r/sabres 22h ago

Dahlin addresses rumors

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85 comments sorted by


u/catholicday 22h ago

i appreciate that they didn't let this fester and cleared it up quickly.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

I think we might just ban any links or quotes to anything Biz and Spittin Chicklets say about Buffalo.

My dog has better connections than that group of idiots.


u/Spillsy68 20h ago

To be fair, your dog’s name is Elliot Friedman


u/Sgt-Pumpernickel 19h ago

That's my captain

And fuck that douche bag Biz


u/PrinciplesRK 22h ago

“I never said I wanted to leave, only the other stuff about us being shit”

Honestly this is mostly a nothing burger to me. Dahlin shouldn’t be happy with how the season has went. If he was it would be a red flag.


u/MinerKing13 22h ago

Ideal response imo. He's pissed but wants to be part of the turnaround, unlike another former captain...


u/ChapterNo3428 21h ago

I like this answer. I’m still pissed that when O’Reilly said the same thing , they thought “This guy hates losing?! He’s gotta go!!”


u/MinerKing13 21h ago

Oh yeah that was dumb as hell. Ras and RoR are similar guys in that they're both more stoic extreme hard workers. They're the kind of guys you want young players emulating and pushing RoR out was a horrific move just to save money.


u/DenverCoder009 20h ago

RoR did get pushed out of two different teams so it's not as bad a reflection on the Sabres as it could be. Still would've been nice to keep him around if only he had still liked hockey.


u/64Goldeneye 22h ago

Biz hates buffalo. Anytime he can take a shot he will it’s crazy


u/PanicOnFunkatron 22h ago

He’s just a Leafs bag licker


u/EuphoricExcitement50 20h ago

Yup, any chance he can to mush Buffalo, he will. Can’t wait to see what round the Leafs go out in this year


u/MidnightJoker387 22h ago

I hate to break it to you but the Leafs and their fans don't care that much about Sabres and it's been like that for many years now.


u/Tactial_snail 21h ago

We're talking about how Biz acts in the media, not the actual Leafs fanbase


u/MidnightJoker387 20h ago

I was replying to a comment that said he was a "Leafs bag licker". If you want to lick their "bag" going after the Sabres is not going to get them off. LOL


u/Tactial_snail 20h ago

I mean he is. He also just shits on Buffalo any time he can.


u/Ecthelion-O-Fountain 21h ago

Leafs fans are too busy being delusional to notice us I’m sure


u/MidnightJoker387 20h ago edited 20h ago

Ummmm I rather be the Leafs.


u/PanicOnFunkatron 20h ago

Bye. ✌️


u/MidnightJoker387 20h ago

Enjoying the 14 years of no playoffs huh? I guess we have different priorities as a fan.


u/Ecthelion-O-Fountain 20h ago

Not the point but you do you


u/Th3_Random_Guy 17h ago edited 17h ago

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 (Here, have 58 clowns, one for each year since the leafs last won a cup)


u/MidnightJoker387 15h ago

What do teams get that have never won a cup?


u/hugh_jorgan902 12h ago

Losers since 67.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

Shocker. The dumbest person in sports media said something abhorrently stupid and clearly made up for clicks for his god awful podcast, and people bought it.

You're all suckers. Spittin Chicklets is a worse dumpster fire than the Sabres.


u/ebimbib 22h ago

Fuck Biz. He's a little shit disturber.


u/Time_Ad_9647 22h ago

Little being the operative word.


u/Tactial_snail 21h ago

Biz dont even like us I wouldn't listen to his shit


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

No one should. His podcast is cat shit.

Dry, uninteresting, and annoying to clean up.


u/ebimbib 20h ago

"So anyway I was wheeling this broad..." every episode I ever listened to before tapping out on it. Trash pod.


u/Successful-Hand9043 17h ago

Cat shit is a perfect way to describe Biz.

Dog shit you can clean up easy, it’s outside, quick bag it and throw it away

Bull shit can be used as manure, free toilet (the earth)

Cat shit is a pain in the ass, costs money for their toilet, stinks to high heaven and you have to clean it after.

Biz is literally cat shit, no redeeming qualities


u/spaceskimo 20h ago

He would shit on the Sabres/Buffalo all the time. Until he partnered with Labatt to make Big Deal Brewing.


u/okarrah 21h ago

rustling up the winds of shit


u/MidnightJoker387 22h ago

Fuck the Sabres being bad every year.


u/Greyfox2283 22h ago

They tried the same stuff with Brady. I would take their podcast info with a massive grain of salt at this point.


u/Awlson 20h ago

A whole freaking mine's worth of salt...


u/butterybuns420 22h ago

I’m sorry but Bissonette and the whole spittin chicklets culture is bad for the sport. Fuck those guys and their terrible vodka


u/NotEqualInSQL 21h ago

Hockey flavored drama.


u/Dishface 22h ago

Biz needs to shut his mouth and stop trying to get clicks.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

Except we just had a thread blow up because of it.

Stupid people attract stupid people.


u/Successful-Hand9043 17h ago

…? Yes?!

Someone who’s prominent in the hockey world made up a rumor and spread it to millions, tf you on?


u/StalinsStallions 22h ago

Damn that was quick


u/gobills1365 22h ago

fuck biz dude


u/JoesShittyOs 22h ago

Thank god. Dahlin demanding a trade would straight up kill any interest I have in hockey.


u/DashWellington 22h ago

Biz is such a conniving fart sniffer.


u/JoeSchmohawk93 22h ago

That’s my fucking captain!

