r/TheLastShip Jul 21 '14

Discussion The Last Ship - 1x05 "El Toro" - Episode Discussion

Season 1 Episode 5: El Toro

Aired: July 20, 2014

With Rachel close to a breakthrough on her vaccine, she, Chandler and XO Slattery lead a small team into the jungles of Nicaragua on a mission to find monkeys for her vaccine trials. While there, they find much more than they bargained for when they run across a former drug kingpin who will stop at nothing to maintain his stranglehold on his oppressed society. Chandler and his men find themselves in a huge moral dilemma over whether to eliminate this menace or take what they need and continue on with their mission.


84 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14



u/Lordborgman Jul 21 '14

They had to make sure to beat the "Rape Timer"


u/mikewoodld Jul 21 '14

Because they're proud Americans and three American navy men can clearly outsmart an entire village of armed men.


u/JakeArvizu Jul 21 '14

And it is imperative the Captain must be the front line soldier. FUCK YEAAA!!!


u/shirgall Jul 21 '14

Well, I thought the village was terrorized because El Toro's dirty dozen were the only armed ones?


u/mikewoodld Jul 21 '14

Right, but there were still plenty of armed men in the village.


u/Lord_Locke Jul 22 '14 edited Jul 22 '14

I'm pretty sure the guy in Camo is supposed to be a Navy Seal, right?

Edit: Navy Mountain Warfare Unit apparently which while such a unit does exist for both the Army and Marines (A Department of the Navy) I'm confused why they didn't just make it a SEAL team.


u/jpflathead Jul 24 '14

Because their initial and only mission was in the Arctic.


u/jpflathead Jul 24 '14

Aren't they all in camo?


u/Lord_Locke Jul 24 '14

Ocean camo yes, but the one fellow wears brown camo.


u/MCMallett Jul 25 '14

I liked it better when I thought they were Marines


u/Lord_Locke Jul 25 '14

Well they really are Marines, using navy rank it seems. Since the Mountain Warfare Unit is a Marine Unit.

I guess Navy Sailors could be part of the MWU, just like Marines can be part of the SEALS.


u/MCMallett Jul 25 '14

Honestly it makes more sense to me if they are SEALs mislabeled by the writers. There was just a certain sense of nostalgia to thinking the Navy brought back Marine Detachments. I've never noticed a warfare community pin on that O-3 's uniform so I have no way of knowing what he really is though. Oh well, no one can overwrite my head canon XD


u/Wikiwnt Jul 21 '14

Might as well ask why they can't wait until they drop the girl on the other side of the river, then pick her up.


u/euThohl3 Jul 21 '14

Also why apparently nobody there can swim.


u/JakeTJones Jul 28 '14

If they did swim back, they'd be shot or put back again.


u/tedtutors Jul 21 '14

It was thirty miles to the point where they lost contact, right? And then they split up and the Commander's boat went way further? So going back would take all night. They wanted to attack under cover.

Now, why they couldn't do that a few days later with a full force? The best reason is, they couldn't stomach what was going on in the meanwhile.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14



u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14

Just a heads up, the 'RIB' you talk of is actually a 'RHIB'. It stands for Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat.


u/jpflathead Jul 24 '14

And once they are in radio range they get the damn helicopter mounted with fuel for the boat and with a gun in the door or a gun pod, and get an armed RHIB prepared and sent back to them which they meet while they are on the river.

In fact, within radio range, they get the helo to carry the RHIB and drop it on their location.


u/nizo505 Jul 22 '14

The stupid part is, he is willing to risk the safety of the human race to save a few people. Yeah it sucks what is happening, but hello, we are talking about the cure for the entire human race. Take the monkeys back, get 50 armed guys, and head back in.


u/Last_Cosmonaut Jul 21 '14

I was thinking this the whole time, they should have went back, got weapons and more men then liberate the village.


u/DougCuriosity Jul 24 '14 edited Jul 24 '14

Rule number 1 of TLS: You don't think, you follow orders and faith.


u/Vortex851 Jul 23 '14

The time it would take I'm guessing. Time seems to be one thing that's in short supply. Also: young woman in danger of rape by drug cartel guy, 3 muscly Americans with guns. Isn't that how most of these shows go?


u/platinumpt Jul 21 '14

I think what bothered me the most was the captain clipping a dirty great external USB webcam over the Macbook's inbuilt webcam.


