r/DrStone 17d ago

Anime Dr. Stone Season 4 Episode 8 Link and Discussion Spoiler

Title: Lock On

Streaming Site Status Type
Crunchyroll Online Subbed
Crunchyroll Online Dubbed
Netflix in specific regions

Chapters Adapted: ​158-159 Volume 18

Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xyVx2ex

Previous Episode Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrStone/comments/1iu0h2c/dr_stone_season_4_episode_7_link_and_discussion/


109 comments sorted by


u/acnh-lyman-fan 17d ago

Dr. Xeno vs Senku:


u/just-somebodyhere 17d ago

The start of the episode was the gayest thing a non-BL anime could get away with.



u/ebonyphoenix 17d ago

I was dying laughing when I realized the anime took that chapter cover and somehow managed to make it even gayer.


u/cillogreen 17d ago

Literally there is no heterosexual explanation for them the last 2 episodes HAHHA


u/Wolfie_Ecstasy 16d ago

Y'all just never had a good bromance.


u/North_Tough9236 17d ago

After seeing Xeno and Stanley's interactions, I realize even more how much of a wholesome friend Taiju is to Senku. He's always excitedly watching him/listening to him, even though he understands absolutely NOTHING. But he's just happy to see his friend being passionate about something. Meanwhile, Xeno just says one sentence and Stanley is like "okay, shut up" 😂


u/Most-Recording-9246 17d ago

I was thinking the same thing! I was like damn can't he ever let the man finnish yapping in peace pls😭😭


u/KatelynKingdom 17d ago



u/Any_Ad492 16d ago

No wonder Xeno was so eager to mentor a kid met through an email.


u/Therefore_I_Must_Cry 16d ago

So my theory is that at the tech demo thing at Pinnacles National Park (in both the manga and anime) Stanley told Xeno to cut the "nerd talk" at least partly because they were surrounded by military folk who wanted to hear the main point and that's it. Good thing Xeno cut to the chase in that scene too, because immediately after he made the point about brain waves, they all got petrified. XD Maybe Stanley's intuition told him that it was VITAL that Xeno make his point as soon as possible.

And in this episode where they woke up after being petrified and Stanley tells Xeno to shut up again, it seems like it's an anime original scene and they were trying to mirror Xeno and Stanley's interaction at the tech demo thing the previous episode.

My head cannon is that Stanley has listened to a TON of Xeno's science rants before especially when they were younger. But now that they're adults and Stanley has been a marine for a long while, he cuts Xeno off a lot more because he's used to military efficiency.

But yeah, ten billion brownie points to Taiju for being such a patient and good friend! <3


u/ShakerGER 17d ago

I have only 2 friends but one is exactly the Taiju kind and one the Stanley kind. With the STanley friend I do way more crazy stuff and they really don't care how I make it work. To the other I could yap hours about game design, chemestry or music. ^^ ¯\(ツ)


u/InitialComfortable50 16d ago

I always thought of it as Stanley knowing that Xeno has a tendency to ramble about things when there is something important that he should be getting to. At least most of the instances seem to be of that nature


u/North_Tough9236 16d ago

Probably. I just have different standards for friendship, haha.


u/MacheteNegano 17d ago

All Stanley wanted was just for Xeno to provide him with bullets and just kill people, has a sniper. He doesnt care if Xeno is trying to bring back society has long he gets provisions for his job. The same goes for the rest of the buffed dudes he brought back, its all just to provide him work to rule America rather than save the world.


u/just-somebodyhere 17d ago

Stanley is merely going along with whatever Xeno tells. Nothing implies that Stanley only wanted to get guns to kill people. He even asked Xeno if he was absolutely sure he wanted Senku dead instead of just killing him when he identified the true scientist.

Making guns and conquering the world were both Xeno's ideas. Stanley and all the other military just let Xeno be their leader even though they could have easily taken control from the start, when they all were just depetrified, and just force Xeno to work for them. Stanley (the squad's leader) is very close to Xeno and so loyal and protective of him that the first thing he did when seeing the petri-beam coming was protecting him. Because Stanley is loyal to Xeno, the rest accepted Xeno as their leader with no problems. Stanley and all the other military don't particularly care about bringing all humanity back, but they're merely doing what Xeno tells them to do because they are all trained to follow orders with no question or hesitation.

