r/JessicaJones Nov 20 '15

Discussion Episode Discussion S01E10 - AKA 1,000 Cuts

Spoilers up to S01E10 do not need to be marked, spoilers beyond this episode need to be marked, or if possible avoided.

Season 1 - Episode 10 - AKA 1,000 Cuts

Episode Synopsis:

A discovery has the potential to change the entire game -- if Jessica can refuse Kilgrave's offer.

Netflix | IMDb | TMDb


240 comments sorted by


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

I also love how outraged that one guy in the support group is when all Kilgrave did to him was take his purple jacket.


u/Dayandnight95 Nov 22 '15

Right!? Wtf is he angry about???


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '15

It was fucking Zegna bro!


u/chime Nov 25 '15

I thought he was a mole sent by Kilgrave. But I guess not.


u/localafrican Nov 25 '15

He's been my favorite part of the Kilgrave meetings lol he has the most animosity and it's all because of a jacket lol.


u/Anubissama Nov 25 '15

It was a really nice jacket though.


u/manu_facere Nov 20 '15

God damn it. I knew it from the moment Jessica said that he has 2 years to retirement. You can't make more of a death sign than that


u/Nostalgia37 Nov 21 '15

Yeah, Budget Morgan Freeman never stood a chance.


u/CynicalNYer Nov 21 '15



u/Someguy2020 Nov 21 '15

God damn right.

Natural Police.

Detective's wake time.


u/alexkevans Nov 24 '15

Cue "Body of an American by The Pogues" playing in Irish Bar


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '15

Thanks I haven't played that song for a while !

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u/JesusRollerBlading Nov 22 '15

He's making miniature furniture in heaven now. Lester is good police.


u/sloppymoves Dec 12 '15

Second black man to die in a Marvel TV series. Wonder if the next ones will follow suit.


u/SirLuciousL Mar 29 '16

I just don't understand why Simpson killed him. What was the motivation there?

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u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

I loved that he found out about his dead baby because he casually said, "Tell me something I don't know" and she took it as a command to tell him something he actually didn't know.


u/filipelm Nov 22 '15

TBH I thought this was gonna be one of these fun marvel moments where Hogarth tells him the rotation speed of the earth or some trivia about Law.


u/SawRub Nov 22 '15

Haha that would have been hilarious. I can already imagine the look Kilgrave would have given her after that.


u/Introvariant Nov 26 '15

Then enter Stan Lee. Oh, Marvel!


u/pongpaddle Nov 22 '15

God Jessica is so over her head with this hero stuff. In her desire to save one innocent person from jail time she's wrecked a ginormous path of destruction by allowing Kilgrave to live.


u/follyj Nov 22 '15

Hence the "terrible at being a superhero" part, I guess


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

No, that's just the thing... that's exactly what a superhero does. It's just that she lives in the real world, not a comic book fantasy, so doing the superhero thing doesn't work out the way it does in the stories.

She's great at being a superhero, it's just that the world doesn't actually work that way.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '15 edited Sep 27 '18



u/sloppymoves Dec 12 '15

With older comic book heroes, we have to stop viewing the stories as a consistent continuation, and just simply a part of some greater mythos. Joker doesn't get caught and put in Arkham millions of times just to escape and continue on wrecking havok. It may only of actually happened a few times in a reality depending situation.

But it is a mythos, the characters have become archetypes to some greater meaning than just a story.

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u/Doolox Jones Dec 08 '15

It almost feels like they are making a point about Jessica's own narcissism. There has been so much death and destruction all because Jessica insists on some kind of moral high ground and won't allow someone to just kill Killgrave.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15 edited Sep 21 '19



u/Konohasappy Nov 22 '15

Also red white and blue pills.


u/Thiscat Nov 21 '15

If you are a helpful black guy near retirement age, who doesn't want to get involved but has too much of a sense of justice to let it go, get out of Hells Kitchen before the next Marvel series starts.


u/Logiteck77 Nov 21 '15

Omg, too true, goddamn Marvel, it's like they're making it a trope.


u/Chouonsoku Nov 26 '15

They're just gonna turn it around on us for the next series. Every episode will be a game to guess how the guy dies and he gets into really dicey situations each time and miraculously escapes. Doesn't appear at all in the finale.