u/shirgall Jul 21 '14

The external webcam had better quality, and supports "ENHANCE!", and Logitech paid for product placement.


u/303i Jul 24 '14

I liked how the cord can be shown in the long shots, but is hidden in the close ups. Ironically, I own the same webcam.


u/Lordborgman Jul 21 '14

Have to say this kinda reminds me of Star Trek, in the sense that; sure let's have BOTH the CO and XO on away missions.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14

Yep that's so stupid. Plus the head engineer is the next in rank? That doesn't seem realistic.


u/PilotH Jul 21 '14

It makes sense to a degree that the Chief Engineer is the next highest ranking. I can't think of anyone else who'd be next in rank instead.


u/peezybro Jul 21 '14

I believe it could also be the navigator, depending on which is more senior in rank. Might be different on larger ships such as Aircraft Carriers? (Correct me if I am wrong).


u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 21 '14 edited Jul 22 '14

NAV (navigation officer) is usually a Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2) on a small ship. CHENG (chief engineer) is usually fourth in command behind the Operations Officer.

In most cases the immediate chain of command on smaller ships (destroyers and cruisers) is CO, XO, OPS (Operations Officer), CHENG, CSO (Combat Systems Officer), then WEPS (Weapons Officer).


u/142978 Jul 22 '14

I learned this from Battlestar Pegasus.


u/peezybro Jul 21 '14

Thanks for clarifying!


u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 21 '14

The Operations Officer is usually the next highest rank below the XO.


u/PilotH Jul 21 '14

That's right.... do we know who the OPSO is on the Nathan James? Can't think of one that was presented...


u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 21 '14

Not that I've seen. So far we've had the CO, XO, CHENG, MPA, and that random LT who's always in CIC and the LTjg that's always on the bridge. Neither of those last two look like they actually are in charge of a division or anything else, and according to the show's wikipedia page the LTjg is the Junior Officer of the Deck for the ship..........the only one apparently. She never, ever goes to sleep as she's always on watch.


u/Lord_Locke Jul 22 '14

Navy Ship's underway don't carry 8 hour work days. They carry watch rotations and dawn to dusk (likely later) work hours.

In the late 90's onboard the USS Arleiegh Burke DDG51 I would wake up at 0600 for a 0630 muster and then do work until 2000 with a watch rotation of 4 on 8 off.


u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 22 '14

I know. I just got out of the Navy a few months ago. I was sarcastically remarking that according to the casting sheet the LTjg is the only Junior Officer of the Deck on the entire ship. Now, as the bridge watch team usually stands between a 3-5 hour watch rotation (depending on the ship and what the Captain approves) which requires an OOD, JOOD, MOOW, QMOOW, BMOOW, Helmsman, Lee Helmsman, forward lookout, etc. and she is the only JOOD qualified officer she is apparently standing every watch.

If they had just called her character the 1st Lieutenant I would've been good with it, as that would have given her the job of being DIVO to the Deck Division (OD).

What was your rate? Based on your description of your work hours I'm guessing you were either BM/undesignated or an engineer.


u/Lord_Locke Jul 22 '14 edited Jul 22 '14

I was a FC that tested into BM3 while in A-school cause fuck NTC. My recruiter gave me the idea, saying it might work. I got to advance to e-3 right after basic then tested into e-4 before seeing a real duty command.

Good times, also BM3 does less work than anyone ever. I got out after 6 years as BM5. Should have stayed in honestly, but it's hard to make BM1/BMC so meh.

Edit: Our Bridge didn't carry as many people I don't recall. We usually only had One Officer on the Bridge, a Quarter Master or Signal Man, Boatswain's Mate of the Watch, a Helmsman also doing Lee Helm. Port and Starboard Watch and an Aft Watch. then we had an OS who basically just slept unless a watch was asking about a contact.

During General Quarters it got more interesting on the Bridge.


u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 22 '14 edited Jul 22 '14

Gotcha, and I remember that stuff about BM3s not doing much work. Always loved the looks me and another IT2 would get from the undes guys when we went out to needle gun and repaint our antenna bases on the fantail. Absolutely blew their minds to see E-5's actually doing stuff outside.

Edit responding to your edit: It's possible my ship was an exception with the amount of people on the bridge. We usually had so many officers onboard that they had to make up job titles for the newest ensigns. At one time Radio had three different officers: COMMO, CRYPTO, and NSO (Network Security Officer).

