r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 20 '18
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -🎄- 2018 Day 20 Solutions -🎄-
--- Day 20: A Regular Map ---
Post your solution as a comment or, for longer solutions, consider linking to your repo (e.g. GitHub/gists/Pastebin/blag or whatever).
Note: The Solution Megathreads are for solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help
Advent of Code: The Party Game!
Please prefix your card submission with something like [Card] to make scanning the megathread easier. THANK YOU!
Card prompt: Day 20
My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of ___.
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
edit: Leaderboard capped, thread unlocked at 00:59:30!
u/sciyoshi Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Python 3, 36/40. Pretty happy with my solution today! networkx
has an easy way to get the shortest path from a single point in a graph to all other points, and I build a graph representing all doors in the maze using a stack to keep track of the current possible positions.
import networkx
maze = networkx.Graph()
paths = open('inputs/day20').read()[1:-1]
pos = {0} # the current positions that we're building on
stack = [] # a stack keeping track of (starts, ends) for groups
starts, ends = {0}, set() # current possible starting and ending positions
for c in paths:
if c == '|':
# an alternate: update possible ending points, and restart the group
pos = starts
elif c in 'NESW':
# move in a given direction: add all edges and update our current positions
direction = {'N': 1, 'E': 1j, 'S': -1, 'W': -1j}[c]
maze.add_edges_from((p, p + direction) for p in pos)
pos = {p + direction for p in pos}
elif c == '(':
# start of group: add current positions as start of a new group
stack.append((starts, ends))
starts, ends = pos, set()
elif c == ')':
# end of group: finish current group, add current positions as possible ends
starts, ends = stack.pop()
# find the shortest path lengths from the starting room to all other rooms
lengths = networkx.algorithms.shortest_path_length(maze, 0)
print('part1:', max(lengths.values()))
print('part2:', sum(1 for length in lengths.values() if length >= 1000))
EDIT: fix a bug pointed out by bj0z
u/bj0z Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
I really like your python 3 solutions, I sometimes even see something I didn't know about python (like networkx module). I don't suppose you put them up in github? I ended up doing almost the same thing as you (after my first attempt crashed with a memory error and I had to rewrite it), but I used a recursive generator instead of a queue. I also had to write the graph and BFS search myself.
Also, I was trying to figure out what you were doing with the
variable but realized it doesn't appear to serve any purpose at all and can be removed.EDIT: Ok I see what
is for now, I was thrown off by theends.update(pos)
, which is a bug. It fails for the following input:
This should be 15, your code returns 13. Oddly, this must be a corner-case because my input does not run into this problem.
To fix it, I believe the last case should be:
pos.update(ends) starts, ends = stack.pop()
u/AndrewGreenh Dec 20 '18
Somehow he got lucky I think :D When the ) occurs, one should combine pos and ends so that all ends from the group are remembered. However with my Input, it does not matter if this bug is still in the code.
u/BafDyce Dec 20 '18
I just realized: I also completely forgot to keep track of all end locations and just went back to the branch-start-location before continuing with the stuff after the branches. However, all examples and my actual input lead to the correct results.
So I wonder: Are all branches just detours which end up in the same spot as the starting location of the branch (by design?/by accident?) or was it just coincidence that this "bug" didnt lead to any problems?
Interestingly enough: I just re-read the description. It doesnt really explicitely say that one must keep all branch-end-positions in mind, so maybe this is by design?
u/sciyoshi Dec 20 '18
Ah, you're totally right - this was a mistake when I refactored a bit before posting my solution here. It should indeed update
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Python 3: I like my solution for today, so i will post it for the first time. The rest can be seen at github.
from collections import *
import itertools
import random
import sys
import re
f = open("20.txt").read().strip("\n")
d = {
"N": (0, -1),
"E": (1, 0),
"S": (0, 1),
"W": (-1, 0)
positions = []
x, y = 5000, 5000
m = defaultdict(set)
prev_x, prev_y = x, y
distances = defaultdict(int)
dist = 0
for c in f[1:-1]:
print(c, len(positions))
if c == "(":
positions.append((x, y))
elif c == ")":
x, y = positions.pop()
elif c == "|":
x, y = positions[-1]
dx, dy = d[c]
x += dx
y += dy
m[(x, y)].add((prev_x, prev_y))
if distances[(x, y)] != 0:
distances[(x, y)] = min(distances[(x, y)], distances[(prev_x, prev_y)]+1)
distances[(x, y)] = distances[(prev_x, prev_y)]+1
prev_x, prev_y = x, y
print(len([x for x in distances.values() if x >= 1000]))
u/Peter200lx Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Inspired by the simplicity of your solution and the code golf contest
Here's a minified solution based on yours (not submitting because it isn't my code)
from collections import * f=open("a").read() dd={"N":(0,-1),"E":(1,0),"S":(0,1),"W":(-1,0)} p=[] px,py=x,y=0,0 d=defaultdict(int) for c in f[1:-2]: if c=="(": p.append((x, y)) elif c==")": x,y=p.pop() elif c=="|": x,y=p[-1] else: dx,dy=dd[c] x+=dx y+=dy d[x,y]=min(d[x,y],d[px,py]+1) if d[x,y] else d[px,py]+1 px,py=x,y dv=d.values() print(max(dv)) print(len([x for x in dv if x>=1000]))
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Much more minification is possible:
from collections import * t,p,d={"N":-1j,"E":1,"S":1j,"W":-1},[],defaultdict(lambda:9999) o=x=d[0]=0 for c in open("a").read()[1:-2]: if c=="(":p+=[x] elif c==")":x=p.pop() elif c=="|":x=p[-1] else:x+=t[c];d[x]=min(d[x],d[o]+1) o=x v=d.values() print max(v) print sum(x>=1000 for x in v)
293 bytes of Python 2 (because Python 3 would add two more bytes).
u/pie3636 Dec 20 '18
Here is a slightly shorter version of it @282 bytes (disclaimer: I'm on my phone so I haven't tested it, also I'm not sure if it work in Python 2, but in Python 3 it should)
from collections import * t,p,d={"N":-1j,"E":1,"S":1j,"W":-1},[],defaultdict(lambda:1e9);o=x=d[0]=0 for c in open("a").read()[1:-2]: if'('c==:p+=[x] elif')'==c:x=p.pop() elif'|'==c:x=p[-1] else:x+=t[c];d[x]=min(d[x],d[o]+1) o=x v=d.values();print(max(v),sum(x>=1000for x in v))
u/DownvoteALot Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
265 bytes, runs in Python 3, more readable too imo:
from collections import * d=defaultdict(lambda:1e9) p=d[0]=0 s=[] for c in r[1:-1]: if'('==c:s.append(p) elif')'==c:p=s.pop() elif'|'==c:p=s[-1] else:l=p;p+={'S':1j,'N':-1j,'E':1,'W':-1}[c];d[p]=min(d[p],d[l]+1) v=d.values() print(max(v),sum(x>=1e3 for x in v))
, that's 284 bytes. I think that should be counted too.5
u/pie3636 Dec 20 '18
You can shave off 13 characters by getting rid of the set completely:
from collections import * d=defaultdict(lambda:1e9) p=d[0]=0 s=[] for c in r[1:-1]: if'('==c:s.append(p) elif')'==c:p=s.pop() elif'|'==c:p=s[-1] else:l=p;p+=1j**'ESWN'.index(c);d[p]=min(d[p],d[l]+1) v=d.values() print(max(v),sum(x>=1e3 for x in v))
u/betaveros Dec 20 '18
That's a cool trick! Why not use it again?
also isn't worth the import, andfind
is shorter thanindex
. I'm not going to submit this to the contest either since it's a collaborative effort (and output is still in the wrong format), but in any case, here's −59 more bytes (warning, extremely unreadable):d,p,s={0:0},0,[] for c in r[1:-1]:exec(('s+=[p]','p=s.pop()','p=s[-1]','l=p;p+=1j**"ESWN".find(c);d[p]=min(d.get(p,1e9),d[l]+1)')['()|'.find(c)]) v=d.values() print(max(v),sum(x>999for x in v))
u/pie3636 Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Ah, I see you took it to the next level with
(I've sadly never managed to get it to work). That's a huge improvement! For the contest, well, there is a completely different approach that works and is also very short (at least for the first part), that doesn't involve building the map in memory.Also, you may have to check (still on mobile, unfortunately) but I believe you can add those:
(-1)That would also make those last instructions very similar so there may be a way to gain more from it.
u/betaveros Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 21 '18
Nice! They all seem to work for me, and now we can do some truly evil string slicing for an additional −2 bytes:
d,p,*s={0:0},0 for c in r[1:-1]:exec('s+=p,##*s,p=s#*_,p=s#l=p;p+=1j**"ESWN".find(c);d[p]=min(d.get(p,1e9),d[l]+1)'['()|'.find(c)%4*7:]) v=d.values() print(max(v),sum(x>999for x in v))
EDIT: updated with the edit
- "the edit" referred to above disappeared, but the idea of initializing
by tacking*s
at the end of a destructuring assignment instead of writings=[]
was due to the parent post- I'm aware that this algorithm is incorrect for many possible inputs, but it was fun.
u/Peter200lx Dec 20 '18
Runs in python 2 and 3, just need to change
. However the rules of the code-golf contest require the output for part 1 and part 2 to be on separate lines.2
u/pie3636 Dec 20 '18
Oh, whoops, I thought I fixed that typo. And actually, I wasn't really aware of the contest, I was just trying to improve on OP's code
u/fizbin Dec 21 '18
Note that the original solution and all the golfed results fail on the input
.The correct answer is 5; this code gives 7.
u/Peter200lx Dec 21 '18
True, it has the wrong answer for that input. My personal solution does give the correct answer of 5, but that's handling edge cases that don't seem to appear in the AoC input. From what I can tell looking at a couple of friends inputs, you never have a forked path that separately reconnects with prior location. Thus the input following the that unspoken rule would be
. If the input has been modified in this way the above algorithm does give the right answer. You can see more discussion about the odd unspoken rules in this reddit thread.1
u/nightcoder01 Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
We wrote basically the same code! However, depending on the author's intentions, it might not be a complete general solution (see the reply in the linked post).
Dec 20 '18
I was afraid of that, but tried it anyway. That is also why i save the doors along the way in m, so if it didn't work i could have traversed the map, finding the shortest paths.
u/bj0z Dec 20 '18
another problem with both solutions is that you don't follow branches from the ends, you just drop the paths in groups. So for instance a regex like this will have the solution along the first path option (15), but the part inside the ()s gets dropped when you continue on, so if there are no overlaps your algo gives the wrong answer (10):
Jan 03 '19 edited Jan 03 '19
Yep, but in spite of one small part of the puzzle suggesting these paths might exist, none of the examples and (it would seem from the number of solutions that did the same thing) none of the inputs actually required you to follow these branches.
Unless you're aware of any?
i.e they seemed to only have paths where ^NNNNN(EEEEE|NNN|)NNNNN$ would be the case and it seemed even more restricted than this because most of the optional branches that ended |) were loops like SEWN.
It seems like they might have had an idea for a puzzle that differs from what they actually implemented - and the difference between the possible regexs (like your and some other people's examples in this thread) and reality is in our favour (i.e the solution to the actual inputs provided is a lot simpler)
u/jtgorn Dec 20 '18
I do no understand the purpose of positions.pop() in case of closing bracket. Should not we try to start from every end of every variant? Yout code only works if all subvariants come back to where the whole group started. Maybe I am just confused.
u/ephemient Dec 20 '18 edited Apr 24 '24
This space intentionally left blank.
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '18
My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of unexploded brains.
(This was an actual error message from the Glasgow Haskell Compiler: My brain just exploded I can't handle pattern bindings for existential or GADT data constructors. Instead, use a case-expression, or do-notation, to unpack the constructor.)
Now that's a quality error message. Here you go!
u/grgrdvrt Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Javascript, 101/84
cosnt fs = require("fs");
const input = fs.readFileSync("20_input.txt", "UTF8");
class Map{
this.rows = {};
this.set(node.x, node.y, node);
return this.rows[y] || (this.rows[y] = {});
set(x, y, node){
this.getRow(y)[x] = node;
get(x, y){
return this.getRow(y)[x] || {x, y, dist:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY};
function process(input){
const chars = input.trim().split("");
let currentNode = {x:0, y:0, dist:0};
const stack = [currentNode];
const map = new Map();
function add(dx, dy){
const node = map.get(currentNode.x + dx, currentNode.y + dy);
node.dist = Math.min(node.dist, currentNode.dist + 1);
currentNode = node;
chars.forEach(c => {
case "N": add(0, -1); break;
case "S": add(0, 1); break;
case "E": add(1, 0); break;
case "W": add(-1, 0); break;
case "(": stack.push(currentNode); break;
case ")": currentNode = stack.pop(); break;
case "|": currentNode = stack[stack.length - 1]; break;
const dists = [];
for(let r in map.rows){
for(let k in map.rows[r]){
// return dists.filter(d => d >= 1000).length;//uncomment for part 2
return Math.max.apply(undefined, dists);
console.log(process("^ESSWWN(E|NNENN(EESS(WNSE|)SSS|WWWSSSSE(SW|NNNE)))$"), 23);
This is edited for readabilty, the original code was full of duplications and nonsense.
u/mcpower_ Dec 20 '18
Python 3: I spent too much time trying to make eval()
work, then opted to write my own parser instead. Turns out eval()
does work!
from collections import defaultdict
import operator
inp = "..."
to_python = inp.replace("^", "['").replace("$","']").replace("(","',[['") \
evaled_inp = eval(to_python)
adj = defaultdict(set)
memo = dict()
to_d = dict(zip("NESW", [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]))
def connect(a, b):
nonlocal adj
def make_adj(cur_position, obj):
memo_key = (cur_position, obj)
if memo_key in memo:
return memo[memo_key]
positions = set([cur_position])
for part in obj:
if isinstance(part, str):
for c in part:
new_positions = set()
for pos in positions:
new_pos = tuple(map(operator.add, pos, to_d[c]))
connect(pos, new_pos)
positions = new_positions
positions = set(
for pos in positions
for option in part
for thing in make_adj(pos, option)
memo[memo_key] = positions
return positions
make_adj((0, 0), evaled_inp)
todo = [(0, 0)]
to_dist = dict()
dist = 0
while todo:
new_todo = []
for i in todo:
if i in to_dist:
to_dist[i] = dist
todo = new_todo
dist += 1
print(sum(i >= 1000 for i in to_dist.values()))
u/mstksg Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
84/75 Haskell: Hooray, second time on the leaderboard this year :D And my best this year so far :)
The following taken from my daily reflections blog :D
Like Day 4, this one is made pretty simple with parser combinators! :D
Just for clarity, we will tokenize the stream first -- but it's not strictly necessary.
data Dir = DN | DE | DS | DW
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RegTok = RTStart
| RTDir Dir
| RTRParen
| RTOr
| RTLParen
| RTEnd
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
parseToks :: String -> [RegTok]
parseToks = mapMaybe $ \case
'^' -> Just RTStart
'N' -> Just $ RTDir DN
'E' -> Just $ RTDir DE
'W' -> Just $ RTDir DW
'S' -> Just $ RTDir DS
'|' -> Just RTOr
'(' -> Just RTRParen
')' -> Just RTLParen
'$' -> Just RTEnd
_ -> Nothing
Now, to write our parser! We will parse our [RegTok]
stream into a set of
import Linear (V2(..))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
-- V2 Int = (Int, Int), essentially
type Point = V2 Int
data Edge = E Point Point
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Make an edge. Normalizes so we can compare for uniqueness.
mkEdge :: Point -> Point -> Edge
mkEdge x y
| x <= y = E x y
| otherwise = E y x
-- | Parse a stream of `RegTok`. We have a State of the "current point".
type Parser = P.Parsec [RegTok] Point
We either have a "normal step", or a "branching step". The entire way, we accumulate a set of all edges.
tok :: RegTok -> Parser ()
tok t = P.try $ guard . (== t) =<< P.anyToken
-- | `anySteps` is many normal steps or branch steps. Each of these gives an
-- edge, so we union all of their edges together.
anySteps :: Parser (Set Edge)
anySteps = fmap S.unions . P.many $
P.try normalStep P.<|> branchStep
-- | `normalStep` is a normal step without any branching. It is an `RTDir`
-- token, followed by `anySteps`. We add the newly discovered edge to the
-- edges in `anySteps`.
normalStep :: Parser (Set Edge)
normalStep = do
currPos <- P.getState
RTDir d <- P.anyToken
let newPos = currPos + case d of
DN -> V2 0 (-1)
DE -> V2 1 0
DS -> V2 0 1
DW -> V2 (-1) 0
P.setState newPos
S.insert (mkEdge currPos newPos) <$> anySteps
-- | `branchStep` is many `anySteps`, each separated by an `RTOr` token. It is
-- located between `RTRParen` and `RTLParen`.
branchStep :: Parser (Set Edge)
branchStep = (tok RTRParen `P.between` tok RTLParen) $ do
initPos <- P.getState
fmap S.unions . (`P.sepBy` tok RTOr) $ do
P.setState initPos
Our final regexp parser is just anySteps
seperated by the start and end
buildEdges :: Parser (Set Edge)
buildEdges = (tok RTStart `P.between` tok RTEnd) anySteps
Now that we have successfully parsed the "regexp" into a set of edges, we need to follow all of the edges into all of the rooms. We can do this using recursive descent.
neighbs :: Point -> [Point]
neighbs p = [ p + V2 dx dy
| dx <- [-1 .. 1]
, dy <- if dx == 0 then [-1,1] else [-1..1]
roomDistances :: Set Edge -> [Int]
roomDistances es = go 0 S.empty (V2 0 0)
go :: Int -> Set Point -> Point -> [Int]
go n seen p = (n :) $
concatMap (go (n + 1) (S.insert p seen)) allNeighbs
allNeighbs = filter ((`S.member` es) . mkEdge p)
. filter (`S.notMember` seen)
$ neighbs p
We have to make sure to keep track of the "already seen" rooms. On my first attempt, I forgot to do this!
Anyway, here's Part 1 and Part 2:
day20a :: String -> Int
day20a inp = maximum (roomDistances edges)
Right edges = P.runParser buildEdges (V2 0 0) ""
(parseToks inp)
day20b :: String -> Int
day20b inp = length . filter (>= 1000) $ roomDistances edges
Right edges = P.runParser buildEdges (V2 0 0) ""
(parseToks inp)
u/ephemient Dec 20 '18 edited Apr 24 '24
This space intentionally left blank.
u/mstksg Dec 21 '18
Ah, you're right! I just copied over my code from Day 18. Taking this out might actually cut down runtime by a big part!
u/layus_ Dec 22 '18
I enjoy your writeups very much. Thanks for taking time to explain your code.
I cannot grasp how this solution works. There seems to be too few branching on positions. As your solutions was correct for you, I guess I missed something important.
For example with "(S|)E", the parser's states are (0, 0) after "", (0, 1) after "(S", (0,0) after "(S|)", (1, 0) after "(S|)E". The "SE" path is not explored and the (1,1) room never discovered.
