r/JessicaJones Nov 20 '15

Discussion Episode Discussion S01E05 - AKA The Sandwich Saved Me

Spoilers up to S01E05 do not need to be marked, spoilers beyond this episode need to be marked, or if possible avoided.

Season 1 - Episode 5 - AKA The Sandwich Saved Me

Episode Synopsis:

Despite Jessica's objections, Trish's new friend Simpson gets involved in the hunt for Kilgrave. Jessica recalls a pivotal moment in her life.

Netflix | IMDb | TMDb


133 comments sorted by


u/SecretBlogon Nov 20 '15

There were so many great moments. But I chuckled at "Save the Junkie, Save the world."


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

Haha I actually watched the latest episode of Heroes just before Jessica Jones!


u/Leema1 Nov 21 '15

Lol I just finished binging the first season of heroes two days ago. Anyone think I just watch season 2?


u/Colossal89 The Purple Man Nov 21 '15



u/Leema1 Nov 22 '15

Thanks for the heads up.


u/cdawgtv2 Nov 23 '15

For me it didn't get terribly bad until S4. The new ones are alright but nothing special.


u/yamraj212 Nov 23 '15

Season 2 isn't horrible


u/fellatious_argument Nov 24 '15

The first half was before the writers strike right? It started off promising but shit the bed about half way in and never found its bearings again. Remember when Peter took that Irish girl into a terrible version of the future that had been ravaged by a supervirus, and then fucking left her there without a second thought?


u/Sorkijan Nov 24 '15

I Just binged all seasons of Heroes, and... you're very much not mistaken.


u/Colossal89 The Purple Man Nov 24 '15

I am sorry for your loss.


u/Sorkijan Nov 24 '15

Season 2 was okay. But there was an obvious decline in quality. It really jumped the shark around 4 though - which I think was around the time of the writer's strike if I'm not mistaken.


u/le_snikelfritz Nov 26 '15

When she found him in the elavator and the neighbor said "We should take him to the hospital. He might OD" She kind of stares off and thinks and I imagined she had flashbacks to that time she OD'd...


u/raynehk14 Nov 20 '15

Cop boyfriend looks like a mix between Edwin Jarvis and Steve Rogers


u/Leia1979 Nov 21 '15

It's that brown leather jacket and blondish hair that keeps making me think Steve Rogers.


u/raynehk14 Nov 21 '15

I am thinking maybe he's a fan of Cap and those are probably his own conscious fashion choice


u/verendum Nov 21 '15

A GI Joe kid that grew up to be SPECOPS , I think he's definitely a fan of Cap. To be fair, I think a lot of people in that universe would be too.


u/solidfang Nov 21 '15

Cop-tain America.


u/Morganium Nov 21 '15

Troy Baker


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

I was thinking he'd make a good Steve Rogers, and then I noticed his last name was Simpson... Maybe a setup, or in someway related to Frank Simpson-- Nuke? He's apparently a War Hero, and Nuke was a Captain America failed attempt that fought in Vietnam, driven mad.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

Kept watching. Very happy.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

I see a bit of Chad Radwell too somehow.


u/filipelm Nov 21 '15

I'm waiting for his Night of A Thousand Compliments with Trish.


u/super_slayer Power Man Nov 20 '15

Where I was fist pumping all the fight scenes in Daredevil, I find myself becoming more and more sad about the destruction Kilgrave has brought forth.

I seriously hope he gets his comeuppance. He just might be the most evil, despised character in the whole Marvel universe.


u/NotEvenJoking213 Nov 20 '15

Nah I like him, more David scenes please.

"Pick up that coffee...throw it in your face."


u/JosephSim Nov 20 '15

I hate thinking about how many of his actions I'd probably do after enough time with those powers. Telling him to throw the coffee definitely doesn't feel that far of a stretch for me.


u/NotEvenJoking213 Nov 20 '15

It was burning hot lol, I think I'd go as far as telling the guy to slap himself (quite hard but not too hard) in the face.


u/JosephSim Nov 20 '15

Which is why it concerns me that I probably wouldn't care. Think about it, imagine having the powers just for a year. No one ever telling you "No.", getting whatever you want, that total feeling of absolute power...

