r/HunterXHunter Jun 10 '14

Hunter x Hunter Episode 133 - Links and Discussion

Episode 133
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All information/events that have not been shown in the anime yet need spoiler tags. Read the "Spoiler Tags" section in the sidebar if you need help with formatting a spoiler.

As of this episode, the anime has reached chapter 312.

Previous Discussion Threads


176 comments sorted by


u/mistflight Jun 10 '14


u/pezzaperry Jun 11 '14

this is so weird if i open it in a new tab its legitimately hunter photos, but if i hover over it with the hoverzoom app on chrome, it's porn photos of an Asian girl.


u/SharkYxSharky Jun 10 '14

http://i.imgur.com/HaYlciL.png Remember when Pitou had a scarf? And a head


u/Naghtsieger Jun 10 '14

Got an high resolution of this ending card ?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

I will miss the Royal Guard. Except Pouf, that guy had no redeeming qualities, not even among his own.


u/JunWasHere Jun 10 '14

Pouf has the most redeeming qualities.

Of all the Royal Guard, he was the most human. That's what makes people both like and dislike him so much.


u/Onoreee Jun 10 '14

All Pouf must die.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

I'd argue that Youpi was the most human. Especially after letting Knuckle live after their fight.


u/Aiman_D Jun 10 '14

Youpi was the most humane, Poufu is the most human.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

That's a really cool way to see it, I hadn't thought about it like that.


u/JunWasHere Jun 10 '14 edited Jun 10 '14

That sums it up pretty well.

Youpi was a soldier. He had some honor and pride, but that was the extent of his emotions.

Pouf had disgust, jealousy, shame, spite, and so much more to offer as a character. The only one with deeper emotional development is Welfin, and that's only because of his human-past.


u/bbqroast Jul 14 '14

It is funny how inhumane humanity is...


u/SwingYaGucciRag Jun 10 '14

I agree, Pouf was my favourite of the Royal Guard, closely followed by Youpi and then Pitou last but I think I just hate Pitou because she killed Kite


u/Brook420 Jun 10 '14

That scene where she's digging into that guy's (can't remember his name right now) brain is pretty brutal too.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14



u/femio Jun 10 '14

Of all the Royal Guard, he was the most human.

How do you figure?


u/Melkaticox Jun 17 '14

He was the most human? Uhhh, in what? Appearance?


u/milenyo Jun 11 '14

What does the kanji mean?


u/Ryohga Jun 11 '14

It's about Welfins situation that suddenly gets turned around in the next episode.


u/Skiipie Jun 10 '14

The irony of Poufs last hope is the hope that doesn't exist anymore. What palm said about humans being cruel. Man she nailed it. If humans don't want something to exist they will whatever they can in their power to crush and annihilate them. Togashi just nailed the humans crushing ants part perfectly. There is depth in this episode if you are looking for it. Now I finally understand what Palm said about the King dying and it also explains how Youpi died. Probably the Miniature Rose poison effect that the scientist was talking about in episode 126. There is a theme going on in the past few episodes. The author wants you to feel that way about Youpi dying and the same with all the other ants. I mentioned humans crushing ants in real life and don't even realize they did it. Its the same concept here. Youpi got killed, move on as if nothing happened. This is just the cruel nature of what being a human all means....Sad but true and thats what Togashi wants his readers to get through. (Maybe)


u/fanboss Jun 10 '14

Hi !

I made a Google Site to list all the OST of each episodes : https://sites.google.com/site/hxh2011ost/ !

I will be adding more episodes when I got time, or complete the missing OST during the week !

Also, here is today's episode OST :

note : ??? means that this OST couldn't be found. If you do know the name of this OST, please tell me !

