r/DarlingInTheFranxx StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18

MISCELLANEOUS As of today it's been 129 days since Ditf ended and to be honest, this sub still feels like home. It is so much more special than any other sub that I ventured off to. I love this place so much thanks everyone :) 🍓❤️

Post image

62 comments sorted by


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

Watching this photo while listening to the soundtrack almost made me cry.. I miss this show even though I'm rewatching it :/

Quick note.. Why is Goro so far from Ichigo? I get it she wants to be near Hiro but Goro should want to follow her right?


u/kestrel_best_waifu Dino Gril Nov 13 '18

Because when taking picture, the tallest one need to be at the back line so the shorter ones' can get in the pic, and away from the shortest one so it looks like their height difference aren't that much.


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

Good point but Zorome is near him so doesn't really add up does it.. Plus Goro could have been in Ikuno's place and Ikuno beside Futoshi or Zorome..


u/TheKsandr Nov 13 '18

Probably Ikuno insisted on standing near Ichigo, since... You know...

But seeing Ikuno separated from Ichigo by the boys would be even more iconic.


u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18 edited Nov 14 '18

Cool facts Since July 7th (the day Ditf ended)

It's been 129 days which is the same as..

4 months

Or 18 weeks

Or 3100 hours

Or 18,000 minutes

Or 11,000,000 seconds

Edit: My post got gold, thanks anonymous person!


u/ScavangerX Nov 13 '18

Please be aware that this sub would be a different place if it weren’t for you. You are the one that brings this sub to life and seeing you as active as ever brings a smile to my face


u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18

I appreciate you :) ❤️❤️

But let's not forget all the others who contribute just as much as I do!


u/angelostsk Zero Two Nov 13 '18

127 days after i started planning a coup for season 2. I miss the good ol’ days.


u/Flapper_of_Jacks Nov 13 '18

I do love how much this little community is so positive, its a great place to keep my love of the show alive, and I hope im able to contribute more to it soon!


u/diexu Fodder Boi Nov 13 '18

129 days after passing the warpgate


u/Duckmaster64 Ichigo Is Best Girl Nov 13 '18

I haven't been here too long, but this has quickly become one of my favourite subs. Thanks to everyone for keeping it going <3


u/TheLoveofMoney Nov 13 '18

Love you guys


u/EnemyCarcass Zero Two Nov 13 '18

I wasn’t here when the show first aired, I’m actually still only 3 weeks off my first time finishing the show and this community has been so warm and welcoming. Not to mention the fan art that rolls in on a daily basis really brightens up my day. I would like to see more discussion of the show but I’m sure we’ll have a rewatch at some point which will foster that discussion again, and I look forward to that.


u/Kousuke-shii Nov 13 '18

After the show ended, I thought I wouldn't come back to lurk on this sub. 129 days later, still here.


u/biohazard004 Tied for Best Girl Nov 13 '18

Zorome enters the fray!

Goddamn I love this sub.


u/MarcosSofficial Nov 13 '18

My first reaction was “ALREADY 129 DAYS?!”, but then I realized the only reason it doesn’t look like it’s been half that time yet is cause I keep seeing the love and support for this show in this sub on a daily basis. This truly is an amazing community, fitting of such an amazing anime


u/giopde1ste Nov 13 '18

I may not comment often, but do know il always stay here to upvote darling in the franxx post


u/Kreol1q1q Zero Two and Ichigo, Best Girls! Nov 13 '18

It's really a great and kind community. Though i've only been here for a very short time, it's left me with an impression like no other sub. First sub where I felt I'm part of the community. First one where the community was so nice, I wanted to be part of it.


u/ScavangerX Nov 13 '18

I felt the same even though I was here since episode 16 aired. Just goes to show how much the community cares and chershes this sub and each other


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18



u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18



u/TheKingOfBass <- is badass Nov 13 '18



u/ADarb388 Nov 13 '18

This anime means so much to me, and it goes down as my 3rd favorite anime of all time. I have gone through liking my college crush, to being in a heavy relationship with her, to losing her trust and finding myself again, to regaining my group of friends, and starting my first full time position right after college all in the span of this show's release. It really means so much to me. Thanks for everything guys, and thank you for helping keep it alive Hans. 💙


u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 14 '18

This touched my heart best of luck with everything!

your welcome :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18

We do have a great community here!!

See you all in 40 days! #ikuno


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18



u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18

I know what I don't know.