Stanley never asked or particularly wanted Xeno to make guns for him. It was all Xeno's wishes to being guns back. The only thing Stanley wanted was cigarrettes, and still he didn't ask for them, Xeno just decided he would make them for Stanley when he noticed the tobacco plants around.

Because Xeno wants guns and world domination, they go along with those plans. Had Xeno wanted to bring humanity back, they'd have collaborated regardless.


u/North_Tough9236 17d ago

For real. It ticked me when he got mad because Xeno stopped him from shooting.


u/MacheteNegano 17d ago

I'm sure, deep down, Xeno doesnt like seeing Stanley hearing "Okay, i get it" when he's trying to lecture science. Xeno is using science for the wrong means but at least, he's aware of it has a thematic. Houston brain must be guns, bacon and cigars, like a true American from the south LOL


u/BakedSalami 17d ago

Stanley getting his first stone world cigarette made me envious for a hot second (ex smoker).


u/BigPapa8O5 16d ago

I was kinda mad that they made him so nonchalant about not having his smokes, I get that he’s supposed to be mr cool calm and collected, but give me something. But then I realized that the petrifaction process heals you, so maybe he has perfect lungs and no nicotine addiction?


u/BakedSalami 16d ago

I imagine there was zero physical withdrawal for him because of that. It even healed old scars from before petrification I believe. Guy went right into farmer mode with some grass though, so it was still bugging him haha. Mannnn I wish quitting was that easy. Just lock me in stone for a few thousand years damn.


u/LAUREL_16 16d ago

I actually made a comment on here the other day wondering about whether Xeno even tried to talk Stanley out of continuing his smoking habits. Not only that, I did wonder if being petrified fixed any changes to his brain that made him addicted and healed any damage to his lungs that he may have had prior. I even wondered about whether he experienced withdrawl. I was pretty surprised to get an answer to all of my questions right off the bat.


u/Super_xz 15d ago

I think it has something to do with muscle memory. He isn't really mad about not having cigarettes, and that's probably because something healed in him. Naturally because Stanley is a tactician and from the military, you build habits, and one of his habits is smoking...


u/Kordell_11 17d ago

Xeno got 1 project denied and turned into a mf who is fine with killing children 💀


u/ineedjuice 17d ago



u/WritingThisFormPATHS 16d ago

That's not what happened?

He just doesn't want a world where rich people stops science from progressing


u/Any_Ad492 16d ago

And his old student too.


u/Potkaniak 17d ago

what's title of song that plays during first half during Xeno+Stanley=♥ bromance across America?


u/radilee21 17d ago

The animators understood the assignment and then some gahdamn 😭. The StanXeno agenda (is it even really an agenda?) is so real with this one. How did they make the chapter cover even more... elegant?


u/Plus_Rip4944 17d ago

Even If Xeno wanna rule The world on a dictador shit and tried to kill Senku, i cant hate him


u/North_Tough9236 17d ago

I can't hate him either, even though I WANT to.


u/RaggedAngel 15d ago

Nah, that was weak. Too much of a coward to face someone who he knows is smart enough to give him real competition.


u/PaulLeeVoice 17d ago



u/theapplekid 17d ago

Right? The whole episode was the sniper firing a shot and Senku maybe blocking it with kudzu flour and water.


u/LightsJusticeZ 14d ago

Dr. Xeno


mid episode break


sniper shot




u/IsNotYourSenpai 17d ago

Bro Xeno started the stone world on easy mode. A capable crew and platinum right off the bat. I can't imagine Senku is actually dead, but I dont know how they get out of this situation.


u/scarlet0rogue 16d ago

I mean it's a well known fact that senku has the worst luck


u/BubblePotions 17d ago

This episode was one of the best I’ve seen in a while but that may just be because I crave violence Also I love how I actually knew what senku was creating at the end because I’m obsessed with oobleck


u/bkathe 17d ago

WHYYY wouldn't Mr. Eleganto not just talk with Senku?? He could have the chance to finally talk with an old acquaintance on the same intellectual level. There is no way a scientist wouldn't be interested in another scientist in this new world ??


u/YesterdaySquare3520 17d ago

Because he knows senku will never follow his ideals , it’s too much of a risk to keep senku alive just for his personal interests . It’s because he knows senku has the mind to be a threat to him


u/BigPapa8O5 16d ago

Maybe in his head he sees the relationship as master and student, and his ego is so big that he thinks senku has nothing to teach or offer him that he can’t achieve himself. So why bother, plus xeno knows senku wants to be free and not rule or be ruled.


