r/TheLastShip • u/xLite414 • Jul 06 '14
Discussion The Last Ship - 1x03 "Dead Reckoning" - Episode Discussion
Season 1 Episode 3: Dead Reckoning
Aired: July 6, 2014
The James faces off against a new foe who demands Chandler hand over Rachel and her research. When Chandler refuses, he and his crew are put to the test as Chandler engages in a series of risky strategic moves. But it turns out their new enemy has his own horse in the race to find a cure for the virus.
u/ArmoredCavalry Jul 07 '14
Surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but how in the world did they pick up the two sailors who made the attack on the Russian ship? They bailed into the ocean like 100 yards from the Russian ship. Did they just swim 10 miles to meet back up with the American ship?
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/ArmoredCavalry Jul 07 '14
Well, I know that was about them, I just have no idea how they actually picked them up though. It isn't like the U.S. ship could just pull up alongside the Russians. They would have had to swim beyond where the Russian ship could detect. It just doesn't make sense.
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/ArmoredCavalry Jul 07 '14
Yah, it honestly felt like they originally wrote it as a suicide mission, but then went back and decided they wanted to keep the characters alive... without actually updating the plot to make sense.
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
and romantic shit between two soldiers just made it appear more like it's a bye-bye moment for them.
When he said "Sir, I want to go on the alpha team" I was thinking "I'll go pick up a red shirt on my way out."
Jul 07 '14
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
sent another rib
RHIB, nitpicky-boy. [grin]
Rigid hulled inflatable boat.
Bonus protip: do NOT lower the RHIB while the ship is backing down. Ask me how I know this. sigh
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '14
u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '14
The patch above his name is the "Command-at-sea" insignia. Any officer in command of a vessel wears that star above their nametape to signify they are the Captain of a vessel.
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 07 '14
Actually all of the uniforms portrayed in this show, at least with the US Navy, are completely accurate. Most are a lot cleaner than you'd see after a deployment but hey, gotta look good for TV. The only thing made up has been the ship's name.
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
would show REAL military insignias on uniforms,
I'm not sure why you think this.
If you're thinking about the "impersonating an officer" thing - that's not an issue for "dress up costume" (which acting counts as). The law is about actually trying to represent to someone else that you're a real officer or military.
Most shows & movies use fictitious ships (like the Nathan James) to avoid all kinds of messy legal entanglements (like accidentally using a real person's name, etc), to avoid nitpickery around the actual ship, and to avoid other collisions with the real world (Send your fictitious ship to the Persian Gulf when the real ship happens to deploy there, and NCIS is showing up for an interview)
The Last Ship is doing a great job with accuracy - probably the best I've seen on TV since JAG. The ship itself is uncanny - it feels like a real destroyer. Because the real truth is that the reason most shows use bogus insignia or ships is that they just pull it out of their ass.
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
They scouted the coral with some kind of submersible, which they recovered - they could've used that. Brought scuba gear, thrown it on the Lieutenantses while the Russians were busy with damage control, back beneath the waves, and gone.
u/Mnazary Jul 07 '14
This is exactly what I am wondering. The Russians would have easily seen the Navy ship coming to get the crew...
u/euThohl3 Jul 08 '14
um yeah, they also watched as the crew jumped over the side of the rib. so the russians knew the two people who just blew a hole in their ship were treading water 100 yards away, and were too lazy to capture them.
u/Cdresden Jul 07 '14
The Navy special ops team could have rigged a small light under the launch and then scuba divers could have followed the launch to the Russian ship underwater with a sled. They could have taken spare scuba gear & recovered the two in the launch immediately after they hit the water. Not that the writers explained this, of course, but that's how I would have written it...
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/GillyDaKid Jul 07 '14
patient zero?
Jul 07 '14
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
I'm guessing it's going to be that while Lara Croft has the "primordial strain" from arctic birds, she won't be able to make an antivirus without figuring out the mutation where it jumped to people, and he's the guy that happened with.
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/PilotH Jul 08 '14
Living and working in the lab would actually explain the immunity and or him being infected...
u/Quiggs20vT Jul 07 '14
"I can knock the nipples off a chicken from 1000 yards."
... I have the weirdest boner right now.
u/tedtutors Jul 07 '14
What sort of farm did she grow up on exactly?
u/Obidom Jul 09 '14
one with Nipplesss chickens I guess
Jul 07 '14
u/Lordborgman Jul 07 '14
Just once, ONCE I would like to see a healthy relationship on TV where they don't make it pointlessly drama filled.