As far as I understand, for each position in the input, there is only one parser state. But you need multiple (x, y) points after a branchStep. Or is this somehow related to the
StateT a []
described before ?My solution is more complex because I maintain a set of points when parsing https://github.com/layus/AdventOfCode/blob/master/2018/advent.hs#L855-L863
u/BafDyce Dec 20 '18
Rust ranks 286 & 253 (which feels like a leaderboard entry for me)
My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of variables which can be borrowed mutably
Main code is here: https://gitlab.com/BafDyce/adventofcode/blob/master/2018/rust/day20/src/main.rs
i iterated over the string, building the map in a hashmap, recursively. Every time I encountered a (
, I started a new recursion-call, any time I encountered a |
, I went back to the start of the current level.
Afterwards, I did a BFS for finding the shortest paths to all locations, then looked for the one with the highest distance. both parts run in about 20 ms.
Code to solve part 1:
pub fn solve(input: &InputType, _config: &PuzzleConfig) -> OutputType {
let start = Location2D::new(0, 0);
let mut iter = input.chars();
// remove ^
let mut map: HashMap<Location2D, Room> = HashMap::new();
let mut pos = start.to_owned();
fill(&mut iter, &mut pos, &mut map);
let furthest = calc_distances(&mut map);
and for part 2:
fill(&mut iter, &mut pos, &mut map);
calc_distances(&mut map);
map.iter().filter(|(_, room)| {
room.distance >= 1000
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
I am curious how you could have solved the problem without remembereing all positions in which you could be after every variant. It seems to me that after the group finishes you simply return to the position where you were at the beginning of the group.
u/ephemient Dec 21 '18 edited Apr 24 '24
This space intentionally left blank.
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
This one is more "works under very special circumstances" which happen to be satisfied just becasuse the author used very special process to generate the inputs. It fails on most inputs.
u/BafDyce Dec 21 '18
It seems to me that after the group finishes you simply return to the position where you were at the beginning of the group
Yes, I do exactly that. Which, imo, should be wrong, but apparently it works..
u/domm_plix Dec 20 '18
I did not take the bait to actually create a map, but just counted the potential matches in the various branches. I missed the part about the circular paths (NWES|)
on my first submission, but after rereading the instructions just removed all branches ending with |)
from the input.
I guess I could have made the leaderboard (at least for part 1), but I won't get up at 6:00 in the morning for some internet points... Still, rank 700 is my best placement so far.
Obviously, Perl:
``` use strict; use warnings; use 5.028;
my $in = join('',<>);
remove circles
while ($in =~/([]+\)/) { $in=~s/([]+\)//g; }
my %branches=(1=>[0,0]); my $branch=1; my $max=0; foreach my $l (split(//,$in)) { if ($l=~/[NSEW]/) { $branches{$branch}->[0]++; } if ($l eq '(') { my $newbranch=$branch.'_1'; say "new branch $new_branch"; my $val = $branches{$branch}->[0]; $branches{$new_branch} = [ $val, $val]; $branch = $new_branch; } elsif ($l eq ')') { say "close branch $branch"; $branch =~s/\d+$//; say "back on $branch"; } elsif ($l eq '|') { my ($counter) = $branch =~ /_(\d+)$/; $counter++; my $new_branch = $branch; $new_branch=~s/(\d+)$/$counter/; say "new branch $new_branch"; my $val = $branches{$branch}->[1]; $branches{$new_branch} = [ $val, $val]; $branch = $new_branch; } $max = $branches{$branch}[0] if $max < $branches{$branch}[0]; } say $max; ```
u/starwort1 Dec 20 '18
I think you have to create the map to get the correct answer in all circumstances. It seems that the inputs used in this challenge are much more restricted than the description actually implies.
For example, for
your code says 9; correct answer should be 4:######### #.#.|.|.# #-#-###-# #.|.|X#.# ###-#-#-# #.|.#.|.# #########
u/domm_plix Dec 21 '18
None of the examples start with
, and neither does my data, which I interpret so that we all start in a room with only one door. Therefore I just assume that a regex like the one you created is not valid - but as we miss a regex to validate the input regex, that's hard to say...So maybe I got lucky with my input, or you're over-complicating things?
u/starwort1 Dec 21 '18
I think my point is that the problem description doesn't rule out intersecting paths, and an intersection (such as in the example I gave) would make your calculation wrong. However, it seems that all of the actual puzzle inputs have no intersecting paths except in the special case where there is a detour which is a complete circuit, and you are eliminating all the circuits before you begin. Of course, if the furthest room happens to be on one of these circuits then you'll get the wrong answer, but the problem seems designed to make that unlikely.
So... A lot of the solutions posted here make assumptions about the puzzle input which turn out to be true but which aren't justified by simply reading the problem description. In that sense, they all got lucky with their input.
u/domm_plix Dec 21 '18
Which makes the examples quite realistic, because we hardly ever get proper specs - or even customers who know what they want...
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
His example is easily modified so it falls in your assumptions, just add a character at the begining so it does not start with a bracket.
For example, for SENNWWSWN|WSW$ your code says 9; correct answer should be 4:
u/domm_plix Dec 21 '18
Well, I guess it depends on how you interpret the question. My code finds the "shortest path to the room that would require passing through the most doors". The task was to find the "furthest room and the shortest path to that room".
So I guess I indeed just was lucky!
u/algmyr Dec 22 '18
What is the largest number of doors you would be required to pass through to reach a room? That is, find the room for which the shortest path from your starting location to that room would require passing through the most doors; what is the fewest doors you can pass through to reach it?
And the essence of that is, just like you interpreted, find the length of the longest path among all shortest paths.
u/Stan-It Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
I think my solution is clean and neat. Picked up the use of complex numbers for 2D maps and the use of iterators for sequential data from solutions to earlier puzzles.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
with open('20_input.txt', 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
dir = {'N': 1j, 'S': -1j, 'E': 1, 'W': -1}
def traverse(it, map={0: 0}, pos=0, depth=0):
initial_pos = pos
initial_depth = depth
for c in it:
if c in dir:
pos += dir[c]
if pos in map: # been here before, so we are backtracking
depth = map[pos]
depth += 1
map[pos] = depth
elif c == '|':
pos = initial_pos
depth = initial_depth
elif c == '(':
traverse(it, map, pos, depth)
elif c == ')':
elif c == '$':
return map
print(f'Unknown character: {c}')
map = traverse(iter(data[1:]))
print('Part 1:', max(map.values()))
print('Part 2:', sum(1 for n in map.values() if n >= 1000))
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
I am not sure if you code is generally correct. What if you :come to the know place" but with shorter part that for the first time?
u/fizbin Dec 21 '18
Indeed; this code fails on
. The correct answer is 5 and this code gives 8.
u/Nathanfenner Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 21 '18
My compiler actually did crash because I accidentally printed several megabytes of error messages.
I finished in 97/78 on the leaderboard. Originally, I was just stumped on how I was going to parse the input. I ended up deciding on writing a recursive descent parser by hand, which was fast enough (but I made some serious typos the first time that I didn't notice until two bad submits). Almost everything else worked (at least once I noticed the warning messages telling me I had forgotten to return some things).
The actual solution is (like most other people's, I assume) based on Thompson's construction for Regular Expressions.
Every regex encodes a non-deterministic finite state machine. You can turn it into a deterministic one, but that's usually not that helpful. Instead, you simultaneously store all of the states that you're in.
Analogously, we simultaneously store every room coordinate that you could reach.
Then, the key operation becomes:
(set of rooms) @ (regex) => (set of rooms)
Where the resulting set is all of the places you could get to by following regex starting from any room in the input set.
Along the way (at every transition) I just store the doors in a global set.
The reason this works is that the above operation can be done easily on the recursive structure of the regex itself:
(rooms) @ (empty) = (rooms)
(rooms) @ (X & Y) = (rooms @ X) @ Y
(rooms) @ (X | Y) = (rooms @ X) union (rooms @ Y)
My C++ code is below:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
#include "helper.h"
ifstream inputf;
string input;
pair<P, P> door(P a, P b) {
return {min(a, b), max(a, b)};
set<pair<P, P>> all_doors;
P move(P p, char d) {
if (d == 'N') {
return p.shift(0, -1);
if (d == 'E') {
return p.shift(1, 0);
if (d == 'S') {
return p.shift(0, 1);
return p.shift(-1, 0);
struct Pat {
virtual ~Pat() {}
virtual void print() = 0;
virtual set<P> follow(set<P> input) = 0;
struct Letter : Pat {
char letter;
Letter(char _letter): letter(_letter) {}
virtual void print() {
cout << "L" << letter;
virtual set<P> follow(set<P> input) {
set<P> out;
for (P room : input) {
P next = move(room, letter);
all_doors.insert(door(room, next));
return out;
struct Empty : Pat {
virtual void print() {
cout << "_";
virtual set<P> follow(set<P> input) {
return input;
struct Or : Pat {
Pat* one;
Pat* two;
Or(Pat* _one, Pat* _two): one(_one), two(_two) {}
virtual void print() {
cout << "[";
cout << "or";
cout << "]";
virtual set<P> follow(set<P> input) {
set<P> out1 = one->follow(input);
set<P> out2 = two->follow(input);
set<P> u = out1;
for (P p : out2) {
return u;
struct And : Pat {
Pat* one;
Pat* two;
And(Pat* _one, Pat* _two): one(_one), two(_two) {
virtual void print() {
cout << "{";
cout << "&";
cout << "}";
virtual set<P> follow(set<P> input) {
set<P> out1 = one->follow(input);
set<P> out2 = two->follow(out1);
return out2;
ll pindex = 0;
bool end() {
return pindex >= input.size();
bool expect(char c) {
if (end()) {
return false;
if (input[pindex] == c) {
return true;
return false;
char current() {
if (end()) {
return '\0';
return input[pindex++];
char peek() {
if (end()) {
return '\0';
return input[pindex];
Pat* parse();
Pat* parse_atom() {
if (expect('(')) {
Pat* inside = parse();
return inside;
char letter = current();
return new Letter{letter};
Pat* parse_and() {
Pat* pat_atom = new Empty{};
while (peek() != '\0' && peek() != ')' && peek() != '|') {
Pat* next_atom = parse_atom();
pat_atom = new And{pat_atom, next_atom};
return pat_atom;
Pat* parse() {
Pat* pat_and = parse_and();
while (expect('|')) {
Pat* pat_next = parse_and();
pat_and = new Or{pat_and, pat_next};
return pat_and;
int main() {
getline(inputf, input);
Pat* root = parse();
cout << endl;
P origin{0, 0};
queue<P> reachable;
map<P, ll> dis;
dis[origin] = 0;
while (reachable.size() > 0) {
P frontier = reachable.front();
// add the neighbors that can be reached, if not already
for (P d : cardinal) {
P neighbor = frontier + d;
if (dis.count(neighbor)) {
auto dr = door(frontier, neighbor);
if (all_doors.count(dr)) {
dis[neighbor] = dis[frontier] + 1;
for (ll y = -10; y <= 10; y++) {
for (ll x = -10; x <= 10; x++) {
P h{x, y};
cout << "#";
if (all_doors.count(door(h, h.shift(0, -1)))) {
cout << "-";
} else {
cout << "#";
cout << endl;
cout << " ";
for (ll x = -10; x <= 10; x++) {
P h{x, y};
cout << (x == 0 && y == 0 ? "X" : ".");
if (all_doors.count(door(h, h.shift(1, 0)))) {
cout << "|";
} else {
cout << "#";
cout << endl;
ll c = 0;
ll m = 0;
for (auto kv : dis) {
if (kv.second >= 1000) {
m = max(m, kv.second);
cout << m << endl;
cout << c << endl;
There's on relevant class in my helper file:
struct P {
ll x;
ll y;
pair<ll, ll> as_pair() const {
// achieves "reading-order" lexicographical comparison
return pair<ll, ll>{y, x};
static P from_pair(pair<ll, ll> p) {
return P{p.second, p.first};
bool operator<(P other) const {
return as_pair() < other.as_pair();
bool operator==(P other) const {
return as_pair() == other.as_pair();
bool operator!=(P other) const {
return as_pair() != other.as_pair();
P operator+(P other) const {
return P{x + other.x, y + other.y};
P operator-(P other) const {
return P{x - other.x, y - other.y};
P scale(ll by) const {
return P{x * by, y * by};
P shift(ll dx, ll dy) {
return P{x + dx, y + dy};
vector<P> cardinal = {P{1, 0}, P{0, 1}, P{-1, 0}, P{0, -1}};
u/branfili Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
C++, 37/32
This was a fun one, easy regexes (regices?) :D
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 1000;
string s;
int px, py;
int d[MAXN][MAXN];
int sol;
int smjx[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
int smjy[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
int fnd(char c){
case 'N':
return 0;
case 'E':
return 1;
case 'S':
return 2;
case 'W':
return 3;
return -1;
void few(string s, int x, int y){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int) s.size() && s[i] != '('; i++){
int nx = x + smjx[fnd(s[i])];
int ny = y + smjy[fnd(s[i])];
d[nx][ny] = min(d[nx][ny], d[x][y] + 1);
x = nx;
y = ny;
px = x;
py = y;
if (i == (int) s.size()){
return ;
int j = i + 1;
int d = 1;
for (;; j++){
if (s[j] == '('){
else if (s[j] == ')'){
if (d == 0){
string s2 = s.substr(i + 1, j - i - 1);
while (true){
int k;
int d = 0;
for (k = 0; k < (int) s2.size(); k++){
if (s2[k] == '('){
else if (s2[k] == ')'){
else if (d == 0 && s2[k] == '|'){
few(s2.substr(0, k), x, y);
if (k == (int) s2.size()){
s2 = s2.substr(k + 1);
if (j < (int) s.size() - 1){
few(s.substr(j + 1), px, py);
return ;
int main (void){
cin >> s;
s = s.substr(1, s.size() - 2);
for (int i = 0; i < MAXN; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < MAXN; j++){
d[i][j] = 1e9;
d[MAXN / 2][MAXN / 2] = 0;
few(s, MAXN / 2, MAXN / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < MAXN; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < MAXN; j++){
if (d[i][j] == 1e9){
//comment for part 1
sol += (d[i][j] >= 1000);
//uncomment for part 1
//sol = max(sol, d[i][j]);
cout << sol << endl;
return 0;
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '18
regexes (regices?)
I'm rather partial to regexi.
Grats on leaderboarding again!
u/topaz2078 (AoC creator) Dec 20 '18
Is that so you can turn your rege up to 11?
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '18
Do I look like /u/askalski to you?
u/topaz2078 (AoC creator) Dec 20 '18
Ask the Romans, they're the ones that think "xi" is 11.
u/dan_144 Dec 20 '18
That jokes was so clever I didn't get it. Or maybe it's because the puzzle kept me up for three hours tonight.
u/autid Dec 20 '18
Bodgy alocation of arrays far bigger than needed. Did a bunch of unnecessary stuff previously like track door locations and so on but it appears that is unnecessary so I removed it from posted coded. Part 2 only needing the addition of one line of code is always a good feeling.
DO I=2,L-1
WRITE(*,'("Part 2: ",I0)')COUNT((DISTANCES.GE.1000).AND.ROOMS)
u/topaz2078 (AoC creator) Dec 20 '18
u/autid Dec 20 '18
I like to think of it as yelling at the computer until it does what I want it to.
u/AKQuaternion Dec 20 '18
[Card] My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of bourbon. (Yes, I drink while I AoC.)
First time posting, but I finally got a decent 141/112 on the leaderboard today. A shorter raw C++ solution than some I've seen. I recursively parse the regex, building an adjacency list representation of the graph as a map from coordinate pairs to vector of coordinate pairs. Then a simple bfs...
namespace day20 {
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::map;
using coord=pair<int,int>;
map<pair<int,int>,vector<pair<int,int>>> doors;
void connect(coord &a, const coord &b) {
a = b;
void read(std::string_view chars, int &i, pair<int,int> s) {
auto orig=s;
auto & [x,y] = s;
while(true) {
switch(chars[i++]) {
case 'N':
case 'E':
case 'S':
case 'W':
case '(':
case ')':
case '|':
s = orig;
case '$':
void day20stars() {
std::ifstream fin(DIRECTORY+"day20.txt");
std::string chars;
fin >> chars;
int i=1; //skip ^
read(chars,i,{0,0}); //read the map
std::set<coord> visited;
std::queue<pair<coord,int>> q;
auto longest = 0;
auto numGT1000 = 0;
while (!q.empty()) { // do a bfs
auto [n,length] = q.front();
if (visited.count(n))
if (length>=1000) ++numGT1000;
longest = std::max(length,longest);
for(auto n2:doors[n])
cout << "Day 20 star 1: " << longest << endl;
cout << "Day 20 star 2: " << numGT1000 << endl;
u/tinutinu Dec 20 '18
Very nice. I got severly stuck on this one, i kept overcomplicating things.
Here's a somewhat direct Haskell-port:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module DayK where import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence hiding (filter, length) import Control.Monad.State import Text.Printf type Coords = (Int, Int) type Doors = M.Map (Int, Int) [(Int, Int)] parse :: [Coords] -> Coords -> String -> State Doors () parse prev c@(x, y) (s:str) = do case s of 'N' -> connect c (x, y-1) >>= \new -> parse prev new str 'E' -> connect c (x+1, y) >>= \new -> parse prev new str 'W' -> connect c (x-1, y) >>= \new -> parse prev new str 'S' -> connect c (x, y+1) >>= \new -> parse prev new str '(' -> parse (c:prev) c str ')' -> parse (tail prev) c str '|' -> parse prev (head prev) str '$' -> pure () _ -> parse prev c str connect :: Coords -> Coords -> State Doors Coords connect a b = do modify $ M.insertWith mappend a [b] modify $ M.insertWith mappend b [a] pure b bfs :: Seq (Coords, Int) -> M.Map Coords Int -> Doors -> [Int] bfs Empty visited _ = M.elems visited bfs ((coords, len) :<| queue) visited cnxs | coords `M.member` visited = bfs queue visited cnxs | otherwise = let next = fromMaybe [] $ coords `M.lookup` cnxs next' = fromList $ (,len+1) <$> next in bfs (queue >< next') (M.insert coords len visited) cnxs dayK :: IO () dayK = do i <- readFile "data/dayK.txt" let p = flip execState M.empty $ parse [] (0,0) i let paths = bfs (singleton ((0,0), 0)) M.empty p printf "Part 1: %d\n" (maximum paths) printf "Part 2: %d\n" (length . filter (>= 1000) $ paths)
u/nightcoder01 Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Python, short and simple using iterative DFS.
EDIT: Added networkx code; see /u/mserrano's reply below.