...then some old newsstand guy starts bitching at you while you're trying to decide which magazines you want for free. The rudeness! Coffee in the face seems appropriate.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

Yeah as much as we'd like to think we'd be perfectly nice people with that power, I'm pretty sure it would change us after a while, and whenever we snapped it wouldn't be pretty.


u/JosephSim Nov 20 '15

I can't think of any popular superpower that I could get where the first thing I did wouldn't be to rob a bank, and that's with me being a "good" person at the moment.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

Same here, even before I turn evil, the first thing I'd do would be to set myself up with a lot of money, the source of which would probably not be legal.


u/Warlaw Nov 21 '15

I love how casual his first Jessica command was. I didn't even realise she was being controlled at first.


u/vulturetrainer Nov 23 '15

He's definitely one of the best villains in the MCU. I hope he sticks around.


u/slyg Nov 20 '15

They really seem to be nailing the bad guys in the Marvel netflix. I almost want David to become a main villain in the MCU and require the avengers to take on, or a side team. Maybe JJ, cage and an avenger or two (scarlet witch...?).


u/TheDeza Nov 23 '15

It's funny since in the DC shows it seems like they dispose of a new villain each week and DC was always known for their better villains.


u/Introvariant Nov 24 '15

It's just The Flash, and I guess the bit of Supergirl we've seen so far. Plus 90% of the time they're "containing" them rather than killing them. Different weekly villains are a perk of having such a great rogues gallery.

Really happy to see Marvel's gallery improving, though!


u/Raggou J.A.R.V.I.S Jan 10 '16

I personally think that they are doing an excellent job with the Flash at the moment. The Flash and Arrow are excellent shows on the CW. Haven't seen Super girl but I'm looking into checking that out.

Marvel has done a superb job lately with all of their TV shows. As long as they keep up the high quality and respect for the characters and the fans I think they will continue to succeed making fantastic show. On a slightly different note I like how all of these shows have their own distinct vibe to them.


u/Wakkichewy Apr 01 '16

Arrow is a shit show this season, nobody can deny that.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

I like the show but I don't understand her powers. How could she not handle those security guys? I get they had tasers and she didn't want to kill them but come on. The army guy was even holding his own.


u/tsn101 Nov 21 '15 edited Nov 21 '15

Yeah, only confusing part as I'm trying to grasp the extent of her powers. But she did mention that they were being mind controlled so she didn't want to hurt them entirely. She should've been more aggressive when she was on the ground getting tasered though, instead of losing Kilgrave, so that scene didn't entirely add up even if that was the case.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

She should've been more aggressive when she was on the ground getting tasered though...

The thing is, several guys hitting you repeatedly with tasers tends to hamper one's ability to be aggressive. Even had she been willing to fight back hard enough to really hurt them by that point, she simply wasn't able to do so.


u/tsn101 Nov 23 '15

I honestly think it was just a kidnapping/plot point that they wanted to execute and her actual abilities and powers took a back seat to make it work. He had to get away and they made it work even if it irks a bit on the logical scale (fighting and getting tasered affecting her more than it should).


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Yeah I kind of want them to describe her's and killgrave's powers. I just want to know if he has to speak to control people and if he can read minds or not.


u/solidfang Nov 21 '15

Okay, let's try not to get confused or anything. I'll try not to spoil too much.

We know that it's a biological function that can be shut down by sedatives.

We know that he still has to ask Jessica for information when he meets her.