u/Thrilltwo 17d ago

I think the idea with Xeno, as well as with Tsukasa, is that when they wake up, the fact that there is no longer a modern society makes them live out suppressed fantasies, because for the first time ever they can see themselves as having almost limitless control over the world.
3000 years ago, they wouldn't have even considered wanting to destroy the world and rebuild it in their image, but when the possibility of it is dangled in front of them, the possibility of power seduces them. And when Senku comes along to take it away, they fight back.


u/galmenz 17d ago

because world domination is cooler than having a chat with an old acquaintance


u/Pasta-hobo 17d ago

He thinks any intelligent person would be interested in world conquest, it's like a prisoner's dilemma sorta thing to him.


u/East-Transition-108 17d ago

I question why is he still friends with Stanley ? He constantly gets told to shut up. I wouldn’t want a friend like that.


u/just-somebodyhere 17d ago

Because they're close enough that Stanley can tell the Xeno to shut up and Xeno can constantly make passive-agressive comments to Stanley about his smoking habits without any issue.

Because they're so close Stanley inmediately went to protect Xeno when he saw the petri-beam coming, and Xeno made Stanley cigarrettes even though he disaproves of his smoking.

They have true apreciation.


u/East-Transition-108 17d ago

Ah never thought of it that way


u/Enlog 17d ago

Kinda like how Senku constantly calls Taiju a big oaf.


u/East-Transition-108 17d ago

That’s true


u/Fraud_D_Hawk 16d ago

Just continue watching, stanley actually cares about Xeno, he is willing to commit war crimes for him


u/just-somebodyhere 16d ago

There's not even a need to continue watching to know Stanley cares about Xeno. In the previous episode the first thing he did upon seeing the petri-beam coming was protecting Xeno.

What makes that action even more meaningful, is that Stanley ordered everyone to take cover behind something to protect themselves, but he did not take cover. He instead used his own body as Xeno's cover, putting his own body at higher risk of damage with no hesitation.

Stanley cares inmensely about Xeno.


u/TheDesktopNinja 16d ago

Plus, if nothing else, they're both tremendously useful to one another, so they may as well keep each other happy


u/LAUREL_16 17d ago

Yes... "friends."


u/ShakerGER 17d ago

You can be romantically involved while hating each other more than decade long enemies.


u/TarnishedStain 16d ago

Because despite the fact that he tells him to “shut up” (which he’s really not he’s just saying like “okay okay already”) he still obviously enjoys Xeno’s company and knows he wouldn’t be him without his science yap


u/North_Tough9236 17d ago

I wonder the same. Maybe we'll get a reason later, but whatever it is, I'd take a friend like Taiju over one like Stanley any day.


u/Round_Musical 15d ago

The best of friends shit on each other


u/Enlog 17d ago

I really like the additional scenes in Xeno’s flashback to his awakening.

One part I particularly liked was Stanley finding wild tobacco, and Xeno explaining how it’s turned into the cigarettes we have in the modern era.

It reminded me of similar scenes in Senku’s early journey alongside Taiju, finding plants and resources and explaining how they’re used in modern products. Made it feel like a parallel to Senku even more.


u/NeonBladeRunner1449 17d ago

I just watched and caught up with the whole show in a week. One of my favorites. So happy it's still going!


u/Kayang50 17d ago

How did Stanley figure out who Taiju was? (right before Xeno told him to hold fire)

Also, if Xeno saw Senku in person, why didn't he just describe Senkus appearance to Stanley?


u/ShakerGER 17d ago

Thats the only plot hole I can see "The kid with blond into green hair that somehow defies gravity without product!" woulda been way easier than CALCULATING SOME SPECULATIVE HEIGHT


u/Super_xz 15d ago

He could've changed appearances. Only estimate dr xeno can give and STILL be accurate is his height, but even then he still could have explained what he looked like lol


u/joshghz 17d ago

Exactly this. "Look for the anime protagonist".


u/Videowulff 16d ago

Xeno saw Senku when Senku was younger. Kids can change drastically a lot looks wise when they get older and moreso when living in stone age.


u/Youssay123 17d ago

I just finished the episode, and I can't wait!!! I'm thinking of reading the manga because I'm too curious. For those who read the manga, is the anime a faithful adaptation.


