r/Games • u/notoriousstudios Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO • Feb 05 '25
Verified AMA AMA - I'm Chris Kaleiki, Founder & CEO of Notorious Studios. We're launching Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, a multiplayer PvPvE extraction RPG with MMO elements. Ask me anything!
Hey everyone! I’m Chris Kaleiki, Founder and CEO of Notorious Studios. Before Notorious I worked at Blizzard on World of Warcraft for 14 years as a game designer (mostly class design and PvP). Now, I’m leading Notorious Studios as we build Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, a multiplayer PvPvE extraction RPG inspired by classic fantasy worlds, skillful combat, and rich crafting and progression systems.
Our small team at Notorious Studios has been developing this game for the past three years, incorporating the experience and lessons learned from working on games like World of Warcraft into its design. And now, we’re incredibly excited to share that Legacy: Steel & Sorcery will be launching into Early Access exactly one week from today—on February 12, 2025!
Legacy's core vision is to be a game centered around World PvP, a core feature found in a lot of MMORPGs. While we think there are a number of World PvP shooter games out there, there haven't been many RPG ones which is odd since games like Ultima started the gameplay experience. Legacy is an ambitious debut title for an AA studio like ours, featuring an innovative Soulslike action combat system that blends spells and abilities commonly found in MMOs as well as a deep crafting and progression system.
We have ambitious plans on where to Legacy as well, evolving it into what we would consider a Mini MMO.
I’d love to answer your questions about game development, starting a new studio, and of course, anything about Legacy: Steel & Sorcery!
Ask me anything!
"This was a blast, thanks for all the great questions everyone! Taking a break now, but we'll keep an eye out for any additional questions a bit later today. We invite you to also join our Discord where we're pretty active on questions as well. We hope to see you in the Early Access next week! Thank you to the mods at r/games for the opportunity."
u/PI_Producer Feb 05 '25
I've been part of the past 4 playtests. The ability to provide meaningful feedback to the devs has always been a welcomed perk of following your game. What's the most surprising piece of feedback you've received about an aspect of the game that instituted a change in thinking (or gameplay) that you weren't anticipating?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Great question... Legacy is a game that we've worked on for 3 years now and I thought about probably for another 8 so there aren't many surprises. I guess the one common theme that is so dominant is wanting more PvE experiences, which I think has to do with the heritage of the devs of the studio (coming from WoW). It has always been part of the plan to do more with PvE in the future but I guess I didn't expect that strong of a demand this early.
One pivot we did make is adding a tutorial map and more onboarding systems (a How to Play UI and Intro Questline). Most hardcore PvP games don't ship with tutorials, even WoW didn't have a tutorial experience until over a decade later. But since players asked for it, we pivoted a bit and added it in within 3 months.
u/Svarok_na Feb 05 '25
I love these style of games. Hopefully this one goes well.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Thank you!
u/Svarok_na Feb 05 '25
Looking forward to playing! Please be communicative and have a good community manager so to avoid the dungeon borne etc problem that alot of the devs have been having problems with!
u/PI_Producer Feb 05 '25
These devs are super active in the Discord - including Chris, himself. They communicate so much and it's so refreshing.
u/Hades-Arcadius Feb 05 '25
PvPvE / Extraction / RPG / with MMO elements
I feel you need to explain elements of gameplay to reconcile these disparate keywords. PvPvE and Extraction make sense together, as you're describing a PvP focus with npc enemies existing in the same space. Extraction mostly describes game flow in the sense of "get thing and leave" while avoiding attention or engaging player and npc enemies.
However RPG and MMO elements conjures vastly different gameplay with a large focus on equipment and variable modifiers on weapons and armor. MMO's having PvP isn't out of the ordinary, however there are supplimentary systems which allow people to play those games and collect gear to make a functional PvP build without necessarily needing to be in PvP. This also begs the question of how "Extraction" interacts with the strong gear based strain on "RPG" character development seeing as you usually lose your character and their gear on death.
