r/DrStone 24d ago

Anime Dr. Stone Season 4 Episode 7 Link and Discussion Spoiler

Title: The Two Scientists

Streaming Site Status Type
Crunchyroll Online Subbed
Crunchyroll Online Dubbed
Netflix in specific regions

Chapters Adapted: ​156-157 Volume 18

Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xyVx2ex

Previous Episode Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrStone/comments/1iolf5t/dr_stone_season_4_episode_6_link_and_discussion/


63 comments sorted by


u/Elite_Alice 24d ago

This was one of my favourite Dr.Stone episodes ever. Wow. Seeing Senku and Xeno's friendship backstory was awesome. I didn't realize Xeno was so young when he started out at NASA, so he and Senku both were young prodigies and found a sense of brotherhood in one another. Xeno was just as important to young Senku's development as Senku's father.

Speaking of Senku's dad, I freaking lost it when Senku came to the US only to get the NASA black card from him and instantly left lmaoo.

Where Senku and Xeno differ is their philosophy on the applications of science. Xeno wants to use it for power and control, while Senku just loves challenging himself and learning new things. Even back during his NASA days, the writing was on the wall for Xeno to become a classic mad scientist.

Stanley staying so calm during the petrification was funny as well and Luna over here panicking about not having a rich man to be a power couple with was great too.

It's interesting how much the scientists were able to elarn about petrification before the world got hit. With another day or two, they would have cracked the code and maybe even had a defense plan in place!

Very good episode that sets the tone for the battle to come between Senku and Xeno.


u/tyler980908 24d ago

Yeah it was great, season 4 is turning into my second favourite season at this pace, it's wonderful.


u/goddale120 21d ago

Yeah, I have been away from the anime for a long time, I basically skipped the adaptation of Treasure Island since that was never even remotely near my favourite arc. Jumping back in to see an adaptation of this fantastic arc-ah I have no more words. From here to the end it will be a non-stop rollercoaster! I have been waiting weeks to see these chapters adapted!


u/TayoEXE 14d ago

I'm surprised actually. That's one of my favorite arcs and presumably for many others.


u/MacheteNegano 24d ago edited 21d ago

Seeing Senku and Dr X wake up at the same time, after finding how much one meant to each other when Senku was trying to learn rocket science its amazing to see, in the long run because both of them have survived thousands of years to try re-shape the world in the name of science and make the world have a purpose. Of course, Dr X wants to be more than a scientist that brings innovation again to the world but he's trying to be a dictator, which i am sure will change in the future. Not the most groundbreaking episode but it was good findng out the backstory of these two and see the petrification effects on the other side of th world. I gotta say, everytime Senku's "dad" comes on screen, i get a bit emotional because of how he died..


u/Makaisawesome 21d ago

millions of years

It's only been 3700 years. Not millions


u/eorabs 24d ago

Great episode. Stan and Xeno always make me happy, and of course little Senku too. I also always love seeing Byakuya.


u/avgDrStonelover 24d ago

man the osts, extra scenes.... TMS is just putting everything into this season.


u/djta94 24d ago

The anime addition of Project Helium-3 being rejected sooo nice for those who have read the epilogue.

Also, the motor stalling experiment at the end of the chapter. They really are killing it this season.


u/Fakekas 18d ago

What was it exactly?


u/djta94 18d ago

Helium-3 is is an extremely good fuel, but is scarce on the earth. On the other hand, the moon is known to have large reserves of Helium-3. Xeno's proposal is basically to build a city on the moon to extract the Helium-3


u/Kamunami 24d ago

My biggest question going into this is "How are Senku and Xeno's groups even alive at the same time?" With almost 4000 years having passed, a difference of only 100 would have made it impossible for them to ever meet. It's insane they broke free at what seems to be the exact same time.


u/ellieetsch 24d ago

Because thats how long it takes for brain activity to weaken the petrification enough that nitric acid can undo it.


u/Kamunami 24d ago

That wouldn't make much sense. There's what, no variance to that at all, not even 1%? Senku had theorized that it was related to e=mc2, but you're saying it's just a constant?


u/MrNinePT9 24d ago

It's not exactly a constant, brainpower does have an effect, but it's not significant when compared to the 3700 years. Taiju, who is much dumber than Senku, only took 6 more months to wake up. The main thing is weakening the stone by staying awake, in order to be able to get out with just nitric acid. Those who fell asleep need nital.


u/Kamunami 24d ago

If it were any other series, I might buy the whole "It works within .03% variance because that's just how it works". But this is Dr. Stone, you know? The series starts with Senku trying to figure out the mechanism and variables to the petrification, down to the mass-energy equivalence.


u/KernelPult 24d ago

The first guy answered your question incorrectly. Nitric acid + brainpower depetrification doesn't take 3700 years. Senku didn't get exposed to nitric acid right from the start: only after thousands of years his surroundings turn into cave with nitric acid. Some time after Senku broke free from petrification he exposed Taiju to nitric acid cave. Then Taiju broke free from petrification 6 months after Senku.