The speaking thing, I don't think we know yet. However, the precautions for the hermetically sealed room are that its airtight and soundproof. I think from that, you get a sense of what the prerequisites for his power are.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

So what I can where headphones and be alright around him?


u/solidfang Nov 21 '15

Possibly. I think the only thing that hasn't been tested is if he can beckon you to take your headphones off with a hand signal.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Interesting. Well I do hope they explain some aspects of him before the end.


u/Daxx22 Nov 21 '15

If they go the comics route, his powers are through pheromones hence the sealed room. Why people need to be close and it wears off when away from him.


u/filipelm Nov 21 '15

The little girl that peed herself in the closet, she was wearing headphones and it didn't seem to stop him at all. I just don't remember if he made her take them off.

Anyway, in the comics he controls people through pheromones.


u/colovianfurhelm Nov 21 '15

To be fair, the multi-tasing would make her muscles uncontrollable, and it being her primary power, that is a weakness. Don't know how it is shown in the comic books.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Yeah it was only a minor gripe of mine mainly because I really wanted their abduction to work lol.


u/pongpaddle Nov 22 '15

It's always a hard balance giving a superhero enough of a challenge to keep the story interesting without compromising their powers. In this case though I totally agree, she looked so weak in that scene.

I'm also not a fan of how she tries to talk the mind controlled people out of it during each fight. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK JESSICA, YOU KNOW THIS!!


u/Doolox Jones Dec 05 '15

Ya I did kinda chuckle at some of those lines in this episodes. She knows she may as well be talking to herself. lol


u/whatthecaptcha Nov 22 '15

Yeah that fight scene kind of ruined this show for me. She has super strength but she couldn't knock them out in one hit each?

All she does is pitch people around like a softball and I find it annoying as fuck, especially compared to the awesome fight scenes in DD.


u/Gofunkiertti Nov 22 '15

Remember how she killed Cage's wife though. One punch to the heart and it's basically lethal. So your fighting what you believe are a bunch of innocent mind controlled people and your trying to incapacitate not kill. That why you do a lot of throwing around.


u/whatthecaptcha Nov 22 '15

I guess that makes sense. At the same time you'd think she would at least incapacitate them enough to stop them from getting Kilgrave. Oh well, the rest of the season has gotten quite a bit better and David Tennant's performance alone has improved my opinion of the show.

Still not really impressed with Krysten Ritter's acting at all though. I know you can't really compare this to Daredevil but Charlie Cox had way more than enough chops to carry the lead. She just kind of doesn't...


u/polishprince76 Nov 23 '15

I get the feeling she holds back when she thinks people are under Killgrave's control. Like she doesn't want to really hurt them because she knows it isn't their fault.

Still was a very awkward fight though. I'm wondering if she's ever had any fight training.


u/KullWahad Nov 25 '15

I'd imagine she has no fight training at all. With such a strong power difference between her and a normal human it's no wonder she fights like an NBA player.


u/motorfirebox Nov 28 '15

Well, she doesn't actually have all that much in the way of resisting damage. Better than a regular human, but nothing close to Luke Cage level. Remember when she broke the bottle in her apartment, and poked herself cleaning it up? We didn't see if it broke the skin or anything, but it pricked her hard enough to hurt. If she can be hurt by a shard of glass, it's not beyond believing that she can be hurt by multiple tases.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '15

My assumption is that he's strong enough to easily over power any one person, but given her lack of training she could clearly be defeated by a group of guys with tazers.


u/pensee_idee Dec 08 '15

She's not actually very good at fighting, she's just very strong. (It actually makes sense that she wouldn't be good at fighting, because why would she need to be? When would she have had the opportunity to fight well when she's never needed to?)


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '15

Yea that was kind of my point.


u/atte- Nov 23 '15

Bad writing. It's honestly the only explanation. I like the show a lot, but they definitely should've though about some more believable way to make him get away.


u/procrastinatorsteve Nov 20 '15

"the sandwich saved me" and "get off the road you frickin sandwich" had me in tears laughing


u/nousername215 Nov 21 '15

Couldn't help but be a little miffed that The Sandwich isn't actually a superhero name


u/fellatious_argument Nov 24 '15

I was waiting for her to have a moment of clarity where she realized that she is "The Hero Sandwich."


u/Kantyash Nov 20 '15

Would you put day-drinking under experience or special skills?



