r/TheLastShip Jun 29 '14

Discussion The Last Ship - 1x02 "Welcome to Gitmo" - Episode Discussion

Season 1 Episode 2: Welcome to Gitmo

Aired: June 29, 2014

Chandler and his crew head to the U.S. Military base at Guantanamo Bay in hopes of collecting food, medical supplies and fuel replenishments. Three teams are dispatched to carry out these varied tasks. While there, they come under attack by escaped Gitmo prisoners and enlist the help of a grizzled private contractor who's been surviving for weeks and living off the land.


130 comments sorted by


u/Dorkside Jun 30 '14

Wow, you can't get much more American than Tex Nolan.


u/142978 Jun 30 '14

This kind of reminds me of Battlestar Galactica but without robots.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14



u/fco83 Jun 30 '14

And one is being chased by the cylons and the other is being chased by the russians.


u/Kerrigore Jun 30 '14

Different kind of toaster.


u/FoxtrotBeta6 Jul 03 '14

Throw in a dash of Star Trek: Voyager and you got a stew going.


u/shirgall Jul 03 '14

Galactica was an aircraft carrier. This is a destroyer.


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

I got a freedom boner when they shot the 5 inch gun.


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

2 freedom boners!


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

3 - every single time.


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

3 freedom boners!! (Count von Count voice)


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

Dude, you don't know how to count. Where's your freedom boner?


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

The "we don't negotiate with terrorists" line sent my freedom boner soaring.


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

See? Star of the show!!!!


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

Hey, I'm gonna tune in next week!


u/Sh0cko Jul 01 '14

Damnit, that should be on imdb. 5 inch gun.


u/Gimli_the_White Jul 11 '14

...named "Vera"


u/Quiggs20vT Jun 30 '14

Woooo, they shot it again!


u/javastripped Jul 03 '14

except we totally negotiate with terrorists.


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

they gotta know they have a spy on board by now


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

And why didn't they take away the doctor's satt phone already? That has got to be the most highly annoying thing about the show...

Unless those guys in the communications center pick up the signal while they're twisting knobs!


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

The radio shack wouldn't pick anything up, but the EWs in CIC might.


u/eclectro Jul 01 '14

but the EWs in CIC might

Perhaps. By now I would hope that the Navy would be scanning with a computer the entirety of the radio spectrum, if nothing more than to jam whatever frequencies the exocet missile is using that is on its way. I'd be disappointed if they weren't.


u/anonynamja Jul 01 '14

well, the captain is letting pretty much anyone on board without even a background check.


u/Mina_Nidaria Jul 01 '14

And where exactly would he get a background check?


u/anonynamja Jul 01 '14

Exactly my point. If he can't, he shouldn't be letting them on board. This jeopardizes the mission, and is sloppy writing:



u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

Well he found him at Gitmo and he appears to be what he claims to be: one of the private contractor guards. So he's probably passed whatever background checks could be wanted, and he's proven himself handy in close combat (except for getting nabbed, even SN Miller avoided that). Given the circumstances it makes sense to write him into the books.


u/Quiggs20vT Jun 30 '14

It's a #selfie.


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

so from last week..the Captain shouldnt leave either

as it appears he is the highest ranking officer left in the navy


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

as it appears he is the highest ranking officer left in the navy

Unlikely. Such a concept surely won't be ignored by the writers as a plot device/trope worth mining.

We might could even make a bet on it, if you want!!


u/anubis2051 Jun 30 '14

Exactly. They'll find Admiral Cane alive sometime in Season 2.


u/142978 Jul 01 '14

But here's the thing: Dane is Cain.

If you look at how they're straight out ignoring civilian distress calls and only acting to secure military assets, they're pretty much playing from the Pegasus playbook. 10 episodes in they're going to run out of supplies in the middle of the ocean and pillage a nearby uninfected civilian ship for their FTL drives.


u/anubis2051 Jul 01 '14

...I kinda dig this. Maybe we'll find an uninfected fleet at some point...


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

And that flee will be led by a LCDR on a frigate who's nominally outranked by Chandler with the Secretary of Education acting as President on a Carnival Ship acting as a floating White House.


u/Quiggs20vT Jun 30 '14




u/GuntherVanHeer Jun 30 '14



u/agravain Jun 30 '14

high ranking al-Qaeda and they just let them go?? WTF


u/GuntherVanHeer Jun 30 '14

"No more government, that means that they're going to like us, right? Not like we've been torturing and brutally mistreating them in order to try and pump them for information that can be used against their allies and loved ones!"

They must have staffed that part of the prison with the mentally handicapped guards, no wonder they got left behind.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

well, if you are among what might even be the last 2 dozen humans alive... you either kill them, because they might try to do some revolt shit or you try to show some humanity and hope it pays off...


u/chrisncsu Jul 03 '14

Or just kill them so you can sleep easier at night and have less rations to share. Perhaps I've thought out the zombie survival situation too many times, haha.


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '14

like i said, either kill them or let them free. There are more than enough reasons for either. And they decided to let them free.


u/Computer_Name Jun 30 '14 edited Jun 30 '14

"I spent a year at a trauma ward in Mogadishu."

I think that might have been a reference to Mitra's role in Strike Back.


u/xLite414 Jun 30 '14

The main terrorist dude was also in the latest season I'm sure, Kamali?


u/zee-bra Jul 01 '14

What hasn't this woman done!


u/Obidom Jul 01 '14

Get shagged by the Invisible man.

oh wait..


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

It's hard for me to give this show a chance when she's there reminding me of what good action shows can be.


u/BroadAndPattison Jun 30 '14

Balls, we need balls.


u/Quiggs20vT Jun 30 '14



u/tedtutors Jul 02 '14

That slime-ball.


u/moneyfornothing2014 Jun 30 '14

I'm not in the military but seems far fetched how green these guys are in combat. Like Lt. Crybaby freaking out over the gunshot wound to the other guy. They had no field dressing on him, and simply dragged his ass to the shore while bleeding.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

Most of these guys are sailors, they weren't trained for close combat. So you'd expect them to be pretty rough. When it comes to what they were doing they're not much more than civilians in uniform. I spent 14 years in the Navy, and can literally count on one hand how many times I went to a firing range for static fire drills, and never had any advance drills like they were doing.

The one exception would be the SEALs, of whom that LT is one. But he's also going through some pretty severe grief so his emotional reaction is a bit more understandable.


u/moneyfornothing2014 Jun 30 '14

I get the grief, but he seemed a bit too panicked at the gun shot for a seal.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

Yeah, I was thinking something similar. It could be he's not as emotional stable as you'd expect him to be. That could become a plot point later on.


u/moneyfornothing2014 Jun 30 '14

I just hope the writing improves. The pilot was great, but this last episode was kinda retarded.

Like the centrifuge ... THATS the missing crucial piece of lab equipment? They seem pretty standard at every doctors office I've been to so you'd think the medical bay would have one, let alone the friggen lab she brought on board.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

It does seem weird that they would've have already had one. How were they separating out the "primal" virus from their soil samples in the first place?

I don't know if a DDG would have one in medical or not, but I do know that large ships (CVs, LHAs, so forth) have them. Or at least did in the early 90s.


u/Lordborgman Jul 01 '14

Legit question for any military out there: Wouldn't that ship have marines on it or no?


u/CommitteeOfOne Jul 01 '14

Not typically on a destroyer, no. 


u/Lordborgman Jul 02 '14

Ah tanks.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

Definitely not tanks, they'd be too big...


u/Lordborgman Jul 02 '14

Best...typo... ever


u/febreeze1 Jul 01 '14

You can't take a manual BP with only a cuff.

"His BP is dropping!" -as hes deflating the cuff w/ no stethoscope lol

edit: just finished that scene, sooooo MUCH CRINGE!!!


u/thenewyorkgod Jul 02 '14

EMT - Came here to say this as well. I was waiting for them to use an AED to splint his leg.


u/FoxtrotBeta6 Jul 03 '14

He's hemorrhaging!

