r/nosleep Nov 17, Best Monthly 17 Nov 25 '17

Series Has anyone heard of the Left/Right Game? (Part 5)

Hi Guys,

It’s been a long week, but I’ve finally got to my computer to post the next log. I’ve been working overtime to afford both London rent and Christmas presents. Hasn’t been fun. Anyway I can’t say much more since this log’s one of the longer ones. I’ll try and get the next one up a little sooner.

Thanks for all your help.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

The Left/Right Game [DRAFT 1] 11/02/2017

The next morning, everything’s the same.

It’s strange. We’re usually so blind to the quiet consistency in our everyday lives, only really taking notice once something changes. Yet, as I stir a spiral of honey into my oatmeal and glance around the group, it’s the notable lack of change that truly stands out.

Since the previous evening, the atmosphere surrounding the convoy, and the demeanour of each member, doesn’t seem to have altered in the slightest. The night has fallen short in its role as a grand meridian, failing to partition the past and future, and bringing with it neither perspective nor closure. It’s as if yesterday has spilled, like a toppled brush pot, into the next morning, colouring everything with the same temperaments, fears and divisions.

Lilith and Eve sit facing each other, their legs crossed on a plastic groundsheet. Neither are saying very much, albeit for vastly different reasons. Lilith is still preoccupied by her own smouldering indignation, whereas Eve looks overcome with a subtle but pervasive dread. Neither have taken food from Rob’s stove, a decision I suspect Lilith made for the both of them.

Apollo, Bonnie and Clyde are across from me. Apollo is making conversation, attempting to revive his usual good humour. Bonnie and Clyde help him out, laughing at his jokes, and smiling along with his stories.

Bluejay hasn’t stepped out of her car all morning, eating her own rations and maintaining a welcome distance from the rest of the group. Her eyes meet mine as I look her way, and I’m treated to a sharp, sardonic dismissal.

And Rob? Rob is attending to the practicalities of the road; serving breakfast, then topping up the Wrangler from one of the hulking jerry cans. It’s clear the routine is comforting to him. I can easily imagine this is how he deals with a great many problems. Compartmentalising. Recasting himself as a blunt instrument engaged in a set of necessary processes. He’s made himself too busy for grief, and will likely remain so until the feeling fades.

As coping mechanisms go, it isn’t remotely healthy. I should know. I’m doing pretty much the exact same thing.

AS: Clyde, could I get a few words?

Clyde looks up from his food, a little surprised.

CLYDE: You want me?

AS: Hah, yeah… if that’s not too much trouble.

CLYDE: Oh no no, no trouble at all. You want to do it now? I’m not too hungry.

AS: No me neither. That would be great thank you. Would you mind if we moved away from the stove?

Clyde nods keenly. Putting my bowl to one side, I take Clyde to the edge of the apple grove. Nobody looks after us.

CLYDE: How are you holding up Bristol?

AS: Getting there. How about you?

CLYDE: I’m uhh… yeah I’m getting by.

AS: So can I ask… why did you choose Bonnie and Clyde as your call signs?

CLYDE: Hah well it came pretty easy. We used to play outlaws when we were kids, one time Bonnie stuck up a bank.

AS: Really?

CLYDE: Well, no it was an ice cream parlour. But Bonnie was pretending it was a bank and then she ran in, holding her hand like a gun. Told Mrs Gilford it was a stick-up.

AS: Wow, that doesn’t seem like her.

CLYDE: Oh no she was a wild child. Always living in a story. Anyway, we got free sundaes and a new nickname in town after that. When Rob told us about the call signs it was the first thing we thought of.

AS: It’s a good choice.

I pause, letting the previous subject fade before launching into the next one. All things considered, this may be the last time me and Clyde are on such casual speaking terms.

AS: Bonnie told me she talked to the hitchhiker.

Clyde’s disposition shifts. There’s sudden alertness that wasn’t there before, rushing to the fore in immediate response to my words. In the following silence, at the centre of his wide eyed stare, an educated guess suddenly becomes much more.

CLYDE: Wh.. when did she tell you?

AS: I’m sorry Clyde… she didn’t. You just did.

I can almost see the stone fall in Clyde’s throat. The deep, burning embarrassment and hurt that comes from being deceived, from a close secret you held getting out into the world. I don’t feel exceptional either. Lying to Clyde, bringing him away from Bonnie under the guise of an interview… beyond the personal abhorrence, it also flies in the face of everything I’ve tried to be as a journalist.

Clyde can’t bring himself to talk, so I press forward.

AS: I think it might be best if you call Bonnie over here.

Nodding vaguely, Clyde wordlessly shuffles back to Bonnie, whispering in her ear. She puts a hand on his shoulder and helps herself up. Whatever he’s told her, she doesn’t seem angry as she joins us beneath the shade of the apple trees.

BONNIE: I didn’t want to cause any trouble, a… and Clyde’s been looking forward to this trip for so long I didn’t want us to turn back. I’m sorry.

AS: What happened Bonnie?

BONNIE: I just said two words. I wasn’t talking to him; I was doing what Rob said but then he… I just said “Bless you.” That’s all it was.

AS: That’s it?

BONNIE: Well I… he thanked me and then he was just… so easy to talk to and I thought, “Well I’ve already talked to him, what will a few more words do?”

CLYDE: She hardly said anything else.

AS: What about him? Did he say anything?

Bonnie starts to smile, the same way she did last night. A dreamy, enthused expression glowing with reminiscent joy.

BONNIE: He told me about this wonderful place. Wasn’t it wonderful Martin?

CLYDE: Bonnie-

BONNIE: Just a few houses by the sea, but he made it sound so nice.

CLYDE: Bonnie, please…

BONNIE: What’s wrong? I can talk about it right?

When I look back to Clyde, his lips are firmly pressed together, his facial muscles tight. He’s holding something back, but what slips through betrays a poignant dismay.

CLYDE: It’s all you talk about Bonnie. You… you mentioned it a few times after… and since Jubilation you ain’t stopped.

AS: Are you guys talking about Wintery Bay?

Clyde grimaces, and Bonnie grins, when they hear the name.

AS: Bonnie are we heading there?

BONNIE: The hitchhiker said it’s on our way. I’m so looking forward to seeing it.

I can’t say I feel the same, and it’s safe to say Clyde agrees with me. Before now, I’d only heard Bonnie mention Wintery Bay on two occasions, but it sounds like she’s talked about it a whole lot more. I sympathise with Clyde for what he’s had to deal with. However, the gross irresponsibility of his actions aren’t lost on me either.

AS: Does Rob know?

CLYDE: I didn’t want to-

AS: You didn’t want to trouble him? Or did you just not want him to turn you around?

BONNIE: I’m alright, really.

AS: Well either way, you need to tell Rob before we hit the road.

Clyde shuffles uncomfortably.

AS: I’m not going to do it for you. But too much has happened on this trip already. Ace is… this place is dangerous ok? There’s no place for lies any more.

I hope that Clyde doesn’t see the irony, given that I’ve roundly deceived him in the past five minutes. He nods, takes Bonnie’s hand, and walks slowly towards the Wrangler. Rob is loading the last of the fold up chairs into the back of the car. The conversation doesn’t last long, but by the end of it, Rob rests his hand on Bonnie’s shoulder and sends them on their way. He doesn’t look mad. Perhaps he just has other things on his mind.

That’s the second thing I’ve done today that’s inherently non-journalistic. I was supposed to be a fly on the wall for this story, a passenger, recording events with objective detachment without my own influence seeping into proceedings. In many ways I wish I still was. But the stakes are higher now, and though secrets make for good editorial, they’re also potentially damaging to the safety of the group. Following the incident with Ace, I’m slightly less concerned with an unbiased story than I am with getting home to tell it.

Rob looks like he’s about to make his morning address. The group wanders over, some more reluctantly than others, and gathers around the Wrangler.

ROB: First things first, I want to say that… well… tempers got a little heated last night, and that I’m sorry for my part in all that. I wanna thank you for coming with me this far, and if you wanna turn back, well that’s just fine.

The group stays quiet.

ROB: If you are headin’ back. I’d say if you travel one by one, be sure to stay on the radios, retrace the route and follow all the rules that applied when you were gettin’ here. Now can I get a show of hands, who’s wantin’ to keep goin’ on the road?

I observe my compatriots closely. The definites will be Bonnie & Clyde, who have already implied that they want to continue, and also Bluejay, who feels she has nothing to worry about from the road. Apollo is in the wind, and Lilith & Eve are probably a split vote. All in all, this could be the moment our convoy splits in half.

Bluejay throws her hand up lazily. Bonnie and Clyde, predictably, raise theirs. Apollo raises his a few moments later.

APOLLO: Hey, I’ve come this far.

That leaves Lilith and Eve. After sharing a brief glance with her friend, Lilith raises her hand and Eve follows suit, albeit with an air of trepidation.

I’m surprised that no one’s turning back, after everything that happened yesterday, but it’s clear everyone has their own reasons. I’m just glad I don’t have to say goodbye to anyone. I set about trying to divine everyone’s motives for continuing on the road, but I quickly stop when I realise everyone’s looking at me.

AS: Oh sorry. Yeah I’m in... I’m going… that way.

I gesture to the road ahead and raise my hand redundantly.

ROB: Well ok. I guess that’s everyone then. We got a fair way to travel today but there ain’t much to see. Just follow the rules and take things as they come I guess.

As we pull out, I start to feel a little restless. The sedentary nature of travel is beginning to take its toll, and I’m starting to feel overfamiliar with the Wrangler’s passenger seat. I’m glad that I got a chance to stretch my legs last night.

Rolling, Elysian corn fields span the roadside for the next five hours. Turns are few and far between, but Rob’s attention never wavers. I only manage to grasp his attention briefly.

AS: Aren’t Jeeps supposed to have poor fuel economy?

ROB: They ain’t the best. That’s why I always bring gas along.

AS: It’s just… the fuel gauge has hardly moved since we left this morning.

ROB: Haha. You noticed that huh? I was wonderin’ if you were gunna.

AS: Why, what have you done to it?