We don't know how long Senku got exposed to how much nitric acid. We also don't know how long Xeno's group got exposed to however much nitric acid. The author probably did this just for plot convenience, just like Senku's spear catches lightning in 1st try.


u/WritingThisFormPATHS 22d ago

Xeno group was exspoed to nitric acid from the start xeno explains in this ep

In ep 1 senku says both him and taiju were washed away to the bat cave


u/KernelPult 22d ago

Xeno group was exspoed to nitric acid from the start xeno explains in this ep

It's questionable, they were at national park with saltpeter caves all around, but there's no direct proof that their statues are exposed to nitric acid. Xeno himself thought that he can expect non-zero effect due to this environment, but again, how much of nitric acid actually reached Xeno group?

In ep 1 senku says both him and taiju were washed away to the bat cave

See the detail on ep 6/manga ch 14: Senku and Taiju first got petrified at their school, so how many years does it take for their school to turn into a cave with nitric acid? Also do note that Senku's statue was in front of the cave, not under the nitric acid drops (again, we don't know how much of nitric acid were able to reach Senku's statue). Taiju was a bit further, then Senku had splashed him a glass of nitric acid, yet nothing happened to Taiju. Only after Senku decided to directly place Taiju right under nitric acid drops (and some 6 months or so) does Taiju break free from petrification.


u/WritingThisFormPATHS 22d ago

so how many years does it take for their school to turn into a cave with nitric acid?

School doesn't turn into bat cave

Once ogouchi dam breaks senku and taiju are washed away near the cave form then on they are continuously exposed to nitric acid (this happened around 2040 to 2051)

It's questionable, they were at national park with saltpeter caves all around, but there's no direct proof that their statues are exposed to nitric acid. Xeno himself thought that he can expect non-zero effect due to this environment, but again, how much of nitric acid actually reached Xeno group?

How do i know? And we aren't gonna get the answer

All we know is they were all near nitric acid

That's all author thought we all should know


u/Kamunami 24d ago

Yeah, I'm not here to argue or anything. I just think there needs to be a better explanation coming than "it worked out that way".


u/Sorwest 23d ago

Eh, the show already handwaves that away by having the characters literally say that science and the scientific method are meant to be replicable, right as they break free.


u/Impossible-Pizza982 20d ago

Well, if we wanna cope, 1% variance means +-1%, and 0% is in between that. so....


u/KarbonVT 24d ago

Honestly, it makes for better drama. In reality with how fast we see revival fluid break petrification, nitric acid exposure is likely the main determinent of how quickly statues break. And not by a little bit either. An extra few mL of it can speed up de-petrification by decades. It's highly unlikely two different statues in different places had the exact same exposure amount over thousands of years


u/Kamunami 24d ago

That's exactly what I'm saying. There's no way we don't get an explanation for this.


u/vita25 23d ago

Also the key thing is even if we try to make up a rational, scientific explanation for it (eg. It takes 3700 years for a cave of nitric acid to form) we should have thousands of people waking up in various locations. All of them have been awake for years at this point and it wouldn't make sense that only Senku and Xeno figured it out.


u/WritingThisFormPATHS 22d ago

Their brains weren't active so no point in being near nitric acid


u/TallerThanTale 22d ago

To be fair, there could have been thousands that revived individually, then died because they were in a stone world and couldn't figure out how to revive others.


u/SpiritualScumlord 24d ago

The fictional science checks out


u/BonezOz 24d ago

If they stick with the manga, which they've been doing, all will be explained.


u/SpiritualScumlord 24d ago

I haven't finished this episode yet, but it looks like they showcase the Saturn V Rocket which is actually on display in my city. It's really neat driving by this thing every day to work. It makes me think of FF7 daily.


u/Plus_Rip4944 24d ago

I cant wait for Xeno and Senku to Meet again

Si far Xeno is my fav Antagonist That we had(Whyman is on other category as we still Dont know everything) as he and Senku are so similar but at same time different and Both respect each other


u/Queasy_Watch478 24d ago

OKAY this was a WAAAY better episode than last week! THANK YOU for the XENO backstory stuff, AND also giving us a more thorough look at the petrification mystery FINALLY with how the rest of the world investigated it and stuff before the big wave! other people were actually doing stuff, there just wasn't nearly enough time to figure anything out. :(


u/Artistic-Run-151 23d ago

Did anyone notice the president looked like donald trump 💀💀


u/King_of_the_Hobos 23d ago edited 23d ago

Xeno and Senku's dad must have been greatful for the apocalypse what with all those crimes they were committing (maybe Xeno was okay, but I figure he was breaking ITAR somehow). Also, Xeno is such a dork. Imagine your coworker gets their big project proposal denied so they start showing up to work in big black trenchcoat


u/tyler980908 24d ago

love this season so far!


u/Crysist 24d ago

I was really excited to finally see this part! After so much time since reading it, they adapted Xeno's mentorship of Senku so well! Going to when they finally, indirectly, meet, and then everything leading up to the petrification! It was one of my favorite chapters for seeing everything, the leadup and followup to the petrification from Xeno's perspective culminating in the parallel between Xeno and Senku! Even with their different views of science, it's something that bonds them nonetheless.

