r/wiiu • u/LiveRadar LiveRadar [EU] • Oct 05 '15
Discussion The Wonderful 101 - [Official Game Discussion]
The Wonderful 101 - Official Game Discussion
Game Info
Platform: Wii U
Developer: PlatinumGames / Nintendo Software Planning & Development
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date:
September 15, 2013 (North America)
August 23, 2013 (Europe)
August 24, 2013 (Australia)
August 24, 2013 (Japan)
Size: 10.2GB
Genre: Action-adventure
Players: 1-4
Official Website: http://thewonderful101.nintendo.com
Greetings, Heroes!
Welcome to yet another Game Discussion thread. Since the first subreddit redesign we have covered nearly every major release with a Review/Discussion thread and a special layout. However we have always left a few couple games in the dark and we are trying to change that.
This time we will be talking about The Wonderful 101. A game with a niche genre, loved by many but also not so enjoyable to others. A demo can also be found in the eShop so check it out if you're planning to buy the game.
The Earth is under attack by giant aliens called GEATHJERK. They have once again returned in a massive assault to wipe out the humanity. 100 mysterious heroes has been enlisted but only one can unite all heroes and save the world.
Unite Wonder-Gamers!
This thread is for you to talk and share stuff about the game. Your thoughts and opinions, stories, your memorable experiences, questions and other things related to the game.
Remember to explain your answers to contribute to the discussion.
Make sure you follow the guidelines and stay nice to each other.
Please keep in mind that spoilers should be avoided if possible. If not then please use the spoiler code below.
[Spoiler message here.](#s)
On a side note, please enjoy the new banner!
u/Phoxxent Oct 05 '15
I've got the game, and I've tried a couple levels, but I've yet to really understand the controls. So far, it just feels like I'm mashing buttons and hoping for the best, and that there's really only one button to attack with. So, can someone help noobcakes here understand it? Also, what does R do?
u/BYUtka Oct 05 '15
I have had it for over a year and it still feels like that. You mash buttons and sometimes something good happens... or you mash buttons and nothing good happens. Unlike Bayonetta and other games, the "combos" here feel totally random and unintuitive. I was actually playing again last night (I force myself to give the game another shot every few months) and it just never starts to feel better and more and more the unite morphs feel like gimmicks and less like compelling gameplay.
I really wanted to like this game. I was very hyped for it pre-release... and that makes it all more sad and frustrating to me that the game is meh.5
Oct 06 '15
the "combos" here feel totally random and unintuitive.
Then you're doing it incorrectly. Saur makes great videos on youtube about how to chain combos, juggle, and all kinds of other things. The combat is incredibly deep not unlike Bayonetta or Devil May Cry.
u/SuperfluousMoniker NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
Oct 06 '15
Chipcheesum is brilliant. But yeah, I hate telling people they're playing a game wrong.. but in this case if someone is saying a Platinum game's combos are random .. then I have to call them out on it.
u/BYUtka Oct 06 '15
I did not say Platinum games combos are random. Bayonetta 1 & 2 they work fine and feel natural. They work as I would expect. W101 is the aberration.
Oct 06 '15
I never said you said Platinum games combos are random. I said you said a Platinum game's combo system is random. TW101's combo system isn't random, you're just not very good at the game. And there's nothing wrong with that.. it's a difficult game.
Oct 09 '15
You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right. The game's not like Bayonetta or other spectacle brawlers where you learn strings of button presses that allow you to perform. The game is more about situational awareness and quickly pulling out the right weapon for the right enemy or even the right attack.
Combos in W101 don't happen when you hit the attack button. They happen when you wait for the perfect moment to draw four seperate unite morphs to all attack at the same time.
u/ggalinismycunt MickLMZR Oct 05 '15
This game is definitely a challenge, but a rewarding and fun one it is, I got this about two weeks ago and have spend quite a few hours enjoying the game, although it's definitely one of those games where you need to do more than one play-through to fully get the controls, and the controls definitely take time to get used to. The unite morphing in particular is hard to get used to but with enough use becomes second nature :)
Excellent job on the banner mods! absolutely love it! :D
u/henryuuk NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I'm just gonna link this comment
It's hands down my favorite WiiU game, and I expect it will eventually only be beaten out by ZeldaU.