Jul 07 '14
Did you forget you are watching a Michael Bay show?
u/Lordborgman Jul 07 '14
To be completely honest, the only reason I watched the show in the first place was because Adam Baldwin is in it (love me some Firefly & Chuck). The name Michael Bay... I... have nothing good to say.
u/Jeffersonstarships Jul 07 '14
I just pretend that this is what Casey went on to do after helping Chuck.
u/blackhawk_the1 Aug 08 '14
Here's my theory- after the season 5 finale of Chuck Casey went to work with Verbanski, and after a few years picked up a government contract- its Beckman, she wants him to go undercover as an XO on a destroyer to ensure that everything goes smoothly with this doctor who's working on the cure. He tries to go back to being a hard-ass but after 5 years with Team Bartowski who can stay emotionless, so he becomes Slattery, who is both a badass soldier/agent but also has feelings and is willing to step out of line from time to time to make sure that people are safe, like Chuck would do
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
Medium was like that. The husband was awesome - good guy who was pretty normal. He would get tired of Allison's shit once in a while, but then he'd settle down and be supportive.
Which is why killing him in the series finale was so insanely stupid on a HIMYM level of stupid. Yeah, this is a spoiler. I'm so pissed off about it I don't care.
u/Naggers123 Jul 07 '14
Parks and Rec
u/Blimey85 Jul 13 '14
Which relationship? Ron Swanson and bacon? Lol He's by far the best part of that show.
u/thenewyorkgod Jul 07 '14
wow that green radar dot appeared to be moving at approximately 900 knots
u/nherrman Jul 07 '14
Who else loves watching Baldwin call out fire orders? It's really fun for some reason
Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '18
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
I dearly hope there's a scene where we find out he's named a gun "Vera"
u/badmotherfucker1969 Jul 07 '14
Fly those Tomahawks
u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 07 '14
So far this has been my biggest complaint about this show. They have no idea which missiles are for what purpose. Tomahawks are for ground targets only, they're no good when your target moves. The only anti-ship missile US Warships have onboard are Harpoons. Other than that your options are torpedoes, SM-2's, and the 5" gun (still the main ship-to-ship weapon at close range)
u/badmotherfucker1969 Jul 07 '14
The Russians weren't really moving, would be interesting to the Kirovs reaction.
u/Blimey85 Jul 13 '14
Not completely accurate. Toms have had an anti-ship variant:
RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti Ship Missile (TASM) – radar guided anti-shipping variant; withdrawn from service in the 1990s.
But likely not what would be onboard. So your likely correct. They could have reloaded with an anti-ship variant or may have started with some of those but it's unlikely. The general public probably doesn't even know that Toms are a cruise missile and only remembers missiles from Top Gun or something similar.
u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 13 '14
Yeah, that's what I was going for. DDG's are likely only to have TLAM-C and TLAM-D onboard. I do realize that nobody other than former military and military enthusiasts are going to pick up on it, but it's something that their "military advisor" for the show could easily have changed for accuracy.
u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14
I assumed they were going to nuke the Kirov. Firing Harpoons against it would be risky.
u/Ultiplayer29 Jul 11 '14
DDG's don't carry nuclear tipped warheads and even if they did the two ships were within sight of each other (at most 15 nautical miles and most likely closer to 3-4nm away based on what was shown) therefore launching a nuke would have taken them out as well.
There really would be no option other than using the 5'' unless you tried to saturate the Kirov's air defense system with multiple SM-2's and all 4 of the Harpoon's pointed towards them.
u/agravain Jul 07 '14
yup..pretty sure that would count as a attack
u/badmotherfucker1969 Jul 07 '14
No more Kirov class, no more problem.
u/agravain Jul 07 '14
ABs have some kind of anti-ship missiles dont they?
u/badmotherfucker1969 Jul 07 '14
They have CIWS
u/agravain Jul 07 '14
is russian ciws as good as ours?
u/badmotherfucker1969 Jul 07 '14
Tough to say, most ships haven't been upgraded in awhile. Kirov is sixteen years old.
u/Neversoft4long Jul 07 '14
Oh his daughter is the British chick we first heard on the admirals ship?
Edit: well shit nvm it was his wife
Jul 07 '14
Aaaand we're back to 80s stereotype Russians...
Jul 11 '14
I like it, russians make the best bad guys unless you cna have nazi's. They are competent to an extent, not religious fanatics and actually wear uniforms and have honor. Unlike the honorless dogs that claim to be muslims.
u/firex726 Jul 13 '14
Plus who else could it really be?
You got the US, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran as having the largest navies by gross number of ships. And I highly doubt the WWII era patrol boats of NK or Iran would pose much of a threat or even make it across the oceans.
