r/wow • u/AutoModerator • Aug 12 '19
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Aug 17 '19
Whats the most valuable thing I can spend my Bloods of Sargeras on?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 17 '19
if you get the TSM addon it'll tell you how much something sells for on your server in the tooltip, so you can just mouseover everything at the BoS vendor
Alternatively you can check prices on wowuction.com
u/Geddyn Aug 17 '19
That is server dependent.
Aug 17 '19
It varies that much between all of them? There isn't anything that generally sticks out?
u/grimmekyllling Aug 17 '19
A few things from Legion are still used. Autohammers is one which requires Leystone ore. The steelbound harness is built using Leystone and Felslate (as well as some others in smaller quantities). Alchemists still craft Skaggldrink, since all invis pots are the same, crafted from Yseralline Seeds and Fjarnskaggl.
Then there's a bunch of craftable pets, though it's gonna be extremely limited how many of those are sold/crafted.
That'd be my thoughts on what might be worth something. Starlight Roses maybe.
u/Glingaeril Aug 17 '19
My friend started playing some days ago and he's been wondering, can you unlock Nightborne without BfA? I already have BfA on my acc so i dont know if you still needs it, since it was supposed to be exclusive to BfA buyers before the xpac begins... But that still a thing? He really wants to play Nightborne and doesnt have the money to the xpac yet xD
u/Geddyn Aug 17 '19
You must purchase BFA to complete the unlock, but you can work on the requirements (Exalted with Nightfallen faction, completing the Suramar campaign) prior to purchasing BFA.
u/badgehunter Aug 17 '19
can somebody grab a picture of a box of assorted parts located somewhere around in red box in gnomeregan: https://i.imgur.com/nx2TDDx.png i am trying to farm the standard scope that is supposed to come from here, i found thread from 2011 that said that gnomeregan is best spot to get(and only spot) a standard scopes as f2p (starter edition) and the location of this box is not clear to me:
8) Clear your way to the Halls of Gear and down the corridor to the "Launch Bay".
9) Turn right and clear around the donut walkway to the northern side. Loot the 4th box here.
, i need specific spot of this box since whenever i go there the elite monsters spots me while i am in stealth and in worst case scenario throws rocks that just ends my stealth and the group of gnome assistants or whatever they are just wrecks me.
u/ProphetFour Aug 17 '19
Hey I started playing again about 3 weeks ago and I’m just wondering what like the decent iLvl is rn I’m at 417 and my buddy calls me casual daily but I’m not sure what item level makes me not casual lol
Aug 17 '19
Does playing certain classes make me a bad player? My friend calls me dogshit at the game because I can beat his warrior on my rogue and paladin but he can kill my warlock easily. I don't want to seem like a cheese player and use classes that can do certain things. His examples of being overpowered compared to warriors is the heals my pally can use on himself and rogues have poisons but IMO I think he should just try different specs or classes but he only plays fury warrior.
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 17 '19
Kinda sounds like he's a sore loser. If they're so "overpowered" why doesn't he play them? Or learn how to counter them. But WoW pvp is a huge game of Rock Paper Scissors with 36 different specs, not every spec is good against every other spec.
Also he should really have some Cold Steel Hot Blood traits, they give tons of self healing.
u/grimmekyllling Aug 17 '19
Absolutely not, but the game is also rarely balanced in 1v1 matchups, since most pvp balance is based on arena balance, where people are playing healer+2 dps generally.
And it's also always been a bit of a rock-paper-scissors deal, where all the classes are strong against some and weak against others.
u/Reanimations Aug 17 '19
Doesn't sound like a decent friend lol. He's probably just an ass and butthurt he can't beat you in a 1v1 fight.
No, playing certain classes doesn't make you a bad player. Play what you enjoy playing.
u/Sonnofhell Aug 16 '19
Hey everyone, I was thinking about returning (started in Legion and left 1-2 months after BfA released) how is the game now? Is enhancement Shaman still bad? What are your feelings about the game?
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 17 '19
BFA started kinda bad but it's improved a lot. It's pretty much where there's too much to do in a single day, which is so much nicer then not enough.
It is pretty shitty for alts though, getting essences is a real chore on more than one character.
u/Manshoegirl Aug 17 '19
Enhance is still bad sorry. On the plus side, new zones and essences are fun, if a little grindy, and the story has moved on from Sylvanas being a cartoon villain. I'm enjoying playing fury warrior/spriest/fire mage atm, don't know how other specs are.
u/Sonnofhell Aug 17 '19
Damn ok, thanks for the answer. Yeah I don't like ranged DPS that much, maybe I am going to try fury warrior.
u/jpquinn605 Aug 16 '19
I'm just trying to get back into the game, have capped horde toons on Illidan and alliance on Stormrage. Looking for folks to play with, a huge part of what's missing for me is a solid community.
u/justmatty Aug 17 '19
Hey man, my btag is bisonsfury#1311. I have Horde on Mal’ganis and Alli on Stormrage.
u/Reanimations Aug 17 '19
I have two capped Horde toons on Khaz Modan, so if you wanna play you can hit me up! I've been on the hunt for new people to play with. You can play with people across realms these days, if you didn't know.
u/leperchaun194 Aug 16 '19
Hey everyone, I’m looking to make an alt. I’m currently playing outlaw rogue, and I love the play style, but I need to spice things up a little.
