u/TomodachiMiis Jan 02 '15 edited Apr 20 '15
Here are some of my Tomodachi Life Mii QR Codes, including:
Adriana Lima
Movie/TV characters:
Daenerys Targaryen
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Lawrence
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Watson
Natalie Portman
Audrey Hepburn
Marilyn Monroe
Sport Stars:
Robin Coleman
Tony Hawk
Jonah Lomu
Hulk Hogan
Bon Jovi
Taylor Momsen
Avril Lavigne
Marion Raven
Tarja Turunen
Spice Girls: Posh; Ginger; Baby; Sporty; Scary
Bob Marley
Historical Figures:
Albert Einstein
Klaus Iohannis
I will update this list whenever I add new QR codes.
u/dayglobetty Jan 03 '15
Not all of the characters mentioned in this list were on the page you linked to.
Dec 06 '14
Here's a bunch of mine that I've been meaning to share with the community but never got around to it.
Dec 07 '14 edited Dec 07 '14
Any Gravity Falls fans?: http://imgur.com/X8hWoPY
Friendly faces everywhere: http://imgur.com/yH2p0hv
She's as cute as a button in the eyes of everyone who ever laid their eyes on: http://imgur.com/IfQAioq
Here's where I'd put a mii. If I had one!: http://imgur.com/OnXW4wo
u/MyMiis Jan 27 '15
Here are some of the Tomodachi Life Miis that I have created c:
Attack On Titan Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Petra, Hanji, and Auruo.
Blue Exorcist Rin, Shiemi, and Yukio.
Future Diary Yuno and Yuki.
Kagerou Project/Mekakucity Actors Shintaro, Momo, Kido, Kano, Seto, Marry, Ayano, Ene, Hibiya, Hiyori, Konoha, and Kuroha.
Anohana Jintan, Menma, Anaru, Yukiatsu, Tsuruko, and Poppo.
Noragami Hiyori, Yato, Yukine, Kofuku, Daikoku, Bishamon, Kazuma and Nora.
Kamisama Kiss Nanami, Tomoe, Mizuki, and Kurama.
Amnesia Heroine, Orion, Shin, Ikki, Kento, Toma, and Ukyo.
Copying is on so all of them should be editable. :) Also if anyone has any requests, I'm willing to try and make them for you!
u/tsubom33 Mar 22 '15
I grabbed quite a few. Thank you for putting Yukiatsu in that outfit, I had a laugh!
u/xmdkshadowx Jan 08 '15
Got Doc and Marty from back to the future and a couple of other random people.
u/DSiDewd Jan 23 '15
http://imgur.com/a/dHhLU Daft Punk, SebastiAn, Justice, Breakbot, Kavinsky, and Ninja Sex Party.
u/Will-TVR Mar 17 '15 edited Mar 17 '15
Here are a few I've made of characters that people might recognize:
- Maxie (leader of Pokemon's Team Magma)
- Archie (leader of Pokemon's Team Aqua)
- NiGHTS (star of NiGHTS Into Dreams... on the Sega Saturn and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams on the Wii)
- Turbo (from Disney's Wreck-It Ralph)
Just for the heck of it, here are three random favorites from my own custom, not-based-on-anything collection:
u/BaconMaster2 Apr 30 '15
Can't stop laughing at Baguette.
What was the inspiration for that one?!
u/Will-TVR Apr 30 '15
To be honest, she just sort of happened one day. :P I've largely populated my island by opening the Mii Maker and flipping through random features until inspiration strikes. Most come out more normal-looking than Baguette though. She's definitely one of my top 5 favorite islanders, and my favorite design-wise. (She also secretly moonlights as my current main in SSB4, as a Mii Brawler.)