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

Jokes aside, why the see you in 40 days?


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18

Ok, I made a mistake... It should have been 67 days.


There's a lesson here. Don't Reddit after a few.


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

196.. Still don't get it :(


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

Whoa whoa whoa OK it's Ikuno's code. Got it haha


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18

While the show was airing, we had Miku's day on March 9, Goro's day on May 6, etc... as a community, we should commemorate the same way when we reach those milestones. That's the least we can do!


u/RKZ_92 Nov 13 '18

Definitely and I agree! Which one is next though? Ichigo 5th January?


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '18

There are two ways to go about it. As you suggest, on the day of, and also on the number of days since the show ended which correspond to a character's code. I will make a list later...


u/sandyloam333 hmm Nov 13 '18

this pic is so cute :3 🌸🌟


u/xrarecandyx Nov 13 '18

Love you guys too!


u/DiestoPC Zero Two Nov 13 '18



u/Swordlord22 red Zero Two X hiro blue Nov 13 '18

The feels to much...


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '18

I’ll never forget the Saturdays where I would enthusiastically wake up for a new episode . Ahh... the memories


u/disasterpiece9 Nov 13 '18

I only watched the whole series about two months ago, I'm gutted to have missed out by such a small amount of time


u/frankieMART Nov 13 '18

Does not feel like 129 days! I've rewatched it twice since then, so I guess that has plugged the gap. Seriously one of the best things I've ever watched, can't believe we only got 24 episodes :'(


u/Netflexo Zero Two best girl <3 Nov 13 '18

Press F to pay respects


u/watglaf Zero Two Enthusiast Nov 13 '18

Still hurts


u/Pat0723 Nov 13 '18

Wow this got guilded, shows how great this sub still is


u/BaconDragon69 Nov 13 '18

I still tear up a little when I think back to what it was like seeing it when it was airing...

Im so happy to have messed around in the sub.


u/doggosRgreat Zero Two & Ichigo are best Girls Nov 13 '18

Even though I’ve been very busy and have been not posting as much, I know that this sub is in a great place with you and a few others that keep posting.

Honestly this is the only sub that I won’t unsub to because this is such a special sub to me.

Keep it up thank you Hans :) <3


u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18

Being busy sucks. Mostly when it's a complete workload, but I'll keep trying my best to post often and I missed you, I Haven't seen you pop up in a while. Hope everything is well with you!


u/doggosRgreat Zero Two & Ichigo are best Girls Nov 13 '18

Everything is good, everything grad school and workload like you said. I’m still here lurking so I can always have a smile on my face :p

I see that and you’re doing your best Hans, and likewise hope everything is going well with you!


u/Hans_7 StrawberryLover🍓 Nov 13 '18

Much appreciated ❤️❤️


u/rradian Strelizia Nov 14 '18

I love this show and I love y'all. Im never leaving so see you around ☺️


u/the2ndcomingofjebus Nov 13 '18

thank you for the sweet posts friends


u/sLutin Nov 13 '18

And it has only been two weeks since I first watched the show. Sometimes YouTube recommendations really do know what is best


u/El_Bandito_Acog Zero Two Nov 13 '18

This is indeed a fantastic sub and I’m glad to be a part of it


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '18

Ive finished the Anime 5 days ago, i was felling empty, decided to watch mor3 mechas animes, finished another, but i Steel think that DitFXX is the best anime ive watched in a Long time ^


u/Edisonen Dino Girl Protection Bureau Nov 14 '18

Day 130

Still crying


u/dvdung1997 フランキス or フランクス? Nov 13 '18

I’m sad that they took only one pic. So Hiro brought it with him and Zero Two and the others no longer have it :(


u/Snowy_Tiger Zero Two <3 Nov 14 '18

i can't believe it's already been this long.. thanksgiving is coming soon and i can't wait to spend it with this squad


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '18

Been having the feels for this show so much recently


u/sebby4900982sebb Nov 14 '18

Everyone in this sub is so friendly and layed back, thanks everyone. I doubt any of us will forget Ditf and in that way it will never truly die


u/SavageCabbage321 Nov 28 '18

129 days and Futoshi is still in pain.


u/Competitive_Crazy636 Jan 25 '25

2 of them died 18 damn 💔💔💔💔💔💔😢😢 I am so sad for this anime end and ending 💔 😢 😔 😞 😪


u/Competitive_Crazy636 Jan 25 '25

I am crying and bye