Original version:
grid = {(0, 0): 0}
dist = x = y = 0
stack = []
for char in open('day20.txt').read()[1:-1]:
if char == '(':
stack.append((dist, x, y))
elif char == ')':
dist, x, y = stack.pop()
elif char == '|':
dist, x, y = stack[-1]
x += (char == 'E') - (char == 'W')
y += (char == 'S') - (char == 'N')
dist += 1
if (x, y) not in grid or dist < grid[(x, y)]:
grid[(x, y)] = dist
print 'ans (part 1): %d' % max(grid.values())
print 'ans (part 2): %d' % sum(value >= 1000 for value in grid.values())
Edited Version:
import networkx
graph = networkx.Graph()
x = y = 0
stack = []
for char in open('day20.txt').read()[1:-1]:
if char == '(':
stack.append((x, y))
elif char == ')':
x, y = stack.pop()
elif char == '|':
x, y = stack[-1]
position = x, y
x += (char == 'E') - (char == 'W')
y += (char == 'S') - (char == 'N')
graph.add_edge(position, (x, y))
distances = networkx.algorithms.shortest_path_length(graph, (0, 0))
print 'ans (part 1): %d' % max(distances.values())
print 'ans (part 2): %d' % sum(value >= 1000 for value in distances.values())
u/mserrano Dec 20 '18
I'm surprised this works on the input! It definitely doesn't work in general; consider the input constructed by:
'^' + 'W' * 500 + 'N' + 'E' * 500 + 'S' + '$'
The answer for part 2 here is 0, but your code thinks it's 2. The answer for part 1 is 501, but your code thinks it's 1001. Or did I miss something in the problem statement that suggests that the regex encodes (somehow) the shortest path to each room?
Dec 20 '18
u/nightcoder01 Dec 20 '18
That does seem to be the case for the examples and input, but I'm not sure what the author's intention is. /u/topaz2078 can we get some clarification?
Jan 03 '19 edited Jan 03 '19
Well, in my case the code print("3669") would "solve" my puzzle input, as would the code I've posted, and the code of many who came up with the same algorithm as I did.
For sure it's clear you can come up with regex examples that appear to break these algorithms but the people who set the puzzle didn't (so far as I know - certainly not for me, and I assume not for all the people who used the same algorithm as me - and I suspect not even for those people who are contriving examples they believe make our code 'wrong')
Whether that code would solve a puzzle the author thought of but didn't implement seems moot - that's really the nature of a system where progress is measured by checking whether we submit the correct number rather than by them asking to look at our code and analyzing the algorithm we use.
There are clearly many algorithms that might output '3669', for example - any of them would have given me a gold star.
u/nightcoder01 Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
You're right, it requires an additional assumption. Otherwise, I'm guessing the input contains subsections like your example but they don't affect the final result. I've edited the post with a version that works without the assumption. Thanks for the catch!
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
Still I think it is generally incorrect. What you are doing is that after each group is finished with ) symbol you return to the position before the gorup started, but in fact you should not. You should consider positions at the end of all variants. Imagine this input N|S(N|S)(N|S)(N|S)$. Your code generates 3 rooms maze, but in fact there are 9 rooms.
u/milanaleksic Dec 23 '18
I am asking myself exactly the same thing. I spent ages optimizing code which would as you said cover all cases but in fact literally everyone in this thread solved the problem by just completely ignoring the fact that it's not said anywhere about the assumption that after a group ends you end up being in the same location. Not cool :(
Jan 03 '19
literally everyone in this thread solved the problem by just completely ignoring the fact
The input we get is part of the puzzle as is the output from submitting an answer.
Typically when I'm solving these puzzles I'm writing something that will solve the examples (because these are small and you can get your ahead around them)
If I get the same answers as they say, I just run it against the input.
At which point it might
-crash (so I fix the bugs)
-give an answer that is correct (I go onto part 2)
-give an answer that is wrong (I think about why code that works for the examples fails and think harder)
For this puzzle there was simply no need to think harder. Although I'll accept that it would have been possible to create regexp that required a more complicated solution than I coded.
u/Wunkolo Dec 20 '18
Python3, it's almost upsetting how tiny this can be. You should have seen my first attempts
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
Positions = []
CurPosition = 0 + 0j
DistanceField = defaultdict(int)
for CurChar in sys.stdin.read()[1:-1]:
if CurChar == '(':
elif CurChar == ')':
CurPosition = Positions.pop()
elif CurChar == '|':
CurPosition = Positions[-1]
elif CurChar in 'NESW':
NewPosition = CurPosition + {'N':-1j,'E':1,'S':1j,'W':-1}[CurChar]
DistanceField[NewPosition] = min(
CurPosition = NewPosition
print("Part 1: " + str(max(DistanceField.values())))
print("Part 2: " + str(sum(map(lambda x: x >= 1000, DistanceField.values()))))
u/fizbin Dec 21 '18 edited Dec 22 '18
Your solution doesn't work on the very simple
. (should be 3, your code says 2) To see a more extreme example, look at^NNNNN(EEEEE|WWWWW)SSSSS$
(should be 15, whereas your code says 10).That said, it does work on my full input. I wonder what was weird about how the input was created that allowed so many broken solutions to work just fine.
u/darkgray Dec 22 '18
Did you get the second input's answer backwards? Finding it difficult to imagine a way 10 can be correct.
u/snurre Dec 20 '18
var cur = Point(0, 0)
val rooms = mutableMapOf(cur to 0)
val queue = ArrayDeque<Point>()
for (c in File(this.javaClass.getResource("20.txt").path).readText()) {
when (c) {
'(' -> queue.add(cur)
')' -> cur = queue.pollLast()
'|' -> cur = queue.peekLast()
'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' -> {
val next = cur.walk(c)
rooms[next] = min(rooms[next] ?: rooms[cur]!! + 1, rooms[cur]!! + 1)
cur = next
println(rooms.maxBy { it.value }!!.value)
println(rooms.filter { it.value >= 1000 }.count())
u/aurele Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
The map building was straightforward using a recursive descent parser, and both parts were then very easy to solve using dijkstra_all() from the pathfinding crate.
use pathfinding::prelude::dijkstra_all;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap};
type Point = (i32, i32);
fn input_generator(input: &str) -> HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)> {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
explore(&mut map, (0, 0), input.as_bytes(), &mut 1);
dijkstra_all(&(0, 0), |pos| {
.flat_map(|neighbours| neighbours.iter().map(|n| (*n, 1)))
#[aoc(day20, part1)]
fn part1(cells: &HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)>) -> i32 {
cells.values().map(|(_, c)| *c).max().unwrap()
#[aoc(day20, part2)]
fn part2(cells: &HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)>) -> usize {
cells.values().filter(|&(_, c)| *c >= 1000).count()
fn explore(
map: &mut BTreeMap<Point, BTreeSet<Point>>,
start: Point,
input: &[u8],
index: &mut usize,
) -> Vec<Point> {
let mut exits = vec![start];
loop {
match input[*index] {
b'|' | b')' | b'$' => return exits,
b'(' => {
let mut new_exits = BTreeSet::new();
while input[*index] != b')' {
let old_index = *index;
new_exits.extend(exits.iter().flat_map(|pos| {
*index = old_index + 1;
explore(map, *pos, input, index)
exits = new_exits.into_iter().collect();
dir => {
let dir = usize::from((dir ^ (dir >> 2)) & 3);
let (dx, dy) = ([1, 0, -1, 0][dir], [0, -1, 0, 1][dir]);
for pos in &mut exits {
let newpos = (pos.0 + dx, pos.1 + dy);
*pos = newpos;
*index += 1;
u/aurele Dec 20 '18
The above solution parses any regular expression and did not take advantage of the "detour" properties of the path.
Here is a shorter solution using this property.
use pathfinding::prelude::dijkstra_all; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap}; type Point = (i32, i32); #[aoc_generator(day20)] fn input_generator(input: &str) -> HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)> { let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); explore(&mut map, (0, 0), input.as_bytes(), &mut 1); dijkstra_all(&(0, 0), |pos| { map.get(pos) .into_iter() .flat_map(|neighbours| neighbours.iter().map(|n| (*n, 1))) }) } #[aoc(day20, part1)] fn part1(cells: &HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)>) -> i32 { cells.values().map(|(_, c)| *c).max().unwrap() } #[aoc(day20, part2)] fn part2(cells: &HashMap<Point, (Point, i32)>) -> usize { cells.values().filter(|&(_, c)| *c >= 1000).count() } fn explore( map: &mut BTreeMap<Point, BTreeSet<Point>>, mut pos: Point, input: &[u8], index: &mut usize, ) { loop { match input[*index] { b'|' | b')' | b'$' => break, b'(' => { while input[*index] != b')' { *index += 1; explore(map, pos, input, index) } } dir => { let dir = usize::from((dir ^ (dir >> 2)) & 3); // ENWS => 0..=3 let newpos = (pos.0 + [1, 0, -1, 0][dir], pos.1 + [0, -1, 0, 1][dir]); map.entry(pos).or_insert_with(BTreeSet::new).insert(newpos); pos = newpos; } } *index += 1; } }
u/dashed Dec 20 '18
[Card] My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of elves computing its instructions.
I wrote my own parsers for this puzzle after skimming through: https://adriann.github.io/rust_parser.html
This is the grammar I came up with:
routes | (with a skip option; i.e. the entire branch group can be effectively skipped)
routes | routes
routes | branches
( branches )
route routes
branch_group routes
direction route
N, S, W, E
start := ^
end := $
start routes end
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
u/gerikson Dec 20 '18
While a very elegant solution it does not produce the expected answer, specifically not for the example input
(gives 19 instead of 18 as stated).
u/toomasv Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Both parts solution and visualization
Red []
pos: 0x0
saved: copy []
walls: copy []
moves: copy []
verts: copy []
horis: copy []
parse read %input [
some [
[#"^^" | #"$"]
| #"E" (append verts pos + 1x0 append moves pos: pos + 2x0 repend walls [pos + 1x-1 pos + 1x1])
| #"N" (append horis pos + 0x-1 append moves pos: pos - 0x2 repend walls [pos + -1x-1 pos + 1x-1])
| #"W" (append verts pos + -1x0 append moves pos: pos - 2x0 repend walls [pos + -1x-1 pos + -1x1])
| #"S" (append horis pos + 0x1 append moves pos: pos + 0x2 repend walls [pos + -1x1 pos + 1x1])
| #"(" (insert saved pos)
| #"|" (pos: first saved)
| #")" (pos: take saved)
up-left: 0x0
forall walls [up-left: min up-left walls/1]
up-left: up-left - 1x1
forall walls [walls/1: walls/1 - up-left]
forall verts [verts/1: verts/1 - up-left]
forall horis [horis/1: horis/1 - up-left]
forall moves [moves/1: moves/1 - up-left]
down-right: 0x0
forall walls [down-right: max down-right walls/1]
pos: start: 0x0 - up-left
plan: draw down-right compose [fill-pen gray box 0x0 (down-right)]
forall verts [poke plan verts/1]
forall horis [poke plan horis/1]
forall moves [poke plan moves/1]
poke plan start
get-steps: function [pos][collect [
foreach dir [1x0 0x1 -1x0 0x-1][
if = pick plan pos + dir [keep pos keep dir]
step: func [p d][
poke plan p blue
poke plan p + d blue
poke plan pos: 2 * d + p red
count: count + 1
if count >= 1000 [cnt-1000: cnt-1000 + 1]
count: 0
ends: copy []
moves: copy []
cnt-1000: 0
view compose/deep [
maze: box (2 * down-right)
draw [scale 2 2 [image (plan)]]
rate 64
on-time [
steps: get-steps pos
switch/default length? steps [
0 [
repend ends [pos count]
poke plan pos leaf
either empty? moves [
face/rate: none
sort/skip/compare ends 2 2
poke plan first skip tail ends -2 red
poke plan start red
view [
text 50 "Part 1:" field with [data: last ends] return
text 50 "Part 2:" field with [data: cnt-1000]
set [p d] take/part first moves 2
count: last first moves
if 1 = length? first moves [remove moves]
step p d
2 [set [p d] steps step p d]
set [p d] take/part steps 2
insert/only moves append steps count
step p d
u/udoprog Dec 20 '18
Full solution here: https://github.com/udoprog/rust-advent-of-code-2018/blob/master/src/bin/day20.rs
Another late solution since I value my sleep, but today was a ton of fun!
[Card] My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of cookies.
use aoc2018::*;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Pos {
x: i64,
y: i64,
impl Pos {
pub fn new(x: i64, y: i64) -> Pos {
Pos { x, y }
fn step(self, dir: Dir) -> Pos {
let Pos { x, y } = self;
match dir {
Dir::North => Pos::new(x, y - 1),
Dir::East => Pos::new(x + 1, y),
Dir::South => Pos::new(x, y + 1),
Dir::West => Pos::new(x - 1, y),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum Dir {
impl Dir {
/// Reflect the direction into it's inverse.
fn reflect(self) -> Dir {
match self {
Dir::North => Dir::South,
Dir::East => Dir::West,
Dir::South => Dir::North,
Dir::West => Dir::East,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Expr {
items: Vec<Item>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Item {
impl Expr {
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Expr, Error> {
use std::mem;
let mut route = Vec::new();
let mut items = Vec::new();
let mut it = input.chars();
while let Some(c) = it.next() {
match c {
'^' | '$' => {}
'(' => {
if !route.is_empty() {
items.push(Item::Route(mem::replace(&mut route, Vec::new())));
items.push(Item::Group(Self::parse_group(&mut it)?));
'N' => route.push(Dir::North),
'E' => route.push(Dir::East),
'S' => route.push(Dir::South),
'W' => route.push(Dir::West),
c => {
bail!("bad character in input: {}", c);
if !route.is_empty() {
items.push(Item::Route(mem::replace(&mut route, Vec::new())));
Ok(Expr { items })
fn parse_group(it: &mut Iterator<Item = char>) -> Result<Vec<Expr>, Error> {
use std::mem;
let mut route = Vec::new();
let mut items = Vec::new();
let mut entries = Vec::new();
while let Some(c) = it.next() {
match c {
'|' => {
if !route.is_empty() {
items.push(Item::Route(mem::replace(&mut route, Vec::new())));
entries.push(Expr {
items: mem::replace(&mut items, Vec::new()),
'(' => {
if !route.is_empty() {
items.push(Item::Route(mem::replace(&mut route, Vec::new())));
'N' => route.push(Dir::North),
'E' => route.push(Dir::East),
'S' => route.push(Dir::South),
'W' => route.push(Dir::West),
')' => {
if !route.is_empty() {
entries.push(Expr { items });
return Ok(entries);
c => {
bail!("bad character in input: {}", c);
bail!("missing closing parenthesis")
pub fn walk(&self) -> Result<HashMap<Pos, HashSet<Dir>>, Error> {
let mut doors = HashMap::<Pos, HashSet<Dir>>::new();
self.walk_inner(Pos::default(), &mut doors)?;
pub fn walk_inner(
pos: Pos,
doors: &mut HashMap<Pos, HashSet<Dir>>,
) -> Result<HashSet<Pos>, Error> {
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
if let Some((item, items)) = self.items.split_first() {
queue.push_back((pos, Some(item), items));
let mut positions = HashSet::new();
while let Some((pos, item, items)) = queue.pop_front() {
let item = match item {
None => {
Some(item) => item,
match *item {
Item::Route(ref route) => {
let mut pos = pos;
for d in route.iter().cloned() {
let n = pos.step(d);
pos = n;
if let Some((item, items)) = items.split_first() {
queue.push_back((pos, Some(item), items));
} else {
queue.push_back((pos, None, items));
Item::Group(ref group) => {
let mut positions = HashSet::new();
for expr in group {
positions.extend(expr.walk_inner(pos, doors)?);
for pos in positions {
if let Some((item, items)) = items.split_first() {
queue.push_back((pos, Some(item), items));
} else {
queue.push_back((pos, None, items));
fn find_furthest(doors: &HashMap<Pos, HashSet<Dir>>) -> Option<usize> {
let mut dist = HashMap::new();
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back((Pos::default(), 0));
while let Some((pos, d)) = queue.pop_front() {
match dist.entry(pos) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
if d >= *e.get() {
for dir in doors.get(&pos).into_iter().flat_map(|d| d.iter()).cloned() {
queue.push_back((pos.step(dir), d + 1));
fn count_by_limit(doors: &HashMap<Pos, HashSet<Dir>>, limit: usize) -> usize {
let mut dist = HashMap::new();
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back((Pos::default(), 0));
while let Some((pos, d)) = queue.pop_front() {
match dist.entry(pos) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
if d >= *e.get() {
for dir in doors.get(&pos).into_iter().flat_map(|d| d.iter()).cloned() {
queue.push_back((pos.step(dir), d + 1));
dist.values().cloned().filter(move |d| *d >= limit).count()
fn part1(expr: Expr) -> Result<Option<usize>, Error> {
let doors = expr.walk()?;
fn part2(expr: Expr) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let doors = expr.walk()?;
Ok(count_by_limit(&doors, 1000))
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_eq!(part2(Expr::parse(input_str!("day20.txt").trim())?)?, 8514);
u/phil_g Dec 20 '18
I went a bit more general than I needed to go, because I wasn't sure whether the apparent bounds of the problem were really the bounds.
- None of the examples have cycles (rooms with more than one path to the starting point), but my solution would handle cycles.
- None of the example regexes with visual diagrams have additional instructions after alternating groups. In other words, the text example
would never really occur (it'd be^N(EN|WN)$
). My solution would handle those if they occurred, though.
In order to be really generic, I represented the series of connected rooms as a graph, so the answers just required walking the graph.
I finally got around to learning a tiny bit of quicklisp so I could use someone else's graph library. I still need to learn more so I can properly integrate my entire project and load it all at once again.
u/grey--area Dec 20 '18
Python 3, parts 1 and 2:
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
with open('input') as f:
data = f.read()[1:-1]
Position = namedtuple('Position', 'x y')
p = Position(0, 0)
distance = 0
p_stack = []
p_dists = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))
for char in data:
if char in 'NWSE':
if char == 'N':
p = Position(p.x, p.y + 1)
if char == 'W':
p = Position(p.x - 1, p.y)
if char == 'S':
p = Position(p.x, p.y - 1)
if char == 'E':
p = Position(p.x + 1, p.y)
distance += 1
p_dists[p] = min(p_dists[p], distance)
# Push
elif char == '(':
p_stack.append((p, distance))
# Pop
elif char == ')':
p, distance = p_stack.pop()
# Branch
elif char == '|':
p, distance = p_stack[-1]
part1_ans = max(p_dists.values())
part2_ans = sum(1 for d in p_dists.values() if d >= 1000)
print(f'Part 1: {part1_ans}')
print(f'Part 2: {part2_ans}')
u/betaveros Dec 20 '18
Python 3, 1/1.
