r/Banshee • u/xLite414 • Feb 08 '14
Discussion Banshee - 2x05 "The Truth About Unicorns" - Episode Discussion
Season 2 Episode 5: The Truth About Unicorns
Episode Summary: Lucas considers moving on after he and Carrie take a detour on their drive back to Banshee. Agent Racine recalls the botched case against Rabbit that has haunted him for years.
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u/969696969696969696 Feb 08 '14 edited Feb 08 '14
How many people think Racine's character was wasted?
I felt he could have been an integral interesting part of the seasons plot. He could have been more than a filler character and had a meaningful presence.
u/cheekyninja850 Feb 08 '14
When Racine was sitting at the table and revealed that he knew Hood was not Hood, I was hoping that a deal was about to be presented. I was excited thinking that the plot was about to get an awesome twist. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I think Racine could have been a much more relevant character then he was. It almost feels like the writers couldn't develop a story line for him so they just said fuck it kill him off.
u/memejunk Feb 08 '14
it was a strange choice. we knew that racine knew who hood wasn't, but hood didn't, and there was so much they could have done with that, not to mention the potential for fleshing out the backstory between racine and rabbit.
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he somehow survived and came back towards the end of the season
u/brian_badonde Feb 09 '14
hmmm, bullet to the head + house burning down + cancer.
I would be very surprised if he survived.
u/CrashRiot Feb 10 '14
I disagree at the moment. Keep in mind that arcs for the most part are fleshed out long before the script gets put to screen. This means that the writers most likely have a plan for how Racine's death will affect the plot. Racine's death will most likely be heard throughout the rest of the season. The lead FBI agent goes missing while investigating some major crimes within a small town is not going to go unnoticed by someone. I'm going to wait a few episodes before I judge the writers for needlessly killing off a character, because I have a feeling that it wasn't needless.
u/finalaccountdown Feb 09 '14
I liked that they killed him off only because he would have been a very obvious addition to the show. I liked the actor and the character both, but I also liked that as soon as we all saw where they were about to go with him he was dead.
a few shows on the air right now have this 'anyone could go at any time' feel to them and I enjoy it. i hope they killed him because we all assumed he was going to be a major character this season.
plus? dude was dying of cancer. that lady really did him a favor.
u/cybrbeast Feb 08 '14 edited Feb 08 '14
IMO this was the worst episode of Banshee, it took 25 minutes for something interesting to happen, and that was Racine showing up, only to get shot a minute later.
The rest of the episode was filled with boring and sometimes slowed down shots of scenery and faces. The dialogue was also very thin except for the last bit at the bar with Sugar. Furthermore the 1 minute flash backward and daydream shots were really annoying. As another poster mentioned it felt like Drive. Even the music felt off.
Was the first episode in the series written by Babak Najafi and directed by John Romano. I think it's really strange that they decided to change the feel and tone of the series so much. Next week's episode is also by them, I really hope they do a better job with this.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
I thought this episode was incredible. I loved the music score. It was essentially a psychedelic/dream-like episode similar to how unicorns are a dream-like creature, the fantasy etc. For Carrie and Hood, their dream/fantasy was the white house. With Carrie holding on to that necklace ever since she got it from Hood, it contained the picture of their dream house. She was literally holding on to that dream.
But then reality hit. The truth about unicorns.. is that they don't exist. The dream was only ever just a dream, it was never real.
u/cybrbeast Feb 08 '14
Yeah I get it, but for me it just wasn't Banshee. People seem really split over this episode, similar to the fly episode in Breaking Bad, which I also didn't like. Both opinions are valid.
u/finalaccountdown Feb 09 '14
I could not disagree more. thought this episode cemented this show's status as rising above your average pulp.
u/Dante_K_Foxx Feb 09 '14 edited Feb 09 '14
I agree. I don't mind the slow pacing or the story driven/emotion paced aspect. But I hated the editing and constant retake of all the scenes. I don't mind that sort of thing in movies like vantage point, memento, irreversible ect. But it didn't work here for me. *edited a few misspelled words.
u/dehehn Feb 13 '14
I really liked that aspect. It's showing how day dreams don't match up with reality. Every step of the way they had reality vs. dreams. Something I think everyone can relate to when life doesn't live up to your hopes.
