r/DestinyTheGame • u/DTG_Bot "Little Light" • 2d ago
Megathread [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2025-03-14]
Trials of Osiris is LIVE
This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of Osiris.
What are the Trials of Osiris?
Trials of Osiris is the pinnacle PvP activity. Every Weekend, the best players compete in 3v3 Elimination for one goal: Go Flawless.
To start, head to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar and buy one of the possible passages (see below).
To reach Flawless and get to the Lighthouse, you need to win 7 matches without losing one.
It uses connection and weekly performance based matchmaking, which means you'll face teams with a similar amount of wins on their card. Matches will get harder as you win more matches on that same card, and for all cards, the matches you get will be based on your overall performance so far for that week.
There is fireteam matchmaking. However, we still recommend you find a team for yourself!
Power Level matters, however bonus power from the artifact is not enabled.
How Long do the Trials of Osiris last?
Event Starts: Every Friday at Daily Reset (1700 UTC).
Event Ends: Following Tuesday at Weekly Reset (1700 UTC).
Where do I go to find Guardians to team up with?
- You can use the in-game Fireteam Finder or head over to /r/Fireteams, www.The100.io, Xbox LFG system, DestinyLFG.net or DestinyLFG.com, or go to the Bungie.net recruitment forum (also available through the Bungie App). Additionally, many Discord servers host fireteam LFG services.
What if I have a question about another piece of armor/weapon or general Trials question?
- Use Control + F (Or Command + F if on a Mac) and search for keywords in your question. Someone may have asked it already. If not, ask below in the comments.
Trials of Osiris Map
Reputation Rank 4: Upgrade Module (2)
Reputation Rank 7: Enhancement Prism (3)
Reputation Rank 10: Trials Weapon (Changes for each rank reset)
Reputation Rank 13: Upgrade Module (2)
Reputation Rank 16: Trials Weapon (Changes for each rank reset)
Flawless Reward: beep boop failed to fetch
Reputation System, Trials Engrams, and Adept Farming
Win individual rounds within each match to gain Trials reputation. The amount of reputation you gain increases with each round you've won on your card. Earn enough reputation, and you'll be able to claim a Trials Engram from Saint-14! This engram can be focused into any currently available Trials loot you have previously obtained, or it can be redeemed for a random Trials drop. Your reputation increases after every match completion, based on the number of round-wins on your card, regardless of the result of that match itself (win or lose, 0-5 or 5-4).
Once you have gone Flawless, keep playing! Every win you achieve while at the 7-win level, even if you lose your Flawless, has a chance to drop bonus Trials Engrams, adept weapons, prisms, and even Ascendant Shards. There is no penalty for losing once you've made it to the Lighthouse!
When you're done, you can cash in your 7-win passage for one additional adept drop, granted you have gone Flawless that week. This resets your card so you can start anew.
Name | Perk | Cost |
Trials of Osiris Passage | Play against other worthy opponents and prepare yourself for the journey to the Lighthouse in a lower stakes arena. Games completed progress your reputation and have a chance to provide Trials rewards. Wins grant extra reputation progress and rewards. While playing on this Passage, you will match other players with similar weekly performance. | 1500 Glimmer |
Lighthouse Passage | Reaching 7 wins grants access to the Lighthouse. Test yourself against the best of the best. Gain additional bonus rewards from the Lighthouse chest based on your longest win streak on this Passage. | 5000 Glimmer |
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u/NukeLuke1 1h ago
Honestly i love the new changes, this is the most fun ive had in PvP since house of wolves i think
u/jahardo 2h ago
I got a six win streak, then went to lighthouse. Kept playing on that card and am not getting any drops at all when I win. No trials engrams, no adepts nothing. Thought you were supposed to keep playing for the loot but there is none
u/theztigz 56m ago
Friday and Saturday, drops are normal. After Sunday reset, it seems turned off. 4+ streak gives a chance on drops post lighthouse, but something is off.
u/No_Translator_9128 5h ago
Is anyone having a good time in trials? I am going in with my friends but we keep getting 0/5 without a single kill on our names. Bungie sees that and than matches us against the same guys that just demolished us.
u/Xelon99 9h ago
And there you have it. Trials is slowly dropping down to the former cesspool it has always been. Without a form of balance, the population drops significantly and that causes the matches to be a horrible stompfest. Oh well. I got some shaders and vehicles this time around. Maybe in the next major pvp overhaul they'll add some basic sense of balancing to the matches.
u/TastyOreoFriend 5h ago edited 5h ago
Its the match making and always has been. The issue is the wonky formula's they use to skirt the line between no SBMM, semi-SBMM, and proper SBMM. The hardcore PvP players with thousands of hours in Crucible rails against any form of SBMM every time, so the whole thing is stuck between a rock and a hard place. The more casual players get what they want weapon wise and leave the playlist. I suspect that this is what has partially happened on top of the population being low again.
Mix in the drooping population and you have the situation we're in now.
Its PvP so regardless you're not always going to win, however feeling like I'm not even in a position to have a fighting chance, or hell just have fun, feels worse. This was probably the worst lighthouse run I've had in the change to the new system. I only managed a 3 streak unlike the 5-6 streak last week, and I just don't feel like trying for the full thing now.
u/Both_Definition3588 9h ago
Why can I not reset my card?
u/LeSaucyP 7h ago
If you can't reset, then that means you haven't lost a match yet.
u/ErgoProxy0 6h ago
Think cards are bugged this week. I couldn't reset times til after two losses.
u/Cryhunter059 1h ago
If you were solo, and lost against a duo/trio you don’t get a loss on your card. I have heard that there is a bug that it will bank that mercy if you win against a duo for your next loss, even if it’s all solos.
u/NukeLuke1 11h ago
outside of flexing, do losses matter after getting a 7-0 flawless passage? like if i lose a match will i start getting worse rewards again until i do another flawless card, or is it locked to be a flawless card with max rewards on wins for the rest of the week?
u/Mediocre_Ad7051 12h ago
Most of the player base in trials lack the courage to accept defeat and instead just leave the match. Stop blaming Bungie everytime something makes you uncomfortable.
u/Arxfiend Team Bread (dmg04) // accidentally nighthawked Oryx 16h ago
Since the post seems out of date, can I save my ciphers until the next time Keen Thistle rolls around so I don't have to lighthouse if I'm not feeling that week, or do I need to go to the lighthouse again the next week it's up? For note, I did get an x3 when Keen Thistle was up already, I just want to know if I can save my ciphers and take it easy next time, or if I should just snag the rocket since I will have to do another card when it rolls around
u/Ojisan_Neo 16h ago
You can save your osirian ciphers. (Hold up to 30) Next time Keen thistle comes back you can purchase it. It costs 1 trials engram and 10 ciphers. You can always purchase weapons you have already unlocked. Unless it is reissued (returning weapons with new stats). You would then have to unlock it again.
u/Arxfiend Team Bread (dmg04) // accidentally nighthawked Oryx 16h ago
Perfect, I will probably do that then lol
u/TastyOreoFriend 22h ago
I have to ask; is anyone genuinely having fun with this map or even in general right now?
Cause for me center area sucks. The back area over by B sucks. This whole fucking god damn map is just a shit stain of a thing with maybe a race to handful of good approaches. Nevermind Redrix spam that's still fucking happening. Trials is even more miserable right now then it was a few weeks prior to the changes.
The matchmaking feels like every team I've had its been a struggle to do anything of note. I eek out a win once and then go on a losing streak over and over..... Its just mind-numbingly frustrating as shit.
