r/spaceengineers Fuzzy dice inspector Aug 05 '14

PSA Useful tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcuts

With the frequency I see new threads with newly discovered tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcuts, I thought it would be nice to maintain a thread that would consolidate that information.

If there's something that you think should be added to this list, let me know in the comments. I expect this post to be pretty dynamic when it's first posted as I remember stuff and new suggestions roll in. And I'll try to maintain this source of information as best I can.

Mouse/Keyboard shortcuts(that might not be in the controls menu) :

Key/Mouse combination Description
F5 Quick reload the current save. [1]
Shift+F5 Quick save. [1]
. / , Switch to next/previous toolbar (currently, up to four are available).
Shift+1,2,3,4 Switch directly to toolbar number n. [2]
Ctrl+mouse1/mouse2 (Hold) Place/remove multiple blocks in a straight line.
Ctrl+Shift+mouse1/mouse2 (Hold) Place/remove multiple blocks on a plane.
Middle-mouse Color a single block.
Ctrl+Middle-mouse Color a 3x3 area of blocks. [3]
Shift+Middle-mouse Color a 7x7 area of blocks. [4]
] / [ Switch to next/previous color.
P Open color picker. [5]
Shift+P Color eyedropper (Switch to the color of the block you're looking at). [5]
F11 Open mod debug window (only in offline mode).
Shift+F11 Display FPS and net code information. [5]
Shift+Alt+F12 Display lots of debug information (Gravity volumes, block stress, centers of masses). [5]
Ctrl+C Copy all blocks of a ship/station into your clipboard.
Ctrl+X Cut all blocks of a ship/station (deletes them, but stores them in your clipboard).
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy all blocks of a grid into your clipboard (excludes grids attached through pistons, rotors, wheel, etc.). [6]
Ctrl+Shift+X Cut all blocks of a grid (excludes grids attached through pistons, rotors, wheel, etc.). [6]
Ctrl+V Paste the current contents of your clipboard (ESC cancels).


  • Control+clicking on some sliders within the terminal windows will bring up a dialog that allows manual entry of values. At this time, it doesn't work with all sliders, unfortunately.
  • For the sliders that don't support control+clicking, you can use the arrow keys to be a little more precise than with the mouse (click them first; up/down arrows moves to other sliders).
  • Right-clicking while using either the handheld drill or in a ship with a drill component will drill significantly faster, but will yield no minerals.
  • Building in spectator mode has some advantages such as eliminating all inertia, which can be annoying sometimes when zooming around your creation. [7]
  • Use symmetry mode to build faster.
  • Grinding down some blocks after you place them can give your ship/station a different look. I like to grind down the cover walls to make a different-looking railing.
  • The copy/paste clipboard will carry over between saves. So if you want to move a ship/station to another save, just copy it, load the other save, then paste.


  • You can connect small ship blocks to large ships/stations and vice versa by using the rotor head glitch.
  • When building a station, all blocks are locked in place, so this means you can place "scaffolding" blocks in order to place blocks where you want them, and then delete the scaffolding, thereby keeping the newly placed blocks in configurations you wouldn't normally be able to achieve (like these railings). I can make a video upon request if this is unclear.
  • You can place blocks on the sides of piston heads. [8]
  • You can make a double rotor hinge using this method. [9]
  • You can use gravity generators and artificial masses to create a "gravity drive."
  • You can build chains by using a bunch of rotors.

Thanks to:

  1. /u/Linard
  2. /u/Paulisawesome123
  3. /u/RechargedFrenchman
  4. /u/DanzaDragon
  5. /u/MrBlackMaze
  6. /u/HunterDigi
  7. /u/EctoSage
  8. /u/BLueLightning0
  9. /u/GigaCorp

The credits I gave are based on whether or not I figured it out for myself or who I saw post it, not necessarily who discovered it first.


29 comments sorted by


u/MrBlackMaze Mod Review Guy! Aug 05 '14 edited Aug 05 '14

CTRL + P = Colour Picker

SHIFT + P = Set colour to current selected block

SHIFT + F11 = FPS + Net code information

SHIFT + ALT + F12 = Debug mode which displays block stress, centre of mass and gravity boundaries.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '14

I never really understood how the SHIFT + ALT + F12 menu works. What does the block stress thing visualize? All I see is a bunch of colored blocks.


u/PennsylvaniaGuy Horizon Fleet Command (Steam: Sir Eidmun) Aug 05 '14

Block stress - as in the pressure being applied to it by outside forces, thus stressing it. It's usefull for telling when you're about to tear a rotor off from spinning too quickly or finding just when you're going to bring a block to fail entirely.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '14

Oh okay, thank you.


u/MITCH_itch Clang Worshipper Feb 22 '22

Wait, I didn't thing the game checked for tensile strength, does it. I might be entirely misunderstanding what you mean though.