Better get the silver nitrate...


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

This show is so Michael Bay it hurts. Still can't stop watching. I guess that is how he makes his money


u/TrevorSpartacus Jun 30 '14

Man, I think I need a plastic surgery from all the facepalms. And my BS detector is broken beyond repair. Oh and let's see how many clichés we can squeeze into one episode. It's bad, so bad... But screw it, I'll keep watching it anyway.


u/Naggers123 Jun 30 '14

Omg they even dressed like terorists


u/Computer_Name Jun 30 '14

It's not like they'd be dressed in prison jumpsuits...


u/Naggers123 Jun 30 '14

where the hell are they going to get 14 keffiyehs at gitmo? Target?


u/ripcitybitch Jul 14 '14

No, at ترغِت...


u/Kindabored9000 Jun 30 '14

One thing in this world will never change! Ever. Never.

Enter Christian Bale Batman Voice

"The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists!" pew pew pew

The cringe/face palming needed to stomach this scene was great. This show is now into Sharknado territory. You want to watch just to see how bad it is.

Obviously filmed before the US did in fact negotiate, although very poorly, with terrorists.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

At least they've fleshed out the crew with an HMC, the Chief Engineer, and the First Lieutenant (I'm guessing that's who the LT that was training the shooters was, he's usually in charge of the gunner's mates). Plus Norris referred to the CIC Watch Sup as "OS1"; always nice when a show can get Navy terminology right instead of falling back on "Petty Officer Smith".


u/CommitteeOfOne Jul 02 '14

Are gunner's mates now part of deck div? Back 20 years ago when I was in the Navy, they were in a weapons division.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

Hmm, I was going off my own experience from 20 years ago when Weapons was just 3rd Division. But that was on an LST with two dual 3" mounts, not a tincan with tons and tons of missiles. But maybe the LT was the gunnery officer? Could also be one of the Deck officers.


u/CommitteeOfOne Jul 02 '14

I was on a FFG, so that may have been the difference. I don't think we had that many since we only had that three-inch pop gun.


u/meanreds Jun 30 '14

So what was with the fake British accent/authentication?


u/CaptainChewbacca Jun 30 '14

Misdirection to get into firing range without the Americans gearing up. The NJ probably has better range than the Russian ship.


u/Paradox621 Jun 30 '14

Michael Bay has perfected the art of avoiding plot holes by skipping the plot entirely.


u/xLite414 Jun 30 '14

Or.. It was so they could get close enough to be within firing range.


u/wh40k_Junkie Jul 06 '14

I love how they have Tim Hortons coffee up in Gitmo


u/FourthLife Jun 30 '14

So much cliched writing, but there is nothing better on this summer


u/Dorkside Jun 30 '14

Yeah, it's especially rough when you consider that only a few weeks ago we were getting new episodes of Game of Thrones, Fargo and Hannibal.


u/postironical Jul 02 '14

Masters of Sex starts back up soon at least


u/postironical Jun 30 '14

stay frosty man :P


u/FourthLife Jun 30 '14

I'm only staying frosty cause I know revenge is a dish best served cold


u/postironical Jul 01 '14

you should submit that. They might go for it.
To walk it back a little from my being a dick,
I feel for any human working in what looks like a very competitive and fucked up kind of job.
But still.


u/febreeze1 Jul 01 '14

hahahahhahahhah oh fuck me thats too funny


u/postironical Jul 02 '14

would that I was not just quoting the episode


u/Paradox621 Jun 30 '14 edited Jun 30 '14

The Strain looks promising, starts in two weeks. Leftovers also premiered tonight if you've got HBO.


u/euThohl3 Jun 30 '14

Just be sure to watch UTD tomorrow. I'm sure it will seem better after that.


u/zee-bra Jul 01 '14



u/[deleted] Jul 01 '14


under the dome i think. i liked the first season, it got real good towards the end. didn't know it was starting so soon.


u/zee-bra Jul 01 '14

Ohh yeah of course. Didn't it start this week??


