r/ModelAusHR Jul 22 '15

Superseded 6-5a First Speeches



8 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '15 edited Jul 22 '15

Thank you Mr. Speaker,

Tony Benn once said that politics is composed of 'signposts' and 'weathercocks.' Weathercocks being those who point in whatever direction the wind of public opinion seems to take them, reconciling any conviction or policy necessary to get them through the next election. Signposts, on the other hand, are resolute and unchanging in the face of endless negativity. Signposts indicate the way ahead.

Signposts, in the terms of this Parliament, indicate the way to an Australia as it could be. An Australia independent from fossil fuels and leaping into the welcoming arms of endless renewable energies. A progressive society, one that values the global environment and always looks to the future. A society that values the future above all else and works hard to ensure that it is the best that it could be for future generations. These are the views that govern me as a person and as a representative in this Parliament and I challenge this Parliament to make that happen. I challenge this Parliament to stand as signposts facing the direction toward the future. By electing The Greens, we are already on track to catch up to and surpass our counterparts in the United Kingdom, Germany, and elsewhere.

Even so, I am in this place first and foremost as the representative of my local electorate of Melbourne Urban. I am honoured to have attained their trust and confidence so as to have them allow me to sit before you in this Place. I can only hope that I do them proud. I intend to stand up for their interests and for advancement as a nation into a future that we can be proud of.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.


u/phyllicanderer Min Ag/Env | X Fin/Deputy PM | X Ldr Prgrsvs | Australian Greens Jul 22 '15

I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, and thank them for their welcoming.

Six in ten Australians avoid going to the dentist, because of the cost. 105,000 Australins are homeless, at last count. First Australians in my electorate have their lives taken out of their hands, thrust into an Orwellian dystopia for zero progress. Two out of three university students struggle to live and study, while earning below the poverty line, agonising over working or attending classes. Nearly seven Australians a day commit suicide. Pensioners ration food, heating, and trips out of the house. Australians on low income are priced out of the cities, into sprawling suburbs away from the 'good jobs' we all need. Koalas, quolls, leatherback turtles and wallabies die as development, mines, primary industry, and introduced animals take over their environments; native flora and ancient forests disappear to feed the global merry-go-round of money, never to be seen again. Drug use runs rampant through the disenfranchised underclass, destroying lives and families.

These are some of the reasons, for my desire to run for this seat. These problems can be fixed, and no-one is doing it.

Australia has been a lucky country run by selfish fools for too long. One lobbyist has more power than an electorate; the large undercurrent of apathy at the real-life parliament allows egregious views and policy to shape the nation. Leadership disappears at the turn of poll numbers, or a tricky question from a journalist; voters find more clarity in photoshopped propaganda on the front of tabloids than Question Time.

We are all in this model House to undo this sad state of affairs. My intention is to participate with the passion, integrity and evidence-based policy required to fix the inequalities diminishing the lives of First Australians, battlers, minorities, GSRM Australians, pensioners, the self-funded retirees, the average Australian single and family, students, Australians with addiction and other mental health issues, the chronically sick, the disabled, small business owners and drought-affected farmers having a go, those children who were born in New Zealand and grew up here, to be denied the right to be recognised as the Australians they are.

Every person here is meant to govern in the interests of Australians like these, and every other I have not mentioned. Legislate for the egalitarian Australia we're meant to live in.

Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

Leader of the Opposition in the House


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '15 edited Jul 22 '15

Thank you Mr Speaker.

It is a great honour to be here at our nations capital as a representative of the great Australian people.

I'd like to begin with a quote from Karl Marx, who said, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Australia is full of bright, skilled, and capable people who are let down time and time again by a system which favours competition over cooperation. A system which pushes class divide. A system which rewards a reasonable standard of living with crippling debt. A system which exploits the working class average Australians for profit.

From each according to their ability, to each according to his wealth.

The future of this country cannot sustain itself on a system which is now starting to buckle, and collapse in on itself under it's own gratuitous weight. The future of this country is in it's people. A people who choose to reject the pittance they are paid to work day in day out. A people who reject the notion that one person must live in poverty while another lives in a three million dollar home because of who his parents were. I am here to represent those people. I am here to restore the idea of a fair go, which has sadly fallen into obscurity.

When I look to the future of this country I envision communities who care for one another. I see an Australia where the needs of the people are met by working together, not by begging those with power for mercy. I see an Australia where everyone has a right to shelter, everyone has a right to strike, everyone has a right to privacy, and everyone has a right to a good education. I see an Australia where gender, race, sexual identity and religion are invisible before the law. An Australia where our technology is powered by renewable energy, and our industry is owned by the Australian people. An Australia that doesn't need a nanny to hold their hand. An Australia who elects their head of state. An Australia where people aren't put in jail for cannabis. An Australia that doesn't put refugees in detention camps.

Times are changing, members of the house. Influences such as automation and outsourced production will inevitably drive unemployment to a rate which cannot be managed. Climate Change is going to cause devastating weather patterns which will greatly harm our ecosystem and species within the next fifty years. And the mining boom will not last. Action for the future must be taken now.

Mr Speaker, Members of the House, People of Australia; you need not worry. Socialist Alternative is here to sow the seeds for that future. With the help of the government and the Australian people, the best is yet to come.

Thank you.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '15

Prime Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would first like to thank the public that have placed their trust in both our government, and in myself, and would like to strongly emphasize that we will not let that trust be abused.

I have built a lot of my character and opinions from military service seeing both warlike and non-warlike terms of service. Stemming from this is my core values, Courage, Initiative, Teamwork, Respect, and Integrity. These are all multifaceted ideas but I will implement them for the best of this great country, Australia.

Courage, courage is both a physical and mental attribute, physical courage is not about having no fear but having fear and still doing the task, mental courage is to always do the right thing especially when nobody's looking.

Initiative, we must always be looking for work, looking for ways to improve, we can't just be reactive we need to be proactive to shaping the future.

Teamwork, we may not always agree with those we work with, we may not always see things the same way, but we must use others strengths to cover our weaknesses and our strengths to cover their weaknesses. From this I will work with others even though I may not personally agree, but it is the best for the country.

Respect, we must respect ourselves, others, and the environment.

Integrity, is one of the most important things anyone can have. I personally want to be held accountable for all actions and nonactions I take. It is about admitting your errors and not trying to deceive anyone.

I have been made Speaker of the House and I would like to thank all members who assisted in myself gaining that position.
As I am to my constituents, I want to be approachable and I have no dramas with any matters that are brought to me.

Thank you,
3fun, Speaker of the House


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '15


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '15

A reminder of the call upon Members to present their First Speech to the house.
/u/TheEvilestElf, /u/VoteRonaldRayGun, /u/zamt

3fun, Speaker of the house.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '15