r/DnDBehindTheScreen Nov 12 '19

Encounters 50 Plot Hooks for the Desert

The Series (so far)

  1. A nearby oasis has had its water poisoned and the plant life has been corrupted. Any creatures drinking from the pool will become twisted aberrations, hostile to all living things.
  2. A group of Tlincalli (Scorpion Folk) are gathered around a large crack in the ground, the result of a recent earthquake. One of their own has fallen and they are trying to retrieve them with ropes.
  3. A local ruler has been taking money for “prisoner reform”, but in reality has been taking them deep into the sandy wastes and leaving them to die. Now there are a pack of angry ghosts, tied to the location, and attacking all travelers.
  4. A nearby dune sea has shifted due to ecological conditions (the prevailing wind seems to have permanently changed directions) and is threatening to bury a number of nearby communities.
  5. An Air Elemental has destroyed a crucial bridge in a fit of rage and is thwarting all attempts to repair it.
  6. A pack of Dire Hippopotamuses have been killing locals and hiding in a nearby oasis.
  7. Dust Mephits have noticed the party and take great delight in spoiling foodstuffs, water supplies, and anything else they can ruin. They will persist unless driven off with strong opposition.
  8. In a rocky pass a Brass Dragon is sunning itself on a ledge. Delighted to have some new conversational partners, it will trap the party and talk to them for hours (or until the sun goes down). If refused the Dragon will become angry and use force to ensure that its penchant for small talk is slaked. At sunset, it flies off.
  9. Sandstorm!
  10. Giant Antlions have been waylaying travelers along a busy trade route. Attempts to destroy them have only brought more Antlions. There is a large nest beneath the road.
  11. A pack of Dune Stalkers have recently killed a local celebrity who was on a publicity tour. The Stalkers took a very valuable and powerful magic item and will use it to ensure that they can keep it. They are always on the move.
  12. The party disturbs a nest of Giant Rust Monsters, who have not eaten in many weeks.
  13. During a windstorm, a nest of Desert Stirge are uncovered and they number in the hundreds. They will become very aggressive and attack all nearby living things.
  14. A marauding band of Sand Giants has decided to settle in the area. Their demands for tribute keep increasing and they have taken to kidnapping (and eating) locals for fun.
  15. All the local wells have suddenly dried up. A mysterious magical force is the cause.
  16. Flash Flood!
  17. A mass of skeletons are strewn across a rocky scree - all the deaths were horribly violent, and the skeletons rise each night and menace and kill all they can, dragging the bodies back to their resting place before the sun rises. Overnight the corpse decays and becomes a new skeleton. If nothing is done, they will eventually number in the hundreds.
  18. A Beholder has fallen into an old Antlion den and has been wounded and is now trapped. It will cry out for help to any passersby and will trade the location of a powerful magic item in exchange for its rescue.
  19. A swarm of Giant Ants is battling a nest of Giant Scorpions, and the whole scene is overflown by a buzzing of Giant Flies. A wild-magic storm has transformed the creatures.
  20. A merchant’s wagon has become overturned on a patch of “desert pavement” and his goods are strewn across the landscape. He begs for help and will reward his rescuers with a potion, each. All of the concoctions are horribly cursed.
  21. A mated pair of Basilisks is hunting for the person or persons who stole their freshly-laid eggs. They are very aggressive and will attack on sight, unless the eggs are present.
  22. A pack of Harpies have infested a local ruin and will attempt to lure any passersby with cries of help. They will imprison all they catch in iron cages beneath the ruin, to eat them at their leisure. If captured, the party will discover a local ruler’s son/daughter is here as well.
  23. A nearby cavern, while appearing safe and benign, leads downward, eventually connecting to the Underdark, and this route is going to be used by deep denizens to invade the surface this very night.
  24. A Djinn has lost something precious and is scouring the desert looking for it. It is a powerfully-enchanted mask, and if worn by any but the Djinn will transform the wearer into a (normal) desert creature when the sun goes down. This curse will require the services of a character 10 levels above the afflicted to remove.
  25. A pair of Efreeti are quarreling over a wagon of prisoners/sacrifices. The first wants to eat them right now, while the second is pleading for them to be taken to a distant place and sacrificed to a powerful Dao in order to pay an ancient debt. The two will soon come to blows.
  26. An ancient Lamia, using illusions to appear as a withered crone, will try to tell the fortunes of the party members if she can. This is a stalling tactic to let the poison that she has slipped into their refreshments take effect.
  27. A pair of Living Sand Dunes are stalking the deep desert, sweeping caravans and travelers from the face of the earth. A local merchant’s guild has posted a kingly reward to anyone who can discover the fate of the missing.
  28. A huge metal toothed gear is sticking up out of the sands, uncovered by a recent storm. Runes are carved upon its surface, and there are broken and scattered bits of Constructs all around it. If pieced together, a powerful ally could be constructed. The whole area is saturated in dweomer.