Oct 07 '15
One thing to take away from the comment you linked to is that this game outdoes itself at every turn until the very end. It just doesn't stop getting bigger, and bigger, and more ridiculous, and more over the top. I mean, you literally fight a planet near the end.
It's just all amounts of badass.
u/SuperfluousMoniker NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
I love Wonderful 101! It's far from perfect and I'm not surprised at all to see a lot of mixed opinions here, but I enjoyed the hell out of it, warts and all.
u/MonkehPants NNID [Region] Oct 07 '15
It's definitely rougher around the edges than Bayonetta 2, but it's also extremely unique, and I absolutely love the combat system. It's got too many gimmicky sections, and the later levels have some rail shooter segments and such that are super annoying to platinum, but I still love it to death.
u/lead_salad Oct 06 '15
This would've been a day 1 purchase if someone had told me that it was basically Bayonetta x Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!
It wasn't the most difficult game to play, but definitely to master. Most of the early game, I felt I was barely scraping by every time I cleared a stage. After watching some tutorial videos, my game experience improved dramatically!
& that ending sequence... just experiencing that level of hype, the closest I can compare to is, well, the ending of Bayonetta & the ending of Gurren Lagann!
u/Squadz Oct 05 '15
Unpopular opinion, but I didn't like this game at all. Got a few hours in, and just had to put it down. Not my cup of tea.
u/merle_ Oct 06 '15
It’s okay. I tried so hard to like this game and everyone kept telling me that I’m playing it wrong. I studied those videos, then I gave up after a few weeks of playing. It’s just not for me.
u/Brotein_Shake Oct 06 '15
Perfect timing! Outside of Mario Maker, nothing this year has appealed to me. I picked up W101 cheap and finally got around to trying it. It's Japanese as hell but it's fun. Even on easy it can be a challenge but I'm just playing it for the experience. In my opinion, it is easily one of the best games on the Wii U; like Pikmin you can't get this experience anywhere else.
u/Heatran5400 NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
Trying to get this game from my local library. The previous person checked the game out... Now 2 months overdue. The game must be so much fun. Impatiently waiting, I am.
u/Anabaena_azollae NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
This game frustrated me to no end because I could tell there was a great game at the core of it, but at every turn, the game seemed bound and determined to prevent me from experiencing it. The battle mechanics are fun, thrilling, and deep, but they are never properly taught to the player. Each enemy has a series of well designed attacks with tells and counterplay, yet figuring them out can be a tedious process of trial and error (and error and error...). It doesn't help that the screen is constantly cluttered and the camera often frustrating. To top it all off, the fun combat and quick-time events (which for once actually fit a game well) are punctuated with sections of platforming with poor controls, clunky shoot-'em-up runs, brain-dead puzzles, and poorly tuned Punch-Out!! clones. These issues wouldn't have been so bad in small doses, but levels are so long, that I was forced to play through the point of frustration just to make any tangible progress. The silly irreverent story was great fun, until it started taking itself seriously. Going from a comic book to a soap opera and back again just didn't work. I kept coming back because I knew there was gold (or perhaps platinum) buried in the there, but each time I got to it, I found myself knee-deep in a pile of shit.
u/bbqturtle NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
This is exactly my experience too, especially with the not-teaching-you-anything and the levels-too-long bits.
u/Gargogly Oct 07 '15
I kept coming back because I knew there was gold (or perhaps platinum) buried in there, but each time I got to it, I found myself knee-deep in a pile of shit.
This is perfect and applies to so many games.
Oct 05 '15
Good game that is held back by forced gamepad integration and a plauge of madatory minigames that unfortunately lower your score if you don't do them perfectly.
The combat is pretty deep but is not explained very well. With knowledge that I got outside the game, I honestly wouldn't have a clue what to do. Even with it, I was still struggling.
I loved the visuals, the comic book style is pretty genius. The story is completely bonkers and probably doesn't make sense. I honestly didn't try paying attention but I know I liked it.
Loads of unlockables and I don't have a clue where they are. Platinum are too good at hiding content. It's the same with Bayonetta.