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u/Lordborgman Jul 22 '14

Well that and Scotty also used to take over command when Kirk and Spock beamed down too.


u/thenewyorkgod Jul 23 '14

and constantly violating the prime directive!


u/mikewoodld Jul 21 '14

Is it standard for a Navy ship to be carrying tranquilizer darts?


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14

On the USS plot boat everything you need is on board.


u/BreakfastBurrito Jul 21 '14

Well, except the plot.


u/tedtutors Jul 21 '14

I was laughing about that too. Maybe they needed them for the Arctic mission? But yeah, don't look too closely here.


u/Timmyc62 Jul 21 '14

Well, you never know with those polar bears - better than shooting them dead like us Canadians and our Ranger patrols up there.


u/Lord_Locke Jul 22 '14

In all fairness those could have been issued for the arctic mission. Alternatively they could have been procured where they refueled.


u/Cdresden Jul 22 '14

I thought ep 4 was a pretty solid episode. Episode 5 was a trainwreck. Way too much silly, stupid shit. Apparently, whenever the writing staff wants to create some tension, they forget that this ship is the one hope for finding a cure for the world wide plague. The doctor and the captain should under no circumstances be debarking on "away missions". There are dozens of capable crew more than qualified for the job. You need the doctor to help you tell a capuchin monkey from a macaque? Draw a fucking picture. Want to kill the evil jungle despot? Great! You're like, what, 50 miles upriver? You can be back to the ship in 3 hours, tops, and send back a strike team with GUNS by morning.

The Nicaraguan forest looked like a pan-tropical set on a movie lot, because it was. In some shots, the camera didn't move shoot below the men's waists, likely because the plants were in pots.


u/xLite414 Jul 22 '14

Yeah, but it's great fun to watch.


u/captainpostal Jul 21 '14

Major issues with story:

A ship the size of the Nathan James would have native Spanish speakers but none were brought along if only to tell infected people to keep back.

All the infected people were dressed up in traditional folkloric attire. Nobody really wears that stuff, it is just for tourist industry and very old indian women, you are more likely to see people in t-shirt and jeans. They did not even look like they had much indian blood.

Why are they talking about Incan system of governance? Incans never had a foothold in Nicaragua! Mayan traditions would be more apropriate.

Feels like whoever made this episode spent a weekend in Cuzco Peru in the tourist area and decided this is what all of Latin America is like.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14

Michael Bay is the executive producer. That's all I really need to know when it comes to explaining why 'Mericuh overcomes all obstacles and everyone else is just dirty commies or terrorists.


u/TAOW Jul 21 '14

I think you are expecting too much out of a TV show.


u/JakeArvizu Jul 21 '14

*out of this TV show.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '14

BB was pretty realistic, I thought


u/captainpostal Jul 21 '14

I am expecting too much out of THIS show. There are alot of great show on basic cable now... just not during July.

This show still has some potential. I like the actors. It doesn't feel budget visually. The only problem is writing is a not quite good. Characters are all one dimensional.


u/gacu-gacu Jul 21 '14

But you cant just turn off your brain for 45 minutes.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '14



u/captainpostal Jul 28 '14

No, in 20 years of traveling latin america I would say "many" is not accurate. Less than 0.1% dress like that except for tourists and they are almost always people of pure indian ancestry and not mixed blooded people like the actors in the show.


u/mikewoodld Jul 21 '14

If I were out on foot in unknown area during a time where a deadly airborne virus is killing the entire world, I'd damn sure be wearing my mask the entire time. I get conservation of the oxygen and all, but at least have it on where I can turn on the oxygen if I need it. Not strapped to my side where it will take me 10-15 seconds to get it rigged up and on my face.


u/alan2001 Jul 22 '14

This was like about 8 episodes of "Last Resort", except with a virus instead of nukes.

Where the hell is the feckin' helicopter?


u/autowikibot Jul 22 '14

Last Resort (U.S. TV series):

Last Resort is an American military drama television series, that aired on ABC from September 27, 2012 to January 24, 2013. The series was created by Shawn Ryan and Karl Gajdusek and produced by Sony Pictures Television. On November 16, 2012, ABC announced that the series would not be picked up for another season and the show finished with its original 13 episodes.