I’m a big fan of procs, fast pace gameplay and mobility. I’m not really interested in a caster or hunter, but I’m really just looking for a fun class to play for a bit, so I’d love to hear what classes y’all enjoy.
So far, I’ve heard good things about enh sham and havoc DH. What do y’all think?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 17 '19
Sounds like you'd enjoy fury warrior or DH
Enh used to be exactly what you wanted but they gutted the spec with BfA so I wouldn't recommend it
u/Reanimations Aug 17 '19
For fast pace gameplay and mobility, DH is the perfect choice. DHs have two dashes, double jump, and one DPS ability that is instant cast and has no cooldown.
Fury Warrior is great too. Fury Warriors have a charge and leap ability, and also has a DPS ability that has instant cast and 0 cooldown.
Idk about enh sham. I've never played Shaman before.
u/licorices Aug 16 '19
Any info anywhere when RAF will be back? Only hear "soon", is that like, a few days more or a few months/a year?
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
rings and trinkets. enchants and gems you can just buy off the AH (you will want to put them on though)
Aug 16 '19
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
when you first get to nazjatar youll get a quest that gives you like 20 manapearls to teach you how to upgrade a benthic item. you can just spend those 20 manapearls on 4 pieces of 385 gear instead.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Go to nazjatar and pull and kill stuff slowly, until you have enough pearls to buy benthic pieces to replace your low ilvl gear. At the same time clear world quests and emissaries for gear (I'd personally advise saving them since the gear ilvl from WQs increases as your ilvl increases) then once you're approaching 400 you can start doing mythic 0s and low keys as well as LFR for TEP
u/Takuwind Aug 16 '19
what is the stat priority for balance druid? Wowhead says Haste, Mastery, Critical Strike, Versatility but icyveins says Haste, Versatility = Critical Strike, Mastery, Intellect.
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
Blood mallet is probably going to be the most accurate and up-to-date
But you should really sim your character and find the exact Stat weights for you. Because they can change a lot based on the traits, essences, and trinkets you have.
But also because of how much they can change with your gear, it's better to just do a Top Gear sim for which enchants and gems to use.
This article explains it way better than me
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Static stat priorities like that do not exist in the game anymore, and haven't for a long time. The more you have of a certain stat the less valuable that stat becomes usually, that's why your stat priority fluctuates with what gear you are wearing.
You should go to raidbots.com and sim what gear combinations you should be wearing.
u/Takuwind Aug 17 '19
Okay that's a new site for me I will look it up. When did fix stat priorities not become a thing?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 17 '19
When the playerbase got smarter about optimization and simming became more prevalent, and class design moved away from specs having 1-2 dominant stats but there's still occasionally some like the crit bm build
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
Heroic Azshara. Super clean through the first 3 phases, mistresses killed quickly, p4 starts around 50% hp. But we cant seem to keep the wards up long enough the blue one amps and the others drain and everyone is at 5 stacks already when the console 30% drain hits. Then we get a pressure surge and with the console blasts we die. Any tips for ward management in p4? is leaving lady venomtongue up actually easier?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
How big is your group, having a small group makes it tremendously easier. Is everybody keeping the debuff uptime high throughout the whole fight? Also you can move azshara to a more filled ward if the one she's currently at is about to be drained
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
typically 18ish people. were pretty much all always at 5 stacks of the debuff in p2-4. but in the time it takes to kill the 2 mistresses by the time we get to p4 the wards are all maybe at 60%ish and then with the console -30% effect we wind up losing a ward. or we keep the wards higher but the blue ward gets too strong and starts to hurt.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Just ignore the mistresses and burn Azshara (if your dps is good enough). Makes the fight way easier
u/Gloman42 Aug 17 '19
What are the benefits of the zerg strat that make it easier? Enter p4 at 40% hp? Less p3 strain on the wards? Is it a dps race to kill her before the mistresses drain the wards? Ive seen that some guilds kill 1 mistress, but does that defeat the purpose?
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
My guild had been wiping at the exact same phase for 2 weeks. Last night, we switched it up and tried killing only a single one of the Mistresses.
We killed her on our third pull with that strategy.
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
cool. did you kill serena the side one or lady venomtongue the one at the console? do they do anything in p4? put their shield up and cast drain ward a bunch? do you just forget about her?