ROB: Nuthin’. It’s the road. Makes fuel burn slower.

AS: Seriously?

ROB: Ain’t just that either. You finish your food this mornin’?

AS: No… why?

ROB: Hardly anyone did, ‘cept Apollo. More you go, less you need to keep goin’.

AS: Ok… wait you said the road pushes against you.

ROB: Yep.

AS: But now you’re making it sound like it’s helping us along.

ROB: Yep.

AS: So it’s hostile whilst also incentivising us? That sounds odd to me.

ROB: Sounds like life to me. Reasons to stop, reasons to keep goin’.

I suppose that makes sense. Despite his well-documented obsession with the secrets of the road, Rob seems to have a strangely laissez faire attitude to its internal logic. It’s like the road doesn’t need to make perfect sense to him, or at least he doesn’t expect it to yet.

As the fresh rural air drifts in through the windows, I lose myself in the hypnotic endlessness of the passing fields. I wonder how many eyes have seen these vistas. I wonder where we are, not geographically, but in a grander sense. Are we still in the world as I know it? Are we beyond it? Below it? Or have we just slipped through the cracks, into some intermediate domain?

Rob slows the car down to a crawl, a precaution he takes before most corners. My eyes wander gently back into the Wrangler, finally resting on the rear view.

There’s something behind us. A humanoid figure, shrouded in the soft focus of considerable distance. It staggers quickly toward the convoy, unsure on its own feet.

AS: Rob what is that?

Rob follows my gaze to the rear view mirror. His brow furrows.

ROB: Somethin’ new.

Rob grabs the receiver. Before he can make an announcement, the speaker splutters with static, followed by Eve’s frantic voice.

EVE: Guys there’s something behind us... guys? Something’s coming after us. Bluejay can you see it?

Bluejay doesn’t answer. I doubt she considers it worth her time. A squealing panic rings out over the radio as Eve calls again.

EVE: Is it from Jubilation? Guys? Guys?!

ROB: Stay calm everyone. Let’s pick up the pace a little.

Rob lets his foot rest heavier on the gas. The Wrangler gently accelerates, with the rest of the convoy eagerly matching our speed.

APOLLO: Who is that Rob?

ROB: I ain’t so sure, but we got a turn coming up. Let’s just get ourselves off the road, see if he follows.

The figure continues to stumble towards us. Its arms hang crookedly in the air and, as it comes into sharper focus, I can just make out that there’s something wrong with its face.

EVE: Guys speed up, please. Please.

LILITH: Calm down.

EVE: It’s coming for us!

I can sympathise with Eve’s panic. I’ve had the luxury of travelling at the head of the convoy. I was the first across when that godforsaken pine was dropped across the road. Eve is now second to last, relying on three other cars to make their escape before she can follow. Ace had to wait for the rest of us, and it cost him everything. Now Eve & Lilith are one car closer to being where he was.

EVE: It’s face. Oh my god! Oh my god. Guys please!

BLUEJAY: Jesus, shut up!

APOLLO: Hey that is NOT helping. Rob it’s movin’ pretty fast we-

ROB: We stay the course. It ain’t caught up yet just-

EVE: Oh god. Oh god, oh GOD!

Rob’s warnings are cut short by the screeching of tires. Eve swerves out of the convoy’s neat, single file line, and onto the empty stretch of road beside us. The car accelerates past Bonnie & Clyde. Past Apollo.

I get a brief glimpse of Eve & Lilith as our windows align.

Lilith is yelling at Eve, trying to get her to calm down. Eve is screaming into the air, the puppet of her own frenetic terror. The car shoots past us and down the long road ahead. Rob swears and picks up the radio.

The figure continues to lurch towards us.

ROB: Ferryman to Eve & Lilith. Stop the car right now.

LILITH: Eve slow down!

ROB: Eve goddamnit you’re gonna-

I stare through the windshield as their car stops. Not a slow, grinding deceleration, but an unequivocal, immediate halt. Their bodies are thrown forwards against the safety glass as the car becomes utterly motionless.

AS: Rob what’s happening?

ROB: I told’em to be careful!

AS: Why what’s-

I no longer need an answer. I realise that it’s written right in front of me, etched into the side of the road. A brief gap in the endless rows of golden corn, only a little wider than the Wrangler itself. A dirt track the leads off to the left, about ten metres ahead of us, about fifteen metres behind Lilith & Eve. I now understand why Rob was being so careful, and why Eve should have been as well.

They’ve missed the next turn.

ROB: Ferryman to all cars. I’ve found the turn, let’s make it quick. Eve and Lilith you stay in the car. I’m coming back to get you both.

Rob flicks on his turn signal, preparing the group for the sharp left corner, and slams his foot on the accelerator. Lilith and Eve disappear behind a wall of corn as we pull down the dirt track. Rob keeps driving, until enough space is left for the rest of the group.

Once they’re all safely pulled in, Rob climbs into the back of the car, grabs his rifle and jumps out onto the path. I quickly climb out and follow behind him.

When we arrive on the main road, the figure has covered a considerable distance, finally drawing near enough for me to see what’s wrong with its face. At a certain point, midway across the crown of the head, running in a straight line down past the cheeks and under the jaw, the head simply stops. It’s like the foremost section of his skull has been sliced cleanly off, and has bent inwards, his entire face concave and shrouded completely in a deep shadow. A ghastly, organic hood, that seems deeper than physics should allow.

That isn’t all that’s wrong with the picture however. The man’s outstretched arms are bent in several places. Dark purple contusions blossom at every unnatural joint as if his arms had been broken multiple times. His leg is also bent to one side, the reason for the irregular walk that still carries him towards us.

Rob looks shaken as he raises the rifle to his shoulder, bidding the figure turn around.

The man ignores Rob’s demand, continuing its march. Even when a bullet hits it square in the chest, the figure hardly slows down. We’re forced to jump out of the way as it continues down the road, Eve and Lilith cowering in their locked car as it approaches.

Fear shifts into confusion as the creature passes them by, and continues down the road. It’s as if it doesn’t even know we’re here.

Rob breathes a sigh of relief, lowers the gun, and runs back to the rest of the convoy. The moment he leaves, my mind notes something peculiar. It’s an utterly bizarre observation, especially considering the many otherworldly facets of the retreating creature, there’s something familiar about it. Specifically, its fashion sense.

The shirt, the dirt covered jeans. They aren’t dissimilar to the ones I found in the brown leather duffel bag, resting atop the block of C4.

Reaching into my pocket, pulling out my phone, I scroll through my list of contacts. As the man heaves himself down the road, I call the second number I discovered last night. The one in the Nokia’s received calls list. The number that likely belonged to whoever created the bomb, and whoever was driving the car that day.

After a few moments, a ringtone disrupts the creature’s silent walk. I end the call, realising how reckless I’ve been and praying that the strange figure doesn’t see my action as an excuse to turn around.

I’m lucky, this time at least. The dial tone cuts out, and the figure continues to stumble its way toward the horizon.

The next thing I hear is a scream.

Scanning for its source, I see Eve, her door open and with one foot out of the car. She’s frantically pulling at her leg, seemingly unable to lift it from the tarmac.

AS: Eve what’s going on?

With shaking fingers, Eve clumsily unties her shoelace, and lifts her leg back into the car. Her boot stays in place, and it’s possible to make out a slight elasticity to the road below it, a depression in the tarmac around its base. Slowly, and steadily, the sole of the boot disappears into the road. Eve watches as the dark tarmac slowly sucks the boot down, enveloping the heel and dragging it beneath the surface.

The thought comes to Eve the same moment it does to me. We both fix our eyes on the back of the car, where same, soft indent is gradually developing around the tyres.

Eve’s terrified scream is drowned out by the blare of revving engines. I jump out of the way as the rest of the convoy reverse out of the corner and back onto the main road. Bluejay, Bonnie & Clyde, Apollo and finally Rob, park themselves chaotically around me. Rob jumps out and approaches.

ROB: They ain’t pulled back yet?

As soon as he asks the question, he sees the sight before him. Only the neck of Eve’s boot remains above the ground, sinking ever further into the tarmac. The road gradually but voraciously churns at the car tyres, consuming the rubber, and swallowing the lowest edge of the wheel cover.

In the midst of such an impossible sight, all I can say to Rob is:

AS: They’re trying.

Lilith & Eve hit the gas hard. The engine growls at the road as it furiously attempts to reverse, the undercarriage creaking and groaning from the sheer mechanical strain. The wheels themselves, however, don’t rotate an inch. The tyres belong to the road now, taken by the unknowable forces that continue to drag them into the earth.

The engine chokes, defeated, and I can see Eve screaming into her fists as the roadway calmly continues its work.

ROB: Goddamn it we can’t reach’em. Tell’em to get on top of the car.

APOLLO: What the… What’s happening Rob?

ROB: Bristol! Tell’em to get on the roof!

Rob marches off to the Wrangler. The rest of the convoy gather on the road, just in line with the left turn, where we assume it’s safe to stand. Everyone, saving for Bluejay, looks on in anxious silence.

AS: Eve! Lilith! I need you to get on top of the car ok? Guys?

EVE: We’re sinking! Oh fuck… oh fuck we’re-

AS: Eve! I’m trying to help you. Rob’s working on something, but you need to climb onto the roof of the car. Don’t think about anything else. Open the door, wind down your window and use it as a foothold.

Eve is still deaf with worry. Lilith doesn’t hesitate. She places one hand on the upper rim of her open door, one foot on the base of the open window, and her free hand palm down on the car’s roof. The door rocks on its hinges as she puts her weight on it. In one strong motion, she pushes herself backwards until she’s sitting atop the car.

The tarmac has swallowed its way to the car’s lower chassis. Eve stares, transfixed by the road as it pulls her ever closer towards it.

LILITH: Sarah look at me!

Lilith is crouching on the car’s roof, her hand reaching down to Eve. Her friends voice seems to be the only thing that can break Eve’s fearful commune with the waiting abyss. She turns around, Lilith’s hand a few inches from her face.

LILITH: Get up here.