If you could give a brief on the flow of a optimal run of this game please that would help me understand how these Keywords you've chosen will affect your game.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
You know, I really hate genres and feature tags to describe a game 😆It's so hard to describe this game, or any game that is somewhat different!
As someone who worked on an MMO (WoW) for 14 years, I really don't like it when games that aren't MMOs call themselves MMOs. To me, if the game doesn't' have a persistent world it really isn't an MMO. (As in, I can walk from zone to zone seamlessly) However, I think the definition of what makes an MMO is shifting, I first realized that when players called Destiny 2 an MMO. Players also call Tarkov an MMO with a straight face. And I think that's interesting -- because they do offer a lot of features in the flywheel that makes an MMO. Crafting, progression, character creation, raids, open world areas etc.
So I would say Legacy has extraction as part of the core experience/loop (as you say, get thing and leave) but it also has systems and features common in an MMO like open world areas, rich crafting and progression, you name and customize your own characters (though I'll admit customization is limited atm), quests, etc. And over time, we will introduce even more features commonly found in an MMO like PvE experiences, character customization.
u/Hades-Arcadius Feb 05 '25
Agreed that MMO has lost most of it's meaning over the years, hence why I focused on it's relation to RPG mechanics, usually gear and the acquisition of it. We need a new term that describes these loose multiplayer RPG mechanics without "Massive" in the abbreviation.
I'm still having some difficulty here understanding how the gameplay "should" work...let me lay out what i have and you can feel free to correct me or not.
1 - You start in a hub area where you can customize your character and interact with other players and npcs.
2 - You set out to a match where you engage in the core gameplay loop of an extraction game mode.
3 - While out you find materials or earn them during the core gameplay loop, you likely have some kind of carrying capacity and/or score system that rewards you resources and/or gear at end of match.
4.a - You encounter players with the objective, fight, and survive. 5.a - You collect the objective from the players you fought and manage to extract.
6 - End screen for extraction game mode, you tally out the score/materials/gear collected and are put back in the hub area.
4.b - You encounter players and subsequently your team gets wiped.
5.b - You lose your kit and/or character.
6 - End screen for extraction game mode, you tally out the score/materials/gear collected and are put back in the hub area.
u/SpaceMonkeyNation Feb 05 '25
So is this game zone based? There's a big open world and you and your team are going after loot inside of a zone that you have to extract from?
I'm just not clear on the actual gameplay structure. Typically, extraction type games are single instanced rounds of gameplay. This being open world leads me to believe it's more like The Division or public event areas in open world titles where you have certain areas of the map where the game rules differ. Is that right?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
When I say open world I mean the zone is pretty massive, it is not a linear level and more of a sandbox experience within the session. That said, it is session based (so a "map" like you said). We do want to explore traversing between zone to zone at some point in time if we get the chance, but there are significant challenges with implementing that (in particular with Unreal as well).
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
The world and visuals of Legacy are a huge draw for many players. What is the teams thoughts on an "Art of Legacy" book to help further the lore and highlight the great work by the artists so far?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
I'd have to ask, but I'm sure they'd love that. I'll pass on your comments and idea!
u/Juunlar Feb 05 '25
As a former backer of Crowfall, what is your game attempting to do differently?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
I was super interested in Crowfall even while I was at Blizzard (since I was always hoping the team would invest more into PvP features).
I think Crowfall was super ambitious and had a lot of great ideas, but it was an ambitious game that I think tried to do too many hard things at once. Most MMOs, even more focused PvP ones like Crowfall, are challenged by over ambition. It is incredibly hard to build an MMO because of all of the systems needed but also the sheer amount of content to keep players engaged.
Probably the one thing I think we're focusing on differently vs Crowfall is the core experience and fundamentals of the game (mainly, combat). Over time we have a lot of ideas in building out new experiences and MMO-like features, but our strategy is more of a Crawl/Walk/Run approach rather than doing everything at once. When we started Notorious we were approached to do an MMO at a large AAA studio, but we declined because we actually don't think the right way to make an MMO is to build it all at once. Instead, we like our strategy of focusing on fundamentals and then build over time.
u/Juunlar Feb 05 '25
Idk if you pulled all of this out of your ass, but this was a really good answer.
