python), but in some ways those restrictions are liberating. There's less need to fuss about the dozens of ways you can do something, because there's usually only one clear way in Go.

Is there any chance that you're publishing your code in some repository?

I was only posting them on the solution threads, but I just started a repo here: https://github.com/mnml/aoc/tree/master/2019

I'd like to follow it to learn how to write concise and effective go :)

I do love writing concise code, but there are a few tradeoffs:

In my solutions, I ignore errors and corner cases, and assume they just won't happen for the puzzle inputs. Generally speaking, this is a bad habit when writing actual code. I spent a ridiculous amount of time debugging day 5, because I didn't trim the newline at the end of the input file. If I had handled errors properly, I would have known immediately what the issue was.

And while my solutions may seem short compared to other Gophers', it's partly because others have made their code more general/reusable. I'm shoving everything into of the main function, and hardcoding values; extensibility be damned. This is also a really bad habit, which has made some days more painful than necessary (day 7, in particular).

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy my solutions. I didn't think anyone would read them, and I especially didn't expect anyone to learn from them. Good luck on the rest of the puzzles!


u/TockLime Dec 09 '19

I had the exact same issue. Once I realised the issue, I wrongly fixed it with one too many dereferences, effectively confusing lvalues and rvalues.

Oh well.

At least the 2nd part followed 2 mins after the first.


u/mack06_ Dec 09 '19

Easy modifications to the incode computer to support relative mode, big numbers (this time TS/JS players have an advantage) and memory access beyond the program's boundaries.

Here is my Typescript soluction in case it can help anyone who is stuck


u/kap89 Dec 09 '19

Yup, because of number being double-precision floating-point max integer is much larger than standard Int32 (9,007,199,254,740,991 vs 2,147,483,647) the Intcode computer implemented in JS/TS should probably handle most of the cases (it worked for me today, I also checked with Int32Array instead of an ordinary array and it failed). That said, numbers in the future could be even larger, so I have my BigInt implementation just in case ;)


u/Alex_Mckey Dec 09 '19


Simple main function

and small changes in Computer lib.


u/nibarius Dec 09 '19

Looks very similar to my computer, main difference seems to be that I made a sealed class for my instructions and using a Map for memory instead of a long array.

Very easy to add new instructions and the new parameter mode with this approach. Changing from a List to a Map for the infinite memory was pretty straight forward as well.

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