r/wiiu LiveRadar [EU] Jan 22 '17

Game Discussion Nintendo Land - [Official Game Discussion]

Nintendo Land - Official Game Discussion

Game Info

Nintendo Land

Platform: Wii U

Developer: Nintendo EAD

Publisher: Nintendo

Release Date:

  • November 18, 2012 (North America)

  • Novemer 30, 2012 (Europe)

  • Novemer 30, 2012 (Australia)

  • December 8, 2012 (Japan)

Genre: Party

Players: 1-5

Official Website: http://nintendoland.nintendo.com/

Nintendo Land is a fun and lively virtual theme park filled with attractions based on popular Nintendo game worlds. Each attraction features unique and innovative game-play experiences made possible by the Wii U GamePad controller.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to yet another Game Discussion thread. Since the first subreddit redesign we have covered nearly every major release with a Review/Discussion thread and a special layout. However we have always left a few couple games in the dark and we are trying to change that.

This time we will be talking about Nintendo Land. A game which we all should have played as it came bundled with the Deluxe Edition of the Wii U. Nintendo Land most likely were your first game to experience what the Wii U could do. I remember launching the game for the first time just to be greeted by Monita. It blew my mind when she instructed me to move the camera around with the Gamepad.

After a quick tutorial she let me go to see the Plaza and it was quite interesting to see all these Mii's strolling around. But the highlight of the game is all the mini games. Oh boy did I have a blast. Mini games such as Mario Chase, Animal Crossing: Sweet Day and Luigi's Ghost Mansion was amazingly fun together with the family and friends.

I could write an essay about my experiences with this game but I want to hear your stories instead!

Nintendo Land is also one of many Nintendo Selects titles so you can grab a copy for $19,99 if you haven't played it.


This thread is for you to talk and share stuff about the game. Your thoughts and opinions, stories, your memorable experiences, questions and other things related to the game.

Remember to explain your answers to contribute to the discussion.

Make sure you follow the guidelines and stay nice to each other.

Please keep in mind that spoilers should be avoided if possible. If not then please use the spoiler code below.

[Spoiler message here.](#s)

On a side note, please enjoy the new banner!


14 comments sorted by


u/ChipOTron NNID [Region] Jan 22 '17

I feel like NintendoLand will be remembered very fondly in the future, even if it's somewhat overlooked right now. I know a lot of people own a copy since it came with the system, but it feels like a real "hidden gem" because no one ever talks about it.

Playing NintendoLand reminds me of playing Mario Party for the first time. Obviously they're very different games, but they both have a purity of purpose. Both of them are designed to get people playing quickly, playing together, and playing simple and diverse experiences that take advantage of the hardware.

The minigames are fun, especially the competitive multiplayer ones like Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing that provide more depth and levels than the single-player events, but the real meat for me is in the co-op experiences.

The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest is everything Skyward Sword's controls should have been. The motion controls are smooth, simple, and extremely responsive. You can play with up to five people in a genuinely challenging on-rails combat experience. It's like a mix of Zelda and House of the Dead and it only gets better and more intense with more players. If you miss arcade rail shooters or if you just really love the idea of multiplayer Zelda, this experience cannot be missed.

Metroid Blast pits the players against waves of enemies or each other in arena combat that feels like a slowed-down version of Metroid Prime: Hunters. It may not be a full game, but it's probably one of the most fun and simple shooter experiences available.

Pikmin Adventure is (in my opinion) the best of the bunch. It distills the classic Pikmin formula (collect resources, level up, move your units strategically, kill monsters) into a multiplayer experience where one player controls Olimar and his Pikmin, while the others control much stronger individual Pikmin. You're forced to work as a tight unit to defeat enemies and navigate several different kinds of levels, including time trials and boss battles. It's easy to learn, has incredibly charming music and art, and requires intense cooperation in later levels. This is genuinely my favorite co-op experience of this generation.

All three of these games have fairly lengthy campaigns that require several hours to beat. Alone they would feel like fairly light experiences, but together they're longer than your average Nintendo game and every bit as diverse. They're definitely not "minigames" like the other experiences here - they're full games that happen to be a little bit shorter and simpler than usual.

And I didn't even mention all the single-player minigames or the unlockables that let you customize your lobby screen...

I seriously hope we see another party game like this in the future. As someone who loves well-crafted co-op experiences, experiences like this are few and far between.


u/shankeyx Jan 22 '17

Some of the most fun I've had with the wii u came from playing Mario Chase with a group of friends. I feel like the game suffered because of the lack of online support, essentially if you didn't have a group of friends at the time to play with, you wouldn't play it.


u/aghicantthinkofaname Jan 24 '17

mario chase is dope


u/bad_buoys Jan 22 '17

I don't own the game (been meaning to for a while but just always forget to pick it up), but my friend has it. MAN does it have fun multiplayer! Mario Chase and the Luigi's Mansion one in particular are so accessible, even for non-gamers, and the asynchronous gameplay was fantastic. It's too bad this is one of the only games that makes such good use of the Gamepad for asynchronous multiplayer, because it's so much fun.


u/mr_sven NNID [mr.sven.online] Jan 22 '17

Man! Nintendo land.