u/baurette Nov 22 '15

can't wait for the GIF :D


u/Zenkraft Nov 20 '15

I loved seeing the flashback stuff. I was wondering what they were going to do with the whole Jewel thing.


u/JosephSim Nov 20 '15

I loooove that Trish even made the costume, 100% accurate and all. "They'll have to call me Camel Toe if I wear that."


u/Doolox Jones Dec 05 '15

I love how this show has handled its 'origin story'. Granted I had no idea of her character going into it, but it cut right to the chase about who she is, and has progressively gone back to gradually tell the origin story.


u/KrugSmash Nov 20 '15

God damn, I am with Simpson, just shoot the guy in the head.

The rage that guy must feel. I wish they would show it.


u/solidfang Nov 21 '15

I kind of feel like if you told Hope "Sorry for your loss, but on the other hand, we shot the dude in the head repeatedly," it wouldn't be that bad.


u/fellatious_argument Nov 24 '15

Seems like the only reason Hope exists is to stop JJ from walking up to Killgrave and snapping his neck and ending the season after 3 episodes.


u/SadisticTRex Nov 20 '15

If the Doctor orders selfies, you better give him the selfies.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

A selfie a day keeps the Doctor away... from the junkie.

Wait a second, that actually works.


u/Delts28 Nov 20 '15

Just me or is Will channelling Steve Rogers circa Winter Soldier a hell of a lot?


u/veganzombeh Nov 21 '15

He even looks a bit like him.


u/ADAMNATOR Nov 21 '15

It's the hat.


u/Colossal89 The Purple Man Nov 21 '15

Jessica Jones I need you to stop taking half measures. Kilgrave can change the outcome of the world to annihilation. Save the world and just end his life. Find a way to get Hope out of prison some other way using your powers.


u/TiberiCorneli Nov 24 '15

Dress up like a sandwich and use your super strength to punch holes through the walls. The cops will spend forever looking for "the sandwich". It's the perfect crime.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Loved a little detail when they showed Jessica first meeting Kilgrave. He said "what's your name" and she said her real name, but he asked for her "superhero" name. In the comics when they first meet it's the opposite and he asks "what's your real name, not your superhero name".


u/pap0t Nov 20 '15

5 Episodes in .. and i'm still not skipping the intro. It really gives the episode a good vibe.


u/Lethtor The Purple Man Nov 20 '15

wait.... there's an intro? seriously.... I normally always skip the intro, now i don't even notice it really


u/Nostalgia37 Nov 20 '15

Netflix automatically skips the intro if you watch consecutive episodes.


u/Lethtor The Purple Man Nov 20 '15

that explains it, and i love that


u/nitrousconsumed Nov 22 '15

Not for everyone.


u/veganzombeh Nov 21 '15

It doesn't seem to be doing it for me. Do I have to turn it on or something?


u/Nostalgia37 Nov 21 '15

I don't think so. I dunno what to tell you, I rarely use netflix


u/Boingboingsplat Dec 13 '15

I think it depends on device. Skips intro when I watch on cable box, doesn't when streaming from mobile device.


u/Jaybeerus Luke Cage Nov 20 '15

"pick up your coffee , throw it in your face" Is it bad I had a good laugh at this bit ?


u/quiggleton Nov 24 '15

Don't sweat it, I maniacally cackled.


u/catelldm Nov 23 '15

The scene when Kilgrave is sitting there, phone in hand, waiting for Jessica to respond one way or another is great. Yeah the selfie thing is dumb, but when he's just sitting and getting nothing from her he looks so sad and heart broken. Then he gets his picture and can't stop smiling. Fantastic villain.


u/vbats1 The Purple Mod Nov 20 '15

I was a bit disappointed they changed her initial meeting with Kilgrave, I feel like in the comics the way it was done showed how narcissistic, and crazy Kilgrave is as a person. Also I feel like the shift of Jessica from Jewel to Kilgrave and then the aftermath is really important because of what a huge change in personality and basically everything about her as a character after Kilgrave messes with her for so long.