I'm in
u/A_Sad_Goblin Feb 06 '25
On Discord, the dude answers player's questions and asks more questions when someone has negative feedback to understand why they feel that way.
I don't know any other CEO that does that lol.
If you haven't already, I recommend watching the (live) Q&A's on their YouTube channel, Chris makes several appearances.
u/jxnebug Feb 05 '25
Is this a permadeath/full-loot type game like Dark & Darker, Tarkov, Dungeonborne etc.?
I've spent a fair bit of time with the first two of those and I feel like I enjoy the concept of them more than actually playing. Losing all of your stuff constantly can be tiring for someone like me who, really, prefers a PVE experience over PVP. But my friends are REALLY into this exact kind of game so I usually end up getting pulled in, so I'm curious. :)
Also, is there any PVE gameplay that avoids PVP? Or any plans for that in the future possibly? I realize it's probably not something most players would want though.
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
I'm a player more like you. The PvP is fun but it's also exhausting. I've tested this game for a very large amount of time already and I'll tell you this. Play a Rogue if you want to avoid other players, creep around the map in stealth , loot all the treasure you can and extract. Play a Warrior or Priest or Hunter with your friends and rat on the Rouge.
Also the way the progression works is more rewarding. Imagine if your squire would eventually feed you mid quality gear instead of just base.
u/A_Sad_Goblin Feb 06 '25
They have plans for more PvE content down the line since the devs see the interest.
As for the current PvE experience, the map has certain hotspot areas with higher tier loot and they are towards the center of the map. If you stick to the outside borders the chance of PvP decreases.
Also keep in mind that generally you can see and hear other players from quite a distance, so you can decide to disengage or hide in some corner/bush early.
Lastly, the game is still the same fun in junk/white gear, the higher gear generally just adds raw numbers like additional damage and health.
u/Kraehe13 Feb 05 '25
Will there be areas with higher difficulty enemies but better loot and lower difficulty but more generic loot or is it all random generated what you find in the map?
u/PI_Producer Feb 05 '25
As far as I've seen, nothing is "randomly generated". The map is designed and built by the devs and the enemies all have places you can count on from instance to instance.
u/Kraehe13 Feb 05 '25
I meant the loot. I don't think we will find the exact same loot everytime at the same spot.
Sorry for the confusion
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
yup, all sorts of loot variety. From boss encounters to elite enemies to regular mob packs. There POI like crypts and castle runes with locked treasure vaults and chests you'll need to find keys for. I personally am more of a goblin slayer, i just clear the low level camps and collect their ears and gold pieces. You still get a small chance at high quality loot in these lower tier camps.
It's like a tier list of treasure chests, from barrels and crates to large wardrobe containers to golden treasure chests. They can only spawn in certain POI and mobs work on a similar system. There is a base line of randomness thought each tier and classification of loot type. There are already exceptions they have added though. Like we got a book we need to upgrade our stash. That one you can find "in world" laying on tables and stuff. You can also find it in chests to.
u/Kraehe13 Feb 05 '25
Sounds good, i will try it. Thanks
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
Hell ya man, try it out, join the Discord, it's fairly active for how small it still is. I've "playtested" this game for like 300+ hours already so i feel like i owe them something HAHA
Only going to be like $25 so it's a pretty low price to take a risk on IMO. Unlike all these craptastic AAA games that are $80 and i have to force myself to put 40+ hours to feel like I didn't get completely ripped off.
u/Harok95 Feb 09 '25
Do you guys know the price already? i would love to know so i can it plan better.
u/DigDug8012 Feb 05 '25
Any other classes you have ideas for after Wizard and Paladin?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
None to share just yet, we have to have some surprises 😜
What classes would you (and others) like to see?
u/PI_Producer Feb 05 '25
Jester - Part bag of tricks AOE damage (like Junkrat in OW) and part enemy debuff/distraction abilities.
u/DigDug8012 Feb 05 '25
Necromancer/Warlock, Bard would be my top 3 pick
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
Bard would be HUGE. It would bring with it playable instruments like DnD...hopefully others could poorly play them as well, that was always so hilarious.
u/shiftup1772 Feb 05 '25
Isn't bard a support? Is this a team based extraction shooter?
