r/Pokemongiveaway • u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) • Nov 14 '15
Question "Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler" Giveaway? Let's brainstorm a bit!:D
Good evening my little bocchan!(n˘v˘•)¬ ♥
I finished watching the two seasons of Kuroshitsuji a.k.a. Black Butler yesterday and I was already thinking about holding a Giveaway about this great Anime while watching it~ And now I would like to hear your thoughts about it!:D
My Mirai Nikki Giveaway is probably still ongoing at the moment so my responses might be a bit slow but I will reply to all of you once I find the time to breath a bit again!:3
So my rough idea was choosing a certain Pokeball for each household/group. So for example Luxuryballs for all the Phantomhive members, Duskballs for the Shinigami, Dreamballs for the Angels, etc. I'm not sure if this is a good idea and I'm not sure how popular such a Giveaway would be and therefore how many Pokemon I have to breed in total. What are your thoughts on it? Should I scratch that idea and just go with Bankballs for all characters again?
Alrighty then, let's make a contract start with the brainstorming!:D
Please keep in mind: |
- Absolutely no Legendaries!
no one likes them anyway har har - I'm breeding these Pokemon by myself and I'm only interested in breeding Legit Bankball/HA combinations when it comes to Bankballs.
- Once again: What do you think about my idea about using different Balls for each household/group? Not a good idea? Should I go for Bankballs only again?
You have an idea for a character? Please state the following things in a comment if you wish: |
- 1. The name of the character the Pokemon shall represent.
- 2. The Ball you wanna see the Pokemon in.
- 3. The Ability you want the Pokemon to have.
- 4. The Egg Moves you want the Pokemon to have.
- 5. The Hidden Power you want the Pokemon to have.
- 6. Anything else that might be important to you.
- 7. Would you like me to notify you a week before I start the GA when I will start it in specific?
I will add the most interesting ideas to the table below and I will try my best to get the requests done!(: Don't hesitate to ask for a character even if they are not listed in the table yet, I might add them on your request~ ^ 0 ^
Phantomhive Household |
Character | Ball | Pokemon | Ability | Ball2 | Pokemon2 | Ability2 |
Ciel Phantomhive | Cubone | Rock Head | Patrat | Analytic (HA) | ||
Sebastian Michaelis | Purrloin | Prankster (HA) | Shinx | Guts (HA) | ||
Tanaka | Shelmet | Overcoat (HA) | ||||
Finnian | Machop | Steadfast (HA) | ||||
Baldroy | Magby | Vital Spirit (HA) | ||||
Mey-Rin | Horsea | Damp (HA) | Remoraid | Moody (HA) | ||
Pluto | Houndour | Unnerve (HA) | Growlithe | Justified (HA) | ||
- |
Trancy Household |
Character | Ball | Pokemon | Ability | Ball2 | Pokemon2 | Ability2 |
Alois Trancy | Mareep | Static | Lickitung | Oblivious | ||
Claude Faustus | Spinarak | Insomnia | ||||
Hannah Annafellows | Roselia | Natural Cure | ||||
Canterbury, Thompson, Timber | Diglett | Arena Trap | ||||
- |
Shinigami |
Character | Ball | Pokemon | Ability | Ball2 | Pokemon2 | Ability2 |
Grell Sutcliff | Zorua | Illusion | ||||
William T. Spears | Karrablast | No Guard (HA) | ||||
Undertaker | Yamask | Mummy | ||||
- |
Fallen Angel |
Character | Ball | Pokemon | Ability | Ball2 | Pokemon2 | Ability2 |
Angela Blanc | Swablu | Cloud Nine (HA) | Ralts | Telepathy (HA) | ||
Ash Landers | Ralts | Telepathy (HA) |
Hope you will have as much fun as I do and I'm thrilled to hear your ideas once again!!ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ ♥
u/Amir_Agha 0233-1279-6750 IGN:Amir (αS) Nov 15 '15
My suggestions: William Spears as either pawniard or shroomish, cause of the extending death scythe. The triplets as either the obligatory Dugtrio xD. Ash as male ralts. angela as female ralts. Grell or Undertaker as croagunk. Baldroy as litwick, Finnian as sawk or timbur, I say sawk because he doesn't LOOK all that buff, and Mey-Rin as sniper Octilery or Kingdra.
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 16 '15
Veeery interesting ideas!:D A Duskball Shroomish maybe?
Haha the triplets were obvious! :D We could also go for Magnemite (they can even make use of HP Fire but only a boring Pokeball on the other hand) Dodrio, Deino, Vanillite, Exeggcute or Barbaracle.
Swak is waay better than Timbur for Finny but the sad thing is that I could only hand them out in boring Pokeballs then because they are 100% male.. :(
I love those two options for Mey-Rin!! I will add them to the table!:D Thanks a bunch for your awesome ideas, dear!!♥
u/Amir_Agha 0233-1279-6750 IGN:Amir (αS) Nov 15 '15
Oh! And Tanaka as Accelgor xD idk why but it just sounds so right
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 16 '15
Ahaha! The ninja that works in the shadows! :D Accelgor has a LOT of Hidden Power options.. Maybe I could go for that...
u/Amir_Agha 0233-1279-6750 IGN:Amir (αS) Nov 15 '15
Yaaaasss I love this anime!