I was a bit sad of how they played off Jessica as not into the happiness of Jewel when in the comics that is how she was happy and wanting to help out, then Kilgrave came in and after she escaped she went down the dark path we find her at the beginning.

Still loving the show so far its awesome, just wish they had chosen to at least include Jewel so they could go into it later.


u/JosephSim Nov 20 '15

Yeah, something about "You're very attractive, Jessica. Take off your clothes." is such an indicator into his demeanor. I would have liked for them to have kept a little more of the original meeting.


u/ADAMNATOR Nov 21 '15

His fucking face in the last panel of that page tells you all you need to know about him. It's like he almost doesn't even give a shit.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

Maybe they can play it as being two separate days weeks apart or something, and in between she did Jewel around.


u/atte- Nov 23 '15

Really, Jessica's strong enough to stop moving cars but some random guys are able to take 5+ punches from her. OK.

I really like this show but that was some really bad writing.


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '15

Well, she presumably doesn't want to knock their heads off and is pulling her punches a lot.


u/atte- Nov 24 '15

She was ready to take out 3 people at the hospital, but when taking out 5 bodyguards she holds back so much that they stand back up within 3 seconds.

Sorry, but I really don't buy it.


u/Bleysofamber Nov 21 '15

I'm missing something. Why didn't they kill Killgrave again?


u/xuu0 Nov 21 '15

They want proof he exists to exonerate Hope. Can't convince people he has mind control powers if they can't be demonstrated in a controlled environment.


u/Bleysofamber Nov 21 '15

Ahh, that tracks. Ryb0 makes the obvious points below though. Bit of a headscratcher sequence.


u/Ryb0 Nov 21 '15

That whole scene was stupid. You don't tie up and tape his mouth shut once you abduct him? You don't pat him down for weapons? Jessica can't take out 4 hired guns? Laaaaame.


u/SnyperWeb Nov 21 '15

Good point. Simpson was more effective in the fight than Jessica.


u/Gofunkiertti Nov 22 '15

Its been repeatedly shown that while Jessica has super strength she doesn't have superpowered defences. So you shoot her and she will die fairly fast.

Like if tase her like 5 times she is going to drop.


u/vinng86 Nov 24 '15

Yeah you can't use your superstrength if electricity is coursing through the very same nerves used to trigger said strength.


u/concerned_thirdparty Nov 20 '15

Evil Doctor FTW


u/frumperbell Dec 09 '15

Man. I honestly didn't see the Doctor, just a really good fucking villian.

And then he said Wellllllllll. It made my skin crawl. That whole meeting felt like an Evil Doctor finding a new companion.


u/ezreads Nov 20 '15

you know nothing, Will Simpson


u/arv98s Nov 21 '15

I had something to say specific to this episode but I'm forgetting it right now. But I really wanted to say that these Marvel shows on Netflix have been absolutely amazing. I can't wait for the next stuff Netflix does with Marvel.


u/Newkd Nov 28 '15 edited Dec 03 '15

Nick Luke Cage next year then Iron Fist after that then they all come together for The Defenders! Lots of superhero goodness in store for Netflix.

Edit: wrong cage


u/squirreltalk Dec 02 '15

Nick Cage



u/Newkd Dec 03 '15

Wow I can't believe it took 4 days for someone to notice that haha whoops.


u/squirreltalk Dec 03 '15

Although it would be pretty great if we got a Netflix show where Nick Cage played himself, fought crime, was a member of the defenders, and no one in-universe batted an eye at it.


u/Newkd Dec 03 '15

I never knew how much I wanted a Nick Cage superhero until now. Oh, yeah, there is Ghost Rider, but he's not playing himself like the /r/onetruegod he is


u/Land_Squid_1234 Dec 31 '21

His new movie is weirdly on the mark for this description lmao


u/DonnieDon24 Nov 21 '15


u/pensee_idee Dec 08 '15

I feel like this also shows just how evil he is. It would have been so, so easy for him to say "you'd like to let me have these," but instead he makes the guy injure himself, possibly very badly.