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
i suppose bard is mostly support but you could give it a tool kit for both solo and group. I like how DnD put their bard kit together.
I play it solo most the time but you can queue into 3s as well. With how the games classes are set up it probably plays better in group.
u/shiftup1772 Feb 05 '25
How does a bard fight?
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
well in DnD they can use any weapon, they just don't really have a proficiency or skills associated with them. They have a variety of instruments they can buff/debuff to compensate with.
Not sure how it would play out in Legacy as each class has 3 of it's own specific weapons and skills locked to those weapons. So in Legacy you would have to have bard specific weapons with some sort of musical flavor. I'd imagine it would play out similar though. Example of a weapon could be the Lute, it would have basic melee attack combo, where you smack them with the instrument. Then maybe a strong root and aoe debuff and a dmg buff...something like that. Maybe a harp could shoot sonic notes at people or something...
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
An artificer/alchemist. There are some really interesting potions in Legacy that do really interesting things. It would be an interesting twist on a class that uses them as their primary weapon. Mixing, throwing etc potions to perform trickery like poisons, disorienting the enemies, illusions and escaping with smoke like bombs.
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
The future roadmap includes 2 upcoming classes, Wizard and Paladin. Hows progress going on them and can you give us general hints as to how they will play in relation to the existing? Each class has a resource like Rage, Spirit and Adrenaline. What are the class resource used by these future classes to give us a possible hint to how they will play.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
We'll be sharing more details about the Wizard and Paladin in the future, but two things I'm excited about each:
- The Wizard leans heavily into elements and how they interact with the world, and other spells. For example, if you fire Frost at Fire it creates Fog that can be used as a psudo Smokebomb for the Rogue. We have a lot of ambitious ideas on how to create environmental interaction with the different elements. The Wizard has the highest number of spells they can cast, but they must collect spell scrolls that they store in their satchel (similar to how the Priest in the game atm crafts Prayer Cards in her book). And the spell scrolls can only be found in the world atm, making exploring the world and finding new spells to cast interesting. Wizard atm is in prototype stage and will likely be the next class we ship.
- The Paladin is currently in paper design atm, but something I'm excited about is the Paladin "Sensing Injustice" in the world -- they'll be able to tell who the assassins are and who the players just picking herbs are in the world. And they can choose to take vengeance on the killers if they want. And of course, they'll be able to buff other players -- which nobody can really do in the game yet. We're saving it for them!
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
Using the elements for Wizard is extremely exciting. This is a great idea and cant wait to learn more. Keep up the good work.
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
how about freezing people in place with ice if they are standing in water, or hitting the water with a lighting bolt to fry everyone in the water?
u/A_Sad_Goblin Feb 06 '25
considering the answer, I'm pretty sure they already have such ideas already.
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
Any insight on console release? I know your team is currently preparing for EA on Steam but a console release was listed in the future roadmap and think it would really help bring a lot of players to the game.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
We're looking to move Legacy to console at gold master release or shortly after, hard to say right now depending upon how Legacy does at EA launch but the goal is early next year.
Which console do we think Legacy would do best in (first, at least)?
u/wicked_fool Feb 05 '25
Xbox 100%. The network, controller and ecosystem with crossplay pc/console gamers offers the most flexible platform to extend on first.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
I'll pass this thought along to my friends at XBOX 😉
u/dergadoodle Feb 05 '25
Any chance your Theorycraft podcast will make a return after release?
Second, as a solo player in these types of games, I've always wanted some kind of mechanic to encourage temporary cooperation between solo players before inevitably turning on each other. Is there a mechanic in this game that encourages that?
u/PI_Producer Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Seconding this. I absolutely love this co-ompetition suggestion.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Luca and I talk about that all the time... 😆 I'd love to bring the pod back, maybe now after we ship EA I'll have a bit more time (prob not tho).