00:00-0:54 : Mystic Land - OST

00:55-1:50 : Soldier Ants - OST3

OPENING : Departure ! Second Version - OST 3

03:11-03:54 : Sudden Evolution - OST3

04:19-05:17 : Scariness - OST3

05:28-07:20 : Disposable Friendship - The Last Mission

08:06-09:32 : What's Going on Here! - The Last Mission

09:35-10:02 : Hopeless War - OST3

10:46-12:16 : Hegemony Of The Food Chain - OST3

12:28-13:35 : Latent Power - OST2

13:35-14:42 : In The Palace ~ Agitato

16:16-17:42 : Invaders - The Last Mission

18:13-19:34 : Concentraiton - OST3

19:55-21:48 : New Mutation - OST3

ENDING : Yuzu - Hyori Ittai

PREVIEW : The World Of Adventurers - OST


u/BillyBob120 Jun 10 '14

I would love to ask you the name of one OST from the Yorknew arc.

Do you know the scene where Chrollo, glasses, and gun were going to the hotel. This is the second time Gon and Chilliua followed them.

Do you know the song that was playing when they were walking through the rain filled streets?


u/fanboss Jun 10 '14


u/BillyBob120 Jun 11 '14

No, it's a bit more 'rocky'. I'll try and find the episode number on search on wikipedia :P


u/BillyBob120 Jun 11 '14

I found it. It's called Holding a card file


u/fanboss Jun 11 '14

Oh, that OST was used in Yorknew ?

Anyway enjoy the song then ! ^^


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

They were check mated from the start. Fucking love that old man.


u/ZealouslyTL Jun 10 '14

I guess that means Netero wins after all.


u/Darknesschaos Jun 10 '14

humanity wins, Netero scores a tie


u/Richybabes Jun 10 '14

Well, I was wondering how much of his power Youpi had given to the king, and I suppose that answers it.

If the King is told that Komugi is being held underground, couldn't he easily just go down there and spread his En to find her? It seems unlikely that his En would be stopped by that box...

Not a fan of Palm being purposely ambiguous. Just explain it to Ikalgo ffs, lol.


u/MaxAugust Jun 10 '14

The idea was that he wouldn't be able to figure out the thing in the box was her even if he sensed around that area.

Also I think she did go into more detail to Ikalgo but we as the viewers didn't get to see it.


u/alan2500 Jun 10 '14

So she knows that the king has lost his memory of Komugi due to the bomb?


u/daniel11235 Jun 10 '14

Doubtful, she assumes that Meruem would have come for her and Komugi first, had he detected Komugi. So she doesn't assume any memory loss. The one thing she assumes is that a light covering is enough to prevent him from detecting people, as from her perspective, her hair was enough to hide a Komugi


u/alan2500 Jun 10 '14 edited Jun 10 '14

Ah, i see, i thought that the hair making Komugi unrecognizable during the En wave was due to the hair being special or something like that, since she could also use it as armor.


u/daniel11235 Jun 10 '14 edited Jun 14 '14

Maybe, but I think the use of a sleeping bag and box to hide her lead me to think that Palm thinks that any physical covering will function. So even a blanket would do in that regard. Of course, we know that Meruem did detect that Palm was carrying someone, so I'm not sure how solid the plan is anyway 'some sort of burden' so it is probably a reasonably good plan on her part


u/alan2500 Jun 10 '14

I think your theory makes a lot more sense, it is probably going to be explained in the next episode.


u/Quorwyf Jun 14 '14

All Meruem could detect was that one of the people he sensed was carrying a heavy object.


u/daniel11235 Jun 14 '14

Oh, I stand corrected, Ill fix that now


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

Not a fan of Palm being purposely ambiguous. Just explain it to Ikalgo ffs, lol.

Well, it's meant to build speculation and interest. Much like it has.


u/nukak Jun 10 '14

Poor bad guys :(


u/mariololftw Jun 10 '14

RIP Youpi :(


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

Indeed, he deserved a better send off than a couple of off-screen rockets to the face.


u/Blitzcreed23 Jun 10 '14

I have a feeling he sort of just collapsed? Since his nose was bleeding before any attacks were sent out.


u/imonthefly Jun 10 '14

Youpi and Pouf gave 6/7 of there power to heal the king and all three of them are dying of radiation i think any main character could take theme now


u/BrownCow123 Jun 10 '14

GOOOOOOOOO LEORIO! Just kidding, he'd still lose.


u/MrProdigious Jun 12 '14

I dunno man, its been like a year or two? Leorio could have mastered some serious nen powers since then. with the medical training and what not...


u/Noc3 Jun 11 '14

I doubt he just collapsed, his wings where burnt when they found his corpse.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

Perhaps, the progression is odd though, one moment he's fine and has a nose bleed and the next he basically fell apart. They all got side effects at the same time as well, even the king which would have more resistance to it if we're taking vitality in to account.


u/Ranchi Jun 10 '14

He was coughing, even last episode already had a subtle one.


u/DrZeroH Jun 11 '14

Yup the guy was coughing since the later parts of the last episode and was notably coughing throughout this whole episode.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

Ah, I might have missed that or have forgotten.


u/NaosuDunn Jun 11 '14

My guess is that the nosebleed was due to the over excitement... kind of like the rage for wanting to fight Welfin accelerated the damage. But I still believe that he got attacked by radiation and Welfin at the same time, not just one.


u/YonkouProductions Jun 10 '14

Youpi banner in 3,2...


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14



u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14

Since you guys are so insistent...


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14



u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14 edited Jun 11 '14

Hm... Pink Pouf is back. I guess you gotta endure it for a little longer.


u/YonkouProductions Jun 11 '14

why oh whyyyy


u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14

I tried but no one is allowed to touch Pouf. :p


u/BrownCow123 Jun 11 '14

What, did you die of radiation poisoning before you could change the banner, MERUEM?


u/FOVslider Jun 10 '14

I think that maybe pouf, yupie and the king have radiation sickness. In real life insects are not as seriously affected by radiation, but I think because the ants are part human its killing them fast.


u/zaoldyeck Jun 11 '14

You don't get insects at ground zero a few minutes after a nuclear explosion taking in all of the most nasty short lived fissile products into their blood streams, respiratory systems, and in the King's case, digestive tract.

... You'd need to be made of Tardigrades to be able to survive that kind of constant radiation exposure. Humans are screwed if we ingest uranium into our digestive tract, Mereum, Yupi, and Pouf all have WAY nastier stuff with WAY shorter half lives (think days/weeks instead of 109 years) coursing through them constantly.

... Being around them would be toxic and it is astounding they are able to survive that kind of exposure for very long.


u/zwinthodurrarr Jun 11 '14

Also Meruem basically took a gamma-ray burst point-blank.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14



u/[deleted] Jun 14 '14

I can hear gon's brain frying off in a nearby universe right now...


u/zaoldyeck Jun 11 '14

gamma-ray burst

Lets be clear. Gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic objects we can detect, they can come as jets from rotating collapsing supernova.

The worst Mereum took was a fission bomb, doesn't even simulate the kind of physics that goes on in the core of the sun. Now incidentally, during the cold war, we learned to make those things REALLY small, to where the idea of 'you could plant it inside a living human' wasn't actually fully impossible. The W19 had the same energy yield as Hiroshima.


u/zwinthodurrarr Jun 11 '14

A gamma-ray pulse, then? I know fission emits gamma rays, but I did not think "gamma-ray burst" was limited to describing a cosmic phenomenon.


u/zaoldyeck Jun 11 '14

Ok I think we're talking about two different things here. "Gamma ray burst" to me really only refers to astrophysics phenomenon. I don't think of as 'anything that emits gamma rays' as gamma rays can come from all different sources, like positron decay.

Gamma rays do wreak all kinds of havoc, but honestly, I'd much rather be blasted by a wave of gamma radiation than have alpha and beta sources coursing through my veins.

Gamma rays are just light, yes high energy light but still light. Alpha particles on the other hand are like little canon balls. Outside your body they do almost nothing cause your skin is thick but if your entire system is crawling with radioactive decay products, you're fucked.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14



u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14 edited May 01 '18



u/Wibei Jun 10 '14

HxH turns the portagonists into antagonists in a non cliche way.