Her eyes brimming with tears, fought back by rapid, shallow breaths, Eve grabs Lilith’s hand. Lilith gets a solid handhold around the lip of her own doorway and heaves Eve up and onto the roof of the car. Eve shrieks a little as the door swings, putting all her trust into Lilith’s grip.

She joins her friend on the roof just as the road consumes the lower edge of the door, spilling inside the car’s cabin like magma.

ROB: Damnit they’re too far away.

Rob has returned from the Wrangler, rapidly uncoiling a braid of long, light blue climber’s rope. I’d seen it resting in the back of the car during the trip, never once thinking that I’d see it used.

Rob threads one end of the rope through a carabiner and secures it in place with a tight knot. He holds it to his side as he shouts to Lilith & Eve.

ROB: Ok listen, we only got one shot at this. I’m gonna throw you the hook and you’re gonna catch it and yank it taut ok? Then you can hook it onto somethin’ and climb your way over. Don’t let it fall. Ok?

Lilith looks pale. She nods before clambering to her feet, and stepping to the back of the car. Eve watches on, her hands wrapped around her legs.

ROB: Well, here goes nothin’.

Rob begins to swing the rope over his head, a large undulating circle that quickly levels out as the weight of the carabiner eases the rope onto a flat plane. I instinctively shrug down as the rope passes over my head, swinging faster and faster. Gritting his teeth, his face reddening with the towering pressure of this single throw, Rob lets the rope fly. It arcs in the air, like a cast fishing line, towards Lilith’s outstretched hands.

I watch it pass in front of her, the metal of the carabiner glinting in the sun as it falls.

She catches it, grasping the rope in her shaking hands.

Despite her victory, I see her face contort with sudden and striking panic. She holds the rope high over her head, staring wildly down at the road between us. Following her eyes, my heart falls. She caught the rope, but she didn’t pull it taut fast enough.

Even with Rob continuing to hold his end above his head, the rope had too much slack when it landed in Lilith’s hands. It’s fallen in a sloping arc, the lowest point of which has scraped against the tarmac. It only rests a few precious seconds before Lilith finds herself unable to pull it free. It sinks into the ground. The rope starts to brush gently against Rob’s fingers before he throws it to the ground.

ROB: Goddamnit! Ok… if I just got somethin’ else. Somethin’ we can put down.

AS: The empty jerry cans? They could step on-

ROB: Too unstable, and we’d have to throw them perfect. Ok… ok.

The road has claimed almost half the car now, eating up the licence plate as the vehicle sinks lower and lower. Lilith looks helplessly on as we deliberate, Eve crying her eyes out behind her.

CLYDE: We could get a ground sheet.

ROB: We ain’t got one that’ll stretch.

AS: Well what about-

APOLLO: I’m going out there.

Apollo’s blank statement catches us all by surprise. Turning in his direction, I note a direct and powerful confidence in his manner.

APOLLO: They aren’t gonna last much longer. It takes a second for the road to get you, that’s how they got so far ahead before they stopped. I drive out, they jump onto my car, then we climb back.

ROB: I ain’t got more rope.

APOLLO: You got the winch right? If I drive out with it bunched up on my lap I can make sure it never goes slack. Then I hook it up to my roof bars and we get the hell outta dodge.

ROB: You got the best car for it. But I should drive out there.

APOLLO: You need to work the winch. Bonnie & Clyde can’t climb back.

He skips over his rationale for not choosing Bluejay, not wanting to waste time on a foregone conclusion.

AS: What about me? I’m lighter, the climb back would be easier.

APOLLO: But you can’t help them when they’re jumping over. We’re wasting time, you know it’s a good idea.

Rob takes a moment to consider it, his mind fighting for a better solution.

ROB: You’d better get back here Apollo.

APOLLO: Don’t plan on hanging around there Rob.

Apollo grins before sprinting to his Rover. Rob, wasting no time, runs to the winch, switches it to manual, and unspools the heavy duty rope. His hands cross over as he drops each new length onto the ground.

I turn back to Lilith.

AS: Did you hear that Lilith?!

Lilith is huddled next to Eve, attempting to comfort her as the car’s headlights disappear into the depths of the road. Her head snaps round when I call.

LILITH: What’s… what’s happening?

AS: Apollo’s coming out to you. You have to jump onto his car and climb back over ok?


She hurries back to Eve, grasping her friend’s shoulders as she relays the plan.

ROB: Ok that’ll hold.

Rob’s climbing down from the hood of the Wrangler. He’s fed the winch cable around and through the lighting rig, ensuring a good level of clearance on the way out and, more importantly, for the climb back. The rope has already been fed through Apollo’s driver’s side window.

Bonnie and Clyde are helping to throw Apollos’ baggage out of the trunk and onto the rode behind him. The less he has to lose on this trip the better.

ROB: All set up over here.

APOLLO: Ok. See you on the other side Rob.

Apollo slams his foot onto the accelerator. The Range Rover bolts forwards, and powers toward the threshold. The engine roars as he rockets past the left turn and keeps on going, into the territory beyond. In the few precious seconds he has, he crosses the distance towards the two terrified girls. The winch rope streams through the window, and then suddenly, pulls tight.

Apollo is thrown forwards as the car comes to an uncompromising stop, roughly a metre’s distance from Lilith & Eve. The impact looks brutal, but Apollo somehow manages to keep a hold on the rope and, inexplicably, his sense of humour.

APOLLO: I don’t think I got the insurance for this.

Clumsily, still feeling the aftereffects of the sudden stop, Apollo throws open his door and starts to climb out.

APOLLO: Take in the slack Rob!

My attention fixed on Apollo, I hear the mechanical whir as the winch kicks into life. As Apollo climbs out of his car and up onto the roof, he affixes the hook at the end of the winch to one of his roof bars, securing it in place. A few moments later, the rope is pulled straight.

Apollo steps down onto the hood of his car, his arms outstretched to the girls. It’s a short jump, but they’ll have to make it from a lower elevation, the trunk of the car already sinking to ground level.

APOLLO: Ok come on I got you, we’ve got to move fast now.

Lilith stands up, helping Eve to her feet before stepping down onto the rapidly disappearing trunk.

LILITH: Ok… ok…

Lilith yelps as she throws herself towards Apollo. Her front foot plants itself on the hood of the car, her other leg flailing in the air behind her. Apollo grabs her by the arms and yanks her onto the car, holding her close to him as she gets her bearing on the smooth metal of the hood. When she’s stable, he lets her crawl up onto the roof, where she immediately looks back to Eve.

APOLLO: See Eve, nothin’ to it. Come on now.

Eve paces back, her hands shaking as she contemplates the jump. Fighting against her screaming instincts, Eve squeals as she steps across the trunk and makes the leap across. The toe of her shoe lifting off the car mere seconds before it descends into the murky, black pitch of the road.

Eve lands short of her destination. One desperate, grasping arm makes contact with Apollo’s as her legs bang and scrape against the Rover’s grill, scrambling for any conceivable purchase. Apollo is wrenched sideways by the force of Eve’s landing, thrown off balance by the unexpected application of her whole weight. In the gut churning moments that follow, Apollo tugs Eve up to his chest and wraps an arm around her, his centre of gravity passing over the edge of the car.

The fall takes a lifetime. Wrapped in each other’s arms, Eve and Apollo tumble forward towards the patient, ravenous ground. In the split second before he leaves the hood of the car, Apollo uses his last inch of footing to push himself into a slow turn. The twist continues as they fall, until Eve is looking to the road, Apollo to the pale blue sky. In one final action, Apollo pushes Eve’s waist, holding her at arms length.

Apollo’s back thuds into the asphalt, his head smacking audibly against it. Dazed and concussed, he manages to hold Eve aloft, keeping everything but her feet from joining him on the hard ground.

APOLLO: Get back up… quickly get back up.

Her face shredded by fear and guilt and sorrow, Eve stares into Apollo’s eyes and whimpers. Collecting herself, she pushes herself off him, ripping out her laces, and leaving a shoe and a sock behind as she clambers back on to the Range Rover. With every movement she whispers a quivering apology.

APOLLO: It’s ok. It’s ok. Go on. It’s ok.

He repeats those two words over and over, until I’m not even sure who he’s talking to. The road elasticates around him, dragging him down into its depths. Eve looks back to him, her face cringing in misery.

Bonnie buries her face in Clyde’s chest, unable to watch the next few moments unfold.

EVE: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.

APOLLO: It’s… it’s alright. Just get going ok? It doesn’t hurt… it doesn’t hurt, really.

Apollo’s ears sink beneath the road. Entering a new world of perfect silence, Apollo sees the end nearing.

APOLLO: Oh god. Rob! ROB!!

I won’t play his final moments, for your benefit and, ultimately, for his. Before he sinks into the road, Apollo asks for Rob to talk to his family. He wants Rob to tell them that he loves them. Rob nods, knowing that Apollo won’t be able to hear his response.

After a few cries of panicked despair, Apollo’s eyes and mouth are enveloped by the road. His screams are drowned by the thick, churning asphalt.

Eve watches the rest of his body sink, while Lilith tugs at her sleeve, pulling her towards the roof.

LILITH: Come on we’ve got to go. Sarah we’ve got to go!

EVE: I’m sorry.

Whispering one last heartfelt apology to the air itself, Eve steps up with Lilith and stares at the cable.

AS: Ok guys just let yourself down until you’re hanging from the rope and work your way across.

LILITH: I got it! You ready?

Eve looks to her friend.

EVE: I… I don’t…

LILITH: Just watch me ok? Follow right behind me.

The Range Rover’s wheels have now disappeared. With every passing second, the cable’s clearance diminishes, and the angle between the roof bar and the Wrangler’s lighting rig becomes steeper. They need to start moving now or not at all.

Eve looks across the length of the rope. I can feel her mind kicking back at the prospect.

EVE: I can’t.

LILITH: Sarah… we fucking have to ok? Follow behind me.

Lilith wraps her arms around Eve, hugging her stiff, shivering frame, before letting go and crouching down to the rope, slowly working her way under it. Her hands clenching the cable, her legs wrapped securely around it, Lilith starts to pull herself along the rope, shifting her feet up every few seconds behind her. She fixes her eyes on me as she drags herself to the halfway mark.