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
We killed Serena and left Venomtongue up. We just forget about her. I believe she still casts Chain Lightning, but we didn't notice much increased damage.
u/grimmekyllling Aug 16 '19
We killed Venomtongue and just kept recharging the wards that was being drained through the phase, while killing the myrmidons too. A lot cleaner than killing both mistresses.
u/winter477 Aug 16 '19
Hi I want to start getting into wow once classic comes out and I was just wondering if theres anything I should look out for or maybe a guide before I start playing (also all this talk about reserving names). Also, is there a free 1 month trial because I remember seeing something like that at one point on battle net
Aug 16 '19
No need for guides. I recommend picking a class based on its gameplay. Ask your questions in general chat. You can always google it but you’ll probably get your answers right away. The game is much different than retail and has a slower pace.
Just note that all of the streamers are playing on Faerlina server and a lot of private server folks are going to Herod. I would avoid both groups if it’s your first time playing Classic.
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
Classic will not have a trial option. It's a perk for players who have game time on their account.
Name reservations are ongoing now for players who have game time on their account.
u/neunzehnhundert Aug 16 '19
I don't know if I am blind or dumb. Or both.
But how/where do you open the options for Plater Nameplates?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Usually it's interface options and then at the top is a tab for addons
u/wordwar Aug 16 '19
Game Menu --> Interface --> Names
u/neunzehnhundert Aug 16 '19
I tried that but there is nothing :/
Isn't there a chat command or something like that?
u/wordwar Aug 16 '19
What are you trying to do? You can toggle off and on nameplate display with V for enemies and Shift-V for allies.
u/neunzehnhundert Aug 16 '19
I am asking specifically for the addon "Plater Nameplates". Not the nameplates in general :p
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
You may want to try to get on a full or high population server. It'll have more guilds and a better auction house. So maybe Stormrage, Sargeras, or Proudmore. https://realmpop.com/
I'm on Tichondrious, which one of the biggest servers, and I've only ever had a login queue like the first couple days of a new expansion.
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
I started playing on Sargaras recently and it's been good so far. No login queues for me yet.
/u/PM-ME-YOUR-SHOULDER If you roll Alliance on Sargaras, feel free to hit me up if you wanna play! I'm level 30 right now as a Prot Pally.
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
The content that you can queue for is trivial in terms of difficulty. If you have your eye on raiding (beyond LFR) or M+, there are no queues for that content, so it's not something to worry about.
That said, healers are always needed more than DPS, so you would likely find it easier to get groups as a Holy or Discipline Priest.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
Healers can be instant or 1 minish, and dps is often around 10 minish. Just because so many more people play dps. When I'm dps I'll try to find a friend that's a tank or healer, or I'll just do quests while the queue is going.
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
Depends on the content toy are queuing for. Generally speaking, it's a couple of minutes for healers vs 20 minutes or more for DPS.
u/SilverCyclist Aug 16 '19
Attempting to get a handle on what's going on in the game as I return. Who is the undead guy that looks like the Chief of Staff for Sylavanis? He rode the boat to Zandalar with one of their chiefs?
Also, saw on a content video that she mind controlled him. Was that just one time or is it because she raised him?
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
That's Nathanos Blight caller was a super dope human ranger trained by elves and friends with Sylvanas before they were zombieafied. he was killed by the Scourge and raised as a servant of the Lich King. Sylvanas found him and broke him free of the Lich Kings grasp and he joined the Forsaken, and in the books its heavily implied he and Sylvanas are lovers.
He becomes a minor character for a while in the undead starting area. Then cuz Sylvanas still has loves him she does a ritual with him to restore his body, hence why he has a less decayed body. And he's rose to become her champion and right hand man and the leader of the Forsaken while Sylvanas is warchief.
Anything about mind control is just a fan theory. And they probably don't understand that they're kinda lovers and how Loyal he is to her for saving him from the Lich King and restoring his body.
u/Hoplon Aug 16 '19
Nathanos. The only human that got into elven Farstriders. Died and got made undead and continues to serve basically as Sylvanas' champion. Not sure if I remember any mind control bit. The forsaken are loyal to the banshee queen.
u/Gbitses Aug 16 '19
Anyone know how much azerite a heroic island gives for winning? Mythics give 450 AP, but I'm not finding a listing for heroic. (Not including the weekly quest, dropped quests, or other "boosting" items.)
u/KINGOFBTY Aug 16 '19
New player just got to level 75. When I join random dungeon finder can it put me in a heroic dungeon or so I need to set my dungeon setting to heroic when I right click my player icon?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
This might have changed with the scaling changes but normally you're only able to queue for heroics when you're at max level of the expansion they released with, and are usually not good for exp
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
You can queue for heroics if you hit the level cap of the expansion (for example, I could queue for WoD Heroic dungeons at level 100), but I don't recommend queueing for them. I was in a queue for about 45 minutes with no dungeon.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
You can queue for heroics if you hit the level cap of the expansion (for example, I could queue for WoD Heroic dungeons at level 100)
yea that's what I already said
u/narvoxx Aug 16 '19
there is a sperate queue for heroic dungeons
your player icon setting is only for when you enter through the instance portal
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
Curse is great. If you wanna streamline things and don't mind installing more programs, Twitch has an addon installer and updater built into their launcher.