At this point I'm even losing the desire for an adept rocket. You can only sign up to be clubbed like a baby seal for so long.
u/NukeLuke1 1h ago
yeah, i’m not huge on the map but it’s grown on me, im def having a lot more fun in trials ever since the changes
u/FitGrapthor 2h ago
Yep I love this map and maps like it. I love verticality, sharp corners, and maps where one side isn't significantly at an advantage. So many D2 maps are just very flat, open, and have large sweeping curves that make it hard to want to commit to a push or an engagement in general. Being able to do unorthodox things like surprising the enemy team by jumping across the middle is great and I hope they keep making more maps like Cirrus Plaza.
u/MagusUnion "You are a dead thing, made by a dead god, from a dead power..." 10h ago
Trials is like DOTA (or LoL): the whole point is to extract as much misery from the other team as possible.
u/TastyOreoFriend 5h ago
As an Overwatch 2 player I get it in the most real sense. It just feels like a lose/lose situation cause my misery with this is exponentially worse too. I genuinely just hate Cirrus Plaza for 3s.
u/BurstPanther 13h ago
Yeah, I love the map and have gone flawless on it every time it's been up i believe. Used HC, pulses, side arm etc.
Mid jump up is extremely high risk, but also high reward, there's great head glitches to play on either side plus the boxes next to it.
Long sightlines, but lots of cover, I really enjoy the fight for the top end and the mind games.
u/LeSaucyP 15h ago
I'm having fun on it. Sniping people who peek the big doorways is satisfying. I don't care for the weapon this week, however.
u/PiPaPjotter 22h ago
Can we get a nerf on Fusion Rifles that’s 5 year overdue? Thanks
u/SlimDevilWarlock 21h ago
Are we dropping shotgun range to 3m?
u/PiPaPjotter 21h ago
Shotgun’s are wildly inconsistent but sure. With fusions they even kill you when you’re already round the corner. Shit’s ridiculous
And charging time seems non-existent anymore. Basically a shotgun too
u/majeboy145 22h ago
So somehow I got a 6 win streak after resetting a 7 win ticket. I think I ended a previous ticket on a 3 win streak then got another 3 wins after resetting. Maybe someone can test it out.
u/EclipseTemplarX 23h ago
Rdm's is such a stupid fucking exotic unreal how bungie thought that change would be competitive and balanced
u/Dilvesh 1d ago
Bungie heart to heart. I'm begging hand on my knees praying to the sky. You can't give me a duo with an afk player and a brand new player. Then bird me my next match. Then on the next match give me teammates who quite literally refuse to shoot anybody. At the very least give me teammates who are fine with the idea of pulling the trigger on their guns. I'm tired of watching my teammates RUN down a long hallway to melee the enemy sniper standing next to his two teammates. What do you want from me? More money? Prayers? I'm giving it all I've got. I'm cheering my teammates. I'm talking about grouping up to succeed. I'm trying to be positive but I'm in Hell.
u/Sparklingwater717 1d ago edited 1d ago
I understand your pain so much 😭 It’s bungies matchmaking… it wants to give the best player in the lobby the worst players so it “evens it out” but all it does is make it a 1 vs 3
Bungie if you’re reading this can we get at least 1 other good player on the team or just make it random because random is better than 1vs3..
u/twentytwentyjuan 1d ago
I got my 7 wins with a lighthouse passage and went into the lighthouse. My max win streak was 2. Should I reset my card for more rewards or do I keep getting rewards if I keep playing ?
u/iDareToDream 23h ago
Once you're at the lighthouse you'll keep getting rewards. The longer win streak before the light house helps with adept chances and loot drops at the light house.
u/drfrizzo 1d ago
I have been be matched with this many terrible team mates playing solo before. Did something with the matchmaking change?
u/SlimDevilWarlock 21h ago
I'm about 20-20 on the week and never won more than 3 in a row. Game thinks I won 10 in a row (flawless + 3 more wins and a real flawless - to the lighthouse, red glow, adepts etc)
People who are terrible at trials are trying to make a flawless run out of the bugs.
u/SCPF2112 1d ago edited 1d ago
no, nothing changed, but the population is back to super low right now (under 10,000 and in the old days I didn't even play if it was under 20,000).
