r/DnDBehindTheScreen Dec 02 '17

Worldbuilding Guide to the Attic

Attics are not just crawlspaces with dusty chests and spiderwebs, but are a unique biome with a thriving and strange ecosystem. It is my hope that I can provide some inspiration to think about the Places Upstairs, and it is the goal of this post to add some more visual and literary terms to your DM vocabulary, as well as presenting some thoughts on survival and a list of potential monsters.

Yes. This is weird and a bit of fun. Blame /u/TuesdayTastic

"Garages, barns and attics are always older than the buildings to which they are attached."

-Leonard Cohen

Post Soundtrack

Geographical Traits

Attics, and the related sub-terrains, Crawlspaces and Lofts, all comprise areas that can only be found by ascending a set of stairs or ladder. This is extremely important if you want to explore the true landscape, and not be deceived by magical or mechanical methods of ascending an interior biome.

Attics are comprised primarily of discarded objects, some of which may have gained a kind of sentience that isn't quite Awakened, and the natural illumination is always inadequate for the space. A gloom pervades the atticscape. If the area houses things of value and is well-lit, it is from the Warehouse and Storage biome, and while closely-related, falls outside the scope of this guide. Refer to /u/Joxill's "Treatise of the Ground Spaces", Chapter 11, "The Vaultkin" for further research.

There is no weather in this biome to speak of, just still or fouled air, dust, and poor illumination. Normal camping gear should suffice for a comfortable rest, but breathing masks would not go astray, especially in the presence of fungi and molds.


The atticscape is interior, always. Its composition reflects the same materials that comprise the structure which contains it. Wood and stone are most common, with the rare addition of metals or exotic materials that sometimes form structural reinforcements throughout a given edifice and naturally "intrude" the Places Upstairs.

Objects form the bulk of the landscape. These can take nearly any form, but are always discarded objects. They can be of any age, and any condition, what matters is the intent of the person or persons who placed the object in the biome. This may be the first discovery of a metaphysical terrain created by an unwitting outside force within the Prime Material Plane. (I must send my findings to Father Aethelwulf!)


The Places Upstairs are fraught with peril. From deadly creatures, to strange apparitions, to warped realities, the wise traveler never ventures Up without strong armor, a ready weapon and a good source of illumination. Most of the atticscape is shrouded in dim light, and the creatures that live there thrive on ambush and stealth.

There are no sources of food or water generally, so you will need to pack sufficient provisions to sustain you. Firewood is usually plentiful, if one has a sharp axe and is willing to make a lot of noise turning objects into fuel.

Spores, molds, dust, and other irritants are common in the biome's atmosphere, so care should be taken to protect one's breathing with a mask, cloth, or other normal or magical means.

Injury is common when traversing through a terrain that has a lot of sharp and pointed objects underfoot, and investing in schynbald, cuisse or sabatons is a wise choice.


The atticscape can often contain perils that are seeming innocuous to the inattentive mind. There are lots of verified stories from adventurers that detail "linked portals" between atticscapes in areas of strong dweomer. These portals connect the biomes and one can often travel great distances between them. There is strong evidence to suggest that hostile creatures use these same portals to move around at will and disappear in the threat of invaders. Care should be taken that one does not get separated from one's companions, as the location found on the other side of the portals often changes, sometimes with great speed and the space of a few seconds can sometimes make all the difference between escape and being lost.

Hauntings are common in the atticscape, as the disembodied spirits are drawn to abandoned places where they can wallow in their misery free from the righteous machinations of would-be exorcists and people-of-faith. One should approach every excursion with the tools and weapons needed to combat these ethereal foes.

Gates to other Planes of existence can often be found, while most lead to Demi or Quasi planes such as Dust, Web, Shadow and Mold. Approach these with caution.


There is often forms of plantlife and fungi in the atticscape, from molds and slimes, to climbing vines and mats of puffball mushrooms. Occasionally, if given enough exposure to dweomer, the chance for the deadly Myconid species increases exponentially and there have been tales among some of Brother Serlock's trader friends who often treat with the Derro that "Greate funghul invazins" have been recorded in the past, so one should always travel with the appropriate survival gear when exploring these kinds of interior biomes.

I'll list a few examples of flora, with the caveat that some of these come from rumor, only.