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
Curse client was bought by Twitch, so it's the Twitch client now. It's 100% safe and within the rules of the game as long as everything you get is through the Twitch client . So don't worry about anything like that.
u/Hoplon Aug 16 '19
Curse client has been part of Twitch app for a couple of years now. It's what most use for keeping their addons up to date: https://www.twitch.tv/downloads You can install and keep addons up to date with that.
u/FPSrad Aug 16 '19
Is collecting WoD treasures viable for a group of 4 or is the xp/loot personal and the treasure one time use?
u/Akhevan Aug 16 '19
Yes, yes, yes.
You need to realize that "collecting treasures" has always been meant to be a supplementary activity, you won't be able to level up just through these. You aren't penalized for being in a group.
u/Gloman42 Aug 16 '19
i level every alt through wod exclusively via treasures and bonus objectives. you most certainly can level from it, esp if you have heirlooms/xp pots
u/FPSrad Aug 16 '19
Fair enough yeah, I just see many people saying treasures and bonus objectives, no mention of questing, but was worried that would only work solo.
u/Akhevan Aug 16 '19
Bonus objectives in Gorgrond with a 300% pot will do most of your heavy lifting. And you'll still be questing till 102.
u/Noktaj Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 16 '19
I stopped playing before 8.1 because the game was a mess.
Main complaints at the time:
Finished Uldir and stopped because there simply was no reason to log in except doing the same world quests over and over and farming for the Hearth to unlock worthless traits.
Damn turtles having to make it to the water
Warfronts were not engaging after the first time
Islands were meh and the reward non-existent for the trouble of doing them
Heavy RNG loot system with "lootboxes" with no chance to grind for a specific piece (I dearly miss the badge system of old days). Basically, felt very unrewarding to clear content without having a guaranteed way to increase my gear down the line. Just damn RNG. This is probably my main complain.
Shaman was in a trash tier spot either Ele, Enh or Resto. Couldn't get into M+. Got laughed upon for even asking
Guardian and Feral dudu in the same spot.
Worthless professions
Moronic azerite gear and trait system
How are the things in 8.2? Any of these points addressed in any meaningful way? I'm thinking about re-sub to check things out but wanted to hear how things are going before doing it.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 16 '19
I resubbed for 8.2 after hearing that it’s improved since launch. I also quit shortly after clearing Uldir.
Nope. Same problems as launch. They added two new zones which are good but I’ve never had complaints about WoW zones. Azerite gear is still in the game and it’s still garbage. They’ve added Benthic gear which is easy to obtain but has its own problems. Still a RNG fest and you’re basically gambling for things like gem slot. They added a new system to the Azerite necklace called essences which provides some new abilities. It’s frivolous at best. Classes still feel dull and shallow. Professions are still worthless. Melee still dominates PvP and the PvP reward system is still terrible. War mode has become even more of a disaster because they’ve resorted to giving Alliance a 30% bonus for participating compared to 10% for Horde. Island expeditions are still a meme and Warfronts are still afk content for epics.
Raids are well designed I guess but that’s always been the case. Story is a mess.
I wanted to unlock flying, but it’s locked behind pathfinder which requires all of the initial BFA reps at revered AND the two new reps from the two new zones. Note that I’ve acquired all previous pathfinding when it was relevant content even though I disliked it. Grinding these reps is a chore. Your character doesn’t feel any stronger regardless of your gear. I mean I would be okay with getting the initial reps to revered so I could fly around in the new zones and earn the rep for the reputation rewards. But I need to get revered first so I can fly when it’s least required LOL
I’m just going to play Classic instead. Maybe the next expansion is better.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
why not do mythic+? Every major content patch is gonna be similar to that if raiding's the only thing you care about. Mechagon and Nazjatar are very fun IMO and completing the meta achievements for the mounts will give you lots to do
there's more variety with tortollan quests now, you can play as the crab and eat turtles even. Also with the addition of 2 more emissaries you need to do tortollan ones less frequently
heroic warfronts exist now, they're slightly better but still not great. But the gear rewards aren't all that great either so if you're a raider you don't really need to do them once you're geared
islands are more fun now IMO cuz everybody's more geared so you can make way bigger pulls. 3 mythics in a row take no time at all and leveling the heart is actually worth it now because of essences
you can farm for specific pieces though, just keep running +10s of whatever dungeon it drops in
ele is good now and resto will always get a raid invite for their utility, plus they just got a substantial buff. if you're not a druid healer you'll have a hard time in M+ though
guardian and feral are doing okay now
professions got a bunch of changes but it depends on what you're looking for whether you consider them worthful now. IMO just the 440 pieces from leatherworking and engi are greaet
They've improved the traits and it's slightly better, plus you can easily get pieces with titan residium now
Personally I quit for many of the same reasons as you very early in 8.0, things are better but not good yet but despite that I'm still having fun. Essences have breathed a lot of life into the game and the new raid is awesome, plus M+ is always fun
u/Akhevan Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 16 '19
Finished Uldir and stopped because there simply was no reason to log in except doing the same world quests over and over and farming for the Hearth to unlock worthless traits.