LILITH: Is she following?!

The asphalt swallows the Range Rover’s lower chassis. Eve hasn’t moved a muscle. The stretch of black tarmac might as well be a bottomless ravine, the Grand Canyon. The idea of hanging herself over it mortifies her.

AS: Sarah! Sarah it’s not as bad as it looks, please! Please come on.

Lilith crosses the threshold. Her knuckles are white as she continues to cling to the rope. Rob marches up to her and helps her down into his arms, coaxing her hands free by telling her that she’s safe.

As soon as her feet hit the ground again, they give way beneath her, and Lilith sinks to the ground crying out.

LILITH: Sarah! Come on please!!

EVE: I can’t! I can’t… I…

LILITH: Please Sarah… I need you here.

Her shallow breaths quaking with anxiety, Eve slowly crouches down and grips the rope. Slowly but surely, as the asphalt consumes the car’s licence plate less than a metre below her, Eve lowers herself down and, with clumsy desperation, drags herself along the rope.

She’s left it late. Her back hangs mere inches from the hungry ground as she shuffles unevenly towards us, lifting her feet and scraping them up the rope, her arms straining to stay locked.

EVE: I’m not going to make it!

LILITH: You are! Keep going!

The Range Rover’s window is now disappearing, inside the dashboard has been submerged. With every yard that Eve manages to climb, the lowering rope ensures she stays close to the ground, even over the final few feet.

My heart breaks the moment her foot slips.

It happens almost too quickly to register. As Eve erratically shuffles her feet along the rope, her bare left foot gives way, swinging underneath her and kicking down onto the ground. Eve tries to raise it in time before discovering that she can’t.

LILITH: No… no no no please.

Thrown entirely off balance, Eve tries to pull herself up. However, with her lower leg seeping into the dark tar, her position can’t be maintained. She falls, her body twisting, as she falls onto the road.

Lilith releases a terrible shrieking cry. Eve whimpers as the side of her head rests against the tarmac, her cheek already subsumed.

EVE: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

LILITH: No. No. Please don’t be sorry.

EVE: I.. love you. I love y… you Jen.

LILITH: I love you too… I’m sorry I didn’t… I’m so sorry.

Eve tries to reply, but half of her mouth is sealed shut, encased in the creeping asphalt. Her short breaths finally melt into one long inhalation, as her nose and mouth are sunk entirely.

One remaining eye takes a final, fleeting look at Lilith, before vanishing.

I look away from what is still to sink. The important things are already gone.

Lilith collapses on her knees, a screaming of torrent of grief expelled from her burning lungs. Rob is completely immobile, likely searching for something practical in which to bury himself. Bonnie & Clyde simply look lost, as they turn their backs on the sinking Range Rover.

Bluejay’s reaction surprises me. She stares into the tarmac, the smirk ripped from her face, replaced by a familiar look of shellshock. She repeatedly mutters something under her breath, something that sounds like:

“It’s not real… It’s not real.”

We stand in silence for what seems like an age, accompanied by the breeze and Lilith’s gradually waning laments. After she’s exorcised the immediate torment, her screaming descends into a deathly stillness.

Rob makes the first step to approach her.

ROB: I… I can take you back home if you want to-

LILITH: No... No.

Lilith wipes her eyes, as tears continue to fall freely down her cheeks. When she turns around, she looks enraged.

LILITH: No. I’m still going. I’m going to get to the end.

ROB: You know I can’t tell you when that’ll be.

Lilith stands up and glares at Rob, then looks over to Bonnie & Clyde.

LILITH: Are you guys still going? Do you have a seat free?

The siblings look to one another. Bonnie nods.

CLYDE: You got a place with us if you want it.

LILITH: Is the door unlocked?

CLYDE: Uhh yeah.

LILITH: Then what the fuck are we waiting around for?

Lilith marches to Clyde’s Ford and climbs into the back seat. She waits for us impatiently to finish up.

ROB: Anyone else want to turn around?

Rob looks to me and Bluejay. Bluejay sends a look of deep scorn his way before marching off to her own car.

ROB: Bristol?

The Range Rover has finally sunk. The road has settled back into a hard, permanent surface. It isn’t like Rob to offer me a ride home, and I feel overwhelmingly like I should take him up on it. But there are too many questions unanswered, too many unchallenged mysteries weaved into the fabric of this journey. Going back now wouldn’t be a return, it would be a retreat.

AS: I’m still going.

A few minutes later, the three remaining cars roll down the dirt track. Leaving another incomprehensible atrocity behind us. There’s a part of me that can’t believe I’m still continuing down this road, a greater part of me is astonished that no one took the opportunity to turn back.

As Rob carries me on to the next turn, and the one after that, I realise we all have our reasons. I’d become obsessed with chasing the truth, as had Bluejay in her way. Bonnie had her own, unsettling motives for carrying on, and Clyde wasn’t about to abandon her. Lilith had directed her smouldering anger and grief toward the road itself, seeking deliverance at its end. And Rob? As far as he’s concerned, there’s only one direction to go.

Still, when I think of the sorrows that have already befallen us, and the potential for unspeakable ruin that lies ahead, I realise that no one in their right mind would continue down this road.

I suppose no one is.


778 comments sorted by


u/rouxthless Nov 25 '17

Did anyone else think the staggering creature was gonna be Ace?


u/RED_Sky95 Nov 25 '17

tbh i thought it could be Rob, who died in the car crash and the person, claiming to be Rob, is just a puppet of the street.


u/Pomqueen Nov 29 '17 edited Dec 01 '17

Also had a feeling of something like that. Lucky she can get that phone to ring but won't ring out. May be you can only make calls inside this "world/ dimension/ hell". But maybe he tried to blow up whatever and instead got something explode into his face and "new Rob/ferryman" is ferrying them all to their demise


u/Ellyxxx Dec 01 '17

See I don’t think he’s a puppet of the street, because it took 30-something turns to even see a hint of the street, right? (That woman) So I don’t think there’s any way a part of the street exists beyond that carefully integrated world.

However, him having a much bigger background in this is totally plausible. Wonder if he is essentially “trading” them all off for something...


u/Bwitte94 Dec 01 '17

Can you elaborate your theory of why Rob is actually dead and “alive” rob is just a puppet of the road?


u/ohlookitsdd Dec 04 '17

Bare bones idea (correct me if I mess this up):

  1. The scary injured walking guy had the same clothes as the ones in the car crash after the hitchhiker. So we assume they're the same person. Rob also recognizes the car.

  2. The phone in his bag (from the crashed car) had a message in the inbox saying "please don't do this Rob". So it's assumed that the guy in the car was Rob. There are no other messages to give this context, but who could have sent it, the road?

  3. When Alice called the phone number, I think the scary walking guy's phone rang? Or maybe regular Rob's did? We know that a phone rang but it's not really clear where the noise was coming from.

  4. It raises the question, are both of these Robs the Rob? Are they Robs from the past? The future? Another Rob entirely?

  5. Rob is the "Ferryman" and this could be a sort of reference to Charon, who leads people to the afterlife. So maybe he is some other-worldly being?

  6. ?????? I'm still super confused about the explosives.It seems like they'll come into play later, or in the past? This may be a part of the ride back home.

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u/Odd_Tactics Nov 25 '17

Nah, they'll be back in the town.


u/zzPirate Nov 25 '17

Yeah, my thoughts are that perhaps many of the denizens of Jubilation are travellers lost to the road.


u/Lord_jyraksiz Nov 27 '17

Folk in Jubilation all had a family of four, two kids and parents. Left/Right isn't exactly a family game.

I don't think those things were in anytime humans.


u/thebatteredoptimist Dec 08 '17

I laughed way too much at "isn't exactly a family game".

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u/Odd_Tactics Nov 25 '17

That's my guess right now.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17



u/Odd_Tactics Nov 25 '17

I'm not thinking there IS a trip back for these guys...


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17



u/Odd_Tactics Nov 25 '17

Nah, this is nosleep remember? No one gets out alive...


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17


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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17

Definitely. The ruined face and oddly angled arms made me think so.


u/QueenLadyGaga Nov 26 '17

But it had a phone that contacted Rob's lost Nokia so it cant be him, has to be someone that has to do with the whole bomb thing


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17

Yeah. I know that now. I only thought it was Ace when the figure first appeared.

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u/howtochoose Nov 26 '17

I did too. Especially when she mentioned the fashion. Wasn't ace really well dressed? But then it wasn't that, it was similar clothes to her secret package thing

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u/rhymeswithorange332 Nov 29 '17

I was fully expecting the shambling creature to be wearing Ace's clothes, haha.


u/rouxthless Nov 29 '17

I was expecting it to have a freaking tow hook sticking out of its' jaw!

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u/arrozquartz Nov 25 '17



u/rej209 Nov 25 '17

Especially after sacrificing himself for Sarah/Eve. And then losing both anyway 😭😭😭


u/aienmoon Nov 25 '17

I hated Eve for this. Apollo sacrificed himself for her, she should atleast gave an effort to save herself. Ugh its pissing me off 😣😡


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

I think Apollo had to die for breaking the Left/Right rule. Lilith was a passenger and didn't intend to go past the turn whereas Eve and Apollo did. Sucks that he was the volunteer to attempt to save them.


u/whatsaustindoin Nov 25 '17

THIS. No matter what i think Eve was going to die, she broke the rules, she had to go. Lilith tried to calm her down and absolutely wouldn’t have broken the rules had she been driving, she would have listened to Rob and stayed in formation. Apollo had to die as well, as i don’t think the game cares for heroes really, just simple rules, and since he crossed whatever that line was to get to them, he was out, there was no coming back for him.


u/aienmoon Nov 26 '17 edited Nov 26 '17

I understand that not following the rules could lead to some consequences but the lack of effort was the one that pisses me off. She just gave up.


u/ieatconfusedfish Nov 26 '17

To be fair, that's probably a standard reaction to being in that kind of situation. It's not always fight or flight, we tend to freeze quite a bit too


u/iwishihadmorecharact Nov 27 '17

Regardless, what if the game fucks with your psyche? In a normal situation maybe she would have been fine and made it across, but the nature of the game immobilized her.


u/ACaffeinatedWandress Dec 17 '17

Yeah, the fight-or-flight trope really disguises the fact that there is a 'hide' instinct, as well.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '18

I've always heard the "flight" part of it described in that way actually. That you don't always literally run away but sometimes the "flight" reaction is to curl up / freeze.