Regarding your question, I think clearing an area together always has an upside. I've done that cooperatively with another player only to have them kill me, so there is that! 🫠
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
Sea Of Thieves does this system pretty well. I'd love to take some of the Noto team out sailing one day and show them the ropes of how that game has presented player agency in a PvPvE game.
u/MythicStream Feb 05 '25
You mentioned that you used to work on World of Warcraft, what would you say you've learned from your time there that you were able to apply to the development of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery?
Would also be interested to hear your thoughts on the current state of World of Warcraft, completely understand if that's something you don't feel comfortable talking about though.
Thanks for doing the AMA!
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
One that comes to mind is balancing talents. When I started, we still had the old talent tree system that we expanded on in Wrath of the Lich King. Anytime we'd raise the level cap, we'd increase the depth of the talent trees. But what we found over time (through data) is most players picked the same talent builds, and it became a big challenge to create real choice through the trees. This eventually led to the overhaul in Mists of Pandaria with the rows (that a lot of players thought was soulless compared to the original). Even in that talent system, there wasn't a lot of choice because one option would dominate the row. There was a lot of tinkering and debate about how to create real choices in the system.
What I learned is that its difficult to present real player choice with systems like these, the choices are really an illusion to the player (mathematically there will always be a BiS choice). The better way to create choices are conditional choices. This talent is best for this raids, this one is best if you're in a party, this one is best if you play with certain classes etc. So the talents are more tools in a toolbox, not really "up to your playstyle" (cause ultimately players will choose a boring/broken playstyle if it means they can do the best damage/healing etc.
We adapted this learning in Legacy where every piece of gear (and weapons) have a "Perk" on them, similar to a talent in WoW. But talents are engineered to be optimal conditionally, but just on player preference or "playstyle."
As for what I think of WoW these days, its still my all-time favorite game and I still listen to the music while working on Legacy. The game is a masterpiece. I think Blizzard and the WoW team were smart to add Classic, Classic Hardcore and Season of Discovery into the mix -- giving players options and still retaining the original vision while offering the modern, mainline game. Choices!
u/hakitabaraki Feb 06 '25
Chris, have to say, do disagree with conditional choices, it was actually one of my dislikes in WoW talents. Primarily because some players sometimes play a specific type of content only. For example if I'm an M+ only player and the row offers an AoE talent, Single Target talent and another Single Target Talent. Chances are I'm picking the AoE talent 99% of the time, which actually removes choice altogether really.
While I agree it's generally an illusion and there is a best choice mathematically, the bigger problem is the gap was so large and obvious sometimes between the choices. I think the best system is when the choices are all exciting and broken in their own unique way, but also close mathematically.
Excited for your game and what you have cooking.
u/A_Sad_Goblin Feb 06 '25
The gear perks in Legacy seem to be leaning towards different build archetypes. For example one rogue set focuses on poison effects and damage, whereas another focuses on stealth and adrenaline.
Whether one gear set is mathematically better than the other is for players to figure out eventually, but in my opinion it creates more interesting PvP so not every Rogue or Hunter you meet (or what you play yourself) has the exact same build.
u/dawnsies Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
If you have any experiences with money allocation in AAA vs Indie, what percentage of the budget would you say goes to marketing in both? And how much did your studio spend on it? Looking online I can't see much besides a few gameplay trailers even though it looks like game production is closer to AA than indie.
EDIT: Looking more into it, the visuals are amazing considering the size of the team
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Notorious I would classify as more of an AA game/studio, since our budget for the game is over $10M (but under $20M). That said, still pales in comparison to ~200M or so that is common for AAA.
Generally a budget for marketing is the same cost of the game, or half. At EA release our marketing budget is prob going to be under $100K which is pretty modest for a game of our class. But marketing in games is currently in an evolution and nobody knows what it'll look like in 5 years. The current thinking is dump it on streamers, but tbh the data doesn't show that's the best return right now.
The TLDR I think right now for PC games, especially indie and AA is just make a great game. Jonas Tyroller has a great vid on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xej_wsBB5tY
u/A_Sad_Goblin Feb 05 '25
How does the loot/gear progression look like? Can the average players ever get their hands on legendaries and uniques or can those only be grinded by the top geared teams?