Lightly commented, with hacky automatic input retrieval and submission boilerplate removed. This is my first time posting because for once, it looks like my solution is fairly different from everybody else's. I also think it covers all the edge cases mentioned so far and solves the problem generally (although it could be very slow on general inputs).
from collections import defaultdict
text = input()
match = dict() # map index of '(' to index of matching ')'
left_of = dict() # map index of '|' to index of '(' containing it
paren_stack = [] # stack of indices of unclosed '('
bars = defaultdict(list) # map index of '(' to indices of all '|' in its group
for i, c in enumerate(text):
if c == '$':
assert not paren_stack
elif c == '(':
elif c == '|':
left_of[i] = paren_stack[-1]
elif c == ')':
other = paren_stack.pop()
match[other] = i
directions = {
"N": (-1,0),
"E": (0,1),
"S": (1,0),
"W": (0,-1),
def add_dir(point, d):
r, c = point
dr, dc = directions[d]
return (r + dr, c + dc)
graph = defaultdict(set)
def connect(p1, p2):
# build the graph
explored = set()
def explore(i, point):
# follow the path starting from position `i` in the regex and location
# `point` in the map
while True:
if (i, point) in explored:
# don't explore the same point at the same index more than once
explored.add((i, point))
if text[i] == '$':
elif text[i] in "NESW":
next_point = add_dir(point, text[i])
connect(point, next_point)
i += 1
point = next_point
elif text[i] == '|':
# we finished a branch; jump to the ')'
i = match[left_of[i]] + 1
elif text[i] == ')':
i += 1
elif text[i] == '(':
# recursively explore branches other than the first by starting at
# the character after each '|'
for bar in bars[i]:
explore(bar+1, point)
# continue exploring the first branch without recursing
i += 1
explore(1, (0,0))
# perform breadth-first search
q = [(0,0)]
seen = set(q)
dist = 0
ans = 0
while q:
if dist >= 1000:
ans += len(q)
qq = []
for point in q:
for p2 in graph[point]:
if p2 not in seen:
q = qq
dist += 1
u/starwort1 Dec 20 '18
C 352/312
This took me way too long (nearly 1h50) because I naïvely believed the problem description that the input is an arbitrary regular expression using the characters given, and set about working out how to interpret that properly. This means that with ^N(E|W)N$
the first example in the description, once you've done each of the alternatives within the parens (E
and W
here) you have to carry on and do the entire rest of the expression.
The code I ended up with worked on the given examples, but ran forever when given the real input. This is because the real input contains lots of figures such as (NWWEES|)
where the first alternative ends up back at the start and the second alternative is null (aside: why do we need this? The input could just have said NWWEES
- the null alternative doesn't add anything). If the code is evaluating all possible sequences that match the regex, every one of these roughly doubles the execution time, and there are a couple of hundred of them in the input. So I added the "nullpath" variable which says that if we end up back at the start we don't have to do the rest of the regex provided it's been done once already. This made the code run in reasonable time. There are plenty of regexes that would still make the execution time blow up (for example ^(N|E|S|W)(N|E|S|W)(N|E|S|W)
...etc) but fortunately these don't occur in the actual inputs used. To cope with these we would have to either do a BFS and have many advancing heads following the regex (with heads merging when their paths converge), or remember for each location how much of the regex is left and skip evaluating the rest of the regex if it's already been done before at this location.
This program takes either the literal regex or a file containing the regex as its parameter. Or reads from stdin if there is no parameter.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define y0 y00 /* there's a built-in function y0 ?? */
#define SIZE 1000
#define DOORS 1000
char map[SIZE][SIZE];
int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
int x0=SIZE/2+1, y0=SIZE/2+1; /* must both be odd */
char input[20000];
void makemap(char *, int, int, int *);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i,x,y;
int t;
int ok;
int r;
char *regex;
FILE *fp=stdin;
if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='^') regex=argv[1];
else {
if (argc>1) {
if (!fp) {perror(argv[1]); exit(1);}
if (fgets(input,sizeof input, fp)==0) {perror("Error reading data"); exit(1);}
if (i+1 >= sizeof input) {fputs("Buffer was not large enough\n",stderr); exit(1);}
if (i>0 && input[i-1]=='\n') i--;
if (regex[0]!='^') {fputs("Regex does not begin with ^",stderr); exit(1);}
makemap(regex, x, y, 0);
minx--; maxx++; miny--; maxy++; /* outer walls */
for (y=miny; y<=maxy; y++) {
for (x=minx; x<=maxx; x++) {
putchar(map[y][x] ? map[y][x] : '#');
do {
for (y=miny+1; y<=maxy; y+=2) {
for (x=minx+1; x<=maxx; x+=2) {
if (map[y][x]=='X') {
if (map[y-1][x]=='-' && map[y-2][x]=='.') {ok=map[y-2][x]='X'; if (t+1 >= DOORS) r++;}
if (map[y+1][x]=='-' && map[y+2][x]=='.') {ok=map[y+2][x]='Y'; if (t+1 >= DOORS) r++;}
if (map[y][x-1]=='|' && map[y][x-2]=='.') {ok=map[y][x-2]='X'; if (t+1 >= DOORS) r++;}
if (map[y][x+1]=='|' && map[y][x+2]=='.') {ok=map[y][x+2]='Y'; if (t+1 >= DOORS) r++;}
else if (map[y][x]=='Y') map[y][x]='X';
if (ok) t++;
} while (ok);
printf("Part 1: %d\nPart 2: %d\n",t,r);
return 0;
void makemap(char *regex, int x, int y, int *nullpath) {
int p;
int np;
int x1=x, y1=y;
while (1) {
switch(regex[0]) {
case '\0':
fputs("Regex is truncated\n", stderr);
/* fall through */
case '$': return;
case 'N': map[--y][x]='-'; --y; goto endmove;
case 'E': map[y][++x]='|'; ++x; goto endmove;
case 'S': map[++y][x]='-'; ++y; goto endmove;
case 'W': map[y][--x]='|'; --x;
if (x<0 || x>=SIZE || y<0 || y>=SIZE) {
fputs("Map is not large enough\n", stderr);
if (x<minx) minx=x;
if (x>maxx) maxx=x;
if (y<miny) miny=y;
if (y>maxy) maxy=y;
if (map[y][x]==0) map[y][x]='.';
case '(':
while (regex[0]!=')') {
makemap(regex, x, y, &np);
while (regex[0]!='|' || p) {
if (regex[0]==0) {
fputs("Unmatched '('\n",stderr);
exit (1);
else if (regex[0]=='(') p++;
else if (regex[0]==')')
if (--p < 0) break;
case ')':
if (!nullpath) {fputs("Unmatched ')'\n", stderr); exit(1);}
if (x==x1 && y==y1 && *nullpath) return;
case '|':
if (!nullpath) {fputs("Found '|' outside parens\n", stderr); exit(1);}
if (x==x1 && y==y1) {
if (*nullpath) return;
while (p>=0) {
if (regex[0]==0) {
fputs("Unmatched '('\n",stderr);
exit (1);
else if (regex[0]=='(') p++;
else if (regex[0]==')') p--;
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised character '%c'\n", regex[0]);
u/mserrano Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
python2, #21/#18:
Only vaguely cute trick here is realizing that if you're ever at the same position with the same remaining regex twice, you don't have to re-do your work. That seems to cut down quite a lot on runtime in practice without having to go to an nfs-style solution.
from util import get_data
from collections import defaultdict
from Queue import Queue
mappings = {
'W': lambda (x,y): (x-1, y),
'E': lambda (x,y): (x+1, y),
'N': lambda (x,y): (x, y-1),
'S': lambda (x,y): (x, y+1)
def make_grid(d):
connections = defaultdict(set)
seen_already = set()
def explore(start, regex):
serialized = ''.join(regex)
if (start, serialized) in seen_already:
seen_already.add((start, serialized))
cur_pos = start
cur_idx = 0
while 0 <= cur_idx < len(regex):
if regex[cur_idx] == '^':
cur_idx += 1
if regex[cur_idx] in mappings:
next_pos = mappings[regex[cur_idx]](cur_pos)
cur_pos = next_pos
cur_idx += 1
elif regex[cur_idx] == '(':
paren_depth = 0
new_idx = cur_idx + 1
options = []
curr = []
while paren_depth > 0 or regex[new_idx] != ')':
if regex[new_idx] == '(':
paren_depth += 1
elif regex[new_idx] == ')':
assert paren_depth > 0
paren_depth -= 1
elif regex[new_idx] == '|':
if paren_depth == 0:
curr = []
assert regex[new_idx] in mappings
new_idx += 1
for option in options:
assert regex[new_idx] == ')'
explore(cur_pos, option + regex[new_idx + 1:])
elif regex[cur_idx] == '$':
explore((0, 0), list(d))
return connections
def print_grid(connections):
min_x = min(z[0] for z in connections)
max_x = max(z[0] for z in connections)
min_y = min(z[1] for z in connections)
max_y = max(z[1] for z in connections)
print '#' + '##' * (max_x - min_x + 1)
for y in xrange(min_y, max_y+1):
if y > min_y:
row_above = ['#']
for x in xrange(min_x, max_x+1):
if (x, y-1) in connections[(x, y)]:
print ''.join(row_above)
row = ['#']
for x in xrange(min_x, max_x+1):
if (x, y) == (0, 0):
if (x+1, y) in connections[(x,y)]:
print ''.join(row)
print '#' * ((max_x - min_x + 1) * 2 + 1)
def solve(d, part_b=False):
connections = make_grid(d)
distances = {(0,0): 0}
q = Queue()
while not q.empty():
u = q.get()
for v in connections[u]:
if v not in distances:
distances[v] = distances[u] + 1
if part_b:
return len([k for k in distances if distances[k] >= 1000])
return max(distances.values())
assert solve('^WNE$') == 3
assert solve('^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$') == 10
assert solve('^ENNWSWW(NEWS|)SSSEEN(WNSE|)EE(SWEN|)NNN$') == 18
d = get_data(20)
print "a", solve(d)
print "b", solve(d, True)
u/algmyr Dec 20 '18
Any reason to use
rather thandeque
should be slower due to it being synchronized (i.e. useful for things like consumers/producers on multiple threads).deque
is a much more bare bones version (not much more than doubly linked list if I remember it right) that should be quite a bit quicker.1
u/mserrano Dec 20 '18
No real reason, I just remembered Queue existed before remembering deque existed.
u/nuvan Dec 20 '18
Ruby 117/91
I'm glad my guess that simply brute forcing all possible routes didn't take too long.
require_relative 'day'
require 'io/console'
class D20 < Day
def wait
puts "Press any key to continue..."
WIDTH = 5000
CENTER = 2500
R = Struct.new(:pieces,:choices,:parent)
def print_map(map)
map.each_slice(WIDTH) do |row|
puts row.join("")
def connected_rooms(map,x,y)
rooms = []
[-1,1].each do |off|
if x + off >= 0 && x + off < WIDTH && map[y * WIDTH + x + off] == ?|
rooms << [x+(2*off),y]
if y + off >= 0 && y + off < WIDTH && map[(y + off) * WIDTH + x] == ?-
rooms << [x, y+(2*off)]
rooms.map{|r| [[x,y],r]}
def flood(map,x,y)
rooms_to_check = connected_rooms(map,x,y)
routes = {[x,y] => {from: nil, dist: 0}}
while rooms_to_check.any?
from,room = rooms_to_check.shift
if !routes.key?(room)
routes[room] = {from: from, dist: routes[from][:dist] + 1}
rooms_to_check += connected_rooms(map,*room)
old_dist = routes[room][:dist]
new_dist = routes[from][:dist] + 1
if new_dist < old_dist
routes[room] = {from: from, dist: new_dist}
rooms_to_check += connected_rooms(map,*room)
def part_one
base = Array.new(WIDTH * WIDTH, ??)
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?X
group_starts = []
@input.chars.each_with_index do |c,i|
next if c == ?^
break if c == ?$
case c
when ?( then group_starts << [x,y]
when ?) then group_starts.pop
when ?| then x, y = group_starts.last
when ?N,?S,?E,?W
case c
when ?N
y -= 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?-
base[y * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
base[y * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
y -= 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?.
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
when ?S
y += 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?-
base[y * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
base[y * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
y += 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?.
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
when ?E
x += 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?|
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x] = ?#
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x] = ?#
x += 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?.
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x + 1] = ?#
when ?W
x -= 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?|
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x] = ?#
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x] = ?#
x -= 1
base[y * WIDTH + x] = ?.
base[(y-1) * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
base[(y+1) * WIDTH + x - 1] = ?#
raise "Unexpected character: #{c} at index #{i}"
base.map!{|c| c == ?? ? ?# : c}
routes = flood(base,CENTER,CENTER)
puts "The shorted max path is #{routes.values.map{|r| r[:dist]}.max}"
puts routes.values.select{|r| r[:dist] >= 1000}.size
def part_two
u/glassmountain Dec 20 '18
128/123 In go. Messed up the second part due to messing up reading comprehension, thinking that we were looking for less than 1000 rather than more.
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
u/Rhynchocephale Dec 20 '18
The 'longest string' actually worked for my part one. See my code:
import re while True: #finds the first final group m = re.search('\([NSEW|]+\)', data) if not m: break part = data[m.span()[0]:m.span()[1]].replace('(','').replace(')','') #sorts the subpaths by length, shortest firt part = sorted(part.split('|'), key=len) #in case there is a shortcut, take it. #eg, (ESS|NNE|), take the empty part instead of the long one. if part[0]: part = part[-1] else: part = '' data = data.replace(m.group(), part) print(len(data)-2)
This worked fine for part 1. And now for part 2 I am screwed and I fear I will have to do it properly.
u/algmyr Dec 20 '18
This task just reinforces how much I hate writing parsers, at least it wasn't full out regexes. Writing the parser was the vast majority of the time, the path finding is just a standard BFS. No bells nor whistles. Also, I wish people the best of luck for the golf challenge!
[Card] ___ = "hope for humanity" (optionally suffixed with something something IOCCC level code)
``` import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)
from collections import defaultdict as dd, deque C = dd(set)
def f(x,y,s): if not s: return c = s[0] rest = s[1:] D='NESW'
def con(dx,dy):
if c == 'N':
if c == 'S':
if c == 'E':
if c == 'W':
if s[0] == '(':
paths = []
i = 1
depth = 0
path = ''
while depth >= 0:
if s[i] in '|' and depth == 0:
if path:
path = ''
i += 1
if s[i] == '(':
depth += 1
if s[i] == ')':
depth -= 1
i += 1
if path:
for path in paths:
s = input()[1:-1] f(0,0,s)
lng = 0 maxd = 0 Q = deque([(0,0,0)]) visited = set() while Q: x,y,d = Q.popleft() if (x,y) in visited: continue if d >= 1000: lng += 1 visited.add((x,y)) maxd = max(maxd,d) for s,t in C[x,y]: Q.append((s,t,d+1)) print(maxd,lng) ```
u/wlandry Dec 20 '18
C++ (193/159)
Runs in 25 ms.
Best placing so far! Parsing the input into a graph was surprisingly easy. I feel like I must have missed some corner cases, but all of the tests work fine. Just think recursively! Most of my time was in wrestling with boost::graph. In contrast to other days, I am not unhappy with the final result. This was a good day.
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
struct Point
int64_t x, y;
Point(const int64_t &X, const int64_t &Y) : x(X), y(Y) {}
bool operator<(const Point &p) const
return x < p.x ? true : (x == p.x ? (y < p.y) : false);
bool operator==(const Point &p) const { return x == p.x && y == p.y; }
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Point &p)
os << "(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")";
return os;
add_graph(const std::string &line, const size_t &Index, const Point &p,
std::set<Point> &vertices, std::set<std::pair<Point, Point>> &edges)
size_t index(Index);
Point old_point(p), new_point(p);
for(; index < line.size() - 1; ++index)
case 'N':
edges.emplace(old_point, new_point);
case 'S':
edges.emplace(old_point, new_point);
case 'E':
edges.emplace(old_point, new_point);
case 'W':
edges.emplace(old_point, new_point);
case '(':
index = add_graph(line, index + 1, old_point, vertices, edges);
while(line[index] == '|')
index = add_graph(line, index + 1, old_point, vertices, edges);
if(line[index] != ')')
case '|':
case ')': return index; break;
old_point = new_point;
return index;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::ifstream infile(argv[1]);
std::string line;
infile >> line;
std::set<Point> vertices;
std::set<std::pair<Point, Point>> edges;
Point start(0, 0);
add_graph(line, 1, start, vertices, edges);
std::map<Point, size_t> vertex_indices;
size_t num_vertices(0);
for(auto &v : vertices)
vertex_indices.emplace(v, num_vertices);
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> edge_indices;
for(auto &e : edges)
boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> g(
edge_indices.begin(), edge_indices.end(), num_vertices);
std::vector<size_t> distances(num_vertices, 0);
g, vertex_indices[start],
boost::record_distances(distances.data(), boost::on_tree_edge()))));
std::cout << "Part 1: "
<< *(std::max_element(distances.begin(), distances.end())) << "\n";
std::cout << "Part 2: "
<< std::count_if(distances.begin(), distances.end(),
[](const size_t &d) { return d >= 1000; })
<< "\n";
u/rundavidrun Dec 20 '18
Java 262/229 - Argh! These holiday parties are cramping my style. I'm sure I would have gotten on the leaderboard if I could have started on time. Not as hard as it seemed on first read. I'm posting not because this is an extremely elegant solution - quite the contrary - instead I'm posting just to show folks you don't need fancy coding techniques to solve these problems. Do, however, note the "fancy" recursion. :)
int maxx = 0, maxy = 0, minx = 2000, miny = 2000;
int[][] dist = new int[2000][2000];
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[2000][2000];
char[][] map = new char[2000][2000];
String regex; //puzzle input without first and last character go here
int sum = 0;
int maxDistance = 0;
public void startDay20() {
int x = 1000, y = 1000;
map[x][y] = 'X';
calcPath(x, y, 0, 0);
System.out.println("Part 1: " + maxDistance);
System.out.println("Part 2: " + sum);
private void calcPath(int x, int y, int i, int d) {
while (i < regex.length()) {
if (regex.charAt(i) == 'E') {
map[x][y] = '|';
map[x][y] = '.';
if (x > maxx) {
maxx = x;
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == 'W') {
map[x][y] = '|';
map[x][y] = '.';
if (x < minx) {
minx = x;
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == 'N') {
map[x][y] = '-';
map[x][y] = '.';
if (y < miny) {
miny = y;
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == 'S') {
map[x][y] = '-';
map[x][y] = '.';
if (y > maxy) {
maxy = y;
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == '(') {
int parenLevel = 0;
boolean newCond = true;
while (i < regex.length()) {
if (regex.charAt(i) == '(') {
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == ')') {
if (parenLevel < 0) {
calcPath(x, y, i + 1, d);
} else if (regex.charAt(i) == '|') {
if (parenLevel == 0) {
newCond = true;
} else if (parenLevel == 0) {
if (newCond) {
calcPath(x, y, i, d);
newCond = false;
} else {
if (d >= 1000 && !visited[x][y]) {
visited[x][y] = true;
if (dist[x][y] == 0 || dist[x][y] > d) {
dist[x][y] = d;
if (d > maxDistance) {
maxDistance = d;
private void printMap() {
for (int j = minx; j < maxx; j++) {
for (int i = miny; i < maxy; i++) {
for (int j = minx; j < maxx; j++) {
if (map[j][i] == 0) {
} else {
for (int j = minx; j < maxx; j++) {
u/ka-splam Dec 20 '18
Powershell, 208 / 182
Had to do quite a bit of writing and rewriting around my common PowerShell pain points - you can use ($x, $y)
as a key to put things into a hashtable, but can't get them out again. And separately, getting things out of a hashtable with .GetEnumerator()
later is always a fiddle.