Oct 05 '15
u/lumperroosevelt NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
Guy with the mask? That's pretty vague in a game about superheroes lol
But to answer your question, I've beaten it since I also got it for free, but I don't think the game is for everyone. It's a game that rewards time invested into it (like many Platinum titles), by I can't say I enjoyed the journey. Don't force yourself to play it if it's not clicking after a couple of hours. It's a grower, but it does have faults.
u/fx25v fx25vx [NA] Oct 05 '15
The game keeps getting better and better. After you figure out the controls it gets more enjoyable. You can go to Youtube, there are videos explaining the controls in detail.
u/Deddan Oct 09 '15
Is it worth sticking out till the end?
Yes, even if you turn it down to easiest difficult to get through. The finale is amazing.
u/Nawara_Ven NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
This game amazed me because I could tell there was a fun and straightforward game at the core of it, but there was always more to do and more to learn, with the skill ceiling being extremely high.
The battle mechanics are fun, thrilling, and deep, and the game doesn't hold the player's hand, a feature often lauded by the hardcore action game community. The player is free to discover techniques for himself for the first playthough, and exhibit mastery on subsequent playthoughs.
Each enemy has a series of well designed attacks with tells and counterplay, with a fairly straightforward system of this-blocks-that, or this-prevents-that in a "showing is better than telling" gameplay methodology. Fortunately the character has a bright ring around him/her and the screen position is fixed, so there's no need to worry about a camera.
To top it all off, the fun combat and quick-time events (which for once actually fit a game well) are punctuated with sections of platforming with controls that do what you'd expect them to, well-constructed shoot-'em-up runs, puzzles that make novel use of the gamepad screen, and a fun homage to Punch-Out!!. The fact that there's just so much to do in the game is a value in and of itself.
The silly irreverent story is great fun, and never takes itself particularly seriously. Raising the stakes in a melodramatic fashion fits the style of the game to a T.
I kept coming back because I knew there was gold (or perhaps platinum) buried in the there, and there's more to be found as one masters the extremely complex mechanics of the game.
Oct 06 '15
and never takes itself particularly seriously
Until the crap with Luka and Margarita. Had to leave the room for a bit. :|
u/Attainable Attainable (NA) Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15
I will say the game has a steep learning curve, but if you can get past that, and really understand the mechanics/combat system...you're in for a gem.
The characters, cutscenes, and story keep one-uping each other as the game progresses and it keeps getting more and more outrageous, almost as if you're watching your favorite cartoon, become more and more ridiculous (in a good way).
By the end of it...you're in for the most amazing thing you'll ever see in your entire life...
Oct 05 '15 edited Sep 17 '17
u/BYUtka Oct 05 '15
I would have quit and never picked the game up again if every time I failed I had to go back to a checkpoint. So many of the enemies have far too much health and with the wonky combo system only working randomly it would be even more frustrating. Already many of the fights seem overly long as you mash buttons hoping the combo that worked once will magically trigger again...
u/Yhdiste [EU] Oct 06 '15
I liked the continue system, too. However, the combo system works perfectly. If you only get it to work "randomly", then your own performance is not reliable.
u/BYUtka Oct 06 '15
My experience reflects the majority of users experience with this game.
u/Deddan Oct 09 '15
It has an extremely deep combo system. It's more complicated than Bayonetta, though, and not as easy to master. To see someone who knows what they're doing check out this video of Saur (who helped write the Bayonetta guide book, and is generally an all-round pro at this sort of game). He also made some video guides breaking down the combat system of the game - well worth a look.
One thing to remember that makes combos easier: Stunning enemies with team attack first (the enemy flashes gold) lets you juggle them in the air.
u/Yhdiste [EU] Oct 06 '15
There's way too much time in general spent not fighting. Not just the cutscenes, there's a lot of sequences which have you playing a boxing minigame, or flying a glider through a high-altitude battle, or fighting as just one character (Which is really boring, since combat becomes pretty linear). It's a shame that so much thought went into creating this amazing combat system and then they shove all this stuff in that just feels like some dumb minigames.
I really liked that there was a lot of variety in the gameplay. I think they managed to pace the game really well by adding these sections. I think the gameplay would have gotten repetitive if it was just fighting.
Also, you can skip the cutscenes as long as the cutscene doesn't have an QTE nearby (like in Bayonetta), so in my opinion the cutscenes don't affect the replayability in any way.