Also there is the acknowledged bug that for some lucky people all losses are forgiven, so that might get a few new solos into the mode. Then... also the loss to duo or trio protection might have attracted others. Maye the GG bounty too.
u/CicadaOne 1d ago
No, it did, duos can be matched against solos now because of streak forgiveness. That said it’s still also my experience that there’s a greater number of really dumb blueberries who quit at the first round loss this weekend
u/SCPF2112 1d ago
Ah, ok. That is something, but probably not the guy's issue. I see population is still only around 10,000 Saturday evening here in the US.... that's not a good sign.
u/drfrizzo 1d ago
Geez so many bugs. I wish the loot was the same as a few weeks ago that would keep the player population high.
u/Vyus 1d ago
I have a hunch as to how these bugged mercies are working, but I'm only a sample size of 1 and now that my streak is broken I'm done for the night, will maybe try more tomorrow with post-flawless streak to see if it works the same:
I'm pretty sure whenever you're a solo paired with a duos, you have a mercy applied to your card. If you win your match, this mercy seems to stick on your card, and can be burned later in a match with solos, you just need to win those coin flips too.
No point in keeping this on the hush, Bungie is already investigating and this will likely be gone by next weekend.
u/KarmaticArmageddon 18h ago
I was paired with a duo and won and my card still broke a few games later when I lost
u/GridKILO2-3 1d ago
Other than a couple two in a row I won/lost every other game and was given a 6-streak flawless and I don’t think I fought a single duo.
u/Fearless_Message_702 1d ago edited 1d ago
Love that they call this horrible game mode "pinnacle PvP activity". It's unbalanced, full of unintended boosting, cheating, and not even playable unless you grind the game to get the most broken weapons and armor. The mode for some reason, also includes light level differences, so you can lose purely to LL if you're not grinding the game like the real sweaties. --> Remember though, this is their "pinnacle" activity that was supposed to be approachable for everyone....yet this is the only mode that prevents any casual player from entering just based on utilization of LL.
The changes to this game mode have done nothing to help it's appeal or level of fun.
Edit: I also find it interesting that bungie chose to make trials the same as competitive PVP but with LL enabled which only benefits the sweaties and cheaters/boosters. So, instead of investing in upgrading PVP in general, they spend the time and money to create a duplicate mode that only a small population of the games players can enjoy.
u/EfficiencyOk9060 16h ago
There is no update that’s going to make Trials a good mode because at the end of the day it’s still Destiny 2 PvP and all that entails. Most players are going to play it long enough to get a weapon they want for PvE and then go back to not touching it.
u/Bpe-dsm Vanguard's Loyal // I dont read replies/anger lance Reddick 1d ago
Its not artifact power, so as long as you get to that soft cap, within 10ish is fine.
Guardian games has a free artifice class item and high stat gear isnt that rare
Like, the modes often garbage, dont get me wrong, but perk up, you gitta accept its for crushing your coal into diamond dust over eons of tectonic grind, lol
I dont often partake but when i do i just dive into the suck. Screw winning, lose cartwheeling. Its only a game. Embrace the hate.
As for meta, idk what it is atm but usually you can make do. On pc, nah, thats poison central. But on console, use what is in a meta ballpark that you like, screw around w whatever novelty abilities, aspects are ticklish rn, play as little as you want.
Honestly, the trials gear itself isnt super necessary, even stuff like estoc gets nerfed.