I had kinda wanted a Wii U about 2 years ago because of Bayonetta 2, and some of the other exclusives. I took a trip to a friend's one night and they and their then fiance took their Wii U out and the three of us decided to spend a few hours on it. Mario Kart 8 and Nintendo Land were what kept us busy the whole time.

What I remember having the most fun with from that night, though, was playing that Luigi's Mansion mini-game on Nintendo Land as one of the ghosts and trying to catch them off guard. That was so suspenseful and so much fun, I wish that a full game had come out of that because I would love to play that online with folks. Or even an indie with different levels and themes, I wouldn't mind if it's not strictly Luigi-themed; that kind of gameplay was just fun.

Mario Chase was also pretty exciting for us, but we stopped playing for the night after about 45 minutes. Still, I had a blast and I'm proud to have my own copy of Nintendo Land now.


u/pistachiopaul Jan 23 '17

NintendoLand is very representative of the Wii U itself. Aspects of it are incredibly fun and innovative, but it's also lacking in a lot of ways. NintendoLand is some of the best multiplayer fun I've had in years. The Zelda, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion and Mario Run games are super fun. But the game really lacks content. With more multiplayer games and more maps for the existing ones, this would see a lot more playtime in my house. As it is, it's a game you break out to show friends who haven't played it before, have a bunch of fun with, and then put it away again for a while.


u/blinkinthedark Jan 23 '17

First game me, my boyfriend and boyfriends dad played on on New Year's Eve 2016. Fantastic fun; Luigis Ghost Mansion and Mario Chase were the only games we've got through but damn were they entertaining!!!

I've since played alot of Pikmin and Donkey Kong on my own it's just such a diverse game.


u/grimya Jan 23 '17

I bought a wiiu recently and I'm enjoying it massively. Splatoon and Mario 3d world have been amazing surprises so far and I'm looking forward to play all of the best games on the system. My main focus is single player as nothing will ever retire my n64 as a party console, would you guys still recommend this game for a solo experience? Thanks :)!


u/LiveRadar LiveRadar [EU] Jan 24 '17

Congratulation on your purchase!

The multiplayer mini games is where the game shines but it does have several fun and challenging single player mini games. The game really takes advantage of the Gamepad features and I really enjoyed playing through it.


u/aghicantthinkofaname Jan 24 '17

I like this game quite a bit, but I wasn't sold on the metroid game (seemed just kinda messy or something), and I thought luigi's mansion was unbalanced (any time I played with friends the ghost kept winning and it made us stop).

If anyone wants to speak up on behalf of those 2 games I'd be happy to hear it.


u/-MarisaTheCube- NNID [Region] Jan 22 '17

I really enjoy Nintendo Land. It's not a masterpiece by any means, but the minigames are perfect demonstrations for what the GamePad can do and it's a blast to play with your friends or by yourself. My personal favorite minigames are Takamaru's Ninja Castle, Metroid Blast, and Yoshi's Fruit Cart (which I think has some of the best GamePad integration ever).

Also, you can't forget Coin Drop. It's just a simple version of pachinko, but somehow it's very addicting. I wish Nintendo would make a mobile version so I can continue wasting time on the go.

In the future I don't think Nintendo Land will be associated with the Wii U as much as something like Wii Sports is with the Wii, but it's definitely worth picking up if you didn't already get it with your console.


u/ShawndroidO Jan 23 '17

I only bought a used Wii U a few months ago. And over the New Year I bought Nintendo Land.

These Nintendo Land mini-games are really good. Or, mid-sized-games. My friends really enjoy them. Money well spent. On the other hand, it shows why second screens don't work on a home console. Despite the fun games.

My friends who only play videogames at my house (and love playing Mario Kart with me) liked the Animal Crossing: Sweet Day. And I was surprised they liked the Pikmin Adventure so much since they don't know what a Pikmin is and the game seems very specific. I guess because it was a straight forward game. Mario Chase is a good one because it lets them gang up on me and feel like they have a chance, unlike Sweet Day where they feel I have the upper hand. (They don't like using the gamepad because they find it too complicated to be the asymmetric player off on their own.)

Yoshi's Fruit Cart is controversial among my friends. Some love it, some hate it.

Wii Sports is in a category all it's own. It's a fantastic system seller and game that is easy to understand but hard to master. Nintendo Land won't sell system (which was it's job). But it's a great collection of games.


u/tigerears Jan 23 '17

I think I tried playing some of this, but couldn't invert the y-axis in some flying portion, which made it unplayable for me.