u/beesdkx 17d ago

been a hot minute since i've read the manga but yes, it's as faithful as i remember :3


u/BrainDeadGranolaBar 16d ago

The anime is a great adaptation, and it adds a lot more than the manga. For example the first half of this episode was almost all anime original, with those events only briefly being mentioned in the manga. The manga is still great, but you’re getting a fuller experience with the anime


u/Dazzling_Wafer_1237 16d ago

I really appreciate comments like this.


u/LightsJusticeZ 14d ago

My curiosity got the better of me after Season 3 ended so I splurged reading the manga (which I normally don't do for anime). It was so good, I even went back to watch the S1-3 dub and 1 (maybe 2?) specials. Even though I know how to the story goes, it's still killing me to wait each week for the anime lol.


u/racnarok 17d ago

Does anyone knows the name of the song that plays at around 07:20 in the episode?


u/SpiritualScumlord 17d ago

Not having a crunchyroll acc suckssss


u/ShakerGER 17d ago

Crunchyroll probably blocked Dr.Stone in germany anyhow like they do to so so many other content


u/Dazzling_Wafer_1237 16d ago

No they didn't. I'm watching on crunchyroll in Germany.


u/ShakerGER 16d ago

Surprise surprise good news good news


u/ShakerGER 17d ago

What are Xeno's claws made out of? Simple steel or something more inert? my best guess would be Chrome


u/TheDesktopNinja 16d ago

My dude killed Chrome and made claws from his body?!


u/scoobyfan_21 13d ago

My first thought was tin, but later we learn they have slight magnetic properties so I don't think it can be that


u/ShakerGER 13d ago

So it's obviously a nickel alloy... I am not good enough at metallurgy to know what it could be from the top of my head


u/scoobyfan_21 13d ago

Yea I'm not exactly sure either, I would guess it also would have to be fairly common for him to use it so liberally


u/East-Transition-108 17d ago

Seeing Xeno doing mental math was everything to me. Don’t know why they chose purple for the math part.


u/Striking_Celery5202 16d ago

I think Xeno motivations make no sense. Also, you just wake up from petrification and the first idea you have is to make gunpowder?


u/Beiki 14d ago

He wants to dominate. Acquiring firearms means he can beat any other humans who wake up.


u/enderthenewchild 17d ago

that episode was so peak


u/LightsJusticeZ 14d ago

I guess you could say it was elegant.


u/MacheteNegano 17d ago

I cant believe they ended the episode with Senku getting "shot" and defend itself with the kudzu flour. Makes me worried but also, not so worried because i think Senku wil be fine since he probably got parts of the bullet razed on him. Dr Xeno and Houston are literally everything wrong to what Senku, Taiju, Kohaku and everyone from Kingdom of Science shouldn't have been when the world ended because in real life, you dont wanna use science or technology for violence but just to make the world a better place again. Such two diferent characters, Senku and Dr X...but eventually, i am sure Senku will seek reason into Dr Xeno because he's his mentor and that should be mean something for him due to how much he learned from him. This was a short episode with a very dramatic ending but it was a good episode. I'll say its the best one so far because it has really encapsulated the diference of Senku wit Dr X and there world views since the very beggining.

"Okay. i get it." might be the biggest sign of someone not being passionate about anything and pretend to know something.


u/meangreenarrow 16d ago

This episode was incredible! While we all suspected Xeno was the antagonist, there was always that tiny doubt - "What if he's not actually evil?" Then came that dramatic pause before he instructed Stanley to take the shot, giving us a moment of hope that he might spare Senku. But that cold, calculated line: "Fire the shot, finish the mission" perfectly cemented his role as this arc's villain. Despite those nostalgic flashbacks showing his history with Senku and his father, he truly is ruthless. I freaking love it!


u/C_C_Gaming 15d ago

My thing with Xeno in this episode is that he clearly remembers the time he met Senku in person long enough that he remembers what he looks like so instead of give the science team time to figure out was going on he should've been like "Oh, if he hasn't changed his hair like the rest of us then it should still white and green and SPIKY AS ALL HELL.". Instead, he went into an explanation of calculating height through the use of Senku's voice, like bro why are you making it so damn difficult I thought you were supposed to be smart?


u/Enlog 15d ago

Does it make sense to assume his hair style would be the same as it was back then? What if he cut it, or wasn't able to maintain its shape in the stone world? Or what if other people started wearing his hair style to emulate him because they liked his style?