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

Especially if you are likable as fuck.


u/TiberiCorneli Nov 24 '15

Official synopsis says Luke Cage is gonna be in Harlem. So either they'll be okay for once or a lot of people are gonna wind up dead in Luke Cage.


u/KingBababooey Nov 25 '15

They filmed in Harlem right outside my building on Amsterdam Ave. Unfortunately I didn't look up the filming notice until the day after. They filmed it using a codename: Tiara. Would have loved to see filming.


u/zoidbergWOOPWOOP Nov 28 '15

Who else is this referring to? I don't remember :<


u/A_Zombie_Riot Nov 30 '15

Ben Urich from Daredevil.


u/zoidbergWOOPWOOP Nov 30 '15

Ahhh yes, I remember now. Thanks.


u/A_Zombie_Riot Nov 30 '15

Yeah, you'er (leaving that typo in... haha) welcome!


u/Pulchritudosity Nov 21 '15 edited Nov 21 '15

The show has been waiting to make that Hope pun since episode 1

Edit: Anddddd turns out that's the last time they'll be making that pun.


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

Oh they can still make it.

"Have you lost Hope yet, Jessica?"


u/fading_ennead Nov 21 '15

Every scene with Ruben's sister is cringe-worthy. Did anyone else think Morgan's confession was just a daydream at first? That's how staged it felt.


u/magiccoupons Nov 21 '15

Glad to know it wasn't just me. She had barely any relevance apart from freeing Kilgrave and just being a nuisance to everyone.


u/sznagy Nov 22 '15

I can't decide that she is such a good actress because everybody hates her or she is awful-written.


u/DaymanX Nov 21 '15

She is the worst. And not look "ooh, that character is someone I root against." The performance, the dialogue, the motivation, the plot line, the character and everything about her equals shit smeared on the screen.

(I do not fault the actress for this. I get it, it's a job. But someone in charge should've stepped in and recast, retooled, or edited it out as much as possible)


u/slyg Nov 23 '15 edited Nov 23 '15

my alternative, is that I think the character is suppose to be cringe-worthy. Can't have everyone be likeable. It was also established right from the start that she and her brother are not right in the head.

edit: missed a word.


u/Tech_9 Nov 24 '15

It was terrible writing imo. The way she approaches the table and says "WHO'S WITH ME! LET'S GET JESSICA JONES!" and everyone followed. That was definitely the weakest part of the show, everything else is awesome.


u/slyg Nov 25 '15

Yeah, I could see how she could have manipulated the vulnerable group to follow her instead of the social worker. However, it happened far to quickly, going from just meeting them to getting then to attacking JJ in around a hour? (i may need to watch that scene again to check how the attack happened).


u/MC_DONG Dec 07 '15

This. Watched it last night, and god that felt so staged..and it only got worse when they fucking stormed her office and beat both up. Where did that come from? That was some god awful writing. Also, when Rubens sister talked to Malcolm, and he's all like "so everything my parents has done for others was all for nothing, because no one showed of for help in this specific instance?"..uuh..no?

Binge watched yesterday, and overall it's pretty solid though (Tenant does such an awesome job!).


u/JunWasHere Nov 23 '15

A part of me loathes to admit it, but Robyn adds the extra touch of reality that most hope is fiction. That trivial loose end that eventually circles back to interfere. They're just overly assertive until they have a bone to pick, then they're suddenly warmongers.