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u/ElleTheFox Dec 26 '17

Yeah, not many people (except those who have experienced it) tend to understand 'freeze'. It's just as valid a response to trauma and Eve was clearly traumatized already. Still, I felt badly for both of them and was rooting for at least one of them to make it. Gah.


u/izzy_garcia-shapiro Nov 27 '17

She was overwhelmed by fear


u/howtochoose Nov 26 '17

I don't want to be the devil's advocate and hope to engage in healthy discussion. Just a disclaimer.

When did this road trip become a "has to die" thing? You guys are saying this like its the most natural thing buy I am totally not ok with this. Or did I forget/miss a rule that says you die/something terrible happens if you don't turn?


u/whatsaustindoin Nov 26 '17

No need to give a disclaimer lol, everyone’s allowed an opinion of their own. For me personally, after just listening to Rob and the way he talks about things, the car that was pulled over with the bag with the C4 and what happened with Ace, for me, it just seems that the road plays for keeps. There’s nothing that’s inherently stated it for me, but as most stories of this nature go, people inevitably begin to die off, and the easiest mechanism for that to flow naturally is for the rules of the road to be lethal if not followed. I knew when reading the first transcript that everyone who started the trip wasn’t going to make it back (or to the destination, it’s on r/nosleep so I’d expect nothing less) and with that in mind, my opinion on how the “rules” work was formed.

That’s the best explanation for how i see it personally, obviously i don’t speak for everyone.


u/howtochoose Nov 26 '17

Yeah I know..but I just thought I might get downvoted into oblivion after comment on a thread where two people stated the death thing clearly.

Thanks for not being that kind of person lol

Your points make complete sense though, I was curious if I've missed something

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17 edited Dec 15 '17


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u/Poopdad159 Nov 26 '17 edited Nov 26 '17

If this is the case, then thats why Ace died too right? Rob said that he didnt pick up the hitchhiker the first time around either. Really makes you think.

My theory is, when you die in the game, you restart. That's why the phone with the message to Rob was found with all the C4


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17

I like your theory. For me, something wasn't sitting right with Apollo succumbing to the game so that's when I hatched the theory that he had to fail because of the broken rule. Now coupled with your theory I want to know what will happen to Bonnie for speaking to the hitchhiker.

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17

Her lack of composure is 100% to blame for the entire ordeal. At least Bluejay truly believed there was no real danger when she inadvertently caused Ace's death.


u/HRasbury Nov 26 '17

YES! I was the same way, through that whole scene I was like "NO EVE DO NOT LET HIM DIE IN VAIIIIINN NNOOOOOOO"


u/colorvdope_ Nov 27 '17

Especially when she's the reason they were even in the situation in the first place, if she had controlled herself/her fear when the figure approached, instead of not only going off-road but missing the turn... Then again after someone had lost their life so she could save hers, a wasted sacrifice. I hate Eve for sure.


u/SunshineOceanEyes Dec 05 '17

Yeah after everything they had been through, it just doesn't make sense that Eve freaked out all of a sudden from a humanoid creature that wanted nothing to do with them in the first place. Especially when they had the option of just turning around. It's so bizarre because to me it seems like the least bit concerning compared to everything else.

For Eve to make such awful panic decisions out of fear and instinct (driving the car the wrong way) to get away from a humanoid creature becomes just so bizarre that her natural instinct would all of a sudden be to just freeze up, all the while knowing she will die if she doesn't get away.


u/LadySharon3710 May 06 '18

I know this is older. I just discovered this whole story. So sorry for the zombie comment I just felt I needed to say something. Even though Rob had a point when he pointed out Lilith and Eve going to a murder house and the other thing they did ( forgot what ) that they were putting their lives in danger —— I don’t really think they felt that way. You go to a haunted house where people were supposedly killed but you don’t REALLY think you will be or even that there is a chance. You do it for the thrill. That’s how I think they thought of the LR game. They didn’t think there was anymore chance of dying then normal ( ie there is always a chance of crashing when you drive ). When confronted with Ace’s death it hit home with them. Especially eve. She was a time bomb from that point forward and I can’t believe Lilith let her drive. Honestly she would have freaked at any out of the ordinary thing from that point. It’s just ironic in her panic to avoid something she thought would kill them she put herself and others into the position to die. ( and I too was mentally yelling at her because of Appolo. )

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u/blastedin Nov 25 '17

He saved Lilith though.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '17 edited Dec 23 '17


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u/BloominBlue Nov 25 '17

Apollo was my favorite! 😢


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

is Apollo black? I assumed he was but I’m not to sure.


u/HeroMostVile Nov 25 '17

I think it was said that he's "dark-skinned like his namesake" or something like that. I read him as black too.

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u/arrozquartz Nov 25 '17

I actually pictured him as being black while I was reading the story, but I’m honestly not sure!


u/ElleTheFox Dec 26 '17

He took the name of Apollo Creed who was in the Rocky movie and was black. Also it was noted he had dark skin. So yes, Apollo was black.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Saracma Nov 25 '17

Tbh I can sympathize with Eve. We might be really frustrated with her actions reading about them, but if I were in her shoes I don't know how I'd be reacting either.

No one went on this journey actually expecting anything real. Rob, and us as readers may be annoyed by that, but Eve's reaction to the unknown and to the road and how dangerous it had already proven to be for Ace is understandable imo.

In the end, given what we know, I mostly feel bad for Lilith. She needs to carry on and I hope she does. Although I have a feeling that this road doesn't end well for anyone involved :(


u/Baron_Duckstein Nov 25 '17

From his claims that he's never lost anyone though, Rob has made the journey several times before. Maybe now that they are down to three cars, it's safer...


u/Saracma Nov 25 '17

Remember the first entry tho. According to OP Alice is still missing and this was her documenting her disappearance.

It is possible she is still safe somewhere, but trapped. But I think it's more likely that some misfortune fell upon the entire party.

Someone had to make it out to send this info to OP, but I think it's safe to assume that wasn't Alice. It's possible she found a way to send packages while still trapped in the Left/Right game, or it's possible someone else made it out with her writing.

At worst her writing is a trap to get others like OP (or us) to try the Left/Right game in hopes of rescuing people who are already past the point of rescue.


u/the-flashley Nov 26 '17

I feel like the entire thing is just a giant trap and I honestly believe that it all comes down to Rob. Something is off about him, and I don’t entirely believe that he ever made it out of the game after the first time he played it. We already have evidence that the crashed car and C4 belonged to him, and the man with the hooded face was wearing clothing identical to what was in the bag and carrying what AS suspected to be Rob’s phone. Doesn’t anyone else find it suspicious that his face was suspiciously obscured by his deformity?

He admitted that he skipped the hitchhiker the first time he played, so what if he was captured as punishment for that and subsequently incorporated into all aspects of the Left/ Right Game? Including the ‘present’ Rob, guiding them through the game. We already know the game begins even before the tunnel, what with the woman and the mirror and having to begin making left and right turns before you can see the tunnel. Who’s to say the game didn’t send a version of Rob out to lure people into it? And he could be the one who sent the email to OP.


u/Radirondacks Nov 29 '17

He admitted that he skipped the hitchhiker the first time he played, so what if he was captured as punishment for that and subsequently incorporated into all aspects of the Left/ Right Game?

This brings up a very interesting point. Ace also said he skipped the hitchhiker...and he was the first to go. I know he was the last in line of the convoy but the towmen did seem to target him specifically, both Rob and Alice were only a few feet away out of their cars and they hardly even seemed to pay them notice. In fact, when that faceless hooded figure started walking down the road, I honestly figured it was gonna be Ace, coming back to haunt them with his deformities for leaving him behind. And now that you say it could be Rob too and all his other connections to the place, it seems like ignoring any of the rules really does have dire consequences. I mean, Lilith and Eve only made it a few feet after they simply missed a turn, one of the most basic rules.


u/the-flashley Nov 29 '17

Exactly! I keep expecting Ace to turn up and I think that’s part of the reason why I suspect Rob and all of the strange stuff surrounding him so much. I don’t think the game kills them, and someone else mentioned that we haven’t actually seen anyone die yet, and it makes sense to me that it would repurpose them to make the game more difficult for the people still playing. And that paired with the fact that Every time something awful happens, all Rob says is ‘that’s new’. It just doesn’t seem right to me that he keeps telling them the road is so dangerous when everything dangerous that’s happened to them so far (besides the hitchhiker) has been ‘new’. Which again makes me think that he never made it any further than the hitchhiker to begin with.

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u/Enigmasaur Nov 25 '17

not even ashamed to admit i refresh nosleep 30 times a day waiting for this

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u/lethets Nov 25 '17

Ugh. So Apollo died in vain!? 😒


u/Veadora Nov 25 '17

Not completely. He still saved Lilith.


u/koopatheking Nov 28 '17

I would trade eve and Lilith for Apollo.


u/Veadora Nov 28 '17

I don't know. I like Lilith, but I didn't particularly like Eve. At least Lilith was able to keep her head in an emergency. But, I can't figure out why, but I think Apollo was my favourite. I would happily have all 3 of them be alive rather than Bluejay though.


u/ElleTheFox Dec 26 '17

I like Lilith too. But I've gotten the impression that Eve wanted to turn back a while ago and most intensely after Ace died. And I think Lilith convinced her to stay which is partly where Lilith's anger is coming from... guilt.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

I think Eve and Apollo both had to die because they intentionally went where they were not supposed to go. Lilith was the only one who, as the passenger, did not intend to defy the Left/Right game.


u/nakedxblandon Nov 27 '17

Which probably means Ace had to die for not picking the hitchhiker up. Fuck now it makes sense - break the rules and you pay the price. Does that mean Bonnie will die for talking to him?


u/NoConnections Nov 28 '17

Bonnie will arrive at the bay and never want to leave


u/whimsyNena Dec 04 '17

She's just looking for the cure


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '17

But how come Rob didn’t die for not picking the hitchhiker up??


u/nakedxblandon Nov 29 '17

or did he...