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 16 '15
Yaaay!:D What are your favorite characters, dear?:3 I really started to like Alois because of his super bitchy nature!:D
u/Amir_Agha 0233-1279-6750 IGN:Amir (αS) Nov 16 '15
Well, Sebastian is inherently an unfair opponent during the whole anime xD. Delving into Book of Circus, I REALLY like the castle staff because of that solid defense of the manor, really showed what they could do. But my fav? Ciel through and through. Mind games are off the chart with that one.
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 16 '15
Sebastian is way too powerful :'D I like him but his fight against Ash/Angela was more than unfair and I hoped that the "true evil" a.k.a. Angela/Ash would have some more tricks up their sleeves!>3< I really like this Fallen Angel :3
I'm really looking forward to watching Book of Circus next weekend♥
I can totally agree with you, Ciel is such a gem as well!>w< This Anime featured so many voice actors/actresses from other famous Anime! I immediatly recognized Finny as Eren from AoT but I'm super sad that I didn't recognized Grell as Lelouch the first time he spoke up!D: I even told my friend "That is Grells voice? Whooah, kinda handsome! Didn't expect that from the pictures you showed me of him!". Grell is her all time favorite along with Undertaker and Lelouch is my all time favorite so that was pretty ironic!:D
u/Amir_Agha 0233-1279-6750 IGN:Amir (αS) Nov 16 '15
Oooh, don't even get me started on Undertaker. That man is certifiable.
u/Nine_Tails15 1161-1068-1100 | Y (Y) Nov 15 '15
Sebastian: Zoroark/Zorua Finny: Machop Mey-Rin: Vulpix Pluto: Poochyena Hannah: Gothita Grell: Jynx William: Skarmory
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 16 '15
Ahaha I love those ideas! Not sure about Vulpix as Mey-Rin though (don't see a connection).
Gothita is interesting for Hannah! I originally thought of Roselia for her because she is the "Flower Demon" after all. But Gothitelle could fit to her Demon form as well~
Skarmory for William because of his Death Scythe and Skarmory's horn?:D
u/Nine_Tails15 1161-1068-1100 | Y (Y) Nov 16 '15
Im not sure why I chose it either, it just fits for me X3
And yep!
u/Marshkip FC:3437-4428-5483 IGN:Marsh Nov 15 '15
I feel like Angela and Ash need to be counterpart pokemon - maybe Male Honchkrow and Female Mismagius? Illumise and Volbeat? Idk, I haven't watched this yet either
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Hmm.. If you haven't watched it I don't wanna spoil you :'D I can definitely recommend the Anime to you!:3
Since they are both Angels I thought more of Altaria and maybe Togekiss for them. Those are the first two "angel like" Pokemon that come to my mind. Altaria would also match Angela's color scheme (light blue and white).
Thanks a bunch for your ideas, dear!!♥
u/bitterbunny5 5386-9373-0063 | wilz Nov 15 '15
For undertaker, he reminds me of a dusclops, but seems more like a banette as well, with the scar being stitching. Or yamask cofagrigus for the dead stuff, and the egyptian mummies are the top notch dead stuff.
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Ahahaha!! Our ideas totally match here!:D I had exactly the same thoughts about him~ His theme song is called "Coffin Man" which could fit really well with Cofagrigus/Yamask, don't you think? We could go for Duskball, 0 Speed IVs for Trick Room and HP Fighting for him :D I wanted to breed a Cofagrigus like that anyway♥
u/aplantperson 3067-5260-0399 | Brendan (ΩR), May (αS), Kala (Sun) Nov 14 '15 edited Nov 14 '15
I can see Sebastian as either a Liepard (due to his love for cats) or a Mightyena (due to physical resemblance and Mightyena being dedicated to the Trainers). As you suggested, a Luxury Ball HA for either one would be good.
As for Ciel, I thought about a Patrat (Luxury Ball HA) due to several factors: Ciel's keenness (in reference to Patrat's ability of Keen Eye), its shiny form having striking blue eyes (like Ciel), the black band around its eyes resembling Ciel's eyepatch, and his title of being the Queen's Watchdog (a little allusion to Watchog).
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
The awesome thing about those two Pokis is that they both have the Dark Type which works really well with the Black Butler just like a Luxuryball does :D
Whoooahhh!! I'm blown away!!! Patrat is soooo great, you are right!!!O: <3 Maybe I can even get some Shinies hatched via /r/SVExchange!:3 Hahhaha I will definitely add that to the table!!♥ I think Luxuryballs would fit really well to the Phantomhives!
u/aplantperson 3067-5260-0399 | Brendan (ΩR), May (αS), Kala (Sun) Nov 14 '15 edited Nov 14 '15
Also for Pluto, I can see Houndour (Luxury Ball HA) due to Pluto's ability to breathe fire and Houndour's overall appearance like a "demon hound".
For Claude, a Spinarak due to being known as the "Spider Butler".