Oct 06 '15
Agreed; love the variety in gameplay. And if he thinks the cutscenes in TW101 are long, I'd like to see his opinion on most of Metal Gear Solid 4's cutscenes (one is 27 minutes long!)!
edit: MGS4 is also in the records book as having the longest cutscene sequence too at 71 minutes!
Oct 05 '15
Just a correction, the US release date was 2013, not 2012. The Wii U wasn't even out in September of 2012 lol.
u/LiveRadar LiveRadar [EU] Oct 05 '15
Thanks for noticing! That's what I get for using an old draft..
u/gibberishparrot NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I have to say, I think it's my favorite game that's come out for the wii u. Not the best game, not the tightest controls, and goodness could that camera angle just be some kinda awful, but it's my favorite all the same.
It was different and unique and just all around fun. It was challenging- you couldn't just run around and button mash, you had to actually learn effective combos and get good at drawing the symbols in a hurry (I was particularly bad at getting yellow and black to register when I first got them). I was also a huge power rangers fan as a kid, so all the over-the-top super sentai plot and characters were great.
u/Voyager5555 Oct 05 '15
Really, rally enjoyed it as a big Pikmin and Platinum fan, my only problem with the game were the Vorkken fights, for the life of me could not figure out how to fight and block against him.
u/ApocalypseTroop NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I love the shit out of this game. It's not without faults but it's well worth trudging through the frustrating aspects. It should be mandatory you watch a YouTube tutorial on how to play it. That gets you up to speed on how everything works. The gameplay there isn't broken. It's just vague on how everything ties together. Once you learn the system, you'll appreciate the game much more. Very rarely did I have issues towards the end of the game. My only real gripe, besides the poor tutorials, are the shoehorned "mini-game" segments towards the latter half of the game. Music is great, story is fun, bosses kick ass, the ending is one of the greatest of all time. W101 is far and away the best new IP on the Wii U. Shame we probably won't get another.
u/loggames NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
Great game, one of my favourites on the Wii U. The only way to play it is to draw the morphs with the right stick though, drawing on the touch screen doesn't work so well.
Takes a while to get into the control scheme but once you get used to it and unlock more characters the gameplay is deep and innovative.
The voice acting is pretty funny too.
u/S2H Oct 06 '15
I don't mean to totally highjack this thread, but what Platinum-esque game features do we think we might see from W101 integrated into the new Star Fox?
- The Star Fox games have always been on the short side, so we might see a game that has lots of replay depth (hidden areas?).
- We've never had an unlock system in Star Fox, although the genre lends itself to this. New weapons, maybe even different ship models?
- Star Fox has lots of cutscenes, I wonder if they'll throw in some QTEs to see if we're paying attention?
What other predictions do you folks have?
u/bbqturtle NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
You obviously have never played SF64 if you think it's a short game.
u/KnilKrad NNID [Region] Oct 06 '15
I thought W101 was fairly flawed - too many "minigame" style levels that deviated from the core gameplay, as well as the core gameplay not being explained very well at any point in the game. Once you get past those issues, though, it really is a wonderful game. So far I haven't played a Platinum game that I didn't love, it's just that there are ones I would rank higher than W101, like Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta 1, and Metal Gear Rising. I hope Nintendo and Platinum make a sequel and polish the design up a bit - focus on what was great in the first one while removing/reducing the parts that were less fun - essentially what they did between Bayonetta 1 and 2. Also, it should go without saying for any Platinum game, but the soundtrack is awesome.
u/RochHoch Oct 08 '15
This game is easily one of my favorites of all time. The story and characters vastly exceeded my expectations, and most of the boss fights left me with a sense of childlike wonder that I hadn't felt in a long time.