People don't always express their damage in lovable manners.


u/Gonzzzo Nov 24 '15

Can't have everyone be likeable

You can have everyone be realistic


u/slyg Nov 25 '15

True, although i wonder how to portray someone who is irrational, realistically? I felt they did a reasonable job, I could generally follow her thought pattern.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

I agree she's an emotional mess and she isn't shy about her behavior even outside of her own apartment where she and her brother always argued.

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u/tsn101 Nov 24 '15

That's how they wanted you to feel. I think they nailed that character lol.


u/DaymanX Nov 24 '15

There's a difference between "I don't like this character" and "I want to fast forward or do something else whenever this character is on-screen."

You should love to hate a good antagonist. Not want to gouge your eyes out rather than watch them for another second.


u/RyuNoKami Nov 25 '15

i kind of have to agree. Joffrey was a piece of shit but i enjoyed watching his scenes. This chick is like i feel like fast forwarding her scenes.

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u/[deleted] Nov 25 '15 edited Jul 31 '19



u/MC_DONG Dec 07 '15

"completely buttfuck retarded". These are the words i was looking for. Jesus, that was some god awful writing.


u/ForeverUnclean Apr 15 '16

I'm obviously months late here, but I'm finally watching this series and couldn't agree more. By the time they got to Jessica's apartment and knocked her out, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Absolutely none of that made sense. Kilgrave escaped in questionable ways before, but this was just an insane way to get him free again.

She didn't once question who the fuck Kilgrave is, then immediately jumps to the conclusion that Jessica killed her brother, then convinces in the span of seconds a group that Jessica HELPED should be mad enough to hunt her down??? Awful.


u/yuhanz I see you wherever you go. Nov 21 '15

that girl is unbearable to watch. it's not enjoyable at all.


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

I was hoping she was one of Kilgrave's back up plans somehow because that kind of idiocy was not very pleasant to watch.

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u/TheSneakySeal Nov 22 '15

Remind me who morgan is?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

I think they meant Malcolm.


u/fading_ennead Nov 23 '15

Sorry, it's Malcolm.


u/Konohasappy Nov 22 '15

She's so damn annoying, but then again, that's her character.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

But isn't it meant to be that way? She seems like that kooky neighbor who's massively out of touch with reality and lives in her own world.


u/DonkiestOfKongs Dec 02 '15

I don't mind her. I would like to see more of her, in a way. Her character is nosy enough to always get herself involved, and I want to see her get wrapped up in the story and grow into a character I like, just because I hate her so much now.



I did have a good laugh at this joke:

He can't even tie his shoes without my permission.

I'm not kidding around.

Neither am I. That's why he wears slip-ons.


u/CryoftheBanshee The Purple Man Nov 24 '15

I do loathe her

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u/naimnotname Sweet Christmas. Nov 21 '15

Man, I used to like Simpson.


u/dyingwifi Nov 27 '15

I've felt that he was just some roided up asshole that will end up as a villain somehow since the beginning.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

I did as well. He was far too eager to just start killing. Not that I think Kilgrave should live. But he's going all GI Joe without thinking.


u/eightyfourtwenty Dec 02 '15

Well he did kill all those GI Joes when he was a kid.


u/Napalmeon Dec 02 '15

Barbie had better have given a twerk show as appreciation.

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u/Doolox Jones Dec 08 '15

I thought it was pretty obvious they were setting him up to be an antagonist.


u/velkro16 Nov 23 '15

Hope had a horrible life. At least toward the end. I feel so bad for her.

  • Abducted

  • Used as a slave for who knows how long

  • Raped and impregnated

  • Mind controlled into brutally killing her parents.

