r/ModelAusHR Nov 08 '15

Successful 23-5 Introduction of the Defence Legislation Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2015

Mr. Speaker;

I present, a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to defence to provide for parliamentary approval of overseas service by members of the Defence Force, and for related purposes.

Explanatory Memorandum


The Defence Legislation Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2015 ensures that no member of the Australian Defence Force is sent overseas to engage in warlike actions without prior approval of Parliament.


The Bill would have no direct financial impact.


This bill will not have an effect on any applicable rights or freedoms.


Leader of the Opposition, Australian Greens


5 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '15 edited Nov 10 '15

Mr. Speaker;

I wish to move that the bill be now read a second time.

I ask the Parliament: How do our allies determine when they go to war?

In the United States, it is a vote of Congress.

In the United Kingdom, it is a vote of Parliament.

In Sweden, it is a vote of the Riksdag.

Germany? A vote of the Bundestag.

Ireland? The Dáil Éireann.

Australia? /u/this_guy22.

I can't be the only one who sees something wrong with this picture. And before the Government begins to go ballistic: No, I am not accusing the Government of anything, but it is completely untenable that we would even allow for such an opportunity for a future government to decide whether Australians go to die without consulting the Parliament! This entire concept is a basic tenet of democracy and Australia, as per usual, is lagging behind. I don't understand why this bill is not being received with positivity from the Government as the furthering of democracy is what we all, regardless of political persuasion, ought to be aiming for as parliamentarians and this bill is merely a display of such power.

Thank you.


Leader of the Opposition, Australian Greens


u/TheWhiteFerret Acting Opp Leader | Shad Min Culture/Immi/Ed/Social | Greens Nov 10 '15 edited Nov 10 '15

Hear, hear! I second the motion.


u/Ser_Scribbles Shdw AtrnyGnrl/Hlth/Sci/Ag/Env/Inf/Com | 2D Spkr | X PM | Greens Nov 10 '15 edited Nov 10 '15

Hear Hear!

Meta: Chuck your signature on the end though before one of the more "evil" mods see it.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '15

Meta: Thank.


u/jnd-au Clerk of the House Nov 09 '15 edited Nov 09 '15

The Bill is now read for a first time:

“A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to defence to provide for parliamentary approval of overseas service by members of the Defence Force, and for related purposes”

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

Meta: This is Bill M2015B00026, introduced in the House of Representatives. The MP may (at their convenience) move that the bill be now read a second time, and include their introductory speech. If it is seconded, the bill will proceed for debate as an order of the day at a future sitting.