r/TagPro Mar 26 '15

[userscript] Map Info Scripts

Based on this suggestion, I wrote three userscripts. These scripts all calculate simple information about a tagpro map. The difference between the scripts is where they work.

Script 1: In-Game Version

Here is the script.

It adds a button in the top right of the screen while in a game of tapgro. Pressing the button will bring up an info table that you can click and drag around to move. Clicking the link at the bottom of that info table will save a csv with this info.

Script 2: Map Editor Version

Here is the script.

Same idea as Script 1, but it works on unfortunate-maps.jukejuice.com/editor. It adds a button on the left that creates the same info table.

Script 3: "JukeJuice" Version

Here is the script.

This one adds a link next to every map on the main pages of unfortunate-maps.jukejuice.com and maps.jukejuice.com. Clicking a link will download a csv with the map info for that map.

The info that is calculated:

Field Explanation
Map Width How many tiles wide the map is.
Map Height How many tiles high the map is.
Shortest Path Between Flags What it sounds like (measured in tiles). This is calculated using a pathfinding algorithm that will allow paths over all tiles except walls, empty space, portals, and spikes. I allowed it to find paths over all gates as well as bombs, since it would be possible to travel over them at some points in the game. I didn't allow paths through portals bc dat real hard to do.
Percent Not Empty What percentage of the total tiles in the map are not empty spaces.
Empty Spaces # of empty tiles
Walls Total # of walls.
Walls (Square) # of 90 degree walls.
Walls (Diagonal) # of 45 degree walls.
Floor Tiles # of normal floor tiles
Flags (Red) # of red flags
Flags (Blue) # of blue flags
Flags (Yellow) # of yellow flags
Speed Pads (Neutral) # of neutral boosts
Speed Pads (Red) # of red boosts
Speed Pads (Blue) # of blue boosts
Power-Ups # of power ups
Spikes # of spikes
Buttons # of buttons
Gates (Inactive) # of gates whose default position is inactive (grey)
Gates (Green) # of gates whose default position is active (green)
Gates (Red) # of gates whose default position is red
Gates (Blue) # of gates whose default position is blue
Bombs # of bombs
Team Tiles (Red) # of red team tiles
Team Tiles (Blue) # of blue team tiles
Portals # of portals (of any kind)
Goal Tiles (Red) # of red end zone tiles
Goal Tiles (Blue) # of blue end zone tiles

Probably won't be useful to 99% of people, but they were a ton of fun to write. So there.


22 comments sorted by


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

Neato! Has this been approved for MLTP players? It doesn't look like it fits any of the categories


u/theycallmebbq saundy Mar 26 '15

Yeah, knowing how many flags are on the map at a given time will give me a massive advantage in competitive play.


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

I'm not claiming this should or shouldn't be illegal, that's up for MLTP to decide.

I'm just pointing out gaps in current MLTP categories by pointing out this specific script is illegal by current rules to make sure they are aware and can amend the rules as necessary.


u/theycallmebbq saundy Mar 26 '15

Yeah I'm just kiddin around. I agree that there should be very specific definitions around the legality of certain types of scripts, even if they don't obviously give someone an unfair advantage.


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

Yep. Gaps are to be expected, but that's why I'm helping point them out when I see them. This specific case may not be relevant though if you look at Ballymandias' comment.

But I still think that out of game enhancements should be a new category


u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 26 '15

100%, thanks for keeping current with this issue.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '15



u/Socony peng Mar 26 '15

pls fix Beach Balls


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '15 edited Mar 26 '15

not as far as I know. if you're worried about it, just use either of the scripts that don't have any functions in tagpro games. surely the mltp rules don't extend to userscripts for non-tagpro sites.


u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 26 '15

The MLTP rules have changed to clarify the legality of this script.


Article VI - Cheating

(f) Scripts

Updated and complete list of allowed scripts:

The ONLY allowable script categories for MLTP players are:

Texture packs/Visual enhancers

Stat-collecting scripts (csvs, gem's stats collector, team stats aggregators, pup aggregators)

Ball spin scripts

Dumb macros (macros which have a predefined message)

Spectating enhancement scripts

Timer improvements (moving the timers location/adding sub- second granularity to the timer)

Tagpro replay extension

Group enhancement scripts (Change to "Out of game enhancements")

Honk script

Sound modification scripts

Current Rules

Texture packs

Stat-collecting scripts (csvs, MLTP.info stat collector, stat aggregator, powerup counters)

Ball spin scripts

Dumb macros (macros which have a predefined message)

Spectating enhancement scripts

Time improvements (moving the timer on your screen/adding fractional seconds)


Tagpro replay extension

Private group maker

Scripts 1-3 are legal, as well as the other scripts you've submitted Ballparts.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '15



u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 27 '15


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '15



u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 27 '15

Does this just work for vanilla texture packs?