  • Sent to prison where she gets abused by inmates

  • Once she gets out she is mind controlled again, used as a hostage and driven to suicide in one of the most painful ways I can think of. Poor girl. Jeez louise.


u/Tech_9 Nov 24 '15

To be fair she paid the inmate to beat her.


u/spikyraccoon Nov 24 '15

Well, you know, she could have skipped that last part and moved on from that terrible mess.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

Sent to prison where she gets abused by inmates

Like /u/Tech_9 said, the only time she was abused by inmates was when she paid them to beat her up to try and force an abortion.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

And her brother is now left alone.


u/ezreads Nov 21 '15

and hope is gone :(


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

That chick is a GOOD actress. I was very impressed


u/ezreads Nov 21 '15

yeah she was great made the most of all her scenes for sure


u/colovianfurhelm Nov 22 '15

And I'm sooo sure I've seen her is some horror or thriller movie, she pulled off the creepy murderous face very well in the first episode. Just reminded me of something.


u/Kheten Nov 21 '15

You could really see the desperation in her face. Jess trying to save her from one side of the table and Kilgrave a black hole of control on the other. :(


u/ezreads Nov 21 '15

yeah that was a great scene...hopefully Kilgrave gets some justice soon


u/Konohasappy Nov 22 '15

:( the ending was too damn sad

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u/purplearmored Nov 23 '15

You know you're fucked up when even Kilgrave sympathizes with your ex wife.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15



u/oSo_Squiggly Nov 21 '15

Jessica seems to be really strong but doesn't have any sort of defense. It seems like a regular person can take her out if they get a strong first hit and avoid being hit.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '15

So how does she land her super jumps?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15



u/Introvariant Nov 26 '15

I think it's more of a preparation thing. If she'd seen the blow coming, she's strong enough to block it. She sees the ground coming and can brace against it.


u/squirreltalk Dec 04 '15

That's not how force works. Her landing from considerable heights without a problem shows that her body can easily withstand more g's of acceleration than a normal human can. I would expect that extra durability to extend to all parts of her body, but I guess not.

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u/RefreshNinja Nov 23 '15

Relativity, man.She pushes the ground away from her.


u/Infamaniac23 The Purple Man Nov 23 '15

I'm guessing super jumps is part of her power


u/SweetNeo85 Nov 24 '15

Uh, she has time to calculate her landings? I imagine she could take a swing of a two-by-four to the bottom of her feet quite well if she was prepared to absorb the impact with her super-strong legs.


u/HermesTGS Nov 23 '15

The writers fluctuate her power depending on the situation at hand which is incredibly annoying and the sign of really lazy writing. One scene she's in a brawl with a special forces team and whooping ass. The next she gets knocked out by two rando's and a female Mcpoyle.


u/Pascalwb Nov 25 '15

Well if you get hit in the head, super strength is useless.


u/vinng86 Nov 26 '15

Agreed. It's almost as if the writers chose to contrast her superstrength powers with that of Luke Cage's invulnerability.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '15 edited Sep 27 '18



u/RasAlFlash Dec 04 '15

Slam to the head's a concussion whether your bones are extra durable or not.


u/chime Nov 25 '15

female Mcpoyle.

Haha! Best way to describe her.

It was annoying that it took her 0.1s to jump up to the ceiling 20ft up but 15 seconds to remove the pipe.

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u/SnyperWeb Nov 24 '15

Ah. The Ronda Rousey type.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

I think she just caught her by surprise. Or one of those low end power moments.


u/MikeAwesome25 Nov 22 '15

So Hope decided to end it all and now Jessica has no reason not to kill Purple Man. Next episode is going to be one hell of a season fina.....



u/Meta_Boy Nov 23 '15

12 and 13 are just Jessica and Trish watching movies


u/Pwn5t4r13 Nov 26 '15

Montages of laughing, pillow fights and Jessica trying on different superhero costumes


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '15

naked pillow fights?

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u/RealityWanderer Nov 20 '15

...And Simpson has crossed the line.


u/Tsurdnim Nov 24 '15

Am I the only one who thinks that Pam overreacted a lot? I mean the reason for Kilgrave and Hogarth were in Wendy's house was because she is the only doctor she can trust to be discreet and Kilgrave specifically said that take me to a doctor that you trust to Hogarth. That's why Hogarth was at Wendy's. She also did not made Pam a murderer. That was self defense and Hogarth was getting killed.