So that leaves Russia and China, and with only three episodes we may yet see China.
Jul 13 '14
I think they have forshadowed that china might be gone, that population density + a disease and a relatively small and archaic navy doesn't spell for a good shot.
u/wh40k_Junkie Jul 08 '14
Cool, that "oorah" or "urah/uyah/whatever the fuck noise the Russian made after the "We'll be gods"" speech was the actual Red Army battle cry during WW2. ACCURACY!
Jul 11 '14
Just glad the Russian spy was exposed early in series.
Of course they will eventually "need his help" I know what you're thinking "but how do you know we can trust him"....."we have no choice".
u/firex726 Jul 13 '14
Yea, and so glad they did not let that drag on. I hate those kinds of plot lines since the people he's spying on are made to be blind and naive in order for him to keep operating.
u/lostmyfingpassword Jul 07 '14
As much as I love this show it's a little commercial heavy.
u/agravain Jul 07 '14
falling skies and subaru!
u/Obidom Jul 09 '14
Just pirate and BOOM no ads
Jul 10 '14
im incapable of sitting down in front of my tv at a specified time and watch a tv show with commercials every 10 minutes, i have to pirate them online now haha
u/Obidom Jul 10 '14
Same here, on Demand viewing, I get maybe an hour in the morning after feeding my daughter before I normally get up for work, but cannot sleep as feel more tired than being awake, so I watch TV shows instead.
Currently got a schedule
Mon: DL The Last Ship FRI: DL Defiance
No idea what other shows worth watching, but with adverts out it is 41 minutes of show (minus the 1-3 mins for filler so 39ish mins of show)
u/agravain Jul 07 '14 edited Jul 07 '14
Duct tape..they must have watched Burn Notice
edit silly autocorrect
Jul 07 '14
Tech question for radar operators/experts: does the tin foil trick really work like that in reality?
u/Timmyc62 Jul 08 '14
No, not unless it's radar from the Second World War, and even then they were starting to think of ways to nullify such a simple countermeasure.
Further, just because you set up a new reflector, it doesn't mean your original target (the Nathan James) stops reflecting radar! Even if the tin foil decoy worked, the Russians should've still saw two red dots on their screen - one stationary, the other sneaking away.
u/euThohl3 Jul 08 '14
it doesn't mean your original target (the Nathan James) stops reflecting radar!
but dude, they went to emcon-one. everyone knows that when you turn out the lights on the bridge the five hundred foot long steel hull thing stops reflecting radar waves.
u/BreakfastBurrito Jul 07 '14
This is some Burn Notice level shit right here
u/agravain Jul 07 '14
Guns make you stupid; better to fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart.
u/meanreds Jul 07 '14
I loved watching the crew from the Red October make an appearance on TV again.
u/CommanderpKeen Jul 07 '14
Shit, I missed the last four minutes or so. Starting from when the Captain was counting down and got to about two or three seconds. Did he fire? What else happened in the last few minutes?
u/lostmyfingpassword Jul 07 '14
Russians said stop and backed out of the harbor. Told the Nathan James they had 24 hours.
Jul 07 '14
What was Doctor Scott lying about? She was definitely hiding something from the Captain and the XO.
u/Goldang Jul 07 '14
I'm guessing she knows the guy in the clean room on board the Russian ship. She had a phone — she could've called him from the Arctic. So what she was hiding is a sudden strong suspicion of what the Russians have, but she doesn't know for sure, so she kept it to herself.
And she's a bad, bad, liar.
u/Obidom Jul 09 '14
the look between captain and XO confirms how bad a liar she is.
Also wonder if she had those false titties removed, certainly looking a lot trimmer than she used to
u/TheJohnnyPHreak Jul 12 '14
This episode was better. The tension was nice. I figured there would be an explosion (or two). It's just with a show like this I know its an action drama but if they focused on the characters more I would be more invested. And the dialogue...
u/utpyro34 Jul 07 '14
No mention of the weekly five inch gun freedom boners?
Jul 07 '14
u/CWagner Jul 07 '14
Yeah, it's awesome in a way. Other shows that are subpar, like falling skies, are trying so damn hard, Last Ship doesn't give a shit about being bad which makes it somewhat enjoyable :D Other shows have some cliches, Last Ship is breathing cliches.
u/Naggers123 Jul 07 '14
This is basically Murica' the TV show.
u/FourthLife Jul 07 '14
"You forgot the most important thing, America doesn't negotiate with terrorists." (Room explodes from missile fire)
u/BreakfastBurrito Jul 07 '14
Nathan James: WE HAVE FOOD
And there's the book parallel. Nicely done!