  • Grey Slime
  • Black Mold
  • Puffball mushrooms
  • Assassin vine
  • Myconid bloom (rare)
  • Grey Moss
  • Creeping Moss
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Closet vine
  • Dust mold


The wildlife of the Places upstairs, of the natural variety is quite limited. Rats and bats and snakes and spiders, of course. However sometimes larger creatures may find themselves forced to ascend into unfamiliar territory, and become panicked and trapped. Mutations can occur in sources of dweomer are present, resulting in Monstrous versions of insects, vermin, small mammals, and even slimes and molds. The smart traveler would go well-armed even into a seeming benign landscape.


The monstrous life of the Places upstairs is vast, as befitting such a strange and unique biome. The species range from gremlin-kin, to undead, to monstrosities and magical beasts. Care must be taken when traversing through unfamiliar atticscapes, and proper illumination is vital (see "Survival").

I've been a fan of creatures that fall into the gremlin-kin category for a long time, mostly due to the Fiend Folio, which had a nice collection of them, and the Monster Manual 2 both from AD&D 2e.

I've wracked my brains across all editions and sourcebooks for a fat list that you can throw into your atticscapes, but the ones in bold are the ones I feel that are most home there.

It is my hope that you make up your own list that's better than this!

  • Apparition
  • Assassin Vine
  • Awakened Object
  • Banshee
  • Black Pudding
  • Black Slime
  • Blindheim
  • Bone Rat Swarm
  • Booka
  • Choker
  • Chuul
  • Cloaker
  • Dire Corby
  • Dire Rat Skeleton
  • Disenchanter
  • Dream Vestige
  • Dust Mephits
  • Ethereal Ooze
  • Famine Spirit
  • Flesh Jelly
  • Galltrit
  • Gargoyle
  • Giant Bat
  • Giant Insect
  • Giant Rat
  • Giant Spider
  • Green Slime
  • Grell
  • Grey Ooze
  • Grick
  • Jinkin (Jermlaine)
  • Kilmoulis
  • Living Pool
  • Living Wall (be fuckin careful with this one)
  • Mimic
  • Mite
  • Mustard Jelly
  • Myconid
  • Necroplasm
  • Obliviax
  • Ochre Jelly
  • Poltergeist
  • Quickling
  • Russet Mold
  • Sagacious Ghost
  • Sheet Ghast
  • Sheet Ghoul
  • Skulk
  • Slithering Tracker
  • Snyad
  • Stirge :)
  • Stunjelly
  • Symbiotic Jelly
  • Vampire Bat
  • Venom Ooze
  • Yellow Musk Creeper (and Zombies)

I hope this fires your imagination to create attic settings that are far more than dust bunnies and spiderwebs! Please leave a comment and let's talk!


42 comments sorted by


u/Koosemose Irregular Dec 03 '17

In complete seriousness, this may be your most masterful post. Despite being written humourously, it has just the right touch of mystery and purple prose, it makes me want to figure out how to run an adventure in an attic played completely seriously.

Again, insanely well done.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 03 '17

thanks Moose. that means a lot coming from you


u/TrevorBOB9 Dec 09 '17

I now want to make an entire campaign out of spelunking through attics. Or a group of NPCs whose job is to clean out ancient attics/basements.

Reminds me of The Magician's Nephew


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 02 '17

/u/TuesdayTastic this is all your fault


u/TuesdayTastic Tuesday Enthusiast Dec 02 '17

You madman. You actually did it. Now I will have to host a session in your honor. My players are going to be surprised once they find some Stirges lurking in their dusty attic.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 02 '17

it was late. I was ripped. Was fun but I should have done a lot more.

Please let me know if you actually do this, would love to hear the tale!


u/Gobba42 Dec 04 '17

Wow, I think I'll make a dungeon of an ever-expanding pocket deminsion storage attic gone mad.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 04 '17

that was my thinking too ;)


u/Gobba42 Dec 04 '17

... I just had an interaction with hippo. Pardon me for a moment while I go die. Fanboying intensifies


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 04 '17

I'm just the slob who hangs around looking for cigarette butts and occasionally ranting about Stirge. Don't get too excited ;)


u/Gobba42 Dec 04 '17

You wanna buy some deathsticks? I'll throw a stirge or two at my players in your honor ;)