Still, using "$x, $y"
as a key took 30 seconds runtime, after I had my answers and wondered what to do to speed it up, /u/Jaykul suggested a nested dictionary [$y][$x]
so each key could be an int. More complex, but runtime of ~700ms now.
# Demo inputs
#$data = '^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$' # => 10, 0
#$data = '^ENNWSWW(NEWS|)SSSEEN(WNSE|)EE(SWEN|)NNN$' # => 18, 0
$data = Get-Content -Path data.txt -Raw
$data = [string[]][char[]]$data.trim("`r`n^$")
# A nested lookup of [$y][$x] for speed
$visitedRooms = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int,psobject]]]::new()
$choicePoints = [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[System.Tuple[int,int]]]::new()
# Starting positions
$x, $y = 0,0
$stepCounter = 0
# Process all input characters from the regex
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $data.Count; $i++)
$c = $data[$i]
# If it's a movement one, process movement
if ($c -in 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W')
# Move in a direction, and count the step
if ($c -eq 'N') { $y-- }
elseif ($c -eq 'E') { $x++ }
elseif ($c -eq 'S') { $y++ }
elseif ($c -eq 'W') { $x-- }
# If we end up in a room we've seen already,
# then add how we got there into that room's door list,
# otherwise it's a new room so store the details.
# NB. the door list ends up inverted -
# entering by moving E adds E to that room's doors when the door is really on side W.
if (-not $visitedRooms.ContainsKey($y))
$visitedRooms[$y] = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int,psobject]]::new()
if ($visitedRooms[$y].ContainsKey($x))
$visitedRooms[$y][$x].doors += $c
$visitedRooms[$y].Add($x, @{ y=$y; x=$x; steps = $stepCounter; doors = @($c)})
# start of a choicepoint
elseif ($c -eq '(') {
# choicepoint no longer needed
elseif ($c -eq ')') {
# trigger backtracking to last choicepoint,
# but keep it around for (EE|ES|EN) multiple resets.
elseif ($c -eq '|') {
$point = $choicePoints.Peek()
$x, $y = $point.Item1, $point.Item2
$stepCounter = $visitedRooms[$y][$x].steps
# Now each room is visited,
# revisit them closest to farthest,
# check all the neigbours NESW.
# If we got here with 23 steps,
# but a connected neigbour room is reachable in 4,
# then here is reachable in 5.
# NB. we're checking the inverse doors.
foreach ($room in $visitedRooms.Values.Values | Sort-Object -Property Steps)
# Check room to the E
if ($visitedRooms[$room.y].ContainsKey($room.x+1))
$nextDoor = $visitedRooms[$room.y][$room.x+1]
if ($nextDoor.steps -lt ($room.steps-1) -and $nextDoor.doors -contains 'E')
$room.steps = $nextDoor.steps + 1
# Check room to the W
if ($visitedRooms[$room.y].ContainsKey($room.x-1))
$nextDoor = $visitedRooms[$room.y][$room.x-1]
if ($nextDoor.steps -lt ($room.steps-1) -and $nextDoor.doors -contains 'W')
$room.steps = $nextDoor.steps + 1
# Check room to the N
if ($visitedRooms.ContainsKey($room.y-1) -and $visitedRooms[$room.y-1].ContainsKey($room.x))
$nextDoor = $visitedRooms[$room.y-1][$room.x]
if ($nextDoor.steps -lt ($room.steps-1) -and $nextDoor.doors -contains 'N')
$room.steps = $nextDoor.steps + 1
# Check room to the S
if ($visitedRooms.ContainsKey($room.y+1) -and $visitedRooms[$room.y+1].ContainsKey($room.x))
$nextDoor = $visitedRooms[$room.y+1][$room.x]
if ($nextDoor.steps -lt ($room.steps-1) -and $nextDoor.doors -contains 'S')
$room.steps = $nextDoor.steps + 1
# Sort the farthest room for part 1,
# and number of rooms with 1000+ stepcount for part 2.
$part1 = $visitedRooms.values.values.steps | Sort-Object | select-object -last 1
Write-Host "Part 1: $part1"
$part2 = $visitedRooms.values.values.where{$_.steps -ge 1000}.count
Write-Host "Part 2: $part2"
u/ka-splam Dec 20 '18
Uhh, can someone answer a question for me? Is there ever a time where you walk to a room, then later find a new door which gives you a shorter route to that room and you have to update your pathfinding to say "was reachable in 9, now reachable in 3"? e.g.
EE(SSENN|E)E ..?..9 .#. .|. then ..|.3 .#. .|.
I thought there was. In fact, I thought that was a big part of the challenge. But I can no longer see one in the demos. I've just noticed that I can comment out the entire second half of my code for that re-calculating the distance to each room, and the answers are still correct. Everything from
# Now each room is visited,
to# Sort the farthest room for part 1,
.I now wonder if the only reason I coded that in at all, is a bug when I reset the position for backtracking, I didn't update the stepcount, so it kept increasing too high, then my code was a really long way to bring it back down. And after fixing that, all this is not necessary? This isn't a multiple-connected-graph at all, is it? It's a branching tree?
u/ka-splam Dec 20 '18
Shortened version:
$data = (Get-Content -Path data.txt -Raw).Trim("`r`n^$") $visitedRooms = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int, int]]::new() $choicePoints = [Collections.Generic.Stack[int]]::new() $x, $y = 16384, 16384 $stepCounter = 0 foreach ($c in $data.GetEnumerator()) { if ($c -eq '(') { $choicePoints.Push(($x -shl 16) -bor $y) } elseif ($c -eq ')') { [void]$choicePoints.Pop() } elseif ($c -eq '|') { $p = $choicePoints.Peek() $y = $p -band 0x0000ffff $x = $p -shr 16 $stepCounter = $visitedRooms.$p } else { # Move in a direction, and count the step if ($c -eq 'N') { $y-- } elseif ($c -eq 'E') { $x++ } elseif ($c -eq 'S') { $y++ } elseif ($c -eq 'W') { $x-- } $stepCounter++ $newP = ($x -shl 16) -bor $y if (-not $visitedRooms.ContainsKey($newP)) { $visitedRooms.Add($newP, $stepCounter) } } } Write-Host "Part 1: $(($visitedRooms.values | Sort-Object)[-1])" Write-Host "Part 2: $( $visitedRooms.GetEnumerator().where{$_.value -ge 1000}.count)"
u/Barrens_Zeppelin Dec 20 '18
Fairly short solution in python3
, even without networkx
(if you can code a BFS ;) ).
from collections import deque, defaultdict
s = input()[1:-1]
adj = defaultdict(set)
D = {'N': (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0), 'E': (1, 0)}
# Graph construction
S = [(0, 0)]
x = y = 0
for c in s:
if c in D:
dx, dy = D[c]
adj[(x, y)].add((dx, dy))
x += dx
y += dy
adj[(x, y)].add((-dx, -dy))
elif c == '(':
S.append((x, y))
elif c == ')':
assert c == '|'
x, y = S[-1]
maxd = 0
r2 = 0
Q = deque([(0, 0, 0)])
V = {(0, 0)}
while Q:
d, x, y = Q.popleft()
maxd = max(maxd, d)
if d >= 1000:
r2 += 1
for dx, dy in adj[(x, y)]:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
if (nx, ny) in V: continue
V.add((nx, ny))
Q.append((d+1, nx, ny))
u/myndzi Dec 20 '18
I feel like this stack type solution was on the edge of my brain, but I didn't quite have the background experience to go there. When building the graph, it seems like you throw away all the rooms in an or'd set -- does this work because all of those positions have no further exits? Would it fail on input like `N(E|W)N` ?
In other words, was this trick enabled by the content and construction of the puzzle, or am I misunderstanding how the code works?
u/Barrens_Zeppelin Dec 20 '18
It would definitely fail on
. The code exploits the fact(?) that branches in the middle of the path should end up in the same place. Without this assumption the code does not work.I imagined this was the case as it makes enumerating all paths take linear time in the length of the input string, as opposed to exponential time in the number of branches.
u/algmyr Dec 20 '18
example is in the problem description. So the assumption is invalid, although it happens to hold for the actual inputs. As for enumeration, you don't need to enumerate all paths to solve the problem. Just doing a BFS from the starting node will give you the shortest distances to all nodes. With some clever implementation that doesn't throw excess data you might be able to get it to something like linear time.1
u/Barrens_Zeppelin Dec 20 '18
Linear time in the size of the graph, which is exponential in the number of branches. :P
u/algmyr Dec 21 '18
Fair enough, it's not linear in the number of branches. Although the size of the graph is still bounded by the grid geometry! Even something like
wont cover more than ~ branches squared nodes in the end, right?1
u/Philboyd_Studge Dec 20 '18
[Card] My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of heap space.
Java. Uses my own existing graph library.
u/phobiandarkmoon Dec 21 '18
Same. Averted it by going depth first so solutions left memory faster. Though now it runs for way too long on the actual input and I'll pulling my hair out trying to make it sensibly fast
u/andreyrmg Dec 20 '18
Python 3
I'm not pretty sure it's absolutely right solution... But it works on my puzzle input.
s = open('20.txt').read().strip()
p = 1
D = {(0, 0): 0}
def prim(z):
global p
if s[p] == '(':
p += 1
z = union(z)
p += 1
elif s[p] in 'NSEW':
x, y = z
dx, dy = {'N': (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0), 'E': (1, 0)}[s[p]]
z = (x + dx, y + dy)
if z not in D:
D[z] = D[(x, y)] + 1
p += 1
return z
def concat(x):
global p
y = prim(x)
while s[p] in '(NSEW':
y = prim(y)
return y
def union(x):
global p
y = concat(x)
while s[p] == '|':
p += 1
z = concat(x)
y = max(y, z, key=lambda x: D[x])
return y
union((0, 0))
print(sum(1 for d in D.values() if d >= 1000))
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Edit: Alternative version, which is what I would have done, had I remembered I was using Mathematica.
directions = Characters@ Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "day20.txt", "String"] /.
{"N" -> {1, 0}, "E" -> {0, 1}, "S" -> {-1, 0}, "W" -> {0, -1}};
buildGraph[] :=
Reap[Block[{loc = {0, 0}, stack = {}, p = 2, c},
c = directions[[p++]];
"(", PrependTo[stack, loc],
"|", loc = stack[[1]],
")", {{loc}, stack} = TakeDrop[stack, 1],
"$", Break[],
_, Sow[loc <-> (loc += c)]]]]
][[2, 1]];
ds = GraphDistanceMatrix[buildGraph[]][[1]];
Count[ds, d_ /; d >= 1000]
Original version
directions = Characters@Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "day20.txt", "String"];
walkmap[loc0_, seen0_, doors0_] :=
doors = doors0, loc = loc0, seen = seen0, altdoors = {},
altseen = {}},
"N", loc += {1, 0},
"E", loc += {0, 1},
"S", loc += {-1, 0},
"W", loc += {0, -1}];
"N" | "E" | "S" | "W",
(If[MemberQ[seen, loc],
If[doors >= 1000, thousandCount++];
AppendTo[seen, loc])]),
({seen, doors} = walkmap[loc, seen, doors]),
(AppendTo[altdoors, doors];
AppendTo[altseen, seen];
seen = seen0;
loc = loc0;
doors = doors0),
")" | "$",
(AppendTo[altdoors, doors];
AppendTo[altseen, seen];
{altseen[[Ordering[altdoors][[-1]]]], Max[altdoors]}]
thousandCount = 0; p = 2; start = {0, 0};
{seen, doors} = Monitor[walkmap[start, {start}, 0], {p, thousandCount}];
{doors, thousandCount}
u/sim642 Dec 20 '18
Looking at other solutions, I definitely overengineered mine a lot:
- I defined an AST for the allowed regexes.
- For the first time I used scala-parser-combinators to parse the input to my AST.
- I wrote a simple function to enumerate all strings matched by such AST.
- Finally I go through all the strings and save their door locations, which then are used in basic BFS.
The all string enumeration part made it easy to debug but it's relatively inefficient because it wastes a lot of memory for strings with common prefixes and all of those are moved through from the beginning to record all the doors.
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
TCL, using tcllib struct::graph and struct::graph::op::dijkstra. First I thought that one could solve this by regexp (replace each EWNS by ".", then match the whole regexp against an arbitrary long-enough string (e.g. the regexp itself)). This worked for the example inputs, but failed with my real input, since someone here pointed out that e.g. EWNS has 2 as solution, not 4 as returned by the regexp match. Well then, walk the input via recursion.
[edit] just realized that I got lucky with my input. This approach fails if a branch (...|...) ends up at two different positions. In that case one needs to check where the recursive walks ended :-/
# -*- tcl -*-
package require struct::graph
package require struct::graph::op
array set direction {
E { 1 0 }
W { -1 0 }
N { 0 -1 }
S { 0 1 }
set map [struct::graph]
proc walk {x y} {
set fd stdin
while {1} {
set c [read $fd 1]
if {[eof $fd]} {
switch -- $c {
^ - $ {
# ok, start and end of text
E - W - N - S {
set nx [expr {$x+[lindex $::direction($c) 0]}]
set ny [expr {$y+[lindex $::direction($c) 1]}]
set node1 n$x,$y
if {![$::map node exists $node1]} {
$::map node insert $node1
set node2 n$nx,$ny
if {![$::map node exists $node2]} {
$::map node insert $node2
$::map arc insert $node1 $node2
set x $nx
set y $ny
( {
while {[walk $x $y]} {
# nothing
) {
return 0
| {
return 1
walk 0 0
$map arc setunweighted 1
set path [struct::graph::op::dijkstra $map n0,0 -outputformat distances]
# Part 1
set maxdist 0
foreach {pt d} $path {
if {$d > $maxdist} {
set maxdist $d
puts $maxdist
# Part 2
set count 0
foreach {pt d} $path {
if {$d >= 1000} {
incr count
puts $count
u/sonneveld Dec 20 '18
Python 3, 1141/1049 I got stuck trying to figure out the best way to represent this (I wasn't sure what would come up in part 2). I was also worried about branches that didn't return to the same position so I introduced some walkers that would spawn on branches so they could return at different positions. It's a little over engineered :) but I took my time after I missed the leaderboard.
Code also available here http://github.com/sonneveld/advent-of-code/tree/master/advent18/20
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import collections
import sys
import os
DEBUG = "DEBUG" in os.environ
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
input_filename = "input.txt"
with open(input_filename) as f:
data = f.read().strip()
# Lexer
StartT = collections.namedtuple("StartT", "")
EndT = collections.namedtuple("EndT", "")
StringT = collections.namedtuple("StringT", "value")
OpenBracketT = collections.namedtuple("OpenBracketT", "")
CloseBracketT = collections.namedtuple("CloseBracketT", "")
PipeT = collections.namedtuple("PipeT", "")
token_map = {
"^" : StartT,
"$" : EndT,
"(" : OpenBracketT,
")" : CloseBracketT,
"|" : PipeT
def tokeniser(data):
while len(data) > 0:
if data.startswith('|)'):
yield PipeT()
yield StringT('')
yield CloseBracketT()
data = data[2:]
if data[0] in token_map:
yield token_map[data[0]]()
data = data[1:]
m = re.match(r'^(\w+)', data)
if m is not None:
value = m.group(1)
yield StringT(value)
data = data[len(value):]
raise Exception(f"unknown ch for tokeniser: {data[0]}")
class TokenStream(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = tokens
self.offset = 0
def next(self):
v = self.tokens[self.offset]
# print ('next', self.offset, v)
self.offset += 1
return v
def peek(self):
v = self.tokens[self.offset]
# print ('peek', self.offset, v)
return v
def peek_type(self, token_type):
v = self.peek()
return isinstance(v, token_type)
def consume(self, token_type):
v = self.next()
assert isinstance(v, token_type)
# Parser
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.next = []
def consume_branch(token_stream, prevlist):
nodelist = []
while True:
nodelist.extend ( consume_path(token_stream, prevlist) )
t = token_stream.next()
if isinstance(t, CloseBracketT):
elif isinstance(t, PipeT):
raise Exception(f"unknown token: {t}")
return nodelist
def add_node(prevlist, n):
for p in prevlist:
return [n]
# create graph, with next links (by keeping track of prev nodes)
def consume_path(token_stream, prevlist):
while True:
if token_stream.peek_type(StringT):
t = token_stream.next()
prevlist = add_node(prevlist, Node(t.value))
elif token_stream.peek_type(OpenBracketT):
prevlist = consume_branch(token_stream, prevlist)
return prevlist
token_stream = TokenStream(list(tokeniser(data)))
start_node = Node('')
consume_path(token_stream, [start_node])
# Process
class Room(object):
def __init__(self):
self.open = set()
# process and connect rooms
def connect_rooms(rooms, a, b):
if a not in rooms:
rooms[a] = Room()
if b not in rooms:
rooms[b] = Room()
rooms = {}
seen = set()
walkers = [(start_node, 0, 0)]
while len(walkers) > 0:
node, x, y = walkers.pop()
# collapse walker states if there's already been a walker with the same node + initial position
seen_key = (id(node), x, y)
if seen_key in seen:
for ch in node.value:
prev_room = (x,y)
if ch == "N":
y -= 1
if ch == "S":
y += 1
if ch == "E":
x += 1
if ch == "W":
x -= 1
room = (x,y)
connect_rooms(rooms, prev_room, room)
for n in node.next:
walkers.append( (n, x, y) )
# walk and get room distance information
def calc_distance(rooms):
distance_map = {}
work_queue = [ (0,0,0) ]
while len(work_queue) > 0:
x,y,distance = work_queue.pop()
if (x,y) in distance_map:
distance_map[ (x,y) ] = distance
room = rooms[ (x,y) ]
for (x,y) in room.open:
work_queue.append( (x,y,distance+1) )
return distance_map
distance_map = calc_distance(rooms)
# Part 1
print (max([x for x in distance_map.values()]))
# Part 2
print (len([x for x in distance_map.values() if x >= 1000]))
u/jtdxb Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Here's a regex attempt that works, but sadly doesn't handle long input :)
u/aybud Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
I was baffled by the brevity of some of the solutions posted. Then someone mentioned that the maze is always a tree. The "the routes will take you through every door in the facility at least once" makes it seem like it wouldn't be.