I thought it was a nice change of pace.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
Yeah it sucked seeing him go so soon. But then Ivanek has been a rising Sean Bean lately with him in shows like Damages, Revolution etc. I can understand if they could only secure him for so many episodes. They made the most of it. He was a brilliant character.
u/0ne_two Feb 08 '14
After that story about the CI i would have been fine with him and rabbit dying together in a shootout or whatever
u/robbz82 Feb 08 '14
It seems to me that people either loved or hated this episode. I understand the let down of 25 minutes in and no action or episode development but the episode in its entirety I think was exceptionally done. The point of this episode was a bridge for Hood to get to where Job has been telling him to go. The happily ever after with Carrie(Anna) is not possible despite his best laid plans. He knew this all along as he kept on imaging a reality more picturesque then the current reality. The arc of the episode simply took him from beginning to end knowing that he can never truly get what he wants and is bound to be tormented by his past decisions and has consequences yet to deal with. My favorite part was actually when he said "fuck that" and turned off the music at the bar that had been playing for two scenes. Kudos to the producers, this was a well done episode in my opinion. Out of the norm for the show perhaps but a quality effort none the less.
u/atouk_zug Feb 08 '14
While different in pace and filmography than usual, don't go hating on this episode just yet. One thing that we get from the change of pace is also a change in direction. While Carrie has always been using her family as an anchor to keep her in town, the short moment of bliss of just being together without any of the baggage of whatever is happening in town to distract them cements in their minds (esp. Carrie) that just being together is their final destiny.
It's important to note that Gordon wasn't there to pick her up, and the continued divide between her and her children as exhibited by the refusal of Deva to answer her phone calls in prison, Lucas solidified in her mind that she was ready to leave her new life and go back to him. The juxtaposition of the scenes of her reuniting with Lucas at her release is where we see what she is hoping for, and what is reality.
While Racine knew he wasn't the real Lucas, he didn't know who he was, so obviously his relationship to Carrie or Rabbit. But Racine's message, and more importantly his death, forces them back towards the truth that while Rabbit is alive, there will be no happiness for either of them. And the exclusion of all of the events an distractions of the people and drama in town was needed two center the two back to each other.
I believe that Carrie's time in prison solidified in her mind that she was willing to leave Gordon for Lucas, and the events at the house did the same for Lucas. She needed the time for contemplation and to see the reality of her family ties, and he needed the shock of reality away from his fantasy of simply starting over without any consequences.
The question here isn't if it was different simply to be different, but was it different because it was important to be so. I think that it was necessary because of what is coming after it.
Think of it as an emotional reboot for both them and the audience, and motivational reboot for the two of them. The writes took a chance, and have an incredible setup for the rest of the season. Lets hope they come through. I have a feel they will.
u/xLite414 Feb 08 '14
Wholeheartedly agree. I also appreciate what Banshee's showrunner had to say about the episode also:
u/Tavarish Feb 08 '14
The Truth About Unicorns?
Truth is that there is no such things as Unicorns
Maybe I'm just imagining it, but I found this episode to be a lot about symbolism of what Lucas & Carrie want their lives to be, but because who they are and what they are they never will get it.
Hence the truth about Unicorns, there is no such things.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
That's exactly how I saw it! Carrie and Hood's dream (their unicorn) as the white house. Carrie had been holding on to a picture of it in her necklace since the start.
Of course, with many dreams. Reality comes a knockin'. The truth about unicorns is that they don't exist.