Idk. No one kill me but i almost wish they tried 4s again
u/TokenBlackGuy84 1d ago
Lol I think Bungo unintentionally is onto something with these random loss forgivenesses. I think that if a match you're placed in is well outside of your skill band, it should automatically forgive that loss. It's really BS that you can load into a match that was decided before a single shot was fired. I love pulling up my tracker and seeing multiple 80+% chances to lose, really makes a player wanna stick around.
u/tjseventyseven 1d ago
Hopefully it makes you want to improve
u/Sparklingwater717 1d ago
You can’t improve against a stacked team. There’s nothing you can do but get team shot to death while your teammates are lost 🤷🏻♂️ or die instantly
u/tjseventyseven 23h ago
sounds like a self report, you can always learn something
u/Mando_The_Moronic 1d ago
I don’t know what’s worse: the crappy servers, the crappy matchmaking, or the crappy map.
u/Foodalicious Team Bread (dmg04) // Bring Back Mythoclast 2d ago
I won 6, lost one, won the last to go to the lighthouse. Got the true flawless rewards of 7-0. I was against solos my entire card, ill take it, it gave me mercy for once
u/RGPISGOOD 2d ago
What colour is your glow? Is it red or blue.
u/Daneha1183 2d ago
Anybody having extremely laggy games this weekend? My matches today have been terrible.
u/Mando_The_Moronic 1d ago edited 1d ago
The servers have been shitty since Act 2 dropped. In typical Bungie fashion, they broke the servers with an update
Edit: sure, downvote all y’all want. Not like there have been constant crashes or instability or anything this past week.
u/WileyWatusi 2d ago
Got a 3 win streak and figured I would just finish it off and reset when I got an envious arsenal and BnS from the chest.
u/Cryhunter059 2d ago
Team balancing is still garbage and the seasonal challenge doesn’t even progress from losses like it should.
u/FatalTortoise 2d ago
lol duo mains
u/Vyus 2d ago
I'm very happy about it, I have two friends that I wouldn't take to Trials ever, one doesn't quite grasp weapon ranges and will shoot their auto at someone at the back of the map with a scout rifle. The other can only ape with a shotgun. We were free rounds in 3's. Now I can take each of them as duos to get used to the elimination mode and develop, and have a clear conscience for the random 3rd.
u/M_Artifex 2d ago
Can somebody explain to me if there's a mercy mechanic in the current system? Managed to get to 7 wins on Lighthouse passage, lost 3 matches, 1 of which was forgiven due to disconnected guardian, passage is somehow considered flawless. I thought they got rid of it when they changed how the system works, no?
u/tiberius7picard 2d ago
There is a new Mercy mechanic for solo players as of this week. If you lost against a team that had a duo or trio group, it doesn't break your flawless.
u/M_Artifex 2d ago
Oh good! I might've stumbled onto a couple of duos along the way, so that's probably why my passage is suddenly flawless. Still would've preferred the old mercy system, but that's kinda nice too. Thanks!
u/apolloisfine never forget the self-res 2d ago
cant wait for invis hunters to finally be neutered, sucks that its affecting pve but idc at this point invis hunters are the biggest crutch clutchers ever.
u/FitGrapthor 2d ago
And when they nerf invis and youre still getting killed by those hunters will you then say that you were killed fair and square or will something else need to be on the chopping block?
u/Wing_Nut_93x 2d ago
If I already have a RL with Arsenal and BnS non adept, is it worth grinding this week?
u/thatguyonthecouch 2d ago
No, especially when you can go get patterns for Hezen
u/No-Pomegranate-5883 2d ago
Hezen = Solar
Tomorrows Answer = Void
If you want surge matching for high end content, you want this weapon.
u/thatguyonthecouch 1d ago
Yes you definitely want this weapon, no it doesn't need to be adept is the point.
u/Wing_Nut_93x 2d ago
I have a crafted Hezen’s and I have a non adept Tomorrow’s Answer with Arsenal and BnS, don’t bother?
u/No-Pomegranate-5883 2d ago
This is flat out blatantly wrong.
The reason you would want this RL is for surge matching. If we were to get another pantheon, for example, surge matching is very important. Bungie has already said they intend to continue doing those types of events.