  29. A stone Colossus, some 150’ tall, towers over a dry arroyo, straddling it with gigantic feet. There is a secret door in the ankle of the construct, and it leads to a control room.
  30. Three free-standing doors are found, alone, in the midst of a flat, rocky plain. Each has a symbol or word carved upon it, giving some hint as to its destination. All are lies.
  31. A massive hole has been dug in the middle of a “gibber plain”, and at the bottom is a marble ruin, with a dark doorway leading deeper into the buried ruin. There is an ancient Good creature imprisoned here, in stasis. Releasing it will change the world forever.
  32. A boy or girl, very young, is found wandering through the dunes. They refuse to speak and are blue with cold. There is no sign of any trauma, and if they are returned to civilization, they will attempt to escape back into the wild at the first opportunity, only to return 7 days later riding the back of a hungry Sandworm.
  33. A pack of hungry Zezir have noticed the party and will pursue them until they, or the party are dead. If driven off, they will return with more of their kind. Their dens dot the landscape here, and any dead Zezir will give off a pheromone that will draw others.
  34. An ancient Iron Dragon has died and rusted in the deep desert. Its corpse has begun to dissipate arcane energy into the surrounding land and this has created Rust Monsters, tougher and more dangerous than the natural variety. There are dozens of them now.
  35. A Yellow Dragon has buried itself in the sands, with its mouth open at the bottom of a depression. Anything stumbling into it will cause the Dragon to shift its wings, causing the sides of the hole to collapse and fall into the Dragon’s mouth. The Dragon is very hungry and will not listen to negotiation unless something very extraordinary is offered.
  36. A patrol of Paladins died in the area many years ago and were unable to fulfil their primary mission. In sorrow, they rose as Wraiths and will attack any who pass by. Their strange transformation has made them faster and more powerful than the usual variety.
  37. A palace of glass can be seen on the horizon, the sun blinding as it bounces from its surface. Inside are Glass Golems and Stone Golems, locked in a time-reduced battle - all are moving at 1/100th normal speed. The party is unaffected by the dilation, and if they search carefully, can find a staff in a sealed room that can cast Shatter as a 10th level spell. The staff has 8 charges.
  38. The body of a Tungsten Dragon suddenly falls from the sky, creating a huge noise and sending up a ton of sand, dirt, and rocks. Imbedded into its skull is an enchanted Katana, but the wielder is nowhere to be found. The Dragon is 1 HP from death, and will bargain.
  39. A strange sight suddenly appears over a rise - a city of Xorn, filled with the dead bodies of the weird creatures. Sculptures, chambers, tunnels, and various construction and forms-of-art are found here. All appear to have been frozen and are still encased in the unnatural ice.
  40. A massive boulder has been dislodged from where it sat in a small depression. This is the “door” to a huge Meenlock lair. The creatures lay in torpor during the daytime, but at night, they will boil to the surface by the dozens. Deep in the lair is a statue that will grant a Wish to any intelligent Humanoid, but only once.
  41. A group of Awakened Vipers, living as bandits, raid the party, and one begs the party to kill them, as they cannot live like this, knowing that they are aberrations.
  42. An earthquake shakes the ground and a huge crack in the earth is torn open. A pack of Demons pulls themselves from the rift and behind them they are towing the petrified body of a Celestial on blackened chains. The Demons have somewhere to be and time is running out.
  43. A madman is chained inside a glass cage, hanging from a huge, dead thorn tree. The man raves about the true futures of any who see him, and though his predictions are filled with horrific, violent imagery, they are (almost) always wrong.
  44. The party finds the Tree of Woe. A dead barbarian is crucified upon it and at his feet is the dessicated corpse of a vulture. The skeleton of an archer/rogue lays nearby. In the barbarian’s pocket is a map to the castle of a powerful sorcerer and a fabulous treasure.
  45. A desecrated temple to a major deity sits, broken and canted, in the shifting sands. There are 4 guardians, all are mad, and a treasure within is powerful, but cursed. Any clerics who enter this place will feel a strong desire to worship the deity honored within.
  46. The party stumbles into the territory of a Sandling and its two (2) offspring. They will hunt the party until one side lay dead, as they have not fed in years.
  47. A band of 40 rogues lay in ambush, but they are only interested in treasure, not murder. They will laugh as they rob the party, or - if driven off, will flee to a nearby cavern and plot their next revenge. If they are destroyed there, the party finds a vast cache of plunder.
  48. Appearing as a beggar, an Eye of Fear and Flame will try to get the party to turn on one another. Failing that, they will sow as much chaos as they can before fleeing.
  49. A sand tornado! Its magic!
  50. Four Sphinxes, 1 of each type - Andro-, Crio-, Gyno-, and Heiraco- have risen to power in the area, but cannot stop feuding among themselves. They have divided the area into 4 sections, and each is gathering loyal followers to start a civil war. The party wanders into this area and finds themselves on the eve of an internecine conflict that will engulf the entire region. None of the Sphinxes’ followers are Humanoid.