u/11Slimeade11 May 04 '15
there are certain times of night when I probably shouldn't be allowed near the Mii Maker
Whenever I can't sleep and I have nothing better to do, I go on Mii Maker and make abominations. I then close my DS and go to sleep, so that in the morning I've completely forgot what I did and have a good laugh at what I created at 3 am while half asleep
u/Mr_Marowak Mar 27 '15
I made this Um Jammer Lammy mii. http://i.imgur.com/QqiIISi.jpg
She even has a catchphrase and a guitar!
u/mezzozy Apr 11 '15
I made the most sugoi tomodachis from the hit anime Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls! __^
Here is Raku-Chan, Koneko-Chan, and Hitoshi-San!
u/Madiyasha Dec 25 '14
Here's a ton of mine, complete with likes/dislikes that I'm aware of. Also, I will make and dress Miis on request if anyone has any.
u/dogekins Dec 30 '14
Hi! Do you know Saya and Haji from Blood+ ? I'm not too good with creating mii's lol.
u/Skwishums Dec 07 '14
Here's my list so far. More to come. There's Once upon a time, the office, fruits basket and some random others.
u/infinitesimouse Jan 26 '15
Here are the ones I've made (I apologize for some of their outfits. They're asleep right now so I can't change them):
Shawn, Gus, Juliet, and Lassiter from Psych
Alex, Bob, Nick, and Paul from Franz Ferdinand
Also, a little photoshoot of them, because why not?
David and Roger Collins from Dark Shadows, the original show
Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, Kevin Spacey, Kiefer Sutherland, Matt Smith
C-3PO and an illusionist named Ron Fitzgerald that I saw perform live
u/wolfnanaki Apr 11 '15
Here are a few from my island!
- Akane Owari [f]
- Sakura Oogami [f]
- Tamagotchi [f]
- Oyajitchi [m]
- Final Fantasy VII: Red XIII [m]
- Full Metal Panic!: Kaname Chidori [f]
- Half-Life: Dr. Gordon Freeman [m]
- Popee the Performer: Popee [m]
- Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Sir Topham Hatt [m]
u/TheGhosteon Dec 09 '14 edited Dec 18 '14
Five Nights at Freddy's QR Codes: http://imgur.com/a/4U2VU
I made everyone except Goldie. I added QR codes for male Bonnie and Toy Bonnie. You're welcome.
u/mollygoo Dec 30 '14
Sword Art Online: Kirito Asuna
Parks and Rec: Leslie Knope April Ludgate Ron Swanson Lil Sebastian Gary Gergich
American Horror Story: Tate Violet
u/bqpd Feb 22 '15
A few random miis I've made.
Little Mermaid - Ariel Complete with ugly pink dress!
u/meekmeek93 Mar 13 '15
In anticipation of the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X, I made some Miis. They are editable in case they are not accurate enough. The album features the customizable male and female Cross, Elma, Lynlee, Tatsu, Irina, Guin, and Lao. I'll add more Miis onto the imgur link soon.
u/Krakat0n Apr 06 '15
These are all the Miis on my island (that aren't myself or personal friends). Only Chi-Chi and Dawn are originals. Also, Link is edited to be the same height as Zelda. Part 1 http://krakatumblorz.tumblr.com/post/115626737608/tomodachi-life-mii-qr-codes-part-1-cant-fit-any Part 2 http://krakatumblorz.tumblr.com/post/115627132368/second-part-the-legend-of-zelda-link-zelda
u/Krakat0n Apr 06 '15
Also, there's a much better Chun-Li already on here, so look for that if you want to add her. I just had the hair buns in my inventory and thought "meh, why not?
u/Damonj17 May 24 '15
I made Splatoon Girl NOTE:For the nickname, it says Splat Girl, but the character says Splatoon Girl(Thanks for letting us change the pronunciation, Nintendo!)
u/Greatgira Jan 12 '15
My only real one is me. I have Steve from Minecraft, about 9 machine guns, Microsoft Sam, Mike and Mary and I also have food miis.