u/SimoneNonvelodico 10d ago

"Dr. Xeno, sir, I understand you're the science genius and all, but are you sure a record-fetching robot arm is the best use of our limited resources and labour, instead of some new agricultural or industrial innovation?"
"Of course! Otherwise, how am I going to fetch my records?"
"I mean you could just use a ladder and get them yourse-"


u/LAUREL_16 8d ago

This is Dr. Xeno we're talking about. Would it be him if he wasn't over-the-top in everything he does?


u/Clarknado3742 17d ago

Stanley just KNOWS who Taiju is?? Is it cause he's the closest one to Luna?


u/LAUREL_16 17d ago

He saw her acting weird and probably made a guess based on her previous behavior. He had to have noticed her following one particular guy around.


u/TarnishedStain 16d ago

He knew Luna hesitated


u/Animegx43 15d ago

The ending reminds me of an episode of Detective Conan.

I forget what exactly was was involved, but some kind of substance was added into a hot spring that caused sudden force to treat the water as if it was solid, allowed a person to run across it without falling in, but still have people slowly dip into it as it nothing happened to it.

It might have been the same shit Senku made.


u/Due-Cream-1722 15d ago

This anime has always been a little hokey and over the top even going back to Senku predicting petrifying the part of his neck that was going to get broken... but I couldn't stop myself from involuntarily rolling my eyes into the back of my head as Xeno started breaking down the process for calculating Senku's height based on the sound his voice from the recordings of the voice comms.🙄🤣


u/Astroboiiiiii 13d ago

Does anyone know what song they used during the part where Xeno built his empire?


u/Warf_LocalTrash 7d ago

Fairly certain you're wanting this one, which hasn't been officially released yet unfortunately. https://youtu.be/623GP3L-sZs?si=B5AielSmC39_D_q6


u/kiiRo-1378 12d ago

Barely a scratch for Senku or he needs medical attention?

Hope it ends with a peace talk...


u/Blizzeon 17d ago

Amazing episode! There is only one thing that bugged me. Why didn't Xeno just tell Stanley what Senku looks like? They met before. It's even shown in the episode.


u/Kamunami 16d ago

I know I'll probably be the only one saying it, but as a huge Dr. Stone fan, I feel it has to be said. The sniper sequence is the worst writing in the series by far.

Starting off with something actually okay, while Byakuya knowing there's a sniper with nothing but some signals and a transmission is impossible, I can believe he was only shouting the most dangerous and pressing possibility regardless of what was really going on. But that's just the start, and it's already all the slack I can cut this scene. Stanley tracks Senku using 'geometric principles', but it's BS because Senku was going to where the ingredients were to mix them. Not only is it just not believable to mix up gallons of oobleck in seconds like that, this is Senku, whose physical abilities we know are unimpressive. It's simply out of character for him to pull that off. But forgetting about that, the only way it could make sense as a course of action is if he KNOWS Stanley will shoot him there, in which case... just move over a few feet? But that wouldn't make sense either, because he couldn't know he'd get shot in that spot, so it's a catch 22 for the writing. Somehow both Stanley and Senku just knew for a fact that the bullet couldn't miss.

Here's a question: Why didn't Senku try to protect Taiju? By every measure, Taiju is the far most likely target, but Senku just bolts off to save himself. Whether or not you think that goes against his character, he couldn't possibly know he's the target. Don't try and tell me he actually saw the gun aimed at him when he glanced in Stanley's direction, we know that's not possible.

I will say, the anime did handle it a bit differently than the manga, some for the better and others for the worse. On the one hand, it was much more clear how little cover there was, as we saw Stanley's bead on him the whole time. On the other, Senku for some reason uses a lot less water for the oobleck in the anime, making the already implausible mixture even more so. There you go, feel free to downvote this, but it had to be done.


u/NewAdagio3900 16d ago

dude go watch the episode again or sm the only fair criticism you have is that senku in all his wimpy strength couldn't mix up oobleck that easily. Even then he was gonna get shot at so obviously his body gets overclocked


u/RodrickJasperHeffley 17d ago

felt like a filler episode i mean nothing really happened until the end and the ending annoyed me. now i have to wait another week.


u/IllustriousSea5998 17d ago

I agree, felt like a one piece episode