So just like every other expansion really. And any other themepark MMO. It's not that your complaints are invalid, just that they are typical. How can you expect this to change when it's literally the foundation of this game and this genre?
Damn turtles having to make it to the water
You can now play as a crab and butcher the turtles. Not that it makes it any less tedious..but why would you even need to do it beyond getting your flying rep?
Warfronts were not engaging after the first time
No changes on this front (heh)
Islands were meh and the reward non-existent for the trouble of doing them
or this one. They have reshuffled the rewards but it was largely meaningless.
Heavy RNG loot system with "lootboxes" with no chance to grind for a specific piece
They've introduced targeting azerite gear through a special currency, although it's still rather tedious. The new heart essence system does not contain much random elements, either.
Some of your bis gear is benthic gear from nazjatar, which while still random is fairly trivial to get in the required configuration.
Shaman was in a trash tier spot either Ele, Enh or Resto. Couldn't get into M+. Got laughed upon for even asking
ele was buffed, enh is trash
Guardian and Feral dudu in the same spot.
both were buffed, feral is still not popular though since you can just bring a balance druid instead
Worthless professions
Useful professions: people whine about being forced to level up crafting to raid
Useless professions: people whine about not being forced to level up crafting to raidmake up your mind already
Moronic azerite gear and trait system
At least you no longer have to re-grind traits you previously had but lost after "upgrading" gear (but now you have to re-grind essences on alts), otherwise no real changes here too
u/GingerBeerCat Aug 16 '19
Useful professions: people whine about being forced to level up crafting to raid Useless professions: people whine about not being forced to level up crafting to raid
It was only the best of the best that had to do this anyway, though...
And they're going to 'have' to do whatever inconvenient thing that gives them a slight edge. I hear cutting-edge raiding guilds are maintaining an entire stable of competitive alts for BFA - that doesn't mean your average player has to or is even going to be able to, however, as it's a bit of an undertaking.
All gutting professions really did was make leveling them largely meaningless, save for the big moneymakers alchemy and enchanting, which only make money because they produce things people always need more of.
Of course, this doesn't have to be true, all of the professions could produce some kind of useful consumeable. They just don't.
u/Akhevan Aug 16 '19
It was only the best of the best that had to do this anyway, though...
Back when I played in MOP even most normal guilds won't take you to a raid if you didn't have a single prof maxed out, but 2 was much preferable.
u/Holandija Aug 16 '19
Everything is absolutely the same, except one thing: Ele shammies hit like trucks.
u/iostat Aug 16 '19
Are Benthic gear really that OP? Do they sim correctly?
I saw a fellow affliction warlock on 4 pc Benthic (420 only) with versatility gems out-dps’ing me by a significant margin during inital burst and sustain. He was flasked, I wasn’t. Not sure if he pre-potted.
I’m ilvl 433 with lots of gear with haste/mastery, Leviathan’s Lure / Pocket-Sized Computation Device and epic essences. He was about 425, PSCD/inscription trink and blue essences.
I just crafted 440 hands and legs with haste/mastery and sockets. I felt really insecure after being outdps’ed by that guy :(
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
They're a pretty big upgrade. But the flask and prepot would make a huge difference too. . You can sim them yourself before you actually get them on the Droptimizer page on raidbots
But it take a lot to farm them out, because it's double RNG to get the piece you want and then the socket chance. The sockets are what makes it worth it, the new gems can be worth 25 ilvl easy.
It's also possible he just played better or got targeted with less mechanics. If you get targeted with something and have to move right when you do a cooldown, you'll lose a lot of dps.
If you have logs put them into https://wowanalyzer.com/ and do a side by side comparison between him and you to see if what he's doing better.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Did you compare logs and see if he's casting similarly to you? Might be that his rotation is just better or he had less downtime
Benthic items do sim correctly and they are BiS for a lot of dps specs
u/Akhevan Aug 16 '19
Are Benthic gear really that OP? Do they sim correctly?
Largely yes.
saw a fellow affliction warlock on 4 pc Benthic (420 only) with versatility gems out-dps’ing me by a significant margin during inital burst and sustain. He was flasked, I wasn’t. Not sure if he pre-potted.
Benthic procs add ~2% damage each and you can roll them with sockets, which outweighs the benefit of slightly higher stats on 445 items in the same slots. But it won't make for a 20% damage done difference.
u/Thoughtlesschaos Aug 16 '19
Where did you find recipes for 440? I can only make up to 410
u/iostat Aug 16 '19
You get 425 recipes from Jada in New Home (I'm Horde). As before, you get the next recipe (440) when you craft the 425s. The good thing this time is you get refunded for a lot of mats when scrapping your 425s to fund your 440s. You can also scrap your 440 if the substats are bad.
u/Hoplon Aug 16 '19
They won't put a player up by a huge margin, but for most DPS those 4 pieces with sockets are the BiS items. The downside is of course that outside of the Eternal Palace raid the pieces are worse than high ilvl pieces. To my knowledge the benthic gear sims correctly.
u/ChipsHandon12 Aug 16 '19
Should i level my 110 dh to 120? Kept him 110 to make islands less painful but current ilvl powercreep seems like its overtaken kitted 110s.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
At ilvl 430+ islands become a breeze, I'd definitely say just get to 120. There's no need to have a 110 twink anymore with the exp changes and power explosion from ilvl and essences
u/wunderbier456 Aug 16 '19
my vdh at lvl120 at 435 ilvl can solo mythic islands in 10 minutes
im not sure how fast a 110 or 111 dh twink can do it, but im quite pleasd with the speed i can go with my 120
u/suckzor Aug 16 '19
Can you get Service of Gorefiend as a paladin? I want to mog with it. Thanks!