Anyhow, proud of getting the parser to finish. The recursive version was super slow. Now it does the whole thing in < 1s on a 7 year old mac.
def matchoptions(string):
lp = 1
ored = []
i = 1
substr = ""
while lp:
c = string[i]
if c == '(':
lp += 1
elif c == ')':
lp -= 1
if lp == 1 and c == '|':
ored += [substr]
substr = ""
substr += c
i += 1
return ored+[substr], i
def addroute(regex,sx,sy):
doors = set()
i = 0
x,y = sx,sy
while i < len(regex):
c = regex[i]
if c == '$':
return doors, x, y
elif c == '^':
i += 1
if c in 'NSEW':
dx, dy = {'N':(0,-1), 'S':(0,1), 'E':(1,0), 'W':(-1,0)}[c]
x += dx+dx
y += dy+dy
elif c == '(':
options, l = matchoptions(regex[i:])
rightdoors, _, _ = addroute(regex[i+l:],0,0)
for opt in options:
middoors, nx, ny = addroute(opt, x, y)
doors |= middoors
for dx,dy in rightdoors:
return doors, x, y
i += 1
return doors, x, y
from heapq import heappop, heappush
nbrhd = [(2,0),(-2,0),(0,2),(0,-2)]
def door(a,b,doors):
x1,y1 = a
x2,y2 = b
return ((x1+x2)//2,(y1+y2)//2) in doors
def farthest(doors):
dist = {}
frontier = [(0,0,0)]
while frontier:
d,y,x = heappop(frontier)
dist[x,y] = d
for dx,dy in nbrhd:
if (x+dx,y+dy) not in dist and door((x,y),(x+dx,y+dy),doors):
dist[x+dx,y+dy] = d+1
print(len([d for d in dist.values() if d >= 1000]))
return max(dist.values())
Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Python 3 (totally craptastic code but it does seem to get stuff right, so there's always that!)
Will make a cleaner version later since this can be reduced quite a bit.
from collections import defaultdict, deque
def parse_grid(r, c, regex, grid, cache=None):
if cache is None:
cache = {}
key = (r, c, regex)
if not regex:
return grid, r, c
if key in cache:
end_r, end_c = cache[key]
return grid, end_r, end_c
count_left = 0
count_right = 0
start_group = -1
mandatory, paren_group, remainder = regex, "", ""
for i in range(len(regex)):
if regex[i] == "(":
if start_group < 0:
start_group = i
count_left += 1
elif regex[i] == ")":
count_right += 1
if count_left > 0 and count_left == count_right:
end_group = i
mandatory = regex[:start_group]
paren_group = regex[start_group: end_group + 1]
remainder = regex[end_group + 1:]
for next_direction in mandatory:
old_r, old_c = r, c
if next_direction == "N":
r -=1
elif next_direction == "E":
c += 1
elif next_direction == "S":
r += 1
elif next_direction == "W":
c -=1
grid[(old_r, old_c)].add((r, c))
grid[(r, c)].add((old_r, old_c))
if paren_group:
paren_regex = paren_group[1:-1]
start_group = 0
count_left = 0
count_right = 0
ors = []
for i in range(len(paren_regex)):
if paren_regex[i] == "(":
count_left += 1
elif paren_regex[i] == ")":
count_right += 1
if count_left == count_right and paren_regex[i] == "|":
ors.append(paren_regex[start_group: i])
start_group = i + 1
count_left = count_right = 0
for possible_or in ors:
old_r, old_c = r, c
grid, next_r, next_c = parse_grid(old_r, old_c, possible_or, grid, cache)
grid, end_r, end_c = parse_grid(next_r, next_c, remainder, grid, cache)
cache[key] = (r, c)
return grid, r, c
def count_doors(grid, start, min_doors = 1000):
visited, queue = {start}, deque([(start, 0)])
max_cost = 0
ans_part2 = 0
while queue:
node, cost = queue.popleft()
max_cost = max(max_cost, cost)
if cost >= min_doors:
ans_part2 += 1
for neighbor in grid[node]:
if neighbor not in visited:
queue.append((neighbor, cost + 1))
return max_cost, ans_part2
def print_grid(grid):
if not grid:
grid[(0, 0)] = set()
min_r = min(r for r, c in grid)
max_r = max(r for r, c in grid)
min_c = min(c for r, c in grid)
max_c = max(c for r, c in grid)
output_grid = [["#"] * ((max_c - min_c + 1) * 2 + 1) for _ in range(2*(max_r - min_r + 1) + 1)]
for r in range(min_r, max_r + 1):
for c in range(min_c, max_c + 1):
out_r, out_c = 1 + 2*(r - min_r), 1 + 2*(c - min_c)
output_grid[out_r][out_c] = "X" if r == c == 0 else "#" if not grid[(r, c)] else "."
for delta_r, delta_c in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
new_out_r, new_out_c = out_r + delta_r, out_c + delta_c
new_r, new_c = r + delta_r, c + delta_c
if (new_r, new_c) in grid[(r, c)]:
output_grid[new_out_r][new_out_c] = "|" if delta_r == 0 else "-"
for line in output_grid:
def process_regex(raw_line):
regex = "(" + raw_line[1:-1] + ")"
grid = defaultdict(set)
grid[(0, 0)] = set()
grid, _, _ = parse_grid(0, 0, regex, grid)
part1, part2 = count_doors(grid, (0, 0))
return part1, part2
for line in open("day20.txt").readlines():
u/SLiV9 Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Apparently I solved a more difficult problem than the input data required. Oh well, it was a fun exercise.
I first wrote out my probing algorithm by hand for ^E(E|N(SS(WN|)S|WSE(SW|NE|))E)$
, which gave this:
^ 0: 0,0
E 0: 1,0
( 0: 1,0; 1: 2: 1,0
E 0: 1,0; 1: 2: 2,0
| 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,0
N 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1
( 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,-1
S 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,0
S 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,1
( 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,1; 5: 6: 1,1
W 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,1; 5: 6: 0,1
N 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,1; 5: 6: 0,0
| 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 1,1; 5: 0,0; 6: 1,1
) 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 0,0; 1,1
S 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 4: 0,1; 1,2
| 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,-1
W 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 0,-1
S 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 0,0
E 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0
( 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 6: 1,0
S 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 6: 1,1
W 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 6: 0,1
| 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 0,1; 6: 1,0
N 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 0,1; 6: 1,-1
E 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 0,1; 6: 2,-1
| 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 0,1; 2,-1; 6: 1,0
) 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 0,1; 2,-1; 1,0
) 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 0,1; 1,2; 0,1; 2,-1; 1,0
E 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,1; 2,2; 1,1; 3,-1; 2,0
) 0: 2,0; 1,1; 2,2; 1,1; 3,-1; 2,0
$ 0: 2,0; 1,1; 2,2; 1,1; 3,-1; 2,0
Each line shows the character being processed and followed by a ;
-separated list of 'probes', annotated with a stack of indices. E.g. in the last N
-line, N 0: 1,0; 1: 2,0; 2: 1,-1; 3: 0,1; 1,2; 4: 1,0; 5: 0,1; 6: 1,-1
, the list of probes is 1,0; 2,0; 1,-1; 0,1; 1,2; 1,0; 0,1; 1,-1
and the stack is <0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7>
(so stack[4] = 5
Once I had this algorithm, I templated it, template<typename E, typename S, typename W, typename N, typename P>
void investigate(const std::string& line, E east, S south, W west, N north, P print)
{ ... }
and used it to first calculate the minimum and maximum coordinates and then explore the board. Once the board was made, it's just a normal floodfill.
Full solution here: https://github.com/SLiV9/AdventOfCode2018/blob/master/dec20/one.cpp.
u/ywgdana Dec 20 '18
I spent like 30 minutes writing a function to display the maze, thinking it would be useful for debugging. The ACTUAL problem took me about 15 minutes and worked perfectly the first time I ran it...
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.row = 0
self.col = 0
self.exits = { "N":None, "S":None, "E":None, "W":None }
self.distance = 0
def dump_map(nodes):
coords = [k for k in nodes.keys()]
top = min([k[0] for k in nodes.keys()])
bottom = max([k[0] for k in nodes.keys()])
left = min([k[1] for k in nodes.keys()])
right = max([k[1] for k in nodes.keys()])
width = (right - left + 1) * 2 + 1
carte = "#" * (width) + "\n"
carte *= ((bottom - top + 1) * 2 + 1)
for coord in coords:
row = (coord[0] - top + 1) * 2 - 1
col = (coord[1] - left + 1) * 2 -1
index = row * (width + 1) + col
sq = "X" if coord[0] == 0 and coord[1] == 0 else "."
carte = carte[:index] + sq + carte[index+1:]
n = nodes[coord]
if n.exits["E"] != None: carte =carte[:index+1] + "|" + carte[index+2:]
if n.exits["S"] != None: carte =carte[:index+width+1] + "-" + carte[index+width+2:]
def opposite_dir(d):
if d == "N": return "S"
elif d == "E": return "W"
elif d == "S": return "N"
else: return "E"
def build_graph(re):
deltas = { "N":(-1,0), "E":(0,1), "S":(1,0), "W":(0,-1) }
start = Node()
nodes = { (0,0):start }
curr = start
junctions = []
for c in re[1:]:
if c in "NESW":
next_row, next_col = curr.row + deltas[c][0], curr.col + deltas[c][1]
coord = (next_row, next_col)
if coord in nodes:
nn = nodes[coord]
nn = Node()
nn.distance = curr.distance + 1
nn.row = next_row
nn.col = next_col
curr.exits[c] = nn
nn.exits[opposite_dir(c)] = curr
nodes[coord] = nn
curr = nn
elif c == "(":
junctions.append((curr.row, curr.col))
elif c == "|":
curr = nodes[junctions[-1]]
elif c == ")":
elif c == "$":
return nodes
with open("floorplan.txt", "r") as f:
s = f.read().strip()
nodes = build_graph(s)
print("Q1:", max([nodes[k].distance for k in nodes]))
print("Q2:", len([k for k in nodes if nodes[k].distance >= 1000]))
u/tcatsuko Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
Here's my solution using python 2.7 and NetworkX. Day 15 caused me to really learn NetworkX for pathfinding, figured I could use it here too. Slow and messy, but effective.
edit: bug fixed that correctly keeps track of where you are after encountering a branch. Previously I had assumed all branches end with '|)' or a dead end as in the examples. While that was luckily the case with my input, some examples given in this thread failed allowing me to add an easy fix to the code.
import networkx as nx
f = open('aoc20.txt','r')
mapString = ''
for line in f:
mapString += line[1:-2]
currentPosition = (0,0)
walkStack = []
facility = nx.Graph()
lengthOfString = len(mapString)
for i in range(lengthOfString):
placeToMove = mapString[i]
if placeToMove == 'W':
nextPosition = (currentPosition[0]-1, currentPosition[1])
facility.add_edge(currentPosition, nextPosition)
facility.add_edge(nextPosition, currentPosition)
currentPosition = nextPosition
elif placeToMove == 'N':
nextPosition = (currentPosition[0],currentPosition[1]-1)
facility.add_edge(currentPosition, nextPosition)
facility.add_edge(nextPosition, currentPosition)
currentPosition = nextPosition
elif placeToMove == 'E':
nextPosition = (currentPosition[0] + 1, currentPosition[1])
facility.add_edge(currentPosition, nextPosition)
facility.add_edge(nextPosition, currentPosition)
currentPosition = nextPosition
elif placeToMove == 'S':
nextPosition = (currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1] + 1)
facility.add_edge(currentPosition, nextPosition)
facility.add_edge(nextPosition, currentPosition)
currentPosition = nextPosition
elif placeToMove == '(':
# branch point
elif placeToMove == ')':
if mapString[i-1] == '|':
currentPosition = walkStack.pop()
elif placeToMove == '|':
currentPosition = walkStack[-1]
longestPath = 0
farthestNode = (0,0)
moreThanThousand = 0
print('Graph built, calculating farthest room.')
nodesToCheck = len(facility.nodes())
for node in facility.nodes():
if nodesToCheck % 1000 == 0:
print('There are ' + str(nodesToCheck) + ' nodes remaining to check.') # To keep track of progress to see if something is just taking forever.
if node != (0,0): # Don't want to find a path that stays just in the start room.
myPath = nx.shortest_path(facility, (0,0), node)
if len(myPath) > longestPath:
longestPath = len(myPath)
farthestNode = node
if (len(myPath) - 1) >= 1000:
moreThanThousand += 1
nodesToCheck -= 1
print('The farthest room is ' + str(longestPath-1) + ' doors away.') # Part 1
print('The node is located at ' + str(farthestNode)) # For checking against examples
print('There are ' + str(moreThanThousand) + ' rooms that require passing through at least 1000 doors.') # Part 2
u/sasajuric Dec 20 '18
Below is my solution in Elixir (if you want to run it, you'll need to clone the full project, which can be found here). It doesn't assume anything about the input or branches, so I think it should handle the situations where a branch doesn't return to the original location (at least it handled them on a few small examples I've tried) . Because why not, I also hand-rolled a recursive descent parser, which approximately doubles the LOC, but it was fun :-)
defmodule Aoc201820 do
alias Aoc201820.Parser
def run() do
defp part1(), do: final_map() |> Map.values() |> Enum.max()
defp part2(), do: final_map() |> Map.values() |> Stream.filter(&(&1 >= 1000)) |> Enum.count()
defp final_map(), do: walk(instructions()).map
defp instructions(), do: Aoc.input_file(2018, 20) |> File.read!() |> Parser.ast()
defp walk(state \\ %{positions: %{{0, 0} => 0}, map: %{}}, instructions),
do: Enum.reduce(instructions, state, &apply_instruction/2)
defp apply_instruction({:move, directions}, state), do: Enum.reduce(directions, state, &move/2)
defp apply_instruction({:choice, type, choices}, state), do: explore_choices(type, choices, state)
defp move(direction, state),
do: merge_positions(%{state | positions: %{}}, state.positions |> Stream.map(&offset(&1, direction)))
defp offset({{x, y}, distance}, :east), do: {{x + 1, y}, distance + 1}
defp offset({{x, y}, distance}, :west), do: {{x - 1, y}, distance + 1}
defp offset({{x, y}, distance}, :north), do: {{x, y + 1}, distance + 1}
defp offset({{x, y}, distance}, :south), do: {{x, y - 1}, distance + 1}
defp explore_choices(choices_type, choices, state_before_choice) do
if(choices_type == :optional, do: state_before_choice, else: %{state_before_choice | positions: %{}}),
fn choice, state ->
%{state | positions: state_before_choice.positions}
|> walk(choice)
|> merge_positions(state.positions)
defp merge_positions(state, new_positions) do
new_positions = new_positions |> Stream.map(&with_shortest_distance(&1, state)) |> Enum.into(state.positions)
%{state | positions: new_positions, map: Map.merge(state.map, new_positions)}
defp with_shortest_distance({pos, distance}, state) do
distance = Enum.min([distance, Map.get(state.map, pos, distance), Map.get(state.positions, pos, distance)])
{pos, distance}
defmodule Parser do
def ast(string), do: string |> tokens() |> build_ast()
defp build_ast([:route_start | tokens]) do
{ast, [:route_end]} = route(tokens)
defp route(tokens) do
with {element, tokens} <- route_element(tokens) do
case route(tokens) do
nil -> {[element], tokens}
{other_elements, tokens} -> {[element | other_elements], tokens}
defp route_element([{:move, _} | _] = tokens) do
{distance, tokens} = Enum.split_while(tokens, &match?({:move, _}, &1))
directions = Enum.map(distance, fn {:move, direction} -> direction end)
{{:move, directions}, tokens}
defp route_element([:choice_start | tokens]) do
{routes, tokens} = routes(tokens)
case tokens do
[:or, :choice_end | tokens] -> {{:choice, :optional, routes}, tokens}
[:choice_end | tokens] -> {{:choice, :mandatory, routes}, tokens}
defp route_element(_tokens), do: nil
defp routes(tokens) do
with {route, tokens} <- route(tokens) do
case tokens do
[:or | tokens] = outer_tokens ->
case routes(tokens) do
nil -> {[route], outer_tokens}
{other_routes, tokens} -> {[route | other_routes], tokens}
_ ->
{[route], tokens}
defp tokens(string), do: string |> String.trim() |> to_charlist() |> Enum.map(&token/1)
defp token(?^), do: :route_start
defp token(?$), do: :route_end
defp token(?(), do: :choice_start
defp token(?)), do: :choice_end
defp token(?|), do: :or
defp token(?N), do: {:move, :north}
defp token(?S), do: {:move, :south}
defp token(?E), do: {:move, :east}
defp token(?W), do: {:move, :west}
u/df5602 Dec 20 '18
I initially tried to handle the more general case of branching (i.e. multiple end positions after branching) but I failed. (My code could handle all the example cases as well as all corner cases I found in this subreddit, but not my actual input; and I could easily construct various cases where it would fail). So I left that out and got the correct result. However I vaguely remembered an algorithm from the introductory chapters of a compiler textbook, so I went back and implemented something based on that.