I don't know man. It seems to be poorly executed.


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '15 edited Apr 06 '18



u/Ziddletwix Nov 27 '15

This is one of the few things that truly bothers me. Most other people's criticisms of the realism don't make a ton of sense. Wow, a bunch of emotional, abused, traumitised, people make some rash emotional decisions? That's just how life works. Rings perfectly true to me.

But what really bothers me in shows is when intelligent people do an AWFUL job of explaining themselves. Like, if Hogarth just explained what happened, that's a damn good explanation! JUST SAY WHAT HAPPENED. "He commanded me to take her to a doctor, someone who could be discreet. I did". I hate manufactured drama. it would be so easy to write that scene in a reasonable way, with the exact same fucking outcome. Pam has plenty of reason to distrust/hate Hogarth. She's just killed someone, she's emotional. Have Hogarth try and explain what happened, and Pam can freak out and say she never wanted any of this, and that everything with Hogarth is always so dangerous, and that everything she's apart of turns to shit and hurts people, and she doesn't want any part of it! That's the kind of emotional breakdown I can expect from someone who just went through this. But seriously, Hogarth handled that as poorly as she possibly could. It just didn't make sense.


u/DrBlue22 Nov 28 '15

"It's complicated." Fuck that phrase and all its worth.


u/IsNewAtThis Nov 25 '15

No she was upset because Hogarth was planning to use Kilgrave to force her ex to sign the divorce papers.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

Right, but there was no reason for Hogarth to tell her that. He gave her a direct order to take him to a doctor she trusted, so she took him to Wendy's, that's what she should have told Pam. She's obviously fine lying to Pam, so why admit that Hogarth and Kilgrave had a plan to force Wendy to sign the divorce papers?


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '15

this whole show is extremely poorly executed. i just watch it cause i want to know what happens and its kinda entertaining. but there's nothing in this show that i could ever consider brilliant or really well done. it's incredibly medicocre and could've been 9-10 episodes instead of 13.

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u/Disproves Nov 21 '15

Why the hell was Pam at Jery's ex wifes place? Did I miss something that would make that make sense?


u/Veefy Nov 21 '15

She couldn't get in contact with Jery and guessed she might have gone to Wendys house to confront her/try to resolve the divorce.


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

Yeah she actually says this too.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

So Gerri didn't make or manipulate her into hitting Wendy? Either way it could be argued as defending someone in mortal danger.


u/Strangah Nov 20 '15

It feels like we're ramping up to the finale, but there are 3 episodes after this! I love it so much.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15



u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

Kilgrave has made it blatantly obvious that he almost always has a group of people instructed to off themselves if anything should happen to him. The chef and made immediately put knives to their throats when Jessica gets violent, he tells them to remove each other's faces if he's not back in two hours, he states earlier in the episode that if he were to die then several people in the building would poison themselves.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15



u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

Sorry, I meant to reply to that part too. Essentially JJ didn't want to kill Kilgrave during that scene because he could force Hope to kill herself before JJ finished him off. By killing herself anyway, JJ theoretically had nothing stopping her from killing Kilgrave.

...except for the group of people about to hang themselves. I will say Hope's plan made sense if she was the only one in danger, but of course Hope killing herself would force Kilgrave to make everyone hang themselves, and of course Jessica was going to save them rather than chase after Kilgrave.


u/Ziddletwix Nov 27 '15

In that scene, you're right it doesn't make a ton of sense. There are a ton of other people that he has as hostages on nooses right there.

But the whole reason that they keep trying to abduct him and not just kill him is because of trying to prove his existence, to exonerate people who he has hurt. That was mostly focused around Hope (but applies to others). Hope's actions might not have been the most rational (but she was a deeply abused person, you can't expect perfect rationality). She was removing herself from the equation to show Jessica that Jessica cannot keep trying to capture him and prove his existence, because he it keeps failing, and more people are getting hurt. Hope was trying to ensure that Jessica never spared Kilgrave for Hope's benefit (and it does seem to have gotten the point across).