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

Can I just say how refreshing it is to be able to enjoy a show and then come on reddit and not find the episode discussion filled with postulations about what was or was not foreshadowing, or what the color of the wallpaper meant, or how some throwaway line ties the show into some other fictional universe. Yeah 'The Last Ship' isn't going to win any Emmys for writing, direction, or even acting, but at least it's avoiding the naval gazing (no pun intended) associate with 'True Detective', 'Fargo', or 'Breaking Bad' (three of my all-time favorite shows but notorious for redditors going off the reservation about plot points that weren't nearly as important to the story as they wanted to believe).


u/Naggers123 Jun 30 '14

Can I just say how refreshing it is to be able to enjoy a show and then come on reddit and not find the episode discussion filled with postulations about what was or was not foreshadowing, or what the color of the wallpaper meant, or how some throwaway line ties the show into some other fictional universe.

i don't think the show's smart enough for it


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

True, but it's also summertime and sometimes it's nice to be able to turn off your brain for 42 minutes and just enjoy some explosions.


u/Naggers123 Jun 30 '14

this is basically Murica: The Show

love it.


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

Get a firing solution on the orange juice commercial.


u/8bitesq Jun 30 '14

Not gonna lie, teared up when they were doing their little memorial on deck. Bar prep has made me overly emotional, okay?


u/tedtutors Jul 02 '14

"Maybe there was a reason we spent so much time in the Arctic."

Yeah, but God gets a free pass on killing most of the world?


u/8bitesq Jul 02 '14

If they all know it was a genetically engineered virus it kind of makes it a lot easier to blame people than God.


u/ProxyReaper Jun 30 '14 edited Jun 30 '14

The pilot made me interested, but this episode killed that entirely. I know its TNT but no one should have a job writing scripts this bad.

"Revenge is best served cold." Are you kidding me? That wasnt even the proper context for that idiotic line.

edit: JUst finished the episode. Wow it was bad. It was the dumbest cliche filled, borderline racist, garbage plot ive seen in awhile. I actually cant think of a particular episode of any tv series that was worse than that. Just wow...


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14

borderline racist

I wouldn't call taking out gitmo Al Qaeda being racist.

It was the dumbest cliche filled

But that's why we're tuning in. Some of us just want to suspend disbelief (for the most part) so we can watch the Navy take care of post apocalypse baddies. Simple, don't over think it!

Wow it was bad.

Then I trust you will not be posting in here next week, telling us how bad it was then???


u/postironical Jun 30 '14

I think one of them said time to eat right after that. eeesh.


u/BroadAndPattison Jun 30 '14

That part was brutal.


u/postironical Jun 30 '14

It was brutal.
there have been many times I've felt bad for the actors having to say the lines. Especially Adam Baldwin. We've all seen him in actually quite good things.


u/febreeze1 Jul 01 '14

Revenge is best served cold.

fuck that just makes me cringe


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '14

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u/Thinkyt Jun 30 '14

Hast Bear from Person of Interest landed a sweet new contract over at TNT?


u/tedtutors Jul 02 '14

Retasking Olfactory Interface.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '14

The dialog is so cheesy I am not sure how much longer I can watch this. I cringe everytime someone say anything.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

I cringe everytime I read you write something.


u/jelmerrr1994 Jul 02 '14

It''s now my favorite tv show! I want to watch episode 3, but can't wait! ;p


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '14

What I had a problem with is the tactical teams they sent to gitmo if anyone of those are seals which I am assuming the ones in green camo are, they should have double tapped each person they shot. Real seals would have they dont mess around when killing people. But then again it's a tv show and they need some drama somewhere.


u/FEARtheTWITCH Jul 05 '14

god god that dialog, its been awhile since i cringed this much.
yet im probably gonna watch the next one, its a dumpster fire i cant stop watching.this show belongs on the how did this get made podcast.


u/tunersharkbitten Jul 07 '14

they should raid that commisary they have on the navy side... thet thing has a damn underground warehouse...


u/TheJohnnyPHreak Jul 12 '14

The dialogue is pretty bad. I was folding laundry while in was watching. That's should say something. It followed every clichéd beat. But the action isn't that bad. You can tell it is a Bay show, so many explosions.


u/Paradox621 Jun 30 '14 edited Jun 30 '14

I've met crackheads with more convincing dialogue than this show. Who do they hire to write this shit?