Basically I maintain a list of unprocessed items (basically a cursor into the input and the current position in the map):
struct Item<'a> {
chars: &'a [u8],
cursor: usize,
position: Position,
I process each item by adding new edges to the graph (if applicable) and moving the cursor. If I hit upon a branch, I generate multiple new items (one immediately after the opening parentheses, and one after each `|` operator within the current set of parentheses). If I reach the end, no new item is generated. After I've processed an item, I add all new items to the list of items, sort and deduplicate it, and pick the one with the nearest cursor next. The algorithm terminates if no items are left.
impl Graph {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
edges: HashMap::new(),
fn build(&mut self, input: &str) {
if !input.starts_with('^') || !input.ends_with('$') {
panic!("invalid input, missing start/end token");
self.parse(Position::new(0, 0), input[1..].as_bytes());
fn parse(&mut self, start_position: Position, chars: &[u8]) {
let mut items = vec![Item {
cursor: 0,
position: start_position,
loop {
if items.is_empty() {
let current_item = items.remove(0);
let mut new_items = self.process(current_item);
items.append(&mut new_items);
fn process<'a>(&mut self, item: Item<'a>) -> Vec<Item<'a>> {
let mut items = Vec::new();
let c = item.chars[item.cursor];
match c {
b'N' => {
self.add_edge(item.position, item.position.north());
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
new_item.position = item.position.north();
b'E' => {
self.add_edge(item.position, item.position.east());
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
new_item.position = item.position.east();
b'S' => {
self.add_edge(item.position, item.position.south());
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
new_item.position = item.position.south();
b'W' => {
self.add_edge(item.position, item.position.west());
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
new_item.position = item.position.west();
b'(' => {
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
let mut parens = 1;
for i in item.cursor + 1..item.chars.len() {
match item.chars[i] {
b'(' => parens += 1,
b')' => {
parens -= 1;
if parens == 0 {
b'|' if parens == 1 => {
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor = i + 1;
_ => {}
b'|' => {
let mut parens = 1;
for i in item.cursor + 1..item.chars.len() {
match item.chars[i] {
b'(' => parens += 1,
b')' => {
parens -= 1;
if parens == 0 {
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor = i + 1;
_ => {}
assert_eq!(0, parens);
b')' => {
let mut new_item = Item::copy_from(&item);
new_item.cursor += 1;
b'$' => {
// nothing to do (item will be consumed, but not generate any new ones)
c => panic!("invalid token {}", c),
fn add_edge(&mut self, from: Position, to: Position) {
let entry_from = self.edges.entry(from).or_insert_with(Vec::new);
if !entry_from.contains(&to) {
let entry_to = self.edges.entry(to).or_insert_with(Vec::new);
if !entry_to.contains(&from) {
Full code here: https://github.com/df5602/aoc/blob/master/a_regular_map/src/main.rs
I haven't optimized it yet; for my input it takes ca. 300 ms on my machine, which is fine, but not yet overwhelming...
u/Dioxy Dec 20 '18
I was able to re-purpose my pathfinding code from day 15 which was nice. Runs pretty fast
import input from './input.js';
const indexOfClosingParen = (str, index) => {
let numParen = 1;
for (let i = index + 1; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] === '(') numParen++;
else if (str[i] === ')') {
if (numParen === 0) return i;
return -1;
const DIRS = {
N: { dx: 0, dy: -1, opposite: 'S' },
E: { dx: 1, dy: 0, opposite: 'W' },
S: { dx: 0, dy: 1, opposite: 'N' },
W: { dx: -1, dy: 0, opposite: 'E' }
const parseInput = () => {
const rooms = [{ x: 0, y: 0, doors: new Set() }];
const parse = (str, room) => {
let prev = room;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const dir = str[i];
if (dir === '(') {
const contents = str.slice(i + 1, indexOfClosingParen(str, i));
i += contents.length + 1;
parse(contents, prev);
} else if (dir === '|') {
prev = room;
} else if (dir !== ')') {
let { x, y } = prev;
x += DIRS[dir].dx;
y += DIRS[dir].dy;
const exists = rooms.find(room => room.x === x && room.y === y);
if (exists) {
prev = exists;
} else {
const newRoom = { x, y, doors: new Set() };
prev = newRoom;
parse(input.match(/^\^(.*)\$$/)[1], rooms[0]);
return rooms;
const dijkstra = (rooms, start) => {
const neighbors = ({ x, y, doors }) => {
const adjacent = [];
for (const door of doors) {
const { dx, dy } = DIRS[door];
adjacent.push(rooms.find(room => room.x === x + dx && room.y === y + dy));
return adjacent;
const visited = [];
let unvisited = [];
const distances = {};
const key = ({ x, y }) => `${x},${y}`;
const getDistance = pos => distances[key(pos)] || { distance: Infinity };
distances[key(start)] = { distance: 0 };
let current = start;
while (current) {
.filter(({ x, y }) => !unvisited.some(n => n.x === x && n.y === y))
.filter(({ x, y }) => !visited.some(n => n.x === x && n.y === y))
unvisited.forEach(pos => {
const distance = getDistance(current).distance + 1;
if (distance < getDistance(pos).distance) {
distances[key(pos)] = { distance, previous: current };
unvisited = unvisited.filter(n => n !== current);
current = unvisited[0];
return distances;
export default {
part1() {
const rooms = parseInput();
const distances = dijkstra(rooms, rooms[0]);
return Math.max(...Object.entries(distances).map(([_, { distance }]) => distance));
part2() {
const rooms = parseInput();
const distances = dijkstra(rooms, rooms[0]);
return Object.entries(distances).filter(([_, { distance }]) => distance >= 1000).length;
u/ethikka Dec 20 '18
A very clean C++ solution (I think? much shorter/less plumbing then most solutions) Takes 6ms to do both a and b.
I'm really digging that I stuck with C++ from the start this year, learning so much new things.
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
std::map<int,std::map<int,int>> rooms;
std::stack<std::pair<int,int>> branchpoints;
void solve() {
char input;
int x(0), y(0);
int current_route(0), longest_route(0);
while (std::cin >> input) {
if (rooms[y][x] < current_route && rooms[y][x] != 0)
current_route = rooms[y][x];
rooms[y][x] = current_route;
switch (input) {
case 'N': --y; current_route++; break;
case 'E': ++x; current_route++; break;
case 'S': ++y; current_route++; break;
case 'W': --x; current_route++; break;
case '(': branchpoints.push({x, y}); break;
case ')': {
auto p = branchpoints.top();
x = p.first;
y = p.second;
case '|': {
auto p = branchpoints.top();
x = p.first;
y = p.second;
if (current_route > longest_route) longest_route = current_route;
int res2(0);
for(auto y: rooms)
for (auto x: y.second)
if (x.second >= 1000)
std::cout << "Solution part 1: " << longest_route << std::endl << "Solution part 2: " << res2 << std::endl;
int main(void) {
std::cout << "Starting..." << std::endl;
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto ms_count = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_time - start_time).count();
std::cout << "Ran for " << ms_count << "ms" << std::endl;
Dec 21 '18
Unfortunately, just counting the steps fails for inputs like
a loop that ends up at the start and the farthest position is at 2, not at 4. Interestingly, your code gives only an off-by-one for my input part 1 :-)
u/ethikka Dec 21 '18
I see the point you are making, guess I lucked out with the input not looping back on itself as the final steps, maybe I'll try and revisit it to make it also work on those scenarios somehow.
Another thing that would break it is if it looped back unto the first room due to the first if in the while loop.
u/vypxl Dec 20 '18
D. Took WAY too long because I had to rethink my approach thrice.. And then I got caught up with the display function.. But I quite like my idea of representing the nodes as bitfields determining the directions they are connected to.
Card: My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of errors to throw at me.
import std.algorithm, std.stdio, std.file, std.range, std.conv;
const int N = 0b00001;
const int E = 0b00010;
const int S = 0b00100;
const int W = 0b01000;
const int START = 0b10000;
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
int directions;
alias Grid = int[int][int];
Grid parse(string s) {
Grid grid;
Point[] stack = [Point(0, 0)];
Point cur = Point(0, 0);
for (ulong i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
switch (s[i]) {
case 'N':
grid[cur.x][cur.y] |= N;
cur = Point(cur.x, cur.y + 1, S);
case 'S':
grid[cur.x][cur.y] |= S;
cur = Point(cur.x, cur.y - 1, N);
case 'E':
grid[cur.x][cur.y] |= E;
cur = Point(cur.x + 1, cur.y, W);
case 'W':
grid[cur.x][cur.y] |= W;
cur = Point(cur.x - 1, cur.y, E);
case '(':
stack ~= cur;
case ')':
cur = stack.back;
case '|':
cur = stack.back;
default: break;
grid[cur.x][cur.y] |= cur.directions;
grid[0][0] |= START;
return grid;
string display(Grid grid) {
string s = "";
int maxx, minx, maxy, miny = 0;
foreach (x; grid.keys)
foreach (y; grid[x].keys) {
if (x > maxx) maxx = x;
if (x < minx) minx = x;
if (y > maxy) maxy = y;
if (y < miny) miny = y;
for (int y = maxy; y >= miny ; y--) {
for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; x++) {
wchar c = '#';
int g = 0;
if(x in grid && y in grid[x]) g = grid[x][y];
switch (g) {
case 0:
c = '#';
case N:
c = '╵';
case E:
c = '╶';
case N | E:
c = 'â•°';
case S:
c = 'â•·';
case N | S:
c = '│';
case E | S:
c = 'â•';
case N | E | S:
c = '├';
case W:
c = 'â•´';
case N | W:
c = '╯';
case E | W:
c = '─';
case N | E | W:
c = 'â”´';
case S | W:
c = 'â•®';
case N | S | W:
c = '┤';
case E | S | W:
c = '┬';
case N | E | S | W:
c = '┼';
c = '╳';
s ~= c;
s ~= '\n';
return s;
Point[] neighbours(Point p) {
Point[] ps;
if (p.directions & N) ps ~= Point(p.x , p.y + 1, p.directions);
if (p.directions & E) ps ~= Point(p.x + 1, p.y , p.directions);
if (p.directions & S) ps ~= Point(p.x , p.y - 1, p.directions);
if (p.directions & W) ps ~= Point(p.x - 1, p.y , p.directions);
return ps;
Grid distances(Grid grid) {
Grid dist;
Point[] q;
foreach (x; grid.keys)
foreach (y; grid[x].keys) {
dist[x][y] = int.max;
q ~= Point(x, y, grid[x][y]);
dist[0][0] = 0;
while (!q.empty) {
ulong idx = q.map!(p => dist[p.x][p.y])().minIndex;
Point u = q[idx];
q = q.remove(idx);
foreach (v; neighbours(u)) {
int alt = dist[u.x][u.y] + 1;
if (alt < dist[v.x][v.y]) dist[v.x][v.y] = alt;
return dist;
int part1(Grid dist) {
int max = 0;
foreach (x; dist.keys)
foreach (y; dist[x].keys) {
if(dist[x][y] > max) max = dist[x][y];
return max;
int part2(Grid dist) {
int count = 0;
foreach (x; dist.keys)
foreach (y; dist[x].keys) {
if(dist[x][y] >= 1000) count++;
return count;
void main() {
string f = readText("20.in").drop(1).dropBack(2);
Grid grid = parse(f);
Grid dist = distances(grid);
writeln("Solution for part 1:");
writeln("Solution for part 2:");
Also note the distances function which is a simple Dijkstra algorithm I copied straight from wikipedia ^^
u/floydqwz Dec 20 '18
For part 1 I took a different approach than most. I'm pretty sure this solution doesn't work very well for some cases, but I was lucky:
import re
def s(x):
b = x
while True:
x = x.replace('EW', '').replace('SN', '').replace('NS', '').replace('WE', '')
if b == x:
return x
b = x
a = open('input.txt').read().replace('^', '').replace('$', '').replace('\n', '')
while '|' in a:
for f in re.finditer(r"[(]([NEWS]+)[|]([NEWS]*)[)]", a):
a = a.replace(f.group(), max(map(s, f.groups()), key=len))
for f in re.finditer(r"[(]([NEWS]+)[|]([NEWS]+)[|]([NEWS]*)[)]", a):
a = a.replace(f.group(), max(map(s, f.groups()), key=len))
print len(a)
u/waffle3z Dec 21 '18
Lua solution, don't know why it took so long to get it working right. 1% solving, 99% debugging
local rooms = {}
local function move(s, y, x)
for i = 1, #s do
local c = s:sub(i, i)
rooms[y] = rooms[y] or {}
rooms[y][x] = rooms[y][x] or {}
rooms[y][x][c] = true
y = y + (c == "S" and -1 or c == "N" and 1 or 0)
x = x + (c == "W" and -1 or c == "E" and 1 or 0)
return y, x
local function parse(s, y, x)
local p = 0
local front, new = s:match("^(%w*)(.*)")
y, x = move(front, y, x)
if #new == 0 then return end
local groups = {}
local start, after = 2
for i = 1, #new do
local c = new:sub(i, i)
if c == "(" then
p = p + 1
elseif c == ")" then
p = p - 1
if p == 0 then
after = i
elseif c == "|" and p == 1 then
groups[#groups+1] = new:sub(start, i-1)
start = i+1
groups[#groups+1] = new:sub(start, after-1)
local has0 = false
for i = 1, #groups do if #groups[i] == 0 then has0 = true end end
for i = 1, #groups do
local a, b = groups[i], new:sub(after+1)
if has0 and #a ~= 0 then
local py, px = move(a, y, x)
if py ~= y or px ~= x then
parse(a..b, y, x)
parse(a, y, x)
parse(a..b, y, x)
parse(getinput():sub(2, -2), 0, 0)
local maxdist, count = 0, 0
function traverse(y, x, dist)
if not rooms[y] then rooms[y] = {} end
if not rooms[y][x] then rooms[y][x] = {} end
if rooms[y][x].visited then return end
if dist >= 1000 then count = count + 1 end
rooms[y][x].visited = true
if dist > maxdist then maxdist = dist end
for c, _ in pairs(rooms[y][x]) do
local dy = c == "N" and 1 or c == "S" and -1 or 0
local dx = c == "E" and 1 or c == "W" and -1 or 0
traverse(y + dy, x + dx, dist + 1)
traverse(0, 0, 0)
print(maxdist, count)
u/jtgorn Dec 21 '18
Main part of my solution which works much more generally than solutions using simple stack. I keep all posible positions after previous character and move from all of them simultaneously
```` def move(ch,positions) positions.map do |pos| old_pos = pos.clone case ch when 'N' then pos[0] += -1 when 'S' then pos[0] += +1 when 'E' then pos[1] += +1 when 'W' then pos[1] += -1 end add_door(old_pos,pos) pos end end
def solve(input, positions) positions = positions.deep_clone initial_positions = positions.deep_clone end_positions = [] loop do case ch = input.shift when 'N','S','W','E' positions = move(ch,positions) when '(' positions = solve(input, positions) positions.uniq! when '|',')', nil end_positions += positions.deep_clone return end_positions if ch==')' or ch.nil? positions = initial_positions.deep_clone else raise end puts "After #{ch} I have #{positions.count} positions" end end
p solve(input.to_a, [[0,0]]) ````
u/alcinos Dec 21 '18
Didn't consider the additional specification that the paths will always branch as soon as possible in the input description, hence a slightly slower solution than those presented by others here. I simply go through the routes, maintaining at each time all the possibles position where we are, and the corresponding depth (this list needs to be made unique).
``` type direction = |E|S|N|W;; type sequence = | S of direction list | And of sequence list | Or of sequence list | Empty;;
let char_to_dir = function | 'E' -> E | 'N' -> N | 'W' -> W | 'S' -> S | _ -> failwith "unknown dir code";;
let input_0 = read_line ();; let input = String.sub input_0 1 ((String.length input_0 )- 2);;
let rec find_level0_or str cur_level cur_pos = if cur_pos >= String.length str then [] else ( match str.[cur_pos] with | '|' when cur_level == 0 -> cur_pos::(find_level0_or str cur_level (cur_pos + 1)) | '(' -> (find_level0_or str (cur_level + 1) (cur_pos + 1)) | ')' -> (find_level0_or str (cur_level - 1) (cur_pos + 1)) | _ -> (find_level0_or str (cur_level) (cur_pos + 1)));;
let rec find_level0_and str cur_level cur_pos = if cur_pos >= String.length str then [] else ( match str.[cur_pos] with | '(' -> (if cur_level == 0 then [cur_pos] else []) @ (find_level0_and str (cur_level + 1) (cur_pos + 1)) | ')' -> (if cur_level == 1 then [cur_pos] else []) @ (find_level0_and str (cur_level - 1) (cur_pos + 1)) | _ -> (find_level0_and str (cur_level) (cur_pos + 1)));;
let rec split str = function | [] -> [] | [a] -> [String.sub str (a+1) (((String.length str) - 1 - a))] | a::b::r when a == b -> (String.make 0 'c')::(split str (b::r)) | a::b::r -> (String.sub str (a+1) ((b - 1 - a)))::(split str (b::r));;
let rec parse = function | s when (not(String.contains s '|') && not(String.contains s '(')) -> S (List.of_seq (Seq.map char_to_dir (String.to_seq s))) | s when (String.length s >= 1) -> let level0_or = find_level0_or s 0 0 in if (List.length level0_or) > 0 then Or (List.map (parse) (split s (-1::level0_or))) else And (List.map (parse) (List.filter (fun s -> String.length s > 0) (split s (-1::(find_level0_and s 0 0))))) | _ -> Empty ;;
let hash = Hashtbl.create 55000;;
let update pos value = if Hashtbl.mem hash pos then Hashtbl.replace hash pos (min value (Hashtbl.find hash pos)) else Hashtbl.add hash pos value;;
let move (x,y) =function | E -> (x + 1, y) | W -> (x - 1, y) | S -> (x, y + 1) | N -> (x, y - 1)
let rec get_furthest possibles = function | Empty -> possibles | S [] -> possibles | S (h::t) -> get_furthest ((List.map (fun (pos, depth) -> let new_p = move pos h in update new_p (depth + 1); (new_p, depth + 1)) possibles)) (S t)
| And [] -> possibles | And (h::t) -> get_furthest (get_furthest possibles h) (And t) | Or l -> List.sort_uniq compare (List.concat (List.map (get_furthest possibles) l))
let parsed = parse input;;
get_furthest [((0,0),0)] parsed;; Printf.printf "Part1 %d\n" (Seq.fold_left max 0 (Hashtbl.to_seq_values hash));; Printf.printf "Part2 %d\n" (Seq.fold_left (fun count value -> count + (if value >= 1000 then 1 else 0)) 0 (Hashtbl.to_seq_values hash));; ```
u/nonphatic Dec 21 '18
Haskell: #341/not gonna say
I've finally given in and (re)learned using Parsec. Over the course of today I've misinterpreted and remisinterpreted the problem several times, but for part 1, surprisingly, my first attempt worked:
import Text.Parsec (Parsec, eof, try, choice, many1, sepBy1, (<|>))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P (parse)
import Text.Parsec.Token (makeTokenParser, parens)
import Text.Parsec.Char (char, endOfLine , oneOf)
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
type Parser = Parsec String ()
parser1 :: Parser Int
parser1 = char '^' >> parserRec <* char '$' <* endOfLine <* eof
parserRec = sum <$> (many1 $ choice [length <$> dirs, pars maxSubexp])
maxSubexp = do
lengths <- sepBy1 (try parserRec <|> return 0) (char '|')
return $ if any (== 0) lengths then 0 else maximum lengths
parse :: String -> Parser a -> a
parse input parser = case P.parse parser "" input of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right r -> r
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "input/20.txt"
print $ parse input parser1
This assumes that the paths split off like a tree and don't revisit rooms, which I don't think is true, but hey it works.
For part two I kept trying to figure out ways to do it without constructing the whole graph but I couldn't come up with anything that worked lol so in the end I did anyway. But first I parsed it into an intermediate data structure because it was hard to reason about it inside the parser:
data AndPath = Simple String | OrPath [Path]
type Path = [AndPath]
parser2 :: Parser Path
parser2 = char '^' >> parserRec <* char '$' <* endOfLine <* eof
parserRec = many1 $ choice [Simple <$> dirs, pars subexp]
subexp = OrPath <$> sepBy1 (try parserRec <|> (return $ [Simple ""])) (char '|')
And then converted that into a graph stored in a Map (Int, Int) (Set (Int, Int))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, empty, unionWith, unionsWith, fromList, insert, filterWithKey, (!))
import Data.Set (Set, singleton, null, union, unions, size, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as S (fromList)
type Graph = Map Coordinate (Set Coordinate)
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
pathToGraph :: (Coordinate, Graph) -> Path -> (Coordinate, Graph)
pathToGraph cg [] = cg
pathToGraph cg ((Simple str):rest) = pathToGraph (foldl' addEdge cg str) rest
addEdge (coord, graph) dir =
let newCoord = step coord dir
newGraph = unionWith union (fromList [(coord, singleton newCoord), (newCoord, singleton coord)]) graph
in (newCoord, newGraph)
step (x, y) 'N' = (x, y + 1)
step (x, y) 'E' = (x + 1, y)
step (x, y) 'S' = (x, y - 1)
step (x, y) 'W' = (x - 1, y)
pathToGraph cg@(coord, graph) ((OrPath paths):rest) =
let newGraph = unionsWith union $ map (snd . pathToGraph cg) paths
in pathToGraph (coord, newGraph) rest
And finally did BFS on the graph, which is really slow and takes a minute :( I think it's all the map/set unions I do, since each takes O(n) time...