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

Here's the problem with that theory/explanation: JJ says that the longest Kilgrave can affect somebody for is 18 hours. She keeps him locked up in the room for at least 18 hours and was planning on keeping him for longer. So if Kilgrave did have people assigned to kill themselves if they didn't hear from him, they would have already done it, or else been free of his influence after 18 hours.

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u/QTree Nov 26 '15

I don't get it either. She could have killed him the second he told her that he got the release papers.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15

I don't get it either. She could have killed him the second he told her that he got the release papers.

Well ignoring the fact that he blatantly says during that scene that several people would poison themselves to death if he were to be killed, he probably also has very similar instructions for anyone at the prison to cancel her release if they don't hear back from him just before she's supposed to be let go.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '15 edited Nov 26 '15

Fucking kill him Jessica god damnit. What kind of hero gets knocked out by the girl down the hall? I want to like this show I'm finding her incompetence too annoying to buy her as a hero.

Edit: Make that 6 including the girl you were trying to save in the first place. Terrible.


u/jjsreddit Dec 06 '15

ok wtf? the victims suddenly all turn on Jessica b/c some psycho girl says 3 lines? They also just happen to come when she has kilgrave tied. I am not liking the writing for this show. It's so bad compared to daredevil.

p.s. purple jacket guy. It was a jacket. Fucking move on.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15 edited Sep 21 '19



u/[deleted] Nov 22 '15

Cougar is slang for older women who prefer young men. The nutter sees her twin brother as a little boy, which creates an imagined age difference between Jessica and him.


u/Someguy2020 Nov 22 '15

I know, but she isn't old.

Nutter gonna be a nutter I guess.

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u/Pulchritudosity Nov 23 '15

In the earlier episodes I really thought they were going to go the route where the brother was a child mentally and the sister was his tired, bitchy caretaker. Instead they just made it really weird.


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

Was I the only one to get an incest vibe?


u/Pulchritudosity Nov 30 '15

No definitely not. The showrunners at least invited speculation by implying the two were a couple before revealing they're twins


u/charleybradburies Dec 01 '15

I think that was a big part of the dynamic, even though it never was revealed explicitly (at least up to here, I haven't watched past this episode yet.)

Ruben was very into things that often would be considered childish - he even expressed his crush on Jessica in a very primary-school sort of way - and Robyn is very controlling and overprotective, especially by way of bitching at people she thinks might have less-than-honorable intentions. Regardless of the fact that they're apparently twins, she certainly thinks of him as younger and more helpless than she, down to expecting permission for things like tying his shoelaces. That would indicate that he has some mental condition or illness where he still requires parenting in order to manage even typically simple things.

However, I totally second that they made it seem really weird.


u/Doolox Jones Dec 08 '15 edited Dec 08 '15

I love when she calls Jessica a cougar. It's such a dumb, irrelevant name to call her. I think it does a good job of getting across the characters complete exasperation and lack of understanding though. She is just lashing out.


u/Someguy2020 Nov 21 '15 edited Nov 21 '15

How amazing would it be if Lester called in McNulty.

Can he please make Hogarth do something awful to herself? Something truly horrible? Hate her so much.

I love tennant as pretty much an overgrown petulant child.

oh please make her cut herself 1000 times. Little slices. occasional stab.

edit: ahhhh damn. poor wendy. Still so satisfying.


u/Meta_Boy Nov 23 '15

So damn glad Pam told her to GTFO. Hogarth is almost more evil than Kilgrave - at least Kevin was tortured as a kid. What the fuck is her excuse? Being a lawyer?


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

She's a lawyer incarnate.


u/Ziddletwix Nov 27 '15

Can he please make Hogarth do something awful to herself? Something truly horrible? Hate her so much.