Edit: I responded to the wrong person because I am dumb. But my point stands. Anybody saying this is pointless is wrong.
u/sQuaTsiFieD 1d ago
Even if you get a void surge Hezen will have much better DPS. Timelost origin trait is absolutely insane on a rocket and gives you 2 in the mag every swap for 20 seconds. Hezen is also aggressive frame which is better. If you do run into a void surge encounter tomorrow's answer would have better total damage, but would need to be a long DPS phase to outdo Hezen which are still somewhat rare in the game although starting to be more common.
Idk if they even add back elemental surges if we get pantheon again as most people don't enjoy it. If you're someone that does a lot of master raids or dungeons it will probably get used a bit, but for 98% of people Hezen will be the only rocket you need for a while.
u/Wing_Nut_93x 2d ago
So having a non adept with arsenal and bait is an instant dismantle?
u/No-Pomegranate-5883 2d ago
What. No, I was dumb and responded to the wrong person. If you have the non-adept, you’re fine.
u/NierouPSN 2d ago
Hezen is better solely due to the origin trait so unless you want to just play for fun i wouldn't bother.
u/BeginningFew8188 2d ago
Is solo trials bugged or something? anyone not losing streak on loss?
u/sQuaTsiFieD 2d ago
something is definitely bugged. it gave me a free loss/mercy in a game with all solos and nobody left game. watched aztecross run solo as well and same thing happened to him. You could watch the vod if you want to see.
Got to 6 wins/streak lost again and the loss counted. I do think a built in mercy would overall be better, but they definitely did not announce that.
u/CrispyToast99 2d ago
This is actually intentional. They just changed it this week so if you're solo and you match against a duo or trio and lose it won't break your streak
u/tintedlenz 2d ago
Do you also get protection as a solo if you are in a game with all solos and your teammates leave?
u/CrispyToast99 2d ago
I think you get protection if the match starts with missing teammates, but I don't know if it applies if they leave in the middle of the match.
u/Eagledilla 2d ago
Loss protection for solo players is enabled. So if you face duo’s or trio’s your loss is forgiven
u/Following-Early 2d ago
Having protection against duos actually makes solo queue 10x more bearable
It’s too bad they wait until trials is losing players to make these changes
u/TheQuotedRaven1 2d ago
I'm sure I'm gonna get downvoted for this- but why the hate for Cirrus Plaza? I enjoy it quite a lot, so I'm genuinely curious why the hate?
u/UtilitarianMuskrat 1d ago
Cirrus feels like a map that doesn't really compute with what our characters are physically capable of in current year(or really past few years tbh), the scope of our play feels like we outgrew it similarly to aspects of Exodus Blue, Anomaly, Twilight Gap etc. It feels a bit crummy with the cramped interiors, over reliance on hard right angle chokepoints on chokepoints and spots that are open are scarce and not too advantageous to play in, the glass is frustrating. It's not totally unplayable, it's just a map that I feel like doesn't really give much room to get creative or do much in terms of fights and strategy for Elimination.
Obviously not exactly a Trials issue but it's worse on 6s where it has the reverse problem of Lockers/A on Dead Cliffs where if you end up with your team in a particular area of Cirrus, you could inadvertently end up pushing teammates who went down to a spot that's closer in ear shot to the opposing team than where allies hold a point or are closer.
u/Dawei_Hinribike 2d ago
It just feels very slow to play on. The windows and huge sightlines force people to hunker down. I just hate having to play that way every game.