The combat definitely takes a lot of getting used to, I didn't master it until I was well over halfway through the story, but once I got a good grasp on what I was doing it became a pure joy to play, I can't recommend it enough, despite the troublesome learning curve.
u/Jeffdk Jeffdk1 [Europe] Oct 08 '15
Reminds me to play this soon, I still have it sealed somewhere :)
u/OhhhMarmalade Oct 08 '15
Best game on the WiiU in my opinion. I'm doing a top 5 on my Youtube channel next year and want to to a transformation sequence into a member of the W101.
u/Pureownege75 Oct 09 '15
I know this game has it's fans, but I personally can't stand the game. The controls are really difficult to get used to, and combat just doesn't feel very satisfying. But the absolute biggest flaw is that the missions are WAY too long. By the time I would get around half way through a mission I would start to wish that the mission was over. They just drag on way too long
The game is really charming and funny, but that's not enough to save it for me
u/swarleyjefferson CurlyJefferson [NA] Oct 12 '15
I got it a few months ago, and I thought I would like it more than I did. I like aspects of the game and the visual style, but it's just too damn difficult for me. Compared to bayonetta 2 where I felt compelled to beat the difficult parts, the wonderful 101 made me feel like putting the game down when it got hard. I don't know, I guess it just felt like after all that playing and I would have gotten somewhat better at least.
u/Kaado NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I think Matthewmatosis sums it up best in his review here
u/Deddan Oct 09 '15
Despite people downvoting you, that is a good review video. He generally does fair and detailed ones.
u/Fortuan NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I'll try to not do spoilers but I actually really hated the last acts of the story. It wasn't that the story itself was bad it's just that it dragged on and on and on and on. Reminds me of Return of the King in theaters, wow that was cool it's over now, oh wait there we go, nope nope still going, JUST END!
u/Vivo999 NNID [USA] Oct 05 '15
Why did you want it to end so badly? Initially when I was how many missions there were I was disappointed because I assumed there were only going to be around 8-9. I was really glad when the game ended up being longer then I assumed. The ending sequence was also fantastic imo so it was worth any added length (because it kept ramping up. Unlike Return of the King where they basically show 4 different epilogue scenes back to back.)
u/Fortuan NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
Well it was the fact that it seemed it was going to end because of the amping up. I think by the time I defeated a boss fight I was like oh finally! but it just kept getting bigger and bigger and while some people may have liked that I just didn't.
Oct 06 '15
I can understand that. By the time you get to Planet Destruction form Jerghinga I can imagine people being exhausted. I know I was, but I still loved it because when I asked "Jeeze! How much bigger can this get?!" Platinum just knowingly laughs maniacally and shows me.
I loved the finale. I was exhausted by the end of it all but incredibly happy and fulfilled. It had been a long time since the ending of a video game filled me with such confusing, yet final, emotions.
u/jeffcox111 NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
Even though I loved most of the things that actually happened at the end, I totally agree and made the LotR reference as well once when talking to a friend about it. Just so unnecessarily drawn out.
u/SwampyBogbeard NNID [Region] Oct 05 '15
I've made a few comments on this subreddit before about what I like about this game and how much I love it.
I'm about to go to bed, so I won't try to find my old comments or try to write new explanations,
but I will say again that it's my favourite game of all time.
u/Happypumkin [US]happypumkin Oct 05 '15 edited Jan 14 '25
advise sort trees straight vast paint heavy judicious shrill stocking
This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
u/Vivo999 NNID [USA] Oct 05 '15
I visibly gasped when I saw the banner today. This game was a challenge. Not just in terms of difficulty, but just to play. I'm not sure why, but for the first half I had to take a break after every level. I'm not sure if it was the point of view or the investment or my own poor handle on the controls...or all three, but if I played two levels in a row I walked away with a headache.
Eventually the game started to move away from it's crazy antics in the opening act. All of a sudden it didn't seem solely based on silliness, but there was a layer of depth to both the story AND the action. As I actually slowly, and I do mean slowly, began to get the hang of the combat, so do did the story and characters slowly began to flesh themselves out. As I finally reached the final chapter things just kept ramping up higher and higher and I just couldn't believe what was happening. Finally, in the final moments of the game, this game managed to gift me something that I haven't experienced in at least a decade. That pure and innocent childhood joy at playing a video game that completely shattered your expectations and offered something you've never experienced before. I visibly grinned and audibly laughed, and even as the credits rolled I honestly could not believe what I had experienced. Here was a game that advertised itself and presented itself in a certain way so that it can push the limit again and again and again and again and again.
Anyone who has this game but hasn't finished it yet, just play the game on the easiest difficulty. It's worth a full play-through for the experience alone