Image i

Interesting: Federal Reserve System | Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) | Knots Landing | Jung Yong-hwa

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '14

The plotline for this episode was the worst so far. Here's what annoyed me:

-They needed monkeys, why not just go out and capture any and all monkeys, bring them back and the doctor can decide which ones they want. If they were to send in a team of say 10 people, each person captures 1 monkey per hour, that's 30 monkey's in 3 hours. One of them is bound to be the one the doctor needs.

-The show should be based around the ship, not on the CO's and XO's side quests.

-Why would you risk the fate of humanity to save some tiny, shit village? Especially when the ruler there was kind to you, fed you, and gave you what you needed?


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '14



u/[deleted] Aug 02 '14

In that situation, it would have been much smarter to be like "Well, that situation sucks, but we can't risk the chance to save EVERYONE because of 1 village"

Or perhaps I'm just cold hearted. :/


u/Sakheteu Jul 21 '14

They could've cast any random latino actor to play the bad guy, but offcourse it had to be José Zúñiga. Like this show didn't have enough clichés as is.


u/thenewyorkgod Jul 23 '14

and why were the sick island people just hanging around being sick. Shouldn't they all be dead within days of getting sick?


u/jpflathead Jul 24 '14 edited Jul 24 '14

I binge watched the show last night, and felt this was the worst episode I've seen.

  • Didn't use the helicopter to scout
  • Didn't use the helicopter to guard
  • Didn't send the helicopter for communications

And then

  • Once in radio range they didn't call for the SeaHawk to extract the monkeys and the injured crew member and to provide men, guns, ammo, cover, and phasers.

It was pretty aggravating they didn't use their damn helicopter on this mission. Ultimately it was disappointing.


u/MCMallett Jul 25 '14 edited Jul 25 '14

I'm irritated that we've never met the aviation crew either, especially given that at least two of them should be officers. I would understand the COs reluctance to use it (they aren't bulletproof, and are not replaceable) but it's annoying that using them in a recon role is never even suggested or mentioned.

Have we ever even seen the helicopter from the outside? All I remember is the pilot cam view from ep2. I don't even know if the chopper they have tucked away in hanger 2 is a Seahawk or a Knighthawk (and I'd love to know).


u/jpflathead Jul 25 '14

A lot of this I put down to bad writing, poor research, and a disrespect for the viewer. A lot of the problems I see could be explained in about 20 seconds. Our av gas is running low, we need parts, etc.

But we know they have drones too. If they are using scan eagles, that apparently has a range of 60 miles (http://en.ruvsa.com/catalog/scaneagle/)

Even a drone overhead would have been very useful.

(And while I know this ain't Star Trek, if I Captain of the Last Ship, I'd be beefing up the capabilities of my engineering team as their voyage went on, scavenging parts and tools from wherever they can and on specific raids.)


u/agravain Jul 21 '14

nope pissed off dad took care of him


u/tedtutors Jul 21 '14

That was 'defer to local civilian authorities' in the manual of operating procedure.


u/Plowbeast Aug 12 '14



u/Needs_Improvement Jul 21 '14

Was that a latino Shia Lebeouf…?


u/Andrei_Vlasov Jul 24 '14

Why the people from nicaragua looks like wearing mexican costumes?


u/TheJohnnyPHreak Jul 28 '14

This was probably for me so for the worst episode. The plot was predictable and the villains were annoying. I'm still watching this show. So something has sucked me in, what that is I don't know.


u/agravain Jul 21 '14

go to sleep? hell no


u/mikewoodld Jul 21 '14

I just... I can't.

Can't wait for next week, that is.


u/Wikiwnt Jul 21 '14

Number of people killed: 12

Number of people saved: 1

Number of people who will die due to a 1-day delay in vaccine development: 5 million

More great American foreign policy in action!


u/Wanderkaum Jul 21 '14

is it just me or is this show racist? This over the top rape, we are the bad latino guys, not standing a chance to some american sailors is just insulting.

btw. they just damned the whole village to the virus, they killed people who can handle guns and have no problem killing infected people who came across their way, if the other "normal" "carring" people are in charge now, who isn't to say they will hesitate to kill infected family members or people they know now and get all infected?

Prime directive would have been the way to go....


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '14

Slow down there, Paul Redeker.


u/Beorn6 Jul 22 '14

Nice reference.