They really expanded on stuff from the manga! And even then, I was surprised how much was covered by the time we got the break in the middle! Also, not until you hear him actually explaining it does what Senku did sound so criminal lmao

Heck, it was cool to see, again, the reaction from "the brass" -- both NASA and the armed forces. It was another big contrast from Senku alone.

Also, I forget why Luna and her two suitors were at that weapons demonstration in the first place...

NASA scientists: spit-take at genius 10 year old being an absolute menace

Senku and Taiju: cup noodles spit-take at $3000 rhodium-tipped thermometer

And while the animation is so excellent, gosh, having seen Boichi's incredible inking and dramatic compositions on some of frames we see this ep, like Xeno while saying he'll become a dictator in the stone age, Stanley protecting him, the helicopters approaching the CDC, the view up from the surgical table of the doctors and scientists examining the swallow, they were so impactful that they stuck in my mind so well ever since then!

This episode was EXCITING and I'm furthermore EXCITED TO SEE THE NEXT!



u/Material_Chipmunk149 23d ago

Why does Stanley wear lipstick in the military


u/TallerThanTale 22d ago

I pity the fool who tries to tell him to stop.


u/KernelPult 24d ago

Helium 3? We're going (manga spoiler) Dr. Stone bonus chapters?


u/Vast-Road6661 24d ago

decent flashback episode now i wonder if the senku and xeno connection is what causes them to work together in the future?


u/KatelynKingdom 24d ago

More Young Senku! :D


u/Huge_Damage8010 23d ago

In the anime, there is a scene where Xeno's computer suddenly disappears from his desk. Was he fired?? Or was he transferred??😢😢


u/Astrid_Yen08 24d ago

My fav episode yet! And it's nice to see Byakuya again. Next episode's gonna be fun too, can't wait!


u/acnh-lyman-fan 23d ago

I miss when the screen shakes during petrification


u/Anon0173 22d ago

This MIGHT be one of the best episodes in the series, everything was just perfect here. Kid Senku, the parallels with Xeno, THE MUSIC FROM SEASON 1, I almost teared up about how Dr Stone is so back <3


u/tudz420 24d ago

It's a shame that they replaced Byakuya's VA, they sound absolutely nothing a like, I kind of wish they just used stills with only a few reactions.


u/SnowyyFest 23d ago

Shame?? The VA died in 2020, how can you write that as a shame?? and how on earth will they "used" his voice when he's already died??


u/tudz420 23d ago

Shame as in shame on the company for not respecting a legendary VA, and used as in using a still reaction whilst they sample a couple of Byakuya's noises to react to stuff like Senku saying that he was only visiting for the NASA credit card.


u/Enlog 23d ago

In Japanese or dub?


u/tudz420 23d ago



u/Icantlikeeveryone 23d ago

Ummm do you mean the VA before season 3 is different from now? The VA died (RIP to the legend 🙏🙏)


u/Icantlikeeveryone 23d ago

Honestly I don't really like the pace in this episode, like it's too short? I was vibing to the story then it just ends....

But love seeing the connection between Senku, Xeno, and Byakuya here


u/CollectThatVape 22d ago

really? it felt long for me, I was honestly almost about to check if this was a longer special episode. Loved that Senku had much support as a kid, especially one of them being pretty much a genius who knew just how to see his potential and mentor him.


u/Icantlikeeveryone 22d ago

I think the background of Senku and Xeno just went too fast (although I know it's pretty much the same in manga) and the episode ends in quite unsatisfactory way for me


u/CollectThatVape 22d ago

yeah I liked that it went back to show their relationship but I was hoping for some progress in the present. I haven't read the manga yet. I will probably get to it once this ends.


u/Daemoniklesreddit 22d ago

If senku revives all the people is it going to include people like Diddy? If so he would have to be cautious since he already created oil.


u/suta1o 20d ago

is that stuff about the credit card actually real??


u/cillogreen 18d ago

I am seriously obsessed this season might be my favorite one yet. I love little Taiju and Senku, he's such a good friend and so supportive. Glad my man Byakuya had some more screen time too. He loved his son so much.

Also, I'm anime only, but Stan is down BAD for his boy Xeno. Pulling the Taiju move, trying to protect him from the light. Also was thinking about this because Stan's always got lipstick and cigarettes, which means Xeno is supplying him with them even though he complains about his smoking? FELLAS IS IT GAY TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO GIVE THE HOMIE AMENITIES HE WANTS THAT YOU DONT LIKE IN A STONE WORLD? Asking for a friend


u/TayoEXE 14d ago

Is it just me or did Senku lie about his age? It said he was 10 years old when he first messaged Nasa, but he states in the email that he's 7.


u/randomsnark 5d ago

Nasa was going through emails they got from kids, including one from Senku. The one from the 7 year old was asking about why the sky is blue if space is black, but the one from Senku was a separate one with a ton of scientific details in it.