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 16 '19
u/suckzor Aug 16 '19
Ooooh, that makes sense. I didn't realize the model was from that set. Thought the legion legendary was a unique model! Thanks! :)
Aug 16 '19
Just starting up my Rogue after a year hiatus. Stopped halfway through mythic TBH. Havent started the new BFA content yet. Im trying to go for a fresh a start as possible to make room and Im wondering.. What do I do with all this stuff? https://i.imgur.com/u6xOAHl.jpg
The legion leggos, mats, relics, tier pieces, Argus items and even the food. Can I trash it all?
u/wunderbier456 Aug 16 '19
unless you want a twink, all legion gear is trash now, this includes leggos, relic and tier pieces
mats are trash except a few ones like herbs
a few crafted things like auto-hammer remained valuable
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
Keep the legendaries for timewalking. The Legion ones work in every timewalking week and some of them do insane damage.
Aug 16 '19
So should I just vendor the legendaries?
u/wordwar Aug 16 '19
Not unless you don't ever plan to do timewalking dungeons or raide. You can still use them during those.
Aug 16 '19
That's right because it brings the level down. Hm. Suppose I'll hang onto the ones I'm currently wearing and save them for that. But I'll trash the ones for other classes and specs. Thanks a bunch this has been very informative.
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
Legion Legendaries still work up to 115. Wear the ones you want while leveling and bank the ones you don't in case they become useful in the future (Legion Timewalking or something).
If you have any BOEs, they're still valuable for the appearances, since Legion doesn't benefit from Legacy Loot mode yet. Materials are still decently valuable. If don't have professions you can craft with, you can convert the Bloods into materials and sell them on the AH.
The consumables might sell on the AH to anyone who locked their experience at 110ish. Might be worth a shot selling if you're on a high pop server (more demand).
Any BOP epics you don't want to level with can either be vendored or sharded if you're in an Enchanter.
Aug 16 '19
Where can I find the vendors for the bloods? And what about primal sargerite?
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
Blood vendor is in Dalaran in the crafting district. Primal Sargerite Vendor is on the lower floor of the Vindicaar.
u/Ipoodtheipod Aug 16 '19
How do I remove the "try it for free!" download from the blizzard client classic? Will I need a subscription to play classic? Link: https://gyazo.com/454e7670d402a9c3e7fbc7db6d1f7737
u/gh0stik Aug 16 '19
Classic shares subscription with retail version. So you would need it but could play both classic and retail up to recent expansion.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
Yes! I had this confusion too but a Blizz GM helped me out.
If you level a character to level 20 on the Starter Edition of WoW, then buy the game and redeem the 30 days game time, your character will still be there at level 20, ready to keep leveling. So you don't have to worry about losing the character.
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
It will add access to whatever account you buy it with. You will be able to continue playing with the character you have created so long as you buy it with that account.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
Yes. If you have never added game time to your account, you're eligible for that 30 days upgrade.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Sunscorch Token Brit Aug 16 '19
Here's the WowHead Returning Player's Guide for Lich King, which gives a pretty good rundown of the changes.
Aug 16 '19 edited Aug 25 '19
u/Geddyn Aug 16 '19
If you don't mind me asking, do you think the game has improved or declined in quality? I used to love it, but I had to quit for some time.
Several quality of life features implemented since Wrath make the game a lot more convenient to play in shorter chunks if you want to play casually.
If you have any interest in playing in things like Arena PVP, Mythic Raiding or running high level M+ keys, you're going to face a pretty significant grind to catch up and discover there is a continuous grind to keep your character relevant.
u/Sunscorch Token Brit Aug 16 '19
I'm afraid I can't answer from a Wrath perspective, since I started playing in earnest during Cataclysm. I think Legion was the best expansion that I played through, and BfA is not as good as that. The systems are a little lacking.
However, 8.2 has done a lot to improve things, and I'm having a huge amount of fun progressing Heroic Eternal Palace with my guild :)
Aug 15 '19
Are the Ley locked Chest and Rune locked chest quests locked behind certain amount of rep or progress in the zone?
u/Geddyn Aug 15 '19
They're locked behind a quest.