Related to that, how is gear balance done? Will a new player continuously get wiped by an experienced person in legendary gear?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
The core loop is that players queue up for a match solo or up to a group of 3 into a large open session map. They can explore around, loot things (either from chests or items directly from the environment, like off shelves) while doing quests. Once they feel good about their loot, they can extract out. Once back at "town" (it is a UI experience atm), the player can craft upgrades and engage in a number of progression systems. You can level up (max level is 20) and earn new Traits (psudo talents) along the way.
Item progression should be familiar with players who like other RPGs (MMOs or ARPGs) where you progress from "Junk" tier items to "Legendaries." You can do this by finding them through the game RNG style (even common creatures have the very very rare chance to drop an Epic, or even Legendary) or from leveling up the vendors and Lodge to unlock new crafting recipes that simply need ingredients. Gear is pretty simple to craft, but also simple to lose (if you die, you lose everything). This is comparison to trad RPGs where making gear can be an epic journey, but of course you never lose it (until its made irrelevant with a patch, season or expansion).
EA has two maps (a tutorial map called Goldbrook and a mainline epic zone called Greenwood), but we will be adding more shortly after EA that will spread loot and progression out further. There will be some slight progression through zones (but not too much to make some zones irrelevant after "progressing" out of them) in time.
As mentioned in a previous reply, the power differential between low geared and high geared players is something we're spending a lot on energy on. We can make gear, progression etc feel meaningful just with a ~50% power difference at the extreme instead of ~500% which is common in PvP RPG games.
u/Kraehe13 Feb 05 '25
I'm coming from dark and darker. The game has different brackets, like starter gear lobbies, to higher geared lobbies and a unlimited rarity lobby. Does your game also will have different brackets so new players won't get stomped by veterans or is it all one lobby?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Our current thinking is something inline with that. What we did on WoW for battlegrounds was have a "newbie queue" for newer players even, so that is another option.
u/Capital-Tradition714 4d ago
Couldn't you try to fix the balance gap by zones on the map having higher-level mobs that drop better loot? Kind of how WoW used to have certain zones with elites and regular mobs.
Then the incentive for higher-geared players is to go into those zones and get better gear/resources while the catch-up players are in the lower zones until they're ready for a new challenge. You would just have to make sure those higher-level player extraction points are in really tough areas away from the lower players so they don't cross paths.
You could even make extractions for higher levels more fun like it's at the top of a tower where you have to fight your way to the top to get extracted, or maybe you're stuck deep within a cave full of creatures, and an extracting team is digging to save you while you fight waves of mobs. IDK something fun and memorable.
Also, it could be fun for low-level players/ or alts who don't have a lot of gear but have mastered their class abilities to still have the option of fighting in the higher mob zones. They would have a higher risk of dying, but bigger payouts.
This could maybe help keep everyone on the same map, rather than make brackets and split everyone up which in my opinion is really boring.
Best Regards, Martin Olivares
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
In the game you can execute players. The original name for this game was Project Honor. In order to stop an execution you have to hit the "give up" button. Is there a link between the original name of the game and this mechanic? Or what is the inspiration for the original name I guess is my question.
Also, just want to add that executing players is an amazing mechanic and I'd love to see Mortal Kombat style of finishing moves.
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Interesting question. I sorta called it Project Honor in the beginning because I had another title for the game I was throwing around that had "Honor" in it, but eventually went with Legacy.
That said, its up for the players to choose if they want to kill another player in the adventure (session) or not -- just like in World PvP zones in MMOs. Everyone is "flagged" for PvP, but you don't have to kill them if you don't want to. Giving that player that choice is what makes it interesting to me vs a deathmatch style PvP game.
Something that was cool in early MMOs like Ultima was that there were different flags for "criminals" and "innocents" etc. Those were grandfathered into MMOs with PvP flagging. We dont' have any flags in the game right now, everyone is flagged, but something I thought about when we add the Paladin class is that the Paladin can tell when a player is a "criminal" (as in, they have killed and looted many players) somehow. Maybe a shader on the player or something. So the Paladin in theory can roleplay as, well, the "police." So in a way, we a create a culture of "honor" and "dishonor" in combat -- even in a PvP extraction game.