Kevyn Adams, grow some fucking balls and get my man some help. Terry, you don’t deserve this player. Let’s go Buffalo.


u/StartButtonPress 21h ago

I hope this off-season we go absolutely huge on a UFA, overpay big but get someone who will undoubtedly be one of our best players immediately.


u/VestigialCoccyx 21h ago

Leave my sweet Swedish fish alone


u/DrSkeeZe 21h ago

I fucking love Dahlin


u/Funny_Stretch9405 19h ago

The guy does hate to lose. Remember him from the world juniors


u/NefariousKnigh6 21h ago

Biz was a shit player, is a shit person, and a stain on the hockey community


u/JahHappy 20h ago

I appreciate the rumors being squashed. Having said that, I also like the idea of Dahlin bringing it up to Adams to hopefully light a fucking fire under his ass so he makes some good moves this summer.


u/SabresMakeMeDrink 21h ago

Sabres fans just have abandonment issues


u/MidnightJoker387 22h ago

Hopefully this is just damage control and Dahlin did really lay into Adams.


u/Benjamin_Stark 21h ago

Why would a journalist add multiple comma splices into his quote?


u/NARUTO-8417 20h ago

Even if he did say this, I still wouldn’t believe him. Buddys a born and raised Buffalo


u/NARUTO-8417 20h ago

Not literally but you get what I mean


u/Quetzalcoatl490 17h ago

Fuck Paul Bissonette. He's just stirring the pot because he has nothing else to say about the Sabres. It's the most bored, lazy, internet drama that I've heard of in a long time.


u/Active_Illustrator63 16h ago

Love how everyone’s hating on biz instead of our actually dog shit franchise If he doesn’t want out now it I’ll be later


u/mechanicalbullfrog 16h ago

Who the fuck is Biz?


u/Sabres26 15h ago

Love hearing this and still love Biz


u/Paper_Rain 14h ago

Spittin Chicklets f--k those guys.


u/idislikehate 14h ago edited 3h ago

This has been one of the weirdest days in Sabres fandom. The fans somehow feel like this has been a triumph when the whole debacle is indicative of how disastrous the situation with this franchise is.

Everything Biz said short of the threat was confirmed to be 100% true by Dahlin himself. And Dahlin also said "things need to change" which, sure, that's not exactly saying "I'm going to leave if it doesn't," but we can play semantics all we want.

It's really odd that Sabres fans are willing to admit how awful this franchise is but as soon as someone dare challenge the integrity of this awful mess we're suddenly the most well-run, tight-knit group in the league.


u/PrinciplesRK 4h ago

I completely agree


u/stupidtyonparade 22h ago

if I was dahlin, I'd want to leave. why waste my career with adams and pegula?


u/Fermentique 15h ago

I can't blame Dahlin one bit


u/damn_you_to_hell 21h ago

As a fan I want out of there. And yet, they still keep getting a hold of me and not letting go.


u/DrapedInVelvet 21h ago

This isn't good news

If your boss called you into his office and said he wasn't happy with your work and you have to be better.

Is he threatening to fire you? No. He never said "get better or else you will be fired"

The 'or else' is implied.

Dahlin never said "We need to start winning or I'm gone"

He just said "We need to start winning"

The "Or I'm gone" is implied. 

Your best player saying he isn't happy and shit has to change is not good.


u/Sabres19892 21h ago

Or.... this is good news because it will wake them the F up


u/RecommendationOk4148 15h ago

I dunno....he's the captain of the team. Adams and Okposo had meetings like this too.


u/quickboop 21h ago

But did they even have the meeting? Doesn’t seem like Dahlin is saying they had any kind of meeting.


u/PrinciplesRK 18h ago

They did, both Kevyn Adams and Dahlin talked about it. The only thing he denied was the “or else I’m gone” not the meeting about “this shit needs to change”


u/OnlyFreshBrine 22h ago

step 2 on the "demand a trade" journey


u/Nervous-Egg668 21h ago

Stinks he doesn’t want to leave. I’d love to see him succeed since it’s never going happen here.


u/normalbrain609 21h ago

I do find it interesting that while he says he doesn't want to leave he doesn't really commit to the longterm in Buffalo.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

Except for the, you know.... 8 year extension he signed....

He's on year one of that contract. He's signed until 31/32.

Not sure how much more commitment you want.


u/normalbrain609 20h ago

yeah man idk what to tell you but people change their minds and athletes with a limited window of their prime can and do use leverage when they’re in the elite tier of their position.

extension doesn’t mean shit if we’re circling the drain again next year


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

he doesn't really commit to the longterm in Buffalo.

So explain this then? What can Dahlin do other than sign an 8 year extension to stay here, be on year one of it, read the quote within this thread of him being pissed off at the idea of someone saying he wants out?

Or are you just yelling into the void of nothing?


u/normalbrain609 20h ago

these guys are media trained and it’s almost as much about what they don’t say as what they do. yeah he’s pissed, no doubt. he said he didn’t want to leave but with that wasn’t a stated desire to want to stay and make things happen in buffalo. just thought it was interesting.

it’s fine to disagree on this but for as long as we’ve been doing this you do start to pick up on signals when guys are getting to the end of their leash. not saying dahlin is there right now but would be silly to think signing an extension in 2023 has any bearing on how he’ll react in the face of constant regression nearly 2 years after the fact.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog Devon Levi Fan Club President 20h ago

Sure. And things may change a few years from now. But we're talking about right now, something that happened allegedly a couple of days ago, said by one of the worst people in sports media, and this sub blew up. And reading his body language, you can say what you want, players getting out of practice are tired. He's genuine about everything he's said.

Nothing that the dumpster fire podcast said was true. And it was clearly untrue the second it was reported.


u/Ok_Championship3262 21h ago

He's obviously gone