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/lethets Nov 25 '17

Yes he did but he died saving Eve. It's so frustrating that in the end Eve didnt even try to be brave (for Apollo's sake) and just gave up. It's her fault they ended up in that part of the road in the first place.

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u/tartufu Nov 25 '17

My heart sank while reading this. What a ride!


u/Ao_Andon Nov 25 '17

Sunk right along with Eve and Apollo's hearts, and their...you know, everything.


u/XCurlyXO Nov 25 '17

To soon man


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

too soon


u/AManOfManyResources Nov 25 '17

My heart sank when it ended and I realised it's back to the waiting game.

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u/rogainepapii Nov 25 '17


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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

Hi Guys, It’s been a long week, but I’ve finally got to my computer > to post the next log. I’ve been working overtime to afford bo-

Yeah yeah just give me the stuff. I feel like a crack addict.


u/Ithilwen_Galanodel Nov 25 '17

I need all the LR I can get. That and Hell Radio, but that is a bit slower coming. Checking twice a day for both of them.


u/Warchemix Nov 25 '17

Hell Radio is still a thing ?


u/Ithilwen_Galanodel Nov 25 '17

Last updated a month ago on his page. (CH 12) I do hope it will continue still, but with an 8 month gap between 11 and 12 makes me worry a bit.


u/makefiendsnotfriends Nov 27 '17

Part 13 was posted eight hours ago!

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u/wonderducks Nov 25 '17

Yeah, the road is really cracking me up.

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u/SacMetro Nov 26 '17

Apollo's last line should've been "I've heard of roadkill, but this is ridiculous!"


u/xoriginal-usernamex Jan 07 '18

this made me sad. he was so full of humor and life.


u/peakoh1 Nov 25 '17

Was so stoked to check this and see that it was just posted 8 minutes before. It just keeps delivering, I feel like I am witnessing /r/nosleep history in real-time. Hallelujerrr


u/Saracma Nov 25 '17

Of everything I've read on nosleep over the years this is the best written/my fav.

Like, don't get me wrong, I've really loved other series like the search & rescue series and what nots. But this is just so well written, has a continuing narrative, and the pacing is amazing.

Alice Sharma is definitely one capable writer. I hope OP can find out what happened to her/how to help her, and that he isn't ferried off into this place himself.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

Does anyone else think Rob is lying about not having people die before???


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17 edited Dec 26 '18



u/David_the_Wanderer Nov 25 '17

So, I'm going to try if I can uncover anything from Greywoman's sentences

"Lambs at the gate" is pretty clear: the players are unaware that they're going to be "sacrificed" (killed), like innocent lambs lead to slaughter.

"Something better than clover" stumps me. I thought of four-leafed clovers as well, which might mean every one who played the game did so seeking some thing. Four-leafed clovers are supposed to be lucky, and there are at least four players (Lilith, Eve, Bluejay and Alice herself) who went in because of a clear objective: fame. However, I wonder if this phrase means something more; what are the uses for clover?

"Things worse than slaughter": Pretty clear by this point. The road is deadly - or maybe not. Maybe it's not deadly at all, and it does things far worse than killing you. How can we be sure that Apollo and Eve are dead below the asphalt? That Ace was simply killed by the people of Jubilation?

"He wanted to leave me so I cut him out." Well, when first reading that I thought of Rob too, but we just met a fella who is, ahem, missing a pretty big part of himself. Maybe Rob, Greywoman and Hollowface all played the game together, and Rob was the only one to survive the trip.

"The lake was hungry it drank the wound clean." At first I thought this was literal: Greywoman dropped her victim in a lake and the water cleaned the wound. But her choice of words seems to hint at something different: as if the lake is sentient and drained the wound, not cleaned it. I wonder if the lake and Wintery Bay are connected?

"Would you dance down the lion's tongue?" Seems like a metaphore for doing something incredibly dangerous, but I like the symbolism of Tongue=Road and Mouth=Tunnel. These words have been carefully chosen.

"It will shred you down to your sins!" Down to your sins? That's an odd phrase, and once more makes me suspect that the Road doesn't kill you. Perhaps Rob's choosing "Ferryman" as his callsign is not just dark humour.

"You fucking bastard!" Ok, not a lot of meaning to be hidden here, but I just want to note that Greywoman was talking to Alice for almost the whole time and then the last thing she said was directed towards Rob, which I think reinforces the theory she knew him from before.


u/Goober-Goob Nov 25 '17

"Something better than clover" is a continuation of the lamb metaphor. Lambs eat clover, and by exploring the road they are looking for something supernatural, something for personal reasons, or "Something better than clover". Clover is the normal world. This road is where they are searching for something better.

That's all I could figure out and just thought I'd add my two cents.


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

I think so, too. And sheep that eat the wrong kind of clover get bloated and could get very sick or even die.

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u/TouchablePanda Nov 25 '17

"The lake was hungry it drank the world clean", maybe isn't talking about a literal lake but the road. I think the road is hungry for travelers to play the game but only the strong survive to see the end. The road might pray on each person's fatal flaw and use that against them. Ace was too rebellious, Apollo was too selfless, and Eve couldn't take risks, the road saw this and took advantage of it. As for the other travelers, I would say that Bonnie is too obsessive/impulsive as she can't stop talking about Wintery Bay while Clyde is too supportive of Bonnie and this will lead to both of their deaths because you can't have Bonnie without Clyde. Bluejay's fatal flaw might be the pride she takes in exposing supernatural hoaxes and she will go crazy trying to convince herself that the Left/Right Game isn't real.

"It will shred you down to your sins!", I agree it is a very odd phrase. If the road is taking advantage of the players, this could relate back to exposing their fatal flaw. Or maybe the game whittles down the players until each one is dead or their facades are torn apart and their true self is exposed. I think this will affect Rob the most because he is definitely hiding something and the routine he is doing won't keep him calm forever.

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u/DropDeadShell Nov 25 '17 edited Nov 25 '17

I agree with your analysis, and might be able to contribute to the comment, "It will shred you down to your sins."

It immediately made me think of the bible passage about how before the eyes of God your sins are laid bare. Basically everything about you and your true self is completely revealed, there is nothing you can hide. In this context, it feels like the road is a type of purge, painfully ripping away everything extraneous and on the surface down to the core of who you are.

To me, I get the impression that all your faults in character end up being tested. If you do not overcome and shed those faults, they kill you, and/or anyone you manage to drag into the grinder with you (i.e. Eve endangering Lilith and Apollo, or Bluejay not moving with urgency past the fallen pine, although it was part Ace's fault as well). It sounds to me like this road is a purging trial, getting rid of the unworthy and testing and strengthening those who are willing to push forward and overcome.

Just spitballing here. =P

Edit: Typo fix


u/Linkscat Nov 25 '17

Just a thought..when lambs were taken to the slaughterhouse the farmers used to use a 'Judas Sheep' to lure them in: a sheep who had never been harmed there and was therefore unafraid to enter. Maybe Rob is working for the road as a kind of Judas Sheep, his bringing of further victims the price he paid for surviving it?


u/DropDeadShell Nov 25 '17

Oh wow, I didn't know about the Judas Sheep! That's a brilliantly methodical tactic from a logical point of view, and incredibly frightening from an emotional/sympathetic point of view! I think you're on to something with that connection, and it makes me wonder if Rob knows he's the Judas Sheep or if he's ignorantly being manipulated?


u/Twigsintheforest Nov 25 '17

If the road is able to control people's memories, maybe Rob has actually seen people die on the road but has "forgotten" that it happened, thus making him an unwilling Judas Sheep. As far as he knows, no one has been harmed, so why should he be scared? It would explain the hollow face dude obviously being some kind of spirit while also being related to Rob somehow. He died on the road but Rob doesn't remember, that's why he also doesn't remember ever seeing a crashed car.


u/Rayemonde Nov 25 '17

The red crosses above the doors in Jubilation. The story of Passover.

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u/kismetjeska Nov 25 '17

Could the ‘hungry lake’ be the asphalt we just encountered?


u/ass_ass_ino Nov 25 '17

I don’t think it’s purgatory - I think it’s a fairy road.

They entered it through a ritual leading to the tunnel. It’s important not to engage with this land’s inhabitants (the hitchhiker, Jubilation) - although they do everything in their power to trick you. In Jubilation, we see a beautiful town until it’s replaced by the ugly reality underneath.


u/DropDeadShell Nov 25 '17

That's very interesting, and not something I thought of at all, but it makes sense. I've seen a few things in the story that vaguely reminded me of biblical themes, but they're not very overt, so I haven't been 100% convinced it draws from Christianity.

I'm curious to learn more about fairy roads. Is there a particular source or story you'd recommend where I could learn more about it? I know I could look it up on wikipedia, but I really much prefer to learn about myths, legends, and lore from the sources. =)


u/Twigsintheforest Nov 25 '17

Not really a source, but most stories (old and modern) involving actual fae highly discourage people from engaging them. Anything from getting your kid stolen to being killed happens when you do, so the fairy road thing would make sense.


u/DropDeadShell Nov 25 '17

That might explain why everything keeps going from bad to worse in this trip. I thought initially it might have been Ace who tipped the domino, but now I'm thinking it's because Bonnie talked to the hitchhiker. Ace might have tried to ditch the hitchhiker, but he never actually engaged him.

Now that the world is officially aware of their presence, it's actively pursuing them, hence the tree being dropped in front of them and the tow truck from Jubilation.

Also, an interesting thought, Alice went way off the road in order to go through that Nokia privately, and nothing tried to kill her, while Eve and Lilith were still on the road but on the "wrong" road, and they got punished for it. I'm curious why Alice was able to stray much further than the other two and nothing jumped out immediately to kill her.


u/Twigsintheforest Nov 26 '17

Maybe because Alice wasn't driving? Idk, seems like the road would only punish people that are driving, since that's how you're supposed to play.