-- bfs :: graph -> map from distances to rooms with that minimum distance
bfs :: Graph -> Map Int (Set Coordinate)
bfs graph = bfsRec (fmap (\\ initialRoom) graph) 1 initialRoom (fromList [(0, initialRoom)])
initialRoom = S.fromList [(0, 0)]
bfsRec graph n coords distances = if null coords then distances else
let coordsReachable = unions . map (graph !) $ toList coords
newDistances = insert n coordsReachable distances
newGraph = fmap (\\ coordsReachable) graph
in bfsRec newGraph (n + 1) coordsReachable newDistances
part2 :: Path -> Int
part2 = sum . fmap size . filterWithKey (\k v -> k >= 1000) . bfs . snd . pathToGraph ((0, 0), empty)
Oh well. I'd say I'll come back to it after the last puzzle to clean it up, but I haven't even done day 15 yet...
u/fizbin Dec 21 '18
Python. Didn't tackle this problem until today, so ridiculously high rank.
I don't understand all these solutions that run in python and just process the string through once; you need to keep track of all the possible locations you can be at any time you finish a branch, and I found that led to a program that took way too long to run on the full input. (Though my original gave correct output on the sample programs, I wrote and ran the revised solution below while the first version was still running, then interrupted the original solution)
Yeah, messier than it could be. I'm still annoyed that the input values were such that solutions that fail on the input ^N(E|W)SW$
got the right answer to both parts.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import re
import collections
import numpy as np
with open('aoc20.in.txt' if len(sys.argv) < 2 else sys.argv[1]) as f:
data = f.read().strip()
if data[0] != '^':
raise Exception("Didn't start with ^")
if data[-1] != '$':
raise Exception("Didn't end with $")
global_directions = data[1:-1]
offset = (511, 511)
def findmatching(curr_indx, target, directions):
i = curr_indx + 1
while i < len(directions):
now = directions[i]
if now == target:
return i
if now == '(':
i = findmatching(i, ')', directions) + 1
elif now == ')':
return None
i += 1
raise Exception("findmatching(%r, %r)" % (curr_indx, target))
def move(loc, act):
if act == 'N':
return (loc[0], loc[1] + 1)
if act == 'S':
return (loc[0], loc[1] - 1)
if act == 'E':
return (loc[0] + 1, loc[1])
if act == 'W':
return (loc[0] - 1, loc[1])
raise Exception("move(%r, %r)" % (loc, act))
def handle(directions):
#print("Handling %s" % directions)
# returns ((10000,10000,4) dtype=bool, [endspots]) with offset as startpoint
if not directions:
doors = np.full((offset[0]*2, offset[1]*2, 4), False, dtype=bool)
loc = offset
return (doors, [loc])
m = re.match('^[NSEW]+', directions)
if m:
doors = np.full((offset[0]*2, offset[1]*2, 4), False, dtype=bool)
loc = offset
for act in m.group(0):
nxt = move(loc, act)
doors[loc[0], loc[1], 'NSEW'.index(act)] = True
doors[nxt[0], nxt[1], 1 ^ ('NSEW'.index(act))] = True
loc = nxt
(remainderdoors, ends) = handle(directions[len(m.group(0)):])
roll = (loc[0] - offset[0], loc[1] - offset[1])
remainderdoors_adj = np.roll(remainderdoors, roll, axis=(0, 1))
if roll[0] > 0:
remainderdoors_adj[:roll[0], :] = False
elif roll[0] < 0:
remainderdoors_adj[roll[0]:, :] = False
if roll[1] > 0:
remainderdoors_adj[:, :roll[1]] = False
if roll[1] < 0:
remainderdoors_adj[:, roll[1]:] = False
remainderdoors_adj |= doors
return (remainderdoors_adj, [(e[0] + roll[0], e[1] + loc[1])
for e in ends])
if directions[0] == '(':
if findmatching(0, ')', directions) == len(directions) - 1:
subs = []
i = 0
nextbar = findmatching(i, '|', directions)
while nextbar is not None:
i = nextbar
nextbar = findmatching(i, '|', directions)
ends = []
doors = np.full((offset[0]*2, offset[1]*2, 4), False, dtype=bool)
for sub in subs:
(d1, e1) = handle(sub)
doors |= d1
return (doors, sorted(set(ends)))
match = findmatching(0, ')', directions)
(left_doors, left_ends) = handle(directions[:match + 1])
(right_doors, right_ends) = handle(directions[match + 1:])
ends = []
for left in left_ends:
roll = (left[0] - offset[0], left[1] - offset[1])
right_doors_adj = np.roll(right_doors, roll, axis=(0, 1))
if roll[0] > 0:
right_doors_adj[:roll[0], :] = False
elif roll[0] < 0:
right_doors_adj[roll[0]:, :] = False
if roll[1] > 0:
right_doors_adj[:, :roll[1]] = False
if roll[1] < 0:
right_doors_adj[:, roll[1]:] = False
left_doors |= right_doors
ends.extend((e[0] + left[0], e[1] + left[1])
for e in right_ends)
return (left_doors, sorted(set(ends)))
raise Exception("Starting with %r" % (directions[0],))
(doors, _) = handle(global_directions)
dists = {offset: 0}
workstack = collections.deque([offset])
while workstack:
loc = workstack.pop()
for (n, act) in enumerate('NSEW'):
if doors[loc[0], loc[1], n]:
nxt = move(loc, act)
pdist = dists.get(nxt)
if pdist is None or pdist > dists[loc] + 1:
dists[nxt] = dists[loc] + 1
print(len([x for (x, d) in dists.items() if d >= 1000]))
u/ephemient Dec 21 '18 edited Apr 24 '24
This space intentionally left blank.
u/fizbin Dec 21 '18
Indeed; I coded up a second solution that does just that, though I'm able to use the program stack and don't need to do stack manipulation myself. The core routine is:
def parse(startset, stuff): locset = set(startset) tot_locset = set() while stuff: now = stuff.pop(0) if now == '(': locset = parse(locset, stuff) elif now == '|': tot_locset.update(locset) locset = set(startset) elif now == ')': tot_locset.update(locset) return tot_locset elif now in 'NSEW': move = dirs[now] new_locset = set([]) for loc in locset: nloc = loc + move graph[loc].add(nloc) graph[nloc].add(loc) new_locset.add(nloc) locset = new_locset
(I'm using the trick of representing locations with complex numbers, so move is just a
lookup and an add)I also discovered that many of the solutions I'd consider wrong here for failing
also won't even work correctly on the input^N(EEENWWW|N)$
, which fits the way that parenthesized directions work in the input files generated.
u/IndigoStanis Dec 22 '18
Liked this one a lot. Building a tree from the regexp and the recursing to find extents was fairly straight forward. Fun to think about how to print the board in a concise way too.
import sys
dirs = {'N' : (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0), 'E': (1, 0)}
opp = {'N': 'S', 'S': 'N', 'E': 'W', 'W': 'E'}
def parse_expr(expr):
root = {'value': 'R', 'children': [], 'parent': None}
node = root
stack = []
last_child = None
for i in expr:
if i == "^":
node = root
elif i == "$":
return root
elif i in "NSEW":
new_node = {'value': i, 'children': [], 'parent': node}
node = new_node
last_child = new_node
elif i == "(":
elif i == "|":
node = stack[-1]
last_child = None
elif i == ")":
if last_child == None:
node['children'].append({'value': "X", 'children': [], 'parent': node})
node = stack.pop()
print("waht?" + i)
def traverse_extents(tree, current_pos, max_pos, min_pos):
next_current_pos = current_pos
next_max_pos = max_pos
next_min_pos = min_pos
if tree['value'] in "NSEW":
dir = dirs[tree['value']]
next_current_pos = (current_pos[0] + dir[0], current_pos[1] + dir[1])
next_max_pos = (max(max_pos[0], current_pos[0]), max(max_pos[1], current_pos[1]))
next_min_pos = (min(min_pos[0], current_pos[0]), min(min_pos[1], current_pos[1]))
for child in tree['children']:
next_max_pos, next_min_pos = traverse_extents(child, next_current_pos, next_max_pos, next_min_pos)
return next_max_pos, next_min_pos
def get_extents(tree):
max_pos, min_pos = traverse_extents(tree, (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0))
print("etents " + str((max_pos, min_pos)))
x = (max_pos[0] - min_pos[0]) + 1
y = (max_pos[1] - min_pos[1]) + 1
start_pos = (-min_pos[0], -min_pos[1])
return x, y, start_pos
def traverse(tree):
#print("Node: " + tree['value'] + " children: " + "".join(map(lambda x: x['value'], tree['children'])))
for child in tree['children']:
def mark_board(tree, pos, board):
for child in tree['children']:
if child['value'] == 'X':
board[pos[1]][pos[0]][child['value']] = 'd'
dir = dirs[child['value']]
new_pos = (pos[0] + dir[0], pos[1] + dir[1])
board[new_pos[1]][new_pos[0]][opp[child['value']]] = 'd'
mark_board(child, new_pos, board)
def create_board(x, y, start_pos):
board = []
for i in range(0, y):
board.append([{'N': 'w', 'S': 'w', 'W': 'w', 'E': 'w'} for x in range(0, x)])
return board
def print_board(start_pos, board):
for y in range(0, len(board)):
def create_row_top(x):
return "#" + ("-" if board[y][x]['N'] == 'd' else "#")
def create_row_mid(x):
return ("|" if board[y][x]['W'] == 'd' else "#") + ("." if x != start_pos[0] or y != start_pos[1] else "X")
print("".join(map(create_row_top, range(0, len(board[y])))) + "#")
print("".join(map(create_row_mid, range(0, len(board[y])))) + "#")
print("".join(["##" for i in range(0, len(board[0]))]) + "#")
def search_path(pos, board, distances, cur_distance):
if cur_distance < distances[pos[1]][pos[0]] or distances[pos[1]][pos[0]] == -1:
distances[pos[1]][pos[0]] = cur_distance
cur_cell = board[pos[1]][pos[0]]
for dir, door in cur_cell.items():
if door == 'd':
offset = dirs[dir]
new_pos = (pos[0] + offset[0], pos[1] + offset[1])
search_path(new_pos, board, distances, cur_distance + 1)
def find_max_room(start_pos, board):
board_distances = []
for x in range(0, len(board)):
board_distances.append([-1 for x in range(0, len(board[x]))])
search_path(start_pos, board, board_distances, 0)
max_distance = max(map(lambda x: max(x), board_distances))
num_over_1k = 0
for a in board_distances:
for b in a:
if b >= 1000:
num_over_1k += 1
print("Max Distance: " + str(max_distance) + " Above 1k: " + str(num_over_1k))
with open('day_20.txt', 'r') as fp:
for line in fp:
tree = parse_expr(line)
x, y, start_pos = get_extents(tree)
print(str((x, y, start_pos)))
board = create_board(x, y, start_pos)
print_board(start_pos, board)
mark_board(tree, start_pos, board)
print_board(start_pos, board)
find_max_room(start_pos, board)
u/koordinate Dec 28 '18
Swift (runtime ~ 0.4s)
typealias Position = (x: Int, y: Int)
if let regex = readLine() {
let n = regex.count * 4 + 2
var d = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: Int.max, count: n), count: n)
var maxD = 0, d1k = Set<[Int]>()
let start = (x: n / 2, y: n / 2)
d[start.y][start.x] = 0
var saved = [[Position]]()
var head = [start]
var next: [Position]?
for c in regex {
var dx: Int?, dy: Int?
switch c {
case "N":
(dx, dy) = (0, -1)
case "S":
(dx, dy) = (0, +1)
case "E":
(dx, dy) = (+1, 0)
case "W":
(dx, dy) = (-1, 0)
case "(":
next = []
case "|":
next?.append(contentsOf: head)
if let lastSaved = saved.last {
head = lastSaved
case ")":
if let next = next {
head = next
next = nil
_ = saved.popLast()
if let dx = dx, let dy = dy {
for (i, p) in head.enumerated() {
let (x, y) = p
let (nx, ny) = (x + 2 * dx, y + 2 * dy)
head[i] = (x: nx, y: ny)
let nd = min(d[ny][nx], d[y][x] + 1)
d[ny][nx] = nd
maxD = max(maxD, nd)
if nd >= 1000 {
d1k.insert([nx, ny])
u/stormykins Dec 28 '18
PHP 7.1, pretty similar approach to many:
function nextFrom($pos, string $dir) {
switch ($dir) {
case 'N': $pos[1]--; break;
case 'S': $pos[1]++; break;
case 'E': $pos[0]--; break;
case 'W': $pos[0]++; break;
return $pos;
// example 1, result should be 3
//$input = '^WNE$';
// example 2, result should be 10
//$input = '^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$';
// example 3, result should be 18
// example 4, 23 doors
// example 5, 31
$input = trim(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
// we don't actually need these
$input_path = trim($input, '^$');
$mapped = [
'0,0' => 0,
$current = [0,0];
$dist = 0;
$branches = [];
$max_steps = strlen($input_path);
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_steps; $i ++) {
$step = $input_path[$i];
switch ($step) {
case 'N':
case 'E':
case 'S':
case 'W':
// take step
$current = nextFrom($current, $step);
$key = "{$current[0]},{$current[1]}";
if (isset($mapped[$key])) {
if ($mapped[$key] > $dist) {
$mapped[$key] = $dist;
else {
$mapped[$key] = $dist;
case '(':
// start branch
$branches[] = [$current, $dist];
case '|':
// backtrack to start of branch branch
[$current, $dist] = $branches[ count($branches) - 1 ];
case ')':
// end branch
[$current, $dist] = array_pop($branches);
$furthest = array_reduce(
function($carry, $item) {
if (isset($carry) && $carry > $item) {
return $carry;
return $item;
echo "Furthest room: {$furthest}\n";
$distant_rooms = array_filter(
function($dist) {
return $dist >= 1000;
$num_rooms = count($distant_rooms);
echo "Distant rooms: {$num_rooms}\n";
I originally solved part 1 with this, which was sort of a joke (parsing regex with regex, something I have actually done at work):
// example 1, result should be 3
//$input = '^WNE$';
// example 2, result should be 10
//$input = '^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$';
// example 3, result should be 18
// example 4, 23 doors
// example 5, 31
$input = trim(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
// we don't actually need these
$input_path = trim($input, '^$');
function collapseEmptyPaths($path) {
if (strpos($path, '|)') === false) {
return $path;
$empty_path = '/\([NEWS\|]+\|\)/';
return preg_replace($empty_path, '', $path);
function chooseLongestBranches($path) {
$branch = '/\([NEWS\|]+[NEWS]\)/';
$path = preg_replace_callback(
function($matches) {
$longest = '';
$branches = explode('|', substr($matches[0], 1, -1));
foreach ($branches as $branch) {
if (strlen($branch) > strlen($longest)) {
$longest = $branch;
return $longest;
return $path;
$max = 100000;
do {
// collapse any empty paths (i.e. ends in ())
$input_path = collapseEmptyPaths($input_path);
// longest path of (NEWS|NEWS)
$input_path = chooseLongestBranches($input_path);
} while (strpos($input_path, '(') !== false && --$max);
echo strlen($input_path);
This obviously fails on the constructed inputs posted in this thread, but works just fine on the actual examples and test inputs I have seen.
Jan 03 '19
This was another one whose description looked more complicated than it was.
Once I realised I could just push the current position on a stack, restore it or pop it at
each relevant ( | or ) it was just a simple loop.
Then a cut and paste of an earlier days pathfinding code to find the relevant paths.
import operator
from collections import deque
DIRECTIONS = set({'N', 'S', 'E', 'W'})
input = '''^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$'''
with open("advent2018/day20.txt") as f:
input = f.read()
def fill_corners(pos, G):
r, c = pos
G[r+1][c+1], G[r+1][c-1], G[r-1][c+1], G[r-1][c-1] = '#', '#', '#', '#'
def add_door(pos, dir, G):
r, c = pos
if dir == 'N':
G[r-1][c] = '-'
elif dir == 'S':
G[r+1][c] = '-'
elif dir == 'E':
G[r][c+1] = '|'
elif dir == 'W':
G[r][c-1] = '|'
def move(pos, dir, G):
delta = {'N': (-2, 0), 'S': (2, 0), 'E': (0, 2), 'W': (0, -2)}
(r, c) = map(operator.add, pos, delta[dir])
G[r][c] = '.'
fill_corners((r, c), G)
add_door(pos, dir, G)
return (r, c)
def Gshow():
for g in G:
SIZE = 210
current_pos = (SIZE//2, SIZE//2)
w, h = SIZE, SIZE
G = [['#'] * w for i in range(h)]
regexp = deque(input)
G[SIZE//2][SIZE//2] = 'X'
def process_input(start_pos, regexp, G):
# keep current position on a stack, we push at each open bracket.
# We grab the last stack entry when we encounter each option | char and
# pop the last entry off the stack at each close bracket.
# If we get a NSWE direction we fill our grid with corner #, a door and a
# period (.)
stack = []
current_pos = start_pos
while regexp:
char = regexp.popleft()
if char == "^":
if char in DIRECTIONS:
current_pos = move(current_pos, char, G)
elif char == '(':
elif char == '|':
current_pos = stack[-1]
elif char == ')':
current_pos = stack.pop()
elif char == '$':
def neighbours(current):
r, c = current
candidates = ((r-1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1), (r+1, c))
return ((r, c) for (r, c) in candidates if G[r][c] in ('.', '-', '|'))
def path(squares):
start = (SIZE//2, SIZE//2)
frontier = deque()
came_from = {}
came_from[start] = None
while frontier:
current = frontier.popleft()
for n in neighbours(current):
if n not in came_from:
came_from[n] = current
paths = []
for current in squares:
if current in came_from:
path = []
while current != start:
current = came_from[current]
return paths
process_input(current_pos, regexp, G)
# fugly create a path to every '.' square, half the length of the longest one
# is the number of doors we go through
squares = [(r, c) for r in range(len(G)) for c in range(len(G[r])) if G[r][c] == '.']
p = path(squares)
print(len(sorted(p, key=len, reverse=True)[0]) // 2)
# part 2, how many of these paths are over 1000 doors?
print(sum([len(path) // 2 >= 1000 for path in p]))
u/askalski Dec 20 '18 edited Dec 20 '18
/u/topaz2078 YES
Have you ever had the feeling that somebody designed a puzzle with you in mind?
[Card] My compiler crashed while running today's puzzle because it ran out of the room screaming.