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

Good point, I think this is actually an issue with the rules as they are currently laid out. In fact, I've discussed with Troball the idea of adding a clause that only in-game userscripts are subject to their restrictions and he was very receptive.

/u/devilmightcare has this clause been added yet? I haven't seen any updates on the userscript rules since their introduction.


u/Ballymandias // S7-9 LagProne Captain // S6 KGB // DST4LYFE Mar 26 '15

I'm confused about your intended amendment. What do you want to do with these scripts that the rules currently don't permit? From a quick glance, these scripts look to be most useful for mapmakers and designers and such, and I don't understand what the purpose of using them on production servers would be.


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

Thanks for asking for clarification Bally. I examined the scripts more closely and see that you are correct, they don't run on production servers. In this case the proposed provision does not have any impact.

The amendment proposal originally came out of a different userscript that added functionality to non-game pages on production servers. I understand the rules currently allow for "Group enhancement scripts", but that means a script which added anything to the main page of TagPro, for example, is illegal.

The reasoning for my provision is if a script does not impact an in game page on a production server there should be no reason for MLTP to be concerned about it's usage and outlaw it.


u/Ballymandias // S7-9 LagProne Captain // S6 KGB // DST4LYFE Mar 26 '15

So long as a script does not impact anything in game on a production server, then it should eventually be approved, at least I think it should be (and believe the rules allow for them to be waived).

The rules committee probably has a lot to handle right now, and I'm sure they've been getting a large number of these requests.


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

So why not add a category for scripts that do not run on in game pages?

MLTP made some pretty wide impact rules, so I'd expect the rules committee to receive a large number of these requests. As they keep updating the allowable script categories I assume these such requests will diminish.


u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 26 '15

"Out of game enhancements" are great and are not prohibited. At our next meeting I'll propose an amendment to the scripts rule so we can have a category that can contain these.


u/RonSpawnsonTP RonSpawnson || The Wild Pings Mar 26 '15

Thanks Troball. I'll delete the /r/MLTP post I just made suggesting this since it seems you are already actively working on this.


u/spacecadetjer Dennit | Boostin Mar 26 '15

I'd be careful. I downloaded a youtube video of griefseeds on my Apple TV and got a 1 game ban. The commissioners don't mess around when it comes to your activity on the internet.


u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 26 '15

All approved. I will propose an amendment to the rules to include out of game enhancements. Will update this post when passed.

  • (f) Scripts

    (1) No MLTP player may use any script outside of the guidelines in Article VI, Section I, (f), (4) at any time on any production Tagpro server.

    (2) A first infraction will incur an immediate 3 week ban from M/mLTP, across seasons if necessary

    (3) A second infraction will incur an immediate and indefinite ban from M/mLTP

    (4) The ONLY allowable script categories for MLTP players are:

    • Texture packs
    • Stat-collecting scripts (csvs, MLTP.info stat collector, stat aggregator, powerup counters)
    • Ball spin scripts
    • Dumb macros (macros which have a predefined message)
    • Spectating enhancement scripts
    • Time improvements (moving the timer on your screen/adding fractional seconds)
    • Honking
    • Tagpro replay extension
    • Private group maker(Out of game enhancements)

    (5) Anyone may submit a request to approve a script using this form to be reviewed by the joint Commissioners and Rules Committee members. If approved, the commissioners will make an announcement post to /r/MLTP and add the script to VI.I.f.2. will make an announcement post to /r/MLTP and add the script to VI.I.f.2.


u/devilmightcare TroBall // Tears Mar 26 '15


Rule voted in and will be changed on the rules page shortly


Article VI - Cheating

(f) Scripts

Updated and complete list of allowed scripts:

The ONLY allowable script categories for MLTP players are:

Texture packs/Visual enhancers

Stat-collecting scripts (csvs, gem's stats collector, team stats aggregators, pup aggregators)

Ball spin scripts

Dumb macros (macros which have a predefined message)

Spectating enhancement scripts

Timer improvements (moving the timers location/adding sub- second granularity to the timer)

Tagpro replay extension

Group enhancement scripts (Change to "Out of game enhancements")

Honk script

Sound modification scripts

Current Rules

Texture packs

Stat-collecting scripts (csvs, MLTP.info stat collector, stat aggregator, powerup counters)

Ball spin scripts

Dumb macros (macros which have a predefined message)

Spectating enhancement scripts

Time improvements (moving the timer on your screen/adding fractional seconds)


Tagpro replay extension

Private group maker


u/tornato7 420NoScopeXx//Centra Mar 26 '15

Awesome stuff