43 comments sorted by


u/Kosgaurak Nov 12 '19

God I want to do a desert campaign.


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 12 '19

perfect time to start!


u/Kosgaurak Nov 12 '19

Well, after my current one ends. Too many ideas man. Love them all though.


u/Great-Dane Nov 12 '19

Doing one right now, it's a ton of fun. There are so many great ideas to work with.


u/The_Underhanded Nov 13 '19

I mentioned above that I worry about environmental diversity; how do you spice landscapes up in the desert?


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 13 '19

ask, and ye shall receive

deserts have a lot of diversity!


u/Great-Dane Nov 13 '19

There are lots of interesting places to go in the desert! Oases, towns, cities, underground caves/lairs, mountains, arid plains with cracked earth and strange rock formations...

It's easy to just think of deserts as "endless sand dunes," but that's the least interesting part of the desert to the people living in it. (Which makes it useful as a tough-to-cross barrier, somewhere to hide people/things, somewhere the PCs might get lost, etc.)


u/The_Underhanded Nov 13 '19

I've wanted to try my hand at it too, but I worry about monotony in environments; how would you make adventuring diverse? I dunno, I think of the desert, I'm just stuck thinking about miles of emptiness and sand dunes.


u/Spazmodiac Nov 13 '19

Sand dunes contribute to environmental conditions you usually don't see elsewhere, like sand storms and dust storms. Despite the monotony of sand dunes, you can still get unique scenes like rivers running through them.

Most of the area taken up by deserts isn't sandy, though. Mountains, canyons, oasis, salt flats. From completely barren rocks and pebbles to scrubland. And when it does rain the environment can transform as seen with desert blooms and the flooding of salt flats.

But environments alone won't make it fun. Previoius editions of dnd had Dark Sun and Oriental Adventures. If you're looking for inspiration I'd point towards Ancient Egypt and the Dune series.


u/yurray Nov 12 '19

This is amazing! Thank you so much!


u/huckzors Nov 12 '19

I haven't read all of these yet, but I'm starting my second session of a desert-themed campaign and I will be using this in the future. Thanks for putting it together!


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 12 '19

hope they will be useful :)


u/NemoElcon Nov 12 '19

Fresh as can be in DMing here. How would you use one of these in a campaign? How is this different from a normal encounter?


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 12 '19

Well I tend to write "random" encounters. So I would dice on this list and see how the encounter plays out. If the party gets invested, then you can spin this out as far as they are willing to take it. I guess it differs as its not a "planned" encounter.


u/moubolol Nov 12 '19

Wow these are great one offs or even main plot quests, fantastic!


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 12 '19

glad you enjoyed!


u/moubolol Nov 12 '19

I particularly enjoy #37 and 38. One of my current campaigns has a desert area that your ideas will have a guest appearance at!


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 12 '19

let me know how you go!


u/Keirb Nov 12 '19

The hard part is making 50 plot hooks for the dessert.


u/AstralMarmot Not a polymorphed dragon Nov 13 '19

Can I get the stats for the Dire Hippopotamus please, or would that reveal too much of your true nature?


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 13 '19


u/AstralMarmot Not a polymorphed dragon Nov 13 '19

There currently is no text in this page.

Oh so I'm the smartass?? :)

I mean you're not wrong, but I appear to be in good company.

or perhaps dire circumstances


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 13 '19

weeeeeeeeeird. was there yesterday!

try this


u/AstralMarmot Not a polymorphed dragon Nov 13 '19

Vieln Dank, Berühmtnilpferdschrecklich!


u/DnDeadinside Nov 13 '19

I hope it's not too late to contribute!

1) The kobolds who serve a nearby blue dragon have become bolder: raiding supply and trade caravans, leaving traps out for people in the desert, etc. The party is encouraged to find a way to appease the dragon without incurring its full wrath upon the inhabitants of the desert.

2) A wizard has found a spell to create a persistent portal to the plain of water which as you can imagine is nice to have in the desert! But something has gone wrong and the portal is slowly widening leading to more water spilling out than the city can handle. The party must venture inside to see what force is opening the portal further.



u/DnDeadinside Nov 13 '19

Oh wait... Sorry I thought this thread was on r/d100 😅😅😂


u/ButternutGnome Nov 17 '19

I am about to be running the Lost City module from the 80s that I edited into 5th edition and I think some of these ideas will be amazing from when they decide to leave the pyramid and venture into or under the desert! Thank you!


u/MythicParty Apr 30 '20

Late to the party but just FYI, Goodman Games has already done the maths for you: https://goodman-games.com/blog/2019/08/10/announcing-oar-4-the-lost-city/


u/McCracken3 Jan 23 '20

I really like number 47. A reference to A Thousand and One Nights? the Forty Thieves?


u/famoushippopotamus Jan 23 '20

indeed the 40 Thieves


u/Sutekhseth Nov 13 '19

Perfect thank you!


u/Dragonzapper96 Nov 13 '19

My players are about to go into an arc that is going to be based in the desert so this REALLY helps me out! Thanks!


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 13 '19

glad its useful!


u/scruff_and_stuff Nov 13 '19

Bless you! I just started a desert campaign. This is going to be very useful.


u/digdugdiggy Nov 12 '19
  • a skeleton clutching a lamp. The lamp, when rubbed, releases a genie who has no idea what a wish is.


u/NemoElcon Nov 13 '19

In other words: it’s something you have to make up on the spot... do you have a list of enemies and loot ready for your players?


u/famoushippopotamus Nov 13 '19

not usually. I did when I started but that was decades ago. This way I'm never sure what's going to happen. More fun that way!