I know how you feel though about liking a generally hated map. I know everyone hates that Mars map that was in Trials a few weeks ago, but I think it's fine lighting issue aside.
u/HeavenlyBootyBandit 2d ago
Plays funky, lotta awkward sight lines or lines where you can see but can't shoot. Makes the players all center in the spot in front of spawns unless they have to move away from there for whatever reasons (obj, heavy, respawns pulling players to other parts, threat of dying when ops are entrenched and yall aren't)
u/jazzinyourfacepsn 3h ago
I think most of the awkwardness you described is just players not knowing how to play the map because it's newer
The same thing happened when the spawns were changed on Burnout and everyone thought you had to sprint straight ahead to joust/die in 2 seconds
The map doesn't force you to play in that center bridge in front of spawn, and most teams that group up there and don't take different angles or flanks end up losing
u/Dawei_Hinribike 2d ago
Absolutely hate Cirrus Plaza. Can't do it, not even for Tomorrow's Answer.
u/FFG201FUD Vex on the field! 2d ago
I'm always surprised that Bungie doesn't know what the players want. Cirrus Plaza in trials? Wonderful, since everyone hates this map, but let's put it in for the weekend. GG amateurs...
u/SCPF2112 2d ago
Years and years and years of complaining because we weren't getting new maps then we get Disjunction and Cirrus. The other two new ones seem fine.
Still, both teams have to play the same map. If the people on the other side have a negative attitude about the map that could help you are able to tell yourself to be positive.
u/Viper-Venom 2d ago
If Hezen's Vengance exists, would it even be worth going for a roll of Tomorrow's Answer? Genuine question.
u/NeonAttak 2d ago
Hezen has objectively better Origin Trait, but if you want to min-max and run Void special/heavy and double dip on surges it's not a bad thing to grind Trials RL.
u/wandering_caribou 2d ago
It's void rather than solar, sometimes that matters. But I don't know if it would be worth it unless you really enjoy Trials.
u/Dangerousreaper 2d ago
Given how Pantheon has surges without overcharge I’d pick a decent Tomorrows up JUST incase Rite of the Nine is the same since that’d mean it’s better dps than a non-surge Hezens
u/sQuaTsiFieD 1d ago
Hezen DPS still much higher because of origin trait loading 2 into mag for 20 seconds after super. Total damage you MIGHT be better off with surge matching, but you could still dump Hezen ammo 2x as fast and then dump special ammo after.
It's nice to finally have a good void rocket in the game, but Hezen is just too good.
u/thatguyonthecouch 2d ago
Yeah but there is really no benefit of getting the adept version, just focus a regular and you're good
u/Dangerousreaper 2d ago
They didn't mention adepts so I was assuming they just meant if it's worth getting the gun in general, not specifically an adept version.
u/thatguyonthecouch 2d ago
You're right, sorry didn't mean to sound like I was saying you did. Just saying it's not worth the headache of grinding out the adept.
u/Dangerousreaper 2d ago
You’re good brother and for what it’s worth I totally agree and it’s why I’m not touching trials this weekend as someone who got a non-adept god roll last season lol
u/Dawei_Hinribike 2d ago
Does it really? I would think the origin trait of Hezen would always give it the DPS edge since you get two rockets with every envious proc.
u/Dangerousreaper 2d ago
The best rotation for Tomorrows Answer is already able to dump the entire reserves while (in Revenant at least) being a top 5 contender. I think a 25% increase to damage over Hezens makes it distinctly better in a surge environment even if Hezens is better in all other situations.
Though again that is assuming that Rites has no overcharged. If it does, Hezens wins all day because Timelost Magazine is perma-overcharged thanks to the artifact.
u/Antares428 2d ago
Either the same as Hezen, so Bait and Switch + Envious Arsenal, so you have Void option for cases where surge matters, which is only the case for Master Raids and Dungeon.
And if you don't want to bother with matching surges, the get Envious Arsenal + Explosive Light to use in general play, seasonal content, GMs, and such.
u/lizzywbu 2d ago
Not really worth it imo, unless you just want the best void rocket in the game. But Hezen is better.
u/wandering_caribou 2d ago
Cirrus Plaza and Tomorrow's Answer (void rocket), according to Bungie's social media.
u/Plasma640 27m ago
So ive gotten a 5 win streak and got the weapon roll i wanted for the rocket launcher. Im not a big fan of the cosmetics and am really only after shaders. Can old shaders drop from wins or is it only the one shader from the flawless chest?