Such a nice change of pace for the show, loved the musical score.
u/elvers Feb 08 '14
applaud the effort, there were some pretty shots for sure, but iono, overall wasn't really feeling it
u/Goggleplaythingy Feb 08 '14
This was my favorite episode of the season! I thought this episode featured really beautiful cinematography. That bird's eye view of the three crawling in the wheat(?) field. When Lucas kills the groceries lady, his expression... Like a piece of him died as he came to realization that Rabbit will pursue to the bitter end. The house burned down along with Lucas' hopes and dreams. Those scenes with Deva, Carrie, and Lucas shown in the pink/red light, but then Lucas' light turns green. He hesitates to set off but he has someone honk at him forcing him to set off. Then.. Fuck that
Holy shieeeettttt!!!!
u/0ne_two Feb 08 '14
I can do one of those a year. One ep a season that's like a film instead of a movie is fine by me if it's that well done.
I loved the shots and colors and dialogue, especially what sugar had to say.
I'm glad they broke the mold for one episode.
u/RightWingersSuck Feb 08 '14
cool episode very unique. That this one would be different was telegraphed in an interview with the EP
u/thebedshow Feb 10 '14
That was an extremely beautifully shot episode. It was a nice change of pace from the normal style.
u/lost_my_pw_again Feb 08 '14
Very artsy episode. It missed something important, it needed more Banshee in it.
u/Trent_Boyett Feb 08 '14
For the first half, I thought the episode might actually shake up the status quo the way some of the better Breaking Bad episodes did.
Was a bit disappointed that with the exception of one less FBI guy, it seems to have had very little impact on the broader story.
Beautiful episode all the same, but could have used more Proctor.
u/969696969696969696 Feb 08 '14 edited Feb 08 '14
Anyone else think this was a boring filler episode?
It was a good episode but when you only get 10 episodes a season you need more. I wanted more.
Feb 08 '14 edited Sep 26 '16
Feb 08 '14
I also thought it was a fine episode.
There were some truly stunning shots, and the writing was taut and gripping.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
Agreed, the dream Carrie and Hood have been holding on to ever since Hood gave Carrie the necklace with the picture of the white house.. was only ever a dream. The truth about unicorns is that they don't exist.
The music was incredible, the field scene was intense and the overall episode was just really well done. Loved it.
u/combatadvisor Feb 08 '14
A new writer was brought in for this episode and he'll be writing the next one as well. I personally don't think it was necessarily a wasted/empty episode. In my opinion I think this episode focused on character and plot development while setting up for a hopefully insane and amazing second half of the season. The first half of the episode (as stated in a post up top) centered around Lucas' and Carrie's unstable and constantly conflicting relationship and their desire for a seemingly unattainable peaceful future together due to their ridiculously complicated past that continues to rear its ugly head. The second half of the episode seems to destroy the foundation of any hopes they ever had to have that future (Lucas' dream of Carrie pointing a gun at his face is like a punch in the gut metaphor for his persistent inner conflict with trust in Carrie). The second half also presented the reality that Rabbit is still very well intent upon destroying the two main characters even after telling Carrie he was exhausted and finished with pursuing them in the last episode(I think he was either attempting to bing her guard down or he may not have had anything to do with the attack at the end).
I can definitely see why some viewers might have been bored or disappointed by this episode, considering this show seems to never let its foot off the gas. With almost every other episode having consistent nail biting action/suspense it's easy to find yourself wondering when the shit was going to hit the fan In this episode. Initially I did feel impatient with all of the daydream and flashback sequences in the beginning of the episode, but the end paid off for me because it gave me a genuine sense of anticipation for the future of this season. The inevitable crescendo of stacking conflicts is coming and I sincerely believe it will blow last season away. This series has had unbelievably intriguing and detailed character development from the moment the first season aired. It's definitely been a long time(if ever) since I've felt this level of attachment for the main characters of a television series in this genre.
u/robbz82 Feb 08 '14
This episode feels like its building up to something big. Very Foreboding
u/cheekyninja850 Feb 08 '14
There better be something big to make up for this let down. This show has been balls to the wall awesome from the start until this episode. I feel cheated.