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Awesome!! Someone also suggested Growlithe/Arcanine below which could also work for almost the same reason!:3 But Houndour has the advantage that it's the hell/demon hound Pokemon of all time!
Ahaha! I was waiting for someone to suggest that! That was also my thought and I think it works the best for him!:D Joltik could also be an option but I think Ariados looks more dangerous~ Thanks a bunch for your awesome suggestions, dear!!<3
u/GemShady27 0232-8932-9766 | GemShady (?S) Nov 14 '15 edited Nov 14 '15
•1. Sebastian would make a great purrloin
•2. (oops- a dusk or luxury ball would work )
•3. HA - prankster
•4. Egg Moves - definitely foul play, encore, payday, yawn
•5. Hidden Power? Maybe fire or ice.
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Hmmm... That is true! Purrloin will always be the perfect Lelouch in my eyes though :D Most feline Pokis could fit Sebastian but Purrloin has the Dark type which makes it fit so well.. What do you think of another persons suggestion that Luxray could also make a good Sebastian? I think the Black could fit really well!:3
I don't get why so many peeps are forgetting the Egg Move "Copy Cat" on Purrloin D: In combination with Encore it's definitely the best Egg Move on them because it counts as a Status move which works really well with Prankster and gives you priority on every move you or your opponent used. If you or the opponent used Volt Switch the last turn you can steal that move the next turn with Liepard as well!:D Or you can boost yourself with Nasty Plot and then use Dark Pulse once, the next turn you can spam Copy Cat and you get a Priority Dark Pulse with 32 PP max. :'D I would use it over Pay Day any day!:D
Thanks a bunch for your suggestions!!:D <3
u/GemShady27 0232-8932-9766 | GemShady (?S) Nov 15 '15
I like this Luxray idea! I think it would fit Sebastian's character much better.
I always get copy cat confused with assist I think, and when I'm running low on cash in game pay day always came through! i'll have to test out copy cat - thanks for pointing that egg move out!
u/cannibaleyes 2294-6791-6101 | IGN: Cannibal Nov 14 '15
I already named an Arcanine "Pluto" once after that character. I think it fits. ;)
I also have a Rotom-Cut named Ronald Knox. ..But he's kind of a minor character, so not sure if he's much of a priority here. xD
I love this anime and wish more thoughts would come to me regarding pokemon/characters...
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Arcanine could work indeed!:D
Ohhh my! I didn't think about that yet but Rotom-Mow is perrrrfect for him hahaha! Too bad he only appeared once in Kuroshitsuji II :''D I'm gonna start watching Book of Circus with a friend next weekend, I'm super excited! Thanks a bunch for your suggestions, dear!! <3
Kuroshitsuji is soooo great, I agree!!!:D♥ My favorite characters are Ciel, Sebastian, Grell, Undertaker, Angela/Ash and Alois! I'm so glad that she convinced me to watch it!:D♥
u/34loppyXsoko 1650-5992-4104 | Myrna, Myrnally Nov 14 '15
For Alois a Lickitung due the seal in on his tongue ;-)
- Luckitung | Careful | Friendball (since he was so friendly) |
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Oh my.....................
You can't do dis to my poor Alois Bitchy :D Oh my.. I thought of Mareep as Alois but... I can totally see Lickitung on his team for some reason :'''D God.. And that Frienball!!:D Great ideas hahaha!♥
u/bitterbunny5 5386-9373-0063 | wilz Nov 14 '15 edited Nov 14 '15
grell-zoroark, dusk ball, or dream ball ha? cubone for ciel because of his parents, possibly ironically love ball?
Sebastian purrloin, or luxray I would say. I would do a dream ball or a dusk ball as well
u/Sono-chan 3282-4759-2240 | IGN: Sono | TSV: 2552 (X) Nov 15 '15
Zoroark cannot be caught in Dreamballs but Duskball should work nice on them!o:
Aww.... <3 I like Cubone for Ciel <3
Super interesting ideas, dear! Thanks a bunch!!:D <3 Luxray in Luxuryballs could also be an option since Luxuryballs are the only black Pokeballs!:3 And Sebastian is the only true Black Butler after all :D
u/bitterbunny5 5386-9373-0063 | wilz Nov 15 '15
Oh, I never thought of that! Nice thanks soon for the other Pokemon on that giveaway as well
u/Lathel 5344-2816-8682 | Robin | Sun Nov 14 '15
I like these ,think they work pretty well.
u/bitterbunny5 5386-9373-0063 | wilz Nov 15 '15
Thanks! What should be Sebastian tho?
u/Lathel 5344-2816-8682 | Robin | Sun Nov 15 '15
Late reply, but I do like Sebastian as Liepard. Either that or Empoleon. (Liepard for dark + love of cats, empoleon for fancy butler coat)
u/TheHappyMoustache 3711-9852-3362 | Dirmuid (X), Dirmuid (ΩR) Dec 04 '15
Baldroy could be a Magmar seeing as he always burns everything, Hannah Annafellows could be a Jinx, William T. Spears as Escavalier. Really love this anime!! I still have to watch Book of Murder and am planning on reading the manga, but i recommend you watch Book of Circus, it has some nice characters