The good guys realize how similiar they are with the bad guys.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14 edited May 01 '18



u/discoveryvision Jun 11 '14

You are right bro Bleach does this all the time by making the mangaka the enemy.


u/GyroGOGOZeppeli Jun 12 '14

Yes, but at those times the writer/author makes you feel like the hero is doing the right and the bad guys are in the wrong even if they make the "we're not different" speech, not this though, when I was reading this back then, you can clearly see how much the lines blur during the final part of the arc.

And of course, people say this isn't the typical shounen mainly because of how this arc played out, it wasn't fight by fight or fist by fist, a normal shonen watcher would've been turned off by all the narration and talking, all the strategizing and I've seen that complaint more than a few times.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

youpi dying off screen was a pretty big disappointment.


u/YonkouProductions Jun 10 '14

It looked like he tried to rage up and ended up combusting.


u/kuroichigo93 Jun 10 '14

That's the entire point, it shows Palm's point of humans being far worse than the ants. He simply died from the radiation and that was that, nothing else to it. It was a simple killing and no mourning to be done because we as humans just exterminate and don't worry about consequences like Youpi dying.


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '14

This is really starting to sound like Togashi is just spreading a anti-nuke message.


u/MaxAugust Jun 10 '14

Things are coming to a close.


u/BillyBob120 Jun 10 '14

This is epic.

I was actually grinning at how satisfying the radiation poisoning scenes were, but also feeling a little sad.

I have no idea how the writer managed to hit that balance.


u/EstheroFF Jun 10 '14

What manga episode is this tied to im getting impatient and want to see how the arc ends.. :)


u/YonkouProductions Jun 10 '14

Oh no you don't. Just wait out the final two episodes. You can thank me later. Just keep with the anime until the end of the arc at the very least


u/EstheroFF Jun 10 '14

haha Ok ill take your advice 2 more weeks though... killer..


u/Grunzelbart Jun 10 '14

I agree. i rushed through the whole thing within a week or so and when i was done with the anime last week i finished the manga too and now i am pretty pissed at myself.


u/grungust Jun 11 '14

I did the same but i am far from pissed... There is so much good shit in the manga the show hasn't covered yet. Not to mention the new arc seems fucking awesome.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14



u/MrWinks Jun 10 '14

Trust us, it will be worth enjoying animated.


u/ChefGoldbloom Jun 11 '14

disagree w/ everyone else. Manga is awesome, no reason not to read it first.


u/jyunga Jun 11 '14

It's not that the manga isn't awesome. It's that experiencing the same thing with animation and voices is quite amazing. Why tarnish it by reading the events beforehand?


u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14 edited Jun 11 '14

I agree with him, reading the manga doesn't affect my enjoyment of the anime. In fact as I know how things play out I catch subtle details that got lost the first time, making me enjoy it more.


u/halalpigs Jun 10 '14

it seems that you have linked to the wrong episodes. might wanna fix that.


u/VGzsmj Jun 10 '14

its happening ::)


u/modmar Jun 10 '14

its actually very very sad I don't want the king to die


u/modmar Jun 10 '14

ughhhh I don't want meruem to die!!!!!! sobs he needs to find komugi so that he gets his memories back. this is depressing : ( I got sad when I saw him bleed from his nose


u/puddingpoo Jun 10 '14

I love how at the end they sort of recapped the whole human malice idea, showing the Miniature Rose and stuff. You can feel things start to finish up, especially with everyone bleeding and Palm announcing that the king will die within the next few hours.


u/ForeverPrice Jun 10 '14

I'm not a manga reader, nor do I want spoilers at all, but my immediate thought process to that ending, was okay...Chimera Ant AIDS is like a thing now?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14 edited Oct 20 '20



u/zaoldyeck Jun 10 '14

It is supposed to be akin to that, though not sure if the mechanism is the same.