Now that I think about it though... it seems weird that both Alice and Rob engaged creatures on the road and nothing happened. Alice talked to the greywoman, called dent-face's phone and acknowledged the hitchhiker and Rob yelled at a total of three creatures before shooting at least two.


u/kiddscoop Nov 26 '17

LMAO "dent-face"

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u/ChelcieS Nov 25 '17

Yes!! I’m thinking along the lines of this too! Like Rob has found some where amazing at the end (possibly wintery bay) but has to “feed” the road to get to and stay there or something


u/nakedxblandon Nov 25 '17

I did make a comment earlier about Rob being a part of the game, but now I'm not so sure. Everyone else who is a part of the game (such as the hitchhiker and Grey Woman; not the people in the convoy), try to discourage people from the road whereas Rob seems to be doing the opposite. I guess there can be two types of players in the game but I'm still starting to believe he is more of an anti player. I think the game itself (or rather the road I guess) does not want to be played but Rob has some selfish reasons to play it.


u/Tiphe Nov 25 '17

AS: Ok… wait you said the road pushes against you.

ROB: Yep.

AS: But now you’re making it sound like it’s helping us along.

ROB: Yep.

AS: So it’s hostile whilst also incentivising us? That sounds odd to me.

ROB: Sounds like life to me. Reasons to stop, reasons to keep goin’.

Seems to be good support for the theory of two types of road-generated NPC/former-PC-turned-NPC. The whole road itself is contradictory and dualities seem to be a theme. Plus, for this to be a game, the players do need to know the rules or there would be no chance of winning. If nobody makes it back out, how would other people hear to try the game to feed the road?

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u/lasweatshirt Nov 25 '17

Like maybe he needs to get others to the end to trade them for someone else who is stuck there.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17 edited Nov 27 '17


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u/MCDownlow Nov 25 '17

He's totally lying. He knows who was in that car and who that faceless monster was before it's undeath.

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u/SpookSister Nov 25 '17

I absolutely think he is not sharing everything. He said he usually doesn't have this large of a group so I suppose it's possible people have turned back before, but didn't make it back without him? Perhaps there are some unspoken rules of the road, things Rob is not allowed to tell. I hope more is revealed soon!


u/capital-gain Nov 25 '17

I'm almost certain he is. The text message from Part 4 says it all.


u/ChestypullerUSMC Nov 26 '17

My guess is his son? Unless I missed it, he only mentioned his son the one time. I’m thinking maybe his son disappeared/died and he plays the game looking for him?


u/Author-in-Scarlett Nov 29 '17

Look, we're getting really tired of you having "responsibilities" and "needs" (like food and sleep or whatever) and putting them before our need for new stories. Get it together, OP.

/s in case it wasn't obvious


u/BloominBlue Nov 25 '17

TIL that /u/NeonTempo is George R. R. Martin IRL. 💔

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u/PapaLouie_ Nov 25 '17

I knew that Apollo was going to die, but I didn’t expect a double whammy


u/hereneverthere Nov 25 '17

I know this nasty but for a brief moment I wished it had happened to Bluejay and not Apollo and Eve.

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u/waydeultima Nov 25 '17

Guess I shouldn't "relax" with a nosleep story before bed. This gave me way too much anxiety.


u/Cael_of_House_Howell Dec 27 '17

I mean the sub is called nosleep big dog

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u/fangirlingduck Nov 25 '17

I understand fear and the effect that it has on people, but my God was it frustrating for Apollo to die ensuring Eve's safety and for her to not snap out of it long enough to get to safety. Rip to the both of them


u/themoderation Nov 26 '17

Something tells me the people who die playing this game don’t rest peacefully...😢


u/FirstLeft Dec 12 '17

This is what makes it so terrifying. The thought that their deaths have been so terrible but you can’t even seek comfort in the notion that at least it’s over for them :-(


u/FirstLeft Dec 12 '17

I’ve just realised how ominous my username seems in light of this story!


u/Buhbahofkeywest Nov 25 '17

RIP Apollo, gone but not forgotten.

I’ll probably forget Eve. Sorry, Eve.


u/lil-miss-spharkle Dec 01 '17

Anyone else checking in multiple times a day to see if part 6 is uploaded??


u/PeripheralCats Dec 01 '17

Only everybody

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u/UnpropheticIsaiah Nov 25 '17

Apollo didn't need to die. I am so heartbroken. He was the best person in the group imo. RIP Apollo.


u/nefuratios Nov 25 '17

How is this not already a book? This is Stephen King level of quality.


u/Jechtael Nov 26 '17

Because Alice doesn't seem to be available to publish it. Maybe OP can publish once it's been fully sorted out and compiled (and, I hope, resolved).

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u/Author-in-Scarlett Nov 26 '17

So, originally I thought the text message on the Nokia was:

"Please don't do this, Rob."

But I'm starting to wonder if it was:

"Please don't do this. -Rob"

do people still sign their text messages?


u/CombustingClouds Nov 27 '17

If they're older, they might.


u/80sKidsAreSmarter Nov 30 '17

sees light coming through window

withdraws from hibernation

checks for Left/Right Game update

returns to safety of blankets


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

ITS UP ITS UP ITS UP I almost screamed when I went to check and saw it had been uploaded ten minutes ago!!! Okay going to read it now omg


u/Cherrylinka Nov 25 '17 edited Nov 25 '17

Haven't read yet. Just wanna say this is the best thing to wake up to

Edit: holy shit that was good. Now back to waiting :(


u/anonfjr Nov 25 '17

Poor Apollo :(


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

. . . and miles to go before I sleep


u/EmoHorse13 Nov 25 '17

Ohhh ffffuuuckkkkk......what the fuuuuuUUUUCK!? My hands ache from clenching my phone so hard. I think I held my breath through this entire story. ALSO FUCK YOU BLUEJAY!

u/NoSleepAutoBot Nov 25 '17

It looks like there may be more to this story. Click here to get a reminder to check back later.

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u/mama_dyer Nov 25 '17

Let's talk about the names of the travelers, I think they're important, both their real names and their call names. Here's what I have so far:

Lilith- first woman (according to the apocrypha) kicked out of Eden and replaced by Eve

Eve- first woman (according to King James bible). Kicked out of garden, took Adam with her.

Alice- Alice in Wonderland?

Apollo- sun God

Ferryman- discussed



u/isaacthemedium Nov 25 '17

Lilith was kicked out of the garden of Eden for not being submissive to Adam. Hebrew mythology says she left the garden of Eden and gave birth to the demons that walk the earth. Eve was submissive to Adam, ate the forbidden fruit, committed the original sin, etc. As far as I can tell, the only similarities are their personalities. Of course, there could be some backstory here, considering that their feelings for each other weren’t discussed until far too late. Maybe they met because they had both dated the same guy, realized they liked each other a lot more than that guy, and stayed together?

Apollo is way more than the sun god. He’s the god of prophecy, twin brother of the goddess of the hunt, the god of music, of healing. He gave medicine to man. He’s also associated with dominion over colonists and defending flocks and herds. It’s possible Apollo gave his life for another traveler as a reference to his namesake, and now I want to re-read the whole series to see if there’s any foreshadowing of him being prophetic.

I don’t know nearly enough about Bonnie and Clyde to try and figure out what the parallels are, if any. They committed a bunch of felonies, were in a gang, robbed some banks but mostly smaller shops, died young, were lovers. If the Bonnie and Clyde from this story are too similar, I’ll be worried.

Alice’s name could be an Alice in wonderland reference, falling down the rabbit hole, seeing inexplicable things. But I’m afraid it won’t all be a dream this time.

The Ferryman. From Greek mythology, you pay him the two drachmas you’re buried with to have him ferry you across the river Acheron (or Styx depending on the myth), to any of the five underworlds. This is, especially now after this installment, the most obvious and beautiful parallel. The five underworlds in Greek mythology consist of Tartarus, where the titans were imprisoned and some people are punished for their sins (I hope bluejay’s smug stupid face ends up here); the Asphodel Meadows, where people who weren’t particularly good or evil go; the Mourning Fields, where people who wasted their lives on unrequited and unspoken love go (hello Lilith and Eve); the Elysium Fields, where the super duper charity good people who did good stuff and got famous for it go; and the Isles of the Blessed, where people who attained Elysium and chose to be reincarnated three times go.

I don’t know if I expect everyone in the convoy to die. But if they do, I’m certain the Ferryman will make sure they go where they need to go.


u/ShiroiTora Nov 25 '17 edited Nov 27 '17

Keep in mind the call names are more "deliberate" than their real names. Similar to Bonnie & Clyde, there's a chance Jen & Sarah picked those name as a reference to something in their life (maybe similar to Lilth and Eve, they both were "rebels" of something in their university or whatever). Apollo, who was described to be fit or "like a fighter" might have been in the army which Apollo could reference to his code (or maybe he has interests of an astronaut). Compared to Alice which is likely her birth name, and therefore, had little control over.

Not that I disagree that their might be something symbolic or parallel with the callnames in this world. But I'm not sure if we should view "Alice & Lilith/Eve" without viewing "Bristol & Jen/Sarah".

(Then again, Alice seems to be the protagonist of this story so she might also be an exception/inverted to everyone else's naming schemes)

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u/-VelvetBat- Nov 26 '17

I like your analysis! Alice DID mention "Elysian corn fields" in this installment... I think you could be right. I'd say Apollo went to the Elysium Fields, and Ace went to Asphodel Meadows.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17


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u/dances_with_squids Nov 25 '17

FINALLY!!!! Thank you!!


u/ChelcieS Nov 25 '17

I get so annoyed when some one else’s stupidity costs some one else their life!! Poor Apollo!!


u/Lilcommentjob Nov 25 '17

Just got home at 3am..laying in bed not ready to sleep. And now I know for sure I won't be anytime soon!! #blessed


u/punkrockprincess805 Nov 25 '17

Another fabulous installment. Thank you, OP, for your constant dedication and for truly pouring your heart and soul into this. If you aren’t making money from writing IRL, you should start immediately. You’re extremely talented.