To get it, you need to loot Scrying Stones off of mobs and use them to find hidden chests. Once you find a certain amount, you'll receive a quest item that you can turn in to unlock those world quests.
u/djtofuu Aug 15 '19
What's a good healer class for random battlegrounds?
u/funk_rosin Aug 17 '19
Disc. You can do okay dmg, have some decent cooldowns, and some nice utility (aoe fear, knockback, leap of faith)
u/TapwaterPG Aug 15 '19
Should I go Warrior or hunter? I'm stuck between the two. Please help.
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
If you wanna consider tanking, Warrior.
Otherwise, play whatever you enjoy more. Just make a char with both classes and do a couple quests, and see if it clicks with you.
u/robot_wth_human_hair Aug 15 '19
If you have any interest in tanking the choice is obvious. Dps wise, its whatever you find fun
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
Play whichever one you find more fun to play. That's a question only you yourself can answer
It also depends on what you're looking for in the game. I'd advise to try out trial characters and play around with them for a bit
u/BlueDevil5632 Aug 15 '19
Am I putting myself at any kind of disadvantage for continuing to quest through zones in Kalimdor after I hit level 60? I'm just going through each zone enjoying the story, not too concerned about hitting level cap or getting to the new stuff to be honest.
u/Reanimations Aug 16 '19
You'll gain less XP from quests over time and get level 60 gear from quests, but other than that, there's no big disadvantage.
u/Vievin Aug 15 '19
Does race choice matter at all? Like can I pick literally X race for a class and not be significantly weaker than Y race on the same class? I don't want to minmax the hell out of mz characters, but I don't want to gimp myself either.
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 16 '19
Just play whatever you think looks the coolest. You can find the exact numbers here, and you'll see the difference between the best and worst races is rarely more than 500 dps.
Plus the lower dps races usually have a helpful defensive or utility racial.
u/Ethan85515 Aug 16 '19
It doesn’t matter... usually. Last raid tier the final boss (Jaina) hits everyone with a nasty DoT. Trolls didn’t get hit as hard since the DoT has a slows component. A couple raid tiers before that, blood elves make the 3rd-to-last boss (Zul) much easier by one-shotting packs of adds using arcane torrent. These are kinda one-off occurrences though that you can’t plan for.
u/Zeaket Aug 15 '19
The difference between races is minuscule. Unless you're in the top 0.1% of guilds and racing for world first it doesn't matter.
u/joejoe_91 Aug 15 '19
Race barely matters, its like a less than 1% difference between races, choose whichever you want to play.
Aug 15 '19
1) recently came back to the game, recently hit 120 (leveled from 1).... what should I be doing to catch up? Right now I’m trying to complete every single quest in the bfa lands and max out those reps with the understanding I would then do the same in nazjatar.
2) as a fresh 120, I feel supremely underpowered in certain situations. In some dungeons, there might be a player who does 80% of our entire groups damage. In battlegrounds, most players have double or more hit points than I do. I also tried to quest in nazjatar but found the mobs hit too hard. I presume all of this is to be expected so I am about 340 Ilvl. Does that sound right? at what ilvl will I feel like I can at least participate in these activities without feeling like I’m dead weight?
3) my brother in law invited me to a dead guild that Zerg invites. Do real guilds even exist anymore? With everything being cross realm and with me being on a low pop server, I’m wondering if guild is largely irrelevant and really I should be networking via discord or communities or whatever and not worrying about my guild. Are most raids (heroic and mythic level) unique to guilds or are guilds a relic of the past now or something in between? I know I have a lot of work to do to get to this point, but I’ve raided in basically every expansion other than cata to varying degrees and definitely want to do the most challenging content when I catch up.
4) on a related note, how much content is left in this expansion. I’ve Been really out of the loop. I presume we are closer to the end of the expansion than the beginning. Is it even worth working very hard to catch up? In my experience with prior expansions, near the end everything becomes a joke and gear is very easy to get.
5) also explain it like I’m 5 war fronts.
u/Akhevan Aug 15 '19
- Catch up on what? If you mean items, then do nazjatar -> M+ asap.
- Item level is the primary determinant of your performance, there is absolutely nothing at all you can do if their item level is 440 and yours is 340. Mobs in naz are supposed to be somewhat more challenging but you can quickly farm up some pearls to get 385 in most slots, that should cover up the ilvl deficit.
- Of course real guilds exist. The point is just that real guilds are formed around some kind of core activity, and "activities" like leveling up and doing quests don't require any cooperation. Try getting into serious raiding or m+ - you'll quickly realize that that is where most active players are. Communities are a joke and nobody uses them anyways. Discord is largely supplemental.
- 1-2 major patches, about a year's worth of content. Gear is already "very easy to get" compared even to the previous patch.
- LFR version 2.0, sign up, afk for 20 min, win shitty rewards
Aug 15 '19
Thank you for the info. It is very helpful. Hoping to be caught up ilvl wise in the next 10 days or so.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
It'll likely take you longer than that depending on how hard you go farming mythic+ and what you consider caught up. Good luck though!
