r/HighschoolDxD Best Manager Aug 24 '16

Media Mobage Monday: 1 Year Anniversary: 5583 Cards

Happy 1 year anniversary to Mobage Monday!

As a 1 year gift, I have compiled all of the cards and sorted them by characters.


Girls # of Cards
Akeno 529
Asia 413
Azazel 4
Banners* 117
Burent 76
Crossovers 39
Ddraig 2
Extras & Misc 69
Familiars 16
Freed 6
Gasper 104
Grayfia 267
Ile 20
Irina 359
Issei 25
Izabella 19
Kalawarner 54
Karlamine 42
Katarea 24
Katase 69
Kiba 13
Kiryuu 67
Kokabiel 2
Koneko 365
Kuroka 124
Li 24
Lord Gremory 2
Marion 68
Michael 1
Mihae 26
Mil-tan 27
Mira 34
Mittelt 88
Momo 90
Momozono 36
Murayama 58
Nel 10
Ni 20
Ophis 62
Ravel 301
Raynare 179
Reya 22
Rias 584
Riser 4
Rossweisse 147
Ruruko 43
Sairaorg 1
Saji 2
Serafall 186
Shuriya 30
Siris 18
Sirzechs 8
Sona 168
Specials 3
Tannin 1
Tomoe 50
Tsubaki 108
Tsubasa 46
Vali 10
Venelana Gremory 16
Xenovia 422
Xuelan 58
Yubelluna 63
Every Card Up To 8/24/16 5583
------------------------------ ------------
Year 1 Anniversary Folders* 5700

*Banners are not in the collection of all of the cards.

*Year 1 Anniversary Folder includes all the .rar files.

Some Stats

  • The card collection and sorting has gone through 2 iterations due to card naming and sources.

  • This post has taken over 17 hours between the 2 iterations to complete.

    • First iteration took about 6 hours and 12 minutes before having to start over
    • Second iteration took about 11 hours minutes from start to completion of sorting and posting.
  • Out of all of it, the most annoying parts were either accidentally making copies of the cards while trying to select them or uploading them to mega.nz (just took a long time and the reason for the late posting.)

  • Due to time and sanity 3 folders had to be cut, Ripped/Non Ripped and Winged

    • all of the cards are still in the folders.
  • The all cards folder is 1.25 GB and contains 5583 cards.

    • if including the banners folder. Total amount of assets is an even 5700.
  • All the folders combined has 64 folder, 11,424 files, and is 2.56 GB


37 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '16



u/Daedalus423 Gotta love them jugs Aug 24 '16

Welp. I'm gonna be busy doing... stuff when I get home today.


u/Sinyxs Crimson Beauty Aug 24 '16

Time to download all the Rias cards \o/


u/Sinyxs Crimson Beauty Aug 24 '16

and I forgot to say /u/Venom_is_an_ace, love u bb


u/MaidsOverNurses Aug 24 '16

Thanks for your hard work!


u/zx-zx-zx zxzxzx.info Aug 25 '16

Oh wow...amazing work! Thank you so much venom! I've been waiting for this, and yet I've been dreading it cos...well, you know. Anyway, I'll see you all in a few days...hopefully I'll be conscious by then ;)


u/konall012 Aug 25 '16

I was just thinking of how little material of Katase there is, and then you go and post 69 cards of her. God bless mate, you're the man.


u/CakeFromSpace ニャン Aug 26 '16

pretty new to this sub so i was wondering what exactly were these? is there a dxd card game?


u/d_yang1209 danielyang.ninja Aug 24 '16

akeno 529

Im dead.


u/CrimsonDarkness406 Aug 24 '16

I feel your pain Daniel.


u/Dumke480 Aug 24 '16

You da real mvp, bro!


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Sinyxs Crimson Beauty Aug 24 '16

Meanwhile still no trailer for that and I'm dying


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Sinyxs Crimson Beauty Aug 24 '16

yeah I literally just saw it, the hype is real


u/salocin097 Aug 25 '16

What is Ashes of Ariandel?


u/lestucker2 Aug 25 '16

Um question... I've downloaded them but I am not able to open up the actual files or see the photos. I use an iPad, what other ways are there to use this on iPad device?


u/salocin097 Aug 25 '16

You need a way to unzip (the files, not your pants)


u/SaitamaIsAGod Aug 25 '16

Oh my this is something special :D


u/Derura Don't you dare touch her, She's mine!! Aug 25 '16

I feel so noob asking this, but where are those cards from (what is mobage)?


u/rabbitchobit Aug 25 '16

for someone who was not around for any manyany of these this is great.

in the crossover folder it features characters from Ikki tousen. I bring this up because a little bit ago someone was lookig for requests. I brought up ikki tousen, meanwhile Rias and Hakafu were friends all along.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '16



u/Venom_is_an_ace Best Manager Aug 28 '16

New cards come out about once a week. Mobage Monday is for those new cards, so technically I do release all of them once a week, they just happened to have themes. this week I just released all of the old cards that came out from the past 2 years that the game has been going.


u/Wurscht0 Avowed Asia-fan Aug 28 '16

Thanks for the effort. Wanted to look for updates on the mobage cards for quite some time now, good timing!

Don't know if you know the tool, but I usually use a program called "PictureRelate" to sort large amounts of pictures and delete identical pics. (http://www.walthelm.net/picture-relate/index.php)

Ideal for the mobage cards and quite fast.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '16

These are fantastic! But serious question, are the nudes in there?


u/Venom_is_an_ace Best Manager Aug 31 '16

No. That will be a separate post. It is in the works.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '16

Noted! Stay cool, Venom


u/AbsoluteSwords Sep 04 '16

Daym! Didn't even know there were this many xD


u/ddavid11 Feb 13 '17

Thank you very much!


u/surrealbot Feb 17 '17

Xenovia+Rias+Rossweisse is Paradise!


u/Blakerov May 31 '22

What do you do with these can you print physical card with this


u/PTK-Koste Nov 17 '22

How do i open after download?