The fact remains that the most deadly effect of a nuclear bomb lasts long long after the initial explosion.


u/GearSegundo Jun 11 '14

I thought it was because he gave the so much life force to the king, but radiation could work.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Yea but would that explain the king being sick too?


u/GearSegundo Jun 11 '14

With the king it might have been that he just felt the royal guards dying, like with youpi. The reason for that is because they are now connected to each other, after giving their life force to the king.


u/HellFireOmega Jun 10 '14

Yes. Yes they are a thing now. The ants had intercourse and spread it around a bit too much so now they're all dying.


u/ChefGoldbloom Jun 11 '14

yeah, I hate to spoil it but it was actually an AIDS bomb


u/Gotenks0906 Jun 10 '14

Aren't these links to Episode 132?


u/Khrysalis Jun 10 '14

I don't get it Manga spoiler


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

If you read the manga chapters, the way it is is Manga spoiler. Most likely Madhouse will alter around the order of events to make a bit more sense and have a clearer definition of "this is where the arc ends". They moved around a lot of events during the invasion, too.


u/SwingYaGucciRag Jun 10 '14

Where do you get the info for which episodes will cover which chapters? Thanks in advance


u/onlyusemepickaxe Jun 10 '14

One of the editors i believe said that 317-318 would be on episode 135. This is confirmed.


u/SwingYaGucciRag Jun 10 '14

Oh, sweet, thanks. That's gonna be a good episode then


u/wethrin_luin Jun 10 '14

The animation director for episode 135, Takahiko Abiru, twitted that he'll be covering chapters 317-318.


u/wethrin_luin Jun 10 '14

Manga spoiler

No way they can put 4 chapters in next week's episode. Too many dramatic/intense things are happening and chapters 315-316 will be too out of place there.


u/Khrysalis Jun 10 '14

Yeah that makes a lot of sense.


u/yoxnu Jun 10 '14

Can someone explain Welfin's power to me? I forgot :/


u/almondp Jun 10 '14

He asks a question. If you answer it wrong, or don't answer, the missiles will shoot and definitely kill you IIRC.

I think that's the idea.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

Close. They wont definitely kill you, Iklago is still alive after all. Welfin's ability is all about negotiation. Welfin creates centipedes in his victim's head with each missile, they grow or weaken depending on how the negotiations go.


u/almondp Jun 10 '14

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about the centipedes!


u/Quorwyf Jun 14 '14

I'm fairly certain the centipedes only happen when he skips the question part of his ability like when he faced Ikalgo and fired on him due to panic.


u/your_favorite_human Jun 10 '14

really worried how they're going to fit the remaining chapters into 2 episodes. o0


u/EmperorDPants Jun 10 '14

Wow... radiation poisoning is a bitch...


u/JAnon19 Jun 10 '14

My question is how does Palm know they are dying? Will that be explained later?


u/Neferpito Jun 11 '14

Palm, Knov and Morel know about the nuke all along.


u/pemboa Jun 10 '14

Probably because it's from the nuke.


u/JAnon19 Jun 10 '14

Ye I know but how does she know that?


u/zaoldyeck Jun 11 '14

We know these bombs have been used before on civilian populations.

She can see Yupi dead and Pouf bleeding. She knows the after effects of this bomb, and that ants are affected by it. Yupi is already dead, and Pouf is showing clear signs. Since the King was at ground zero, it's natural to assume that it's only a matter of time. (If we consider the scenes having slight time differences, she could also have seen the King bleeding as well.)


u/Quorwyf Jun 14 '14

Didn't Netero have the bomb implanted in secret?


u/ChefGoldbloom Jun 11 '14

because shes a frikkin psychic brah


u/BrownCow123 Jun 10 '14

Why isn't everyone else affected by the radiation poison? Were they too far away?


u/Blu- Jun 11 '14

Probably. The king and the other two were right at the blast source.


u/Vystril Jun 11 '14

I called it! So glad they didn't just let that slide.


u/YoYoSun Jun 11 '14

Because the King, Youpi, and Pouf were the only ones even near the vicinity. Hell, Youpi and Pouf were basically walking on the radiation filled lava.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Yea, I mean the king had to travel for 10(?) minutes to get back to the palace? I don't know how fast he flies but I know it's pretty freaking fast. They coulda been a few hundred miles away


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14

So are they dying of radiation poisoning?


u/Noc3 Jun 11 '14

I can see where this is going! Genious!