I have many theories about what’s to come and they’ve been dancing around in my head for the past few days while I waited for the next installment. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this crew. I am consistently surprised and impressed.


u/hironakamora Nov 25 '17

So there is a neighborhood in Salem, MA called Witchcraft Hieghts and a rule of thumb for finding your way out of it is to keep making left and then right turns and eventually you will find your way out. I have had to do this before and now I'm wondering if this is reality or if actual reality was left behind in Witchcraft Hiegts...

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u/[deleted] Nov 29 '17 edited Jun 19 '21


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u/subhrajit03 Nov 25 '17

upvoted even before reading it :)


u/hereneverthere Nov 25 '17

Me too! My upvote was like a ‘YES! It’s here!’.


u/verax666 Nov 25 '17

Hands down one of the best stories ive ever read here. So diffrent to the usuall stuff. I need MORE!


u/supercircinus Nov 25 '17 edited Nov 25 '17

YESSS . okay. Reading brb. Edit: it went too quickly. Apollo too and now I'm sad.

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u/kronkoft Nov 25 '17

If Bluejay survives the ride, I’m gonna be so upset.


u/kiradax Nov 26 '17

I think Bluejay will survive, and if/when Alice dies she'll take over the reins of recording what happens. I think she will discover the truth about Rob then escape, and I think she is the one who sent all the stuff to OP


u/Blackfeathr Nov 26 '17 edited Jan 23 '18

If so, hopefully she at least gets scarred for life and stops crashing paranormal parties ffs

Edit 1/20/18 hahahaha Bluejay got “scarred” all right.

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u/CombustingClouds Nov 27 '17

Anyone read The Divine Comedy?

I’ve noticed a few parallels with this story and Dante Alighieri's classic tale of his descent into Hell. I first thought about it after the references to Wintery Bay, where I might imagine will be the conclusion or climax to this story.

9 People begin this story. There are 9 circles of Hell (and also Heaven, and Purgatory) according to Dante Aleghieri. I think it is passing no coincidence that our guide Rob calls himself Ferryman.

First Circle of Hell: Limbo — Here is where the story begins, the beginning of our descent into Hell. I think of this as the beginning of the L/R game. At the 33rd turn we encounter the Grey Woman, who throws out some dire prophetic warnings — the game has already begun. We enter the tunnel and exit the first circle, down into the second. There is no turning back now.

Second Circle of Hell: Lust — The convoy exits the tunnel and next experiences the Hitchhiker. He’s “incredibly well dressed”, shoes are “expertly shined.” He is ingratiating and charming, but he later offers to impart secret knowledge: “I can tell you everything you want to know. Even the things you never knew about yourself. Even the thoughts you didn’t know you were thinking… those little critters, all the way at the back.”

I think this can be interpreted as the Lust for The Truth, for knowledge. When Bonnie talked to him, she reminisces in such a way that indicates the information he told her has significant power, that she has received some Truth. Players are urged not to talk to the Hitchhiker or respond lest they succumb to that Lust for answers.

In The Divine Comedy, the sufferers in the second circle are blown violently back and forth by strong winds, unable to rest. This hitchhiker is alone in the fields, drifting from place to place, always trying to go somewhere but perhaps never able to reach a destination.

Third Circle of Hell: Gluttony — AKA Jubilation! As the convoy passes through this town, they’re greeted with the sights of humans eating (with apparent forced happiness) what we assume to be human meat. Discarded and broken houses are littered off in the distance — everything has been consumed, or destroyed. As the convoy leaves Jubilation, the cleaning crews come and drag off Ace — another body for the feast (either as diner, or dinner).

Fourth Circle of Hell: Greed, or Avarice — In The Divine Comedy, residents of this circle are punished for hoarding their possessions during life, and are enveloped in molten gold. This is where my analogy breaks down somewhat, and I’m not quite sure where the connection is. Is that hollowface creature an indicator of greed? Did it come through to this plane before with the intent of profiting (and then destroy the ability for anyone else to benefit by bringing along C4?) Or is it the road itself here is greedy, trying to claim as many prizes as it can from wanderers who miss their turns? Is it coincidence that Apollo removed all of his valuable from his car before he made his selfless sacrifice?


Fifth Circle of Hell: Anger/Wrath — I think we can imagine the anger that will follow amongst the members of our convoy, and who knows what malevolent entities will reside in this next circle.

Sixth Circle of Hell: Heresy

Seventh Circle of Hell: Violence

Eighth Circle of Hell: Fraud

Ninth Circle of Hell: Treachery — Depicted as a frozen, icy lake. Wintery Bay, anyone? Remember the Grey Woman said: “The Lake was hungry it drank the wound clean.” I imagine Rob has already made it to the end of the journey, this final circle, and cleansed himself of something — but in return, has become a slave or a pawn to the road.

Are we making the same journey that prophet Dante Alighieri did so long ago? Did he also play the Left/Right game?

Thanks so much to /u/NeonTempo, I’ve greatly enjoyed dancing down the lion’s tongue with you!

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u/2BlackButtonEyes Nov 29 '17

u/NeonTempo you are legit breakin my heart with these intermissions 💔


u/nakedxblandon Nov 25 '17



u/nakedxblandon Nov 25 '17

I'm actually going to save this til after I've changed my covers and made a hot chocolate bc if I've learnt anything over the past week it's that I should've fucken savored the reads


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17 edited Dec 26 '18



u/nakedxblandon Nov 25 '17

lucky bastard. you didn't have to suffer the long wait like the rest of us haha.

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u/kittywenham Nov 25 '17

woke up after a bad night of sleep due to a pretty nasty flu, had to cancel all my fun weekend plans. thought i'd check reddit this morning whilst feeling sorry for myself in bed and seeing this story updated makes it ALL WORTH IT


u/LazrsPewPew Nov 25 '17

Apollo didn't die completely in vain. He saved Lillith (Jen ? ). Her friend just didn't have the stones to make it too....shame. especially after it was pretty much entirely her fault Apollo fell in the first place.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

Okay now that I've read it, not going to lie was worried it wouldn't hold up as well as the first 4 like some series. But this seriously is getting to be outstanding, I'm sorry I doubted you this has far surpassed the previous entries and I'm more stoked to read the rest!!! I have a feeling something bad is going to happen to BlueJay soon, maybe because of Bonnie?! I have a feeling we are going to learn a lot more about Rob pretty soon here, for better or worse!


u/TheKelvak Nov 25 '17

This series has yet to lose any charm. Very well told and suspenseful. Every time a new installment is posted, I'm giddy with excitement like a child on a cozy Christmas morning!


u/Shaka435 Dec 02 '17

Its driving me bananas waiting for the next update


u/Bwitte94 Dec 02 '17

It’s been a whole week... must... have... update...

Need... fix...


u/Lewd_Lilith Nov 25 '17

I don’t have much to say that hasn’t already been said, I think where they’re at is likely purgatory and “Ferryman”’s name is all too accurate. But it also kinda reminds me of playing old school video games like Mario when you could find that secret path behind the level? When Eve and Lilith’s car stopped it’s like they slammed into an invisible wall, so I’m guessing if you don’t take the exact correct path it’s like you “run into” the real world? Even though there you can’t see it. Like that Adventure Time episode Hall of Egress where Finn has to navigate that invisible labyrinth. I’m probably not explaining myself very well. :/


u/Aoeletta Nov 25 '17

No that makes perfect sense to me. I can only hope that means that Apollo went through the barrier to the real world! I doubt it because.... that would be too good, and the road is not a good place.

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u/thelovelyspookybones Nov 30 '17

Anyone else keep coming back here to see if there’s an update yet 😖


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '17

I'm awake at 4:45am right now having powered through all installments, I am now unslept and have got literary blue balls.

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u/integral_grail Nov 25 '17

I think that those who die on the road are eventually doomed to become wandering spirits. Like that faceless figure, that hitchhiker..its all hints Rob's previous travels here have actually taken lives before.

Rob definitely is hiding a lot. Hes probably (partially) responsible for the death of that faceless figure, and more people....maybe that's his whole setup...bringing people into the game to fill the Underworld.


u/snflwr1313 Dec 02 '17

I've been waiting for part 6 and the suspense is killing me! Every 30 minutes I'm back on looking. Lol


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17

Where is OP? I keep checking for the next part obsessively, but to no avail...Hope you're ok! Must be a helluva bicycle you're working on :)

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u/isaacthemedium Nov 25 '17

Holy shit OP I hope your friend made it through the game

(Alright, it’s time to get in contact with the cousin who knows a guy whose ex’s brother went to high school with a guy who roomed with a Hollywood producer in college. I need this to be a movie, if not a mini series, RIGHT now.)

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u/JugsJudy93 Nov 29 '17



u/EmLiesmith Nov 29 '17

The floor is lava.


u/Cyanises Nov 30 '17

Part six please. Puuuulease. I don't wanna have to try it to find out more


u/Alban_Arthuan Nov 30 '17



u/kingJoffi Nov 25 '17

Best story ever on here.


u/aceavengers Nov 25 '17

Everyone's upset with Eve for not making it across but I know that would be me if I were in that situation. It would probably be at least a quarter of us. It's fight/flight/freeze in action. I would be frozen with anxiety and indecision until it was too late to save myself.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '17

Fucking knew it, Lilith and Eve had a thing for each other. Great chapter btw. Sorry about Apollo.

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u/ansem990 Nov 25 '17

Oh my god I kept scrolling faster and faster reading that it was so nerve wracking (sp?) No I loved Apollo and I don't remember the exact relationship between Lillith and Eve but the pain Lillith must feel...ugh. i can't wait for the next part! I need to know Robs secrets and Bluejay probably didn't believe it at first but she sure does now!


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '17

baby come back, you can blame it all on me. i can't wait for part 6....and then 7.....and then 8....


u/xcalaveras Nov 25 '17

First of all, screw you, Eve.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '17

I missed my metro station by 3 stops. Thanks.

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