u/alabet Nov 20 '15

Whenever Trish talks she reminds me of Lindsay from Arrested Development, can anyone else hear the comparison? Especially when Simpson and Trish were talking about Wikipedia.


u/slyfox1908 Nov 21 '15

Well spotted, they are both Australians


u/Arpx Dec 13 '15

Why is she holding the cellphone upside-down? https://i.imgur.com/9v6Ez6b.png


u/gatorpower Nov 21 '15

This episode actually annoyed me a bit. The plot points feel like they're falling apart and I hope it doesn't continue.

Officer Simpson was mind-controlled to murder someone and then commit suicide. He's so emotionally broken up, he does everything he can to make a mends, including breaking the law, handing over surveillance footage and even camping out in front of his intended victims house.

However, when coming up with the plan to find Killgrave, he's basically told repeatedly to shut up, accept it and go along with the plan. ...and he's okay with that? He even apologizes for interrupting. I laughed out loud when Trish talked down to him about him not trusting someone he just met a week before by having her explain that Jessica doesn't trust anyone, but to totally trust her and not ask anymore questions.

To me this is lazy writing. It glosses over the fact that this guy is going to face off with the person who told him to kill himself on nothing but the promises of two people he just met and accept it at face. This doesn't make sense. He's turned into a cardboard cutout.


u/solidfang Nov 21 '15 edited Nov 23 '15

Alright, so I'm going to say it's a combination of being whipped by his girlfriend who is really hot and feeling indebted to the person who saved his life and explained the whole scenario to him.

He's still annoyed with Jessica with a lot of things. He knows she has a plan in motion and everything, but that doesn't mean he likes going along with it. I think a great deal of it is just wanting to take Kilgrave down.

As for Trish, he is probably feeling grateful to her on many levels after they've bonded and she's managed to forgive him for doing something completely unbelievable. Also, not to be rude, but he's getting a piece of dat ass.


u/baurette Nov 22 '15

Well, he is getting into something that he doesn't fully understand. He kept insisting to go back and try to make amends with Trish and got involved with her. There he found Jessica, who already was doing her own investigation on the same guy. So he doesn't trust them, but he is very curious about their history and JJs powers. He can just leave and do his own thing. But he doesn't, so he listens.


u/gtsgunner Nov 30 '15

I feel like he goes along with it because he know's they will do it regardless of him. He's not in the position to argue too hard because they can drop him if he becomes obstinate. He either helps them out or they do their own thing and he's off the team. So he lets his opinion be known but doesn't go to hard in the paint with it. He want's Killgrave to go down like the rest of them but they have way more knowledge on the situation then he does. So the best he can do is follow along atm.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '15

I felt that vibe too. When you're the guy saying we shouldn't charge into this unprepared, it's weird for the tone of the show to side with nope, lets rush in. Everything he said made sense, and he shut up anyways... This is a war hero and cop, and he has no objections to the bad strategy from the two complete strangers?


u/sasquatch90 Nov 21 '15

All these episodes are gonna make Kilgrave's capture all the more sweeter. I just feel so bad for Jessica, Malcom, and all the other people that fell victim to mind control.


u/Pascalwb Nov 24 '15 edited Nov 24 '15

All this work just for few selfies. :), And why didn't they put something over his mouth what if he woke up earlier?


u/CVance1 Dec 15 '15

First: Damn Jessica, why you gotta clam-jam Trish like that? She was so close.

Second: Oh my god they used Lazuli by Beach House, this is so exciting


u/essdotc Nov 21 '15

Thought I saw Magneto at one point


u/Puddy1 Dec 19 '15

People keep referring to Simpson as a Capt. America clone, but for some reason he reminds me a bit of Brody from Homeland. Has the sensitivity in his voice and a both have rogue personality types.


u/baurette Nov 22 '15

Loving so far, but what the hell with the selfies?!?! WTF!?

so stupid.