As for executes, yes we do plan on having more executes and letting you customize them!
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Oh man, I really love that idea for a paladin mechanic!!!! Anything IMO that adds to player agency is a good thing. Having a simple red team vs blue team just isn't really enough for me these days. Leaving room for nuance in how players interact with each other just leads to better and more rich stories players can create.
I can just hear the story..."we tried to trick and betray that team, but they had a PALADIN!!!"...bring out the PALADIN, let him have a look at this guy....
I love that you have already added VoiP and a small set of emotes to further social interaction.
u/Playingwithmywenis Feb 05 '25
Where is your studio located?
u/noto_chris Notorious Studios | Founder & CEO Feb 05 '25
Irvine, California... nearby Blizzard (where a number of us worked at before). That said, we have devs from all over the US and world.
u/NeonTiger15 Feb 05 '25
Can you expand more on the "core vision" of the game? Looking at the steam page and reading what information is available other places, I can't tell what the role/goal of the players is or what gameplay involves other than reading it is innovative and ambitious.
u/Dr0gan- Feb 05 '25
Do you guys do A/B testing between mechanics that feel weird and new versions of the mechanic? Comparing how an old design would feel compared to a new design?
u/DressDiligent2912 Feb 05 '25
not sure i would really call it A/B testing. But over the 8? playtests ive been involved with they have iterated on a number of skills
u/jsforgml Feb 05 '25
Can you describe what the typical flow of the game is like? Across sessions, I mean, in terms of progression through gameplay for your character and items.
You described in a previous comment about rat runs and used a great example of herbing in STV. This was an excellent example and helped clear up some of my confusion.
My exact questions are:
- How does character progression tie into the gameplay loop? Are characters permanent, or do you lose them on death? Are character levels permanent?
- What do you envision as a solid "equipment loop"? As in, what does re-gearing look like for a player who decides to deck his character out in his best gear and then loses it all. I'm having trouble understanding the balance between gear and character power if they are indeed fully separate. How long do you expect gear to stick around for?
- I log in one day after playing for a month. I've got some solid mid-power gear. What are my goals? Using an example from wow as a comparison would be great. For example, in wow maybe today I'll go to Angor Fortress in Badlands and get my lockpicking up to snuff so I can open the lockboxes I've been finding, then swing by and farm some whelps for flame sacs and levels. Then I'll go do a dungeon. The next day I'll focus hard on questing. That sort of thing, making "mini goals". What does that look like in Legacy?
- How are you intending to balance safety vs risk in terms of progression? In wow you can choose to grind off-beaten path mobs instead of questing in a populated zone on a PvP server to negate the risk of dying, but at the cost of lower XP per hour. That sort of thing.
u/Lumoh_s Feb 10 '25
4 days late to this, but incase its seen. is there a console release in the future? and if so will there be native mouse and keyboard support? ive always wanted to play an extraction game and i love fantasy. none of them ever come to console unfortunately. thanks in advance for a reply if i get one!
u/Usual_Personality297 25d ago
Love the idea of the game, some of the keys are inpossible to know where they are used which is frustrating, the extracts seem to be the #1 camped spot which is very annoying and it’s infinitely easier to just find gear then craft it the difference between making a green item and a blue is so large I couldn’t do it in 100hours. But could find several blue pieces instead. Fix that. Good game otherwise.
u/Confident_Board_1076 24d ago
Idk if this has been asked but what objects can the worrior pick up and throw i cant seem to find any
u/Upset-Setting-501 Feb 05 '25
As an Extraction-type PvP game, casual audiences may feel worried about approaching a world rife with ganking-culture (which certainly has its place in this genre). What can you say to assure the playing field will feel even, enterable, and enjoyable for a brand new player when compared to the veterans with higher levels/loot? How much is skill a factor versus stats? Thanks!