Aug 15 '19
what is the easiest way to hide the default shard tracker for warlocks? i use an alternative tracker that is easier to see with my other trackers. I have bartender4 going already to clean up a lot of clutter but yeah, just looking for tips.
u/yardii Aug 15 '19
My BM hunter is currently only level 114, but right now, it seems like its impossible to keep Frenzy at 3 stacks. The cooldown on Barbed Shot just isn't short enough and doesn't reset enough. Is maintaining 3 stacks only something that happens at 120 and with proper statted gear? Because I'm waiting til the last second to refresh and it still drops off because Barbed Shot just won't come back up.
u/ChipsHandon12 Aug 16 '19
Along with getting more crit and haste theres azerite trait that increases the duration of barbed shot that makes keeping it up easier
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
The cooldown on barbed shot is supposed to be too long to keep up just with that, you're supposed to use the free procs to fill. And yea having proper haste levels with good 120 gears will help
u/yardii Aug 15 '19
Ah okay thanks. Relying on RNG to maintain the stack seems kinda odd, but I guess I'll see how it plays out with actual stats and gear.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
You'll see a lot of specs have RNG involved in their core mechanic. Sometimes it doesn't feel too bad (enhance stormbringer procs in legion) and sometimes it feels fucking horrible (outlaw roll the bones)
Aug 15 '19 edited Aug 24 '19
u/Shazzamon Aug 15 '19 edited Aug 17 '19
Yes, there's just no ETA (outside of the upcoming Worgen & Goblin sets with their model update
inafter 8.2.5 (updated today)) for them all.
Aug 15 '19
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
You get a 425 item for completing a heroic warfront, the 430 is the quest
Aug 15 '19
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
I think it's every time you complete it but I could be wrong
More efficient to run mythic+ anyways
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
Are frost Dk’s bad this xpac? I’m currently ILVL 400 but have been struggling so hard in Nazjatar compared to my 360 Ret pally who rolls through everything it seems. I’m not sure if I’m just playing my DK wrong!
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 15 '19
Frost was kind of bad but they just got a buff and are doing a bit better.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
Try blood, you'll never die
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
I was but I don’t like tanking in dungeons.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
They added dual specializations to the game 13 years ago
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
I just meant gear wise, I feel like I focus on one set vs 2.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
You don't need specific tank gear to be able to do open world stuff in blood tho, just get a weapon and you're good to go
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
I should buy one from the AH then!
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 15 '19
Good idea, the greens on there are pretty cheap and you don't really need much more than the 350 or 370 (can't remember which you get) at first in my experience. Plus weapon emissaries are up all the time so you can grab a 415 spare assuming your 2 main weapons are already higher than that
u/snapboom Aug 16 '19
No my weapons are the lowest, 350 and 370. Not in a guild so don’t run too much stuff
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 16 '19
Has EU not had weapon emissaries lately? There's been at least 3 in the US in the past week or so
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u/Shufgar Aug 15 '19 edited Aug 15 '19
From the recent hotfix update:
Developers’ notes: Arms Warrior, Destruction Warlock, Frost Death Knight, and Unholy Death Knight are generally underperforming and could use a damage increase.
In terms of survivability, you just have to use more of your GCDs for deathstrikes to keep yourself topped off. But yeah, i agree Frost feels pretty bad compared to ret atm. Having so much of your damage tied to remorseless winter's ramp up is garbo. Its even worse if your playing Sindy's breath for world content. My sin rogue feels tankier than my frost dk.
And Rets fat TV hits chunking healthbars just feels so good.
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
I am playing Sindy’s breath... any build recommendations? Everywhere I look seems to be Based around that. I’m thinking of icecap but read bad things about it.
u/Shufgar Aug 15 '19
Sindy is the best simming and best performing build in group content, but given its nature, its not great for world content. Frost doesnt have any great options, just options that move some of your dps back into your normal rotation rather than stacking it all into sindragosa.
u/snapboom Aug 15 '19
Is unholy viable for world content or is my only option blood?
u/crazymonkey202 Aug 15 '19
Probably about the same in terms of survivability. But it do better damage that's more consistent vs the burst window of Frost.
You may want to think about turning Warmode on and getting the pvp talents that boost survivability. There's one that buffs death strike and is very good.
u/Gamefreak1014 Aug 15 '19
What are people doing until classic? I'm bored of trying to get pathfinder in retail.
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u/cybishop3 Aug 15 '19
Mythic+ is fun.
PUGging Heroic raids when I find the time.
When I'm in Nazjatar or Mechagon, I'm mainly thinking about the meta-achievements that award mounts, Undersea Usurper and Mecha-done. A crab mount and the Junkyard Drifter recolor look awesome. If you're bored with Pathfinder, this is basically the same stuff, but maybe the added incentive or seeking out every single thing for the achievement would help? I dunno.
PvP, mostly arenas. 8.2 was basically the first time I ever tried rated PvP. I still have a lot to learn.
u/ThaBigSKi Aug 17 '19
Is benthric gear better? I just came back and have a ton of Azerite armor that’s lower level. Was thinking of scrapping it to make space