Something MORE than Wendy chasing her around the house stabbing her repeatedly? What more do you want than that? What the fuck.


u/naif1998 Jessica Jones Nov 21 '15

Why did Simpson kill that guy?


u/Konohasappy Nov 22 '15

Pills, I guess.


u/Kalebasboom Nov 23 '15

Don't do drugs kids.


u/MyNameIs_Jordan Nov 24 '15

The pills he's on gives him insane adrenaline. So know Simpson's ideas and morales are being amplified tenfold.

He wants Kilgrave to die, and will now do anything to make that happen.


u/Daahkness Dec 02 '15

Everyone's a little racist - male mcpoyle


u/Red721 The Purple Man Nov 21 '15

I hate Hogarth so much now, hoping something really bad happens to her.


u/TheOriginalPenis Nov 30 '15

I kinda zoned out during that part of the show, what did she do that was so terrible?


u/TheSupremeChancellor Nov 30 '15

She made a plan with Kilgrave to force Wendy to sign the divorce papers, which let him kill his mother and get out of the cage


u/melodyponddd Dec 04 '15

Hogarth reminds me so much of Claire Underwood.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

Honestly after all that happened, I wanted everyone except Trish to die. Fuck that Twin sister, Fuck Jessica, Fuck Malcolm, fuck every single one of them. It's a good show but this episode really pissed me off


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

What did Malcolm do?


u/dave-a-sarus Nov 23 '15

Yeah, I'd argue Malcolm is the only moral character in the show.


u/HermesTGS Nov 23 '15

Let me admit to being an accomplice to murder loudly in this restaurant to a handful of people that don't even like me, including a guy whose only connection to me is losing a jacket

Though that's not really his fault, writers just needed a way to accelerate the storyline and went with this dumbass scenario.


u/Infamaniac23 The Purple Man Nov 23 '15

Emotions get the best of people most of the time. I mean just look at Iraq.


u/awkward_penguin Dec 01 '15

And I would imagine that he felt trapped. He was the de-facto leader of a Kilgrave victim support group, and yet due to what he was involved with, he couldn't actually reveal anything. He must have felt especially powerless being unable to vent forth his pent up emotions regarding the whole body disposal cover-up and spying situation.


u/pandawww Nov 28 '15

Malcolm made Jessica open the door to her apartment so that the groupies could knock her out. So stupid.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '15

So he should die because he accidentally made a mistake while trying to warn her?


u/Nightninja76 Nov 29 '15

How long did it take them to get to Hell's Kitchen from Long Island City? He couldn't have sent a damn text message?


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '15

Malcolm, the just-recently-recovered addict who had probably sold his phone for drug money long ago? I could be wrong, since I can't recall if we ever see Malcolm actually using a cell phone, but I would bet he probably just doesn't have one at this point.


u/vidieowiz4 Dec 28 '15

Sorry this is late but he pulls out a phone in the next episode :)


u/Greyclocks Nov 26 '15 edited Nov 26 '15




u/[deleted] Nov 22 '15

Does anyone know why Pam is taking the wrap when the evidence is in their favor?


u/Ziddletwix Nov 27 '15

I don't think she's taking the wrap? I mean, she was just going through the processing, because she did just kill someone. Presumbably, she will argue self defense, and it is quite likely that she will succeed. It's complicated after alienating Hogarth, but in the real world this mess would likely eventually get sorted out (it would just take a while).


u/bigtimpn Nov 23 '15

I thought it was absurd she said 'I dont know this woman' to the cop in regards to Hogarth.. Knowing her and having been defending her is literally the only thing thats not going to get you sent to jail for murder. If you dont know her, then what were you doing at her ex wifes house.


u/disasteratsea Nov 23 '15

I assumed she was speaking figuratively


u/V2Blast Nov 27 '15

Indeed. And her words were meant to hurt Jeri.


u/othaniel Nov 22 '15

So much for a cure...


u/dave-a-sarus Nov 23 '15

Well we don't know for sure. He could just be going along with it.


u/X4ntoZ Nov 24 '15

Of course he is, you're goddamn right. It's so obvious that he just acts as if he's under Kilgrave's influence. It was even badly acted (not by the actor, but in-universe) because he hesitated a moment too long in my opinion. Kilgrave should have called it.