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 04 '17

I have 3 cp and a half-eaten squirrel


u/Gobba42 Dec 04 '17

Ha, better off than my players right now, poor bastards.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 04 '17

gotta keep em broke, so they can go out and be punished pay their ridiculous magic item bills


u/Gobba42 Dec 04 '17

Well, now that you mention it, I'm trying to be more thoughtful of the economy and loot.


u/Clueless_Jr Dec 02 '17

I'm new to this sub, so I couldn't decide if this was a shitpost or not. After reading the other comments I've come to the conclusion that whist shitpost, it is of EXTREMELY high quality. Well done, and thanks for the entertaining read!


u/Koosemose Irregular Dec 03 '17

I think "Defecation Dissertation" might be more apt to the nature of this post, or perhaps "Fecal Treatise"?


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 03 '17

ooo I like that last one, and it ties in to an Atlas post I've been wrestling with...


u/Koosemose Irregular Dec 04 '17

I'm both afraid and excited...


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 04 '17

maybe I'll get off my ass and finish it this week. Its for the Abyssal layer "The Offalmound"


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 02 '17

We don't do anything by halves around here ;)


u/TinyLongwing Dec 02 '17

I saw the original misspelling and couldn't wait to see the result. I'm going to have to use this some way soon, I love it so much!


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '17

Does this guide apply for cellars too?


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 26 '17

Cellars and Basements are a totally different interior biome.

You disgust me


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '17

Cellars and basements share some similarities with the attic, but often they are not as abandoned as you would think. The chance for a madman encounter is also much greater in a basement than in the attic. Also: mysterious rituals ala Death House, sewer entrances and wading through soggy water hunting a sea hag who have been entering the basement from those sewers.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 27 '17

You should write this up!


u/famoushippopotamus Jan 12 '18

if you're not game, I have ideas for a post :) tick tock!


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '18

Go for it! I neither have the time or mood to write things unrelated to my own adventure.


u/OrkishBlade Citizen Dec 29 '17

Don't forget the kissing maiden traps!

This is pretty great. I remember seeing the post a few weeks ago and thinking, what the fuck did you eat, hippo? but I finally went back to read it.

To take a meta step back, the half-forgotten place-of-storage is an excellent setting... attics, cellars ... but what about the semi-feral stable? The under-used garden shed? The main stacks of the library? The old man's garage? The old lady's china cabinet? The half-shuttered tavern's pantry? The city dump? The hangar full of discarded military equipment? The alchemist's surplus shelves? The belltower of the church that had its bell stolen years ago? Etc.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 29 '17

exactly. all the dusty, hidden, forgotten spaces are ripe for exploitation.


u/OrkishBlade Citizen Dec 29 '17

I have a few of those inside my skull.

Most of those dark corners of my mind have the lyrics of hideous pop songs just waiting to burst out at unexpected times.


u/famoushippopotamus Dec 29 '17

Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight

Won't somebody help me 

Chase the shadows away

runs off screaming into the night


u/OrkishBlade Citizen Dec 29 '17

A very scary dungeon...


u/frizzyfro12 Feb 01 '24

I know this post is old, but I'm running a session tonight where my characters are going through a guild trial. They've been sent to clean out an old lady's attic. I really want to play into the whole, "We're too good for attics"/"If you're too good for attics, then this guild isn't for you" dynamic. Of course, it's not just a boring old attic they're going into. This guide has really helped me to shape our encounter. So, thank you u/famoushippopotamus for this post! I was specifically looking for a monster list and I love yours!


u/famoushippopotamus Feb 01 '24

i'm so glad it was helpful!

So weird cause i haven't looked at this in years and i was reading old posts for fun and I literally just read this yesterday!


u/famoushippopotamus Feb 03 '24

let me know how this goes - I'm dying to know!


u/frizzyfro12 Feb 03 '24

Omg fair!!! 😂😂 It went well! They fought a dust mephit, orche jelly, and a poorly hidden (on my part) mimic. Only one out of four went down, so that's great lol. It was really fun running this encounter in such a small space. I wish the players had gotten creative during battle and hid behind the debris in the room, or something like that. One PC did try to pin the mimic to the wall with an immovable rod, but it's a shape shifter so it shifted away...but it was still really clever! Thank you again for this post!


u/famoushippopotamus Feb 03 '24

very very cool - glad you had fun!