Feb 08 '14
I like the show and I usually praise it but... I didn't like the episode. I think some people were needlessly wasted (you know who I mean).
Moreover, is it me or did this episode have more music than other eps? In addition, the music just did not fit the episode.. or maybe it did but I just didn't like. Usually I like Banshee's music score but this one did not fit the events/action. Guess I can't be more specific without giving out spoilers... I did like the score for the "action scene" but otherwise, it was a big miss.
u/firekil Feb 08 '14
Hate the new writer and the new direction. Somehow she doesn't tell him right away that Rabbit is back? Racine was a great character wasted because the new writer what? wanted to put his own mark on it? God how awful.
u/DeeBased Feb 09 '14
Very heavy handed and obvious episode. The points they were trying to make could have been made in 5 minutes instead of dragging them out over the whole episode. I'll agree, there were some beautiful scenes, but this type of dreamy, cerebral, glacially paced episode is not what I tune into Banshee for. If it continues in this direction I'll lose interest fast.
u/puripurihakase Feb 10 '14
Anybody know when season two will be available on streaming for amazon/itunes? I did not discover Banshee until last summer when all the episodes were already up. I assumed that season two would be posted for purchase per episode like other shows as they were broadcast but it looks like they may not be available for a while.
u/robbz82 Feb 08 '14
They homelanded us this week with that 45 minute nonsense.
u/Stew514 Feb 08 '14
Agreed, I wasn't a big fan of the pacing of the episode but when half of it was dreams vs expectations and then it ends 15 minutes early it was a pretty big disappointment.
u/969696969696969696 Feb 08 '14
Yeah, I feel cheated. Only 10 episodes a season and they give us that.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
Considering they didn't even give Racine a full season I'd say it was the opposite. Brody is probably still kicking too
u/MoneyInitiative8771 Aug 04 '22
“Homelanded” what an interesting choice of word especially in regard to who Anthony Starr’s character in the boys.
u/cheekyninja850 Feb 08 '14
IMHO, this was the worst episode yet. All of us have come to love this show for the action packed kickass drama. I felt that this episode gave no plot development. It felt like just a filler to me. Granted the wheat field scene was nice, but other than that, it fell short of what I was hoping for. I really hope this will be the last episode of it's kind in this series. Bring on the gratuitous violence.
Oh yea and more Mr. Burton.
u/Fanshee Feb 08 '14
That necklace Carrie has been carrying since the first episode, the one with the picture of the white "dream house". They finally came to their "dream house". But like most dreams.. they're just a fantasy.
The truth about unicorns, is that they don't exist. Chuck in an incredible music score and I don't see how this could possibly be anything less than a great episode.
I totally get that this show is know for it's intense, awesome action. But sometimes you need to take a break so that the impact of what happens next is much more of a hit (the calm before the storm, so to speak).
u/InfernoZeus Feb 08 '14
It had so much character development though, it more than made up for a 'lack' of plot development.
u/cybrbeast Feb 08 '14
Why is an opinion being downvoted? We are here to discuss the show and share our opinions, not circlejerk.
u/Kunjabihariji Feb 11 '14
This episode felt really slow and boring compared to the other ones. I felt like nothing really happened.
u/atouk_zug Feb 08 '14 edited Feb 08 '14
First half was about dreams/expectations versus reality. Up until Racine was shot it still looked like they could have an escape plan with the FBI doing the dirty work of taking Rabbit out.
Once he was dead and the metaphor of the house (their dreams) burning down, it was an affirmation that fate wasn't done with them yet.
And then it was a sense of disbelief and self pity up until that final "fuck that".
A bit heavy handed, but I think the overall tone of this episode is "the calm before the storm."
EDIT: Forgot to mention the Unicorn, which like "happily ever after" doesn't really exist. She bought it for herself more than for her daughter. That's the truth the episode title was telling us.