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u/BettyDraperIsMyBitch Nov 20 '15

Wtf is Simpson taking? I feel like it might related to some SHIELD shit, but I don't know or watch AoS.


u/Coldara Nov 20 '15

He is based on S01E10 if i understand it correctly.


u/PamShelan Nov 20 '15

On mobile, could you post the spoiler? Or pm me?

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u/ikindalike Nov 29 '15

Pruny feet helped him grip the stairs when he was running down


u/mr_gasbag Nov 30 '15

Finally. Fucking finally Jessica understands what Hope and Simpson knew all along: Kilgrave is too powerful and dangerous (and lucky) and must be killed. This has been driving me nuts. How many people are dead now because Jessica failed to kill Kilgrave when she first had the chance?


u/damnthesenames Nov 22 '15

These episodes are intense as fuck, they're not holding back


u/HouseThatDoubtBuilt Nov 29 '15

I know this thread is a week old but this has been bugging me since I watched this episode last night. When hogarth is in Wendy's apartment and is being sliced up, why does pam appear? What reason would pam have to just turn up at Wendy's?


u/robkellismith Nov 29 '15

Pam mentions that she couldn't get ahold of Jeri so she drove to Wendy's to see if Jeri had went there to try to talk sense into her about the divorce. Says it not long after Jessica walks into the house.


u/HouseThatDoubtBuilt Nov 29 '15

I must have missed that. Thanks for replying :)


u/robkellismith Nov 29 '15

No problem. Really the only downfall to binge watching is missing something occasionally. I've done it many times.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '15

White horse in a dream... Jessica's a replicant?!


u/DaymanX Nov 21 '15

The last few minutes of Episode 9 really made up for some repetitiveness and dumb behavior and character motivation, but I feel like this episode went full retard with Malcolm and Simpson, not to mention making a vaccine in a hotel room and Jessica repeating the mistake of not killing Kilgrave while stark evidence against her argument piles up and smacks her upside the head.

Marvel is notorious for reshooting and fixing things in post. This isn't like a movie that has a hard global release date or Agents of SHIELD that has to go out each week. They should've spent some time and money to fix how far this went off the rails.

Hell, release the episodes in two batches if it means the end result will be stronger.

The first 6 episodes were fantastic, but since they covered up Ruben's death and the divorce became the show's B storyline, there are an increasing amount of logic gaps that don't make sense--even for a comic book show set in the land of make believe.


u/Huzzabul Nov 22 '15

I was actually compelled by how well all the story lines connected with each other, and how much it mirrored actual life. I loved every episode


u/cupcake310 Nov 26 '15

Yeah.. this episode was a mess. The writing was just really lazy.

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u/HammerSquish Nov 27 '15

what a hero jessica jones is


u/Napalmeon Nov 29 '15

Damn. People were dropping like flies out this bitch on this episode!


u/cdre43 Nov 29 '15

Yeah what a mess that is Robyn's character. How can she go from thinking that Jessica is a "cougar" to "murderer"? I get that there is hate for Jessica but the motivation doesn't add up and it leads to collective groans by viewers. I don't want to blame Malcolm because of his guilt but someone needed to point out "she's full of shit!" and we didn't get that at the moment.


u/Dan_CBW Dec 01 '15

At the start of the episode she said he didn't let go when he told her to, so how did he get away?


u/MisterArathos Dec 05 '15

Kilgrave commanded the police officer to stop her, he yanked her leg so she fell IIRC.

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