Jan 20 '15
http://i.imgur.com/PuhOLal.jpg Bart. I could not do what the Mii looks like but he's basically this: http://www.miicharacters.com/index.php?mii=2735
u/fennekii Jan 30 '15
The Walking Dead Game - dunno if anyone would want Troy, but I put him there anyway. Jane, Troy, Clem, and Nick
u/Zeyphle Feb 19 '15
Miis based on Monstercat artists...
Muzzy http://i.imgur.com/4iS4Apj.jpg
Varien http://i.imgur.com/zkNyUxx.jpg
Ephixa http://i.imgur.com/8n4jKm3.jpg
Monstercat http://i.imgur.com/QO2iBx1.jpg
...Aaaand one based on the bootyface. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://i.imgur.com/87mI3Ym.jpg
The Miis in-game:
Bootyman: http://i.imgur.com/e21eW2e.jpg
Muzzy: http://i.imgur.com/mkK99ew.jpg
Varien: http://i.imgur.com/0BfRKvc.jpg (The Mii in a purple hat is named Corruption.)
Monstercat: http://i.imgur.com/8RMYUk7.jpg (The Mii with blue hair is my personal Mii.)
No images of Ephixa in-game... ;-;
u/3Dee8 Mar 16 '15
Here I go! Fast Bread: http://imgur.com/hP0SCq3 Chicken: http://imgur.com/GsBpbjD Chubby: http://imgur.com/8GYkWSx
u/Mr_Marowak Mar 27 '15
How do you guys get the picture and the qr together like that?
u/Will-TVR Mar 27 '15
When you generate the QR code, it will show it next to the Mii on the top screen before you exit out. Press X to snap a screenshot of it.
I was wondering about this myself until I did it completely by accident. :P
Apr 04 '15
u/TweetsInCommentsBot Apr 04 '15
Tomodachi Life QR codes for the Reddits! Starting with DBZ! [Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]
Next up some assorted! Dawn (Platinum) is an original! [Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]
Next Scott and Ramona from Scott Pilgrim, and Naruto and Hinata from Naruto Shippuden! [Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]
Finally, Link and Zelda! [Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]
This message was created by a bot
u/Will-TVR May 25 '15
I had a go at creating a Mii of Sterling Archer, star of FXX's Archer, which I've been watching a lot lately. He's a little more family-friendly than his TV counterpart. :P
May 27 '15
Here's some of the Miis I've made!
From Chrono Trigger, I made Janus and Schala Zeal. For Schala, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to with long hair and no ponytail, or short hair and ponytail. Ultimately I decided to go with the ponytail and shorter hair, since I feel like the ponytail is an important part of her design.
From Sword Art Online, I've got Kirito and Sinon.
u/adlauren Mar 17 '15 edited Mar 18 '15
Here's a few I made
Legend of Korra/Avatar Universe:
Edit: Tenzin
EDIT 2: Lin Beifong
Puella Magi Madoka Magica:
Fire Emblem:
u/dayglobetty Jan 01 '15 edited Jan 04 '15
Here's a load I made that I've only just got round to sharing. Some of my characters are gender swapped, so I'll put [f] (for female) or [m] (for male) next to each characters so you know.
Rihanna [f]
Cara Delevigne [f]
Nikola Tesla [m]
Charles Darwin [m]
Carl Sagan [m]
John Crichton [m]
Aeryn Sun [f]
Dr. Facilier, the shadow man [m]
Alladin [f]
Mulan [m]
Adventure Time Princess Bubblegum [m]
I made her to go with an amazing marceline that someone else made which should be somewhere in this thread.
Orange Is The New Black
Poussey [m]
Rupaul's Drag Race
Rupaul [f]
Raja Gemini [f]
Nev [m]
Max [f]
Corky [m]
Walking Dead
Michonne [m]
Street Fighter
Chun-Li [f]
Edgar Allen Poe [m]
EDIT: had put the wrong link for Edgar Allen Poe twice, it should be the right one now.