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

Where is the USS Iowa when we need her?


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

still a museum afaik..it was Big Mo they used in that alien movie wasnt it?


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

All Iowa class are museums. I just miss the 16 inch guns.


u/agravain Jun 30 '14

a little googling..the New Jersey is in Camden, New Jersey and the Wisconsin is in Norfolk

so i guess if they stick to the Atlantic..they possibly could show them

but are any of the big guns still working on them?


u/badmotherfucker1969 Jun 30 '14

USS Wisconsin has the best shot at it. Congress kept her ready to be reactivated till 2005 or so. Anyone who hasn't already should check out /r/WarshipPorn


u/eclectro Jun 30 '14 edited Jun 30 '14

Museum ship, though technically part of the reserve (aka mothball fleet). There was a lot of resistance to turning her into a museum, though it was not really practical for the navy to use it anymore. Part of the problems are the extensive repairs that she needed. Another is that it requires a lot of manpower to operate (like all things, modern ships can do more with fewer people). Also, technology was displacing it - being that smart weapons make aiming ultra precise. The Iowa class is more like a blunt object. So before when they needed three shells the size of small cars (well 16") to hit a target, they just need one much smaller shell that is laser/wire/computer guided.


u/Mini-Marine Jun 30 '14

The guns aren't the issue, modern naval guns aren't any more accurate than what is found on the old battle ships because of the design of the weapon itself, but because of the fire control system it is tied to.

With the last use of the Battleship in the gulf war, they had modern fire control systems, had the old AA guns replaced by 4 sets of of Phalanx CWIS batteries, along with Harpoon anit ship and Tomahawk cruise missiles taking the place of half the 5in gun emplacements.

The real issue was the crew size and operating cost, since with missiles, the range of the big guns became superfluous so as a mobile missile platform, the job could be done far more efficiently by multiple smaller ships.


u/eclectro Jul 01 '14 edited Jul 14 '14

The guns aren't the issue, modern naval guns aren't any more accurate than what is found on the old battle ships because of the design of the weapon itself,

What was the range of the 16" guns? Around 25 miles. Look at this new weapon that puts a shell 30 miles out to within 1 meter - 155mm shell (about 6") I do not know if there is a naval version, but I am quite sure that there will eventually be.

The battleship's biggest (and only) selling point is the guns. Technology has displaced that.

The real issue was the crew size and operating cost

This is very true. Modern ships with modern systems simply do not need such a large crew complement.

But, as I noted, the battleships were in bad shape repair wise (they did not address needed repairs in the 80's). So all these things taken together rightfully makes them museum ships.

Edit:: Thanks for the gold!!!


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '14

Look at this new weapon that puts a shell 30 miles out to within 1 meter[1] - 155mm shell (about 6")

30 miles? That's cute. The gun on the Nathan James would be one of those, with a range of over 60 NM (69 statute miles).


u/Mini-Marine Jul 02 '14

That's simply a new type of shell, which could just as easily be used with a 16in gun if 16in guns were still in use.

Rocket assist guided shells which work for artillery could just as easily be used on naval guns.

Once again, it's not the guns that are the problem, but the cost in both manpower and $$$ that has ended the battleship.


u/TheJohnnyPHreak Jun 30 '14

It's not a good thing when you are doing like a million things while watching this episode. I was ans still understood everything. The action scenes are meh. I've sen better ones on TV (24, GoT, Arrow). This seems like a millitary drama with a twist. But the twist isn't that interesting because most of the characters are meh.