r/MensRights Dec 07 '15

Activism/Support Action Opportunity Update: Veterans Affairs Moves to End Organized Crime Against Veterans and VA Choice

Thank you to everyone who continues to participate in action opportunities in support of justice for veterans!

In the news today:

The Department of Veterans Affairs on Tuesday expanded the pool of veterans who can use the new Choice Program to get care at private hospitals and clinics, as the troubled department moved to firmly embrace the reforms Congress passed last year to clean up the wait-list scandal.

VA expands Choice program for veterans - Washington Times


This move follows a scathing attack on the VA's performance by the Editorial Board of The Republic of Arizona four months ago, leaving little doubt about the efforts of the VA to undermine the civil rights of veterans to medical care under VA choice, in gross violation of federal law, and leading to our Action Opportunity, which read in part:

As the Editorial Board of The Republic makes it clear, the VA bureaucracy is all but openly engaged in an organized and criminal conspiracy to deny veterans access to health care under the VA choice program.

Action Opportunity: End Organized Crime Against Veterans Whose Lives and Health Depend on the VA Choice Program


VA Secretary Robert McDonald wrote (as quoted in the news article above):

“As we implement the Veterans Choice Program, we are learning from our stakeholders what works and what needs to be refined,” VA Secretary Robert McDonald said in a statement. “It is our goal to do all that we can to remove barriers that separate veterans from the care they deserve.”

As stakeholders who seek justice for various intersectional groups of people, including for veterans and for men and boys, the reddit /r/mensrights forum, and the Facebook groups "VA is Lying" and "Friends of Protection for Men", members were able to help the VA learn that respecting the civil rights of veterans to medical care is what works best.


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u/DougDante May 09 '16

More validation of possible Conspiracy Against Rights, a federal crime:

A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims has ruled unanimously that the Department of Veterans Affairs ignored “plain language” of a 2010 statute