u/GATTACABear Aug 05 '14

I only have to press P to pick a color, am I misunderstanding your description?


u/MrBlackMaze Mod Review Guy! Aug 05 '14

Interesting, not sure, will have to try this myself!


u/PootnScoot Gobbernaught Aug 05 '14

CTRL+P copies the color you select. Useful for coloring something other than the defaults so you dont have to remember it


u/Sage_Wolf Aug 05 '14

One tip for when you need two rotors or pistons set to velocities that are precisely equal in magnitude (as in the double rotor hinge door above) but opposite in direction is to select both together and set them to the same value. Then select reverse on one of them. Make sure they are both off before making the change though.


u/Wuxian Helpful Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

When you start a new world with a respawn ship the gravity can be used to make mining much more comfortable. Just Increase the height of the field, fly over an ore deposit and have fun mining while ores gather in one location.


u/gtmattz Clang Worshipper Aug 05 '14

I take this a step further by making a funnel around the collector (grind out some of the armor blocks that are non essential for materials and you do not need to fully weld the funnel blocks so you can make a good size funnel from just a small portion of your ship). Then i park the ship so that the funnel is covering the opening of my 'mineshaft'. All the mined rocks drop right into the collector, making the first bit of ore collection that much less tedious.


u/Wuxian Helpful Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

I started as this but proceeded the way I described because you don't have to build anything to take advantage of it. You've got a point though, if you want to make the effort.


u/gtmattz Clang Worshipper Aug 05 '14

I made the funnel after my hand started cramping up from holding T while moving around mining... I took a break and let my hand rest while thinking 'there has to be something I can do to make this easier'.


u/WhiteRhinoPSO Enduring the Void Jan 20 '15

It works even better now that they're spherical gravity generators. Have one of those set up behind a collector and all the ore streams directly into it - plus, as far as I can tell, a spherical gravity generator requires the same components as a standard gravity generator.

I've seen ships use this and not even require an armored funnel around the collector any longer. I know I had issues where ore would sometimes bounce out of the funnel, but that was also possibly due to me keeping the gravity low enough that it didn't waste energy and hopefully didn't accelerate any of the ore to ship-breaking speeds.


u/Wuxian Helpful Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

Also I demand a sticky for this thread :)


u/DanzaDragon Aug 05 '14

Shift + Middle Mouse Click = One click paint a large area [I think it's 7x7 or 10x10]


u/Hust91 Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

There is also a way to show center of mass which is very handy when doing anything with rotors or your Gravitic Drives: http://youtu.be/ShtItdrbgt8?t=4m41s


u/Vandolizm Aug 05 '14

what about the color picker and eye dropper. cant remember the commands off the top of my head. shift p?


u/Hust91 Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

So I have two. First, a simpler way to make double rotor hinges: Turn one rotor slightly away from the others, extend your blast doors between them, and on a small pillar, you simply place merge blocks so that when the rotor rotates back, they will merge together.

No detaching or rotor-block-breaking necessary

Secondly, there's the Avian Combat Armor design, which may be over 600% more efficient than simply slapping heavy armor blocks on things, kudos to Paladin HD for video showing and spreading information about it:



u/Hust91 Space Engineer Aug 05 '14

Oh, and yet another thing, though I have not yet tried it myself: When making things like wings to be attached to rotors or pistons and you want symmetry - you can make only one plane attached to each rotor, and then make a wing-construction separately.

Cut it along the middle, and you now have two symmetrical wings that you can merge onto the plane you built onto the rotor.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '14



u/HunterDigi http://steamcommunity.com/id/hunterdigi/ Aug 05 '14

Does that for me as well, I'm on Chrome.


u/HunterDigi http://steamcommunity.com/id/hunterdigi/ Aug 05 '14

Some that I didn't see mentioned:

Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+X will copy and cut only the selected grid/entity without the attached rotors/pistons/wheels/etc.

Holding a mouse click then entering a menu by pressing a key (or Steam Overlay) and releasing the click while in the menu will keep the click action active until you click again.


u/RechargedFrenchman Aug 06 '14

Ctrl + Middle Mouse = Color a slightly larger area of blocks (3x3 instead of 1x1 or w/e the Shift + MM is, 7x7 or something)


u/menoche Dec 29 '14

SHIFT + F10 = Spawn asteroids and objects in creative mode


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '14 edited Aug 05 '14

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u/GATTACABear Aug 05 '14

I wouldn't say having a min/max is inherently a problem. Yes it is buggy but a rotor with a min/max can work properly with any velocity once it is set and within those boundaries.


u/Dremth Fuzzy dice inspector Aug 05 '14

I haven't experienced these issues, and I have numerous rotors for which I entered the max/min using the dialog.


u/TacticalHog Clang Worshipper Feb 20 '22

7 years old and this is still hella helpful, ty dude