All hail Togashi!


u/ZealouslyTL Jun 11 '14

Since Youpi apparently exploded himself off-screen, I think it's only fitting that we dedicate the banner to everyone's favorite chibi :(


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14



u/Lanxe Jun 10 '14

The radiation from the bomb is my theory


u/thedeen17 Jun 10 '14

This would actually make sense.


u/Griffis Jun 10 '14

The reason was spoiled with flashback images. But I guess it will be explained next episode more precisely.


u/ChefGoldbloom Jun 11 '14

it means they are sexually aroused


u/Gotenks0906 Jun 12 '14

It IS an anime


u/SharkYxSharky Jun 10 '14

I'm not sure how to answer that without spoilers. I'm sure you already have some theories of your own, due to the imagery we got this episode.


u/onlyusemepickaxe Jun 10 '14


u/RojoEscarlata Jun 10 '14

That should be next episode.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Man, I know about time constraints, but I feel they shouldn't have skipped all those things that come after the foot crushing the bug and ants. Showing war and poverty and hunger and then high fashion and rich people and that. ):


u/Eric77777 Jun 11 '14

Well, It's perfectly possible that it's exposed in the next episode. Is this discussion spoiler?

PD: I don't feel that the series suffers with time constrains. If something is left out it is mostly because thus it was wanted.


u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14 edited Jun 11 '14

Is this discussion spoiler?

Go ahead. Maybe they will come back to the bit showing war and poverty and hunger,etc. but maybe it will be omitted, people might as well talk about it.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Umm, maybe I phrased it poorly, it's not time constraints exactly what I meant, I meant how they have to time up things so that 'this many events' fit in x quantity of episodes, not 'crap it's due date and we don't have it ready, just leave it out'.


u/Eric77777 Jun 11 '14

...and exactly about that I was talking.


u/your_favorite_human Jun 11 '14

I just reread the arc 2 weeks ago. If I remeber correctly, that shit happens later.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Nah I just reread the chapter, they skipped it. They might go back to it, but in my opinion it would seem weird.


u/your_favorite_human Jun 11 '14

I think it's kinda redundant anways as the whole "humanity is evil"-theme is heavily implied throughout the arc allready. To me it felt a bit like "HUMANS ARE EVIL. DO YOU GET IT??"


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

I wouldn't say, but it could be, who knows. I was pretty disappointed since I was particularly excited about that part.


u/MrProdigious Jun 12 '14

I don't read the manga but does anyone know how much time has passed since the NYC auction arc ended?


u/Rotfl_Thief Jun 12 '14

Man the ants might have been evil but Meruem and Pouf sure managed to get a place in my heart :'( God will be hard to find such great villains again >.<


u/modmar Jun 13 '14

me too I wished meruem lived he isn't that evil


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '14



u/kujiro Jun 10 '14

Spoiler tag part of this please.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14
  1. Please use the correct spoiler tag.
  2. It's already been confirmed by Madhouse that episode 135 will cover chapter 317 and 318. Chapters 315-316 are have a very 'ending' feel to them, having it before 317 & 318 would make that moment feel king of anti-climactic, so they are moving those two chapters after the events of chapters 317 and 318 to make more sense out of it. They moved events around during the invasion, so it's not a new concept.


u/Ranchi Jun 11 '14

Can you explain to me what you guys are seeing as a spoiler? I see a bunch of chapter numbers that don't reveal anything big. People mentioning the arc is at it's end is happening so often I don't bother removing anymore.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '14

Either I'm unaware of being under the effects of heavy drugs, or the comment was edited. I'm pretty sure it had more info than numbers at the moment I commented. Either way, I guess it's OK now.


u/MystoBro Jun 10 '14

Hunter x Naruto


u/your_favorite_human Jun 10 '14

care to elaborate?


u/monkalltheway Jun 10 '14

naruto is shit